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    Reference ID Created Released Classification Origin








    DE RUEHBM #1286/01 3201546ZNY CCCCC ZZH

    O 161546Z NOV 07











    C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 03 BUCHAREST 001286




    EO 12958 DECL: 11/16/2017




    Classified By: Ambassador Nicholas F. Taubman for Reasons 1.4(b) and (d ).

    1. (C) Summary: The impending final offer by the U.S. Army Foreign Claims

    Service, Europe to the family of the late Romanian rock star Teofil Peter, who

    was killed in a 2004 car accident involving Embassy Bucharests former Marine

    detcommander, seems certain to have a significant, negative effect on the U.S.-

    Romanian relationship. In the likely event that the family of Peter will go

    public with the news that the U.S. government has met their multi-million dollar

    settlement claim with an offer of only $80,000, Romanian leaders and opinion

    makers will react loudly and emotionally, calling into question some of the most

    important features of our bilateral partnership. President Basescu, PM Tariceanu

    and other prominent politicians will almost certainly rally to the familys

    side, even if some normally pro-American officials will still try behind thescenes to calm the anticipated public outrage. In particular, the popular outcry

    over what will be seen by most Romanians as an insultingly small offer to

    Peters survivors will prompt renewed calls, with much more potential popular

    support, for the rapid withdrawal of Romanian troops from Iraq. Likewise,

    backing in the Romanian parliament and among members of the public for the new

    U.S. troop presence at joint U.S.-Romanian military facilities on the Black Sea

    will plummet, at least temporarily. The November 21 notification date to the

    Peter familys lawyers is fast approaching, and will nearly coincide with the

    December 4 anniversary date of Peters death, the occasion for past anti-U.S.

    demonstrations in Romania. In short, we are bracing ourselves for a stormy

    downturn in the relationship, prompted by the continuing negative legacy of the

    death of this Romanian cultural icon. Some of the damage to our popular standing

    and to our interests in Romania may be lasting. End Summary.

    2. (C) Teo Peter, one of Romanias best known and most beloved rock musicians,

    was killed on December 4, 2004, in a Bucharest car accident involving the taxi
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    he was riding in and the official Embassy vehicle being driven in the early

    morning hours by former Bucharest Marine detachment commander Staff Sgt.

    Christopher Van Goethem. Van Goethem departed Romania within a few hours after

    the accident, under the terms of his diplomatic immunity, but many Romanians

    viewed his abrupt departure before local investigators had the opportunity to

    question him and conduct tests on his blood alcohol level as a slap in the face

    and an effort to shield the Marine from justice. Demonstrations were held

    outside the Embassy, and an effort was made to rename a nearby street after the

    deceased musician. Sgt. Van Goethem did subsequently face a range of charges in

    the U.S. military justice system. A military courts martial concluded in January

    2006 that while he was guilty of making false statements and obstructing

    justice, he was not guilty of the more serious negligent homicide charge. The

    jury, somewhat unexpectedly, limited the Marines punishment to an official

    letter of reprimand. This news brought, in turn, another wave of protests.

    3. (C) The U.S. Army Claims Service, Europe currently plans to send legal

    representatives of the Peter family final offers amounting to $80,000, divided

    among three claimants, including Teofil Claudiu Peter, the musicians son. In

    briefing material recently forwarded to the Embassy, the Armys Foreign Claims

    Service states that the Peter family claims were adjudicated pursuant to the

    Foreign Claims Act, which uses foreign law to measure damages. The

    accompanying press guidance then asserts: That means the law of the country inwhich the claim arises are used -- in tQs case Romanian law. The awards are

    consistent with Romanian court decisions measuring damages in similar cases,

    the guidance continues, and reflect U.S. and Romanian principles of just

    compensation and respect for human life. The U.S. Army Claims Service, Europe

    documents go on to say that the Service contracted a prestigious Romanian law

    firm to advise the Commission on the pertinent provisions of the Romanian law...

    (and) determined that the amount requested by the claimants greatly exceeded the

    economic loss substantiated by the claimants. Moreover, the Commission found no

    relevant precedent justifying an award of moral damages anywhere near the amount

    requested. Part of the award that has been approved will be centered on


    BUCHAREST 00001286 002 OF 003

    the family for the funeral costs of Mr. Peters burial.

    4. (C) Teo Peters survivors reportedly initially requested a multi-million

    dollar settlement. In a November 1 letter to the Ambassador from the Peter

    familys law firm, Arent Fox, attorney John M. Gurley suggests that the

    claimants are currently requesting an award of $1 million. In what is labeled

    The Peter Family Claim: October 2007, Gurley cites various past precedents for

    awards at that level or above, including for an Australian womans successful

    claim for $1 million after being hit by a Navy servicemans golf ball, and a

    $1.9 million claim to survivors of a teenage Mexican goat herder, the victim

    ostensibly of an accident involving the U.S. military. Gurley also cites the $2

    million awards presented to the survivors of the Italian cable car accident

    involving a U.S. warplane, a case which has been cited repeatedly in the

    Romanian media and by Romanian government officials. Gurley writes in his letterthat he had unsuccessfully requested a transfer of the claim from the U.S. Army

    Claims Service, Europe in Mannheim to Fort Meade (the headquarters of the Claims

    Service) or Washington, D.C. Citing the very discouraging signals the Peter

    family has received to date from the Claims Service, Gurley concludes by saying

    he hoped the Peter claim could be settled in a manner suitable to all parties

    before the April 2008 NATO summit in Bucharest, asserting that it would truly

    be unfortunate for Romania, as well as the United States, if the NATO summit

    were to be marred by the U.S. governments inability to close the Teo Peter

    matter in a fair fashion.

    5. (C) Once the award is communicated to the familys legal counsel at Arent

    Fox on Wednesday, November 21 (the day before Thanksgiving), we expect the

    family and its legal representatives to move quickly to condemn the U.S. offerpublicly and to appeal to top Romanian officials and the Romanian media to put

    immediate pressure on U.S. representatives for a higher award. Romanian MFA

    officials have reported to us informally that the family has met with the Prime
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    Minister and the Foreign Minister in recent weeks to express their determination

    to conduct a public fight should the final award offer be unacceptably low.

    Under these circumstances, and in light of the proximity to the anniversary of

    the rock musicians death, we expect the Embassy to be the focus of multiple

    demonstrations, including concerts and candlelight vigils. There will be a

    renewed effort to rename after Teo Peter the street on which the Embassy is

    located, and it is possible that city officials may accede to the anticipated

    wave of public indignation over the amount of the award offer.

    6. (C) Another report we received in recent days was a suggestion that Romanian

    law enforcement authorities, working through EU channels, would attempt to serve

    a legal summons to Van Goethem, who we believe is currently a U.S. Embassy

    dependent at AmEmbassy Berlin.

    7. (C) More seriously, we anticipate that the Peter award offer, and subsequent

    media attention, will embolden critics of the Romanian deployment in Iraq, along

    with other anti-American politicians like Chamber of Deputies President Bogdan

    Olteanu, to call for the immediate withdrawal of Romanian troops. Under these

    circumstances, they could build sufficient traction to reinvigorate the

    opposition to Romanias support for U.S. efforts there, and potentially force a

    change in policy. While President Basescu has been steadfast in his support for

    our continued troop presence in Iraq, he would be conscious of the fact thateven before a renewed public outcry over the Peter case, only one-third of the

    Romanian public supports maintaining troops there. Either way, reinvigoration of

    the controversy over U.S. handling of the case will put our closest friends

    within the Romanian government, including President Basescu, into a very awkward

    political position. Likely enough, the Liberal Party and other political groups

    hoping to find a hook to boost their support in the run-up to the November 25

    Euro-parliamentary elections in Romania will wrap themselves in the flag and try

    to capitalize on the political moment with anti-U.S. political rhetoric. More

    broadly, news of the Peter award offer will cut deeply into support for the new

    U.S. military presence at joint facilities on the Black Sea, including

    Kogalniceanu air base and the Babadag training grounds -- at least temporarily.

    While public approval of the bases has been steady, our contacts have always

    cautioned us that it is vulnerable to concerns over an increased terroristthreat to Romania -- and to negative stories concerning the conduct of U.S.

    service personnel, with the first point of reference the Teo Peter accident and

    the subsequent handling of the charges against Sgt. Van Goethem.

    8. (C) There are other, less predictable, risk factors at play. In the wake of

    this weeks controversy over the Ambassadors criticism of the Parliaments

    efforts to undermine the independence of Romanian prosecutors and their ability

    to investigate cases of bribery and corruption, a controversy over the Teo Peter

    award could enable our critics and opponents on the Romanian political scene to

    undermine other important initiatives which are just gathering momentum. First

    and foremost among them is our accelerating effort, alongside Lockheed-Martin,

    to persuade Romania to pursue an F-16/JSF option to replace the countrys aging

    MiG fleet. Lockheed-Martin, in tandem with allies in the Presidency and Ministryof Defense, are seeking a sole-source route to the fighter plane decision,

    which they do not want to see tied up in the Brussels bureaucracy by the F-

    16/JSFs principal European competitors, Grippen and Eurofighter. This was

    always going to be a tricky exercise, with an expectation that supporters of a

    European fighter option would loudly cry foul. A firestorm over the Teo Peter

    case could possibly represent a tipping point away from a U.S. option, if only

    because of the optics.

    9. (C) What little guidance we have received from the U.S. Army Claims Service,

    Europe suggests that all Romanian media inquiries are to be steered towards the

    USAREUR public affairs staff, or alternatively USMC spokespersons at Quantico.

    This will limit severely our ability to respond here in Romania, and to help

    address some of the most pernicious charges that we will face. We believe thatthe risk of unintended consequences in this media strategy, across geographic,

    language and cultural barriers, is huge. That, too, has to be factored into our

    overall risk assessment of the impending Claims Service actions.
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    10. (C) In short, our hope is that this latest policy and public affairs

    challenge related to the 2004 car accident will be manageable. But we are

    concerned that under the present circumstances, some lasting damage could be

    done to our core interests, including keeping Romanian troops deployed in Iraq

    and continuing to build on the positive momentum in our close defense and

    security partnership with Bucharest. This has been an especially difficult issue

    from the beginning, and remains the biggest single black spot in our recent

    bilateral experience. TAUBMAN