timpul prezent continuu

TIMPUL PREZENT CONTINUU (THE PRESENT TENSE CONTINUOUS ) EXPRIMĂ : 1) o acţiune care are loc chiar acum, în momentul vorbirii; e.g. We are speaking English. 2) o acţiune care se repetă foarte des, deranjând vorbitorul (+always,forever,continually); e.g. This baby is always crying. 3) o acţiune care se desfăşoară pe o perioadă relativ îndelungată, care cuprinde şi momentul prezent; e.g. I am reading a good book. 4) o acţiune cu caracter temporar sau care contravine rutinei; e.g. I work in an office, but I am working in a school this year. 5) o acţiune viitoare care e văzută ca un plan personal al subiectului (+un adverb de timp viitor); e.g. I am visiting London next summer. 6) o acţiune viitoare care este predicatul unei propoziţii temporale sau condiţionale (introdusă prin “while” sau “if”); e.g. I will watch a film while you are reading. You’ll pass this exam if you are learning hard. AFIRMATIV SUBIECT + AM / ARE / IS +VB-ing INTEROGATIV Why are you reading ? NEGATIV I am/I’m not laughing. VERBE CARE NU SE FOLOSESC NICIODATA LA TIMPURI CONTINUE: a) verbe non-durative (a caror acţiune nu poate să fie de durată): to explode, to burst, to stop etc. b) verbe ale percepţiei, când sunt folosite cu sensul lor primar: to see, to hear, to seem, to look, to taste, to smell, to feel;

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Post on 17-Dec-2015




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Curs Engleza



(THE PRESENT TENSE CONTINUOUS )EXPRIM : 1) o aciune care are loc chiar acum, n momentul vorbirii;

e.g. We are speaking English.

2) o aciune care se repet foarte des, deranjnd vorbitorul (+always,forever,continually);

e.g. This baby is always crying.

3) o aciune care se desfoar pe o perioad relativ ndelungat, care cuprinde i momentul prezent;

e.g. I am reading a good book.

4) o aciune cu caracter temporar sau care contravine rutinei;

e.g. I work in an office, but I am working in a school this


5) o aciune viitoare care e vzut ca un plan personal al subiectului (+un adverb de timp viitor);

e.g. I am visiting London next summer.

6) o aciune viitoare care este predicatul unei propoziii temporale sau condiionale (introdus prin while sau if);

e.g. I will watch a film while you are reading.

Youll pass this exam if you are learning hard.


INTEROGATIV Why are you reading ?


a) verbe non-durative (a caror aciune nu poate s fie de durat):

to explode, to burst, to stop etc.

b) verbe ale percepiei, cnd sunt folosite cu sensul lor primar: to see, to hear, to seem, to look, to taste, to smell, to feel;

e.g. I see/ can see a woman waiting there.

Atunci cnd aceste verbe sunt folosite cu alte sensuri, restricia nu mai este valabil.

e.g. I am seeing (= am meeting) Christine tonight.

De asemenea, dac dobndesc sensul de a avea iluzia c .

e.g. He is hearing voices (=has the auditory illusion ) all night.

c) verbe de atitudine : to like, to dislike, to love, to hate, to hope, to want, to agree, to disagree

e.g. I hope she likes tea.

d)verbe de existen/posesie : to be, to have, to posses, to own, to belong to e.g. He is quite young.

* The house is being painted.

* She has blue eyes and long hair.

e)alte verbe : to cost, to hold, to contain, to consist e.g. This bottle holds one litre. It contains water.


1) verbele terminate n e mut pierd acest e naintea terminaiei ing;

e.g. to come - coming

to dare - daring 2) verbele terminate n consoan precedat de vocal scurt n silab accentuat dubleaz consoana final nainte de ing;

e.g. to sit - sitting to run - running to ban - banning to begin - beginning

*to offer - offering

3) dac verbele se termin n l acesta se dubleaz nainte de terminaia ing, indiferent de locul accentului;

e.g. to travel - travelling (BE)

- traveling (AE)

4) verbele terminate n c adaug k nainte de ing;

e.g. to panic - panicking

5) verbele monosilabice care conin grupul ie schimb acest grup n y nainte de ing.

e.g. to lie - lying

to die - dying


Exprim: 1) o aciune care se petrece repetat, la anumite intervale : sometimes, always, usually, often, never, ever, every/month/year, on Sunday, in winter

e.g. We (always) walk home

He speaks German and English

2) un obicei pe care l are subiectul;

e.g. He drinks a lot of coffee.

3) un adevr universal valabil sau o legitate tiinific;

e.g. It rains a lot in autumn.

The Earth spins around its axis.

4) indicaii scenice, titluri de ziare, comentarii sportive;

e.g. Boy rescues girls from drowning (titlu de ziar)

Hagi kicks the ball and throws it into the goal.

5) ntr-un paragraf narativ n care mai multe aciuni se succeda rapid una celeilalte (prezentul narativ);

e.g. The man comes in and closes the door after him. Shortly after he hears a knok on the door.

- ntr-un paragraf care relateaz evenimente istorice (prezentul istoric) , cu scop stilistic :

e.g. Churchill signs the treaty which puts an end to war.

6) o aciune viitoare, vzut ca un plan oficial, ndeosebi pentru a vorbi despre orare ale instituiilor, ale mijloacelor de transport, frecvent n legatur cu verbe de tipul : to start, to begin, to end, to close, to set off, to take off (a decola), to land, to get, to arrive, to reach (+adverb de timp viitor);

e.g. The plane takes off at 9 a.m. and gets to N.Y. at 12.

The trip to Paris starts on the 11th of October.

7) o aciune viitoare, exprimat ntr-o propoziie subordonat temporal (introdus prin : when, till, until, before, after, as soon as, once, as, by the time) sau condiional (introdus prin : if, unless, on condition)

Ex) Ill call you when/after/as soon as I arrive home.

She will come if you invite her.


AFIRMATIV - prezentul simplu este identic cu infinitivul scurt al verbului

E.G. I/you/we/they go home.

* la persoana a treia singular (he/she/it) verbul primete terminaia s/es

e.g. I read he reads I cross he crosses I speak he speaks I brush he brushes

I arrive he arrives I watch he watches

I wash he washes

I go he goes


e.g. Do you speak English ? Does she drive well ?



e.g. I dont like cats. She doesnt wear glasses.


1) o aciune care s-a fcut n trecut, ntr-un moment precis determinat (de exemplu: yesterday; last week/month/year ; a week/tendays/many years ago; in 1999; in April; between 1990 2000; when I was little) i nu are legatur cu prezentul; e.g. The child played all day yesterday.

She made a cup of tea and gave it to her little son.

2) o succesiune de evenimente trecute, ntr-un paragraf narativ (aa-numitul narrative past/trecut narativ);

e.g. He got on the car and drove off. Behind him ran another


They saw the car, inquired about its price and decided to buy

it, and so they were the first to bid in the auction.

3) un obicei pe care subiectul l avea n trecut i nu-l mai are;

(sinonim cu construcia used to) ;

e.g. He smoked a lot in this youth.

Mary sang when she was in college.

4) o aciune prezent, care este predicatul unei subordonate cu verb regent la timp trecut.

e.g. I like tea. (present simple) devine, la trecerea n vorbire indirect:

She said she liked tea. (past tense simple)

n ceea ce privete forma, trecutul simplu are, la forma afirmativ, regul doar pentru verbele aa-zis regulate, respectiv:

VB1 + - ed

e.g. I worked late last evening.

They studied hard to get where they are.

O grup destul de cuprinztore de verbe, ns, nu au nicio regul de construire a trecutului motiv pentru care sunt cunoscute sub denumirea de verbe neregulate i, ca urmare, trebuie nvate cu trei forme de baz (infinitivul, trecutul i participiul trecut), forma a doua fiind cea de past tense.

INTEROGATIV DID + SUBIECT + VB1 (indiferent dac verbul este regulat sau nu, i unde indicativul vb1 semnific forma de baz a verbului, cea de infinitiv scurt)

e.g. Did I/you/he/we/they come early ?

Did you walk to school?


e.g. He didnt run fast enough.

I didnt enjoy the party.

N.B. PAST SIMPLE se folosete ntodeauna cu adverbe de timp precis: last,ago, yeasterday, etc., aciunea lui nu are nicio legatur cu prezentul, n comparaie cu PRESENT PERFECT care se refer la aciuni recente, neprecizate n timp sau desfurate ntr-un timp nencheiat: today, this week, this month etc.

Cteva consideraii ortografice:

1. Verbele regulate terminate n e mut pierd acest e naintea terminaiei -ed a trecutului;

e.g. chase - chased, like - liked, intervene - intervened, file - filed, etc.

2. Verbele terminate n consoan precedat de vocal scurt, n silab neaccentuat, dubleaz consoana final naintea terminaiei ed;

e.g. stop stopped; regret regretted; refer referred; ban banned

dar: *offer offered (condiia accentului pe silaba final nu se ndeplinete n acest caz)

3.Verbele terminate n l dubleaz aceast consoan naintea terminaiei ed a trecutului, indiferent de calitatea vocalei care l preced i de locul accentului, dar numai n engleza britanic;

e.g. travel travelled, cancel cancelled (BE)

traveled canceled (AE)

4. Verbele terminate n c, adaug k naintea terminaiei ed (pentru a nu modifica pronunia cuvntului i/sau sensul acestuia);

e.g. panic panicked; picnic picnicked

5. Verbele terminate n y precedat de consoan schimb pe y n i;

e.g. study studied; rely relied

Echivalentul n traducere al trecutului simplu este, n romnete, perfectul simplu, sau perfectul compus ale modului indicativ.

e.g. I understood your question. = i-am neles ntrebarea.

They did as they said. = Fcur aa cum ziser. (mai degrab livresc i neobinuit, totui, n exprimarea curent)

n alte situaii, mai ales cnd exprim obiceiuri legate de trecut, este corect s fie tradus prin imperfectul indicativului.

e.g. Dan smoked a lot in his youth. = Dan fuma/a fumat mult n tineree.

Nr. Infinitiv Trecut Participiu Traducere

1 to abide abode abodea locui,a sta,a persista

2 to arise arose arisena se ridica

3 to awake awoke awokena se trezi

4 to be was,were beena fi

5 to bear bore borna se nate

6 to beat beat beatena bate

7 to become became becomea deveni

8 to begin began beguna ncepe

9 to behold beheld behelda zri,a vedea

10 to bend bent benta ndoi

11 to beseech besought besoughta implora

12 to bet bet beta paria

13 to bid bade biddena oferi,a licita

14 to bind bound bounda lega

15 to bite bit bittena muca

16 to bleed bled bleda sngera

17 to bless blest blesta binecuvanta

18 to blow blew blowna sufla

19 to break broke brokena sparge,a rupe

20 to breed bred breda crete

21 to bring brought broughta aduce

22 to broadcast broadcastbroadcasta emite (radio, TV)

23 to burn burnt burnta arde

24 to burst burst bursta izbucni

25 to buy bought boughta cumpra

26 to cast cast casta arunca

27 to catch caught caughta prinde

28 to choose chose chosena alege

29 to cleave cleft clefta despica ; tehn.= a adera

30 to cling clung clunga se lipi

31 to clothe clothed/cled clothed/cleda se mbrca

32 to come came comea veni

33 to cost cost costa costa

34 to creep crept crepta se tr

35 to cut cut cuta taia

36 to dare dared dareda ndrzni

37 to deal dealt dealta se ocupa,a trata

38 to dig dug duga spa

39 to do did donea face (abstract)

40 to draw drew drawna trage,a desena

41 to dream dreamt dreamta visa

42 to drink drank drunka bea

43 to drive drove drivena conduce (maina)

44 to dwell dwelt dwelta locui

45 to eat ate eatena mnca

46 to fall fell fallena cdea

47 to feed fed feda hrni

48 to feel felt felta simi

49 to fight fought foughta lupta

50 to find found founda gsi

51 to flee fled fleda fugi

52 to fling flung flunga azvrli

53 to fly flew flowna zbura

54 to forbid forbade forbiddena interzice

55 to forecast forecast forecasta prevedea

56 to foresee foresaw foreseena prevedea

57 to foretell foretold foretolda prezice

58 to forget forgot forgottena uita

59 to forgive forgave forgivena ierta

60 to forgo forwent forgonea renuna,a se lipi

61 to forsake forsook forsakena prsi

62 to freeze froze frozena nghea

63 to get got gota primi

64 to give gave givena da

65 to go went gonea merge

66 to grind ground grounda mcina

67 to grow grew growna crete

68 to hang hung hunga atrna

69 to have had hada avea

70 to hear heard hearda auzi

71 to hide hid hiddena ascunde

72 to hit hit hita lovi

73 to hold held helda ine

74 to hurt hurt hurta rni,a vtma

75 to keep kept kepta pstra,a menine

76 to kneel knelt knelta ngenunchia

77 to knit knit knita tricota

78 to know knew knowna ti ,a cunoate

79 to lay laid laida aeza

80 to lead led leda conduce

81 to lean leant leanta se sprijini de

82 to leap leapt leapta sri,a slta

83 to learn learnt learnta nva

84 to leave left lefta lsa,a prsi

85 to lend lent lenta da cu mprumut

86 to let let leta permite

87 to lie lay laina sta culcat

88 to light lit lita aprinde

89 to lose lost losta pierde

90 to make made madea face

91 to mean meant meanta nsemna

92 to meet met meta ntlni

93 to misgive misgave misgivena inspira ncredere

94 to mislead misled misleda induce n eroare

95 to mistake mistook mistakena nelege greit

96 to outdo outdid outdonea ntrece

97 to overcome overcameovercomea nvinge

98 to overdo overdid overdone a face exces

99 to pay paid paida plti

100 to put put puta pune

101 to read read reada citi

102 to rebuild rebuilt rebuilta reconstrui

103 to rend rent renta sfia , a rupe

104 to rid rid rida scpa de

105 to ride rode riddena clri

106 to ring rang runga suna

107 to rise rose risena se ridica

108 to run ran runa alerga

109 to saw sawed sawna fierstrui

110 to say said saida spune

111 to see saw seena vedea

112 to seek sought soughta cuta

113 to sell sold solda vinde

114 to send sent senta trimite

115 to set set seta fixa, a regla

116 to sew sewed sewna coase

117 to shake shook shakena scutura , a cltina, a tremura

118 to shave shaved shavena se brbieri

119 to shed shed sheda vrsa (lacrimi), a revrsa

120 to shine shone shonea strluci

121 to shoe shod shoda ncla , a potcovi

122 to shoot shot shota mpuca

123 to show showed showna arta

124 to shrink shrank shrunka se strnge

125 to shut shut shuta nchide

126 to sing sang sunga cnta

127 to sink sank sunka se scufunda

128 to sit sat sata sta (pe scaun)

129 to slay slew slaina ucide , asasina

130 to sleep slept slepta dormi

131 to slide slid slida aluneca

132 to sling slung slunga azvrli

133 to slit slit slita crpa , a despica

134 to smell smelt smelta mirosi

135 to smite smote smittena lovi

136 to sow sowed sowna semna

137 to speak spoke spokena vorbi

138 to speed sped speda accelera , a goni

139 to spell spelt spelta pronuna liter cu liter

140 to spend spent spenta petrece , a cheltui

141 to spill spilt spilta vrsa

142 to spin spun spuna toarce , a se roti

143 to spit spat spata scuipa

144 to split split split a despica

145 to spoil spoilt spoilta strica

146 to spread spread spreada ntinde

147 to spring sprang sprunga sri , a ni

148 to stand stood stooda sta n picioare

149 to steal stole stolena fura

150 to stick stuck stuck a (se) lipi

151 to sting stung stunga nepa

152 to stink stank stunka mirosi urt

153 to stride strode striddena umbla cu pai mari

154 to strike struck strucka lovi, a izbi

155 to string strung strunga nira , a ncorda

156 to strive strove strivena se strdui

157 to swear swore sworna jura

158 to sweep swept swepta mtura

159 to swell swelled swollena se umfla , a nghii

160 to swim swam swuma nota

161 to swing swung swunga se legna

162 to take took takena lua

163 to teach taught taughta nva , a preda

164 to tear tore torna rupe , a sfia

165 to tell told tolda spune

166 to think thought thoughta gndi , a crede

167 to thrive throve thrivena prospera , propai

168 to throw threw throwna arunca

169 to thrust thrust thrusta mbrnci

170 to tread trod troddena clca

171 to underlie underlay underlaina susine

172 to understand understood understooda nelege

173 to upset upset upseta rsturna , a supra

174 to wake woke wokena se trezi

175 to wear wore worna purta

176 to weave wove wovena ese

177 to weep wept wepta plnge

178 to wet wet wet a uda

179 to win won wona ctiga

180 to wind wound wounda se rsuci

181 to withdrawwithdrew withdrawna (se) retrage

182 to wring wrung wrunga frnge , a rsuci , a smulge

183 to write wrote writtena scrie


Exprim :

1) o aciune trecut care avea continuitate sau durat ndelungat de desfurare ntr-un anume moment ;

e.g. I was sleeping at 10 p.m.

They were reading the newspaper when I arrived.

The boys were playing while the girls were waiting. 2) o aciune care s-a repetat foarte frecvent n trecut, deranjnd/iritnd vorbitorul (n prezena unui adverb de tip always, forever, continually);

e.g. He was always giving me bad advice !

They were forever coming late to school.

3) o aciune viitoare, parte a unui plan personal, dar vazut din perspectiva trecutului ;

e.g. He was packing as/because/he was leaving the next day.

4) o aciune prezent, predicat al unei subordonate care are ca verb regent un timp trecut.

e.g. I am waiting for you. (present continuous)

He said he was waiting for me. (past tense continuous)

Trecutul continuu se construiete:


e.g. He was reading.

They were writing.


e.g. Was he reading?

Were they writing?



e.g. He wasnt reading.

They werent writing.

Chiar dac adverbul de timp nu este exprimat explicit, ci doar presupus cunoscut, fie din context, fie din relatri binecunoscute ale evenimentului (de exemplu, evenimente ale primului sau celui de-al doilea rzboi mondial), motivaia folosirii trecutului simplu exist.

O list a celor mai cunoscute verbe neregulate poate fi consultat la sfritul capitolului despre Past Tense Simple.