starea actuala a neuromarketingului

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  • 8/9/2019 Starea Actuala a Neuromarketingului


    Study regarding current status of neuromarketing research in third millenium

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    Dr.Ing.Ec. Elena-Simina LAKATOS

    Prof.Dr.Ing.Ec. Laura BACALIUniversitatea Tehnicdin Cluj-Napoca

    Ms.Oana-Bianca BERCEAUniversitatea Babes-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca

    Abstract:The present article represents a summary of the last researches in neuromarketing field. Themethod used is represented by specialized literature review. There will be presented research studiesmade between 2010 and 2014 and posed at Global Forum of Neuromarketing that took place in March,2014. The main studies carried on by private company that activate in the field of neuromarketing will bebriefly introduced.

    Keywords:neuromarketing, neuroscience, consumer behavior


    Cercetrile din domeniul neuromarketingului suntindexate n bazele de date internaionale, nsmecanismul care colecteaz att cercetrileacademice ct i cele comerciale din acest domeniueste Neuromarketing Science & BusinessAssociation (NMSBA, 2012). Aceasta este o

    asociaie nfiinat n anul 2012 cu sediul nOlanda. Misiunea NMSBA este de a mprticunotine i interpretarea univoc a datelor, de aconstrui o comunitate puternic i de a protejainteresele sociale care au legtur cu aceastdisciplin. NMSBA promoveaz interaciuneaglobal dintre business i tiin pentru unneuromarketing profesional, solid i practic.Obiectivul NMSBA este de a furniza suportprofesional neuromarketerilor i cercettorilor dindomeniul neuromarketingului (NMSBA,2012).Modul n care gndesc cumprtorii, cum


    Studies in the field of neuromarketing are indexedin international data bases, but the mechanism thatcollects both academic research studies andcommercial studies is Neuromarketing Science &Business Association (NMSBA, 2012).NMSBA is an association established in 2012 with

    its head office in Holland. The mission of theassociation is to share knowledge and univocallydata interpretation, to build a powerful communityand to protect social interest related to thisdiscipline. NMSBA promotes global interationbetween business and science for a professional,solid and practical neuromarketing. The objectiveof the association is to provide professional supportfor practitioners and scholars in neuromarketingfield (NMSBA, 2012). Buyers way of thinking,the process of buying decision, the determinants ofchoosing a brand against the other where always
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    realizeaz decizia de cumprare, ce i determin s

    aleag un brand n defavoarea altuia, au fost mereuntrebri care i-au preocupat dintotdeauna pemarketeri. Acum odat cu apariianeuromarketingului au posibilitatea s descopere cese afl n spatele deciziilor consumatorilor.Neuromarketingul utilizeaz metode inovatoare ncercetarea pieei, combinnd domeniulmarketingului cu cel al neurotiinelor (studiulcreierului i al sistemului nervos) (Morin, 2011).Aceste noi metode permit cercettorilor s realizezeceea ce nu au reuit pn de curnd i anume smonitorizeze reaciile cerebrale n faa stimulilor n

    mod direct, s observe emoiile i o mai bunnelegere i monitorizare a comportamentuluiconsumatorilor (The Economist 2004).Prin utilizarea metodelor i tehnicilorneuroimagistice, ne apropiem de descifrareaenigmei ce st n spatele procesului decizional. Decele mai multe ori atunci cnd consumatori suntsupui la ntrebarea ce anume v motiveaz? nupot gsi un rspuns la ntrebare, motiv pentru caretocmai neuromarketingul ctiga popularitate.Consumatorii nefiind contieni de ce acioneaz nmodul n care o fac, deoarece 80 % din decizii suntluate incontient, utilizarea acestor tehnicitiinifice pentru a nelege cu adevratcomportamentul cumprtorului devine vital ( Leeet all, 2006). Dei nc se afl ntr-un stadiuincipient de dezvoltare, neuromarketingul a devenitvital pentru cercetrile de pia. Dr. AK Pradeep, n2010 ofer o definiie interesantneuromarketingului: Neuromarketingul estepentru marketing ceea ce telescopul Hubble estepentru astronomie: un salt spre o cunoatere multmai profund io mai bun nelegere obinute cu

    precizia tiinific. El consider c pentruobinerea unor date relevante pentru prelucrare, ceamai bun soluie este de a aborda creierul, deoarecesubcontientul consumatorului este arbitrul final ceselecteaz produsele i cumpr.Marketingul din secolul XX a fost n mare partedespre a fi la mesaj. n schimb, n secolul al XXI-lea, oamenii sunt factorii decizionali emoionali,aadar publicitatea de succes se adreseazemoie( Barden, 2013). ns acest lucru estedestul de dificil de realizat de ctre marketerideoarece ei se adreseaz individului uman.

    Individul uman este o fiin social supus

    questions marketers where interested in.

    Nowadays, with the apparition of neuromarketingthey have the possibility to discover what standsbehind consumers decisions. Neuromarketingutilizes innovational methods in market researchcombining the marketing field with theneuroscience (study of brain and nervous system)(Morin, 2011). These new methods allow theresearchers to realize what they could not do untilrecent, mainly to monitor cerebral reactions atstimulus in a direct way, to observe emotions and abetter understanding and monitoring of consumersbehavior (The Economist 2004).

    Through the utilization of neuroimaging we getclose to the disclosure of the enigma that standsbehind decision making. Most of the time when theconsumers are asked about their motivation theycannot find an answer reason for whatneuromarketing gains popularity. Thereforeconsumers are not conscious whay they act the waythey do because 80% of the decisions are takenunconsciously reason for what the utilization ofsuch scientific techniques to understandconsumers behavior becomes vital ( Lee et all,2006). Although it is in an incipient stage ofdevelopment neuromarketing became vital formarket research. Dr. AK Pradeep, in 2010 offers aninteresting definition of neuromarketing:Neuromarketing is for marketing what the Hubbletelescope is for astronomy: a step to a moreprofound and insights obtained with scientificprecision. He considers that, for obtaining relevantdata for analysis the best solution is to approach thebrain because the consumers subconsciousness isthe final arbiter that selects the products and buysthem.

    XXs century marketing was in great part aboutbeing at the message. In exchange, in XXIscentury people are emotional decision makers,therefore successful publicity addresses emotionBarden, 2013). But this thing is quite difficult tobe realized by the marketers because they speak tohuman being. Human being is a social beingcomplying with diverse constraints, obedience,compromise, social pressure and the need to adaptto the environment, reason for what he laysconsciously or unconsciously. As neuroscience andbrain physiology research show there is a sensorial

    brain (reptilian), the most ancient and selfish

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    constrngerilor de diverse tipuri, obedienei,

    compromisului, presiunii sociale i nevoii deadaptare la mediu, motiv pentru care acesta mintefie contient sau incontient. Dup cum ne spuncercetrile din domeniu neurotiintelor ifiziologiei creierului, exist un creier senzorial(reptilian) cea mai veche i egoist structur acreierului, un creier emoional (mamifer) ambelecu o vechime de cteva milioane de ani i, mairecent dezvoltat de circa 100.000 ani un creierraional (uman) care determin capacitilenoastre verbale. Aadar abordarea la mesaj aresens deoarece ofer individului un motiv de a fi

    preocupat (prghie senzorial n creier), un motivpentru a le psa (prghie emoional a creierului),i abia apoi un motiv care s confirme motivul de acrede (prghie raional a creierului). Experienaconsumatorului devine astfel, esenial (Morin,2011).Conform ultimelor cercetrii tiinifice prezentatecu ocazia celui de-al treilea Forumul Mondial deNeuromarketing, unde s-a reunit mediul academicct i cel de business, n urma criua putem subliniaunele rezultate cu privire la rolul creierului nprocesul decizional al consumatorului.Ideea accentuat nc de la nceput este c rata deeec a produselor noi pe pia este de 80% fapt cesubliniaz c, doar ascultnd raportrile verbale aleindiviziilor cu privire la preferinele comercialevom fi ghidai greit att n bussinesc ct i ncercetarea tiinific (Mucha, 2005). Oamenii dinpublicitate ar trebui s se axeze pe identificareaacelor caracteristici ale produselor care duc ladeclanarea emoiilor consumatorului i la oidentificare a acestora cu mesajul promovat.Progreselor care se fac n cercetarea de

    neuromarketing le este acordat o atenie sporit,iar dr. Pradeep explic aceast cstorie a tiineicu marketingul prin faptul c majoritateainformaiilor senzoriale sunt procesate n creier lanivel subcontient. El ofer, de asemenea, detalii cuprivire la cartografia cortical, ntruct aceasta stla baza cercetrii n neuromarketing, i susineideea conform creia creierul este o serieincredibil de complex de reele neuronalentreesute. Aadar, prin legtura dintreneurotiine cu tehnologia digital,neuromarketingul aduce un plus de valoare

    metodologiei tradiionale a cercetrii de pia.

    structure of the brain, an emotional brain

    (mammalian)both with an age of millions yearsand, more recently developed with about 100 00years a rational brain (human) that determinesour verbal capacities. Thus the approach atmessage makes sense because it offers theindividual a reason to be preoccupied (sensoriallever in the brain), a reason to care about(emotional lever in the brain) and only after areason to confirm the reason to believe (rationallever in the brain). The experience of the consumerhence becomes essential (Morin, 2011).According to the latest academic research presented

    with the occasion of the 3rd Global Forum ofNeuromarketing, where academic environment andbusiness one crossed we can emphasize thefollowing results regarding the role of the brain inthe consumers decision making process:The main idea is that the failure rate of new producton the markets is around 80%, fact that emphasizesthat only listening the verbal reference ofindividuals regarding commercial preferences willguide us in a wrong direction both in business suchin research (Mucha, 2005). People from advertisingshould focus on identifying those characteristics ofthe products that lead to the activation ofconsumers emotions and to identification of thoseindividuals eith the promoted message. Anenhanced attention is given to the progresses madein neuromarketing research and Dr. Pradeepexplains this marriage of the science with themarketing through the fact that the majority ofsensorial information is processed in the brain atsubconscious level. He also offers details regardingcortical mapping, since it is the base of research inneuromarketing and he sustains the idea that the

    brain is an incredible complex array of neuronalintertwined networks. Therefore through the tiebetween the neuroscience with digital technology,neuromarketing seems to bring added value totraditional methodologies of market research.Based on the aspects discussed earlier somerecommendations can be made regarding the waythat advertising messages should target theconsumer (Genco, Barden, Sands, Ramsy, 2014).There are some elements the brain cannot disregardsuch as: The novelty (the most efficient element to hold

    ones attention);

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    Pe baza celor prezentate se pot face urmtoarele

    recomandri cu privire la modul n care mesajelepublicitare ar trebui s targeteze consumatorul(Genco, Barden, Sands, Ramsy, 2014).Exist anumite elemente de care creierul uman nupoate face abstracie, i anume: Noutatea (elementul cel mai eficient n captareaateniei); Contactul vizual (deosebit de important pentru ofiin social; prin activarea provocrii sau empatieide exemplu, afiarea ochilor i a privirii reprezintun mod de a ctiga atenia creierului); Imagini ce stimuleaz plcerea/recompensa

    (imaginile sunt irezistibile pentru creierul nostru,aceast preferin este dezvoltat de creierulreptilian care proceseaz cu imagini, iar oidentificarea ct mai bun a elementelor vizualeadaptate nevoile consumatorului i alegereamodaliti optime de comunicare cu grupul intvizat va duce la stimularea centrilor recompensei). Creativitatea/Interesant. Creierului i plac puzzle-urile i umorul. Uurina procesrii mesajului este foarteimportant pentru creier. Un spot publicitare pentrucare creierul are nevoie de resurse cognitiveconsiderabile are toate ansele s treac neobservatde ctre creier. Altfel spus, raportul dintre ct decomplex ar trebui s fie o reclam i gradul deuurin al procesrii cognitive ar trebui s sencline mai mult ctre celde-al doilea aspect.Atunci cnd ne referim la produse sau mesaje cesunt eseniale n experiena consumatorilor, trebuieoferite direcii clare, precise pentru gsirea iidentificarea scopului. n publicitate,merchandising i in-store marketing, este indicatutilizarea verbelor la diateza activ i imagini

    dominante pentru a spune creierului ceea ce ainevoie este aici.Introducea elementelor de tip senzoriale creteangajamentul consumatorului dac sunt activatesensuri multiple, care sunt sinergice (Erik duPlessis, 2011).Aproximativ 70% din receptorii corpului uman seregsesc n ochii, aadar individul identificrealitatea i lumea exterioar prin intermediulvzului. Cu toate acestea activitatea vzului nu seproduce n ochii ci are loc n creier. Specialitii dindomeniu li se recomand s introduc elemente

    vizuale, care s pun n relief linii curate, clare,

    Visual contact (extremely important for a social

    being, through activation of provoke or theempathy for example, showing the eyes and thelook represents a way to bring the attention of thebrain); Images that stimulates pleasure/ reward (theimages are irresistible for our brain, preferencedeveloped by reptilian brain that processes withimages, and the most appropriate identification ofvisual elements with the needs of the consumer andthrough the most suitable modality for the targetedgroup will lead to the stimulation of the rewardcenters.

    Creativity/Interesting. Brain loves puzzles andhumor. The lightness of message processing is veryimportant for the brain. An advertising spot forwhich the brain needs consistent cognitiveresources has all the chances go pass unnoticed bythe brain. Otherwise said the relation between howcomplex an advertise should be and the grade odeasiness of cognitive processing should bevel moreto the latter aspect.When we refer to products or messages that areessential in consumers experience clear andprecise directions should be offered in order toidentify the scope. In advertising merchandisingand in-store marketing are recommended, usingverbs at active voice and dominant images to tellthe brain what you need is here.The introduction of sensorial elements increasesconsumers engagement if multiple senses that aresynergic are activated (Erik du Plessis, 2011).Approximately 70% of the human receptors arefound in the eyes hence the individual identifies thereality and the exterior world through sight.

    Nevertheless the activity of sight is not produced inthe eye but the brain. Specialists in the field arerecommended to introduce visual elements thatrelieve clean and clear lines delivered to the levelof the eye. There is a discussion about using thecathedral effect meaning attraction of the sight tothe upper side of the structure like entering in acathedral.The reason this effect should be used could be:visibility indoor and outdoor and advertising prints,the objects of interest must be included in the upperside of the material. Concurrently puzzles with a

    low to medium difficulty could be used with the

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    livrate la nivelul ochiului. Se vorbete de folosirea

    fenomenului de efectul de catedral, adicatragerea privirii asupra prii de sus a structurii, caatunci cnd se intr ntr-o catedral. Motivul pentrucare ar trebui utilizat acest efect ar fi: vizibilitatea,n outdoor i printurile publicitare, obiectele deinteres trebuie incluse n partea de sus amaterialului. Totodat se pot folosi puzzle-urile dedificultate uoara spre medie n scopul suscitriicreierului (Hugdahl and Westerhausen, 2012).Cu toate c simului olfactiv i este dedicate doar1% din creier, bulbii olfactivi sunt parte dinsistemul limbic (aria cea mai profund i mai

    primitiv a creierului), i stimuleaz amintirile.Acestea sunt separate prin doar dou sinapse deamigdala (centrul memoriei i a emoiei), i de asesinapse de hipocamp (zona a creieruluiresponsabil pentru stocarea amintirilor). Astfel,simulmirosului devine o cale direct spre emoii istocarea amintirilor n memorie (Pradeep, 2011).innd cont de aceste informaii este recomandatidentificarea acelui tip de parfum care se afl ntr-olegtur direct i permanent cu oferta. Dei suntstructuri diferite, simul olfactiv i gustativopereaz mpreun n scopul de a produce emoie ide a accesa din memorie amintirile.Simul auditiv este ndreptat spre ce produceinteres. Motiv pentru care creierul va ignorazgomotele care disturb atenia sau produce deranj(mpreun cu toate mesajele care le nsoesc)(Pradeep, 2011).Simul gustativ reprezint una dintre cele mai mariplceri ale creierului, i poate fi uor declanat desistemul neuronilor n oglind. Atunci cnd esteexpus un produs apetisant, este recomandat pentruspecialitii n publicitate s se asigure c cei vizai

    pot vedea expresiile de bucurie a celor care lconsum, deoarece astfel, este stimulat dorina,conducnd la procesul de achiziionare a produsuluivizat.Cnd ne referim la simul tactil, cele mai sensibilezone ale corpului sunt minile, buzele, faa, gtul,limba, vrful degetelor i picioarele (Dooley,2011). Deci produse care intr n contact cu acestezone presupune a fi senzuale, plcute, linititoare iprimitoare.n continuare este prezentat dihotomia dintrecreierul btrn i tnr cu trimitere la grupurile de

    vrsta la care se adreseaz diverse produse.

    end of suscitate the brain (Hugdahl and

    Westerhausen, 2012).Regardless that to the olfactory sense only 1% ofthe brain is dedicated, olfactory bulbs are a part oflimbic system (the most profound and primitivearia of the brain) and it stimulates memories. Theseare separated through just two synapses of theamygdala (center of memory and emotion) and bysix synapses from hippocampal (area of the brainresponsible for stocking memories). This way theolfaction becomes a direct path to emotions andstocking of memories (Pradeep, 2011).Taking in consideration this information it is

    recommended the identification of the perfume thatis found in a direct and permanent connection withthe offer. Although different structures, olfactorysense and gustative sense operate together with theaim of producing emotion and accessing thememories.The auditory sense is directed to what producesinterest reason for what the brain will ignore thenoise that disturbs the attention or producesannoyance (together with all the messages they gowith) (Pradeep, 2011).The gustative sense represents one of the greatpleasures of the brain and it can be easily triggeredby the system of mirror neurons. When a deliciousproduct is exposed it is recommended for theadvertising specialists to assure that the targetedgroup have access to see the joyful expressions ofthose who consume the product because this waythe desire is stimulated leading to the process ofacquisition of the targeted product.When we are talking about tact the most sensitiveparts of the body are the hands, lips, face, neck,tongue, top of the fingers and legs (Dooley, 2011).

    Therefore products that make contact with theseareas are supposed to be sensuous, pleasant,calming and welcoming.In the following lines the dichotomy between oldbrain and young brain is presented with referenceto the age groups the products are dedicated.Old Brain vs. Young Brain. The amygdale(represents an area of the brain dedicated toprimary emotions like fear, angry and happiness)activates in the case of young people both forpositive stimulus and for negative ones. Recentstudies from specialized literature report that in the

    case of seniors the amygdale activates only when

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    Creierul btrn vs. Creierul tnr. Amigdala

    (reprezint o zon a creierului dedicat emoiilorprimare cum ar fi fric, furia i fericirea) seactiveaz n cazul tinerilor att pentru stimulipozitivi, ct i pentru cei negativi. Noile studii dinliteratura de specialitate raporteaz faptul c ncazul indivizilor n vrst, amigdala se activeazdoar cnd sunt vizualizate imagini cu valenpozitiv. Indivizii n vrst au nvat s nu acordesens imaginilor negative, cel puin atunci cndacesta nu au un impact direct asupra lor. Aceastprtinire pozitiv reprezint un aspect interesant nceea ce privete mbtrnirea creierului o tendin

    de a trece cu vederea negativ. Acest aspect senumete prelucrarea preferenial, fiindevideniat de mai multe studii indicnd faptul c,atunci cnd este prezentat un mesaj negativ (cum s-ar putea gsi pe o etichet de avertizare sauanunurile ce vizeaz ntiinarea cu privire laaspecte ce in de sntate), creierul btrn aretendina de a ignora NU-ul i de a-l reactualiza ntimp ca pe un DA (Hugdahl and Westerhausen,2012). Astfel, ndemnul nu luaicu suc, ar puteafi reactualizat c luai cu suc dup mai multerepetri, chiar dac acestea sunt prelucrate cu oatenie ridicat. Aadar, mesaje publicitare adresatepersoanele n vrst trebuie alctuite n termenipozitivi (de exemplu ine minte brandul, ci nu detipul nu uita brandul). Un alt aspect, scdereaputerii de memorare i reactualizare a informailor,care se produce odat cu naintarea n vrst aparetendina de a cuantifica informaiile familiare cafiind informaii adevrate. Modul n care creierulinterpreteaz informaiile familiare este: am maiauzit asta nainte, deci cel mai probabil chiar esteadevrat. Pe de alt parte, lobul frontal al

    creierului se maturizeaz n totalitate n jurulvrstei de 20 de ani, zona responsabil cuprelucrarea contextual. Astfel, creieruladolescenilor i adulilor tineri este nc n curs dedezvoltare pn la vrsta de 20 de ani, trebuieacordat o grij suplimentar n dezvoltareabrandurilor i a mesajelor, innd cont demaleabilitatea acestora (Hugdahl andWesterhausen, 2012).O alt dihotomie frecvent discutat n literatura despecialitate este cea dintre creierul feminin i celmasculin. Studiile existente pn n prezent ne spun

    c exist anumite diferena semnificative n

    positive images are visualized. Old people learnt to

    not give sense to negative images at least whenthere is no direct impact on them. This positive biasrepresents an interesting aspect regarding ageing ofthe brain a tendency to disregard the negative.This aspect is called preferential adaptation beingemphasized in more studies and indicating the factthat when a negative message (such as on a label orannounce that targets the information regardingaspects of health), the old brain has the tendency toignore the NO and to re-update it in time as aYES(Hugdahl and Westerhausen, 2012).Thus, the exhortation "do not take with juice" could

    be updated to take with juice" after severalrepetitions, even if they are processed with highvigilance. Therefore, advertising towards theelderly should be made in positive terms (eg,"remember the brand," and not "do not forget thebrand"). Another aspect, more precisely thediminishing capacity to memorize and updateinformation that occurs with aging, is the tendencyto quantify familiar information as being trueinformation. The way in which the brain interpretsfamiliar information is: "I've heard that before, soits most likely to be true." The frontal lobe of thebrain, responsible for contextual processing, isfully mature only at the age of 20. Thus, the brainof teenagers and young adults is still developinguntill the age of 20, which is a reason for concernwhen it comes to the way in which brands andmessages are being designed. One should take intoconsideration the malleability of the brain of youngpeople when developing such elements (Hugdahland Westerhausen, 2012).Another dichotomy, which is frequently discussedin the literature, is that of the difference between

    the male and female brain. Existing studies tell usthat there are significant differences in the way inwhich the two sexes process the information. Thus,if you compare the typical male brain with thefemale one you can easily observe that womenhave four times more neurons connecting the righthemisphere with the left hemisphere of the brain(corpus collosum) (Hugdahl and Westerhausen,2012). This connection makes the female brainmore adaptatble when it comes to multitaskingduties. The female brain can acces both parts of thebrain in a quick and easy way, having a superior

    dexterity when dealing with analytical and

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    modalitatea de prelucrarea a informailor n cazul

    celor dou sexe.Astfel, dac se compar creierul tipic masculin cucel tipic feminin, se poate observa faptul c femeileau de patru ori mai muli neuroni ce conecteazemisfera dreapt de emisfera stng a creierului(corpus collosum) (Hugdahl and Westerhausen,2012). Datorit acestei conexiuni ntre cele douemisfere creierul feminin este mai adaptivsarcinilor de tip multitasking. Creierul feminine potaccesa ambele pri ale creierului mai rapid i uor,au o dexteritate superioar atunci cnd are locprelucrarea analitic i cea emoional. Amintirile

    emoionale joac un rol important n luareadeciziilor i n relaii n cazul persoanelor de sexfeminin. n cazul persoanelor de sex feminineamintirea unor experiene stresante sau negative auloc mai uor dect n cazul brbailor, motiv pentrucare i va reaminti mai repede dac un brand sauprodus nu a avut calitile promise n campania depromovare a acestuia (Plessis, 2011). Creierulfeminin are designul necesar pentru multitasking.Acest fapt este demonstrat de studiile recente carearat c femeile au un sistem mult mai mare i maiintegrat al neuronilor oglind. Totodat acestsistem le permite persoanelor de sex feminin saib o mai mare capacitate empatic. De asemenearesimt evenimentele altor persoane ca i cum ar fiproprii. Pe de alt parte, persoanele de sexmasculine au un sistem de neuroni n oglinda, dar lutilizeaz cu preponderen pentru repetarea unoraciuni observate anterior. Sistemul de neuroni noglind al femeilor face ca acestea s ireaminteasc foarte precis evenimente de naturemoional, iar acest lucru se ntmpla deoareceamigdala crierului feminin se activeaz mai rapid

    n nuan emoional, fapt ce are ca drept rezultat omai bun codificare n memorie de ctrehipocampul. Drept urmare a acestor constatri Dr.Pradeep, (2010) afirma: Spune poveticonsumatorilor de sex feminin. Nu fi concis. ntimp ce brbaii apreciaz ndemnul la aciune,femeile apreciaz povestea i experiena. Deasemenea, oferind oportuniti de networking prinbrandul promovat, se poate ajunge la laturaemoional a consumatorilor de sex feminin. Compania NeuroFocus (2009) a realizat studii naceast direcie i a constat diferene semnificative

    ntre modul de funcionare a creierului feminin

    emotional processes. Emotional memories play an

    important role in decision-making andrelationships, in the case of female individuals.Females can also recall more easily stressful ornegative experiences, in comparison to males,which is the main reason why a woman willremember faster if a brand or a product did nothave the qualities which the marketing campaignpromoted (Plessis, 2011). The female brain has theadequate design for multitasking. This fact hasbeen demonstrated by recent studies showing thatwomen have a much larger and integrated systemof mirror neurons. In addition, this system allows

    females to have a greater empathic capacity.Moreover, a woman is capable of feeling theexperience of other people as if they were her own.On the other hand, male individuals use theirsystem of mirrored neurons to repeat some of theactions, which they anterior observed. Thewomens mirror neuron system gives them thecapacity to recall emotional events in a veryaccurate manner, this is because womensamygdala (the part from the brain) gets activatedmore rapidly when it comes to emotional states,which in turn facilitates a better coding in thehipotalamus for further storage. As a result of thesefindings, Dr. Pradeep, (2010) stated: Tell storiesto those of feminine sex. Dont be concise. Whilemen appreciate the incentive to act, women likestories and experiences. Furthermore, by offeringnetwork opportunities through the brand that youpromote, you can reach the emotional side of thefemale consumers.The NeuroFocus Company (2009) conductedstudies in this direction and identified significantvariances between the functioning of the female

    and male brain. The company conductedneurological testing related to insurances. Theyfound out that women and men had differentanswers - females had a stronger reaction to theperson who was presenting the product and maleshad a stronger reaction towards the price of theproduct. Another test was made on advetisementsfor snacks - males had an obvious reaction forcheap humor, while females had no reaction. In thecase of automobile advetisements, the maleindividuals had a strong reaction towards theperformance of the cars, while women were

    interested more in the safety issues (Pradeep,

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    comparativ cu crierul masculin.

    Compania a efectuat testri neurologice peasigurri. Acetia au constata faptul c femeile ibrbaii au avut rspunsuri diferite. Astfel, n timpce persoanele de sex feminin au avut o reacie maiputernic fa de persoana care prezint produsul,persoanele de sex masculin au avut o reacie maiputernic fa de preul produsului. La testareareclamele pentru snacks-uri, persoanele de sexmasculin au avut reacii evidente fa de umorulieftin, n timp ce persoanele de sex feminin nu auavut nici o reacie. n cazul reclamelor pentruautoturisme reacii puternice cu privire la

    performanele acestora au avut brbaii, n timp cefemeile au manifestat interes fa de factorii desiguran (Pradeep, 2010).Diferene semnificative se produc i n creierulpersoanelor de sex feminin care sunt mame. nlume sunt circa dou miliarde de mame. Astfel,compania NeuroFocus (2010) a iniiat studii deneuromarketing asupra siturilor web dedicateproduselor pentru ngrijirea copiilor. Rezultateleobinute au raportat faptul c pentru a aveaeficien maxim asupra consumatorilor, reclamelear trebuie s conin element vizuale (imagini) cares fie inserate n partea stng, iar n partea dreaptar trebui inserate elementele semantice. Logo-ul pepaginile individuale nu ar trebuie repetat de multeori, n schimb ar trebui scoase n eviden imaginilecu consumatorul (mama) care utilizeaz produsul is promoveze interaciunea i socializarea ntreacestea. Produsele destinate consumatorului de tipmama trebuie s sublinieze i s scoat neviden siguran ntr-un context emoionalpozitiv. Pentru ca mesajul publicitar sa ajung lamame, trebuie s transmit sinceritate, autenticitate

    i s fie direct comunicat.


    Erik du Plessis prezint n cartea sa The BrandedMind, 2011 o nou paradigm a rolului emoiilor,dezvoltat de Antonio Damasio, n teoriamarkerului somatic care afirm c emoiile asistraionalul i l cauzeaz ( Damasio, 2005; Bechera,2010; Leland, 2005; Bechera & Damasio, 2005).Dup cum acesta explic, emoiile reprezint o

    component fundamental a raionalitii. Rolul


    Significant differences can also be seen in thebrains of female mothers. In the whole world, thereare about two billion mothers. NeuroFocus (2010)initiated neuromarketing studies related to websitesdedicated to childcare products. The resultsreported that the maximum efficiency related to theconsumer is when the site contains ads with visualelements (images) on the left and semanticelements on the right side. Logos on the individualpages should not be repeated for many times, butinstead consumer images with mothers who usethe product and who interact/ socialize should be

    highlighted. Products designed for consumers suchas mothers should accentuate safety issues in apositive emotional context. In order to transmit anadvertising message to mothers, one should focuson sincerity, authenticity and the manner in whichthey communicate (the communication has to bedirect).


    Erik du Plessis presented in his book The Branded

    Mind, in 2011, a new paradigm based on the roleof emotions (developed by Antonio Damasio),related to the theory of somatic marketing, whichstates that emotions assist the rational conscienceand are the main factor, which cause the later one(Damasio, 2005; Becher, 2010, Leland, 2005;Becher & Damasio, 2005). He explains thatemotions are a fundamental component ofrationality. The role of marketers is to use theknowledge gained from the theory of emotions todevelop effective sales strategies and advertisingcampaigns. Emotions are the ones that attract

    consumers attention, which in turn leads to thecreation of memories who have the power toinfluence conusmers buying decisions.

    In short terms, we ca say that brand choices are infact decisions, in which marketing plays animportant role, causing consumer emotions. In thisregard, advertising specialists are advised to pay aspecial attention in understanding the role ofemotions. However, we should make a cleardelimitation and differentiation between feelings,emotions, moods, personality and culture, and theways in which they can interfere with the

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    marketerilor este de a utiliza cunotine din teoria

    emoiilor pentru dezvoltarea de strategii eficientede vnzri i campanii de publicitate. Emoiile suntcele care atrag atenia consumatorului, odatcaptat atenia, acestea duc la crearea de amintiricare mai apoi influeneaz deciziile de cumprare.Sumarizndputem spune c alegerile de brand suntdecizii, marketingul ndeplinete un rol importantn provocarea de emoii consumatorului, iarspecialitii n publicitate le este recomandat sacorde un rol special n a nelege emoiile. Totuise impune o clarificare i o distincie clar ntresentimente, emoii, stri sufleteti, personalitate i

    cultur, i modalitile n care acestea pot infera cupercepia asupra unui brand, prin dezvoltarea unuimodel de sentimente (Fugate, 2007).Rolul neurotiine n marketing se manifest att lanivel macroprin importana emoiilor n atenie irolul sentimentelor n alegerea brandurilor ct ila nivel micro prin oferirea capaciti de anregistra nivelul de interes manifestat atunci cndconsumatorii vizioneaz un spot video.Pepe Martinez, (2012), spunea n cartea sa TheConsumer Mind referitor la legtura dintre brandi emoii urmtoarele: Scopul oricrui brand estede a intra n mintea consumatorului prin cele cincisimuri, de a capta atenia, de a se conecta cunevoile, valorile i dorinele sale, de a crea olegtur emoional, de a lsa o amprent nmemoria pe termen lung, n memoria lor,influennd n mod pozitiv procesul de luare adeciziilor, de a crea o experien de brand, de a-lmenine n prima opiune din categoria sa i de ancuraja achiziiile repetate i loialitatea fa demarc.Martinez, (2012), afirm c emoiile au loc n

    sistemul limbic, ca mai apoi s fie simite ncortexul prefrontal i se manifest n totorganismul. Trebuie avut n vedere i faptul c,sistemul emoional se afl n strns legtura cuatenia, memoria i percepia. Aadar, prin emoiise poate capta atenia consumatorului, i seintervine totodat i asupra memoriei acestuia prinelementele prezentate. Putem afirma c un brandeste o relaie ntre productor-consumtor, iarbrandul trebuie s satisfac ateptrile pe care le-acreat. Pentru c un brand s aib succes trebuie svalorifice o relaie ntre valorile brandului, adic

    ceea ce se cred, emoiile pe care poate s le creeze

    perception of a brand, by developing a model of

    feelings (Fugate, 2007).The role of neuroscience in marketing is relevantboth at macro level through the importance ofemotions when it comes to attention, plus theimportance of feelings when choosing brands, andalso at micro level - by offering the capacity torecord the levels of interest that consumersmanifest when they watch a video clip. PepeMartinez, (2012), stated in his book entitled TheConsumer Mind (concerned with the linkbetween a brands and emotions) the following:"The goal of any brand is to enter the consumer'smind through all the five senses, to draw attention,to connect with the needs, values and desires of thecustomer, to create an emotional bond, to leave along-term mark in their memory, thus,influencing in a positive manner the decision-making process, to create a brand experience, tokeep the brand a first choice for the customers inits category and to encourage repeated purchasesand brand loyalty".

    Martinez, (2012), affirms that emotions occur inthe limbic system which afterwards are "felt" in the

    prefrontal cortex and are experienced throughoutthe body. We should have in mind that theemotional system is closely related to attention,memory and perception. Thus, through emotions,one can capture consumer attention, and, at thesame time, it can have an influence on the memoryof such individuals through diferent elements usedin promotional materials. We can say that a brandis a relationship between producer-consumer, inwhich the brand must meet the expectations thatthey instllled in the minds of the consumers. Inorder for a brand to be successful it needs to build

    a relationship between the brand values (what youwant them to believe), the emotions that it cancreate and transmit (what you want others to feel),brand communication (what the brand says) andthe actions which take place (what is being done).

    "A brand is nothing more than a network ofneurons that generate sparks in the brain"(Genco, 2013) and the brand exists as a neuralnetwork of memories". Cristina Balanzo, (2012)stresses out the fact that both emotions andmemories play an important role in purchasing

    decisions. Science can help us understand any type

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    i pe care le transmite, adic ce se simte,

    comunicarea brandul, adic ceea ce se spune ibineneles aciunile realizate (ceea ce se face).Un brand n creier nu este altceva dect o reea deneuroni care fac scntei! (Genco, 2013) i cbrandul exist ca o reea neuronal de amintiri.Cristina Balanzo, (2012) a subliniat faptul c attemoiile ct i amintirile joac un rol important ndeciziile de cumprare. tiina ne poate ajuta snelegem orice tip de comunicare, precum i oriceelement al strategiei de comunicare, bazndu-ne peinsight-uri i informaii codificate n creierulconsumatorului.

    n continuare este prezentat un sistem de codificarefacial, non-invaziv care citete emoiile oamenilorprin modul n care muchii de pe feele lor se micpentru a descoperi apte emoii de baz. Acestsistem a fost utilizat de care Dan Hill n cercetrilesale i prezentat n cartea sa About Face: TheSecrets of Emotionally Effective Advertising,2010. Dup cum multe cercetri din domeniu auarta, emoiile sunt cheia succesului, ntructvaloarea ofertei unei companii se poate determinaemoional ca o judecat instinctiv (Dan Hill,2010). Deoarece rspunsul la un stimul a creieruluieste de aproximativ jumtate de secund, iar dacn acest interval nu se ntmpl nimic, atunciprimul rspuns emoional al consumatorilor estevid. Esena publicitii este de a promova emoiilepozitive. Aceste emoii pozitive duc la crearea cuuurin a noilor conexiuni mentale, i astadeoarece se activeaz intens neurotransmitorii detip serotonin i dopamin.Dan Hill este cel care explic legtura dintrefericire i speran astfel: bucuria reprezint cel mainalt nivel al fericirii este mulumirea fa de un

    eveniment (prezent) i sperana este mulumireafa de perspectiva unui eveniment dorit (viitor).Autorul prezint, de asemenea, 7 principii aleeconomiei comportamentale, n scopul de a oferimarketerilor perspective cu privire la modul n carese pot ncadra alegerile: aversiunea fa de pierdere,rezistena la schimbare, conformitatea, orbirea cuprobabiliti, suprancrederea, impulsivitatea iaversiunea (Dan Hill, 2010).n continuare sunt prezentate cteva informaiiinteresante extrase din cartea lui Dan Hill AboutFace: The Secrets of Emotionally Effective

    Advertising realizate n colaborare cu Sensory

    of communication, and any element of the

    communication strategy, based on insights andinformation encoded in the brain of the consumer.

    In the following part, we explain a non-invasivefacial coding system, designed to read people'semotions by how muscles move on their faces(which was meant to identify the seven basicemotions). This system was used by Dan Hill in hisresearch and presented in his book About Face:The Secrets of Emotionally Effective Advertising 2010. Research in the field show that emotions arethe key to success as the value of an offerpresented by a company can be emotionallydetermined in the form of an instinctive judgment(Dan Hill, 2010). The response to a stimulus in thebrain takes about half a second, if nothing happensin this time, then the consumer lacks an emotionalresponse. The essence of advertising is to promotepositive emotions. These positive emotions caneasily lead to the creation of new mentalconnections, and that is because of the intenseactivation of neurotransmitters serotonin anddopamine. Dan Hill explains the connectionbetween happiness and hope as so: joy is the

    highest level of happiness related to a (present)event and hope is the level of contentment inrelation to the prospect of a desired event (future).The author also presents seven principles ofbehavioral economics in order to give marketersinsights on how to categorize consumers choices:loss aversion, resistance to change, conformity,probability blindness, overtrust, impulsivity andaversion (Dan Hill, 2010).

    In the next section I would like to present someinteresting information extracted from the book ofDan Hill About Face : The Secrets of

    Emotionally Effective Advertising incollaboration with Sensory Logic:

    Individuals who speak 20 % faster than theaverage exercise greater influence;

    The most important images in a print must beplaced in the front and center in order to attractmore attention;

    When exposed to pleasant fragrances, individualsshowed a 40% improvement in their mood ;

    There was a link between subjects' emotionalcommitment and the amount of money spent in

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    Indivizii care vorbesc cu 20% mai rapid dectmedia exercit o influen mai mare; Cele mai importante imagini ntr-un print trebuies fie plasate n fa i centru pentru a atrage maimult atenie; Atunci cnd sunt expui la arome plcute s-aobservat o mbuntire cu 40% a strii de spirit aacestora; S-a observat o legtur ntre angajamentulemoional al subieciilor i suma de banii cheltuitn magazine; Pe baza datelor senzoriale de la ochiul i urechea

    stng s-a observat c partea dreapt a creieruluireacioneaz prima; aadar este indicat inserareaelementelor vizuale pe partea stng a unui print iimaginile pe partea dreapt, provocnd astfel oemoional mai puternic; S-a msurat timpul mediu petrecut de ctreindivid n faa unui print, astfel acesta este de 1.7secunde mprite dup cum urmeaz: 0.6 sdedicate imaginilor, 0.7 s dedicate textului i 0.4 spentru observarea logo-ului; S-a constat c 2 imagini cresc vnzrile, n timpce mai mult de 3 imagini peisaje sau imagini duc la scderea vnzrile; utilizarea cuvintelor,frazelor i paragrafelor scurte cresc vnzrile, ntimp ce frazele lungi i termenii tehnici le reduc; Utilizarea coloanelor sonore generice conduc larspunsuri emoionale mai puine, dect o facmelodii identificabile; Rezultatelor cercetrilor ce au utilizat ca iinstrument eye tracker, indic faptul c 70 % dintimpul spoturilor TV apar figuri umane, iar 76%din toat activitatea privirii consumatorului ntimpul reclamei de pe ecran este axat pe aceste

    figuri; Produsele, ambalaje i alte obiecte plasate nreclame vor tinde s diminueze angajamentulemoional comparativ cu puterea figurilor umane; S-a constat c unele figuri umane extrem deemotive ale unor indivizi anonimi pot stimulaactivitatea n amigdal mai mult dect o fac figurileumane ale persoanelor celebre;Compania Neurofocus utiliznd analizaneurotiinific a ncercat s identifice motivelepentru care unele produse sunt destinate eecului.Astfel, sunt prezentate n continuare principalele 6

    motive pentru care produsele eueaz, extrase din

    shops ;

    Based on sensory data from the left eye and ear,the author observed that the right brain reacted firstit is advisable for visual elements to be insertedon the left side of a print and images on the right,thus causing a more intense emotional response;

    Measurements were made to determine theaverage time spent by the individual in the face ofa print - 1.7 seconds divided as follows: 0.6 sdedicated to observing images , 0.7 s for observingthe text and 0.4 s dedicated for observing the logo ;

    It was found that those materials which contained

    2 images lead to growing sales , while those whocontained more than 3 picturesscenery or images- led to a decrease in sales; the use of short words,sentences and paragraphs led to an increase insales, whereas long phrases and technical termsreduced them;

    Using generic soundtracks led to fewer emotionalresponses than identifiable songs;

    Based on eye trackers, the measurementsindicated that 70 % of the time during a TV spotsin which human faces appeared, 76 % of the eye

    movement/activity is focused on faces; Products, packages and other objects placed inadvertisements will tend to diminish the power ofemotional commitment in comparison to seeingfaces;

    The results also indicated that highly emotivefaces of anonymous individuals can stimulate in agreater extent the activity of the amygdala incomparison to the faces of famous people;

    The NeuroFocus Company sought out to identifythe reasons why some products are designed to failby using neuro scientific analysis. Bellow one cansee the main six reasons why products fail,according to the book The Buying Brain: Secretsfor Selling to the Subconscious Mind, Dr. Dr. AKPradeep, 2010:

    Concepts used for the products were chosenbased on the intention of the potential consumersand not on their subconscious responses;

    Innovative elements were not highlighted

    The promotion campaign did not accentuate thedeep emotional benefits of the product;

    Losing the innovation concept along the process

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    cartea The Buying Brain: Secrets for Selling to the

    Subconscious Mind, Dr. Dr. A. K. Pradeep, 2010: Conceptele utilizate pentru produse au fost alesepe baza inteniei potenialilor consumatori, i nu pebaza rspunsurilor subcontiente; Elementele de noutate nu au fost scoase n relief; Prin intermediul campaniei de promovare nu aufost accentuate beneficiile emoionale profunde aleprodusului; Pierderea conceputului inovator n procesul ceare loc pn la executare; Caracteristicile produsului i ambalajul nu aprezentat o barier de fond competitiv, care, la

    rndul su, a permis lansarea produselorcompetitive; Produsul sau serviciul a fost deconectatemoional de brand.Recomandrile pe care Dr. Pradeep, le face n urmacercetrilor ntreprinse privesc urmtoarele aspecte:1.abloane ale micrilor ochilor. Dac imaginile,semantica i elemente de branding sunt plasate ntr-un model (de ambalaj, de exemplu) carefavorizeaz n mod natural o traiectorie curbilinie aprivirii ochilor este superioar celor care sunt strictliniare.2. Dezvluirea produsului. Conform studiilorrealizate de NeuroFocus, ambalajele care dezvluie(prin elemente de tip vizuale sau de sunet, gust,miros sau atingere) produsul au anse s ctigeperformane superioare comparative cu cele care nuutilizeaz aceast tactic. Eficiena produsuluicrete atunci cnd ambalajul permite o interaciunesenzorial cu produsul real.3.Atunci cnd consumatorii iau decizii decumprare sunt ghidai prin apte dimensiuni:informaii, mediu, divertisment, educaie,

    simplitate, valoare de sine/valoare social, icomunitate. Toate acestea joac un rol important nexperien de cumprare.4.Televiziune i social media. Rolul televiziuniitradiionale este de a furniza mesaje publicitare pebaz de mesaj. Platformele mobile i internetul suntmai adecvate pentru campaniile care au la bazamesaje. Feele umane sunt fundamentale, daracestea nu sunt la fel de eficiente pe ecranele mici.Platformele mobile sunt deosebit de potrivitepentru lansri de produse noi.

    until implementation;

    Product features and package do not constitute abarrier to competition, having as a result the launchof competitive products (produced by othercompanies);

    The product or service was emotionallydisconnected from the brand.

    Dr. Pradeep makes some recommendations, basedon the research made, which concern the followingaspects:

    1. Patterns of eye movements. If images, semanticand branding elements are placed in a pattern (on a

    package, for example) it naturally promotes acurvilinear trajectory of eye gaze that is superior tothose designs that are strictly linear.

    2. Product disclosure. According to studiesconducted by NeuroFocus, packaging revealing theproduct (through items such as visual or sounditems, taste, smell or touch) are likely to gainhigher performance compared with those who donot use this tactic. Product efficiency increaseswhen packaging allows sensory interaction withthe actual product.

    3. When consumers make purchasing decisionsthey are guided by seven dimensions: information,environment, entertainment, education, simplicity,self worth/social value and community. All ofthese play a role in the shopping experience.

    4. Television and social media. The role of theclassic TV is to provide promotional messagesbased on communication. Mobile and Internetplatforms are more appropriate for campaignswhich are based on messages. Faces have afundamental role, but they are not so effective onsmall screens. Mobile platforms are particularly

    suitable for new product launches.


    Neuromarketing is an interdisciplinary fieldsituated at the meeting point between neuroscience,psychology and marketing (representing asubdomain of neuroeconomics marketing), whichstudies the marketing sector through specifictechniques and methods of research on the brain.The aim of neuromarketing is to study the way inwhich the brain suffers physiological changes after

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    Neuromarketingul reprezint un domeniuinterdisciplinar aflat la congruena dintreneurotiine, psihologie i marketing, reprezentndun subdomeniu al neuroeconomie care abordeazcercetarea de marketing prin tehnici i metodespecifice cercetrilor asupra creierului. Scopulneuromarketing este reprezentat de studiulmodalitilor prin care creierul sufer modificrifiziologice n urma expunerii la strategii publicitarei de marketing. Neuromarketingul nu s-a nscutpentru a nlocui cercetrile de marketing

    tradiionale ci mai degrab pentru a le complecta.Acesta este nc un domeniu tnr, emergent iuneori destul de contestat, deoarece aparentrebarea n folosul cui sunt utilizate cercetriledin neuromarketing?Pe de alt parte, articolul de fa s-a dorit a fi oscurt sumarizare a ceea ce s-a ntmplat nou nultimii ani n acest domeniu i o prezentare aultimelor cercetri i rolul acestor n activitile demarketing.


    1. Barden Phil, (2013),Decoded: The ScienceBehind Why We Buy, Wiley; 1 edition(March 4, 2013).

    2. Bechara A., and Damasio A., (2005), Thesomatic marker hypothesis: A neuraltheory of economic decision, Games andEconomic Behavior 52 (2005) 336372.

    3. Dan Hill, (2010), About Face: The Secretsof Emotionally Effective Advertising,Kogan Page (October 1, 2010), ISBN-10:

    1412807956.4. Dooley Roger, (2011), Brainfluence: 100Ways to Persuade and ConvinceConsumers with Neuromarketing,Wiley; 1edition (November 22, 2011), ISBN-10:1118113365.

    5. Economist (2004), Inside of the mind ofthe consumer, Economist, Vol. 371 No.8379, p. 12.

    6. Fugate, D. L. 2007. Neuromarketing: Alaymans look at neuroscience and itspotenial application to marketing practice.

    Journal of Consumer Marketing, 24(7),

    exposure to advertising and marketing strategies.

    Neuromarketing does not replace the traditionalmarket research but it rather complements it. It is ayoung field, still emerging and sometimes quitecontested, due to ethics concern - who benefitsfrom the neuromarketing researches?. However,the intention of the article was to make a briefsummary of what happened back in recent years inthis area and to present an overview of the latestresearch and their role in marketing activities.

    385394.7. Genco, S., Pohlmann, A., Steidl, P.,

    (2013), Neuromarketing for Dummies, ForDummies; 1 edition (August 6, 2013),ISBN-10: 1118518586/ISBN-10: 1118345606.

    8. Jonathan W. Leland and Jordan Grafman,(2005), Experimental tests of the SomaticMarker hypothesis, Games and EconomicBehavior 52 (2005) 386409.

    9. Kenneth Hugdahl, Ren Westerhausen,(2010), The Two Halves of the Brain:Information Processing in the CerebralHemispheres,The MIT Press; New edition(June 4, 2010), ISBN-10: 0262014130Kogan Page (July 15, 2012), ISBN-10:0749465700.

    10.Lee, N., Broderick, L., & Chamberlain, L.2006. What isneuro-marketing? Adiscussion and agenda for future research.International Journal of Psychophysiology,63, 200204.

    11.Martinez Pepe, (2012), The Consumer

    Mind: Brand Perception and theImplications for Marketers.12.Morin, Christophe., Neuromarketing: The

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    13.Mucha, T. (2005a), This is your brain onadvertising, Business, Vol. 6 No. 7, pp.35-7.

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    ISBN-10: 141284293X.

    18. Pradeep, A. K., (2010),The Buying Brain:Secrets for Selling to the SubconsciousMind, Wiley; 1 edition (August 9, 2010),ISBN-10: 0470601779.

    ***Neuromarketing Science and BussinesAssocition, (2014), disponibil la, [accesat la 15.01.2014]***Forumul mondial de Neuromarketing,

    (2014), disponibil la , [accesat la20.03.2014]***NeuroFocus, (2014), disponibil la, [accesat la datade 12.01.2014]