rezonanta schuman

Rezonanta s-a dublat!!!(distribuiti sa afle cat mai multa lume) lume/ “Martie a fost o lună-reper din punct de vedere energetic, cu câteva alinieri planetare rare, incluzând o Super Luna, Eclipsa solară Echinocțiul, toate în aceleași 24 ore, pe 21 martie ! Venind imediat după Pătrarele in T la 7:7, totul indică către acea zi ca fiind un moment de schimbare a paradigmei o perioadă de mare Trezire. Strămoșii noștri credeau că Eclipsele deschid un portal către tărâmurile superioare, ceea ce face posibil pentru noi, sa primim descărcări uriașe de informații. De aceea, au constr uit structuri sofisticate și misterioase: cum ar fi Stonehenge și Newgrange, care au fost concepute pentru a amplifica energiile puternice cosmice ce sunt puse la dispoziția lor. În ciuda deschiderea puternicului portal Stelar și potențialului pentru noi începuturi oferite de către geometriile universale actuale, cu toate acestea, multe persoane consideră că este greu de crezut ca ceva se schimbă cu adevărat, când haosul încă pare să domnească și dovezi ale mutilării umane continuă sa existe pretutindeni în jurul nostru. Poate că această “nebunie” face parte din curățarea în profunzime a planetei? Și poate ca, rapiditatea cu care putem integra și adapta noua energie, va depinde de nivelul de frecvență vibratorie a fiecărui individ. Cred ca suntem rugați, sa facem tot ce sta în puterea noastră pentru a ne ridica vibrația in afara densității 3D și în frecventele superioare ale Luminii. Acest lucru a fost întotdeauna și este încă, scopul primordial și rațiunea de a exista al “Sunetelor lui Sirius”. Este convingerea mea ca melodiile, sunetele și Limba Luminii care curg prin mine dinspre tărâmurile dimensionale superioare, ne sunt dăruite in scopul cu totul special, de a crește vibrația celor care le primesc, si de a face în așa fel încât să-i reconecteze cu tiparul inițial al sufletului lor. Există dovezi concrete care să sugereze ca Mama Pământ însăși își schimbă vibrațiile , pentru se adapta la schimbarea paradigmei. Frecvențele Schumann sunt “sunetul” a pământului. Este ca și cum auziți sunetul unei tobe mari, cilindrul fiind cavitatea rezonantă a Pământului.

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Post on 24-Sep-2015




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  • Rezonanta s-a dublat!!!(distribuiti sa afle cat mai multa lume)


    Martie a fost o lun-reper din punct de vedere energetic, cu cteva alinieri planetare rare, incluznd o

    Super Luna, Eclipsa solar Echinociul, toate n aceleai 24 ore, pe 21 martie ! Venind imediat dup

    Ptrarele in T la 7:7, totul indic ctre acea zi ca fiind un moment de schimbare a paradigmei o perioad

    de mare Trezire. Strmoii notri credeau c Eclipsele deschid un portal ctre trmurile superioare, ceea

    ce face posibil pentru noi, sa primim descrcri uriae de informaii. De aceea, au construit structuri

    sofisticate i misterioase: cum ar fi Stonehenge i Newgrange, care au fost concepute pentru a amplifica

    energiile puternice cosmice ce sunt puse la dispoziia lor.

    n ciuda deschiderea puternicului portal Stelar i potenialului pentru noi nceputuri oferite de ctre

    geometriile universale actuale, cu toate acestea, multe persoane consider c este greu de crezut ca ceva

    se schimb cu adevrat, cnd haosul nc pare s domneasc i dovezi ale mutilrii umane continu sa

    existe pretutindeni n jurul nostru.

    Poate c aceast nebunie face parte din curarea n profunzime a planetei? i poate ca, rapiditatea cu

    care putem integra i adapta noua energie, va depinde de nivelul de frecven vibratorie a fiecrui individ.

    Cred ca suntem rugai, sa facem tot ce sta n puterea noastr pentru a ne ridica vibraia in afara densitii

    3D i n frecventele superioare ale Luminii. Acest lucru a fost ntotdeauna i este nc, scopul primordial i

    raiunea de a exista al Sunetelor lui Sirius. Este convingerea mea ca melodiile, sunetele i Limba Luminii

    care curg prin mine dinspre trmurile dimensionale superioare, ne sunt druite in scopul cu totul special,

    de a crete vibraia celor care le primesc, si de a face n aa fel nct s-i reconecteze cu tiparul iniial al

    sufletului lor.

    Exist dovezi concrete care s sugereze ca Mama Pmnt nsi i schimb vibraiile , pentru se adapta la

    schimbarea paradigmei. Frecvenele Schumann sunt sunetul a pmntului. Este ca i cum auzii sunetul

    unei tobe mari, cilindrul fiind cavitatea rezonant a Pmntului.

  • n urm cu doar civa ani Pmntul ce vibra n jurul valorii de 7,8 hertzi, dar cu cteva zile n urm,

    frecvena Schumann a atins 16,5. Acest lucru demonstreaz ca pmntul nsui se schimb el

    accelereaz, la propriu !

    De ce este numrul 16.5 att de important?

    16.5, 33, 66, 132, 264. toate aceste numere sunt armonice la tonul Solfegiului 528, care este frecvena

    exact folosit de biochimitii geneticieni pentru a repara ADN-ul rupt tiparul genetic pe care se bazeaz

    viaa.Ce sunt aceste frecvente ale Solfegiului ?

    Clipul ataat descrie mai multe lucruri despre frecvente.

    Dac frecvena Schumann rezoneaz la o gama armonica de 528 frecvena folosita de oamenii de tiina

    pentru a repara ADN-ul distrus ar sugera, nu-i asa, c ADN-ul nostru s-ar putea fi el nsui repara chiar

    acum? Poate schimbrile vibraiilor armonice ale Mamei Pmnt la 528, este startul de pornire al

    reactivrii ADN-ul nostru, pentru a ne putea sincroniza cu ea, n timp ce ea transcede din densitatea 3D

    pentru a intra in trmurile 4- si 5- dimensionale.

    Urmtorul fragment din cartea canalului i vindectorului Malcolm Bell (GRIFFIN) Clreul din Cea

    consolideaz ideea conexiunii intrinsece dintre fiinele umane i planeta Pmnt:

    Omul este format din cinci corpuri: fizic, mental, emoional, spiritual, i sinele superior. Orice schimbare

    n cmpul energetic al Pmntului afecteaz toate cele cinci corpuri, deci toate cele cinci trebuiesc

    realiniate ajustate, n creteri n funcie de diversele fluctuaii ale energie in curs i readuse in echilibru

    i armonie. Pe scurt, simptomele pe care oamenii le-au experimentat au fost rspunsul organismului la

    vibraia schimbrii. Organismul se lupta pentru a se adapta la noile si ridicatele niveluri de energie

    anterior necunoscute i niciodat inainte ntlnite. Momente precum acesta ne sunt necunoscute,

    organismul caut prin bazele de date ale amprentelor sale strvechi din memoria tribala i genetica, n

    ncercarea de a gsi un model preexistent la care sa se alinieze. Negasing niciunul, trebuie acum s

    iniieze un Program critic alternativ de dezvoltare i implementare a unui tipar adecvat precis i

  • compatibil de energie, . n timpul acestui proces, toate cele cinci corpuri sufera disconfort i confuzie.

    Cele mai multe i mai variate simptomele pe care oamenii le-au experimentat n ultimii ani, pe masura ce

    trupurile lor ncearca s se alinieze la uriaa Schimbarea dintre Ere care este in curs de desfasurare, au

    devenit att de rspndite nct au fost denumite Simptomele Ascensiunii.

    Deci, nu intrai n panic dac ai simit un fel straniu, nefondat, epuizati, ameiti, confuzi sau deprimai

    nu suntei singurii ! In timp ce Mama Pmnt continu s isi nale vibraiile la frecventele dimensionale

    ale Noului Pamant, Soarele nostru asistnd si trimindu-ne incarcaturi masive de radiaii intense aproape

    zilnic acum, suntei in mod instinctiv aclimatizati i ncercati sa va acordati vibraiilor sale, astfel nct s

    putei cltori mpreun cu ea pe calea Ascensiunii



    MALCOLM Bell

    The following phrase book channel and healer's' Malcolm was saying Bell - "The staple of mist" reinforces the idea intrinsic

    connection between human beings and the planet Earth.

    "The man is composed of five bodies: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and top rails. Any change in the Earth's energy

    field affects all five bodies, therefore all five must be realigned - adjusted in increments according to the various energy

    fluctuations in progress - and returned the balance and harmony. In short, symptoms that people have experienced body

    have been the response to the vibration of change. The body struggling to adapt to the new and ridicatele energy levels

    previously unknown and never before encountered. At times like this we are unknown, the body searches through

    databases of fingerprints from its ancient tribal and genetic memory, in an attempt to find a model existent on which to

    align. Negasing none, must now to undertake a program of alternative critical development and implementation of a

    suitable pattern precise and compatible of energy, . During this process, all five bodies suffer discomfort and confusion."

    You Expand

    Human Energy Development

    Home About Malcom Scenar Therapy Scenar Equine Therapy How Scenar Works Contact Bio Energy


    Malcolm GRIFFIN has 15 years experience in Energy Medicine and 30 years experience in external and internal Martial Arts and Health Systems

    Malcolm is a Scenar Therapist and Irelands First Scenar Equine Therapist

    Bio energy Therapist

    Sports Science Strength and Conditioning Trainer

    Kettle bell Instructor

    Chi-Kung Instructor

    Russian and Cossack Martial Art and Health Systems Instructor

    A Chinese Medicine Practioner.

  • Malcolm completed the Scenar & the Scenar Veterinary Therapist training courses with Professor

    Alexander Revenko from Moscow

    Malcolm is Specialising in injury & Disease Prevention, Rehabilitation & Treatment in both Humans and

    Animals especially in Professional Athletes, Race Horses & Greyhounds

    Special Programs

    Iron Body- for Rugby Professionals, Martial Artists & All contact sport Professionals. Teaches iron

    shirt development so the body can withstand any kind of impact without injury with the extra benefit

    of preventing disease and illness. The Shaolin Monks call it the Diamond Body.

    Russian Breath System-Special breathing techniques for

    Asthma,Stress,Depression,Injuries,Respiratory problems, Circulation problems, Develop supreme

    health through your given gift of breath.

    Bio-Energy - Become your own Healer Program, learn how to work with information and energy

    channels to free your organism of stress, disease and live a healthy happy life.

    Non contact combat- Activating the super consciousness and the abilities to work with the

    information channels, bio information interaction with other energy. Developing brain asymmetry to

    reflect the asymmetry of the world. Using mental and sensory plans, the use of the mind and soul

    and overcoming any psychological contradictions to achieve reunification and develop the ability to

    use the energy matrix to become the super conscious being of light.

    Scenar Therapy- for horses and animals, Animals react very fast to the healing signal of Scenar so

    it is greatly effective for racing horses. To heal injuries, rehabilitation and general energy

    maintenance and improved energy level for maximum performance.

    Human Energy Development Fitness, movement and correct biomechanics for all the body joints

    and spine to create mobility and prevent injury and disease.



    Remember having power does not mean dominance or control over anyone even myself, Allen, Ernest, H,


    UEXPAND.COM is a source and training academy for human energy development.

    Combining an algorithm of energy medicine, science, combat systems, sports performance and health systems. We

    present the latest scientific developments in energy medicine combined with the ancient health systems of the

    energy masters.

    SCENAR THERAPY The super healing machine developed by the soviet space program endorsed by

    professor and scientist Alexander Revenko.Scenar treats diseases, depression, injuries and all imbalances

    of the organism.

    BIO-ENERGY THERAPY How to work with the energy information channels, soul body and subtle

    bodies and develop the super conscious.

    Human Energy Development Fitness, Movement and correct biomechanics for all the body joints

    and spine to create mobility, energy and a tension free body that will self correct to keep the spine and

    joints injury free.

    DIM MAK- The pressure point combat and healing system of Chinese medicine. The knowledge of

    the healing and destructive cycle of the acupuncture points of the organism and the study of Chinese


  • IRON SHIRT DIAMOND BODY- Developing chi energy to create the energy survival suit, iron body for

    health and injury prevention.

    NON CONTACT FIGHT Combat and healing systems of the Cossack warriors and shamans of Russia.

    The highest form of martial arts, non contact fight. Knowledge of the information fields and how to use

    them in health and combat.

    SYSTEMA- (Know Yourself) Russian combat and health system of the Russian special forces taught

    by Vladimir Vasiliev and Mikhail Ryabko.

    If I want to see god I go looking for the smallest bird and look at its tiny legs with blood

    flowing through them and I sit in wonder, there is the hand of god.

    Allen, Ernest, H, Martiensen.

    We have forgotten what rocks, plants and animals still know, we have forgotten how to be, to be

    still, to be ourselves, to be where life is: here and now.

    Eckhart Tolle.



    Copyright 2013. All Rights Reserved.

  • Self Controlled, Energy, Neuro, Adaptive, Regulator (SCENAR) Therapy

    Scenar Self Controlling Energy Neuro Adapting Regulation

    Scenar was developed by the Russian Space Program

    It was used by the cosmonauts to regain Homeostasis to bodily Systems

    Scenar is now used in Hospitals in Russia and Germany to treat all Disease and Injury

    of the Organism

    Scenar is the leading force in Energy Medicine and scientifically developed and

    Endorsed by Professor Alexander Revenko at the Scenar Academy Headquarters in

    Moscow, Russia

    Self Controlled, Energy, Neuro, Adaptive, Regulator (SCENAR).

    Scenar is a special devise developed by the soviet space program and is endorsed by scientist and

    Professor Alexander Revenko.Scenar trains you to remember your own self healing mechanisms. It

    regulates responses mainly via the central nervous system. When stress builds up and creates,

    injury, disease or depression of the organism, the natural healing signal becomes weak.Scenar re

    activated this healing signal, kickstarting the organism to heal itself again.

    Scenar is now used in hospitals in Russia, Germany and the Ukraine. The Australian Athletes

    named it the super machine when it was introduced at the Olympics there. It is greatly used in

    sports medicine for preventative treatment of professional athletes to restore homeostatis,

    reduce injury time and gain maximum levels in sports performance.Scenar is also very effective in

    treating horses and animals and is used with great results in the sport of horse racing. Animals

    react very fast to the healing signal and it can also be used to improve energy and performance.

    To prevent any disease you have to restore your self healing mechanisms and restore

    homeostasis. Its easier to accomplish it with scenar.We has special methods to prevent stress

    reactions, fatigue syndrome; depression.The scientists proved that scenar restores adaptation

    reactions and builds anti- stress protection. The most important is to build a state of adaptation

    reactions which can defend from the outside influences that are always around us.

    Dr. Galina Subbotina,

    Chief Trainer of the Scenar Academy in Russia.

  • Text extracts translated from

    Scenar In Modern Medicine

    SCENAR-therapy, to date, represents some "intermediate" between orthodox and traditional

    medicine. In terms of types of external effects on the body of SCENAR - this band electrotherapy,

    which can be attributed to physiotherapy. But the principles and methodology bring it closer,

    more likely, traditional medicine and, in particular, to acupuncture in its various versions (both

    techniques have as their primary goal "to help the body help itself"). The difference is that

    different methods of acupuncture - classical, electric, laser, magnitopunktura - often used to

    pinpoint the impact of BAT, and SCENAR-therapy - "the band methodology" for effects on skin and

    mucous membranes.

    In 2000, the approved allowance for doctors' method of correction of clinical manifestations of

    physical, surgical, neurological diseases neyroadaptivnym electrostimulators SCENAR ", and in

    2002," The program theme of Advanced Medical Effects of electro-SCENAR (SCENAR-therapy) in

    clinical practice ", as approved by the Office of the Medical Education Health Ministry. It starts

    with the entry "SCENAR specialist" in a comprehensive health care, with subsequent inclusion in

    the register of medical specialties.


    Scenar trains the patients body to regulate their own adaptation mechanisms to

    normalize any type of dysfunction

    Our bodys vital functions create electro magnetic and acoustic fields which bring the information of physiological and pathological processes

    These therapeutic signals are received and interpreted by the scenar device

    In a healthy state our body creates unique physiological signals

    The scenar signal is identical to our own and is perceived as the bodys own signal

  • The Scenar is projected onto the Spinal Column and the Paravertebral influencing the entire central nervous system

    The frequency travels unimpeded to the energy information channels

    (The Meridians) In the correct quantities to complete the healing cycle

    It reaches the deepest level of the c fibres which creates direct healing and self regulating homeostasis to the entire systems of the body and mind

    The scenar impulse has no side effects


    Harmonisation and development of organs and systems.

    Development of skills for natural health improvement and preventative maintenance of diseases.

    Bio- energy Therapy teaches you to be a conductor of energy, to produce vital power and to be able to fill

    itself with his vial power.

    Bio- energy activates and harmonises the two hemispheres of the brain and the organism as a whole. One

    person helps the other to activate ones energy overflow. It allows us to develop energy structures, to

    improve blood circulation, to harmonise work of the brain and vegetative nervous system, to strengthen

    immunity that leads to the general improvement of an organism.

    Activate the overflow of bio energy on the energy channels improves blood circulation in the brain,

    strengthens blood vessels making them more elastic and flexible. Activated energy exchange of the visual

    analyzers and develops the Energy Survival Suit and Harmonization of the organism.

    Bio- energy Therapy teaches you to be a conductor of energy, to produce vital power and to be able to fill

    itself with his vital power.

    Be as Children, because at children the process of mastering goes much faster and better. The adult

    should come back in the childhood to develop the sensitivity.

    V.M. Bronnikov.


    Malcom Griffin

    Shannon View House

    O Briens Bridge

    Co. Clare

    Email Address [email protected]

    Copyright 2013. All Rights Reserved.

    Consultati si site-ul:

    The Human Givens Institute


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    Tel: +44 (0)1323 811662

    Fax: +44 (0)1323 811486

    Email: [email protected]

  • Useful links

  • Register of approved Human Givens therapists and counsellors

    Online Register:

    Human Givens College: training in working from the human givens

    seminars, workshops and the Human Givens Diploma course:

    Human Givens online courses:

    The Emotional Needs Audit:

    For a wide selection of related publications see HG Publishing's website:

    The Human Givens Journal

    A wide range of books, monographs, CDs, videos and audio tapes

    Online shop:

    The Human Givens Foundation (Registered Charity)

    Lift Depression: The human givens approach a website dedicated to

    providing practical and up-to-date information for anyone who wants to

    overcome depression or works with depressed people

    Why we dream - a website dedicated to Joe Griffin's expectation fulfilment theory of

    dreaming. See:

    Human Givens Training in the Netherlands:

    The Australian Human Givens Network:

  • Pragmatic Tracker Pragmatic Tracker is an online tool for recording and

    analysing change using measurement with questionnaires. Its purpose is to

    provide you and your clients with an easy way to monitor their progress and

    to generate anonymous research data as a by-product.

    BMJ article featuring the 'human givens' approach to psychotherapy

    Read the interview with our director Joe Griffin in New Scientist magazine

    Read the FT Magazine's spotlight article on Joe Griffin

    Read the Family Therapy Magazine's article on the human givens approach

    to treating depression

    The Missing Peace - A fascinating blog about the problems in the Middle

    East it examines how new insights, such as those provided by the human

    givens approach, can help to explain what is happening and also provide the

    foundations of workable solutions. See:

    Listen to Dr Raj Persaud's interview with Joe Griffin about the MindFields

    College 'How to lift depression' workshop on BBC Radio 4's 'All in the Mind'

    The Human Givens Charter

    MIND National Association for Mental Health:

    The Mental Health Foundation:

    The Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health: improving life for people in the UK

    with mental health problems, see:

    Careurheart: Description: Information about Cholesterol, Cholesterol

  • Treatments, Tips and Guidance and a Cholesterol Self Test:

    New Scientist magazine's health page:

    Primary Mental Health and Education (PRIMHE)

    working for better primary care in mental health:

    OCD Action the leading national charity for people with Obsessive

    Compulsive Disorders:

    SANE a national mental health charity which aims to raise awareness of

    mental illness, campaign to improve services and initiate and fund research

    into the causes of serious mental illness through its research centre.

    SANELINE 0845 767 8000 (available every day) is a national helpline

    providing emotional support and information to those experiencing mental

    health problems, their families, carers and professionals:

    Depression Alliance UK charity with information about the symptoms

    and treatment of depression:

    British Holistic Medical Association (BHMA) educates doctors, medical

    students, allied health professionals and members of the general public in

    the principles and practice of holistic medicine:

    Heart attack symptoms: contains a host of useful

    information for users to get details that includes information about

    cholesterol, cholesterol treatment, cholesterol tips & guidance and a self

    test for checking cholesterol level and other useful medical resources. is a UK-based website containing a

    searchable directory of therapists, healers, counsellors and complementary

    health practitioners.

  • Further Links click here for a constantly growing directory of additional

    links. Please note: HGI are not responsible for the content of external sites.