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Post on 16-Apr-2017




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Ombudsman is a central institution Romanian state. Is equivalent to the European Ombudsman institution, institution of origin Swedish (1766). In other countries it is known under other names, such as Parliamentary Commissioner, defender of the people, public defender, public media, parliamentary prosecutor.In the Constitution, the Ombudsman is regulated in the head. IV of Title I.

Role of Ombudsman

The purpose of the Ombudsman is to protect the rights and freedoms in general, in relation to public authorities and in particular the executive. Ombudsman could become a powerful antidote against bureaucracy.

Organizing institutionThe Ombudsman is assisted by his deputies, who specialize in fields: 1. Human rights equality between men and women, religious cults and national minorities 2. Children's rights, family, youth, pensioners, disabled 3. Field army, justice, police, prisons 4. Field property, labor, social security, taxes and feesOmbudsman exercises his duties at the request of interested persons and office.

Because its work is effective, the Constitution requires public authorities to ensure their support.Powers of the Ombudsman:1. resolves complaints in February. work on constitutional litigation: formulating views, objections and exceptions of unconstitutionality of laws and ordinances 3. may refer to the administrative court in April. promoting the interest of law appeal to the High Court of Cassation and Justice 5

both Houses of Parliament present reports, reports may contain recommendations for amendments to legislation or other measures to protect the rights and freedoms of citizens, 6. reports to the Presidents of both Houses of Parliament or, where appropriate, first - Minister, where it finds gaps in legislation or serious cases of corruption or breaches of laws of the country.

Ombudsman is entitled to their own investigations, require public authorities any information or documents necessary to the inquiry, to hear and take statements from leaders of public authorities and any official who can provide information necessary to solve the petition.Ombudsman make recommendations, which notifies the public authorities on the illegality of administrative acts or facts.

Ombudsman may request public administration that violated individual rights to reform or revoke the administrative act and repair the damage produced, and to restore the state before the injured individual. Public authorities concerned should immediately take the necessary measures to remove illegalities found damages and removing the causes that generated or encouraged the violation of the injured person and shall inform the institution of Ombudsman.


In 2010, the Ombudsman gave the audience 17 470, registered 8895 petitions that was claimed infringement of rights and freedoms and was contacted by telephone or beneficiaries of 6928 . Following these complaints, the institution has conducted 18 investigations and issued a recommendation, which are the two "means the institution-specific intervention," according to the law . In 2010, the Ombudsman has a budget of 5.5 million .Between May 2001 - May 2011, the office of Ombudsman held a Muraru John, Professor of Constitutional Law and Political Institutions at the Faculty of Law, University of Bucharest .