presentul perfect simplu

PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE TENSE Prezentul perfect simplu STRUCTURA FORMA PASIVA S + have/has + V ( III ) Have/has + S + V ( III ) ? S + have/has + V ( III ) S + have/has + been + V (III) CUM SE FORMEAZA has/have + past participle FOLOSIRE 1. pentru o actiune trecuta cand nu se precizeaza timpul exact (dar se stie ca e in trecut) I have seen that movie 10 times. (Am vazut acel film de 10 ori.) Yes, I have seen that movie. (Da, am vazut acel film.) Uneori se pot folosi adverbe de frecventa sau de timp care nu precizeaza timpul cu exactitate (ever, never, often, seldom, always, sometimes): I have never seen him. (Nu l-am vazut niciodata.) 2. actiunea din trecut are repercursiuni in prezent I have seen an interesting museum. 1

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Post on 14-Sep-2014




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Page 1: Presentul Perfect Simplu


Prezentul perfect simplu


S + have/has + V ( III )

Have/has + S + V ( III ) ?

S + have/has + V ( III )

S + have/has + been + V (III)


has/have + past participle


1. pentru o actiune trecuta cand nu se precizeaza timpul exact (dar se stie ca e in trecut)I have seen that movie 10 times. (Am vazut acel film de 10 ori.)Yes, I have seen that movie. (Da, am vazut acel film.) Uneori se pot folosi adverbe de frecventa sau de timp care nu precizeaza timpul cu exactitate (ever, never, often, seldom,

always, sometimes):I have never seen him.   (Nu l-am vazut niciodata.) 2. actiunea din trecut are repercursiuni in prezentI have seen an interesting museum.   (Am vazut un muzeu interesant.)  ... in prezent imi amintesc bine acel muzeu.A terrible accident has happened. (Un accident teribil a avut loc.) ... inca sunt afectat de acel lucru.


Page 2: Presentul Perfect Simplu

3. actiunea e terminata in trecutul apropiat. It has just rained.  (Tocmai a plouat.) In general, propozitiile contin adverbe precum just, recently, lately, latterly, till now, up to now, so far, up to the

present, last week.

4. cand actiunea e inceputa in trecut, continua in prezent si se folosesc FOR sau SINCEI have been at home since 5Pm.   (Sunt acasa de la ora 5 pm.)I have been at home for 2 hours.  (Sunt acasa de 2 ore.) SINCE: specifica de la ce data/ ora.FOR: specifica perioada In cazul in care actiunea/ activitatea e facuta fara intrerupere sau se doreste accentuarea ei se va folosi The Present Perfect Continuous 5. in propozitiile care se folosesc adverbele YET (=INCA) si ALREADY (=DEJA)Have you learned Polish curses already ?(Ai invatat deja cursurile in poloneza? )I have already learned the Polish curses.(Am invatat deja cursurile in poloneza.)I have not learned the Polish curses yet.(Inca nu am invatat cursurile in poloneza.) 6. cand actiunea trecuta s-a desfasurat intr-o perioada care a inceput in trecut dar care nu s-a terminatI have eaten a good cake this morning. (este ora 9 am si  dimineata nu s-a terminat)(Am mancat  o prajitura buna in aceasta dimineata.) In acest caz se folosesc constructii ca: this week, this day, this year, this month, all day, all night, today, etc.


Page 3: Presentul Perfect Simplu

I. Pune verbele dintre paranteze la Present Tense Simple:

Model: John always …………… me good jokes (to tell)

John always tells me good jokes.

The Mures ……………. into the Olt. ( to flow ) I ………… two small cups of coffee everyday. ( to have )

Water ……………… at C. ( to freeze )

Mount Everest ……….. the world’s highest recorded point. ( to be ) Hydrogen ………. a gas without colour, smell or taste. ( to be ) The hare ………….. faster than the bear. ( to run ) I ……………. with my parents. ( to live ) Many people all over the world ………………… English nowadays. ( to speak ) The plane …………………………. at 5 p.m. ( to take off ) Oranges ………………… sweeter than lemons. ( to taste ) An earthquake ……………… behind many victims. ( to leave ) She always ……………. her name in capitals. ( to sign ) I usually …………….. a shower before breakfast. ( to take ) The sun ……………. In the Est. ( to rise )

II. Pune verbele dintre paranteze la Present Tense Simple . Observa adverbele cu care acestea sunt asociate:

Mother never ……………..…..…. without a shopping bag. ( to go out ) We often ……………….. chess in the evening. ( to play ) They usually …………… their shopping at this supermarket. ( to do ) She always …………………………. the concerts broadcast o the radio on Sunday mornings. ( to listen to ) I occasionally …………………. a thriller before going to sleep. ( to read ) Our kids frequently ……………………. something while playing hide-and-seek in their room. ( to break ) Grandmother hardly ever …………........ a sleeping pill. ( to take )


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They always ………………… in time. ( to come ) My husband never …………………. anything when we ………… fishing. ( to catch ; to go ) Do your friends sometimes ……………. you to babysit? ( to ask ) We generally …………………… our spare money at the savings bank. ( to deposit )



Joke = gluma To flow = a se varsa A cup of coffee = o ceasca de cafea To freeze = a ingheta Mount = munte The highest recorded point = cel mai inalt varf inregistrat A gas = o substanta gazoasa Hare = iepure Bear = urs Beard = barba To live = a locui To leave = a parasi, a pleca, a lasa Fast – faster-the fastest = repede-mai repede-cel mai repede / rapid-mai rapid-cel mai rapid All over the world = din lumea intreaga Nowadays = in zilele noastre To take off = a decola (to take-took-token) Sweet-sweeter-the sweetest = dulce-mai dulce-cel mai dulce To taste = a gusta, a savura, a avea gust An earthquake = un cutremur To leave behind = a lasa in urma To sign = a semna


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In capitals = cu litere mari To take a shower = a face dus To rise = a rasari

II. To go out = a iesi To play chess = a juca sah Never = niciodata Often = deseori, adesea Usually = de obicei Always = intotdeauna, mereu Occasionally = ocazional sometimes = uneori Frequently = (in mod) frecvent A thriller = o carte politista To play hide-and-seek = a se juca de-a v-ati ascunselea To break = a sparge (to break-broke-broken) hard ly ever = aproape niciodata, foarte rar

to come in time = a ajunge la timp (to come-came-come) a sleeping pill = un somnifer to take = a lua to catch = a lua ( to catch-caught-caught) to babysit = a avea grija de cineva spare money = bani de rezerva (bani economisiti) savings bank = casa de economii