linkedin pentru ong-uri


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Misiunea LinkedIn

Networking pentru ONG-uri si profilul LinkedIn

Marketing LinkedIn pentru ONG-uri

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Connect the world’s professionals

to make them more productive

and successful

Our mission

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Create economic opportunity

for every member of the global


Our vision

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Create economic opportunity

Realize your

dream job

Find work Be great at what

you do

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Connecting talent with opportunity

at massive scale

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Networking pentru organizatii non-guvernamentale

©2014 LinkedIn Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

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• Ability to Challenge and Educate your donors

• Provide an authentic Opinion and Insight

about your cause, which the donor may have

previously been unaware of

• Deliver incremental Value in the form of

meeting the donor’s charitable objectives

Raise funds on the basis of knowledge and insight

Corporate Executive Board 2012 – The Challenger Sale

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©2013 LinkedIn Corporation. All Rights Reserved.10

Enter, Social FundraisingLeveraging your social brand to fill your networkwith the right people, insightsand relationships

LinkedIn’s Vision

Create economic opportunityfor every professional around the world

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How can your LinkedIn profile help you network with the right people?

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Showcase your skills

Create a professional brand

Use the right tone

What would prospects or customers want to know

about you? Be descriptive. Tell your story.

Complete your profile

Aim for 100% profile completeness

Add rich content

Slideshare deck, presentation video, etc.

Add skills and generate endorsements

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Make it descriptive who you are, what you do, and the value you


TIP 1 Write a compelling headline

Carlton SeymourIntegrated Solutions: Aligning your workplace to support your

corporate objectives

Matthew AlbaEnterprise Account Executive, TeraSync Solutions,

Transforming Marketing Departments with Social Networking

Shannon FrankAccount Executive, Hancock Media: Helping ad agencies

extend their reach on social networking sites.

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TIP 2 Upload a professional photo

Profiles with photos are 11 times

more likely to be viewed than those without

What’s wrong with these photos? Offer your critique.

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TIP 3 Tell your story in your summary

Showcase your expertise. Convey your passion.

Provide a “Call to Action.”

Your background

Your company

Your passion

A call to action


As a sales professional, throughout my career I have always been passionate about building relationships

and adopting new concepts that better myself, my company and my client’s experience.

During this time, I have had the privilege of working alongside talented individuals at major companies,

such as Staples and ADP, in various offices throughout North America.

I now work at LinkedIn, as a Sales Solutions Account Executive, in New York City. As of July 2013,

LinkedIn passed the 238 million members mark, and we continue to add members at a rate of two

members every second! We continue to strive to connect the world’s professionals, making them more

productive and successful.

LinkedIn Sales Solutions affords me the opportunity to work with sales organizations to share how social

selling can generate sales opportunities that otherwise may have gone unnoticed. Social selling changes

the game by allowing users the ability to discover the sales insight necessary for a sales organization to

effectively engage prospects and close deals. This is made possible by leveraging LinkedIn’s flagship

product, “Sales Navigator.”

My areas of expertise include: B2B sales, prospecting, lead generation and relationship building, focusing

on the mid-market space.

If you would like to learn more about how we can transform your sales organization through social selling,

please contact me via InMail!

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TIP 4 Customize your public profile URL

Put it on your business card and in your email signature file.

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TIP 5 Add your contact information

Only your direct connections can see

All LinkedIn members can see

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TIP 6 Add rich media

Turn your profile into a sales opportunity by:

Enhancing your profile visually

Adding content relevant to the products and services you sell

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TIP 7 Customize links to websites

Provide a call to action that directs

customers to do something at the

destination page, such as:

Subscribe to an eNewsletter

Download a case study

Take a survey

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TIP 8 Update your current and past positions

Demonstrate how you

help your customers solve

their business problems

Use keywords

Include rich media

Show your career


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TIP 9 Add your education

Showcase your education

Which will also allow you to…

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Marketing Solutions Growing Awareness & Marketing Your Organisation

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LinkedIn Confidential ©2013 All Rights Reserved

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Be accurate Be engaging Be everywhere


How do brands cultivate these relationships?

Three keys to success:

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LinkedIn Confidential ©2013 All Rights Reserved

LinkedIn enables charities to identify key audiences

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LinkedIn Confidential ©2013 All Rights Reserved

Care este profilul demografic al donatoruluiin Romania?

Care este profilul specific al donatoruluipentru diferite ONG-uri?

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LinkedIn Confidential ©2013 All Rights Reserved

Source: Europa TGINet 2013 R2:

Base: UK, LinkedIn Members

LinkedIn members are motivated to act by online & radio engagement by charities

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Company PageYour home on the world’s largest professional network

Be found by and connect to the people that matter most

Leverage as a hub for your marketing, campaigning and lobbying efforts

Represent what your organisationstands for with content

Start a dialogue and nurture it into long term engagement

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Organic and Sponsored UpdatesEngage with your followers and extend your reach to your full audience across all devices

25% higher engagement on display when coupled with SUs

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LinkedIn Self-Publishing Platform

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GroupsCultivate long lasting relationships

Build long term relationships with your target audience through conversation and content

Achieve viral growth and word of mouth through public groups

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Masurare si optimizare

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Five key takeaways:

1. Decide who you want to reach2. Customize your company page3. Start posting content from your company

page to organic followers or through sponsoring content to target audiences

4. Become a Publisher5. Become a thought leader around your

area of expertise and start a Group

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