florea maria impm

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  • 8/18/2019 Florea Maria IMPM




    Anul I IMPM

  • 8/18/2019 Florea Maria IMPM


    Tema Nr.5

    Sa se determine si sa se reprezinte efetele fizie si risul indi!idual pornind de la

    urmatoarele informatii"

    ◮ inendiu datorat aprinderii metanolului dintr#o u!a de retentie

    ◮ antitatea de ompus este de 5$ tone

    ◮ suprafata u!ei de retentie este de %$$ m&

    ◮ date atmosferie"

    ' !iteza !antului este de ( m)s din diretia E* masurata la +$ m fata de sol

    ' temperatura e,terioara este de %5-

    ' er aoperit u nori 5$ /

    ' in!ersiune la +.$$$ m

    ' umiditate 5$ /

    ◮ zona ur0ana.

    Se onsidera"

    ◮ zona u mortalitate ridiata" 1 2 +%*5 34)m&

    ◮ zona u leziuni ire!ersi0ile" 1 2 5 34)m&

    are este ni!elul radiatiei termie 1 la distanta de ($ m de la sursa aidentului pe a,a

    !antuluiSe onsidera loatia sursei" 678$9:%9*%$;N si %(85(:5

  • 8/18/2019 Florea Maria IMPM



    Systematic name=hide>



    AS num0er  ?7#5?#+ 


    Moleular formula @6O

    Molar mass (%.$6 molB+

    Appearane olorless li1uid

    CensitD $.79+< )m(

    Meltin point #97.? -* +7? 3* #+66 -F

    oilin point ?6.7 -* ((< 3* +6< -F

    lo P #$.?9

    apor pressure +(.$% GPa Hat %$ -

    AiditD Hp K a +5.5=%>

    isositD 5.9J+$B6 Pa s Hat %$ -

    Cipole moment +.?9 C


    MSCS E,ternal MSCS

    EK Inde, ?$(#$$+#$$#

    EK lassifiation

     F  T

    R#phrases R++* R%()%6)%5*R(9)%()%6)%5

    S#phrases HS+)%* S7* S+?* S(?)(7*S65

     NFPA 7$6



  • 8/18/2019 Florea Maria IMPM




    Flash point +++% -




  • 8/18/2019 Florea Maria IMPM


    fration of methanol !apor in the atmosphere. O!er the ourse of se!eral daDs* atmospheri

    methanol is o,idized ith the help of sunliht to ar0on dio,ide and ater.

    Methanol 0urns in o,Den inludin open air * formin ar0on dio,ide and ater "

    % @(O@ Q ( O%  % O% Q 6 @%O

    Methanol inested in lare 1uantities is meta0olized to formi aid or formate salts*

    hih is poisonous to the entral ner!ous sDstem* and maD ause 0lindness* oma* and death.

    eause of these to,i properties* methanol is fre1uentlD used as a denaturant additi!e for

    ethanol manufatured for industrial uses. This addition of methanol e,empts industrial ethanol

    HommonlD Gnon as denatured alohol or methDlated spirit from li1uor e,ise

    ta,ation in the KSA and some other ountries.

    CAM! Chemicals

    Reacti"ity Alerts

    @ihlD Flamma0le

    Air # $ater Reactions

    @ihlD flamma0le. Solu0le in ater in all proportions.

    Fire Hazard

    eha!ior in Fire" ontainers maD e,plode. HKS* +999

    Health Hazard

    E,posure to e,essi!e !apor auses eDe irritation* head# ahe* fatiue and drosiness.

    @ih onentrations an produe entral ner!ous sDstem depression and opti ner!e damae.


  • 8/18/2019 Florea Maria IMPM


    5$*$$$ ppm ill pro0a0lD ause death in + to % hrs. an 0e a0sor0ed throuh sGin.

    Salloin maD ause death or eDe damae. HKS* +999

    Reacti"ity Profile

    MET@ANOL reats !iolentlD ith aetDl 0romide =MerG ++th ed. +9. Mi,tures

    ith onentrated sulfuri aid and onentrated hDdroen pero,ide an ause e,plosions.

    Reats ith hDpohlorous aid either in ater solution or mi,ed ater)ar0on tetrahloride

    solution to i!e methDl hDpohlorite* hih deomposes in the old and maD e,plode on

    e,posure to sunliht or heat. i!es the same produt ith hlorine. an reat e,plosi!elD ith

    isoDanates under 0asi onditions. The presene of an inert sol!ent mitiates this reation

    =4ishmeDer +9?9>. A !iolent e,othermi reation ourred 0eteen methDl alohol and

     0romine in a mi,in Dlinder =MA ase @istorD +

  • 8/18/2019 Florea Maria IMPM


    area if Dou an do it ithout risG. CiGe fire#ontrol ater for later disposalU do not satter the

    material. Kse ater spraD or foU do not use straiht streams.

    FIRE INOLIN TAN3S OR AR)TRAILER LOACS" Fiht fire from ma,imum

    distane or use unmanned hose holders or monitor nozzles. ool ontainers ith floodin

    1uantities of ater until ell after fire is out. 4ithdra immediatelD in ase of risin sound

    from !entin safetD de!ies or disoloration of tanG. AL4AVS staD aaD from tanGs enulfed

    in fire. For massi!e fire* use unmanned hose holders or monitor nozzlesU if this is impossi0le*

    ithdra from area and let fire 0urn. HER* %$+%

    %on&Fire Response

    FullD enapsulatin* !apor proteti!e lothin should 0e orn for spills and leaGs ith

    no fire. ELIMINATE all inition soures Hno smoGin* flares* sparGs or flames in immediate

    area. All e1uipment used hen handlin the produt must 0e rounded. Co not touh or alG 

    throuh spilled material. Stop leaG if Dou an do it ithout risG. Pre!ent entrD into ateraDs*

    seers* 0asements or onfined areas. A !apor suppressin foam maD 0e used to redue !apors.

    SMALL SPILL" A0sor0 ith earth* sand or other non#om0usti0le material and

    transfer to ontainers for later disposal. Kse lean non#sparGin tools to ollet a0sor0ed


    LARE SPILL" CiGe far ahead of li1uid spill for later disposal. 4ater spraD maD

    redue !aporU 0ut maD not pre!ent inition in losed spaes. HER* %$+%

    Protecti"e Clothing

    Appro!ed anister masG for hih !apor onentrationsU safetD olesU ru00er lo!es.

    HKS* +999

    Software aplication

  • 8/18/2019 Florea Maria IMPM


    Fiure +. oole Earth loation

  • 8/18/2019 Florea Maria IMPM


    Fi %. Cesription of the situation

  • 8/18/2019 Florea Maria IMPM


    Fig 3. Power of the source

    Figure 4. Thermal radiation treatment area

  • 8/18/2019 Florea Maria IMPM


    Presentation of indi"idual ris' RIS(C)R*S

  • 8/18/2019 Florea Maria IMPM


    #################### PROET SETTINS W FILENAMES ##########################

    alulate FN#data HV)N .............................. VES

    Cata for daD* niht or 0oth HC)N) .................. OT@

    SGip unhaned senario definitions HV)N ............ NO

    Release Hsenario file .............................. proiet Imre.sn

    Population rid daD file ............................. referat ImreXCaD.pop

    Population rid niht file ........................... ImreXniht.pop

    Cispersion W ind parameters data file ............... proiet ImreXPurple ooG H+999.CPF

    4eather W ind pro0a0ilitD distri0ution file ......... E1ual distri0ution.PR

    En!ironment definition file .......................... proiet Imre.En!

    Proram parameters file .............................. proiet ImreXPurple ooG H+999.SPF

    Cata0ase file ........................................ proiet ImreXPurple ooG H+999.RC

    ################### PRORAM PARAMETERS ######################################

    File " proiet ImreXPurple ooG H+999.SPF

    Output messae le!el " (5$

    Population distri0ution +)5 " NO

    Cefault standard pipe rouhness =m> " 6.5E#$5

    Cefault oeffiient of ontration for holes =#> " $.?%

    Cefault oeffiient of ontration for pipes =#> " $. " +E$9

    Cefault e,posure duration =s> " + " $.$$$%777<

    entilation rate durin niht time =+)s> " $.$$$%777

  • 8/18/2019 Florea Maria IMPM


    To,i inhalation heith =m> " +.5

    Fration O% in the atmosphere =ol /> " $.$(

    Am0ient pressure =N)mY%> " +.$+5+E$5

    Pressure 0elo hih tur0ulent free Zet ill NOT our =N)m%> " %E$5

    Response matri, 0oundarD is set to lethal fration of =#> " $.$+

    Loest sinifiant fre1uenD =#> " +E#%+

    Cefault a!erain time Hfor to,is =s> " ?$$

    Ma,imum num0er of aident loations in transport routes " +$$$

    Minimum aident distane in transport routes =m> " +$

     Num0er of responserid al. per setor FN al. " 9

     Num0er of responserid al. per setor F al. " 9

    F transport fator " $.(((

    FN transport fator " $.(((

    Related letal fration for peaG o!erpressure =#> " $.$%5

    Lethal fration for presene in poolfire =#> " +

    Lethal fration for presene in flashfire =#> " +

    ################### ENIRONMENT PARAMETERS ##########################

    File " proiet Imre.En!

    En!ironment temperature " 9 -

    round temperature " 9 -

    4ater temperature " 9 -

    @umiditD "

  • 8/18/2019 Florea Maria IMPM


    Rouhness lenht deription " A!erae su0soil

    Solar Radiation Flu, " +%$ G4)m%

    Loation latitude " 5+ Ce

    loud o!er " 75 /

    Su0soil tDpe " A!erae su0soil

    ################### STAILITV LASS W 4INCSPEEC PARAMETERS ##########################

    File " proiet ImreXPurple ooG H+999.CPF

    RisGur!esHCemo dispersion parameter editor 

    Softare li0rarD !ersion 7.5.?.+$

  • 8/18/2019 Florea Maria IMPM


     Nr of olumns " ?5

    Anle ith pos. #a,is =derees> " $.$$

    oordinate left upper orner " 69.$

    V oordinate left upper orner " " 9(.$$

    Ma,imum Nr. of people in one rid ell " 5.$$

     NI@T population file " Im0re%Xniht.pop

    Population rid info

    File !ersion " %+$

    Read onlD " FALSE

    TDpe HTrue[CaD* False[Niht " FALSE

    entilation rate =+)s> " $.$$$EQ$$$$

    rid ell idth =m> " +$

     Nr of ros " 75

     Nr of olumns " ?5

    Anle ith pos. #a,is =derees> " $.$$

    oordinate left upper orner " 69.$

    V oordinate left upper orner " " 99.$$

    Ma,imum Nr. of people in one rid ell " +$.$$


    File " E1ual distri0ution.PR

      Pro0a0ilitD =/> Pro0a0ilitD of ind to setor =/>

    Sta0ilitD lass CaD Niht + % (H4 6 5 ?HN 7 < 9HE +$ ++ +%HS

    Total =/>

  • 8/18/2019 Florea Maria IMPM




    ( +?.7 $.$

  • 8/18/2019 Florea Maria IMPM


    Cata0ase File " proiet ImreXPurple ooG H+999.RC

    Materials used"

    KN num0er Material

     +%($ MET@ANOL

    Pro0it parameters used"


    T@IS PROET ################

    Kni!ersal data0ase printout. reated at %% iun. %$+( +

  • 8/18/2019 Florea Maria IMPM


    Kpper flamma0ilitD limit [ (?.$$$$$$ !ol/ in air 

    Solu0ilitD in ater [ +$$$.$$$$$$ G)m(

    Flamma0ilitD lassifiation [ 3+" Hflash point ^ %+ -

    The folloin phenomena ere seleted 0D the user to 0e e!aluated hether 

    theD miht possi0le durin the phDsial effet alulations Hif applia0le"

      LEE " VES

      Pool fire " VES

      E,plosion " VES

      Torh fire " VES

      Loal loud fire " VES

      To,i dispersion " VES

      Rupture of !essel " VES

      CummD+ " VES

      CummD% " VES

    The to,i)flamma0le properties of MET@ANOL ANC the user defined settins in thehemial data0ase

     indiate that onlD folloin phenomena ill 0e ) ere e!aluated in the phDsial effet


    LEE " VES

    Pool fire " VES

    E,plosion " VES

    Torh fire " VES

    Loal loud fire " VES

    To,i dispersion " NO

    Temperature dependent data Halulated at %

  • 8/18/2019 Florea Maria IMPM


    Li1uid heatapaitD [ %.659(66EQ$$$( )G]3 H%659.(6 )G]3

    as heatapaitD Hideal as [ +.(?$59

  • 8/18/2019 Florea Maria IMPM


    Li1uid densitD

    Formula Nr. + rho [ A ] Y#HH+#T)Y%)7 Hhere [T =)m(> =)m(>

    Minimum temperature [ +75.55$$$$ =3>

    Ma,imum temperature [ 5+%.55$$$$ =3>

    Parameter + [ %.9% =mm @>

    Minimum temperature [ %$5.75$$$$ =3>

    Ma,imum temperature [ 5+(.+5$$$$ =3>

    Parameter + [ #6.%?%9$$EQ$$$+

    Parameter % [ #+.+

  • 8/18/2019 Florea Maria IMPM


    Parameter 5 [ $.$$$$$$EQ$$$$

    Li1uid heatapaitD

    Formula Nr. 6 pl [ A Q ]T Q ]TY% Q C]TY( =al)H]3> =al)H]3>

    Minimum temperature [ +75.6$$$$$ =3>

    Ma,imum temperature [ 69(.$$$$$$ =3>

    Parameter + [ =entiPoise>

    Minimum temperature [ %((.$$$$$$ =3>

    Ma,imum temperature [ 5+%.6$$$$$ =3>

  • 8/18/2019 Florea Maria IMPM


    Parameter + [ #+.7$9$$$EQ$$$+

    Parameter % [ %.$9?$$$EQ$$$(

    Parameter ( [ $.$$$$$$EQ$$$$

    Parameter 6 [ 6.7(

    Minimum temperature [ %7(.$$$$$$ =3>

    Ma,imum temperature [ ++7(.$$$$$$ =3>

    Parameter + [ #5.?(?($$EQ$$$$

    Parameter % [ (.665$$$E#$$$+

    Parameter ( [ #(.(6$$$$E#$$$?

    Parameter 6 [ $.$$$$$$EQ$$$$

    Parameter 5 [ $.$$$$$$EQ$$$$

    Surfae Tension

    Formula Nr. < Sima [ A ] HH#T)H#YC HA[Sima+* [T+* [T =dDnes)m>


    Minimum temperature [ +75.6$$$$$ =3>

    Ma,imum temperature [ 5+%.6$$$$$ =3>

    Parameter + [ %.%?$$$$EQ$$$+

    Parameter % [ %.9($$$$EQ$$$%

    Parameter ( [ 5.+%55$$EQ$$$%

    Parameter 6 [

  • 8/18/2019 Florea Maria IMPM


     Num0er of @ atoms per moleule [ 6

     Num0er of O atoms per moleule [ +


    After analDzin the data* e found that Methanol is a hihlD to,i and flamma0le

    li1uid and 0eause of this propertD is danerous for 0oth humans and the en!ironment.

    Indi!idual risG is reater and more danerous on a small radius from the soure

    e,plosion and pronouned soial risG and threatens reater distane from the soure of


    Cue to the site loation* the effets of an e,plosion ould ha!e resulted in more

    neati!e than if it ere plaed in free field.

  • 8/18/2019 Florea Maria IMPM



    1.Edith eral* Mihai `apan* Chimie organică* Editura Tehni* uure ti* +97(ș


    (.S. Lee" Methanol synthesis technology. erla R Press* p. %

    6.. ALO@A # Areal Loation of @azardous Atmospheres. Kser:s Manual*

    EPAWNOAA*4ashinton* S.K.A.* %$$?.

    5. AMEO hemials # hemial Response Catasheets and Reati!itD Predition Tool.

    ?. earth.oole.om) # oole Earth.
