exercitii corespondenta timpurilor

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Post on 02-Jun-2018




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  • 8/10/2019 Exercitii Corespondenta Timpurilor



    1.Punei verbele din paranteze la timpul corect (Past Tense Simple sau Continuous), avnd nvedere simultaneitatea aciunilor din propoziia principal i cea secundar:1. It was clear they tal!" #usiness a$ain.

    %. I #elie&e' you #e" at the seasi'e.(. I un'erstoo' you #e" a painter.). They 'i'n*t !now that I play" +oot#all.,. He reali-e' he not remem#er" ohn*s phone num#er./. I was not sure i+ you spea!" En$lish.0. oo!in$ out o+ the win'ow2 she saw the sun shine" #ri$htly.3. He as!e' me i+ I usually rea'" that newspaper.4. 5ou 'i'n*t tell me you ha&e to" type this report.16.He was in a hurry #ecause he want" to catch the train.

    2. Punei verbele din paranteze la timpul corect (Past Per+ect Simple sau Continuous), innd

    seama de relaia de anterioritate eprimat de verbul din propoziia principal sau din ceasecundar:1. She tol' me his name a+ter he lea&e".%. She 'i'n*t e&en say than! you a+ter all I 'o" +or her.(. 7+ter I hear" the news2 I con$ratulate' him.). 8hen I arri&e'2 the concert alrea'y #e$in".,. 8hen it starte' to rain2 we 'i$" in the $ar'en +or an hour./. He 'i'n*t a'mit that he steal" the #oo!.0. He 9ust lea&e" home when he came across ohn.3. 5ester'ay I #ou$ht a new um#rella #ecause I lose" my ol' one.4. 8hen he +inally reache' on'on2 he was tire' #ecause he tra&el" +or three 'ays.

    16. I 'i'n*t thin! that #oo! to #e a nice #irth'ay present +or you #ecause I rea'" it an' I noten9oy" it.

    !. Punei verbele din paranteze la timpul "uture#in#t$e#Past, avnd n vedere %aptul cpropoziia secundar eprim o aciune posterioar celei din principal:1. They sai' they remain" at the seasi'e +or another wee!.%. He hope' he +inish" rea'in$ the #oo! in two 'ays.(. I thou$ht you soon ha&e" a holi'ay.). I was not sure I remain" at home that e&enin$.,. He #elie&e' the stri!e en'" &ery soon./. He promise' he 'ri&e" me home.

    0. 8e all #elie&e' he win" the competition.3. 7s wa$es ha' $one up2 we suppose' prices $o up"2 too.4. He was sure he pass" the e:am an' he promise' he $i&e" a party a+terwar's.16.8hen I hear' the main actor was ill2 I was sue the per+ormance #e cancelle'".

    &.Punei verbele din paranteze la timpul Present 'imple sau Present Per%ect 'imple:1. I will pay my 'e#ts a+ter I recei&e" my salary.%. 8e shall start 'inner as soon as the $uests arri&e".(. ;y the time you +inish" translatin$ the te:t2 I shall ha&e type' all the letters.

  • 8/10/2019 Exercitii Corespondenta Timpurilor


    ). 7+ter he repair" the car2 he will 'ri&e to Sinaia.,. I will #uy a car when I ha&e" enou$h money./. 5ou will #e surprise' when you see" how well she loo!".0. 5ou will #e surprise' when you see" how much she chan$e".3. 7s soon as the holi'ays #e$in"2 this #each will #ecome &ery crow'e'.

    4. I will $o on playin$ the piano till he tell" me to stop.16.7+ter she learn" to type2 she will ta!e a 9o# as a secretary.11.He will write to me a+ter he arri&e" in En$lan'.1%.The train will ha&e le+t #e+ore we reach" the station.1(.8hen their +irst #a#y #e #orn"2 they will ha&e #een marrie' +or +i&e years.1).8hen I +inish" the #oo!2 I will len' it to you.1,. I will ne&er +or$et what you 9ust tell " me.1/.5our mother will #e upset when she notice" you #rea!" the &ase.10.5ou will $et a shoc! when you see" the mess in that room.13.5ou won*t #e a#le to spea! a#out this #oo! till you rea'" it.14. It is sai' that one En$lishman will not spea! to another #e+ore they #e" intro'uce'.

    %6.7+ter you 'rin!" a co++ee2 you will +eel #etter.. Punei verbele din paranteze la timpul corect, innd seam de ecepiile de la concordanatimpurilor:1. I 'i'n*t !now at what temperature this metal melt".%. The teacher tol' the pupils what the capital o+

  • 8/10/2019 Exercitii Corespondenta Timpurilor


    1).5ou will ne&er !now how much I su++er".1,.7 wee! a$o2 he 'eci'e' he chan$e" his 9o#.1/.He 'isco&ere' to his horror that he eat" the worms in the cherries.10.7+ter ha&in$ &isite' Italy2 my +rien's tol' me there #e" many small houses an' narrowstreets in Pa'ua.

    13. I hope' the company where I wor!" not $o" #an!rupt.14.7+ter we ha&e +inishe' 'inner2 we 'rin!" co++ee an' #ran'y.%6.He was &ery tire' an' he hope" he ha&e" time to rest that a+ternoon.

    +. raducei n limba en*lez:1. Nu mi?am amintit c@ ne cunoscusem cu un an Anainte.%. Nu am stat acas@ s@ te aBtept pentru c@ nu Btiam cn' &ei &eni.(. Secretara mi?a spus c@ 'irectorul este ocupat.). Dtiam c@ eBti An ;ucureBti.,. Era +oarte sup@rat c@ ABi pier'use 'icionarul Bi nu era si$ur c@ &a $@si unul nou An li#r@rii./. I?am promis c@ Ai &oi scrie cn' &oi a9un$e la on'ra.

    0. Houl nu Bi?a 'at seama c@ poliia Al urm@rea 'e o s@pt@[email protected]. i &oi spune a'e&@rul 'up@ ce Al &oi a+la eu [email protected]. Tata Ami &a 'a un ca'ou 'up@ ce &oi lua e:amenul.16.