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Despre TOEFL gasesti informatii pe site-urile scolilor si centrelor care ofera cursuri de pregatire pentru examen: etc. etc.

Si, bineinteles, pe site-ul propriu:

Dar mie mi-a placut ce am gasit aici: - Foarte, foarte clar si detaliat, iti spun in ce consta testul si toate institutiile care il organizeaza in Romania – la noi se da doar online.

De pe site:

According to the information available on the official website, the TOEFL

iBT has four sections:

Reading measures the ability to understand academic reading material. The

section takes 60 - 80 minutes and includes 36-56 questions total for 3 or 4

passages from academic texts.

Listening measures the ability to understand spoken English as used in colleges

and universities. The section takes 60-90 minutes and includes 34-51

questions.Tasks include listening to lectures, classroom discussions and


Speaking measures the ability to communicate orally in an academic context.

This section requires you to solve 6 tasks in 20 minutes. 4 of the tasks involve

integration of language skills. You'll get to express an opinion on a familiar topic

and speak based on reading and listening tasks.

Writing measures the ability to write in a way that is appropriate for college and

university course work. You will have to write an integrated task in 20 minutes

and an independent task in 30 minutes.

The test also includes a 10-minute break between the Listening and Speaking sections.

According to the official website, the test you take may include extra questions in the

Reading or Listening section that do not count toward your score. These are either

questions that enable ETS to make test scores comparable across administrations or

new questions that help ETS determine how such questions function under actual

testing conditions.

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The test is administered via Internet and is approximately four hours long. 

Each section is scored from 0 to 30, and the total score ranges from 0 to 120.

The test emphasizes integrated language skills and assesses your ability to

communicate effectively for study purposes in an American environment.

De asemenea, tot acolo sunt cateva intrebari si raspunsuri cu privire la pregatire, taxa, inscriere etc. Pentru pregatire te trimit aici: – multe site-uri cu exercitii. In dreptul fiecarui link se precizeaza ce tip de exercitii vei gasi, si daca sunt gratuite sau nu. De exemplu, aici poti primi si rezultatele, dupa ce faci exerctiile.

Practice gasesti si aici: Sunt link-urile din partea stanga. Acolo toate testele au timer.

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