  • ORDIN Nr. 6063/2020 din 24 noiembrie 2020

    pentru modificarea anexei nr. 2 la Ordinul ministrului educaţiei, cercetării, tineretului şi sportului nr. 5.219/2010 privind

    recunoaşterea şi echivalarea rezultatelor obţinute la examene cu recunoaştere internaţională pentru certificarea

    competenţelor lingvistice în limbi străine şi la examene cu recunoaştere europeană pentru certificarea competenţelor digitale

    cu probele de evaluare a competenţelor lingvistice într-o limbă de circulaţie internaţională studiată pe parcursul

    învăţământului liceal, respectiv de evaluare a competenţelor digitale, din cadrul examenului de bacalaureat


    PUBLICAT ÎN: MONITORUL OFICIAL NR. 1232 din 15 decembrie 2020

    Având în vedere prevederile art. 77 alin. (4) din Legea educaţiei naţionale nr. 1/2011, cu modificările şi completările

    ulterioare, şi prevederile Ordinului ministrului educaţiei, cercetării, tineretului şi sportului nr. 3.753/2011 privind aprobarea

    unor măsuri tranzitorii în sistemul naţional de învăţământ, cu modificările ulterioare,

    în temeiul prevederilor art. 15 alin. (3) din Hotărârea Guvernului nr. 24/2020 privind organizarea şi funcţionarea

    Ministerului Educaţiei şi Cercetării, cu modificările ulterioare,

    ministrul educaţiei şi cercetării emite prezentul ordin.

    ART. I

    Anexa nr. 2 la Ordinul ministrului educaţiei, cercetării, tineretului şi sportului nr. 5.219/2010 privind recunoaşterea şi

    echivalarea rezultatelor obţinute la examene cu recunoaştere internaţională pentru certificarea competenţelor lingvistice în

    limbi străine şi la examene cu recunoaştere europeană pentru certificarea competenţelor digitale cu probele de evaluare a

    competenţelor lingvistice într-o limbă de circulaţie internaţională studiată pe parcursul învăţământului liceal, respectiv de

    evaluare a competenţelor digitale, din cadrul examenului de bacalaureat, publicat în Monitorul Oficial al României, Partea I,

    nr. 701 din 20 octombrie 2010, cu modificările ulterioare, se modifică şi se înlocuieşte cu anexa care face parte integrantă

    din prezentul ordin.

    ART. II

    Direcţia generală învăţământ preuniversitar, Direcţia generală minorităţi şi relaţia cu Parlamentul, inspectoratele şcolare

    şi unităţile de învăţământ duc la îndeplinire prevederile prezentului ordin.

  • ART. III

    Prezentul ordin se publică în Monitorul Oficial al României, Partea I.

    Ministrul educaţiei şi cercetării,

    Cristina Monica Anisie

    Bucureşti, 24 noiembrie 2020.

    Nr. 6.063.


    (Anexa nr. 2 la Ordinul nr. 5.219/2010)


    examenelor cu recunoaştere internaţională pentru certificarea competenţelor lingvistice în limbi străine, care pot fi

    recunoscute şi echivalate cu proba de evaluare a competenţelor lingvistice într-o limbă de circulaţie internaţională

    studiată pe parcursul învăţământului liceal, din cadrul examenului de bacalaureat

    1. Limba engleză ____________________________________________________________________________

    |Nr. | Denumirea |Abreviere |Notare/nivel|Punctaj/ | Instituţia/ |

    |crt.| examenului | | |nivel/ | organizaţia care |

    | | | | |condiţii | eliberează |

    | | | | |minime | certificatul/ |

    | | | | |pentru | diploma/ |

    | | | | |recunoaştere| administrează |

    | | | | |şi | examenul |

    | | | | |echivalare | |


    | 1.|Preliminary |PET/ |B1 |Promovat/ |University of |

    | |English Test/ |Prelimi- | |Cambridge |Cambridge - |

    | |PET FOR |nary/ | |English |Cambridge English |

    | |SCHOOLS |Prelimi- | |scale: 140 -|Language |

    | | |nary for | |170 |Assessment/former |

    | | |Schools | | |University of |

    |____|______________|__________|____________|____________|Cambridge - English|

    | 2.|First |FCE/First/|B2 |Promovat/ |for Speakers of |

    | |Certificate in|First | |Cambridge |Other Languages |

    | |English/First | | |English |Examinations |

    | |Certificate in| | |scale: 160 -|(Cambridge ESOL) - |

    | |English for | | |190 |www. |

    | |SCHOOLS | | | |cambridgeenglish. |

    |____|______________|__________|____________|____________|org/ |

  • | 3.|Certificate |CAE/ |C1 |Promovat/ | |

    | |Advanced |Advanced | |Cambridge | |

    | |English | | |English | |

    | | | | |scale: 180 -| |

    | | | | |210 | |

    |____|______________|__________|____________|____________| |

    | 4.|Certificate of|CPE/ |C2 |Promovat/ | |

    | |Proficiency in|Profi- | |Cambridge | |

    | |English |ciency | |English | |

    | | | | |scale: 200 -| |

    | | | | |230 | |


    | 5.|Business |BEC |B1 |Promovat |University of |

    | |English | |B2 |Promovat |Cambridge - |

    | |Certificate | |C1 |Promovat |Cambridge English |

    | |- Preliminary | | | |Language |

    | |- Vantage | | | |Assessment/former |

    | |- Higher | | | |University of |

    |____|______________|__________|____________|____________|Cambridge - English|

    | 6.|International |IELTS |B1 |4 - 5 puncte|for Speakers of |

    | |English | |____________|____________|Other Languages |

    | |Language | |B2 |5,5 - 6,5 |Examinations |

    | |Testing System| | |puncte |(Cambridge ESOL) |

    | | | |____________|____________| |

    | | | |C1 |7 - 8 puncte| |

    | | | |____________|____________| |

    | | | |C2 |8,5 - 9,0 | |

    | | | | |puncte | |


    | 7.|Test of |TOEFL |Reading: |57 - 86 |Educational Testing|

    | |English as a |(iBT) |0 - 30 |puncte B1 |Service (ETS) |

    | |Foreign | |Listening: |87 - 109 | |

    | |Language - | |0 - 30 |puncte B2 | |

    | |Internet - | |Speaking: |110 - 120 | |

    | |based Tests | |0 - 30 |puncte C1 | |

    | | | |Writing: | | |

  • | | | |0 - 30 | | |

    | | | |Total - | | |

    | | | |0 - 120 | | |


    | 8.|Test of |TOEIC |Listening: |Listening | |

    | |English for | |5 - 495 |minimum 275 | |

    | |International | |Reading: |puncte - B1 | |

    | |Communication | |5 - 495 |minimum 400 | |

    | | | |Speaking: |puncte - B2 | |

    | | | |0 - 200 |minimum 490 | |

    | | | |Writing: |puncte - C1 | |

    | | | |0 - 200 |Reading | |

    | | | | |minimum 275 | |

    | | | | |puncte - B1 | |

    | | | | |minimum 385 | |

    | | | | |puncte - B2 | |

    | | | | |minimum 455 | |

    | | | | |puncte - C1 | |

    | | | | |Speaking | |

    | | | | |minimum 120 | |

    | | | | |puncte - B1 | |

    | | | | |minimum 160 | |

    | | | | |puncte - B2 | |

    | | | | |minimum 200 | |

    | | | | |puncte - C1 | |

    | | | | |Writing | |

    | | | | |minimum 120 | |

    | | | | |puncte - B1 | |

    | | | | |minimum 150 | |

    | | | | |puncte - B2 | |

    | | | | |minimum 200 | |

    | | | | |puncte - C1 | |


    | 9.|TRINITY |TRINITY |ISE I - B1 |Promovat |TRINITY College |

    | |Integrated |ISE |ISE II - B2 |Promovat |London |

    | |Skills in | |ISE III - C1|Promovat | |

  • | |English | |ISE IV - C2 |Promovat | |


    | 10.|Examenele ECL |ECL |Independent |Promovat |European Consortium|

    | | | |User - B1 |Promovat |for the Certificate|

    | | | |Independent |Promovat |of Attainment in |

    | | | |User - B2 | |Modern Languages/ |

    | | | |Proficient | |Centrul de Limbi |

    | | | |User - C1 | |Străine al |

    | | | | | |Universităţii |

    | | | | | |Bucureşti |


    | 11.|Basic |BCCE |B1 |Promovat |Hellenic American |

    | |Communication | | | |University, New |

    | |Certificate in| | | |Hampshire/CITE |

    | |English | | | |Romania |


    | 12.|Examination |ECCE |B2 |Promovat |Cambridge Michigan |

    | |for the | | | |Language |

    | |Certificate of| | | |Assessments, |

    | |Competency in | | | |Michigan/CITE |

    | |English | | | |Romania |


    | 13.|Advanced Level|ALCE |C1 |Promovat |Hellenic American |

    | |Certificate in| | | |University, New |

    | |English | | | |Hampshire/CITE |

    | | | | | |Romania |


    | 14.|Examination |ECPE |C2 |Promovat |Cambridge Michigan |

    | |for the | | | |Language |

    | |Certificate of| | | |Assessments, |

    | |Competency in | | | |Michigan/CITE |

    | |English | | | |Romania |


    | 15.|Ascentis |Ascentis |B1 - C2 |Promovat |Anglia Examination |

    | |Anglia ESOL |Anglia | | |Syndicate limited/ |

    | | |ESOL | | |S.C. Eurolink |

  • | | | | | |College - S.R.L. |

    | | | | | |Romania |


    | 16.|LRN Entry |- |B1 |Promovat/ |Learning Resources |

    | |Level | | |40 - 51 |Network - |

    | |Certificate in| | |puncte | |

    | |ESOL | | | | |

    | |International | | | | |

    | |(Entry 3) | | | | |

    |____|______________|__________|____________|____________| |

    | 17.|LRN Level 1 |- |B2 |Promovat/ | |

    | |Level | | |40 - 51 | |

    | |Certificate in| | |puncte | |

    | |ESOL | | | | |

    | |International | | | | |

    |____|______________|__________|____________|____________| |

    | 18.|LRN Level 2 |- |C1 |Promovat/50 | |

    | |Level | | |- 64 puncte | |

    | |Certificate in| | | | |

    | |ESOL | | | | |

    | |International | | | | |

    |____|______________|__________|____________|____________| |

    | 19.|LRN Level 3 |- |C2 |Promovat/50 | |

    | |Level | | |- 64 puncte | |

    | |Certificate in| | | | |

    | |ESOL | | | | |

    | |International | | | | |

    |____|______________|__________|____________|____________| |

    | 20.|LRN Entry |IELCA |B1 |Promovat/80 | |

    | |Level | | |- 119 puncte| |

    | |Certificate | | | | |

    | |in ESOL | | | | |

    | |International | | | | |

    | |(Entry 3) | | | | |

    |____|______________|__________|____________|____________| |

    | 21.|LRN Level 1 |IELCA |B2 |Promovat/120| |

  • | |Level | | |- 159 puncte| |

    | |Certificate in| | | | |

    | |ESOL | | | | |

    | |International | | | | |

    |____|______________|__________|____________|____________| |

    | 22.|LRN Level 2 |IELCA |C1 |Promovat/160| |

    | |Level | | |- 199 puncte| |

    | |Certificate in| | | | |

    | |ESOL | | | | |

    | |International | | | | |

    |____|______________|__________|____________|____________| |

    | 23.|LRN Level 3 |IELCA |C2 |Promovat/200| |

    | |Level | | |puncte | |

    | |Certificate in| | | | |

    | |ESOL | | | | |

    | |International | | | | |


    | 24.|ESOL |- |B1 |Promovat |English Speaking |

    | |International | | |minimum 55% |Board|

    | |All Modes | | | | |

    | |(Entry 3) | | | | |

    |____|______________|__________|____________|____________| |

    | 25.|ESOL |GCSE |B2 |Promovat | |

    | |International | | |minimum 55% | |

    | |All Modes | | | | |

    | |Level 1 B2 | | | | |

    |____|______________|__________|____________|____________| |

    | 26.|ESOL |GCSE |C1 |Promovat | |

    | |International | | |minimum 55% | |

    | |All Modes | | | | |

    | |Level 2 C1 | | | | |

    |____|______________|__________|____________|____________| |

    | 27.|ESOL |GCE A |C2 |Promovat | |

    | |International |level | |minimum 55% | |

    | |All Modes | | | | |

    | |Level 3 C2 | | | | |

  • |____|______________|__________|____________|____________|___________________|

    | 28.|LanguageCert |IESOL |B1 - C2 |Promovat |PeopleCert |

    | |in | | | |Qualifications Ltd.|

    | |International | | | |www. |

    | |English for | | | | |

    | |Speakers of | | | | |

    | |Other | | | | |

    | |Languages | | | | |


    | 29.|London Chamber|LCCI |B1 |Au fost |Educational |

    | |of Commerce | |B2 |evaluate |Development |

    | |and Industry | |C1 |toate cele |International (EDI)|

    | |International |ELSA | |patru | |

    | |Qualifications| | |competenţe | |

    | |- English | | |şi a fost | |

    | |Language | | |obţinut | |

    | |Skills | | |punctajul | |

    | |Assessment | | |minim, după | |

    | | | | |cum urmează:| |

    | | | | |Listening, | |

    | | | | |Reading, | |

    | | | | |Writing, | |

    | | | | |Speaking = | |

    | | | | |minimum 25 | |

    | | | | |puncte | |


    | 30.|London Chamber|LCCI | |Au fost | |

    | |of Commerce |JETSET | |evaluate | |

    | |and Industry |- Level 4 |B1 |toate cele | |

    | |International |- Level 5 |B2 |patru | |

    | |Qualifications|- Level 6 |C1 |competenţe | |

    | |- Junior | | |şi a fost | |

    | |English Test | | |obţinut | |

    | |- Senior | | |punctajul | |

    | |English Test | | |minim, după | |

    | | | | |cum urmează:| |

  • | | | | |Listening, | |

    | | | | |Reading, | |

    | | | | |Writing, | |

    | | | | |Speaking = | |

    | | | | |minimum 25 | |

    | | | | |puncte | |


    | 31.|London Chamber|LCCI | |Au fost | |

    | |of Commerce |EfB - |B1 |evaluate | |

    | |and Industry |Level 1 | |toate cele | |

    | |International |EfB - |B2 |patru | |

    | |Qualifications|Level 2 | |competenţe | |

    | |- English for |EfB - |C1 |şi a fost | |

    | |Business |Level 3 | |obţinut | |

    | | | | |punctajul | |

    | | | | |minim, după | |

    | | | | |cum urmează:| |

    | | | | |Listening, | |

    | | | | |Reading, | |

    | | | | |Writing, | |

    | | | | |Speaking = | |

    | | | | |minimum 25 | |

    | | | | |puncte | |


    | 32.|Pearson LCCI |Pearson |B1 |Listening |Pearson EDI |

    | |Entry 3 |EDI JETSET| |0 - 20 |Qualifications are |

    | |Certificate in|Level 4 | |puncte |awarded by Pearson |

    | |ESOL | | |minimum |Education Limited |

    | |International | | |10 puncte - | |

    | |(CEFR B1) | | |B1 | |

    | | | | |Reading | |

    | | | | |0 - 40 | |

    | | | | |puncte | |

    | | | | |minimum | |

    | | | | |20 puncte - | |

    | | | | |B1 | |

  • | | | | |Speaking | |

    | | | | |0 - 20 | |

    | | | | |puncte | |

    | | | | |minimum | |

    | | | | |10 puncte - | |

    | | | | |B1 | |

    | | | | |Writing | |

    | | | | |0 - 40 | |

    | | | | |puncte | |

    | | | | |minimum | |

    | | | | |20 puncte - | |

    | | | | |B1 | |

    | | | | |Max. | |

    | | | | |120 puncte | |

    | | | | |minimum | |

    | | | | |60 puncte - | |

    | | | | |B1 | |


    | 33.|Pearson LCCI |Pearson |B2 |Listening 0 |Pearson EDI |

    | |Level 1 |EDI JETSET| |- 30 puncte |Qualifications are |

    | |Certificate in|Level 5 | |minimum 15 |awarded by Pearson |

    | |ESOL | | |puncte - B2 |Education Limited |

    | |International | | |Reading 0 - | |

    | |(CEFR B2) | | |60 puncte | |

    | | | | |minimum 30 | |

    | | | | |puncte - B2 | |

    | | | | |Speaking 0 -| |

    | | | | |40 puncte | |

    | | | | |minimum 20 | |

    | | | | |puncte - B2 | |

    | | | | |Writing 0 - | |

    | | | | |60 puncte | |

    | | | | |minimum 30 | |

    | | | | |puncte - B2 | |

    | | | | |Max. 190 | |

    | | | | |puncte | |

  • | | | | |minimum 95 | |

    | | | | |puncte - B2 | |


    | 34.|Pearson LCCI |Pearson |C1 |Listening 0 | |

    | |Level 2 |EDI JETSET| |- 30 puncte | |

    | |Certificate in|Level 6 | |minimum 15 | |

    | |ESOL | | |puncte - C1 | |

    | |International | | |Reading 0 - | |

    | |(CEFR C1) | | |60 puncte | |

    | | | | |minimum 30 | |

    | | | | |puncte - C1 | |

    | | | | |Speaking 0 -| |

    | | | | |40 puncte | |

    | | | | |minimum 20 | |

    | | | | |puncte - C1 | |

    | | | | |Writing 0 - | |

    | | | | |60 puncte | |

    | | | | |minimum 30 | |

    | | | | |puncte - C1 | |

    | | | | |Max. 190 | |

    | | | | |puncte | |

    | | | | |minimum 95 | |

    | | | | |puncte - C1 | |


    | 35.|Pearson LCCI |Pearson |C2 |Listening 0 |Pearson EDI |

    | |Level 3 |EDI JETSET| |- 30 puncte |Qualifications are |

    | |Certificate in|Level 7 | |minimum 15 |awarded by Pearson |

    | |ESOL | | |puncte - C2 |Education Limited |

    | |International | | |Reading 0 - | |

    | |(CEFR C2) | | |60 puncte | |

    | | | | |minimum 30 | |

    | | | | |puncte - C2 | |

    | | | | |Speaking 0 -| |

    | | | | |40 puncte | |

    | | | | |minimum 20 | |

    | | | | |puncte - C2 | |

  • | | | | |Writing 0 - | |

    | | | | |60 puncte | |

    | | | | |minimum 30 | |

    | | | | |puncte - C2 | |

    | | | | |Max. 190 | |

    | | | | |puncte | |

    | | | | |minimum 95 | |

    | | | | |puncte - C2 | |


    | 36.|Level 1 |Pearson |B1 |Listening 0 |Pearson LCCI |

    | |Pearson LCCI |LCCI IQ | |- 30 puncte | |

    | |English for |English | |minimum 15 | |

    | |Business |for | |puncte - B1 | |

    | | |Business | |Reading and | |

    | | |Level 1 | |Writing 0 - | |

    | | | | |100 puncte | |

    | | | | |minimum 50 | |

    | | | | |puncte - B1 | |

    | | | | |Speaking 0 -| |

    | | | | |100 puncte | |

    | | | | |minimum 50 | |

    | | | | |puncte - B1 | |

    | | | | |Total B1 | |

    | | | | |minimum 115 | |

    | | | | |puncte | |


    | 37.|Level 2 |Pearson |B2 |Listening 0 |Pearson LCCI |

    | |Pearson LCCI |LCCI IQ | |- 30 puncte | |

    | |English for |English | |minimum 18 | |

    | |Business |for | |puncte - B2 | |

    | | |Business | |Reading and | |

    | | |Level 2 | |Writing 0 - | |

    | | | | |100 puncte | |

    | | | | |minimum 60 | |

    | | | | |puncte - B2 | |

    | | | | |Speaking 0 -| |

  • | | | | |100 puncte | |

    | | | | |minimum 60 | |

    | | | | |puncte - B2 | |

    | | | | |Total B2 | |

    | | | | |minimum 138 | |

    | | | | |puncte | |


    | 38.|Level 3 |Pearson |C1 |Listening 0 |Pearson LCCI |

    | |Pearson LCCI |LCCI IQ | |- 30 puncte | |

    | |English for |English | |minimum 21 | |

    | |Business |for | |puncte - C1 | |

    | | |Business | |Reading and | |

    | | |Level 3 | |Writing 0 - | |

    | | | | |100 puncte | |

    | | | | |minimum 70 | |

    | | | | |puncte - C1 | |

    | | | | |Speaking 0 -| |

    | | | | |100 puncte | |

    | | | | |minimum 70 | |

    | | | | |puncte - C1 | |

    | | | | |Total C1 | |

    | | | | |minimum 161 | |

    | | | | |puncte | |


    | 39.|Level 4 |Pearson |C2 |Listening 0 |Pearson LCCI |

    | |Pearson LCCI |LCCI IQ | |- 30 puncte | |

    | |English for |English | |minimum 24 | |

    | |Business |for | |puncte - C2 | |

    | | |Business | |Reading and | |

    | | |Level 4 | |Writing 0 - | |

    | | | | |100 puncte | |

    | | | | |minimum 80 | |

    | | | | |puncte - C2 | |

    | | | | |Speaking 0 -| |

    | | | | |100 puncte | |

    | | | | |minimum 80 | |

  • | | | | |puncte - C2 | |

    | | | | |Total C2 | |

    | | | | |minimum 184 | |

    | | | | |puncte | |


    | 40.|Pearson |Pearson |B1 |Listening 0 |Edexcel |

    | |Edexcel Entry |Test of | |- 25 puncte | |

    | |Level |English | |minimum 13 | |

    | |Certificate |(PTE) | |puncte - B1 | |

    | |in ESOL |General | |Reading 0 - | |

    | |International |Level 2 | |25 puncte | |

    | |(Entry 3) | | |minimum 13 | |

    | | | | |puncte - B1 | |

    | | | | |Speaking 0 -| |

    | | | | |25 puncte | |

    | | | | |minimum 13 | |

    | | | | |puncte - B1 | |

    | | | | |Writing 0 - | |

    | | | | |25 puncte | |

    | | | | |minimum 13 | |

    | | | | |puncte - B1 | |

    | | | | |Total B1 | |

    | | | | |minimum 52 | |

    | | | | |puncte | |


    | 41.|Pearson |Pearson |B2 |Listening 0 |Edexcel |

    | |Edexcel Entry |Test of | |- 25 puncte | |

    | |Level 1 |English | |minimum 15 | |

    | |Certificate in|(PTE) | |puncte - B2 | |

    | |ESOL |General | |Reading 0 - | |

    | |International |Level 3 | |25 puncte | |

    | | | | |minimum 15 | |

    | | | | |puncte - B2 | |

    | | | | |Speaking 0 -| |

    | | | | |25 puncte | |

    | | | | |minimum 15 | |

  • | | | | |puncte - B2 | |

    | | | | |Writing 0 - | |

    | | | | |25 puncte | |

    | | | | |minimum 15 | |

    | | | | |puncte - B2 | |

    | | | | |Total B2 | |

    | | | | |minimum 60 | |

    | | | | |puncte | |


    | 42.|Pearson |Pearson |C1 |Listening 0 |Edexcel |

    | |Edexcel Entry |Test of | |- 25 puncte | |

    | |Level 2 |English | |minimum 17 | |

    | |Certificate in|(PTE) | |puncte - C1 | |

    | |ESOL |General | |Reading 0 - | |

    | |International |Level 4 | |25 puncte | |

    | | | | |minimum 17 | |

    | | | | |puncte - C1 | |

    | | | | |Speaking 0 -| |

    | | | | |25 puncte | |

    | | | | |minimum 17 | |

    | | | | |puncte - C1 | |

    | | | | |Writing 0 - | |

    | | | | |25 puncte | |

    | | | | |minimum 17 | |

    | | | | |puncte - C1 | |

    | | | | |Total C1 | |

    | | | | |minimum 68 | |

    | | | | |puncte | |


    | 43.|Pearson |Pearson |C2 |Listening 0 |Edexcel |

    | |Edexcel Entry |Test of | |- 25 puncte | |

    | |Level 3 |English | |minimum 19 | |

    | |Certificate in|(PTE) | |puncte - C2 | |

    | |ESOL |General | |Reading 0 - | |

    | |International |Level 5 | |25 puncte | |

    | | | | |minimum 19 | |

  • | | | | |puncte - C2 | |

    | | | | |Speaking 0 -| |

    | | | | |25 puncte | |

    | | | | |minimum 19 | |

    | | | | |puncte - C2 | |

    | | | | |Writing 0 - | |

    | | | | |25 puncte | |

    | | | | |minimum 19 | |

    | | | | |puncte - C2 | |

    | | | | |Total C2 | |

    | | | | |minimum 76 | |

    | | | | |puncte | |


    | 44.|Test |FEDE |B1 |Minimum - |FEDE |

    | |lingvistic | | |100 puncte | |

    | |FEDE | | |Maximum - | |

    | | | | |200 puncte | |

    | | | |B2 |Minimum - | |

    | | | | |200 puncte | |

    | | | | |Maximum - | |

    | | | | |400 puncte | |

    | | | |C1 |Minimum - | |

    | | | | |200 puncte | |

    | | | | |Maximum - | |

    | | | | |400 puncte | |


    | 45.|OXFORD TEST OF|OXFORD - |B1 |81 - 110 |OXFORD - NICULESCU |

    | |ENGLISH |NICULESCU | |puncte |Education - S.R.L. |

    | | |Education |B2 |111 - 140 | |

    | | |- S.R.L. | |puncte | |


    | 46.|Cambridge |NA |B1 |140 - 150 |University of |

    | |English Entry | | |puncte |Cambridge - |

    | |Level | | | |Cambridge English |

    | |Certificate in| | | |Language |

    | |ESOL | | | |Assessment/former |

  • | |International | | | |University of |

    | |(Entry 3) | | | |Cambridge - English|

    | |(Key) | | | |for Speakers of |

    |____|______________|__________|____________|____________|Other Languages |

    | 47.|Cambridge |NA |B1 |140 - 159 |Examinations |

    | |English Entry | | |puncte |(Cambridge ESOL) - |

    | |Level | | | |www. |

    | |Certificate in| | | |cambridgeenglish. |

    | |ESOL | | | |org/ |

    | |International | | | | |

    | |(Entry 3) | | | | |

    | |(Preliminary) | | | | |

    |____|______________|__________|____________|____________| |

    | 48.|Cambridge |NA |B2 |160 - 170 | |

    | |English Level | | |puncte | |

    | |1 Certificate | | | | |

    | |in ESOL | | | | |

    | |International | | | | |

    | |(Preliminary) | | | | |

    |____|______________|__________|____________|____________| |

    | 49.|Cambridge |NA |B1 |140 - 159 | |

    | |English Entry | | |puncte | |

    | |Level | | | | |

    | |Certificate in| | | | |

    | |ESOL | | | | |

    | |International | | | | |

    | |(Entry 3) | | | | |

    |____|______________|__________|____________|____________| |

    | 50.|Cambridge |NA |B2 |160 - 179 | |

    | |English Level | | |puncte | |

    | |1 Certificate | | | | |

    | |in ESOL | | | | |

    | |International | | | | |

    | |(First) | | | | |

    |____|______________|__________|____________|____________| |

    | 51.|Cambridge |NA |C1 |180 - 190 | |

  • | |English Level | | |puncte | |

    | |2 Certificate | | | | |

    | |in ESOL | | | | |

    | |International | | | | |

    | |(First) | | | | |

    |____|______________|__________|____________|____________| |

    | 52.|Cambridge |NA |B2 |160 - 179 | |

    | |English Level | | |puncte | |

    | |1 Certificate | | | | |

    | |in ESOL | | | | |

    | |International | | | | |

    |____|______________|__________|____________|____________| |

    | 53.|Cambridge |NA |C1 |180 - 199 | |

    | |English Level | | |puncte | |

    | |2 Certificate | | | | |

    | |in ESOL | | | | |

    | |International | | | | |

    | |(Advanced) | | | | |

    |____|______________|__________|____________|____________| |

    | 54.|Cambridge |NA |C2 |200 - 210 | |

    | |English Level | | |puncte | |

    | |3 Certificate | | | | |

    | |in ESOL | | | | |

    | |International | | | | |

    | |(Advanced) | | | | |

    |____|______________|__________|____________|____________| |

    | 55.|Cambridge |NA |C1 |180 - 199 | |

    | |English Level | | |puncte | |

    | |2 Certificate | | | | |

    | |in ESOL | | | | |

    | |International | | | | |

    |____|______________|__________|____________|____________| |

    | 56.|Cambridge |NA |C2 |200 - 230 | |

    | |English Level | | |puncte | |

    | |3 Certificate | | | | |

    | |in ESOL | | | | |

  • | |International | | | | |

    | |(Proficiency) | | | | |

    |____|______________|__________|____________|____________| |

    | 57.|Cambridge |NA |B1 |140 - 159 | |

    | |English Entry | | |puncte | |

    | |Level | | | | |

    | |Certificate in| | | | |

    | |ESOL | | | | |

    | |International | | | | |

    | |(Entry 3) | | | | |

    | |(Business | | | | |

    | |Preliminary) | | | | |

    |____|______________|__________|____________|____________| |

    | 58.|Cambridge |NA |B2 |160 - 170 | |

    | |English Level | | |puncte | |

    | |1 Certificate | | | | |

    | |in ESOL | | | | |

    | |International | | | | |

    | |(Business | | | | |

    | |Preliminary) | | | | |


    | 59.|Cambridge |NA |B1 |140 - 159 |University of |

    | |English Level | | |puncte |Cambridge - |

    | |Certificate in| | | |Cambridge English |

    | |ESOL | | | |Language |

    | |International | | | |Assessment/former |

    | |(Entry 3) | | | |University of |

    | |(Business) | | | |Cambridge - English|

    |____|______________|__________|____________|____________|for Speakers of |

    | 60.|Cambridge |NA |B2 |160 - 179 |Other Languages |

    | |English Level | | |puncte |Examinations |

    | |1 Certificate | | | |(Cambridge ESOL) - |

    | |ESOL | | | |www. |

    | |International | | | |cambridgeenglish. |

    | |(Business | | | |org/ |

    | |Vantage) | | | | |

  • |____|______________|__________|____________|____________| |

    | 61.|Cambridge |NA |C1 |180 - 190 | |

    | |English Level | | |puncte | |

    | |2 Certificate | | | | |

    | |in ESOL | | | | |

    | |International | | | | |

    | |(Business | | | | |

    | |Vantage) | | | | |

    |____|______________|__________|____________|____________| |

    | 62.|Cambridge |NA |C1 |180 - 199 | |

    | |English Level | | |puncte | |

    | |2 Certificate | | | | |

    | |in ESOL | | | | |

    | |International | | | | |

    | |(Business | | | | |

    | |Higher) | | | | |

    |____|______________|__________|____________|____________| |

    | 63.|Cambridge |NA |B2 |160 - 179 | |

    | |English Level | | |puncte | |

    | |1 Certificate | | | | |

    | |in ESOL | | | | |

    | |International | | | | |

    | |(Business) | | | | |

    |____|______________|__________|____________|____________| |

    | 64.|Cambridge |NA |C2 |200 - 210 | |

    | |English Level | | |puncte | |

    | |3 Certificate | | | | |

    | |in ESOL | | | | |

    | |International | | | | |

    | |(Business | | | | |

    | |Higher) | | | | |


    2. Limba franceză ____________________________________________________________________________

  • |Nr. | Denumirea |Abreviere |Notare/nivel|Punctaj/ | Instituţia/ |

    |crt.| examenului | | |nivel/ | organizaţia care |

    | | | | |condiţii | eliberează |

    | | | | |minime | certificatul/ |

    | | | | |pentru | diploma/ |

    | | | | |recunoaştere| administrează |

    | | | | |şi | examenul |

    | | | | |echivalare | |


    | 1.|Diplôme |DELF |B1 |Promovat |Centre |

    | |d'études en | |B2 |Promovat |international |

    | |langue | | | |d'études |

    | |française | | | |pédagogiques (CIEP)|

    |____|______________|__________|____________|____________|- Ministere de |

    | 2.|Diplôme |DALF |C1 |Promovat |l'Éducation |

    | |approfondi de | |C2 |Promovat |Nationale |

    | |langue | | | | |

    | |française | | | | |

    |____|______________|__________|____________|____________| |

    | 3.|Test de |TCF |A1 - C2 |B1 | |

    | |connaissance | | | | |

    | |du français | | | | |


    | 4.|Test |TEF |A1 - C2 |B1 |Chambre de Commerce|

    | |d'évaluation | | | |et d'Industrie de |

    | |du français | | | |Paris (CCIP) |

    | | | | | | |


    | 5.|L'examen ECL |ECL |B1 |Promovat |European Consortium|

    | | | |B2 |Promovat |for the Certificate|

    | | | |C1 |Promovat |of Attainment in |

    | | | | | |Modern Languages |

    | | | | | | |

    | | | | | |Centrul Naţional de|

    | | | | | |Examinare ECL: |

    | | | | | |Eurocenter Amoba - |

  • | | | | | |S.R.L. |

    | | | | | | |


    | 6.|Test |FEDE |B1 |Minimum - |FEDE |

    | |lingvistic | | |100 puncte | |

    | |FEDE | | |Maximum - | |

    | | | | |200 puncte | |

    | | | |B2 |Minimum - | |

    | | | | |200 puncte | |

    | | | | |Maximum - | |

    | | | | |400 puncte | |

    | | | |C1 |Minimum - | |

    | | | | |200 puncte | |

    | | | | |Maximum - | |

    | | | | |400 puncte | |


    3. Limba germană ____________________________________________________________________________

    |Nr. | Denumirea |Abreviere |Notare/nivel|Punctaj/ | Instituţia/ |

    |crt.| examenului | | |nivel/ | organizaţia care |

    | | | | |condiţii | eliberează |

    | | | | |minime | certificatul/ |

    | | | | |pentru | diploma/ |

    | | | | |recunoaştere| administrează |

    | | | | |şi | examenul |

    | | | | |echivalare | |


    | 1.|Das Deutsche |DSD 2 |B2 - C1 |B2 |Ständige Konferenz |

    | |Sprachdiplom | | | |der Kultusminister |

    | |der | | | |der Länder in der |

    | |Kultus- | | | |Bundesrepublik |

    | |minister- | | | |Deutschland |

    | |konferenz | | | |(Kultusminister- |

    | |(Zweite Stufe)| | | |konferenz; KMK) |

  • |____|______________|__________|____________|____________| |

    | 2.|Das Deutsche |DSD 1 |B1 |B1 |http: www. |

    | |Sprachdiplom | | | |auslandsschulwesen.|

    | |der | | | |de |

    | |Kultus- | | | | |

    | |minister- | | | | |

    | |konferenz | | | | |

    | |(Erste Stufe) | | | | |


    | 3.|Das |ÖSD | | |Bundesministerium |

    | |Öster- |-/ |B1 |Promovat |für Unterricht, |

    | |reichische |-ZD |B2 | |Kunst und Kultur |

    | |Sprachdiplom |-MD |B2 |Promovat |(BMUKK) |

    | |Deutsch |-/ |C1 |Promovat | |

    | |- Zertifikat |-WD |C2 |Promovat | |

    | |Deutsch für | | | | |

    | |Jungedliche | | | | |

    | |- Zertifikat | | | | |

    | |Deutsch | | | | |

    | |- Mittelstufe | | | | |

    | |Deutsch | | | | |

    | |- Oberstufe | | | | |

    | |Deutsch | | | | |

    | |- Wirtschafts-| | | | |

    | |sprache | | | | |

    | |Deutsch | | | | |


    | 4.|Goethe - |- |B1 |Promovat |Goethe - Institut |

    | |Zertifikat B1:| | | | |

    | |Zertifikat | | | |pruefungen |

    | |Deutsch für | | | | |

    | |Jungedliche | | | |Goethe - Institut |

    |____|______________|__________|____________|____________| |

    | 5.|Goethe - |- |B1 |Promovat |pruefungen |

    | |Zertifikat B1:| | | | |

    | |Zertifikat | | | | |

  • | |Deutsch für | | | | |

    | |Erwachsene | | | | |

    |____|______________|__________|____________|____________| |

    | 6.|Goethe - |- |B2 |Promovat | |

    | |Zertifikat B2 | | | | |

    |____|______________|__________|____________|____________| |

    | 7.|Goethe - |- |C1 |Promovat | |

    | |Zertifikat C1 | | | | |

    |____|______________|__________|____________|____________| |

    | 8.|Goethe - |GDS |C2 |Promovat | |

    | |Zertifikat C2:| | | | |

    | |Großes | | | | |

    | |Deutsches | | | | |

    | |Sprachdiplom | | | | |


    | 9.|Der Test |Test DaF |B1+ - C1 |B2 |Test DaF - Institut|

    | |Deutsch als | | | | |

    | |Fremdsprache | | | | |


    | 10.|ECL - |ECL |B1 |Promovat |European Consortium|

    | |Zertifikat | |B2 |Promovat |for the Certificate|

    | | | |C1 |Promovat |of Attainment in |

    | | | | | |Modern Languages |

    | | | | | | |

    | | | | | |Centrul Naţional de|

    | | | | | |Examinare ECL: |

    | | | | | |Eurocenter Amoba - |

    | | | | | |S.R.L. |

    | | | | | | |


    | 11.|Test |FEDE |B1 |Minimum - |FEDE |

    | |lingvistic | | |100 puncte | |

    | |FEDE | | |Maximum - | |

    | | | | |200 puncte | |

    | | | |B2 |Minimum - | |

    | | | | |200 puncte | |

  • | | | | |Maximum - | |

    | | | | |400 puncte | |

    | | | |C1 |Minimum - | |

    | | | | |200 puncte | |

    | | | | |Maximum - | |

    | | | | |400 puncte | |


    4. Limba italiană ____________________________________________________________________________

    |Nr. | Denumirea |Abreviere |Notare/nivel|Punctaj/ | Instituţia/ |

    |crt.| examenului | | |nivel/ | organizaţia care |

    | | | | |condiţii | eliberează |

    | | | | |minime | certificatul/ |

    | | | | |pentru | diploma/ |

    | | | | |recunoaştere| administrează |

    | | | | |şi | examenul |

    | | | | |echivalare | |


    | 1.|Certificazione|CILS | | |Universita per |

    | |di Italiano | | | |Stranieri di Siena |

    | |come Lingua | | | | |

    | |Straniere | | | | |

    | |- Livello Uno | |B1 |Promovat | |

    | |- Livello Due | |B2 |Promovat | |

    | |- Livello Tre | |C1 |Promovat | |

    | |- Livello | |C2 |Promovat | |

    | |Quatro | | | | |


    | 2.|Certificazione|CELI 2 |B1 |Promovat |Universita per |

    | |della lingua |CELI 3 |B2 |Promovat |Stranieri di |

    | |italiana |CELI 4 |C1 |Promovat |Perugia |

    | | |CELI 5 |C2 |Promovat | |


    | 3.|L'esame ECL |ECL |B1 |Promovat |European Consortium|

  • | | | |B2 |Promovat |for the |

    | | | |C1 |Promovat |Certificate of |

    | | | | | |Attainment in |

    | | | | | |Modern Languages |

    | | | | | | |

    | | | | | |Centrul Naţional de|

    | | | | | |Examinare ECL: |

    | | | | | |Eurocenter Amoba - |

    | | | | | |S.R.L. |

    | | | | | | |


    | 4.|Test |FEDE |B1 |Minimum - |FEDE |

    | |lingvistic | | |100 puncte | |

    | |FEDE | | |Maximum - | |

    | | | | |200 puncte | |

    | | | |B2 |Minimum - | |

    | | | | |200 puncte | |

    | | | | |Maximum - | |

    | | | | |400 puncte | |

    | | | |C1 |Minimum - | |

    | | | | |200 puncte | |

    | | | | |Maximum - | |

    | | | | |400 puncte | |


    5. Limba spaniolă ____________________________________________________________________________

    |Nr. | Denumirea |Abreviere |Notare/nivel|Punctaj/ | Instituţia/ |

    |crt.| examenului | | |nivel/ | organizaţia care |

    | | | | |condiţii | eliberează |

    | | | | |minime | certificatul/ |

    | | | | |pentru | diploma/ |

    | | | | |recunoaştere| administrează |

    | | | | |şi | examenul |

    | | | | |echivalare | |

  • |____|______________|__________|____________|____________|___________________|

    | 1.|Diploma de |DELE |B1 |Promovat |Ministerio de |

    | |Espanol como | | | |Educación - |

    | |Lengua | | | |Instituto Cervantes|

    | |Extranjera | | | |http: diplomas. |

    | |- Diploma de |B1 |B1 |Promovat |*) |

    | |Espanol Nivel | | | | |

    | |B1 (Inicial) | | | | |

    | |- Diploma de |B2 |B2 |Promovat | |

    | |Espanol Nivel | | | | |

    | |B2 | | | | |

    | |(Intermedio) | | | | |

    | |- Diploma de |C1 |C1 |Promovat | |

    | |Espanol Nivel | | | | |

    | |C1 | | | | |

    | |(Intermedio) | | | | |

    | |- Diploma de |C2 |C2 |Promovat | |

    | |Espanol Nivel | | | | |

    | |C2 (Superior) | | | | |

    | |- Diploma de |A2/B1 |B1 |Promovat | |

    | |Espanol Nivel |scolar | | | |

    | |A2/B1 escolar | | | | |


    | 2.|El examen ECL |ECL |B1 |Promovat |European Consortium|

    | | | |B2 |Promovat |for the Certificate|

    | | | |C1 |Promovat |of Attainment in |

    | | | | | |Modern Languages |

    | | | | | | |

    | | | | | |Centrul Naţional de|

    | | | | | |Examinare ECL: |

    | | | | | |Eurocenter Amoba - |

    | | | | | |S.R.L. |

    | | | | | | |


    | 3.|Test |FEDE |B1 |Minimum - |FEDE |

    | |lingvistic | | |100 puncte | |

  • | |FEDE | | |Maximum - | |

    | | | | |200 puncte | |

    | | | |B2 |Minimum - | |

    | | | | |200 puncte | |

    | | | | |Maximum - | |

    | | | | |400 puncte | |

    | | | |C1 |Minimum - | |

    | | | | |200 puncte | |

    | | | | |Maximum - | |

    | | | | |400 puncte | |

    |____|______________|__________|____________|____________|___________________| *) În situaţii excepţionale, determinate de emiterea cu întârziere a Diplomei competenţelor lingvistice pentru limba

    spaniolă (DELE) de către Ministerul Educaţiei, Culturii şi Sportului din Spania, se va recunoaşte şi echivala "Certificatul de

    aptitudini" emis de Institutul Cervantes.

    6. Limba portugheză ____________________________________________________________________________

    |Nr. | Denumirea |Abreviere |Notare/nivel|Punctaj/ | Instituţia/ |

    |crt.| examenului | | |nivel/ | organizaţia care |

    | | | | |condiţii | eliberează |

    | | | | |minime | certificatul/ |

    | | | | |pentru | diploma/ |

    | | | | |recunoaştere| administrează |

    | | | | |şi | examenul |

    | | | | |echivalare | |


    | 1.|Diploma |DEPLE |B1 |Promovat |Ministério da |

    | |Elementar de | | | |Educaçăo - Centro |

    | |Portugues | | | |de Avaliaçao de |

    | |Lingua | | | |Portugues Lingua |

    | |Estrangeira | | | |Estrangeira (CAPLE)|

    |____|______________|__________|____________|____________|- Faculdade de |

    | 2.|Diploma |DIPLE |B2 |Promovat |Letras da |

    | |Intermédio de | | | |Universidade de |

  • | |Portugues | | | |Lisboa |

    | |Lingua | | | | |

    | |Estrangeira | | | |unidades/centros/ |

    |____|______________|__________|____________|____________|caple |

    | 3.|Diploma |DAPLE |C1 |Promovat | |

    | |Avançado de | | | | |

    | |Portugues | | | | |

    | |Lingua | | | | |

    | |Estrangeira | | | | |

    |____|______________|__________|____________|____________| |

    | 4.|Diploma |DUPLE |C2 |Promovat | |

    | |Universitário | | | | |

    | |de Portugues | | | | |

    | |Lingua | | | | |

    | |Estrangeira | | | | |


    | 5.|Test |FEDE |B1 |Minimum - |FEDE |

    | |lingvistic | | |100 puncte | |

    | |FEDE | | |Maximum - | |

    | | | | |200 puncte | |

    | | | |B2 |Minimum - | |

    | | | | |200 puncte | |

    | | | | |Maximum - | |

    | | | | |400 puncte | |

    | | | |C1 |Minimum - | |

    | | | | |200 puncte | |

    | | | | |Maximum - | |

    | | | | |400 puncte | |


    7. Limba japoneză ____________________________________________________________________________

    |Nr. | Denumirea |Abreviere |Notare/nivel|Punctaj/ | Instituţia/ |

    |crt.| examenului | | |nivel/ | organizaţia care |

    | | | | |condiţii | eliberează |

  • | | | | |minime | certificatul/ |

    | | | | |pentru | diploma/ |

    | | | | |recunoaştere| administrează |

    | | | | |şi | examenul |

    | | | | |echivalare | |


    | 1.|Japanese |JLPT |N3 - B1 |Promovat |Asociaţia |

    | |Language | |N2 - B2 |Promovat |Profesorilor de |

    | |Proficiency | |N1 - C1 |Promovat |Limbă Japoneză din |

    | |Test | | | |România |


    8. Limba rusă ____________________________________________________________________________

    |Nr. | Denumirea |Abreviere |Notare/nivel|Punctaj/ | Instituţia/ |

    |crt.| examenului | | |nivel/ | organizaţia care |

    | | | | |condiţii | eliberează |

    | | | | |minime | certificatul/ |

    | | | | |pentru | diploma/ |

    | | | | |recunoaştere| administrează |

    | | | | |şi | examenul |

    | | | | |echivalare | |


    | 1.|Exame

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