  • ILCOVEANUMollica


    611422600 11000688

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    J"i.-. ...:r- ....,../

    ISBN 973-8459-23-0

  • 4; ~,


    ~~ '1PREFATA

    Engleza rapida se adreseazli tuturor celor caredorcsc sa invete singuri limha engleza intr-un limp scurLCanea con!ine leC\ii care descriu diICrile silU;l\ii in carene-am putea afJa. ~i anume: intr-o excurise. la hotel. lareslauranL intr-o alta lara. etL Ca anexa. cartea cuprindeliste suplimentare. tahelul eu verbelc neregulate. precum ~icheia exerci!iilnr la care ve!i apela dUp[1 ee ve!i rezolvaexerei!iilc.

    Primul capilol ne familiarizeaza cu alfabetul limbiiengleze. transcrierea fonelica. introducfmd anumite semnecarl' llli au cnresponden!a in limha rom[lI1a precum ~ipronun!ia acestnra cat mai exacla. redalii ~i prin exemplede cuvintc din limba romana.

    Fieeare propozi!ie contine transerierea fonetica.precum ~i traduccrea in limha roman;) pentru a nc ajula saaSllnilam eftt mai rapid aceste int(lrlnalii. Dc ascmcnea.ficcarc IcC\ie dczbate 0 problema dc gramatidi explieatiisuccint ~i exemplificarea acesteia prin exercilii. Ficcarecxercitiu este necesar. Nu lrebuie omis nici unul. oricfll deU~or sau de dificil ar parea.

    '" Dupa cum v

  • 7


    N [en]o lou]P [pi:]Q [kju:]R [a:]S res]T [ti:]U Uu:]V [vi:]W ['dAhlju:1X leks]Y [wailZ [zed]

    A rei]B fhi:]C lsi:]D [di:]E Ii: IF letlG [cBi:]H [eitch]I [ail.r I(t5ci]K [kei]L [el]M [em]

    I. Cititi eu voce tare

    Alfabetul limbii engleze(The english alphabet)

    2. Scrieti-va Illlmeic pc spatilll marcat de mai jos ~i cititi-Ipe litere


    GREETINGS (Formule de salut)['gri:tIr)s]

    I. Good morning! Bunn dimillcata![gud 'm::>:nrl')]

    ') Good afternoon! Buna ziua![gud ,a:fta'nu:nj




    englcza, folosindu-se firc~tc ~i de un hun dictionar, 5i deascmenea vor putca sustine 0 conversatie in limha cngleza

    la un nivel mediu.Dupa eum hine ~tim, a limha straina depindc In

    primul rand de persevercnta ~i metoda de lueru a eclui careo studiazfl. Aprofundarea cuno~tintclor, printr-un efortsustinut ~i hine organizat. va va duee la cunoa~tcreatcmeiniea a limbii cngleze.

  • 8

    Transcrierea fonetica

    Alfabetul fonetic ,i transcriereafonetici

    Prin fonem se 'Intelege 0 totalitate de sunete foarteputin deosebite 'Intre ele ~i care tind sa se identifice cu unanumit sunet considerat ca tip general al fonemului Irespectiv'ln limba respectiva. .

    Sistemul fonetic al limbii engleze este diferit de cel allimbii romane. Daca cel romanesc este considerat unulfonetic, cel englezesc este unul etimolo~ic, adica se scrie'Intr-un fel ~i se pronunta altfe\.


    Iwet. windowyes. yellow

    Icinci, ceara Imuch, teachergirafii, ger large, engineer

    foarte asemanator cu Ilampa Ilove, lampI romanescm romanesc mama mum. mann romanesc nuca nut. namen velar. (naza!) punga sing, songp romanesc. de obicei pet. opencu un u~or h scurt lasmr~it

    semnificativ diferit I Ired, tryfata de r romanesc;are 0 foarte scurta ~islaba vibratie a limbiica s romanesc sante SIng, son~ romanesc ~0l1 short. shirtt romanesc timp time, tenv romanesc volum volume,

    festivalz romanesc Izebra Izebra, blouse

    Combinatii de semne

    f. I ase;nanator cu C.iQ) asemanator cu gi




    Semiconsoane (semivocale)w I asemanator unui u romanescy asemanator sunetului i romanesc


    V -ati 'Intrebat vreodata ce Inseamna simbolurile dinparantcze care apar lfinga un cuvant 'In dictional''? Acesteasum simboluri fonctice folosite ca ghid pentru pronuntareacorecta a cuvintelor. Pentru a veni In ajutorul dvs .. amdezvoltat un ghid simplu pentru celc mai folositcsimboluri.





    Noapte buna!

    Buna seara!

    .."3. Good evening!

    [gud 'i:vnIl)]4. Good night!

    [gud naIt]

    Sunet Descriere Ex. rom. Ex. en!!\.

    A a scurt mac cup

    a: a lung barca father

    e e scurt bee bed? ....-iL. e-Iung- .ft4Af$lj preot cat..

    1 i sCUl1 mic bit

    i: i lung mii sheep

    ;): olung dol' four

    u u scurt tr. ud actual

    0' g romanesc gaita great, good0

    h foarte asemanator cu hoi hello, house

    h romancsc

    3 Ij romanesc, Ijanta Itelc.v~sion,reVISIOn

  • 10

    Allow me to introduce.Mr. .. to you[a'iau mi: tu. ,rntra'dju:smrsta tu: ju:]Nice (0 meet you.[nars tu: mi:t jU:]I don't thlllk we have metbefore.[ar daunt 8rT)k wi: haw metbr'b:]May I introduce myself?[mer ar ,rntra'dju:s mar'self]My name is ...[mar nerm rz]

    You know Mr. B, don'tyou'?[ju: nau mrsta bi: daunt ju:]No, I don't thlllk so.[nau ar daunt 8rT)k saulr m very glad to meetyou.[arm 'ven gleed tu: mi:t JU:]I have alwavs wanted tomeet yo;- ~J,).fOi0!:()'khu[ar heev 'J:lwaz 'wontrd tu:mi:t ju:]I want vou to mect Mrs.[ar wont JU tu: mi:t mrsrz]

    Have you mct Mrs.... '.'

    Permiteti-mi sa va prezint pe

    dl. ..


    Imi pare bine (de cuno~tinta).

    Nu cred ca ne-am cunoscut.


    Nu, nu ered ca II cunosc.

    Imi permiteti sa ma prezint?

    Formule de prezentare Introductions[lIIlr;)'daAkJ;)llz)

    ~z .' _~~._.'~"~. ~"

    , ,,' \ \.' ,.l... ..:.' -:.,. - .

    Ma bucur mult sa V[l cunosc.

    De mult voiam sa va cunosc.

    Ma numesc ...II cunoa~teti pc di. B. nu-ia~a'?

    Vreau sa v-o prezint pedoarnna., ,

    eunoa~tcti pe d-na .. ,?

    cat, family

    turn,away, agaInsee, teahit, livecall. doorhot, doghlue, schoolput, look

    I Exemplearm, glasscup, but

    back, bookde obicei cat. black,

    dog, todayflower, fi 'ie

    Consoaneh b romfmesck similar cu c romanesc.

    : eu un usaI' h la sfilrsit

    d '1 foarte a~emanatorc'u d romanescf f romanesc

    VocateSunet Descriere

    a: a lungA a foarte scurt. apropiat de romfl-

    nescul "mac"re Isunet intre e ~i a (puteti incerca

    astfel: deschideti gura ca ~i cumati pronunta a ~i pronuntati e)

    ::l: Ia lung::l Ia romanesci: i lung

    i scurtJ: o lungJ 0 scurtu: ulungu u scurt

    Consoane fara corespondent in Iimba romana8 lun fel de s cu limha Jntre dinti. In-I think, hoth

    cercati sa pronuntati de mai multeori Ia rand t. iar apoi pronuntati cu Ilimha Jntre dinti i

    o I un fel de z cu limba intre dinti. in- I this, anothercercati sa pronuntati de mai multeori la rand d, iar apOl pronuntatieu limha intrc dinti


  • Indicativ prezent negativ

    Indicativ prezent afirmativ


    )w~ la- rCJ\-ftJ'. 1. C~;'''' t

  • Conversatie,

    Vorbiti engleze~te?

    Putin, ~tiu doar dltevacuvinte.

    Cunosc destul de bine limbaengleza.EI vorbe~te bine / prostengleza.

    Unde ati tnvatat engleza?

    De dlnd Invatati engleza?

    lnvat engleza de aproapedoc ~inci)ani.

    Cuno~tintele dvs. deengleza s-au Imbunatatit.Engleza vi se pare 0 limbagrea?

    Sa cautam acest cuv[mt Indictionar.

    Conversation[,konva'seij"an]Do you speak English?[du: ju: spi:k 'rf)glij]A little, I only know a fewwords.[a 'Irt! ar 'aunli nau a fju:w3:ds]I know English fairly well.[ar nau 'rt)glij" 'feali wei]

    He speaks English well /badly.[hi: spi:ks 'rf)9Ir1 wei 'bredli]Where have you learntEnglish?[wea hrev ju: 13:nt 'rf)glij]How long have you beenlearning English?[hau 10f) hrev ju: bi:n 'l3:nrf)'rf)glij]I have been learningEnglish for almost twoyears.[ar hrev bi:n 'l3:nrf) 'rf)glij" to:'::.l:lmaust tu: j3:Z]Your Engl ish has improved.U::.l: 'rf)glr1 hrez rm'pru:vd]

    Do you find Englishdifficult?[du: ju: farnd 'rf)glij" 'drfrkalt]Let's look up this word inthe dictionary.[lets luk Ap ors w3:d rn oa'drk{anari]



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    "mb .1f"nt; \ "j t..,. I. :Ia "

    a' .


    I. Traduceti in limha engleza:a. Unde estc restaurantul?b. Unde sunt invitatii vostn?c. Unde este aeroportul? hd. Unde sunt prietenii lor?e. Unde sunt magazinele?

    . ')1... : JI

    2. Traducet i In limba. romanii:a. Where are your friends?b. Where is my book?

    . c. Where is his wife'?d. Where are the restaurants?e. Where is the hotel?


    3. Treccti verbele din urmatoarele propozitii la plural:{\a. Where is my fJiend?

    .' h. Where is the hotel?c. Where is the airport?d. Where is your book?c. Where is her friend?


    Where areyour parents?Uo:r 'pearants]Illy books?[mar buk]our friends?[aua frends]the stores?loa stC:r]our guests?[aue gests] ;.;,

    } ~

    prietenii no~tri?


    My [mar] =al meu. a mea. ai meL alc mclcYour Uo:] =al tau. a ta. ai tai. ak taleHis [hIZ] =al lui. a lui. ai lui. ale luiHer [h3:] =al ei. a ei. ai ei. ale ciIts [ItS] =al lui/ei, a lui/ci. ai lui/ei. ale lui/ei (pentru

    obiecte. animale)Our [aua] = al nostru, a noastra. ai nostri, ale noastreYour Uo:] = al vostru. a voastra, ai vostri. ale voastrerTheir [oee] =allor, a lor. ai lor, ale lor

    Adjectivele posesive

    invitatii no~tri?

    dirtile mele?

    Unde suntparintii tai? jo:r

  • FamiliaPermiteti-mi sa va prezintfamilia mea.

    Cum va numiti?

    Ma numesc ...

    Prietenii Imi spun John.

    Care este numele dvs.Intreg?Numele meu de familie esteSmith.Numele de fata al sotieimele este ...

    Sunteti casatorit?

    Da, sunt disatorit(a).

    Sunt nedisatorit(a).


    Ea cste logodita cu dl ....

    EI estc logodnicul ei.

    (and sc c[lsi.Horesc'!

    ell cine este casatorit?

    Sotia lUI este profesoara.

    Parintil mel au sarhatol;t llun-ta de argintJaur anul trecut.

    Cati copii au?

    Ei au 0 fata ~i doi haieti.

    Aveti frati sau surori?

    Sora mea mai mare estedoctor.

    Bunicii dvs traiesc?

    She IS engaged to Mr. ..[Ii: IZ rn'geld3d tu: mIste]He is her fiance.[hi: IZ h3:r ,fi:a:n'seI]When are they gettingmarried?[wen a:r oeI getil) 'mcsrid]Who is he married to?[hu: IZ hi:mcsrid tu:]His wife is a teacher.[hIZ waIf IZ e 'ti:Ue]My parents celebrated theirsilver/gold wedding last year.[mal 'peerents 'selebreltedoee 'sIlva gould 'wedH}la:stj3:]How many children do theyhave?[hau 'meni 'Ulldren du: oeIhcsv]They have one girl and twoboys.[oeI hcsv wl\n g3:1 csnd tu:b:>Is]Do you have any brothersor sisters?[du: ju: hcsv 'eni 'brl\oes ::>:'sIstes]My elder sister is a doctor.[mal 'elde 'sIste IZ e 'dokte]

    Are your grandparents stillalive?[a:r j::>: 'grcsn,peerents stIIe'lalv]


  • 21





    Do you like [du: ju: lalk]to read? [tu: ri:d]to drink coffee? [tu: dnl')k 'kofi]to listen to music? [tu: 'lIsen tu:'mju:zIk]


    iti place,sa cite~ti?sa bei cafea?sa asculli muzica'?

    1. Traduceli in limba engleza:a. Cum te nume~ti? Ma numesc ...b. EI este tatal meu. EI estc profesor.c. Tn place sa asculli muzica?d. Imi place sa condue ma~ina.e. Ei sunt rudele melc: c1 estc unchiul meu, ea este

    matu~a mea ~i ei sunt veri i mei.

    2. Traduceli in limba romana:a. I don't like to get up early.b. My sister had a baby last week. ,(c. My parents celebrated their gold wedding last

    year. dd. Ilike watching TV.e. Do you like listening to music?

    3. Alcatuili Propozitii cu urmatoarc1e constructii:I like ...1don't likeDo you like........ ')He likes ..We don't like ..She doesn't likc .Do they like......... '}

    ";I don't like[aI daunt laIk]to get up early. [tu: get I\P '3:li]this music. lOIS 'mju:zIk]to watch TV. [tu: wotf ,ti: 'vi:]


    I like [aI laIk]coffee. ['kofi]tea. [ti:]music. ['mju:zIk]ice-cream. [aIskri:m]to travel. [tu: 'trreval]to drive. [tu: dralv]

    I have many relatives: manyuncles. aunts and cousins.[aI haw 'meni 'relatlvs 'meni'I\l')kJls o:nts rend 'kl\zans]Tom and Jane are myfather's nephew and niece.[tom rend ,d3em o:r mal'fa:oas 'nefju: rend ni:s]

    +- They are c!9se / distantrelatives.[oeI o:r klaus 'dIstant 'relatlvs]My sister-in-law had a babylast week.[mal 'sIstaml:>: hred a beIbilo:st wi:k]

    Nu-mi place

    sa rna trezesc devreme.aceasta privesc la televizor. conduc ma~ina.

    imi place / plac

    Cumnata mea a nascutsaptamana trecuta.

    Ei sunt rude apropiate /indepartate.

    Tom ~i Jane sunt nepotul ~inepoata tatei.

    Eu am multe rude: multiunchi, matu~i ~i veri.



  • --------...........---~ ;






    Jrl(i .~.

    l.!i .r

    ~Jll i !'.


    Ea este 0 fata draguta.

    EI este scund / inalt.Ce inaltime aveti?

    EI seamana Cll tatill lui.

    EI arc par blond / negru.

    Ce grcutate aveti?

    Ea are ochii diprui.

    Ce culoare au oehii ei?

    She is a pretty girl.[Ii: IZ a 'pnti 93:1]He is short / tall.[hi: IZ!:):t hi]How tall are you'?[hau t:):1 a: ju:]What do you weigh?[WDt du: ju: weI]He looks like his father.[hi: luks lalk hlZ 'fa:oa]He has fair / dark hair.[hi: hcez fea da:k healWhat colour are her eyes?[WDt kl\la a: h3: alz]Her eyes are brown.[h3: alZ a: braun]

    Numerele Numbers ('nl\mbas]I - one [wl\n] LM/l I wVLl2 - two [tu:] Olw:Jl3 - three [Sri:] -f.'Wd4 - four [fJ:] q,uat'U5 - five [faIv] UhCjr() - six [sIks] .8 C::x7 - seven ('sevan] .?J.qtl ...g - eight [eIt] ~tj!lJ9 - nine [nam) h1.ut10-ten[ten] cU:lII - eleven [I'levan] orvU12 - twelve [twelv] c10Ulct13 - thirteen LS3:'ti:nj 1~?:.e14 -fourteen LfJ:'ti:nj ~tO'7. 2e15 - fifteen [frf't. ] . '""-If,' ,I.n gvu'l,,-en17 - SIxteen LSIk'sti:n] J-ii:.e.""IR - seventeen Lsevan'ti:n] dA.'::J -:Jqd19 ~.~ eIghteen LeI'ti:n] cL..';)clvv.-. t20 _ nJnctee~ Lnam'ti:n} oU'::f. - ~4- v' ,

    twenty [twenti] u'ivt~ t23


    Este foarte ehipe~.

    Cum arata el?

    Este minora?

    Ea este adoleseentii.

    Ea este eu doi ani maitanara deeat sotul ei.

    Age, appearance[eId3 a'pIarans]

    How old are you?[hau auld a:r jU:]1am twenty years old.[al cem 'twenti j3:S auld]1shall be thirty next month.[allcel bi: 'S3:ti nekst ml\nS]When were you born?[wen W3: ju: WDZ]I was born in .,.[al WDZ WDZ m]

    Suntem de aceea~i varsta. We are the same age.[wi: a: Oa seIm eId3]She is two years .younger thanher husband.[Ii: IZ tu: j3:S 'jl\f)ga Ocen h3:'hl\zband]She is a teenager.[Ii: IZ a 'ti:neId3a]Is she under age?[Iz.!i: 'I\nda eld3]How does he look like?[hau dl\z hi: luk talk]He is very handsome.[hi: IZ 'veri 'hcensam].

    M-am naseut in ...

    Luna viitoare implinesctreizeci de ani.Cand v-ati nascut?

    Am douazeci de ani.


    Cati ani ai?





  • f'

    .'j l

    House, garden[haus 'ga:dn] \\ 1"'"Have you got your own.h ') -ouse. "I,'![haw ju: got j::>: aun haustl~._,I've taken a flat.[arv 'terkan a f1ret]I'd like to come and see ,toyour house.[ard lark tu: kAm rend si: j::>:haus]Come in, please!.:: I[kAm In pli:z] '.l!()1Now I shall show you my /.house.[nau arJrelJau ju: mar haus]This is the living-room.[ors rz oa 'IrvIr) ru:m]Our kitchen is fairly large.[aua 'krij'an rz 'feali la:d3]

    Come to see the hedrooms,too.[kAm tu: si: oa 'bedrums tu:]The bathroom is fairlylarge. too.[6a 'ba:8rum rz 'feali la:d3 tu:]


    ~~~;n V-..,;~~/

    ill ,.... IIi ~.,,' Jl. p ts. Lea'A~ vrea sa vin sa va vadcasa.




    1f t



    t 1UtJtz -d-U4"L

    VLh3t -et-i.4'V\;~v~t G.cwx~ t - t"'UlL,S

    Exercitii1. Traduceti In limba engleza:

    a. Am 25 de ani.b. EI are 30 de ani.c. Ea Impline~tc 50 de ani anul acesta.d. Sora mea are 18 ani.e. Tatal meu are 55 de ani.

    2. Folosind propozitiilc din text, aldituiti scurte enunturiprin care sa realizati descrierea voastrib", :>iiJN!

    3. Traduceti In Iimba romana: nirtla. Howald are you? 1am nineteen'yearsold.. ':(~;

    '~db. She looks like her mother. ' .

    'II','c. She is four years younger than herl}usband. ;_~d. He is a very handsome young man. : 'J

    e. She will be twenty-five next year.. . ""

    40 - forty ['f::>:ti] ~rzo:.de50 - fi fty ['fIfti] Cc yl 'YccfL4"vt

  • ___.............. .~ 5




    I. Traduceti In limba engleza:a. EI are 0 casa mare ~i frumoasa.b. Gractina lor este foarte Ingrijita ~i curata.c. Ea are 0 carte albastra.d. Dorn'iltoarele noastre sunt marioe. EI are ochii verzi.



    Ex: A tall man = Un barbat inaltA tall woman =0 femeie inaltaA beautiful house =0 casa f.umoasa

    Spre deosebire de limba ramana unde adjcctivul sc acordain gen, numar ~i caz cu substantivul pe care 11 detcrmina,in limba engleza adjectivul este invariabil.Locul adjectivuluiIn limba engleza, adjectivul se plaseaza Intotdeauna In fatasubstantivului pe care 11 determina.


    2. Traduceti In limba ramana:

    a. I have many beautiful flowers.b. His house is very tidy.c. Our kitchen is fairly large.d. Now I shall show you my living-room.e. I have taken a nice and beautiful flat.if



    Your garden is very neatand tidy.Uo: 'ga:dn IZ 'veri ni:t rend'taldi]It has many heautifulflowers.[It hrez 'meni 'bju:tafal 'f1auas]

    Culori Colours ['kAlas]Alb =white [walt] &&x..hCNegru =black [blrek] Y1VC'lrRo~u =red [red] '"W~Verde =green [gri:n] v~tAlbastru = blue [blu:] ~Bleu = light blue [lalt blu:]Bleumarin =dark blue {da:k blu:]Galben =yellow ['jelau] do,..u,nLGri = gray [greI] ru:SViolet = violet ['valalat] viO&tAuriu =golden ['gauldan] do'U'Argintiu =silver ['SIlva] D)l,~teW~U1 iu. &3E.rP /'l. ynOJCWh ~of.Rkl

    (,(1~ tnt"u t h ch; '" &wWh .fy1M.h

    Are multe flori frumoase.

    Gradina dvs. cste foartecuraHl ~i IngrijiHi.

    I :11

    '1I "III


  • IIII

    ____'"- .....~_tr_.._IIIIiIIIl ...

    Am mai vizitat ~i alte tari .

    rd like to go on a tourround the country.lard lark tu: gau on a tuaraund oa 'k"ntri]

    Sper ca a S[l va placa la noi. I hope you'll enjoy yourstay in our country.[ar haup ju:1 rn'd3::>r j::>: ster Inaua 'k"ntri]He is ...[hi: rz]Albanian [rel'beinian]

    Algerian [rel'd3ianan]African ['refrikan]Arab ['rerab]Australian [::>s'treilian]Austrian ['::>strian]Bulgarian [b"lgarian]Chinese [tfai'ni:z]1)Cuban ['kju:ban]Czech ['tj'ek]Danish ['deiniJ]

    Egyptian [i'd3iplan]Swiss [swis]Finn [fin]French [frentJ]

    German ['d3a:man]Greek [gri:k]Indian ['indian]Indonesian [,indou'ni:zian]Italian [i'treljan]

    Yugoslavian [ju:gou'sla:vian]Japanese [,d3repa'ni:z]Norwegian [n::>:'wi:d3an]Dutch [d"tJ]


    EI estc ...

    A~ vrea sa fac 0 dilatorieprin tar[l.

    . albancz



    , 't"

    ~c' .~.; '~~.~'......., T~~f. ....~/( ~ /'t' i " ", ' '~, ;1 '- i ):;;jY'\'. (~> ,(; \ \', tl

    ,~, \ ,'. . .t ' .." .1 i ,. f "~ f' J \". -..J II--' 1 '"

    I! . J 'i .! '\, '. .i. ."1' r. ~,.. y .' I :1 II{ ';i I,i~ Jj~

  • c~



    (. .


    .................................." .






    . .




    . .

    . ..



    . .


    II. Have you any hobbies?

    10. What sports do you do?

    12. What time do you get up?

    13. What time do you go to sleep?

    14. What do you do on Sundays?

    15. How often do you watch TV?

    16. What kind of clothes do you like?

    17. How do you get to school from home?

    18, Why do you want to study?

    19. Whatkind of music do you like?

    20. What do you think of globalization?

    Portuguese [,po:tju'gi:z]Serhian ['sa:bian]Spanish ['spreni.flSwedish ['swi:di.flHungarian [hAI)'gtarian]

    ..............................................................................................3. How do you spell it?

    4. Where do you come from?......................................................................................


    5. Where do you live now?

    Raspundeti la urmatoarcle Intrebari:1. How do you do.? J _ r,.,V(J iz...r weU it-flAil I'-'l .....~.. ~) .2. What is your last name?


    6. How old are you?..........................................................................................



    8. How are you today?

    9. Do you play tennis?

    7. How much do you weigh?........................................................................................


    H6vf1 0 I. '}tit) W )1.1.'~ te ~-i. ~- ~4 t/1df' rUL{ J [Y e/ld;{J .'" Jo.l...t







  • -,:z-----


    It's pouring.[Its 'p:):n!']]It is only a shower.[It IZ 'eunli e laue]It's cold today.[ItS keuld te'deI]The winter has set in.[oe 'wmte hrez set m]It looks like snow.[It luks laIk sneu]I can't bear cold.[aI krent bee keuld]What's the forecast fortoday?[wots oe 'hka:st to: te'deI]Today it is 7 degrees belowzero.[te'deI It IZ 'seven dI'gri:zbI'lau 'zIerau]rt's thundering.[ItS 'SAndan!']]It's lightening.[ItS 'laItl1l!']]rt's clearing up.[Its 'kIIen!'] Ap]It's slippery.[ItS 'sIIpari]storm [st:):m]thunder ['SAnde]rainbow ['rembeu]dew [dju:]drought [draut]


    Ploua cu galeata.

    Nu e decat 0 aversa.

    Astazi este frig.

    A inceput mma.

    o sa ninga.

    Nu pot suporta frigul.

    Astazi sunt -mffitls 7 grade.d k.t 'llj

  • Ex: I am reading a book now. =Eu citesc 0 carte acum.

    We are going to the seaside next week. =Vommerge la mare saptamana viitoare. 'J


    2. Traduceli In limha romfll1u:a. They are watching a very interesting movie at

    the moment.h. He is speaking to his friends now.c. I am telling him a very nice tale.d. She is playing tennis now.e. We are having a nice conversation at Ihis


    I. Traduceti in limba englezu:a. Eu citesc 0 carte interesanta acum.h. Ei vor merge la munte luna viitoare.c. Se Insenineaza acum.d. Astazi sunt minus 2 grade.e. Asculti muzidl. In acest moment?



    3. Treceti verbcle din urmatoarele propozitii la prezentulcontinuu:

    a. He speaks English.h. She writes a letter.c. We listen to music.d. I read a novel.c. It rains.


    Ex: Are you watching TV now? =Te uiti 1'1 televizoracum?

    Prezentul continuu se formeazu din prezentul verbului 'tobe' ~i participiul prezent al verbului de conjugat.


    Prezentul continuu se folose~te pentru a arata:actiuni in desfa~urare In momentul vorbirii;actiuni viitoare planificate In prezent.

    InterogativAm/is/are + subiect + V-ing?

    Ex: He is writing a letter now. =EI scrie 0 scrisoareacum

    AfirmativSubiect + amlis/are + V-ing

    NegativSubiect + am/is/are + not + V-ing

    tY:!JJ2-J ~ T!'w:JuJ,d ,11!i.J11Present tense continuous

    Ex: He is not playing foothall at the moment. = EI nujoadi fotbal acum.

  • ~---------------


    Try to make up for the lost time.[traI tu, melk Ap b: oa lost talm]

    Am I too early / late'![rem aI tu: '3:li lelt]

    It's getting laIC,[Its getlr) lelt]Let" s go for a walk In theevening.[lets gau b: a w~:k m oi: 'i:vl1Ir)]It will be raining at night.[It WII bi: remlr) ret nalt]

    inceardl s,l recuperezilimplll pierdllt.Am venit prea devreme

    / tarzlU"Se face larziu.

    Va plolla la noapte.

    Sa facem () plimharediseara.


    Vorbirea informala


    5:00 - five o'clock5:05 - five past five5:10-len past five5: 15 -. a quarter past five5: 25 -- twenty five past five5:30- halfpast five

    5: 35 - twenty to sixl"5:40 -- twenty to six5:45 - it quarter to six5:50 len to SIX5:55 - five to six

    What's the lime? =elt e ceasul?Este ora 5:20 = It is twenty past five,


    The timeloa talm]What's the time, please?[wots 003 talm pli:z]It's five o'clock.[Its faIV aklok]It's half past two.[Its ha:f pa:st tu:]Ifs a quarter past two.[Its a 'kw~:ta pa:st tu:]It's ten past two.[Its ten pa:st tu:]It's twenty past two.[Its 'twenti pa:st tu:]It's twenty to three.[Its 'twenti tu: 8ri:]It's it quarter to three.[Its a 'kw~:ta tu: 8ri:]It's five to three.[Its faIV tu: 8ri:]We have plenty of time.[wi: haw 'plenti ov talm]Don't hurry! [daunt 'hAri]How much time will it take toget there?[hau mAtftalm WII It telk tu: getoea]We will get there in time.[wi: WII get oea m talm]

    Este doua 5i douazeci.

    Este doua ~i jumatate.


    Este doua 5i zece.

    Este doua 5i un stert.

    Este ora CInci.

    Cat este ora. va mg'?

    Este trei fara douazeci.

    Este trei fara un sfert.

    Este trei fara cinci.

    Avem destul timp.

    Nu te gdlhi'In cat timp vom ajungeacoIo?

    Yom ajungc acolo 1'1timp.







  • If


    j p&-.-L ~ p~ki - 0- cJ-ei k(1 o/t-uf0 f\]r"" h...d! [~hJu.-fJ_~~~. An English class

    Ih., t'te


    What is the time? =Cit este ceasul'?Este ora 5:20 =It is twenty minutes past five.

    5:00 - five o'clock5:05 - five minutes past five [Yhl' h'lt\~J5: 10 - ten minutes past five5: 15 - a quarter past five5: 25 - twenty five minutes past five5:30 - half past five5:35 - twenty minutes to six5:40 - twenty minutes to six5:45 - a quarter to six5:50 - ten minutes to six5:55 - five mll1utes to six


    I. Traduceti in limba engleza:a. Avetl 0 casa foarte mare ~i ITumoas[l.b. Gradina dvs. este foarte rngrijita ~i are multe flori

    frllmoase.c. Cit este ccaslil'? Este ~aptc ~i douazeci de minute.d. Am inchiriat un apartamcnt frumos,e. Bucataria voastra este desllli de marc.

    2. Traducep:8:00=8:10=8:15 =8:20 =8:25 =8:30=

    fyJ ;)Ct

  • ;H

    TreclllllI sinnplu se folose~te pentru a arata aetiuni trecute,terminate.




    . I .

  • ...,.as

    Take care.Jimmy


    cu' ~-JD-

    c~ - Dc 7iA. "t (.(" I DjJo/' I Jupi iJ1 LUA.r:d: ia.Ji - 'UdJ I'lld

    Dear AI.

    Letter writing

    31CVha.t }8wY'"t(J oIJw;-

    Okay. but now I'd like to ask you something; When Iwent out I left my cat with my left neighbor. Mr. White.Please calion him to take her. and then water the plants,open the windows of the kitchen and bathroom. Don'tforget to feed the cat at least once a day, and look afterher.

    Then. call Jane and cancel the Friday'" appointmentwith her. and apologize to her on my behalf.

    Al last. in case of emergency if you really need me,you can call me at this number 555 - 12345.

    I'll be away for a week vacation far1'1'0111 this boring place. I want to relax, toforget everything that reminds me aboutIllV lob. I worked hard for a year. andnc;w' r want to enjoy myself, during thisvaeat ion J~ y>W: tl~ 1t'Wt-

    J.::< I"\J: &4C

  • 45

    Viitorul simplu se folose~te pentru a arata aqiuni viitoare.

    Future tense simple


    Viitorul simplu se formeaza din subiect, auxiliarul 'will' ~iprima fonna a verbului de conjugaL


    Suhiect + will + VI

    Er: I will call you tomorrow. = Te voi suna maine.

    Ex: He won't come next week. =EI nu va venisaptamana viitoarc.


    Subiect + will + not Iwon't + VI


    Will + subiect + V I?

    Ex: Will you tell him the truth? = Ii vel spuneadevarul?


    to be away [tu: bi: a'wel] =a plecavacation [va'keuan] =vacantaboring ['b::>:rH)] =plictisitorplace [plels] =locforget [fa'get] =a uitahard [ha:d] =din greusomething ['sAm81!')] =cevaleave, left, left [Ii:v left] =a pleca, a parasileft [left] =stanganeighbour [nelba] =vecinwater ['w:::>:ta] =a udakitchen ['klt[an] = bucatariebathroom ['ba:8rum] =baieat least [ret Ii:st] =cel putinlook after [Iuk 'a:fta] =a avea grija deonce [wAns] =0 dataappointment [a'p:::>mtmant] =inUilnireapologize [a'polad3alz] =a se scuzaon my behalf [on mal bl'ha:f] =in numele meuemergency [I'm3:d3,msi] =urgentii






  • Trebuie sa recunosc ca...

    Dupa cate ~till. .. / Din cate~tiu

    Dupa cum 0 vad eu(problema)Din punctul meu de vedere

    ~ i-:?e



  • )( Folosim already pentm a arata 0 aetiune care a avutloe inainte de momentul prezent. Se folose~t~ in

    '.', ...:: -'.li,;:' ,-(.t.

    propozitii afirmative ~i interogative. ;,. '..Jni i?

    ~( Folosim yet pentm a intreba sau discuta ceva ce a avutloc inca, dar care ar putea avea loc in viitor. Sefolose~te la star~itul propozitiei. Se folose~le inpropozitii negative sau interogative.

    Ed already has a high school diploma. = Ed are dejadiploma de bacalaureat.

    Mr. Smith is already here. =01. Smith este deja aici.Are they already in elementary school? =Ei au intr~t

    deja la ~coala primal'a?




    Already / Still / Yet / Anymore / AnyLonger / No L~nger :I~

    ~( Folosim still pentm a arata 0 aetiune in desfa~urare. Sefolose~te de obicei in mijlocul propozitiei langa verb.Se folose~te atilt 1/1 propozitii afirn;JativG,1 neg~tive cat~i interogative. ':::. 1, " .. c ::.; ':.ittZ

    ~i-,1rj ,r\(~

    Ed still doesn't have a college degree. = Ed nll areinca 0 diploma de bacalaureat.

    It was warm yesterday. and it's still warm today. = Jeria fost cald si inca mai e cald si azi.

    Are yo~ still waiting? = Inca mai a~tepti'?



    Nu sunt sigur, dar

    Imi pot imagina ca

    ered / Gandesc / Presupun

    Sunt sigur / convins ca

    Nu sunt sigur, pentm ca nucunosc situatia exact.

    Nu sunt convins ca...

    Am citit dL.,

    Am pareri Impartite asupraacestui lucru.

    Nu am nici 0 parere asupraacestei chestiuni.

    Aceasta dovede~te ca

    Este evident ca

    I can imagine that...'![aI kam x'mred3,m dret]I think / believe / suppose[aI SU)k bI'li:v sa'pauz]

    I am sure / convinced that...[aI rem 1::>: kan'vm! dret]I am not sure / certain,but...[aI rem not 1::>: 'S3:tn bAt]I am not sure, because I don'tknow the situation exactly.[aI rem not1::>: bI'koz aI dauntnau da ,SIUu'eijan Ig'zrektli]I am not convinced that...[aI rem not kan'vmst dret]I have read that .. ,[aI hrev red dret]I am of mixed opinionsabout / on this.[aI rem ov mIkst a'pmjansa'baut on dIS]

    I have no opinion in thismatter.[aI hrev nau a'pmjan m OIS'mreta]

    This proves that ...[OIS pru:VS Oret]It is obvious that...[It IZ 'obvias Oret]




    48 49

  • .....


    I'm very hungry. Is dinner ready yet? =Imi este foartefoame. Nu este gata masa inca?

    Can you wait ten minutes '! John isn't here yet. = Potia~tepta zece minute? John inca nu a ajuns.

    )( Folosim anymore. any longer. ~i no longer pentru amentiona 0 situatie trecuta care nu mai exista.

    Anymore ~i any longer se folosesc In propozitii negative~i interogativc. Se plaseaza la sfar~itul propozitiei.

    Is he in high school anymore / any longer ? =Maieste la liceu?

    She isn't in the Army anymore / any longer. =Ea numai este In armata.

    No longer se foloseste In propozitii afirmative. Seplaseaza In mijlocul propozitiei Janga verb.

    He is no longer a student. = EI nu mai este student.She no longer works at night. = Ea nu mai munce~te



  • 52

    on the evening of June 8 =in seara de 8 iunieon time, on schedule =la timp. in grafic

    ~~ In se folose~te cu timpul ~i cu cuvinlele beginning ~i~~

    end.Ex: in ten minutes. in an hour =in zece minute, intr-o

    orain a week. in two years =intr-o saptamana, in doiamin the beginning, in the end =la inceput, la smr~it

    )( Before ~i after se folosesc cu momentele zilei. cudatele Si cu substanti vele care speci fidl numeleevenimentelor sau intampJari.

    Ex:; before noon, after 5:00 p.m. = inainte de pranz,dupa ora 17:00

    hefore December 31, after April 15 =i'nainte de 31decembrie. dupa 15 apriliehefore the game. after dinner = inainte de joc. dupacina


    )( After se poate folosi cu 0 perioada de timp.Ex: after six months. after thirty years = dupa ~ase luni,

    dupa treizeci de ani

    ~( From se folose~te cu to ~i till/until pentru a indicaperioadele de timp.

    Ex: from 1985 to 1993 =din 1985 pana in 1993from May I until June 15 =de 11 I mai pana la 15IIIOle

    from 10:00 a.m. till 5:30 p.m. = de 11 ora 10:00pana la ora 17:30






    la capatuJ

    la colt

    in spatele

    in fata

    (chiar) dupa colt



    At the end (of)[eet di end ov]At the corner[eet da 'ko:na]Behind[br'hamd]In front of[m frAnt ov]

    (just) around the corner[d3Ast a'raund da 'ko:na]traffic lights['treefrk larts]

    crossroads, junction['krosraudz 'd3AI)~an]

    Prepozi~iile de timp

    Urmatoarele prepozitii arata timpul: at, on. in,after, from, until, till, to, for ~i since.

    ~( At se folose~te cu momentul zilei, varsta ~i cucuvintele night. first. last, beginning ~i end.

    Ex: at noon, at night. at midnight, at 7:30 a.m. = 11pranz, noaptea, 11 miezul noptii. 11 7:30at the age of twelve =11 varsta de doisprezece aniat first, at last = la prima vedere, in finalat the beginning, at the end = la inceput, la smrsit

    ~( On se folose~te cu zilele ~i dalele. Se mai poate folosicu partile zilei ~i cu cuvintele time ~i schedule.

    Ex: on Monday, on your birthday =luni, de ziua ta (on October 18 =pe 18 octombrie












    II .I,i

  • Cumparati doua lapretul)uncia.



    l cl')n




    ~ , ; j-'1''"



    Va pot ajuta?

    Cu cc va pot ajuta? / Ce potface pentm dumneavoastra?Imi pare rau. nu vindemtimbre.Altceva?

    Este la oferta. .

    Cat / Cati doriti?


    >ilSI brsjCc marime purtati? .\fGH

    Imi pare diu. nu mai avem .]paine. ~o alta culoare ar merge?, !

    Doriti sa prohati'?

    Cabina de proha este acolo.Vli' !iQ

    Rochia va vine fo~rte hine.

    Platiti la casa. va rog.

    lJlfi'Voi lua aceasta la casa. CiIA

    . ' ., 'C I'" 'oJ.( .. 1 .... ,,"-~ ._."" ,\,I .Poftiti


    ShOP Assistant

    Can I help you?[kren ar help jU:]What can I do for you?[WOt keen ar du: b: ju:]

    Sorry, we don't sell stamps.['sori wi: daunt sel steemps]

    Anything else'?['eni8rr) els]II's all offer.[rts on 'ota]Buy two for the pric~ pfone.[bar tu: h oa prars ov wAn]How mueh / many wouldYOU like'?[hau mAt[ 'meni wud ju: lark]What size do you take'?[wot sarz du: ju: terk]

    Sorry, we are out of bread.['sori wi: a: aut ov bred]

    Would another colour do'?,..,[wud a'nAoa kAla du:]

    Would you like to try it on?[wud ju: lark tu: trar rt on]The titting room is over there.[oa 'fItr!) rum rz 'auva oea] .

    The dress suits you very well.loa dres sju:ts ju: 'veri welJPay at the cash desk. please.[peT ~t oa k~ldesk pli:zJI'll take this to the cao;h desk ..[all teIk dIS tu: da keel deskJHere you are.



    ~( Until/till se pot folosi ~i numai eu zilele, datele ~iorele.

    Ex: until next Friday, till next week = pana vinereaviitoareuntil 1997, till August 2 =pana in 1997, pana la 2augustuntil 10:00 p.m., till midnight = pana la ora 22:00,pana la miezul noptii

    ~( For se folose~te eu perioadc de timp ~i arata durataunei aetiuni.

    Ex: for half an hour, for three weeks, for one year = dejumatate de ora, de trei saptamani, de un an

    ~(Since se folose~te eu perioade definite ~i arataineeputul unei aetiuni.

    Ex: since Sunday, since 6:00 this morning, since 1988= de duminica, de la ora 6:00 de dimineata, din1988

  • IN




    J ~ i.


    j ,;rr~



    Nu-mi vine.

    Nu-mi place.

    Port marimea...

    Este prea mic / mare / larg /stramt / scump.

    Pot incerca aceasta, va rag?

    Asta-i tot.

    Cat co~ta?

    Unde este casa?



    Nu mi se potrive~te.:Jffll')1

    ;;. ~f, r

    It doesn't fit me.[It dAznt fIt mi:]It doesn't suit me.[It dAznt sju:t mi:} i.;

    I don't like it.[ar daunt lark rt]

    It's too small / big / wide /tight / expensive[Its tu: smo:1 brg ward tartrk'spensrv]I'm size ...[arm sarz] 1-iHave you got this in another Mai aveti ~i alta marime /size / colour? culoare?[hrev ju: got ors rn ,a'nAoa sarzkAla]

    May I try this on, please?[mer ar trar ors on pli:z]How much is it?[hau mAU rz rt]That's all.[orets 0:1]

    Where is the cash desk?,,/)[wea rz oa krel desk]

    Could I get a receipt, Imi dati a chitanta, va rag?please? . , )' j I ""{~'N ,.\', _ ) W ',0:[kud ar get a n'si:t pli:z] ',! ,;7,Could I get a (plastic) bag, Imi,dati osaco~, va rag?please?' , ' . j ,.:..,: ~, . ,1 I H[kud ar get a 'plrestrk breg 'fr,f'" " '. (l"'I'r PfJ'!"IIIQD"(IJ'pli:i])' ' ,~ , .... !. -J.' . " " ..I'm afraid! Sorry I don't ,L M~ t~h, / Imiparira~ c1nULhave any change. f'p am marunt. ,'" ''':; N[ I f(' ".j """'( -f "1f'"aIm a'frerd 'sori ar daunt .' " .', .' .. " , ',-'

    Do you accept credit cards? Acceptati can i de credit?[dlJ: jlJ: ak'sept 'kredrt ka:ds]





    '))., r

    'n 'iw

    . '51(; UO\(

    Aveti suveniruri?'\;" J', ',!:ISH;?

    De unde pot cumpara cartipo~tale? ;\J t "0,,,;, '"

    De unde pot cumpara unfilm pentru camera de luatvederi / aparat foto?' T', ,flIL

    Unde ,pot gas r- ziare?"11!'",' " 2e1D (

    ,'~''':h'Jlq .h:A, llr,i;')J\H It~9b 1$,1 (5-1'

    ':.' .:"': i ol

    Aceste stide'sunt returnabile?

    Vindeti timbre?

    A~ dori 0 sticla cu lapte, varog.

    ClientAm nevoie de ...

    Nu cumva aveti manmt?!'


    Poftiti restuldumneavoastra.

    :' ,fr

    Fac 20 Euro impreuna.

    ?' ,::it~ " ,,\!I,,Cu ptacere.'ii.'~"''' M ''10 f,f;

    CustomerI need...[ar ni:d]I'd like a bottle of milk,please.[ard lark a 'botl ov mrlk pli:z]Have you got souvenirs? '[hrev ju: got ,su:va'nraz]Do you sell stamps?[du: ju: sel stremps]Where can I buy post cards?[wea kren ar bar paust ka:ds]

    Where can I get a ti 1m for A,.my camera? .

    r!. ,[wea kren ar get a film to: 1l1.:u'kremara] .Where can J find .1 wrbn>!newspapers? ,,".1 ; 'i O[wea kren ar farnc(") hi ;/111, '1

    'nju:s,perpaz] ,Are these bottles returnable?"[a: oi:z 'botls n't3:nabal]


    [hra ju: a:] -/ ''IS\:'You're welcome. '[ju:r 'welkam]That's 20 Eurosaltogether.[orets 'twenti juaraus,o:lta'geoa]You don't happen to have,any change, do you?[ju: daunt 'hrepan tu: hrev 'eni

    Uernd3]Here's your change.[hraz jo: Uernd31

  • ,,0>1 tIbmol ;;i~)/6 'ut :ub]

    58 I 59

    Completati spatiile libere cu forma corecta a verbului 'tobe':

    I live in a ne.w apartment, bJlildim!~It (I ) ~ a good-t.;, 1'?~;'l\O; VLlltwf' e.

    place to live. The neighborhood (2 very quiet,and it (3) not too far from the place I work. Myneighbour~ (4) very friendly. In the apartment

    Act I IA"l

  • w w..J pl.,t/1: r Z2< ...r.,~ ""'-~ Ii t~1! 0. ~

    if pWc< IAC4j. ,Iit-DIA.C,[

    Je -( 'Za. L t-.. Li.fu )(.11,.':) P)u


    I can write a letter inEnglish;[ar kren rart a 'leta rn 'Ir)gh;I!Could you write to himyesterday?[kud ju: raIt tu hrm 'jestadi]I haven't been able to writeto him lately.[ar hrevant bi:n 'erbal tu rart tuhrm 'Iertli]

    But I will be able to write ittomorrow.[bAt ar wrl bi: 'erbal tu rart rtta'morau]

    I could write to him tonight.[ar kud rart tu hIm ta'nart]You could have written tome, why didn't you?[iu: kud hrev 'rrtn tu mi: wardrdnt ju:]He could be writing now.[hi: kud bi: 'rartrr) nau]He can't be writing now.[hi: krent bi: 'rartrr) nau]He couldn't Ican't havewritten to me.[hi: kudnt krent hrev 'rrtn tumi:]

    Ai putut sa-i scrii ieri?

    111 ;f t oJ"U. 10-fiI-~ ~o1f ~3 ,t:a.piA.&eN-am putut sa-i scriu inultima vreme.

    Pot sa scriu 0 scrisoare incngleza.


    S-ar putea sa-i scriu diseanl.


    Ai fi putut sa-mi serii, de cenu mi-ai scris?

    Dar voi putea maine.

    Ar putea sa scrie acum.

    Imposibil sa scrie acum.

    E imposibil ca el sa-mi fiseris.





  • prezentareIII


    ...,., ZJ



    I. Traduceti In limgg~eza:a. Pot sa Imprumut cartea ta'?b. Ar putea sa scrie 0 scrisoare acum.c. Iti voi scrie maine.d. Poate veni sa ne vada saptamana viitoare?e. Poti vorbi limba engleza fluent?

    2. Treceti urmatoarele verbe la trecutul simplu ~i la ~or:a. I can write. -- -b. He can dance.c. We can speak English fluently.d. They can dri ve very fast.e. It can rain today.

    What's your name?[WOts jo: nerm]Who are you?[hU: a: jU:]

    My name is ...[mar nerm rz]

    lam ...[ar rem]My friends call me ...[mar frends ko:1 mi:]You can call me...Uu: kren ko:1 mi:]Haven't we met before?['ha:lVant wi: met br'h]Yes, I think we have.Ues ar 8rl)k wi: hrev]No, I don't think we have.[nau ar daunt 8rl)k wi: hrev][think we've already met.[ar 9rl)k wi:v o:I'redi met]I don't think we've metbefore.[ar daunt 9rl)k wi:v met br'to:]This is ...[OIS IZ]Have you met...?[hrev ju: met]

    Yes, I have.Des aI hrev]No, J haven't.[nau al 'hrevant]Yes, I think [ have.Des aI 9ll)k al hrev]

    ~ :

    Cum te numc~ti?

    Cine suntetidumneavoastra?Numele meu este ...

    Eu sunt... !! J."

    Prietenii Imi spun ...

    Imi poti spune...

    Nu ne-am mai Intalnit?

    Da, cred ca da.

    Nu, nu credo

    Cred ca ne-am IntfHnit deja.

    Nu cred d\ ne-am maiIntalnit; th()'(-~ i.e

    Acesta / Aceasta este...

    Ati cunoscut / cunoscut-opc... ?Da.


    Da, cred di da.


    62 63

  • y

    vv't:-c' r; 1 ,6 2 ,

    May I write it?[mer ar rart It)He wasn't allowed/permitted to write it.[hi: 'wozant a'iaud tu: ralt It]I will he allowed to write inthe afternoon.[ar wII bi: a'iaud tu: rart In 6i _,a:fta'nu:n]He may/might he writingletters now.[hi: mel mart bi: 'rartH) 'Ietasnau]I may/ might write to youlater.[ar mer mart rart tu: ju: 'Ierta]You may/might havewritten to me. why didn'tyou?[ju: mel mart hrev 'mn tu mi:war drdnt ju:]

    Lui nu i s-a permis s-o



    imi permiteti s-o scriu ell?

    Mi se va permite sa scriudupa-amiaza.

    EI s-ar putea sa scrieserisori acum.

    Soar putea sa-ti scriu maitarziu.

    Ai fi putut sa-mi scrii, de cenu mi-ai scris?


    .' ~i

    'i$r\ ~"




    ':Iff! i,;')

    rn ,:;w \

    lb.n'Ne vedem mai tarziu.

    Nu, nu credo


    Ne vedem' curand',dfil

    Ma hucur sa va revact.

    '0: Le',

    Ne vedem maine. ;P.

    Ne vedem saptamana {s-vi itoare. ,NNoapte hllna. i::."'il./t

    '::1 I

    . Imi pare bine sa va cunosc.(informal)Ma buc~,sava cunosc.c~,j

  • 1}

    Am rikit.

    Te simti hine?

    Sunt obosit/a.

    Sunt extenuat/a.

    Ce se intampJa cu tine?

    Nu prea hine. de fapt.

    Ce este in neregula eu tine?

    Sunt bine.

    Foarte hine.

    Nu prea rau.

    Bine. muitumesc.

    Ce mai faei? I Cum te maisimti?Cum te simti astazi?


    HoW are you?[haU a: ju:]

    How are you today?[hau a: ju: ta'der]

    Fine. thank you.[faIn 8ref)k ju:]

    Not too had.[not tu: bred]Very well.['veri wei]I'm okay I all right.[arm ,au 'ker ::>:1 rart]

    Not too well. actually.[not tu: wei 'rektIuali]

    What's wrong with you?[wots rof) wro ju:]What's the matter with you?[wots oa 'mreta wro ju:]

    Are you all right?[0: ju: ::>:1 rart]

    I'm tired..[arm tarad]

    I'm exhausted.[arm rg'z::>:strd]

    I've got a cold.[arv got a kauld]



    'ur 1,>1 iI. lf~m ISiirn\'(/;,

    I. Traduceti in limba engleza:a. Pot folosi telefonul tau? /~:J ~t. ~v-t p\v.b. Pot sa intru in camera?c. S-ar putea sa ploua.d. Se poate sa vina diseara.e. Ai fi putut sa vii mai devreme.


    2. Treceti urmatoarele verbe la trecutul simplu ~i viitor:a. I may call him tonight.b. It may rain today.c. He may enter my office.d. May I see you today?e. She may pay us a visit these days.





  • De ee a trebuit s-o serii?

    )(You mustn't write to him.uu: 'ml\sant faIt tu: hIm]You don't have to write tohim today, you can write to,.him tomorrow. ::fl:uu: daunt heev tu: faIt tu: hImta'del ju: keen faIt tu: hImta'mofau]

    You don't need to wri te tohim today.uu: daunt ni:d tu: faIt tu: hImta'del]

    You needn't write to himtoday.uu: ni:dant faIt tu: hIm ta'del]I needn't have written ityesterday. but I did.[al ni:dant heev 'ntn It 'jestadibl\t al dId]

    You didn't have to write it", yesterday.

    uu: dldnt heev tu: faIt It'jestadi]

    He must be writing now. (lam sure)[hi: ml\st bi: 'faItH) nau al eem

    1::>:]He must have written theletter yesterday.[hi: mAst heev 'ntn oa 'leta'jestadi]

    You should write it today.uu: Iud faIt It ta'del]


    hi interzic sa-i serii.


    Nu trebuie sa-i serii, potisa-i serii maine.

    Eu nu trebuia s-o fi scris-oieri, dar am seris-o.

    Nu trebuia s-o serii ieri.

    El probabil (sigur) ea serieaeum.

    EI probabil a seris srisoareaieri.

    Ar trebui s-o serii astazi.



    You must write it today.uu: ml\st faIt It ta'del]Why do I have to write ittoday?[wal du: al heev tu: faIt Itta'del]

    I had to write to himyesterday.[al heed tu: faIt tu: hIm'jestadi]

    Why did you have to writeit?[wal dId ju: heev tu: faIt It]I haven't had to write lettersto him lately.[al heevant heed tu: faIt 'Ietastu: hIm 'Ieltli]

    I will have to write to himtomorrow.[al wII heev tu: faIt tu: hImta'mofau]


    xMustTrebuie s-o serii asUizi.

    De ee trebuie s-o seriuasUizi?

    A trehuit sa-i scriu ieri.

    N-a trehuit sa-i seriuserisori In ultima vreme.

    Va trebui sa-i seriu maine.





  • 2. Traduceti in limha romana:a. Children mustn't play with matches.b. You must come at once.c. He should have told us the news.d. They must have already heard the story.e. It must have rained heavily.

    I. Traduceti In limha engleza:a. Este interzis sa fumati In acest birou.b. Trebuie sa ii spui adevarul.c. Va trebui sa scriu mesajul astazi.d. Nu trebuie sa vorbe~ti atat de tare. Te aud foartebine.e. De ce trebuie sa mergem atat de repede.




    Eu sum / Tu e~ti / EI este IEa este




    supraponderaL gras


    ... al1l


    frumos, dragut




    infi~i,are / Descriere

    I am / You are / He is / She

    is[al rem ju: 0: hi: IZJi: IZ]

    tall[to: l]small[smo: l]overweight, fat[,auva'welt fret]

    slim[slIm]youngUM)]old[aUld]... years oldU3: auld]beautiful/pretty (fern).hanshloiome (masc)['bju:tIfal 'pnti 'hrel}am]sun-tanned[sAn trend]pale[pell]

    I have I You have I He has / Eu am I Tu ai I EI are I EaShe has (got) are[al h~v ju: hrev hi: hrezJi:h~z]

    hlue I green I hrown eyes ochi alba~tri / verzi I diprui[blu: gri:n braun alz]a beard barba[a bled]


    He should have written ityesterday.[hi: Iud haw 'ntn It 'jestadi]


    AI' fi trebuit s-o fi scris-oieri.



  • /

    nas mare / mic / lungI,


    In, ,i " I will write it if I have thetime. '1 (, " "[al WII ralt It If al hrev OetaIm]I would write it if I had thetime.[al wud ralt It If aI hred 6atalm] lOtiI would have written it if Ihad had the time.[al wud hrev 'ntn It If al hred ;hred 6a talm]




    2. Completati spatiile libere Cll propozitiile potrivite:a. If I have the time .. .b. He will watch the movie if .c. If it rains ..d. If he calls ..e. They would have answered your questions if ....

    I. Traduceti In limba engleza:a. Va veni daca va avea timp.b. Ar veni dad! ar avea timp.c. Ar fi venit daca ar fi avut timp. \d. Ar fi avut note mai bune dadl ar fi 'invatat mai

    mull.e. Daca nu va ploua, vom merge la picnic.


    ) ~ Ii.!

    1 As fi scris-o dadt as fi~.. . .avut timp.

    2.A~ scrie-o daca a~ avea


    J.O s-o scriu, dadi voi avea:limp. ;(1 t;t, q




    par drept

    ~uvite blonde

    par lung

    par vopsit

    par ro~cat , q

    par scurt

    par cret / bucle

    fata patrata / rotunda /triunghiulara / ovala

    urechi mari / mici

    par negru

    par ~aten


    par blond

    mustataa moustache[a ma'sta:.oblond hair[blond hea]red hair[red hea]brown hair[braun hea]black hair[blrek hea]dyed hair[dald hea]blond highlights[blond 'haIialts]short hair[[o:t heallong hair[1011 hea]straight hair[streIt hea]curly hair / curls['k3:li hea k3:ls]a bald head[a bo:ld hed]a square / round / triangular/ oval face[a skwea raund tral'rell9jula'auval fels]a big / small/long nose[a bIg smo:lloll nauz]big / small ears[bIg smo:1 laz]

    I,II Illil




    I, 'I

    Illi "I

    72 73

  • \~\

    Eu port / Tu porti / EJpoarta / Ea poarta





    haios, caraghios




    )(He told me to write it.[hi: tauld mi: tu: ralt It]He asked me not to write it.[hi: a:skt mi: not tu: ralt It]She said she was writing it.[fi: sedji: woz 'raltI!) It]She said she wrote novels.[fi: sed Ji: raut 'novals]She said she had written it.o[fi: sed Ji: hred 'ntn It]She said she had written it lastnight.[fi: sedji: hred 'ntn It lo:st nalt]She said she would write it.[fi: sed Ji: wud ralt It]She said she could write it.[fi: sed Ji: kud ralt It]

    ~i /~.


    sad[sood] 'Icaggressive[a'greslv]

    Don't write it.

    Write it.


    I'm writing,

    rwrite novels

    I've written it.

    rwrote it last night.

    rwill write it.

    rcan write it.




    r ... ;1


    Ientile de contact

    un colier


    o bratara

    o esarfa rosie

    o cravata

    Eu sunt / Tu esti / EI este /Ea este



    plin de viata



    ,4.L< fen-

    Haine ,i accesorii

    I wear / You wear / He "wears / She wears[aI wea ju: we9 hi: weazji:weaz]glasses[gla:slz]

    contact lenses it fIS1['kontrekt lenzlz]earrings['Iarr!)z]a necklace[a 'neklas]a hrac~Jet[a 'brelslat]a red scarf[a red ska:f]a tie[a tal]


    I am / You are / He is / SheIS

    [aI rem ju: a: hi: IZji: IZ]shy[aI]quiet['kwalat]lively['/alv/i]active['rektlv]






  • I. Treceti la vorbirea indirecta urmiltoarele propozitii:a. Speak loudly!b. Enter the room, please.c. Where is he?d. What time is it?e. Have you heard the news'?






    I "III

    >(I must write it.

    I should write it.

    Where does Liz live?

    How did you travel toAlaska?

    Have you seen themuseum?;'

    How are you?

    Howald is she?

    What time is the nexttrain to Brighton?



    She said she had to write it.[Ii: sed ji: hcsd tu: raIt It]She said she should have'written it.[Ii: sedji:lud hcsv 'ntn It]She asked where Liz lived.[Ii: a:skt wea liz IIvdjShe asked me how I hadtravelled to Alaska.[Ii: a:skt mi: hau aI hcsd 'trcsvaldtu: a'lcsska]

    She wanted to know if I hadseen the museum,[Ii: 'wontId tu: nau It aI hcsd si:nda mju:'ziam]

    She wondered how I was.[Ii: 'wJ\ndad hau aI woz]He wanted to know how old hewas.[hi: 'wontId tu: nau hau auld hi:woz]

    She asked what time the nexttrain to Brighton was?[Ii: a:skt wot taIm da nekst tremtu: 'braitan woz]

  • ~


    I can't wait seeing you.[aI ka:nt welt 'Si:II') ju:]I can't stand him IY!Dg tome.[aI ka:nt steend hIm 'laI-II') tu:mi:]

    I can't bear him lying to me.[aI ka:nt bea hIm 'laII') tu: mi:]I'm looking forward tomeeting you.[aIm lukII') 'to:wad tu: 'mi:trl')ju:]

    He burst out laughing.[hi: b3:St aut la:fIl')]I c'!!:!,ght him sleepingduring the test.[aI ko:t hIm SIi:pII) 'djuanl') oatest]He kept me waiting.[hi: kept mi: weItII')] JE; Y\It started raining.[It sta:tId remII')]It stopped.[It stopt]

    Would you mind waiting 'Ioutside?[wud ju: mamd weItrl') '" 'aut'saId] JOe '. l

    It's no use crying.'[Its nau jU:S 'kraII')]It's worth visiting thatmuseum.[ItS w3:8 'VIZItrf) Oeetmju:'ziam]I couldn't help myselfsmiling.


    M-a lasat sa a~tept.

    Nu suport ca el sa rnaJl!i.D ta.


    Abia a~tept sa te vad.

    Abia a~tept sa te Intalnesc.

    A izbucnit In ras.

    L-am s~!!Qrins dormind Intimpul testului.

    A Inceput sa ploua.

    AIncetat..Alle~1 ave! ',r i'J'w,ivh

    Te deranjeaza daca asteptiafara?

    N-are rost sa plangi.

    Merita sa vezi muzeul.

    Nu m-am putut abtine sa nuzambesc.



    address[a'dres]signature['sIgnatfa]Where is the restaurant?[wea IZ oa 'restaront]Ring the bell if you wantanything.[nl') oa bel If ju: wont 'eni8II')]I'm leaving tomorrowmormng.[aIm li:VII') ta'morau 'mo:ml')]Have my bill r~dy at 8o'clock, please.[haw mal bII 'redi eet eIt aklokpli:z]

    I enjoy writing.[aI m'd30I 'raItII')]I remembered havingwritten it.[aI n'membad heeVII') 'ntn It]He denies stealing themoney.[hi: dr'naIs sti:III') oa 'mAni]He denied having stolen.[hi: dI'naId heevII') 'staulan]I prefer walking to going bybus.[aI pn'f3: 'WO:kII') tu: 'gauII') barbAs]

    Unde este restaurantul?

    Plec maine dimineata.

    Dad! doriti ceva, sunati~. cicpire4.



    Mi-am amintit di am scris-o.

    Imi place sa scriu

    El neaga ca a furat banii.


    El a negat ca a furat.

    Prefer sa merg pe jos decatcu autobuzul.

    Va rog sa-mi pregatiti notala ora 8.

    6i e.e - te'jt~ i Joeu..;.wA-f'"'-O"( t;f d.l ~.


    I Iii,




  • ~ !!


    At the restaurant[cst Oa 'restaront]

    Let's go and have lunch at arestaurant.[lets gau csnd hcsv IAnt[ cst a'l'restaront]

    The restaurant is ...lOa 'restaront rz]

    on the ground floor[on Oa graund fb:]across the road[a'kros Oa raud]round the corner[raund Oa 'k~:narlJ> ;n

    Is this table vacant?[rz Ors 'terbal 'verkant] nWhat would you like to""'c" 'order?[wot wud ju: lark tu: '~:da]

    grill irm

    [grrl]lamb ClitJet[Icsm 'kAtlat]bacon 'jl .['berkan]sausagesflli 0['sosrd3rz]pudding['pudrl)] .,

    '::.i! 'green peas[gri:n pi:z]tomato '~alad[ta'ma:tau 'scslad]fruit salad' '.[fru:t 'scslad]


    ../ ,

    , .bt)'",



  • Would you please pass methe ... ?[wud ju: pli:z po:s mi: da]


    Waiter. bring me the bill,please.['weIta bfIl') mi: da bIt pli:z]Keep the change.[ki:p da Uemd3]








    untdelemn lulei


    Chelner. nota de plata vamg.

    Pastreaza restuf.



    ice-cream \ I.. . ti sa-mi dati .... va rag?[als kri:m] .'. VIe.

    Have you made yourchoice?[haw ju: meld j::l: U::IIS]I would like to start withsoup.[al wud lalk tu: sto:t WId su:p]Can I get you something todrink?[keen aI get ju: 'SAmaIl') tu:dfIl')k]Just a glass of water for me,please.[d3Ast a glo:s ov 'w::I:ta to: mi:pli:z]I'll have a fruit salad,please.[all heev a fru:t 'seelad pli:z]I need ...[al ni:d]

    a knife[a naIf]a fork[a to:k]a spoon[a spu:n]a teaspoon[a 'ti:spu:n]a plate[a pleIt]a glass[a glo:s]acup[a kAp]


    Ati ales?



    Pot sa va aduc ceva debaut?

    A~ vrea 0 supa mai i'ntai

    Doresc 0 salata de fructe

    Pentru mine doar un paharcu apa.

    Am nevoie de...

    \Lf\ un cutit(,()\At-toM. o furculita,'-V\.ttowte.Wtt~ (j,lL ee ttl 0 lingura


    o lingurita

    Ci(M3CtttC 0 farfurie

    &'I/(J{)U un pahar

    itt iC\~-)R ocea~a

  • English tenses. Part I




    F ~1J;"*j .

    if:" fiMltifn .,

    ;'!.1 ... *Jf

    /I;;, lrni


    He has never written aletter.[hi: hrez 'neva 'ntn a 'leta]I have written two letters sofar.[aI hrev 'ntn tu: 'Ietas sau fa:]It is the first time I write aletter.[It IZ da f3:st talm aI ralt a'leta]

    How many letters have youwritten this week?[hau 'meni 'Ietas hrev ju: 'ntndIS wi:k] ;\1;


    :i1GH, ("




    I ,,, j,.

    ';! !

    .11[ f;' ~'_;~ft fR_~ ;'_-. A: Gv-",;

    'I '" In

    ItO 5fH H ~ rH ,

    { ;7

    EI nu a scris niciodata 0scrisoare.

    Eu am scris doua scrisoripana acum.

    Eprima oara dind scriu 0scrisoare.

    Cate scrisori ai scrissaptamana aceasta?


    Traduceti in limba engleza:a. Ai vazut vreodata acest film?'b: A~ dori 0 supa mai intai.c. Am vazut cateva filme pana acum.d. Chelner. nota de plata. te rag.e. Tocmai au intrat in camera.


    Write![ralt]Don't write![daunt ralt]

    What are you writing now'?[wot a: ju: 'raltH) nau]Who are you writing to?[hu: a: ju: 'raltH) tu:]I'm writing to John.[aIm 'raltH) tu: d30n]I'm not writing to Peter.[aIm not 'raltI!) tu: 'pi:ta]How often do you write toPeter?[hau 'ofan du: ju: ralt tu: 'pi:ta]I never write letters.[aI 'neva ralt 'Ietas]

    I don't like writing letters.[aI daunt lalk 'raltI!) 'Ietas]

    Have you written the letter?[haw ju: 'ntn da 'leta]He has just written it.[hi: hrez dy\st 'ntn It]Have you already writtenit?[hrev ju: ::>:I'redi 'ntn It]He hasn't written it.[hi: 'hrezant 'ntn It]Have you ever written aletter?[hrev ju: 'eva 'ntn a 'leta]



    Nu scrie!

    Ce scrii acum?

    Cui scrii?

    Ii scriu lui John.

    II Nu-i scriu lui Peter.II CAt A~l.-k~I Ii scrii des lui Peter?I:.

    Eu niciodata nu scriuscnson.Nu-mi place sa scriuscrisori. ,lzAi scris scrisoarea?

    EI tocmai a scris-o.

    Aiscris-o deja?i ,III

    fe. 11- Cl.Eu nu am scris-o inca.II

    IIJ Ai scris vreodata 0. 'Jscnsoare.

  • ~-------------



    ",,~ !j

    :i'D~ mr' 'IV!Jd en",;'-,' -

    ITi\. _~: ~~J"!);.~ Hg-f

    ~ -H.;"'J

  • English tenses. Part II:nltq;iI

    , /d r)ffl i

    Nu am scris nici 0 scrisoaresaptamana trecuta.

    I-am scris acum doua ore.

    Cand ai scris ultima. ?scnsoare.

    I-ai scris aseara?

    Cand ai scris scrisoarea?~ l'i

    EI scrie de la 8.30.

    EI scrie de 0 jumatate deora. ;)1,

    Nu scriu de multa vreme. ,;

    De cat timp scrii? '

    i'l'. 1i'lI

    III:1 11

  • A1;iteptati () c1ipa, va rog.

    English tenses. Part III X

    Pot Jasa un mesuj, va rog?

    May I call you hack whenhe returns?[mel al ko:1 ju: bffik wen hi:n't3:ns]

    I'm afraid he is not in theoffice.[aIm a'freld hi: IZ not In oi'OITs]Thank you.[8ffi'lk ju:]YOll' re welcome.[ju:r 'welkam]Good-hye.[gud baI]

    I am writing her tonight.[aI ffim 'raItI'l h3: ta'naIt]

    I am going to write ittonight.[aI ffim 'gaUI'l tu: raIt Itta'naIt]I think I will write ittonight.[aI 8I'lk aI WII raIt It ta'nart]No, I will write ittomorrow.[nau aI wII raIt It ta'morau]Don't disturb at 5:00. Hewill be writing at that time.[daunt dr'st3:b ffit faIv aklokhI: wII bi: 'raItI'l ffit offit talm]

    Va pot suna cand se,nlOaree '?

    Mil tern ca nu este in birou.

    Va multumesc.

    La revedere.

    ell plaeere.

    Intentionez sa-i scriudiseara.

    Intentionez s-o scriu 'Jdiseara. \,

    Nu, a voi scrie maine.

    Sa nll dtmmiezi la ora 5.00.EI Va serie in aeel timp.

    ~\On the phone[on oa faun]

    Good afternoon![gud ,a:fta'nu:n]My name is ...[mal nelm IZ]May I speak to ... , please?[mel al spi:k tu: pli:z]Could I speak to ... , please)[kud al spi:k tu: pli:z]Just a moment, please.[d3ASt a 'maumant pli:z]Thank you.[8ffi'lk ju:]Good afternoon Mr. / Mrs.[gud ,a:fta'nu:n mlsta mlslz]May I call you later, please?[mel al ko:1 ju: 'Ielta pli:z]Could I call you later,please?[kud al ko:1 ju: 'Ielta pli:z]May I leave a message.please?[mel al li:v a 'mesld3 pli:z]Cert'lWJy.['s3:tn!i]Can I take a message?[kffin al teIk a 'mesId3]

  • --,.....-----Invitations'[,mva'teJ;[an]

    Would you like to ... ?[wud ju: lalk tu:] \,;i'-

    We would be very pleasedif you could ...[wi: wud bi: 'veri pli:zd If ju:kud]

    Thank you, I'd like to ...[8c.e!)k ju: aId lalk tu:]

    That would be very nice.[ wud bi: 'veri nals]My pleasure.[mal 'ple3a] , i ~.I won't say no![aI waunt seI nau]Great![grelt]I'd love to ...[aId IAV tu:] ,~~;~.~'ji:;}X.JThis is very kind of youto ...[015 IZ 'veri kamd ov ju: tu:]Thank you very much,but ...[8c.e!)k ju: 'veri mAt[ bAt]This is very kind of you,but. ..lOIS IZ 'veri kamd ov ju: bAt]I'd like to. but. ..[aId lalk tu: bAt]I wish I could. but. ..[aI wJ;[ aI kud bAt]I'm sorry, I can't.[aIm 'sori aI kc.ent]


    Ai / Ali vrea sa... ?


    Am fi foarte bucuro~i dacaati putea...

    MuJfumesc, mi-ar faceplacere sa...Ar fi foarte placut.

    eu pHicere.If-W"o j /Ow." y,..... i! f "~I

    N-am sa te refuz!-..t ,.ty\

  • ~


    The program[de 'praugreem]What are you doingtonight?

    , [WDt a: ju: 'du:lI') ta'nalt]What are you doing thisweekend?[WDt a: ju: 'du:II') diS 'wi:kend]What are you doing thisevening?[WDt a: ju: 'du:II') diS 'i:vnIl')]How long are you going tostay?[hau 101') a: ju: 'geUII') tu: stel]Where are you going tostay?[wee a: ju: 'gauII') tu: stel]Why don't you join me? ,[wal daunt ju: d30m mi:] J ('IIt would be great![It wud bi: grelt]How do you spend yourspare time?[hau du: ju: spend jo: speatalm]

    What are your hobbies?[WDt a: jo: 'hDbiz]Do you like music?[du: ju: lalk 'mju:zlk]What kind of music do youlisten to?[wot kamd ov 'mju:zlk du: ju:'1Isan tu:]


    ce faci diseara?

    Ce faci in seara aeeasta?

    Ce faci in weekend?

    Cat ti mp ai de gand sa stai?

    Unde ai de gand sa stai?

    De ce nu vii ~i tu eu mine?

    Ar fi super!

    Cum i'ti petreci timpulliber?

    Care sunt pasiunile tale:?L

    iti place muzica?

    Ce fel de muzica asculti?



    I'm afraid I can't.[aIm a'freld al keent]

    J will write it if I have thetime.

    [al WII ralt It If al hrev detalm]

    I would write it if I had thetime.

    [al wud ralt It If al heed detalm]

    I would have written it if Ihad had the time.

    [al wud heev 'ntn It If al heedheed da talm]

    i. Voi veni dadi voi avea timp.ii. A~ veni dadi a~ avea timp.iii. A~ fi venit dadl a~ fi avut timp.

    i. Dadi va ploua, vom sta in casa,ii. Dad! ar ploua, am sta in casa.iii. Dadi ar fi plouat, am fi stat in casa.

    c. Ati vrea sa veniti diseara la concert. dd. Mi-ar face mare pUicere sa vin.e. Sunteti foarte dragut, dar din pacate am altprogram.

    1.0 s-o scriu, dadi voi aveatimp.

    Ma tern di nu pot.

    2.A~ scrie-o dadi a~ aveatimp.


    3.A~ fi scris-o dad! a~fiavut timp.


    Traduceti in limba engleza:a.











    J IIIIi

    94 95

  • We have enough time.[wi: hrev tnAf talm]Do you have enoughmoney?[du: ju: hrev l'nAf 'm.l\ni]I have studied enough.[al hrev 'stAdid tnM]



    May rhave some water,please?[mel al hrev SAm 'wo:ta pli:z]May I take some cookies,please?[mel al telk SAm 'kukiz pli:z]

    Some more

    May I take some morecookies. please?[mel al telk SAm mo: 'kukizpli:z]


    AveITI destul timp.

    Ave{i destui bani?

    Am Inva{at destul.


    Pute{i sa-mi dati ni~te apa,va rag?

    Pot sa iau ni~te fursecuri, varag?

    Mai mult / inca ni~te

    Pot sa mai iau ni~tefursecuri. va rag?


    Traduceri in limba engleza:

    a. Ce planuri ai diseara? A~ vrea sa merg la cinema.b. Care sunt pasiunile tale? Imi place sa inot.e. Puteti sa-mi da{i un pahar eu apa, va rag?d, Aveti destul timp sa ajungeti aeolo?

    I... ..;';.............................. c. Este pre" tarziu sa sunam b acc"sta ora.. 7' 97J


    ....,..........I would like to go forawalk. i ~

    [al wud lalk tu: gau b: a W::>:kjWhere is the beach?[wea IZ oa bi:ij]Where do you spend YOurholiday?[wea du: ju: spend jo: 'holldel]I spend my holiday at theseaside / in the mountains.[al spend mal 'holldel ret 08'si:sald m oa 'mauntms]I spend my holiday at a spa.[al spend mal 'holldel ret aspa:]What are your plans fortonight?[wot a: jo: plrens to: ta'nalt]I'd like to go to the cinema.[aId lalk tu: gau tu:oa

    '/01'smama] ,. ,

    I'd like to go to the theatre.[aId lalk tu: gau tu: oa Slata]Enjoy your time![m'd301 jo: talm]

    ': ~ ; ~ tH!

    It is too early. [It IZ tU: '3:1i]It is too late. [It IZ tU: lell]There are too many people.[oea a: tu: 'meni 'pi:pal]


    ..., TooH;P


    , ~ .

    ~Jr- J\{ fJb j!

    ,Unde este plaja?

    Unde Iti petreei vaeanta?

    ,~'" ; j

    A~ vrea sa fae 0 plimbare.,,';q

    .'. ""') ow;Imi petree v~eanta la'li;'dWmare/munte. .\n'N';

    Hub 0 Will:~ ,;11Imi petree vaeanta Intr-ost~tiune balneocl imatel~idi,

    ,VICe planuri aveti diseara?

    " lit (w; ) i3SW}'./1

    A~ vrea sa merg la cinema.

    ,~!- " ~

    A~ vrea sa merg la teatl1J'.

    ~,' ;nllDistraqie placuta"l 'ub i


    . CEt.Prea/Destul/Ni,te/Pu,in/Mai mult

    Prea ()l 'JI!'n~',

    Este prea devreme. 11 ,,i'Este prea tarziu. t ;1E: j

    Sunt prea multi oameni.






  • ik"

    How many hooks have youread lately?[hau 'meni buks hrev ju: red'Iertli]How many hrothers do youhave?[hau 'meni 'brA~az du: ju: hrev]

    How long have you got?[hau 101') hrev ju: got]How long will it last?[hau 101') wrl rt lo:st]

    How much is this book?[hau mAt[ rz ~rs buk]How much do we need?[hau mAt[ du: wi: ni:d]

    How long have you beenwaiting?[hau 101') hrev ju: bi:n wertH)]How long have you beenmarried'![hau 101') hrev ju: bi:n 'mrerid]


    ,i.! 'j

    De cat limp?

    De cat timp a~tepti? '

    Cat (timp)?

    Cati frati ai?

    Cat timp ai la dispozitie?

    Cat timp 0 sadureze?

    Cate carti ai citit In ultimultimp?

    Cati? Cate?

    Cat avem nevoie?


    De Cat timp e~ti disatorit?

    Cat costa aceasta carte?

    cat? / Ci~i? / Cite?


    ~Personalinformation['p3:sanal ,mfa'meijan]What is your name? ,[wot rz jo: nerm]Where do you live?[wea du: ju: Irv]What's your phonenumber?[wots jo: faun 'nAmba]What is your job?[wot rz jo: d30b]Are you married?[0: ju: 'mrerid]Yes, I'm married.[jes arm 'mrerid]No, I'm single.[nau arm 'sH)gal]I'm divorced. [arm di'vo:st]Do you have any children?[du: ju: hrev 't[rldran]I have a son and a daughtel[ar hrev a SAn rend a 'do:ta]When were you born?[wen W3: ju: bo:n]I was born on 15


    August.[ar woz bo:n on ,frf'ti:n8 ovO:'gASt]Howald is your son?[hau auld rz jo: SAn]How old is your daughter'?[hau auld rz jo: 'do:ta]How old are you?[hau auld 0: jU:]

    ,,,ii.I _:"", \':.'~""._"'';'LW'tra;.w;;,J9.b'') ".

    Nu, sunt necasatorit(a).

    Dvs. ce varsta aveti?

    Sunt divortat(a).Aveti copii?

    Cati ani are fiica dvs.?

    Am un fiu ~i 0 fiica.

    Citi ani are fiul dvs.'?

    M-am nascut pe 15 august.

    Cand v-ati nascut?

    Da, sunt casatorit(rl).

    Sunteti casatorit?

    Ce profesie aveti?

    Care este numarul tau dete1efon?

    Unde locuie~ti?

    Cum te nume~ti?



    illlIill11,1 1 ,,1,,1 1'1'1





  • .,Ce facet i dise~ira?

    How far from here is theairport?[hau fa: from hIa IZ Oi 'eapO:ljHow loud can you Speak?[hau laud kCEn ju: spi:k] )

    What are you doingtonight?[wot a: ju: 'dU:II) ta'naIt]r d like to go to a movie/the cinema.[aId laIk tu: gau tu: a 'mu:vi Oa'smama]

    Would you like to go withme?[wud ju: laIk tu: gau WIO mi:]r d he glad to go with you.[aId bi: glCEd tu: gau WIO ju:]

    Where shall we go?[wea ICEI wi: gaulIs it a comedy?[IZ It a 'komadi]Is it worth seeing?[IZ It W3:8 'Si:II)]What other movies are on?[wot 'I\Oa 'mu:viz a: on]Do you like cartoons?[du: ju: lark ka:'tu:ns]Yesterday J saw a CharlieChaplin movie.[,jestadi aI s::>: a 'Ua:li 'Ureplin'mu:vi]


    .~~"~"J""~~.?1'""", -',- ,_\t'~~J>;


    A~ vrea sa merg lafilm/cinema.

    Vreti sa mergeti eu mine?

    Este 0 comedic?

    Mi-ar plaeea sa merg eudvs.Unde mergem'?

    Merita sa fie vazut?

    Va plac desenele animate?

    Ce lite filme ruleaza?

    leri am vuzut un film euCharlie Chaplin.


    Cit de departe esteaeropOl1ul?

    Cit de tare poti vorhi~?



    Traduceti in limha engleza:a. Ce profesie aveti dvs.? Sunt inginer.b. De cat timp lucrati in aceasta eompanie?e. Cite hotel uri sunt in aeeasta statiune?d. Cit costa aceast[l carte?e. De cate bilete ai nevoie la concert?


    100 101

  • Traduceti in limha engleza:a. Ce film rlileaza la cinema?b. Mai aveti hilete pentrll diseara?c. Este vrelln spectacol la ora T?d. Ce Jilme va plac? Politiste sau artistice?e. Sunt multe filme carc imi plac. Cel mai mult imi

    plac filmele de dragostc.


    There Is / there are

    Is there an interesting bookhere?[IZ oea am 'mtnstH) buk hla]There are many maps on thewalls.toea a: 'meni mreps on 08 w::>:lz]Is thcre any train at 5o"clock?[IZ oea 'eni trem ret faIV a klok]Thcrc are many flowers in thcroom.toea a: 'meni 'f1auaz m oa rum]



    Este vreun trcn la ora 5?

    Este vreo carte interesanta.. ,)


    Sunt multe harti pe pcrcli.

    Sunt multe f10ri incamera.



    .'1'. ~-.... '4It was very funJ[It woz 'veri 'fAni]All tickets have been soldout.[::>:1 'tlklts haw bi:n sauld aut]Have you any tickets fortonight?[haw ju: 'eni 'tlklts f::>: ta'nalt]Who are in th~cast?[hu: a: m oa ka:st]llike historical movies.[al lalk hI'stonkal 'mu:viz]Do you often go to thecinema?[du: ju: 'ofan gau tu: oa'smama]Do you like thrillers?[du: ju: lalk 'Snlaz]Do you like feature movies?[du: ju: lalk 'fi:t[a 'mu:viz]


    Toate biletele au fostvandute.

    A fost foarte amuzant. j

    Mai aveti hi lete pentmdiseadi?

    Care este distrihutia?

    Mergeti des la cinema?

    Imi plac filmele istorice.

    Va plac filmele politiste?

    Va plac filmele artistice?

  • Be going to

    Where are you going tospend your holiday?[wea a: ju: 'gaUl!') tu: spendj::>: 'holldeI]He is going to learnFrench.[hi: IS 'gaUl!') tu: 13:n frentOWe are going to visitFrance next summer.[wi: a: 'gaUl!') tu: 'VIZlt fra:nsnekst 'SAma]

    Would you like to see thisplay?[wud ju: lalk tu: si: OIS pleI]Wonderful, wasn't it?['wAndafal woznt It]The cast is really special.[oa ka:st IZ 'rrali 'spelal]

    You will surely like it.Uu: wlll::>:li lalk It]It was marvellous.[It woz ma:valas]I'm glad you liked it.[aIm glred ju: lalkt It]


    EI are de gand sa invetelimba franceza.

    Unde intentionezi sa-tipetreci vacanta?,

    Noi avem de gand sa vizitamFranta vara viitoare,

    Aavea de gind sa,a intentiona sa,

    Mil bucur ca ti-a pJacut.

    A fost extraordinar.

    Minunat, nu-i a~a?

    Distributia este intr-adevardeoscbiH1.o sLHi pladi cu siguranta,

    vreti sa vedeti piesaasta"ace .

    What about going to thetheatre'?[wot a'baut 'gaull') tu: oa 8Iata]What performance shall wego to?[wot pa'f:J:manslrel wi: gautu:]How much is one ticket?[hau mAti IZ WAn 'tlklt]It depends on the seat youtake.[It dI'pends on oa si:t ju: telk]Let's go together and seethe play.[lets gau ta'geoa rend si: oapier]When will be the first nightof the play?[wen WII bi: oa f3:St nalt OV oapier]This theatre season seemsto he successfullOIS 818ta 'si:zan si:ms tu: bi:sak'sesfal]




    r-o-.r.,~.-"'-. '-'.....i H ",-' ,") II / ..-- ,/ \.. "'; ..L ~t.~,...::;r,.,~.~V-~.\'~'-r Ir--\ 4,".1.1 r---"~,).."""""1 iI,I '. ..... i--_;l II. )- ....".cI.y. ,L\ .. fV." ....}


    Depinde de locuri.

    La Ce spectacol mergem'?

    Ce-ati zice sa mergem lateatm?

    Cit costa biletul?

    Sa mergem impreuna savedem piesa.

    Cind va avea loc premiera'!

    Aceasta stagiune pare saaibi:l succes.

  • I_~~I 107

    Museums andeXhibitio.,s[mju:'ziams amd ,eksI'blj"ans]I'd like to see the museums ofthis town.[aId laIk tu: si: oa mju:'ziams DVOIS taun]I would like a guide.[aI wud laIk a gaId]I am interested in:[aI rem 'mtnstId m]

    painting ['pemtIr)]oil-painting [:)11 'pemtII')] , .

    . Jiportraits ['p:::l:trats]landscapes ['Irendskerps]engraving [m'greIVII)]sculpture ['skA'pUa]old coins [auld k:::lms]posters ['paustaz] t,embroideries [Im'br:::lIdariz]ancient manuscripts['eIllfant 'mrenjusknpts]

    I would like to visit the:[aI wud laIk tu: 'VIZIt oa]

    British Museum['bntlj" mju:'ziam]

    . t National Gallery['nrelanal 'grelariJRoyal Academy.;['r:::lIal a'kredami]Tate Gallery [teit 'grelari]

    Windsor Castle['winza 'ko:sal] "\ .;jArt Museum [o:t mju:'ziam]

    muzeul britanic

    picturapictura In uleiportretelepeisajelegravurasculpturamonedele vechiafi~ele

    broderiilemanuscrisele vechi

    muzeul d~ a~t'~

    galeria nationaHi

    academia regaHi

    galeriile Tate

    castelul Windsor.:;%(

    Muzee ,iexpozitii,

    A~ vrea sa vad muzeeleora~ului.

    A~ dori un ghid.

    Mil intereseaza:

    A~ dori sa vizitez:







    ')1. Formulati Intrebari ~i dati raspunsuri folosing 'be goingto' ~i cuvintele de mai jos:

    Ex: where/spend/holiday?Greece

    Q: Where are you going to spend your holiday?A: I'm going to spend my holiday in Greece?

    how long/stay/there/two Rome?by plane.where/stay/inRome?in a hotel near the station.

    d.C when/come back?next week.

    2. Traduceti in limba engleza:a. Saptamana viitoare rna voi duce la munte.b. Cat timp intentionati sa stati la mare?c. Unde intentionezi sa-ti petreci vacanta?d. Sambata rna voi duce la un meci de handbal.e. Duminica viitoare am de gand sa vild un filmfoarte interesant.





    , jI 11!lil






    ~I "'" il!


  • ~

    ~ I APronume poseSiv il1vi~imant Education

    [,edju'keljan]What school do you attend?[wot sku:1 du: ju: a'tend]What's your subject?[wots jo: 'sAbd3Ikt]I study computer sciences.[al 'stAdi kam'pju:ta 'salanslz]How long does this courselast?[hau 101'] dAZ dIS ko:s lo:st]What time are the classes?[wot talm 0: da klo:slz]Is English a compulsorysubject?[IZ '1I']gllj a kam'pAlsari'sAbd3Ikt]Who is your teacher?[hu: IZ jo: 'ti:ij"a]Are the fees very high? .,w[0: da fi:z 'veri hal]Do you get a scholarship?[du: ju: get a 'skolalrp]What subjects are you".interested in? 1[wot 'sAbd3rkts a: ju: 'rntrrstrdrn]How many students arethere in a classroom?[hau 'meni 'stju:dants a: dea rna 'kla:s-rum]Have you been accepted tothe university'![hcev ju: bi:n ak'septrd tu: diju:na'v3:srti]


    Eu studiez informatica.

    Cc ~coala frecventati?

    Cc studiati?

    La ce ora aveti cursuri?

    Cate luni dureaza cursul?

    Engleza este obligatorie?

    Cine este profesorul dvs?

    Taxele ~colare sunt mari?

    Primiti bursa?

    Ce discipline vaintereseaza?

    Cati elevi sunt intr-o c1asa?

    Ati fost admis laUniversitate?~)


    to :1


    Adjectiv posesiv


    This is my house. It is mine.He is her father. He is hers.This is their dog. It is theirs.



    1. Alegeti varianta corecHi:a. Mr. Jones is ... colleague.

    i. we ii.our iii.oursb. Michael is ... friend.

    i. I ii. mine III. myc. This is John's house. It is ...

    i. his ii. he iii. he'sd. They have a nice car. It is ...

    i. their ii. they iii. theirs2. Traduceti in limba englezu:

    a. Aceasta este 0 carte interesanta. Este a noastra.b. Cine este Maria? Este sotia mea.c. Ma~ina lui este foarte frumoasa.,d. Ace~tia sunt prietenii no~tri. )[H.e. Acestea nu sum dirtile meIe, sunt ale ei. rr


    H ~ii!.1i~_



  • rT.

    Craciun =ChristmasPa~te =EasterCraeiun fericit! = Merry Christmas!Pa~te fericit! = Happy Easter!



    I. Aranjati euvintele in ordinea eorecta pentru a forma'propozitii:

    a. often/late/John/onSundays/gct up.b. at the weekend/Diana/goes/always/to the gym.e. to the seaside/Mary/never/in winter/goes.d. homework/Betty/always/does/at 6 0' clocke. for worklmy/never/colleagues/late/are.

    2. Tradueeti in limba engleza:a. Ce Iimbi straine inveti? Tnvat engleza ~ifianceza.b. La ee ora te intorci de la birou?e. Cand te intiHne~ti eu prietenii tai?d. Taxele ~colare sunt marL dar eu primese bursa.e. Totdeauna imi vizitez parintii de Craciun.


    i.: I :mP,



    ~What do you study?[wot du: ju: 'stl\di]I study history.[aI 'stl\di 'hIstariJ

    Do you have many foreignstudents?[du: ju: hcev 'meni 'form'stju:dants]

    What foreign languages aretaught in the university?[wot 'form 'lcel)gwld3Iz a: to:!m oi ju:na'v3:sIti]I'm writing my doctor'spaper. "[aIm 'raltII) mal 'doktas'pelpa]


    ')fbr; ~I


    Ce studiati?

    Aveti multi studenti std'iini?

    Studiez istoria.

    ;.; >

    Ce limbi straine se predaula universitate?

    Tmi seriu lucrarea dedoctorat.

    Sirbitori legale



    I!~ 110 III

  • 9 august 2005 - 9th of August 200521 septembrie 2005 - 21 st of September 2005

    I forgot to sign the letter.[aI fa'got tu: sam ca 'leta]

    Would you mind postingthis letter for me. please?[wud ju: mamd 'paustII') CIS'leta to: mi: pli:z]

    12'h - the twelfth 13 th - thethil1eenth14th - the fourteenth15th - the fifteenth16th - the sixteenthI i h- the seventeenth18th - the eighteenth19th - the nineteenth20th - the twentieth

    st .21' - twenty first30 - the thirtieth

    Am uitat sa semnezscrisoarea.vreti sa-mi punetiscrisoarea la cutie, va rag?

    Numerale ordinale

    lSI - the firstt d - the second3rd _ the third41h _ the fourth5th - the fifth6th _ the sixthi h- the seventh8th - the eighth9th - the ninthloth - the tenthII th - the evelenth 7.

    Exprimarea datei

    )Letter-writing i['leta 'raItH)]I have to write a letter.[aI hrev tu: raIt a 'leta]I want to reply to this lette~'[aI wont tu: rr'plaI tu: CIS 'leta)

    How does one start a letterin English?[hau dAZ WAn sto:t a 'leta In ,;:'Il')glij)Don't forget to date theletter.[daunt fa'get tu: deIt ca 'leta]How does one addresssomeone in writing?[hau dAZ WAn a'dres 'SAmWAnm 'raItII')]Dear Madam,[dIa 'mredam)Dear Mrs.... ,[dIa mIsIz)Dear Sir,[dIa S3:]Dear Mr. ....[dIa mIsta]How does one conclude aletter?[hau dAZ WAn kan'klu:d a 'leta]Yours sincerely, ...U~:z sm'sIali]Yours truly / faithfully....U~:z 'tru:li 'feI8fali)Best regards,[best rr'go:ds]

    Trebuie sa scriu 0 scrisoare.


    Vreau sa raspund la aceastascrisoare.Cum se incepe 0 scrisoarein Iimba engleza?

    Nu uitati sa puneti data pescrisoare.

    Cum ne adresam cuiva in. ?scns.

    Stimata doamna,

    Stimata doamna ... ,

    Stimate domn,

    Al dumneavoastra, sincer...

    Cum se incheie 0 scrisoare?

    Stimate domnule ... ,

    Cu stima / respect,



    ntIil J 12


  • 114

    On a trip[on a tnp]

    Where is the travel agency?[wea rz oa 'tr

  • I

    ) PI~I



    'n .....',I",..... ,;



    a. A: Food in Romania is cheaper than in Greece.B:

    b. A: Wathcing TV is more relaxing than reading ahook.


    c. A: A pilot earns more money than a doctor.B:

    d. A: Mobile phones are small and useful.B:

    e. A: Laptops are very expensive.B:

    2. Traduceti In limba engleza:a. Va place schill! nautic? Oa, Imi place. Imi plac toate

    sporturile.b. Cum putem ajunge la acel castel?c. Organizati excursii ~i la mare?d. A~ dori sa vizitam ~i insulele.e. LocaliHitile istorice sunt foarte interesante.

    J. Exprimati-va acordul sau dezacorduJ cu afirmatiile date,dupa modelul urmiHor:

    A: Travelling by bus is cheaper than by train.B: Yes, that's true. SauNo, I don't agree. I think travelling by train is morecomfortable.




    Putem merge pe jos?PeisajuJ este minunat.

    Acest castel merita vizitat?

    Cum putem ajunge acolo?

    in dit timp ajungem acolo? How long does it take to getthere?[hau 101') dl\z rt, terk tu: get Oea)Can we walk? [keen wi: wO:k)The landscape ismarvellous.[oa 'Ieendskerp rz ma:valas)

    Is this castle worth visiting?[rz ors 'ka:sal w3:8 'vrzrtrl')]How can we get there?[hau keen wi: get oea]

    Se poate urca pe faleza? Can we go to the top of thepi~ -:1tti>Lo1 cliff?

    [keen wi: gau tu: oa top ov Oaklrt]

    I would like to visit theislands, too.[ar wud lark tu: 'vrzrt oi'arlands tu:]Is that a gulf?[rz oeet a gl\lt]

    What else is there to see?[wot els rz oea tu: si:]Let's stop here.[lets stop hra]

    I would like to take somephotos.[ar wud lark tu: terk sl\m'fautaus]

    How long do we stay here?[hau 10f) du: wi: ster hrs]I would like to put up thetent.[ar wud lark tu: put I\P oa tent)Do you like water-skiing?[du: ju: lark 'w::l:ta 'ski:rl')]


    A~ vrea sa vizitam ~iinsuJeJe.

    Acela este un golf?

    Ce mai e de vazut?

    Sa ne opri m aici.

    A~ dori sa fac catevafotografii.

    A~ vrea sa instalez cortul.

    Cit timp ramanem aici?

    Va place schiul nautic?

  • ~


    Now breathe out slowly.[nau bri:o aut 'slauli]

    Let me take your bloodpressure.[let mi: terk jo: blAd 'preja]

    We'll have to X-ray yourlungs.[wi:1 heev tu: 'eks rer jo: IAI')S]

    Take your medicine threetimes a day

  • 120

    Could you recommend me agood dentist?[kud ju: ,reka'mend mi: a gud'dentIst]Do you have a toothache?[du: ju: heeva 'tu:8-eIk]I think my teeth needattention.[aI 8Ulk mal ti:8 ni:d a'terU'an]When did you last havethem attended to?[wen dId ju: lo:st heev Oema'tendld tu:]I broke one tooth.[aI brauk WAn tu:8]I'll go to the dentist to pullit out.[all gau tu: Oa 'dentIst tu: pulIt aut]This tooth cannot be saved.[OIS tu:8 'keenot bi: selvt]

    I'm afraid you'll need afalse tooth.[aIm a'freld ju:1 ni:d a fo:lstu:8]

    At the dentist's 't[eet oa 'dentIsts]


    Acest dinte nu mai poate fisalvat.Ma tern di va trebui sapuneti un dinte fals.

    ~' i

    Mi-am rupt I spart un dinte.

    Ma duc la dentist sa mi-lextraga.

    Aveti dureri de dinti?

    Cred ca trebuie sa merg laun control.

    Cand v-ati tratat dintiiultima data?

    Imi puteti recomanda undentist bun?

    La dentist



    I. Completati spatiile libere cu verbele urmatoare: .'lave,need. spend. lose. win. earn. collect.

    a. If you ... money to buy a dictionary, I can ... yousome.

    b. I wish I could ... the lottery!c. He ... money to buy a new flat.d. His company ... a lot of money, so he ... a good

    salary.e. She ... a lot of money on expensive clothes.

    2. Traduceti In limba engleza:a. Luati medicamentul de trei ori pe zi dupa masa.b. Aveti dureri mari? De dnd va doare aici?c. Trebuie neaparat sa mergi la doctor.d. Da, a~ dori sa consult un stomatolog.e. Nu schimbati bandajul prea des.




  • At the custom's[ret oa 'kl\stams]Where do you want to go?[wea du: ju: wont tu: gaulI want to go to a hotel.[ar wont tu: gau tu: a hau'tel]Where can I get a taxi?[wea kren ar get a 'treksi]Show me YOllr passport,please.[au mi: jo: 'pa:spo:t pli:z]What is your surname?[wot rz jo: 's3:nerm]

    Tell me your address,please,[tel mi: jo: a'dres pli:z]What is the purpose of yourvisit?[wot rz oa 'p3:pas ov jo: 'vrzrt]How long do you intend tostay?[hau lo!) du: ju: rn'tend tu: ster]Do I need a visa?[du: ar ni:d a'vi:za]Where do I have to applyfor visa extension?[wea du: ar hrev tu: a'plar to:'vi:za rk'stenlan]Do yOll have anything todeclare?[du: ju: hrev 'eniSr!) tu: dr'klea]Open your suitcase, please.['aupan jo: 'su:tkers pli:z]



    Unde vreti sa mergeti?

    Vreau sa merg la un hotel.

    Care este numele dvs. defamilie?Spuneti-mi adresa dvs., varag.

    De unde pot lua un taxi?

    Aratati-mi pa~aportul dvs,va rog.

    Care este scopul viziteidvs.?

    Este nevoie de viza?

    Cat timp intentionati sastati?

    Aveti ceva de declarat?


    Deschideti geamantanuJ, varog.

    Dnde trebuie sa rna adresezpentru prelungirea vizei?

    ) .

    ) .....Pe acesta am sa vi-l plombez. I'll give you filling for this One

    [arl grv ju: 'frlrr) fo: ors WAn] .Thank you.[Sre!)k ju:]You're welcome.uu:r 'welkam]


    Cu pUicere.




    I ~)r

    1. Treceti verbele din paranteze la trecutul simplu saucontinuu:

    a. My clothes (get) dirty when I (clean) the house.b. What you (do) when I (call) you?c. The children (play) when she (return).d. It (rain) when we (walk) yesterday.e. She (read) an interesting book last night.

    2. Traduceti In limba engleza:a. Ma tern ell va trebui sa puneti un dinte fals.b. Cand v-ati tratat dintii ultima data?c. Ma duc la dentist sa-mi extraga un dinte.d. Din pacate, acest dinte nu mai poate fi salvat.e. Trebuie sa plombam acest dinte.

  • La ce altitudine zburam'?

    By plane[baI plem)Are you going there byplane'?[a: ju: 'gaUII') oea baI plem]When arc you flying toMilan?[wen a: ju: 'flaIl') tu: mi'laan]You have to buy the ticket aweek in advance.Ou: haav tu: baI oa 'tIkIt a wi:km ad'va:ns]The plane takes off at 6a.m.loa plem teIks of aat sIks aam]At what altitude are weflying?[aat wot 'aaltItju:d a: wi: 'flaIl')]Can you see something outof the window?[kaan ju: si: 'sAm8II') aut ov oa'wmdau)Fasten your scat belt,please. '['fa:san j~: si:t belt pli:z]Here is your boarding pass.[hIa IZ j~: 'b~:dII') pa:s)You'

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