Page 1: In Timp Ce Explorezi o Alta Tara Care Iti Satisface Cu Siguranta Curiozitatea

In timp ce explorezi o alta tara care iti satisface cu siguranta curiozitatea, va trebui in cele din urma sa iei o pauza si sa-ti satisfaci si apetitul, de asemenea. 

Din fericire pentru tine, gastronomia unica a Spaniei ofera o gama variata de feluri de mancaruri care iti vor lasa pofta de si mai mult, chiar si dupa ce esti plin! Asadar, mergi la bar pentru a incerca niste tapas, apoi opreste-te intr-o dimineata devreme pentru a servi Churros.

Istoria mancarurilor spanioleSuccesiunea de culturi din Peninsula Iberica au lasat fiecare un semn de durata pe fiecare fateta a culturii spaniole: limba, muzica, arta, arhitectura si bineinteles, mancarea. De fapt, multi oameni sunt surprinsi sa afle cat de delicioasa este in esenta bucataria spaniola.

Influente geografice ale mancarurilot spanioleTemeiul istoriei alimentare spaniole are de-a face, desigur, cu situatia sa geografica. Inainte de toate, tara este situata in peninsula Iberica si, prin urmare, este aproape in intregime inconjurata de ape. Fireste, datorita aceastei locatii norocoase, fructele de mare ocupa unul din pilonii principali ai Gastronomiei din Spania si clasifica tara ca avand o dieta mediteraneana. Restul Spaniei este un teren  divers format din lanturi muntoase, pasuni bogate, linii de coasta extinse, care furnizeaza impreuna destul de mare varietate de produse proaspete. 

Culturile de-a lungul istoriei alimentare spaniole Culturile nesfarsite, ce au trecut prin Spania sau stabilit in Spania, au influentat istoria culinara spaniola. Fenicienii au lasat sosurile, grecii au introdus minunile de ulei de masline, romanii, cartaginenii si evreii au integrat elemente din propria bucatarie si au alipit-o Spaniei. Cu toate acestea,  maurii au fost cei care, pe parcursul secolelor lor de domnie, au avut un impact major asupra gastronomiei spaniolilor. Ei au introdus fructele si asezonarea condimentelor in dieta Iberica, precum si combinatii de fructe si fructe cu coaja cu carne si peste. Orezul, fibra autentica in gastronomia spaniola face ca Spania sa aiba o gama larga de mancaruri din orez care vin direct de la mauri, la fel ca si utilizarea de sofran, scortisoara, nucsoara si miez de nuca. In timp ce mananci gazpacho pe o zi fierbinte de vara, le multumesti culturii gastronomice maure, deoarece tot de la ei vine. Concluzia? Destul de ironic, alimentele pe care le consideram a fi "tipic spaniole" nici macar nu ar fi existat sau ar fi extrem de diferite, fara interventia atat de multor culturi in istoria gastronomica spaniola. 

Impactul Americii in istoria culinara a SpanieiImpreuna cu impactul sau istoric evident, descoperirea Americilor de catre celebrul Cristofor Columb, din 1492 a dus la adaugarea mai multor elemente importante pentru istoria culinara spaniola. Incepand cu 1520, alimente din noi terenuri au ajuns in Spania si a inceput astfel o integrare imediata a acestora in dieta spaniola. Printre numeroasele produse care au traversat Atlanticul si au ajuns pe gazonul spaniol se numara: rosiile, vanilie, ciocolata, diverse feluri de fasole, cartofi care, surprinzator au sosit in Spania inainte de a ajunge in Irlanda, toate acestea sunt elemente constituente a bucatariei spaniole de astazi.

Obiceiuri in alimentatia spaniola: Mesele

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Micul dejun al unei zile normale consta intr-o ceasca de cafea, desi este banal, de asemenea, cafeaua aburinda cu leche se serveste cu un croissant sau alte produse de patiserie. In timp ce un mic dejun american are clatite, sunca, oua iar “traditionalul” mic dejun spaniol este compus din popularul Churros, servit presarat cu zahar sau dunked in ciocolata calda.

Spaniolii servesc masa de pranz sau comida, intre orele 2 si 4 dupa-amiaza. Servind ca masa principala a zilei, aceasta este destul de traditionala, fiind ceva mai mare decat cina, sau Cena. Un pranz tipic va avea mai multe cicluri. Primul ciclu consta in partea mai usoara a mesei, de obicei consta dintr-o salata sau supa, al doilea ciclu este format din peste sau o portie cu carne. Desertul poate fi format dintr-o bucata de fruct, o tarta cu fructe tipic spaniola, un produs de patiserie dulce sau tort. In timp ce exista, desigur, multe persoane care mananca mese complete, cina spaniola (cena) este in mod traditional mult mai mica decat Comida (amiaza). Deseori sunt compuse din ceva mai usor, gen o salata, un sandwich sau gustari tapas. 

Gustarile TapasO traditie a inceput cu mult timp in urma, in orasul sudic din Sevilla, spaniolii perfectionand arta  gustarilor (snack-urilor).

SobremesaDenumirea spune totul. Cuvantul Sobremesa inseamna “dupa masa” si se refera la arta conversatiei din  timpul mesei. Spaniolii stau adesea la masa de vorba, savurand compania celuilalt, eventual langa o bautura. Daca acea conversatie devine interesanta, se va intinde ore in sir.

SiestaNu este un mit, faimoasa siesta de care a auzit toata lumea chiar exista. Acest obicei a inceput cu  mult timp in urma si consta in faptul ca fermierii, dupa ce luau pranzul aveau nevoie de odihna inainte de a-si relua munca pe domeniile lor. In timp ce aceasta pauza de zi cu zi nu include neaparat si un pui de somn, intreprinderile si magazinele se inchid pentru aproximativ 2 ore pentru ca angajatii sa se intoarca acasa si sa serveasca masa cu familiile lor. 

VinulFie afara la un restaurant sau in casa cu familia, este foarte tipic sa bea un pahar cu vin pe timpul mesei. Atat de obisnuit este acest lucru incat restaurantele ofera vinul inclus in meniul comandat, incluzandu-l in pretul de publicitate.

Bucătăria spaniolă produce mâncăruri consistente și picante, cu numeroase mirodenii care fac să se șteargă gustul specific al ingredientelor carnate. Ca exemplu avem ardei copți cu aluat și cașcaval. Alte mâncăruri tradiționale sunt paella (orez cu fructe de mare); tortilla (cartofi, ou și ceapă prăjite în tigaie sub formă de omletă). Condimentele mediteraneene nu lipsesc niciodată.

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Bucataria spaniola este alcatuita dintr-o mare varietate de feluri de mancare, varietate datorata diferentelor de geografie, cultura si clima dintre regiunile acestei tari. Istoria bogata a Spaniei, si influentele culturale au dus la nasterea unei bucatari unice cu litreralmente mii de retete si arome. Radacinile ei sunt mediteraneene iar pestele si fructele de mare sunt ingrediente de baza.IntroducereBucataria spaniola este alcatuita dintr-o mare varietate de feluri de mancare, varietate datorata diferentelor de geografie, cultura si clima dintre regiunile acestei tari. Istoria bogata a Spaniei, si influentele culturale au dus la nasterea unei bucatari unice cu litreralmente mii de retete si arome. Radacinile ei sunt mediteraneene iar pestele si fructele de mare sunt ingrediente de baza.Peninsula contine doua tipuri culinare majore. Satele din nord si nord-vest au o dieta cu multa grasime animala. Celalalt tip este precursor al dietei mediteraneene si se intalneste in partea iberica a peninsulei. Istoria bucatariei spanioleArheologii au descoperit in timpul excavatiilor diverse tipuri de legume, ceapa si usturoi. Maslinele au fost aduse de fenicieni, iar graul au fost adus din Acvitania, in nord. Graul din Iberia era considerat a fi cel mai bun din Imperiul Roman si era unul din principalele articole de export.Spania si bucataria romanaBucataria romana era un compozit de feluri de mancare aduse din toate colturile imperiului. Spre exemplu, exista documente care mentioneaza aducerea a mii de amfore cu ulei din Spania la Roma.In acea era, varza era bine cunoscuta si apreciata, fiind considerata drept panaceu pentru diverse boli. Alte legume populare erau anghinarea si ceapa.In Spania Romana, sunca din Pomeipolis (Pamplona) avea un prestigiu deosebit. Pe langa grau, exportul de produse de porc a pus bazele unei economii locale puternice.Lintea constituia baza hranei soldatilor, fiind usor de conservat si transportat. Fasolea fava (o fasole verde pastai) era bine cunoscuta din antichitate si era socotita sacra de romani. In timpul Saturnaliei, festivalul din cinstea zeului Saturn de la sfarsitul lunii Decembrie, acest tip de fasole era folosit pentru alegerea regelui festivalului. Se crede ca acest obicei sta la baza obiceiului din ziua de azi de a ascunde un obiect in Roscón de Reyes (o prajitura traditionala spaniola cu fructe in forma de colac). Pana de curand, acel obiect era o boaba de fasole flava.In partea de nord a tarii, sunt foarte populare ciupercile.Spaniolii stapaneau arta altoirii pomilor fructiferi. Plinius a vazut la Tibur (denumirea antica a orasului Tivoli) un copac pe a carui fiecare creanga

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crestea un fruct diferit: nuci, mere, cirese, pere, rodii, dar adauga ca ramurile s-au uscat repede.Grecii au fost cei ce au raspandit viticultura in regiunea mediteraneana, iar vinurile iberice erau cele mai populare din imperiu.Bogatii si nobilii erei mancau intinsi pe canapele (un obicei importat de la greci), folosindu-si mainile, furculitele nefiind inca inventate. Foloseau doua farfurii, una plata (platina sau patella) si una adanca (catinus), pe care o tineau in mana stanga. Cutitele erau cunoscute dar nu si folosite la masa, deoarece mancarea era taiata in bucatele mici de catre sclavi. Foloseau insa linguri, care ca si in ziua de astazi aveau marimi diferite in functie de uzul lor. Primele linguri erau confectionate din valve de molusca cu manere de argint.Principalele ingrediente ale bucatariei spanioleO parte semnificativa a bucatariei spaniole deriva din cea evreiasca si cea maura. Maurii au fost o influenta puternica in Spania pentru multe secole si multe din mancarurile lor se consuma inca. Insa carnea de porc este foarte populara si pentru multe sute de ani, a manca carne de porc echivala cu o declaratie de nationalitate limpieza de sangre (puritatea sangelui), deoarece acest aliment nu era consumat de evrei sau musulmani.Bucataria spaniola foloseste de asemenea ingrediente aduse din America, cum ar fi cartofii, rosiile, piperul sau fasolea. Din Spania, aceste alimente au fost mai apoi raspandite in Europa.Acestea sunt cateva din influentele principale care deosebesc bucataria spaniola de bucataria mediteraneeana, cu care are in comun multe tehnici si ingrediente.Ingredientul esential este uleiul de masline, iar 50% din productia mondiala de masline vine din Spania.Mesele zilnice inca se mai prepara traditional din ingrediente proaspete cumparate zilnic din piata locala. Acesta practica este mai comuna in ariile rurale decat in orase, unde supermarketurile au inceput sa inlocuiasca pietele in aer liber.Gatitul traditional spaniol graviteaza deseori in jurul gratarului in aer liber, intr-un cuptor de caramizi sau lut.TapasCand spaniolii ies in oras, consuma bauturile alcoolice (vinul, berea sau sherry) cu tapa.Tapa sunt in esenta gustari usoare, aperitive. In multe regiuni din Spania, ele se includ in pretul bauturii (bauturi alcoolice, nu racoritoare). In multe baruri exista 6 pana la 8 feluri diferite de tapa, condimentate cu mult usturoi, chilli sau paprika, si uneori inotand in ulei de masline. Tapa pot fi preparate din peste sau fructe de mare cum ar fi ansoa, sardelele sau scrumbiile in ulei de masline, sau caracatita in sos de rosii,

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condimentate cu ardei verzi sau rosii. Tapa includ aproape intotdeauna masline cum ar fi manzanilla sau arbequina. Unul sau mai multe tipuri de paine sunt de obicei servite cu gustarile in sos.Alte tapa sunt: chorizo al vino (carnat gatit incet in vin), gambas (crevete prajit in sos negru sau usturoi), rajo (carne de porc condimentata cu usturoi si patrunjel), queso con anchoas (branza castiliana cu ansoa), ensaladilla (legume fierte cu ton, masline si maioneza), tortilla (de cartofi), allioli (pasta de usturoi, uneori cu maioneza, pe paine)ChurroChurro este o alta mancare favorita a spaniolilor. Churro este un produs de patiserie dulce si prajit in ulei, numit uneori gogoasa spaniola. Se consuma cu o cana de ciocolata calda densa, in care se inmoaie.Churro se prajeste pana devine crocant. Aluatul se modeleaza cu churrera, o seringa cu ciocul in forma de stea. In general au forma prismatica, si pot fi curbate sau spiralate.Aroma tipica este cea de scortisoara, si sunt de obicei servite pudrate cu zahar.Feluri de mancare traditionale spaniolePrintre multele retete care compun bucataria variata a Spaniei, unele dintre ele sunt comune pe intreg teritoriul: tortilla de patata (omleta de cartofi), gazpacho (supa rece de rosii), paella (orez cu sofran), stufatul si tocana (fabada asturiana - tocana de fasole), migas (paine veche de o zi cu usturoi si pimenton - paprika afumata, si ulei de masline), carnati (cum ar fi embutidos - carnat de porc, chorizo - carnat de porc cu paprika, and morcilla - carnat de sange), mariscos (fructe de mare), lechazo asado (miel de lapte prajit), chuletillas (cotlet de miel de lapte la gratar),  jamón serrano (sunca sarata uscata), si branzeturi. Se mananca si multe feluri de mancare bazate pe legume boabe (linte, boabe verzi, naut), supe si paine, cu numeroase varietati regionale.Deserturile spaniole difera putin de la regiune la regiune. Sunt preferate crema din oua si lapte, tartele cu fructe, budinca de orez, torrijas (paine prajita frantuzeasca), turron (un desert de Craciun cu migdale si miere) si bineinteles churros.In ceea ce priveste bucatariile regionale spaniole, desi acestea difera mult intre ele, au totusi caracteristici comune cum ar fi:

Folosirea uleiului de masline la gatit; Folosirea sofrito (sos de rosii cu usturoi, ceapa si ulei de masline)

ca baza pentru multe feluri de mancare; Usturoiul si ceapa sunt condimentele cele mai importante; Obiceiul de a bea vin in timpul mesei; Painea acompaniaza cea mai mare majoritate a meselor; Consumul de salate, in special vara; Consumul de fructe sau produse lactate drept desert.

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Cine a calcat pe pamanturile Spaniei a inteles ce comori se ascund in bucatariile acesteia. In Spania, fara doar si poate, bucataria mediteraneana si-a gasit locul, fiind numita si Mecca bucatariei sanatoase. Gastronomia spaniola este cea mai diversificata din Europa, imbinand perfect cultura si gusturile, oferind cele mai rafinate mancaruri, cu o savoare deosebita.

Aceasta este alcatuita dintr-o mare varietate de feluri de mancare, date de diferenta de geografie, cultura si clima dintre regiunile acestei tari. Ca de exemplu, in partea de nord si nord-vest exista o alimentatie cu multa grasime animala, pe cand in partea iberica a tarii se gasesc adeptii dietei mediteraneene.

Istoria bogata a Spaniei si influentele culturale au dus la nasterea unei bucatarii unice cu mii de retete si arome, iar multe dintre acestea sunt inca preparate ca acum 200 de ani, radacinile ei fiind mediteraneene.

Primele influente culinare au fost date de bucataria romana, aducand feluri de mancare din toate colturile imperiului. Exista documente in care se mentioneaza ca au fost aduse mii de amfore cu ulei din Spania la Roma si se cultivau legume care constituiau baza pentru hrana soldatilor, de genul linte, fasole, varza si ciuperci.

Din multitudinea de retete spaniole, cateva dintre acestea sunt comune tuturor zonelor tarii precum: tortilla de patata, paella, carnatii chorizo, branzeturi si tocanitele delicioase. Exista de asemenea si multe retete de mancare ce au la baza leguminoase, ca de exemplu: mazare, fasole

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uscata sau verde. Spaniolii sunt indragostiti si de supe, dar si de paine, ambele cunoscand o multime de varietati.

Un punct forte al retetelor spaniole este usturoiul care se combina cu orice si se poate adauga pana si in supe. De asemenea, la loc de cinste pe mesele spaniolilor stau maslinele, fie sub forma de ulei, fie marinate sau crude, servite ca aperitiv. Uleiul de masline si usturoiul sunt printre putinele alimente din bucataria spaniola care uneori sunt comune pe mesele oamenilor intre cele doua zone geografice.

Bucataria spaniola foloseste intens cartofii, rosiile, ardeii grasi, fasolea si ciupercile. Aceasta include bineinteles si multe retete cu carne. Puiul, iepurele si porcul se pun in mancare sau se folosesc pentru salamuri si carnati – preferatul spaniolilor este chorizo, un carnat afumat picant. In categoria “carne”, nu vom uita sa includem pestele si fructele de mare care sunt ingredientele de baza. Caracatita gatita in propria ei cerneala este cel mai gustat preparat din fructe de mare, dar acelasi animal marin se poate regasi si in supele de peste, care se fac dupa retete diferite in functie de zona.  supe. De asemenea, la loc de cinste pe mesele spaniolilor stau maslinele, fie sub forma de ulei, fie marinate sau crude, servite ca aperitiv. Uleiul de masline si usturoiul sunt printre putinele alimente din aceasta bucatarie care uneori sunt comune pe mesele oamenilor intre cele doua zone geografice.

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In ceea ce priveste bauturile, spanioli isi incep diminetile cu cafea, dar dupa amiaza este stropita din plin cu sangria, un punch facut din vin rosu si fructe aromate, care se gaseste peste tot in Spania.

De aceea, datorita acestei variatiii de retete si gusturi bine definite, sa mananci in Spania poate fi o experienta de neuitat.

panish Eating Customs: TapasA tradition begun long ago in the southern city of Seville, Spaniards have since perfected the art of snacking. Going out for tapas consists of travelling from bar to bar and sharing plates of the bars' specialties with a small group of friends. Learn more about tapas!

Spanish Eating Customs: SobremesaThe name says it all. The word sobremesa literally means "over the table" and refers to the art of conversation after a meal. Instead of taking the last bite and leaving, Spaniards often stay at the table conversing, savoring each other's company, and perhaps sharing a drink. If good conversation ensues, be prepared to stay for hours!

Spanish Eating Customs: SiestaNo, it's not a myth. Yes, the infamous siesta really does exist. It began long ago as after eating the large mid-day meal farmworkers needed to rest and digest before going back out to work the fields. While this daily break doesn't necessarily include a nap, businesses and stores do shut down for about two hours and many people return home to eat with their families.

Spanish Eating Customs: WineWhether out at a restaurant or in the home with the family, it is very typical to drink wine along with a meal. So common, in fact, that restaurants offering a menú almost always include wine in the advertised price.

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Spanish Eating Customs: CoffeeCoffee is quite the Spanish phenomenon. Many Spaniards drink several cups of their favorite caffeinated beverage in the course of a single day. Coffee also traditionally follows a Spanish meal and is served after the dessert. To fit in with the locals, ask for a café con leche (coffee with milk), a café solo (coffee without milk), or a café cortado (coffee with some milk).

Spanish Eating Customs: TippingWhile its practice is completely voluntary, many restaurant patrons choose to leave a modest tip of around 5-10% after a meal.

History of Spanish FoodThe succession of cultures that one-by-one set foot on the Iberian peninsula have each left a lasting mark on every facet of Spain's culture: language, music, art, architecture and, of course, food. In fact, many people are surprised to learn just how much of a delicious melting pot Spain really is.

Geography of Spanish FoodThe basis of the history of Spanish food of course has to do with its geographical situation. First of all, the country is located on the Iberian peninsula and is therefore almost entirely surrounded by the waters. Naturally, due to this fortunate location, seafood forms one of the pillars of Spain's gastronomy and categorizes the country as having a Mediterranean diet. The rest of Spain is a diverse terrain made up of mountain ranges, lush pastures, fertile farmgrounds, extensive coastlines and more, which together provide quite the variety of fresh products. For example, Spain's famous hams are cured high in the mountains, vineyards and olive groves sprawl across expanses of land, and fresh fruits and vegetables hail from throughout the country.

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Cultures Throughout the History of Spanish FoodEndless cultures, as they passed through or settled in Spain, have influenced the history of Spanish food. The Phoenicians left their sauces, the Greeks introduced Spain to the wonders of olive oil, and Romans, Carthaginians, and Jews integrated elements of their own cooking into that of Spain. However it was the Moors who, during their centuries of reign, most impacted Spanish gastronomy. They introduced fruits and light seasonings into the Iberian diet, as well as combinations of fruits and nuts with meats and fish. Rice- a genuine staple of Spanish gastronomy- and therefore Spain's vast array of rice dishes, come straight from the Moors, as does the use of saffron, cinnamon, and nutmeg. As you eat gazpacho on a hot summer day, thank this clearly gastronomically talented Moorish culture, as it too comes straight from them. Conclusion? Ironically enough, the foods we consider to be "typically Spanish" would either not exist or would be extremely different without the intervention of so many cultures into the history of Spanish food.

The Americas' Impact on the History of Spanish Food

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Along with its obvious historical impact, the discovery of the Americas with Christopher Columbus' famous 1492 voyage resulted in the addition of more important elements to the history of Spanish food. As of 1520, foods from the new lands arrived in Spain and immediately began to integrate themselves into the Spanish diet. Amongst the many products that crossed the Atlantic and arrived on Spanish turf, tomatoes, vanilla, chocolate, various beans, and potatoes - which surprisingly arrived in Spain before arriving in Ireland- are all staples of today's Spanish kitchen.

History of Spanish FoodThe cuisine of many countries is influenced by the additions introduced by other cultures. This is especially true with Spanish cuisine. The influences of other cultures on the cuisine in Spain go a long way back and as other influences were incorporated, Spain developed a cuisine that is uniquely its own.

Spain is situated with water around most of it. It connects to France on the northeast and is just a short distance from Morocco on the southern tip where the Mediterranean meets the Atlantic. This puts Spain in a good position to be influenced by many cultures that sail both seas. Much of Spain is considered to have a Mediterranean diet as many of the cultures that influenced Spain’s cuisine came from that part of the world.

Each region of Spain has added it own variations to what these other cultures have brought. Vegetables as well as meats are consumed with great pleasure in Spain. With so much of Spain surrounded by water, fish and seafood are also very much a part of the cuisine.

The Phoenicians sailed the Mediterranean and brought their sauces to Spain. The Greeks gave the Spanish cuisine the gift of olives and olive oil though the Romans are at times credited with introducing

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the Spanish to these important ingredients. Other cultures that have contributed to the Spanish cuisine are the Jews and the Carthaginians. While they left their mark on the cuisine, it is the Moors who most strongly influenced Spain’s cuisine.

For over five hundred years, the Moors ruled Spain so it is no wonder that they indelibly left their mark on the cuisine. The Moors brought many of the fruits that are eaten in Spain today. Mixing fruits, nuts, fish and meats with light seasonings was one appetizing introduction. Rice was brought by the Moors and is a staple of the Spanish diet. This accounts for the abundance of rice dishes in Spain, especially Paella. The Moors also brought nutmeg, saffron and cinnamon to Spain. A cold soup that is catching on around the world that is typically Spanish is gazpacho and we can thank the Moors for that, too. If not for the Moors, Spanish cuisine would not be the gastronomical pleasure it is today.

At one point in the Moorish rule, Christian, Jews and Moors lived fairly harmoniously and this helped to blend many of the individual culture’s contributions to the cuisine. Pork is eaten a lot in Spain and is a contribution by Christians, as neither Jews nor Moors would eat it. However, pork dishes did have seasonings added and methods of preparation used that were influenced by the Jewish and Moorish cultures.

There are many things in the Spanish diet that came from a rather great distance and were enthusiastically adopted and incorporated into the cuisine before the rest of Europe. After Columbus sailed to the New World in 1492, other Spanish explorers soon followed and brought back many delightful additions to the Spanish diet. Among them were tomatoes, chocolate, vanilla, various types of beans and potatoes, all of which are now considered basic to the Spanish cuisine. Though we think of potatoes as an Irish staple, they became a staple in the Spanish diet before they were even introduced to Ireland.

So, as you can imagine, Spanish cuisine is influenced by many cultures. The Spanish food history of this wonderful cuisine was popular many years ago and is becoming increasingly popular today. 

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Agriculture alfalfa, barley, grapes, vegetables, olives, sugar beets, citrus, chickens, pigs, sheep,

cattle, goats

Natural resources fish, coal, lignite, iron ore, uranium, tungsten, mercury, pyrites, fluorspar,gypsum, kaolin, potash, hydropowerIndustries textiles and apparel, food and beverages, metals, chemicals, shipbuilding, automobiles,machine tools, tourism, pharmaceuticals, medical equipmentHistory Remains of Stone Age populations dating back some 35,000 years have been found inSpain. Iberians and Basques were settled here when Celtic people arrived in the 9th century BCE. Spainwas successively ruled by Carthage, Rome, and the Visigoths. In 711 CE Muslims invaded from NorthAfrica. Moorish rule ended in 1492, when Christians from the north regained control of the land.Roman Catholicism was established as the official state religion, and most Jews were expelled in 1492and Muslims in 1502. With Columbus’s discovery of America in 1492 and the conquest of Mexico byCortes and of Peru by Pizarro, Spain gained great wealth and a vast colonial empire in the Americas.It also controlled the Netherlands and parts of Italy and Germany. The Spanish Hapsburg monarchy(1516–1700) became the world’s most powerful. In 1588, the defeat of the Spanish Armada by Britainled to Spain’s decline. When Hapsburg rule ended in 1700, Philip V became the first Bourbon king ofSpain. Following his ascendancy, the War of Succession resulted in loss of many European possessionsand triggered revolutions in most of Spain’s South American colonies. Spain lost its American coloniesin wars and revolutions during the 18th and 19th centuries. It lost Cuba, the Philippines, and PuertoRico in the Spanish-American War, 1898. In 1931 Spain became a republic, separating church and state.The Spanish Civil War (1936–1939) ended in victory for the Nationalists under Gen. Francisco Franco,who ruled as dictator until his death in 1975. His successor as head of state, King Carlos I, restored themonarchy. In 1978 a new constitution provided for a parliamentary monarchy. Spain was officiallyneutral in World War II, although it had friendly relations with fascist countries. Catalonia and theBasque country were granted autonomy in 1980, although Basque separatist violence continued. Spainjoined the UN in 1955, NATO in 1982, and the EU in 1986. In 2004, commuter train bombings inMadrid killed at least 191 people; evidence indicated the bombings were caused by Islamic extremistsangered by Spain’s having troops in Iraq. The opposition party led by Zapatero won elections threedays later and removed Spanish troops from Iraq; Prime Minister Zapatero was reelected for a secondterm in 2008. Same-sex marriage became legal in 2005. In 2008 Spain agreed to add troops to its contingentin Afghanistan. As the worldwide financial crisis spread, Spain announced in October 2008 itwould spend up to 50 billion euros to buy assets of its troubled banks.Provinces of Spain: The Balearic Islands, in the west Mediterranean, include Majorca,

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Minorca, Cabrera, Ibiza, and Formentera; the Canary Islands, in the Atlantic west of Morocco,form two provinces and include the islands of Tenerife, Palma, Gomera, Hierro, Grand Canary,Fuerteventura, and Lanzarote. Ceuta and Melilla are small enclaves on Morocco’s Mediterraneancoast that gained limited autonomy in 1994.Influences on food Spanish food was influenced by the Phoenicians, who founded the city nowCadiz in 1100 BCE; the ancient Greeks and Carthaginians, who may have started wine production inSpain; and the Romans, who planted olive trees. Now Spain is a leading producer of olives and oliveoil. The Arab occupation for more than seven centuries brought the use of almonds and introducedcitrus fruits, sugarcane, many vegetables especially eggplant, many spices, rice cultivation in thetidal flatland now Valencia, and the use of saffron in paella, whose origin is Valencia. The Jews inSpain called their country Sepharad; thus when they were expelled in 1492 and were dispersed theywere called the Sephardic Jews, who developed one of the two main branches of Jewish cookery.The same year Columbus’s voyage to the New World led to the Spanish Conquest and the spread ofSpanish foodways there and in the Philippines. Foods brought back from the New World, such ascorn, tomatoes, potatoes, and chocolate, influenced Spain’s cuisine. Spain’s long coastlines provideseafood, prominent in coastal areas. From Andalusia and Extremadura, in southern and westernSpain, come prize hams and sausages. The mountains and central plateau are arid and sparsely populated;there the food is seasonal, simple, and hearty. Spain includes two other major cuisines,

Basque and Catalan.

Romescu (sauce of ground almonds, garlic, paprika, and tomatoes with vinegar and olive oil),sometimes mixed with alioli to taste by each diner at the table. Migas (bread chunks fried in oliveoil with garlic and perhaps bits of ham). Fried eggplant.National dish Paella (rice cooked with saffron, seafood, chicken, sausage, peas, tomato, andsweet peppers).Sweets Honey, sugar. Fresh fruit. Fruit compote. Rice pudding. Flan (sweet egg custard toppedwith caramel). Banana fritters. Fried cylindrical doughnuts (churros). Cake with rum cream filling.Almond honey nougat.Easter Holy Week sweets Tortas de aceite (cakes with olive oil, sesame seeds, and anise). Yemasde San Leandro (egg yolks poured through tiny holes into boiling syrup making “angel hair.” withalmond paste).Beverages Coffee with milk (cafe con leche), hot chocolate, cider, wine, sherry, sangria (red wine,fruit punch).Meals Four meals a day plus snacks is typical: early breakfast of bread and coffee or cocoa; midmorningbreakfast of grilled sausages, bread with tomato, or an omelet; early afternoon main mealof soup or salad, fish or meat, and dessert, often with fruit and cheese; and late supper of threecourses such as soup, omelet, and fruit.

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Street food and snacks Churros and fritters (fried pastries), sold on streets. Tapas (tidbits, orfinger foods), such as raw thinly sliced jamon serrano (mountain ham), served with wine or sherryin the evening in bars and cafes. The first tapas (lids) were pieces of bread used to cover wineglassesto keep out flies.Balearic Islands A part of Spain, the Balearic Islands (Majorca, Minorca, Ibiza, and Formentera)are in the western Mediterranean. Along with Catalonia in northeast Spain, these islands are whereCatalan cookery survives, although the island cuisine is peasant style and less sophisticated thanthat of Catalonia, especially Barcelona. The islands share many of the same foods with Spain, suchas rice with rabbit and other game, snails, vegetables, and spices. Typical dishes include bread andgarlic or cabbage soups. Typical Majorca ingredients include pork, sausages, lard, currants, pinenuts, cinnamon, peppercorns, and cloves. Majorca is famous for its apricots and almonds, oftenserved as dessert. Minorca and Ibiza specialties include dried figs and plums. Other desserts, ofMoorish (Arab) influence, are baked goods with almonds, almond ice cream, and a sweet icedalmond milk drink.Canary Islands These islands are off the northwest coast of Africa in the Atlantic Ocean. Called“the fortunate isles” by the Romans, they have an agreeable subtropical climate. The firstinhabitants arrived about 2000 BCE, probably from southwestern France. Spain has ruled here fromthe end of the 15th century. The Spanish introduced sugarcane, the main crop for a century. Thencorn from the New World and wine production superseded sugarcane, followed by bananas,potatoes, tomatoes, and citrus fruits. Dishes include gofio (bread made from roasted and groundwheat, corn, or barley mixed with water), seafood grilled or in fish soup, and jacket potatoes(papas arrugadas) boiled in salty water and eaten with their jackets, which have a white depositof salt. Mojo, a sauce of oil, vinegar, garlic, and herbs (parsley and coriander in the green version;red peppers and saffron in the red version), flavors many foods. Many sweets are based on corn

or almonds.

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