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Lb engleza

Lectia nr.1: Articolul a/an/the (un/o)[partea I]

Articolul "an" se pune inaintea cuvintelor ce incep cu o vocala [An= a , e, i, o ,u]

Articolul "a" se pune inaintea cuvintelor ce incep cu o consana [A= b,c,d,f... ]


This is an apple. Acesta este un mar.

This is a banana. Aceasta este o banana.

This is a coat. Aceasta este o haina.

This is a dress. Aceasta este o rochie.

This is an egg. Acesta este un ou.

This is an ice cream. Aceasta este o inghetata.

This is an orange. Aceasta este o portocala.

This is an umbrella. Aceasta este o umbrela.

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A/An sau The

Lectia nr.2: Articolul a/an/the (un/o)[partea II]

Exista doar trei articole in limba engleza: a, an si the.

Utilizarea lor poate fi mult mai complicata dar in general este simpla, insa poate fi frustant pentru un incepator deoarece se aplica uneori regula "dupa cum suna bine".

In general nu se folosesc articole pentru a vorbi despre lucruri in general - the nu inseamna toate/toti .

Exemplu: "Books are expensive." = (= Cartile sunt scumpe) (Se refera la faptul ca toate cartile sunt scumpe) "The books are expensive." = (Nu toate cartile sunt scumpe, doar cele despre care vorbesc acum.)

A si an


This is a house. Aceasta este o casa .

This is the house where I live.Aceasta este casa unde locuiesc.

This is a bed. Acesta este un pat.

This is the bed in my bedroom.Acesta este patul din camera mea.

This is a dress. Aceasta este o rochie.

This is the dress that I bought.Aceasta este rochia pe care am cumparat-o.

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A si an reprezinta articole nehotarate. Se refera la ceva ce persoana cu care se discuta nu stie neaparat despre ce este vorba..

Folosim a cand substantivul la care ne referim incepe cu o consoana.

Folosim an cand substantivul la care ne referim incepe cu o vocala.

Exemplu: "I saw an elephant at the zoo." (=Am vazut un elefant la zoo) "I ate a banana for lunch." (= Am mancat o banana la pranz)



Folosim the atunci cand persoana cu care se discuta stie sau isi poate da seama despre ce se discuta.

Exemplu: "The apple you ate was rotten." (=marul care l-ai mancat a fost stricat) "Did you lock the car?" (= ai inchis masina? )

Folosim the deasemenea cand lucrul despre care vorbim a fost descris anterior.

Exemplu: "She's got two children; a girl and a boy. The girl's eight and the boy's fourteen."(= are doi copii: un baiat si o fata.Fata are opt ani si baiatul patru spre zece ani )

Folosim de asemenea the atunci cand stim ca lucru despre care vorbim este unic.

Exemplu: the sun, the wind, the world, the North Pole etc.(=soarele,vantul,lumea,Polul Nord)

Totusi daca doriti sa descrieti o anume instanta atunci ar trebui sa folositi a/an.

Exemplu: "I could hear the wind." / "There's a cold wind blowing." "What are your plans for the future?" / "She has a promising future ahead of her."

Lectia nr.3: Pronumele personal

The Personal Pronoum

Pronumele este partea de vorbire care tine locul unui substantiv.Pronumele personal este acel pronume care desemneaza anumite persoane si in limba engleza are urmatoarele forme:

Persoana Nominativ Dativ Acuzativ

I I (to) me me

II You (to) you you

III – m He (to) him him

III – f She (to) her her

III – n It (to) it it

I We (to) us us

II You (to) you you

III They (to) them them

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Pronumele personal la persoana I sg. (I) se scrie intotdeauna cu litera mare oricare ar fi locul lui in propozitie.


Pronumele personal are functia de subiect sau nume predicativ in Nominativ. He knows the rules. – subiect Who is it ? It is I! – nume predicativ Pronumele in cazul Acuzativ este folosit cu functia sintactica de complement direct sau complement

indirect. I see him. – complement direct I work for him. – complement indirect I don’t want to talk to her. – complement indirect Pronumele personal in Dativ are functia sintactica de complement indirect. I give a book to him. – complement indirect I give him a book. – complement indirect (trece in fata CD dar dispare prepozitia). Pronumele personal it se foloseste: Pentru a inlocui substantive ce denumesc lucruri, animale:

The book is interesting. It is on the table.

in expresii care denumesc timpul, vremea, distanta, temperatura:

It is five o’clock. - timpulHow far is Bucarest ? It is 180 Km. – distantaIt is cold. – temperaturiIt snows. - vreme



Pronume si adjective demonstrative

Forma Singular Plural

de apropiere this these

de departare that those

Adjectivele demonstrative sunt singurele care se acorda in numar cu substantivul.

Adjective si pronume cantitative: some; any; no (folosite ca adjective); none (folosit doar ca pronume); much (folosit pentru a exprima cantitatea); many (folosit pentru a exprima numarul).


Some – se foloseste in propozitii cu verbul la afirmativ.

I have some books.

Any – se foloseste in propozitii cu verbul la negativ sau interogativ.

Have you any books ?I haven’t any books.

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No – se foloseste in propozitii cu verbul la afirmativ, acest adjectiv avand sens negativ

In limba engleza intr-o propozitie nu pot exista doua negatii.

I have no books.

Adjective si pronume posesive


Forma Adjective Pronume

I my mine

II your yours

III – m his his

III – f her hers

III – n its its

I our ours

II your yours

III their theirs


Pronumele posesive sunt folosite pentru a inlocui adjective posesive si substantivele lor:

This is my pencil. It is mine.

in limba engleza adjectivele posesive se acorda in numar si gen cu posesorul:

A boy loves his mother.A girl loves her father.

Gramatica: Adjectivul

Pagini: Adjectivul part.1 || Adjectivul part.2 || Adjectivul part.3||

Gradele de comparatie

1.pozitiv = adjectivul nu se schimba


- de inferioritate (2.1.)

- de egalitate (2.2.)

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- de superioritate (2.3.)


- relativ (3.1.)- absolut (3.2.)

2.1. Comparativ de inferioritate

1. pt adj scurte (mono si bisilabice) se formeaza din:

not so/not as + adj + as Ex:This room is not so big as the bedroom.sauThis room is not as big as the bedroom.

1. pt adj lungi se formeaza:

less + adj + than Ex:The chair is less comfortable than the bed.

2.2. Comparativ de egalitate

Atat pt adj scurte cat si pt lungi:as + adj + as Ex: The bed is as good as the chair.

Ideea de egalitate mai poate fi sugerata si prin constructia: the same + subst + as ! as si nu like !!!Ex: This room is the same size as the other one.

Schimbare de valoare gramaticala


big, small---------------------------------------size (masura)long, short---------------------------------------length (lungime)broad, narrow---------------------------------------breadth (largime pt ceva concret)wide, narrow---------------------------------------idth (largime pt ceva abstract)high, low---------------------------------------height (inaltime)deep, shallow---------------------------------------depth (adancime)heavy, light---------------------------------------weight (greutate)strong, weak---------------------------------------strength (putere)……..etc.

Constructii cu comparativul de egalitate:as brave as a lionas blind as a batas black as coal

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as busy as a beeas cool as a cucumberas clear as daylightas dry as a boneas easy as ABCas fresh as a daisyas hairy as a gorillaas mad as a hatter (palarier)as poor as a church-mouseas silent as a graveas wise as Solomonas soft as silkas smooth as grassas gentle as a lamb....etc.

2.3. Comparativul de superioritate

- pt adj scurteadj + er + than

Modificari ortografice:

1. daca adj se termina in "e", se adauga doar “râ€‌

Ex: nice - nicer

1. daca adj se termina in “yâ€‌ precedat de consoana, se transforma “yâ€‌ in “ierâ€‌

Ex: pretty - prettierExceptii:shy - shyersly - slyerwry - wryer (stramb)

3) daca adj se termina in consoana precedata de vocala, dublez consoana finalaEx: big - bigger

- pt adj lungimore + adj + than Ex: The book is more interesting than the movie.

Adj provenite din latina sunt urmate de “toâ€‌ si nu de “thanâ€‌Ex: He is superior to me.

3.1. Superlativul relativ

the + adj +estEx: آ آ آ آ آ   large - the largestsilly - the silliestModificarile ortografice sunt la fel.

Pentru adj lungi:the most+ adjEx: This is the most expensive thing.

! dupa superlativ urmeaza prepozitiile “ofâ€‌ sau “inâ€‌Ex: He is the best of all/the best in my group.

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! daca se face comparatie intre 2 elemente, comparativul implica superlativul:the + comparativEx: Between you and me, I am the older.

3.2. Superlativul absolut

very + adjvery poate fi inlocuit cu:extremelyexceptionallytremendouslyawfully

! nu toate adj au grad de comparatie, unele definesc ideea de unitate (own, complete, proper, perfect, marvelous, maximum, minimum).Altele au sufixe si prefixe:

extra - largeover - crowdedsuper - fineultra - shortpriceless

Comparatia neregulata

good - better - the bestbad - worse - the worstill - worse - the worstmany - more - the mostmuch - more - the mostlittle - less - the leastnear - nearer - the nearest (cel mai apropiat); next (urmatorul)far - farther - the farthest (in spatiu)far - further - the furthest (in timp)late - later - the latest; the last (ultimul); the latter (ult din 2)Dintre 2, primul este “the formerâ€‌, nu “the firstâ€‌.up - upper - the upmostin - inner - the inmostout - outer - the outmostfore - former - the foremost old - older - the oldestold - elder - the eldest (doar atributiv, pt membrii aceleiasi familii)Ex: My elder brother is older than me. (fratele meu mai mare)

Comparatia neregulata

good - better - the bestbad - worse - the worst

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ill - worse - the worstmany - more - the mostmuch - more - the mostlittle - less - the leastnear - nearer - the nearest (cel mai apropiat); next (urmatorul)far - farther - the farthest (in spatiu)far - further - the furthest (in timp)late - later - the latest; the last (ultimul); the latter (ult din 2)Dintre 2, primul este “the formerâ€‌, nu “the firstâ€‌.up - upper - the upmostin - inner - the inmostout - outer - the outmostfore - former - the foremost old - older - the oldestold - elder - the eldest (doar atributiv, pt membrii aceleiasi familii)Ex: My elder brother is older than me. (fratele meu mai mare)

Constructii adjectivale

1. cu mult mai = much/ a lot + comparativ

Ex: It is much warmer today / a lot warmer today

1. de departe cel mai = by far + superlativ

Ex: This is by far the hottest day of the year.

1. din ce in ce mai = comp + and + comp

Ex: It is warmer and warmer

! pt adj lungi se repeta doar "more"Ex: It is more and more interesting.

1. cu cat mai,… cu atat mai… (the + comparativ …the + comparativ)

! Expresia e obligatoriu sa se repete identic si verbul "to be" lipseste:Ex: The more, the better (cu cat mai mare, cu atat mai bine)


! Mai multe adjective care determina acelasi substantiv se despart prin virgula. Daca nu apare virgula intre ele atunci cel care nu este urmat de virgula este adverb.

! Ordinea adjectivelor care determina un substantiv va tine cont de cele subiective (primele expuse) si de cele obiective (imediat langa substantiv).

! Un adjectiv poate sa determine si un verb. Verbul va fi obligatoriu "to be" sau orice alt verb de perceptie care poate fi inlocuit cu "to be".

Ex: آ آ آ آ آ   I am intelligent He looks happy sau He is happy.


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Adjectivul demonstrativ1. anuleza articolul substantivului 2. invariabil ca forma (M/F)3. se aseaza in fata substantivului pe care il determina4. daca nu determina un substantiv devine pronume demonstrativ


"this" - aceasta, acesta (singular apropiere)"these" - acestea, acestia (plural apropiere)ambele merg cu "here".

"that" - acela, aceea (singular departare)"those" - acelea, aceia (plural departare)ambele merg cu "there".

! Indepartarea in spatiu presupune si indepartarea in timp. Deci "that" si "those" se vor cupla cu trecutul.

Ex: آ آ آ آ آ   This book is good. (this = adjectiv, book = substantiv)This is a good book. (this = pronume)


Adjectivul posesiv1. invariabil ca forma si numar2. anuleaza articolul substantivului3. se aseaza in fata substantivului pe care-l determina4. forme: my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their

Ex: My book.


Adjectivul interogativ1. pozitie initiala in propozitie2. invariabil ca forma3. anuleaza articolul4. determina un substantiv5. forme: what, which, whose, how much, how many.


Diferenta: what./whichWhich presupune selectie dintr-un numar limitat.Ex: Which boy is your best friend?

What nu presupune selectie.Ex: What days of the week do you know?

Diferenta how much / how manyHow much presupune cantitatea si se foloseste pentru substantive nenumarabile.Ex: How much money do you want?

How many inseamna numar si se foloseste la substantive numarabile.Ex: How many books do you want?


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Adjectivul relativ1. pozitie mediana2. introduce o propozitie secundara3. invariabil4. determina un substantiv anulandu-i articolul5. forme: آ آ آ آ آ  

whatever (fara selectie), whichever (selectie din numar limitat), whose (a, al, ai, ale cui).

Ex: You may take 1/ whatever books you want 2/.


Adjectivul nehotarat

SOME = unii, niste, vreo, cativa


1. In propozitia enuntiativa urmat de substantiv nenumarabil sau numarabil la plural.

Ex: I have some money / friends.

1. In propozitia interogativa in care se face o afirmatie sau o invitatie.

Ex: Would you like some coffee?

1. In propozitia in care stiu sigur ca primesc raspuns pozitiv.

Ex: Mother, can you give me some money?Aici "some" pp o certitudine comparativ cu "any".

1. In propozitia interogativa in care intrebarea nu se refera la "some".

Ex: Why are there so many people in some restaurants?Aici, cu sau fara "some" propozitia are aceeasi logica, ea nu se refera la "some", important este "so many"

1. In propozitia negativa al carui sens este afirmativ.

Ex: I never go home without buying some chocolate.Sensul real este: I always buy chocolate when I go home.

1. Cand poate fi inlocuitorul lui "certain".

Ex: Certain people/some people believe they are the best.



Este inlocuitorul lui "some" in:

1. Propozitia interogativa la care nu stiu ce raspuns voi primi.

Ex: Is there any milk left?

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1. In propozitia enuntiativa dar cu sensul de oricine, oricare, orice.

Ex: Any book is good for you.

1. In propozitia care contine un adverb negativ de genul: hardly, barely, scarcely (de abia, cu greu, deloc).

Ex: I hardly eat any bread (nu mananc paine aproape deloc)

1. In propozitia care contine "if". (if = incertitudine)

Ex: If you find any books, buy them.

1. In propozitia care contine o expresie de indoiala: maybe, perhaps.

Ex: I doubt there are any good films in town.

1. In propozitia negativa in care verbul este negat.

Ex: I haven’t any friends here.



Se foloseste numai in propozitia negativa in care verbul este la afirmativ.Ex: I have no friends here.


EVERY (fara particularizare)Ex: Every day I go to my office. (nu ma duc chiar in fiecare zi)


EACH – (cu particularizare)Ex: Each person has a name. (fiecare, particularizare)


EITHER – (fiecare din doi)

NEITHER – (nici unul din doi)

! Dupa each, every, either sau neither rmeaza substantiv numarabil la singular iar acordul cu verbul se face la singular.


Expresii cu every si each Each other = unul pe altul (pp reciprocitate)Every bit/inch = fiecare bucaticaEvery right = tot dreptul Every now and than = din cand in candEvery other day = alternativEvery so often = la interval regulat de timp fara a sti exact cand.

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SUCHآ  (astfel)Urmat de substantiv numarabil la plural sau nenumarabil.Ex: I have such friends/information.



Urmat de substantiv numarabil la singular.Ex: This is such a man of honor.



Urmat de substantiv nenumarabil sau numarabil la plural.Ex: All books/information must be used.



Urmat de substantiv numarabil la singular.Ex: I like the whole book.

! Pt perioade de timp se poate folosi si "whole" si "all"Ex: I’m home all the morning/ the whole morning. (whole este cotat ca fiind mai puternic)


Urmat de substantiv numarabil la singular sau plural.Ex: The other child/children can swim.

Expresia "The other day" = some days ago, cere obligatoriu trecutul.Ex: I was there the other day. (Am fost acolo acum cateva zile)



Urmat de substantiv numarabil la plural.Ex: Give me other examples.

Daca e precedat de "no" poate fi urmat si de numarabil la singular.Ex: No other man is as good as you are.



+ substantiv la singular (different, in addition) Ex: Would you like another drink? = vrei inca unul (suplimentar) sau un altul (diferit)?


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+ substantiv numarabil la plural (pt. doi)Ex:I like both kids -> acordul in pluralBoth are intelligent.



Mai multi intr-un numar nedefinit.+ substantiv numarabil la plural.Ex: We spent several days there.


MOST = majoritatea+ substantiv numarabil la plural sau nenumarabil.Ex: Most books/information can be read easily.



! Daca e urmat de substantiv nenumarabil sau numarabil la plural are pozitie mobila.Ex: I have enough money/money enough to be happy.

! Daca e urmat de substantiv numarabil la singular se aseaza dupa el.Ex: He is man enough to understand me.

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