Page 1: Curriculum Limbi Straine Pentru Copii

Languages@Work Limbi straine pentru copii intre 3 si 6 ani Curriculum

Curriculum de limbi strãine pentru preșcolari (copii 3-6 ani)

Temã Competențe lingvistice:1. Cum ne prezentãm Invațã sã-si spunã numele, sã se prezinte minimal, sã

spunã cine sunt personajele de pe plansã.Vizioneaza un desen animat și prezintã personajele din el

2. Jucãrii Invațã sã numeascã jucarii și alte obiecte din jur.3. Animale Invațã sã numeascã și sã descrie (minimal) animale

4. Fructe Invațã sã numeascã și sã descrie (minimal) fructe

5. Legume Invațã sã numeascã și sã descrie (minimal) legume

6. In casã Invațã sã numeascã și sã descrie (minimal) camere și obiecte care se gãsesc ȋn casã

7. Vara Invațã sã numeascã și sã descrie (minimal) obiecte legate de acest anotimp

8. Primãvara Invațã sã numeascã și sã descrie (minimal) obiecte legate de acest anotimp

9. Toamna Invațã sã numeascã și sã descrie (minimal) obiecte legate de acest anotimp

10. Iarna Invațã sã numeascã și sã descrie (minimal) obiecte legate de acest anotimp

11. Expresii faciale Invațã sã numeascã expresii faciale și sã descrie (minimal) starea de spirit a personajelor

12. Acțiuni/activitãți Invațã sã numeascã și sã descrie (minimal) acțiuni și activitãți pe care le fac oamenii

13. Familia Invațã sã numeascã și sã descrie (minimal) pe membrii familiei

14. Numerele și ceasul Invațã sã spunã numerele, sã numere, sã spunã cât e ceasul.

15. Alfabetul Invațã sã spunã literele alfabetului, sã le punã in ordine etc.

16. Paștele Invațã sã numeascã obiecte legate de sãrbãtoarea Paștelui (iepure, ou, cadouri, prãjiturã, etc.)

17. Crãciunul Invațã sã numeascã obiecte legate de sãrbãtoarea Crãciunului (Mos Crãciun, brad, glob, sanie, reni, cadouri, prãjiturã, etc.)

18. Forme geometrice Invațã sã numeascã forme geometrice de bazã

19. Mijloace de transport și clãdiri

Invațã sã numeascã mijloacele de transport și clãdirile din oraș

Materiale : realia (obiecte/jucãrii), jocuri educationale, cântece, poezii, planșe, flashcards (imagini cu vocabularul), worksheets


Page 2: Curriculum Limbi Straine Pentru Copii

Languages@Work Limbi straine pentru copii intre 3 si 6 ani Curriculum

General Skills

Number Recognition Quantities





Visual Discrimination

Following Directions

Problem Solving



Using a Calendar

Telling Time

Community Awareness

Healthy Food Choices


Pre-kindergarten Skills


Identify circles, squares, and triangles Identify squares and rectangles

Identify cubes and pyramids

Count to 3

Count dots (up to 3) Count shapes (up to 3)

Count objects (up to 3)

Represent numbers (up to 3)

Count to 5

Count dots (up to 5) Count shapes (up to 5)


Page 3: Curriculum Limbi Straine Pentru Copii

Languages@Work Limbi straine pentru copii intre 3 si 6 ani Curriculum

Count objects (up to 5)

Represent numbers (up to 5)

Count to 10

Count dots (up to 10) Count shapes (up to 10)

Count objects (up to 10)

Represent numbers (up to 10)

Count to 20

Count dots (up to 20) Count shapes (up to 20)

Count objects (up to 20)

Represent numbers (up to 20)


Compare groups (fewer or more) Compare in a chart (fewer or more)

Compare in a mixed group

Compare numbers up to 5


Inside and outside Left and right

Left, middle, and right

Above and below

Top and bottom


Same Different

Same and different

Classify by color


Long and short Tall and short

Light and heavy


Page 4: Curriculum Limbi Straine Pentru Copii

Languages@Work Limbi straine pentru copii intre 3 si 6 ani Curriculum

Holds more or less

Compare height, weight, and capacity

Wide and narrow


Count money

Kindergarten skills

Numbers and counting up to 3

Count to 3 Represent numbers - up to 3

Count by typing - up to 3

Numbers and counting up to 5

Count to 5 Represent numbers - up to 5

Count by typing - up to 5

Count up - up to 5

Count down - up to 5

Numbers and counting up to 10

Count to 10 Count dots - 0 to 10

Represent numbers - up to 10

Count by typing - up to 10

Count up - with pictures

Count up - with numbers

Count up and down - with pictures

Count up and down - with numbers 4

Page 5: Curriculum Limbi Straine Pentru Copii

Languages@Work Limbi straine pentru copii intre 3 si 6 ani Curriculum

Tally marks - up to 10

Number lines - up to 10

Before, after, and between - up to 10

Count forward - up to 10

Count forward and backward - up to 10

Names of numbers - up to 10

Complete a sequence - up to 10

Numbers and counting up to 20

Count to 20 Count dots - 0 to 20

Represent numbers - up to 20

Count by typing - up to 20

Count up - up to 20

Count up and down - up to 20

Tally marks - up to 20

Number lines - up to 20

Before, after, and between - up to 20

Count forward - up to 20

Count forward and backward - up to 20

Names of numbers - up to 20

Complete a sequence - up to 20

Count tens and ones - up to 20

Write tens and ones - up to 20

Numbers and counting beyond 20

Count to 30 Count to 100

Count groups of ten

Number lines - up to 30

Count tens and ones - up to 30

Write tens and ones - up to 30


Page 6: Curriculum Limbi Straine Pentru Copii

Languages@Work Limbi straine pentru copii intre 3 si 6 ani Curriculum


Skip-count by twos Skip-count by fives

Skip-count by tens

Skip-count by twos, fives, and tens


Fewer, equal, and more Fewer and more - comparing groups

Fewer and more - with charts

Fewer and more - mixed

Compare numbers up to 10


Similar patterns Complete missing parts of patterns

Growing patterns


Addition with pictures - sums up to 5 Add two numbers - sums up to 5

Addition sentences - sums up to 5

Ways to make a number - sums up to 5

Addition word problems - sums up to 5

Addition with pictures - sums up to 10

Add two numbers - sums up to 10

Addition sentences - sums up to 10

Ways to make a number - sums up to 10

Addition word problems - sums up to 10


Subtract with pictures - numbers up to 5 Subtraction - numbers up to 5

Subtraction sentences - numbers up to 5

Subtraction word problems - numbers up to 5

Subtract with pictures - numbers up to 10


Page 7: Curriculum Limbi Straine Pentru Copii

Languages@Work Limbi straine pentru copii intre 3 si 6 ani Curriculum

Subtraction - numbers up to 9

Subtraction sentences - numbers up to 10

Subtraction word problems - numbers up to 9


Inside and outside Left, middle, and right

Top, middle, and bottom

Above and below

Location in a three-by-three grid


Identify halves, thirds, fourths Equal parts


Match clocks and times Read clocks and write times

Times of everyday events

Match analog and digital clocks


A.M. and P.M.

Sorting, ordering, and classifying

Same Different

Same and different

Classify by color

Venn diagrams

Put numbers up to 10 in order

Put numbers up to 30 in order

Data and graphs

Making graphs Interpreting graphs


More or less likely 7

Page 8: Curriculum Limbi Straine Pentru Copii

Languages@Work Limbi straine pentru copii intre 3 si 6 ani Curriculum


Long and short Tall and short

Light and heavy

Holds more or less

Compare size, weight, and capacity


Coin names Count money

Equivalent coins I

Equivalent coins II

Equivalent coins III

Compare two groups of coins


Identify shapes I Identify shapes II

Same shape

Identify solid figures

Relate planar and solid figures

Count sides and corners

Compare sides and corners

Geometry of everyday objects

Symmetry I

Symmetry II


Sum and difference

Examples of exercises

Example 1: fewer, equal and more :

Look at this group of tables:


Page 9: Curriculum Limbi Straine Pentru Copii

Languages@Work Limbi straine pentru copii intre 3 si 6 ani Curriculum

Now select the group that shows more.

Example 2: Symmetry 1

Does this picture have symmetry?




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