
Cum a explodat numarul utilizatorilor de Internet din Romania in ultimul deceniu - studiuTweet

Numarul utilizatorilor de Internet din Romania a crescut de la 1,7 milioane, cati erau in 2002, la aproape 6,5 milioane in 2013.

Potrivit unui studiu realizat de Biroul Roman de Audit al Tirajelor (BRAT) si citat dePagina de Media, romanii petrec, in medie, circa 4 ore online (230 de minute).

In schimb, acelasi studiu arata ca oamenii petrec mai mult timp pe Internet decat in fata televizorului, la care se uita, in medie, 202 minute pe zi. Totodata, romanii asculta radioul si mai putin, adica circa 112 minute pe zi.

Potrivit rezultatelor prezentate la Ziua Cercetarii Media, 45% dintre utilizatorii de Internet au varste cuprinse intre 25 si 44 de ani, iar 19% dintre ei au intre 14 si 24 de ani.

Tinerii romani, cei mai mari fani ai Internetului - studiu

De asemenea, alti 19% dintre romanii care utilizeaza Internetul au intre 45 si 54 de ani, in vreme ce restul de 17 procente au intre 55 si 64 de ani.

Circa 4,7 de milioane deromanicare utilizeaza Internetul erau, in 2013 din mediul urban, in vreme ce in 2002, doar jumatate de milion de oraseni utilizau Internetul.

Studiul mai releva si faptul ca 49% dintre utilizatorii de Internet din Romania sunt barbati, in vreme ce restul de 51% sunt femei.

In ceea ce priveste nivelul de educatie al romanilor care acceseaza mediul online, 25% nu au absolvit nici macar liceul, 44% dintre ei au studiile liceale absolvite, in vreme ce restul de 32% au si studii superioare.

Peste 90% dintre romanii tineri (intre 16 si 24 ani) si cei cu studii superioare folosesc Internetul. Acest procent scade pe masura ce varsta utilizatorilor creste, releva un studiu realizat de compania 360insights."Cei mai mari fani ai Internetului sunt tinerii (16-24 ani), 97% dintre ei navigand frecvent in mediul virtual. De fapt, penetrarea Internetului este invers proportionala cu varsta. Cu cat aceasta din urma creste cu atat e mai mica incidenta. Totusi, printre cei de varsta medie (25-44 ani), mediul online ramane popular, inregistrand o penetrare de peste 70%. Intr-adevar, printre varstnici gasim mai putini utilizatori, dar si in randul lor rata depaseste 30%", spun reprezentantii 360insights, citati de Mediafax.,_cei_mai_mari_fani_ai_internetului_-_studiu.html Romania has most internet users (8.8M) in South East EuropePosted byCristina Blanaruon 20 June 2014 inDigital & Media,e-Commerce,Mobile,Social Media,Studies0 CommentsRomania is the biggest South Eastern European country in terms of internet users, with 8.8M registered inDecember 2013, according to Online Landscape: South East Europe report, made byGemius.In Balkans, the number of internet users keeps growing. In Bulgaria and Serbia, 1 in 8 people is present online, while the online populationin Romania, Macedonia, Slovenia and Croatia increasedby 10%during the last year. Although an ascending trend in terms of number of internet users is visible, internets penetration rate in the region remains one of the lowest. For example, in Romania, only 48% of the population has access to the internet.Although the internet penetration rate in Romania is one of the lowest in the region, the foreigninvestments on the online market are noticeably increasing. During the last 12months, the investment in online advertising are mainly due tobig international players, which are focusing on generating traffic and conversionsVictor Avram,Country Manager Gemius for Romania andMoldova.Mobile traffic is rapidly increasing in Romania: from 3% in January 2013 to 7% in March 2014. The growth trend for mobile traffic will continue in 2014, therefor covering this segment will become mandatory in any advertisers online strategyWhen it comes of the most popular websites, Romania follows the trends in theregion, so that big global websites occupy the first positions in the top. Google, Facebook andYahoo rank first, with86%, 80% and, respectively, 73% reach. Online video content becomes more and more popular all over Central and Eastern Europe and Romania is no exception: YouTube has 68% reach and ranks 4th in popularity top.Who are the Romanianinternet users?According to the study, Romanian internet users are mostly female (54%, with interest in taking care by health), with men representin 46% and showing interest for erotics and gambling.Romanian internet users live mainly in towns (67%), with rural internet users representing only a third of the total.When it comes of education, most Romanian internet users are highschool and college graduates (48%), 29% have universitary or post-universitary education, while 22% graduated vocational school and gymnasium or have less education than gymnasium.

When it comes of e-commerce, over 4.5M internet users are accessing e-commerce websites on monthly basis, with online commerce growing constantly, both with the horizontal expansion of the big players (like and the apparition and consolidation of new niche stores. On the other side, classified websites become more and more popular, with 2 of ( being in top 10.In 2014, the main trends of the market are Google will keep growing up, while Facebook will see an accelerated decline More and more global players will enter the market (Shazam, Daily Motion, Facebook Premium) The number of companies that will offer programmatic buying platforms and systems will increaseOnline Landscape: South East Europe report presents the characteristic of the online markets in Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Romania,Serbia andSlovenia. The data used within the report are from December 2013. In making the Romanian report, Dragos Stanca, Managing Partner Think Digital Romania andMihai Seceleanu, CEO Internet Corp, worked with Gemius team.

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