  • 7/27/2019 17.Past Perfect and Continuous - Trecutul Perfect Si Continuu


    Past perfect and continuous - Trecutul perfect si continuu

    1. Trecutul perfect

    Trecutul perfect (Past perfect), exprima o actiune care a avut loc si s-a terminat in trecut,inaintea altei actiuni tot din trecut.

    Acesta se formeaza cu had + participiu trecut al verbului.

    - Este un timp utilizat mai des n limba englez dect n limba romn pentru exprimarea



    He had lived in London before he moved to Romania. - El locuise in Londra inainte de a se muta in Romania.

    You had finished the book before I came. - Tu terminasesi cartea nainte s vin eu.

    Mother had cooked the dinner by the time father arrived home. - Mama gtise deja cina cnd a ajuns tata


    Forma negativa se formeaza cu had not (sau hadn't) si participiul trecut al verbului.He hadn't lived in Paris before he moved to Romania. - El nu locuise in Paris inainte de a se muta in Romania.

    He had not finished the book before I came. - El nu terminase cartea nainte s vin eu.

    Forma interogativa se formeaza prin inversiunea dintre auxiliarul had si subiect.How long had it been since you saw each other? - Cat timp fusese de cand v-ati vazut?

    Exista cateva conjunctii si adverbe ce se folosesc adesea in trecutul perfect pentru a marca

    succesiunea evenimentelor (actiunilor). Acestea sunt:by the time that (in (din) momentul n care), when (cand), after (dupa), as soon as (de indata

    ce), ever(vreodat), never (niciodata),just (tocmai), before (inainte), already (deja), for [time period] (timp

    de [o perioada de timp]), since [point of time] (incepand cu /de la [un punct in timp]), never ...

    before (niciodat ... nainte sa).

    Exemple:When I arrived Susan had already left. - Cand am sosit Susan plecase deja.

    He had just come into the room when the telephone rang. - El tocmai intrase in camera cand a sunat



    I had walked - Eu ma plimbasem

    you had walked - Tu te plimbasesi

    He had walked - El se plimbase

    she had walked - Ea se plimbase

    it had walked - Se plimbase

    we had walked - Noi ne plimbasem

    you had walked - Voi va plimbasesi

    they had walked - Ei se plimbase

    Trecutul perfect - exercitii
  • 7/27/2019 17.Past Perfect and Continuous - Trecutul Perfect Si Continuu


    2. Trecutul perfect continuu

    Trecutul perfect continuu (Past perfect continuous /progressive) se foloseste pentru aaccentua faptul ca o actiune a fost in curs de desfasurare pe o anumita perioada de timp inaintea

    altei actiuni din trecut.

    Trecutul perfect continuu se formeaza cu: Had + been + participiu prezent (-ing).


    I had been waiting for my friend since seven oclock when he finally arrived. -l asteptam pe prietenul meu

    de la ora sapte, cnd n sfrsit a sosit.

    He had been writing poems for two years when I met him. - Scria poezii de doi ani cnd l-am cunoscut.

    Forma negativa - se adauga not intre auxiliarul had si been.It had not been raining when you came. - Nu ploua cand ai venit.

    Forma interogativa se obtine prin inversiunea auxiliarului had cu subiectul.

    Had you been swiming before she left the piscine? - Inotai inainte sa plece ea de la piscina


    I had been walking - Eu ma plimbam

    you had been walking - Tu te plimbai

    He had been walking - El se plimba

    she had been walking - Ea se plimba

    it had been walking - Se plimba

    we had been walking - Noi ne plimbam

    you had been walking - Voi va plimbati

    they had been walking - Ei se plimbau

    Exemplu:They had been playing tennis when you wrote your homework. - Ei se jucau tenis cand tu ti-ai scris tema.

    Trecut perfect continuu - Exercitii si teste incepatori

    - Scrieti verbul din paranteze la timpul Trecut perfect continuu, in acord cu subiectul.

    Ex.: "I ___ (to learn)" - had been learning

    1. I ___ (to walk)?

    2. You ___ (to look for)?

    3. We ___ (to work)?

    4. He ___ (to write)?

    5. They ___ (to read)?

    6. She ___ (to crochet)?

    7. I ___ over there (to go)?

    8. Your sisters ___ here. (to play)?

    9. The whale ___ a lot. (to eat)?

    10. The cheetah __ very fast. (to run)?

  • 7/27/2019 17.Past Perfect and Continuous - Trecutul Perfect Si Continuu


    11. You ___ in the street. (to laugh)?

    12. He ___ a book. (to buy)?

    13. She ___ for 3 hours. (to wait)?

    14. I ___ this morning. (to jog)?

    15. You ___ every evening. (to run) ?

    16. We ___ all week. (to travel)?

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