din inima catalog_26!02!2

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Din Inima Catalog_26!02!2


  • Persoana de contact Boldurescu Vasile

    tel.: 079425324

    [email protected]

    n noua colecie de Primvar-var 2014, Arillu aduce cu sine o not de ncredere i subliniaz elegana i fineea designului contemporan.

    Aceast colecie se bucur de un stil elegant, linii curate i construcie modern.

    Astfel, fiecare doamn i poate per-mite s aib n garderob, cel puin, un model de geant din colecia Arillu, care ofer un raport bun ntre calitate i pre i un design de invidiat.

    In its new 2014 Spring-Summer Col-lection, Arillu brings a note of con-fidence, highlighting the elegance and refinement of modern design.

    This collection represents an ele-gant style, clear lines and soft con-struction. Any woman in Moldova can afford having at least one of Arillus bags, as they are good val-ue-for-money and have an enviable design.



    CC zorile, str. Calea Ieilor 8, et.1 i 2

    CC Atlantic, str. Armeneasc 51A, et. II

    CC AVIV, str. Tighina 57, et. II

    CC Din inim Linella

  • Persoana de contactalexandra can

    tel. : 069104396

    [email protected]


    CC Din inim Linella

    Artima S.A. este cea mai mare fabric din Moldova n domeniul marochin-riei, producnd valize, geni, servie-te i alte produse. Misiunea Artima este de a transforma procesul de transport al bunurilor personale n unul comod, modern i sigur.

    Artima is the biggest company in Moldova producing suitcases, bags, backpacks, portfolios, briefcases, army items and other products. Ar-timas mission is to transform the transportation of personal belong-ings into a comfortable, modern and secure process.


  • Bookletta este cea mai bun prie-ten a crii tale! ntr-o lume a geni-lor pentru cei i fie, alege o gean-t care promoveaz cititul!

    Bookletta este un concept de geAnT pentru CArTe, unic n lume, o invenie nregistrat. este structu-rat astfel nct s aib un buzunar din plastic transparent special pen-tru carte (care se extinde n funcie de volumul acesteia), n care aceasta este protejat de ifonare, ptare, de umiditate etc. n acel buzunar ncape i un iPad, un Kindle, un nook, sau ori-ce gen de gadget de pe care citeti.

    Bookletta is your books best friend! In a world of dog bags and glamorous bags, choose a bag which promotes reading!

    Bookletta is a concept of BAg for BOOK, which is unique in the world, a registered invention. It has a special transparent plastic pocket special-ly made for a book (which extends depending on the book size), which protects it from creasing, spotting, and humidity, etc. The pocket can also fit an iPad, a Kindle, a nook or any other e-reader.


    Persoana de contactsanda cojocaru

    [email protected]

  • ntreprinderea Brio satisface cele mai pretenioase gusturi, ntotdeau-na venind cu noi colecii, n stil clasic sau romantic, care corespund ten-dinelor modei i coloristicii sezonu-lui. Caracteristicile brandului Brio sunt: creativitatea, calitatea, respon-sabilitatea, flexibilitatea i respectul pentru clieni, cuvntul brio semni-ficnd nsufleire.

    Brio can satisfy the tastes of the pickiest ladies, constantly issuing new collections of a classical or ro-mantic style, which are in line with the seasonal fashion and color. The distinctive features of Brio are the creativity, quality, responsibili-ty, flexibility and respect for clients. The word brio means liveliness.


    Persoana de contactcristina culis

    Tel.: 079480528

    [email protected]


    Showroom, str. Decebal 80

    CC gemenii, etajul 1

    bd. tefan cel Mare i Sfnt 126

    CC Unic, etajul 3

    CC Din inim Linella

  • Accesorizeaz-i atitudinea cu creaiile noastre unice!

    Accesorize your attitude with our unique creations!

    city Boutique

    Persoana de contactlilia doroFte

    IAI, rOMnIA

    [email protected]

    [email protected]

    tel.: 0040 745 590 134

    tel.: 0040 726 332 696

    Tel.: 0040 751 768 939

  • Persoana de contactVeronica Pentelei

    Tel.: 068459222

    [email protected]

    Sub sloganul because only the best is good enough, Crme brle prezint colecia de primvar-var 2014, Provence Mon Amour, care ncorporeaz delicateea i roman-tismul spiritului francez n inute de calitate de care se va ndrgosti fie-care mic fashionist. Pentru fetie au fost alese nuanele diafane de roz prfuit, albastru i verde proaspt, evideniate n imprimeurile rafinate i detaliile jucue, iar pentru bieei s-a optat pentru clasicele i atempo-ralele nuane de albastru. Provence Mon Amour este colecia n care co-moditatea i rafinamentul s-au con-topit, pentru ca picii s poat purta hinuele oricnd i oriunde.

    This spring, Crme brle presents its third collection of clothes for children, Provence Mon Amour, with the slogan because only the best is good enough. The delicacy and romanticism of the French style is incorporated in outfits of highest quality, which every fashionista girl will fall in love with. Powdery pink, blue and fresh green, highlighted with refined prints and lively de-tails for girls, classical and dateless shades of blue for boys. Provence Mon Amour perfectly combines comfort and sophistication, allowing kids to wear the clothes anytime and anywhere.

    CreMe Brulee


    CC Din inim Linella, str. Ion Dumeniuc 12

    CC Din inim Linella

  • Cristina este o marc de ncl-minte binecunoscut n Moldova prin faptul c ntrunete toate cali-tile necesare pentru nclmintea ideal. De mai bine de 17 ani produ-cem nclminte pentru dame, br-bai i copii, iar materialele folosite sunt doar din piele, textil sau blan natural.

    n magazinele noastre aflate n Chii-nu i n toat ara gsii nclmin-te pentru toate sezoanele i toate vrstele.

    Cristina is a well-known brand in Moldova, which meets all qualities of ideal shoes. For more than 17 years we have been manufacturing footwear for ladies, men and chil-dren, from natural leather, textile or natural fur.

    People of any age can find suitable shoes for any season, in our stores based in Chisinau and in the regions.


    Persoana de contact:

    tel.: [email protected]



    Magazin de firm Cristina, str. Armeneasc 51

    CC zorile, str. Calea Ieilor 8

    CC Din inim Linella

  • Brandul Di Vero ofer o mare va-rietate de rochii de lux pentru toate ocaziile, fie c este o petrecere de cocktail, nunt, aniversare sau bal de absolvire. noi v oferim posibilitatea de a avea rochii croite dup silueta dumneavoastr, fiecare rochie fiind individual. Creatoarea brandului Di Vero, natalia Pnzaru, de 9 ani creeaz aceste superbe rochii cu foarte multe elemente hand-made.

    Di Vero offers a wide range of lux-ury dresses for any occasion, be it a cocktail, a wedding, an anniversary or a graduation party. We give you the chance to have your dresses tai-lored to your shape, as each dress is individual. The creator of Di Vero, natalia Pinzaru, has been creating these beautiful dresses for 9 years, using a lot of hand-made elements.

    di Vero

    Persoana de contactnATALIA PInzArI

    Tel.: 079706080


    str. Sciusev 40, Tel.: 068877500

    CC Jumbo, etajul 5

    CC Pasaj, buticurile 518 i 554

  • evgheni Hudorojcov un tnr i ta-lentat designer. Creaiile sale delica-te se regsesc sub brandul eHO.

    Fiind conservativ i ndrazne n ace-lai timp, evgheni Hudorojcov com-bin concepte tradiionale cu soluii inedite. Personalitatea i aspiraiile creative se ntilnesc ntr-o idee unic n fiecare creaie eHO. Fiecare deta-liu n inutele eHO snt parte a unui ansamblu visual de fashion i stil.

    evgheni Hudorojcov a young and talented fashion designer. His fresh and delicate ideas are implemented under the eHO brand.

    evgheni Hudorojcov balances on the verge of conservatism and shock-ing, combining fresh solutions and traditional concepts. The designers personal feelings and creative aspi-rations are implemented as a unique idea in every eHOs article. every de-tail of eHO clothes are an integral part of the visual ensemble of fash-ion and style.


    Persoana de contacteVgHenII HUDOrOJCOV

    Tel.: 079090718

    [email protected]

    SHOW rOOM eHO str. Bucureti 60

  • Din 2006, georgette scrie o poves-te nou, care rimeaz cu un design perfect i cu acurateea coninutului su. n prezent brandul ofer cliente-lor sale piese vestimentare inspirate i accesibile, potrivite oricrei femei, indiferent de vrst, ocupaie sau interese. georgeta Mir este o profe-sionist desvrit, a crei experi-en menine n timp popularitatea brandului.

    Since 2006, georgette has been writ-ing a new story, which rhymes with a perfect design and accurate con-struction. georgette offers its cli-ents inspired and affordable clothes that suit any woman, regardless of her age, occupation or interests. georgeta Mir is a skilled profession-al who maintains the brand popular-ity through time.


    Persoana de contactgeOrgeTA MIr

    Tel.: 068509888

    [email protected]

    SHOW rOOM geOrgeTTe str. columna 174

  • str. Bulgar 47

    Tel.: 022858811, 858808, 858810

    [email protected]

    Magazine de firm n incinta fabricii Tel.: 022854127

    Fabrica de confecii Ionel produce mbrcminte clasic pentru brbai, femei i copii. Designul modern, cali-tatea nalt i tehnologia european de prelucrare contribuie la un parte-neriat de lung durat cu renumite firme din Italia, SUA, germania, Cana-da, Frana i romnia. Fabrica Ionel produce i vinde mbrcminte sub trei branduri proprii: Ionel, giovanni Primo i Prima Bella.

    Ionel tot ce e mai bun pentru Dumneavoastr!

    Ionel produces classic mens, la-dies and childrens wear. Due to its modern design, high quality and eu-ropean technologies, the Ionel fac-tory has had long-term partnerships with famous companies in Italy, US, germany, Canada, France and roma-nia. Ionel produces and sells clothes under three own brands: Ionel, gio-vanni Primo and Prima Bella.

    Buy Ionel, because you deserve the best!




    CC elat, but. 25, str. Decebal 99

    CC elat, but. 8, str. I. Creang 49

    CC Soiuz plus, but. 26, str. A. russo 1/1

    CC zorile, str. Calea Ieilor 8

    bd. tefan cel Mare i Sfnt 128

    CC Din inim Linella

  • Irka Shoes Hand Made este un brand autohton care produce nclminte personalizat pentru femei, la co-mand, oferind posibilitatea fiecrei cliente s-i creeze propriul pantof, s-i aleag nlimea, combinaia de culori, tipul tocului, platoul, elemen-tele decorative. nclmintea este executat, att pe exterior, ct i pe interior, doar din piele natural, pie-le ntoars i lcuit.

    Irka Shoes Hand Made is a local brand which makes tailored shoes for women. Irka makes it possible for every woman to create her own show, choose a suitable height, color combination, type of heel, platform, and decorations. all footwear is made of leather and suede both out-side and inside.

    IrKA SHOeS

    Persoana de contact irina calancea

    Tel.: 069636198

    tel.: 069362440


    CC Soiuz, str. Alecu russo 1, et. 3, butic 302




  • Bijuteriile semnate de Ana Popova sunt creaii feminine i romantice, ce se deosebesc printr-un design exclu-siv i calitate.

    Anual designerul mrcii particip la expoziiile specializate de bijuterii precum BIJOrHCA, Paris (Frana), BIJOUX MACeF, Milano (Italia), i Le-VeLS, Kiev (Ucraina).

    Produsele sunt disponibile n show-room-ul din Chiinu (Moldova), precum i n buticuri din germania, Frana, Olanda, Austria, Italia, rom-nia, Marea Britanie, Uganda i rusia.

    The jewelry signed by Ana Popova are feminine and romantic creations, which stand out by their exclusive design and quality.

    The brand designer participates yearly in jewelry tradeshows such as BIJOrHCA, Paris (France), BIJOUX MACeF, Milano (Italy) and LeVeLS, Kiev (Ukraine).

    You can find our works in our show-room in Chisinau (Moldova), as well as in boutiques in germany, France, netherlands, Austria, Italy, romania, UK, Uganda and russia.

    JU-BIJOUX By ana


    Persoana de contactOLgA neDBAILO

    Business Development Manager

    ana PoPoVa Designer


    str. Coglniceanu 66

    Tel.: 079188090, 078316665


    [email protected]

  • Istoria noastr ncepe n 2006, de la dou maini de cusut i cteva per-soane convinse c totul va reui. Brandul nostru s-a nscut din entu-ziasm, ncredere i dorina de a crea ceva special. Pas cu pas am nceput s ne definim propriul stil care n curnd i-a gsit loc n inima cliente-lor noastre. n prezent compania se dezvolt rapid, participnd la multe expoziii i lansnd colecii de sezon i colecii-capsule. Julia Allert n-cearc n permanen s-i satisfac admiratoarele.

    Our story started in 2006, with two stitching machines and several peo-ple who strongly believed that they will succeed. Our brand is born from our enthusiasm and confidence, and desire to make something meaning-ful. Step by step, we defined our style, which found its place in the hearts of our clients. Julia Allert permanently satisfies its woman fans.

    julia allert

    Persoana de contact julia allert

    Tel.: 079808056


    str. Coglniceanu 66

  • Compania Lme de femme este specializat n confecionarea hai-nelor stilate pentru dame. gama de produse include paltoane, imper-meabile, scurte, rochii i bluze care sunt modelate, croite i cusute din camir, ln, in, bumbac, mtase i poliester. Caracteristicile eseniale ale produselor companiei sunt stilul i calitatea, pentru a satisface dole-anele oricrei doamne.

    Lme de femme makes stylish ap-parel for ladies. The range of prod-ucts includes coats, raincoats, thick jackets, dresses and blouses which are made from cashmere, wool, lin-en, cotton, silk and polyester. The main characteristics of the company products are their style and quality, which can satisfy the tastes of any woman.

    LAMe De FeMMe

    Persoana de contactgALInA gAVrILenCO

    Tel.: 079430880 [email protected]

  • Brandul LaTyana creeaz haine de dam din tricotaj, aliniate la tendin-ele modei i solicitrile clienilor si. LaTyana ofer o gam larg de tricotaje exclusive i accesorii pentru cele mai rafinate gusturi. Designul i calitatea firului asigur producerea hainelor elegante pentru doamnele garderoba crora subliniaz statutul prezent sau cel la care aspir.

    LaTyana creates designer knitwear for ladies, which meet the clients demands and the fashion trends. LaTyana provides a wide range of exclusive knitwear and accessories for the most refined women. The nice design and the quality of the thread secure elegant clothing for ladies who want their wardrobe to highlight their existing or targeted social status.

    la tyana

    Persoana de contactTATIAnA MOrArI

    Tel.: [email protected]


    str. V. alecsandri 70

  • Colecia Lia Fia primavar-var 2014 ndeplinete cele mai pure i inocente vise. este o colecie dedica-t micilor zne, dar i celor care mai poart n suflet visul feeric. Scldat n nuane pale i calde de azuriu i coral aceasta v aduce primvara pe trup i povestea n suflet.

    Lia Fia creat cu dragoste!

    Lia Fias 2014 spring-summer col-lection makes the purest and most innocent dreams come true. it is dedicated to little fairies and also to those who are still fairy-dreaming. Bathed in pale and warm shades of sapphire and coral, this collection will bring the spring to the body and a fairy-tale to the soul.

    Lia Fia created with love!

    lia Fia

    Persoana de contact OXAnA LUngU

    tel.: 079529159

    [email protected]


    CC zorile, Calea Ieilor 8

    CC Din inim Linella

  • Lorina este marca de bijuterii hand-made pentru femeile de toa-te vrstele. Bijuteriile sunt realizate manual, folosind fire de mtase sau bumbac n combinaie cu mrgele, perle i cristale Swarovski. gama de produse const din inele, brri, cercei i coliere.

    Designul bijuteriilor Lorina evoluea-z n permanen, innd pasul cu tendinele actuale, n fiecare an apar cteva colecii noi.

    Lorina is a hand-made jewelry brand for women of all ages. All jew-elries are made by hand, using silk or cotton thread in combination with beads and Swarovski pears and crys-tals. Lorinas range includes rings, bracelets, earrings and necklaces.

    The design evolves permanently, keeping up with the trends. every year several new collections appear.


    Persoana de contactALInA COAgA

    str. Armeneasc 20Tel.: 069 50 98 71

  • Compania Maicom presupune ra-finament, atenie sporit la detalii, mbrcminte modern, retro sau cu motive autohtone, culori calde, materiale moi i catifelate la preuri accesibile. Designerii companiei ex-perimenteaz permanent cu materii prime noi, structuri noi de tricot i linii de confecionare n pas cu ten-dinele internaionale ale modei. Maicom are o identitate bine de-finit, stil i personalitate, numele nostru fiind recunoscut pe piaa tri-cotajelor din Moldova.

    Maicom is the expression of re-finement with high attention to de-tails. Maicom offers modern or retro clothing with indigenous motives, warm colors, and soft and velvety fabrics for affordable prices. Our de-signers constantly try new materials, new jersey structures and construc-tions which are in line with the inter-national fashion trends. Maicom has a well-defined identity, style and personality. Our name is well-known in the Moldovan jersey market.


    Persoana de contactVICTOr MAICAn

    tel.: 079532970


    str. Armeneasc 33, Tel.: 078303703

    str. Armeneasc 42, Tel.: 078303708

    CC gemenii, bd. tefan cel Mare i Sfnt 136, but. 29/1

  • Mallena produce haine ntr-un stil de club babydoll. Diversitatea artico-lelor din colecii, variaiile de culoa-re i croiala fin permit ca acestea s fie purtate cu uurin de doamne i, deopotriv, de domnioare ncrez-toare, toate cptnd un aer aparte.

    Calitatea, confortul i elegana de-finesc produsele brandului. Atenia deosebit n alegerea materialelor, croiala impecabil, importana deta-liilor recomand brandul Mallena drept un ,,must have pentru gar-deroba oricrei fashioniste.

    Mallena is a brand that makes club babydoll style for ladies. The variety and color combinations are fitting to be worn by older and younger ladies who are self-confident.

    Quality, comfort and elegance de-fine the brand products. A special attention to fabrics, the perfect design, and the nice details recom-mend Mallena as a must have for the wardrobe of any fashionista.


    Persoana de contact eLenA grOSU

    tel.: 079925201


    Atelier - str. Miron Costin 7, et. 2, oficiu 210

    CC gemenii, et. 2, butic 33

  • Hinuele pentru cei mici trebuie s fie calitative, rezistente la ritmul energic de via al fiecrui copil, i, nu n ultimul rnd, frumoase.

    Maxikids ine cont de aceste cri-terii i, zi de zi, ncearc s creasc nivelul de calitate n confecionarea articolelor pentru copii i s vin n ntmpinare cu noi i noi modele.

    Maxikids Culori. Vise. energie.

    The clothes for kids have to be good quality, suitable for their energetic lifestyle and, last but not least nice.

    Maxikids keeps this in mind and tries to constantly improve the qual-ity and provide new styles.

    Maxikids Colors. Dreams. energy.


    Persoana de contact zInAIDA VInTeA

    Tel.: 069629998, 079223174

    www.maxikids.md, [email protected]


    CC zorile, Din Inim branduri de Moldova str. Calea Ieilor 8, et. 2

    CC Atlantic, str. Armeneasc 51A, et. 2, but. 32A

    CC gemeni, bd. tefan cel Mare 136 et. 3, but. 9

    CC Din Inim Linella

  • nadiush creeaz bijuterii care se deosebesc prin idei noi i capacita-tea de a le adapta la trendurile de sezon.

    V plac gulerele detaabile? Putei avea orice model, n funcie de dis-poziie, la un pre acceptabil.

    Designerul propune coliere masive, mpletite sau brodate, incrustrate cu perle sau pietre. Asortate cu o sim-pl cma alb, acestea pot schim-ba radical o inut.

    nadiushs jewelry is novel and ver-satile, being adjustable to seasonal trends.

    Do you like detachable collars? You can have any style, depending on your mood, for an affordable price.

    The designer proposes massive necklaces, braided or embroidered, imbedded with pearls or stones, matched to a plain white shirt, changing an outfit entirely.


    Persoana de contact nADeJDA ArTIUHOVA

    tel.: 079776223

  • nati nati realizeaz coronie 100% hand made, create pentru doamne i domnioare de toate vrstele, care pot fi purtate la orice ocazie. Marca nati nati nseamn originalitate, stil, finee, feminitate i rafinament.

    nati nati creates wreaths for la-dies of all ages, which can be worn for any occasion. They are totally hand crafted. nati nati means originality, style, sophistication, femini nity and refinement.

    nati nati

    Persoana de contact nata eFtene

    Tel.: 79404418

  • Passer definiia simpl a stilu-lui este simplu de purtat, uor de accesorizat, cu un design minimalist i clasic accesibil oricrui purttor. Materialele n diverse culori i tex-turi sunt principalele indicatoare ce vorbesc despre calitate, rafinament i elegan i ne reamintesc delicat c simplitatea nu nseamn lips de gust estetic. Astfel, cmile create in s completeze att linia corpului, ct i simplitatea purtrii acestora.

    Passer The simple definition of style. It is simple to wear, easy to accessorize, with a minimalistic and classic design affordable to any cos-tumers. The fabrics of various colors and textures are the main indica-tors of quality, refinement and ele-gance, reminding us that simplicity does not mean lack of esthetics. The shirts we make nicely highlight the body shape, being easy to wear.


    Persoana de contact Vitalie VraBii

    e-mail : [email protected]


    str. g. Cobuc 5, Tel.: 079071919

    CC Din inim Linella


    CC Din Inim Linella

  • Compania Ponti este specializa-t n producerea i comercializarea unui sortiment bogat de colani, cio-rapi, osete i papioane pentru fe-mei, brbai i copii.

    gama de articole Ponti este creat conform ultimelor tendine, oferind o varietate de culori i modele pen-tru ntreaga familie.

    Ponti calitate european produs n Moldova!

    Ponti specializes in producing and selling a wide range of hosiery (tights, socks, stockings) and bow ties for men, women and children.

    Ponti aligns its products to the lat-est trends, offering a variety of colors and styles for your entire family.

    Ponti european quality made in Moldova!


    Persoana de contact nATALIA COLULeAn

    tel.: 069131013

    [email protected]


    CC gemenii, butic 76

    CC Malldova, etajul 2

    Soiuz, but. 127

  • raquette este brandul ce aduce culoare i delicatee n garderoba unei femei. Piesele vestimentare raquette reprezint o materializare a graiei, rafinamentului i elevaiei. raquette provoac femeile moder-ne s aleag inute speciale n fieca-re zi i v ndeamn s ndrznii s artai diferit. Punctul de inspiraie al designerilor l reprezint stilul cla-sic vestimentar franuzesc. Misiunea companiei este de a mbrca femeile puternice i moderne pentru o via cotidian de lux.

    raquette is the brand which brings color and delicacy to a ladys ward-robe. Its creations reflect the grace, refinement and elevation. raquette challenges modern women to choose special outfits for every day and to have the courage to look dif-ferent. The brand is inspired by the French classical dressing style. The companys mission is to dress up modern, strong women for a luxuri-ous daily life.


    Persoana de contactVioleta Basoc

    Tel.: [email protected]


    str. Mitropolitul gavriil Bnulescu-Bodoni 6

  • Avei nevoie de o inut elegant i deosebit? Sandi este alegerea! Colecii noi, esturi naturale, culori proaspete i pline de arm toate ofer inute stilate i actuale pentru cele mai delicate i rafinate doamne!

    If you need an elegant and special outfit, Sandi is the best choice! Our new collections, natural fabrics, fresh and charming colors make our outfits stylish and trendy, suitable for the most delicate and sophisti-cated ladies!


    Persoana de contact nADeJDA nOVITCHI

    tel.: 069577744

    Com. Ciorescu, str. Moldova 1B

  • Sekana este un brand de haine pentru femei, stilul zilnic al crora l reprezint elegana subtil. noi sun-tem ateni la detalii i cunoatem ct de mult acestea conteaz pentru percepia imaginii unei femei.

    Vestimentaia pe care o crem poar-t amprenta personalitilor noastre i a atitudinii deosebite fa de fie-care detaliu.

    Sekana is an apparel brand for women, whose daily style is defined by refined elegance. We pay much attention to detail as we are aware how important this is for the percep-tion of a womans image.

    The clothes we create reflect our personality and our special attitude to each detail.


    Persoana de contactnATALIA MeLnIC

    Tel.: 069168818

    [email protected]


    Bd. tefan cel Mare i Sfnt 83

    CC Din Inim Linella

  • Sotex este un productor de vesti-mentaie cu experien vast i do-tare tehnic performant. Fabricnd pentru prestigioi clieni europeni, compania a lansat i produse proprii prezente pe piaa Moldovei. Sorti-mentul include pantaloni, scurte, sacouri.

    Coleciile Sotex sunt n stil busi-ness casual, preponderent pentru brbai, propunnd un look complet pentru un brbat modern.

    The company has provided cut-and-make services for well-known euro-pean clients and has also launched its own products which are sold on the Moldovan market.

    Sotex has casual collections, most-ly for men, proposing a full outfit for a modern man, including trousers, light and thick jackets.


    Persoana de contacttatiana curtasoV

    tel.: 069601120

    [email protected]


    str. Sfatul rii 30

    CC Din Inim Linella

  • nclmintea produs de Tighina combin materiale moderne i teh-nologii clasice germane.

    nclmintea de marc Tighina se distinge prin siguran, durabilitate i design modern, care i-au adus fi-delitatea consumatorilor.

    Tighina nclminte confortabil pentru fiecare zi!

    Tighinas footwear combines mod-ern materials and classical german manufacturing technologies.

    The Tighina branded shoes stand out by their security, long-lasting con-struction and modern design, which have driven consumers loyalty.

    Tighina comfortable shoes for everyday!


    Persoana de contact TATIAnA SOrOCHInA

    Tel.: 060123584

    [email protected]


    str. Alexandrul cel Bun 18A

    CC zorile, str. Calea Ieilor 8

  • Timp de 26 de ani Tiras produce n-clminte n exclusivitate din piele natural, n cea mai mare parte pen-tru brbai. Brandul ofer o gam larg de modele, de la clasic, la agre-ment, sport i confort. Combinaia dintre calitatea nalt i preul acce-sibil este apreciat de clienii notri. Colaborarea noastr n timp cu bran-duri italiene de renume i-a adus aportul la modernizarea tehnologiei de producere, oferind siguran por-tului dumneavoastr. Tiras ncl-mintea care te poart.

    For 26 years, Tiras has been manu-facturing leather footwear primarily for men. The brand secures a wide range of styles, from classical to walking, sports and comfort shoes. The combination of high quality and affordable price is appreciated by our customers. Our cooperation with well-known Italian brands over time has contributed to moderniz-ing our manufacturing technologies, securing your comfort. Tiras the shoes which lead you.


    Persoana de contactOLeg SUrU

    tel.: 069321600

    [email protected]


    cc unic

    CC Soiuz

    CC zorile

  • Tricon se promoveaz pe piaa au-tohton prin 2 branduri cunoscute de mbrcminte:

    Tricon colecii casual de confecii pentru femei i tricot pentru femei i brbai

    inovatorul MY reVIVAL co-lecii fashion pentru femei.

    n magazinele Tricon i MY revival comprtoarele fidele au posibilita-tea de a combina cele mai originale modele de confecii cu modele unice de tricot mpletit, toate la preuri re-zonabile.

    Tricon is known on the local market through its two brands:

    Tricon, which sells casual wo-ven collections for women and knitwear for women and men;

    and the innovatory My revival, which sells fashion collections for women.

    In the Tricon and My revival shops, loyal buyers have the possibility to combine original woven items with unique knitwear items, for reasona-ble prices.

    TrICOn & MY reVIVAL

    Persoana de contactValentina andreeV

    tel.: 029920746

    [email protected]


    Str. Armeneasc 30/1 tel.: 022540245

    Str. Cosmonauilor 9, tel.: 022915114

    Bd. Moscovei 2, tel.: 022925191

  • Vasconi ofer produse din tricot, pentru ntreaga familie, ce cores-pund celor mai nalte cerine de ca-litate. Dotrile moderne, spaiul i personalul calificat permit o capaci-tate de producere a peste 1000 de articole pe zi. Brandul Vasconi nu este doar un nume, dar i un set de valori, un anumit mod de via. este o mbracminte pentru adevraii cunosctori ai calitii.

    Vasconi specializes in knitted fab-ric apparel which meets our clients quality demands. It produces a wide range of wear for ladies, men and children. Its modern equipment, space, and qualified staff enable a production capacity of over 1000 items a day. Vasconi is not just a name; it is a lifestyle, and a set of values. It manufactures clothes for people who appreciate quality.


    Persoana de contactlarisa cojocari

    Tel. : 022421180

    [email protected]


    str. grigore Vieru 27

    bd. Decebal 68

    bd. tefan cel Mare i Sfnt 128/1

    CC Din Inim Linella

  • Compania Vistline ocup poziia de lider n proiectarea, producerea i vnzarea de paltoane pentru dame n republica Moldova. Paltonul de la Vistline satisface chiar i cel mai ra-finat gust att toamna i primvara, ct i n timpul iernii, pentru c pal-tonul de dam nu este doar un ele-ment vestimentar care te nclzete pe vreme rece, dar i o modalitate de auto-exprimare.

    Vistline is a leader in designing, making and selling ladies coats in Moldova. Vistlines coats satisfy the most sophisticated tastes in au-tumn, spring and winter as a ladys coat is not just a piece of clothing which warm you up in cold weather, but also a way of expressing oneself.


    Persoana de contactVADIM SIrgHII

    tel.: 069120205

    [email protected]


    CC zorile, str. Calea Ieilor 8

    CC UnIC, etajul 4

    CC Din Inim Linella

  • Accesoriile de mod geni, curele, alte accesorii de marochinrie de marca Vitalie Burlacu sunt ela-borate exclusiv din piele natural de calitate.

    n procesul de producere se folosesc utilaje performante care mbunt-esc calitatea produselor. De aceea curelele i genile marca Vitalie Bur-lacu se poart timp ndelungat i i menin forma iniial.

    Vitalie Burlacu fashion accessories bags, belts and other leather acces-sories are made exclusively of high quality leather.

    Advanced equipment is used in man-ufacturing, which increases product quality. This is why the belts and bags branded Vitalie Burlacu can be worn for a long time, keeping their original form.

    Vitalie Burlacu

    Persoana de contact Vitalie Burlacu

    tel.: 069607792

    [email protected]


    CC zorile, str. Calea Ieilor 8

    CC Din Inim Linella, str. Dumeniuc

    CC Din Inim Linella, str. O. ghibu

    CC Din Inim Linella, str. Mioria

    Showroom, str. Decebal 139

  • Compania zorile este cel mai mare productor autohton de nclminte, producnd anual peste un milion de perechi de nclminte din piele na-tural pentru femei, brbai i copii.

    Fabrica zorile a colaborat pe par-cursul anilor cu aa gigani inter-naionali ca rieker (germania), Ara (germania), FlyFlot (Italia), Braking (Italia), parteneri de la care a deprins tehnologii moderne de producere a nclmintei.

    zorile is the biggest local footwear manufacturer, producing annual-ly over one million pairs of leather shoes for ladies, men and children.

    Over the years, zorile has cooper-ated with international giants such as rieker (germany), Ara (germany), FlyFlot (Italy), Braking (Italy), from which it has learned modern shoe manufacturing technologies.


    Persoana de contactLUDMILA SeIKA

    Tel.: 068303576

    [email protected]


    CC zorile, str. Calea Ieilor 8

    CC Malldova,bd. negruzzi 4/2

    CC grand Hall,

    bd. tefan cel Mare i Sfnt 132

    str. M. Sadoveanu 20/1

    CC Plaza, str. C. Brncui 3

    cc din inima linella

  • Compania Linella a inaugurat n august 2013 trei magazine Din Inim, orga-nizate conform standardelor europene i principiilor moderne de merchandi-sing. Spaiile largi i deschise le permit consumatorilor s aleag dintr-o gam vast de articole, de la 38 de branduri moldoveneti, achitnd la un ghieu unic. Scopul proiectului este asigurarea confortului achiziiei, promovarea imaginii brandurilor locale i susinerea productorilor autohtoni. mpreun putem contribui la dezvoltarea social-economic a republicii Moldova.

    V ateptm cu drag!

    In August 2013, Linella opened three Din Inima shops laid out according to european standards and modern merchandising rules. The large and open spaces allow shoppers to choose from a wide range of products from 38 Mol-dovan brands and pay at one counter.

    The goal of this project is to deliver comfortable shopping experience, pro-mote local brands image and support local manufacturers. Together we can contribute to Moldovas social and economic development.

    We are looking forward to serving you in our shops!

    adresele noastre

    str. ion dumeniuc 12;

    Str. Miorita 6;

    Str. Onisifor ghibu 7/2.