vemma premium-leaflet

Post on 17-Jul-2015






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Solid Nutritional Formula

Now with Mangosteen, plus 6 new botanicals!

The superior nutrition of the Vemma Premium formula is available in two convenient options, each providing approximately a month’s supply:

Two 946 ml bottles containing 16 servings each

V2 Fridge Brick containing 30 single servings (59 ml each)

Did you know? 4 red peppers to equal the amount of beta-carotene

2 1/2 glasses of milk to equal the amount of vitamin D

4 1/2 cups of green beans to equal the amount of vitamin K

4 1/2 large potatoes to equal the amount of niacin

3 3/4 cups of dried apricots to equal the amount of calcium

5 cups of kale to equal the amount of magnesium

5 slices of wholemeal bread to equal the amount of zinc

7 1/2 glasses of grape juice to equal the amount of chromium

2 glasses of sour cherry juice to equal the amount of tart cherry extract

4 yellow onions to equal the amount of quercetin

4 glasses of red wine to equal the amount of resveratrol

All in one delicious, ready-to-drink 59 ml daily serving of Vemma Premium! 3443

At Vemma, we know that

supporting your well-being with

good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle

helps you meet the challenges of

modern living with energy and vigor.

And you know, the healthier you are,

the younger you look and feel!

That’s why we travelled the world to

�nd the purest and most powerful

minerals and botanicals that work

synergistically to give your body a

power-boost of essential nutrients

every day.

The nutritional needs of modern Europeans are complex and changing. In spite of government e�orts to promote healthy

eating and minimum daily require-ments, most Europeans just

aren’t getting su�cient life-enhancing vitamins and

minerals. Many European diets are low in key minerals like magnesium, which reduces fatigue and enhances muscle function, and zinc and selenium, which

support the immune system. If you want to radiate energy and

vitality, look and feel good while living life to the maximum, Vemma

Premium is the liquid nutrition formula to help you do it! It provides a powerful and synergistic blend of the key vitamins, minerals, trace elements, electrolytes and botanicals that Europeans need to help support well-being and vitality. Vemma Premium incorporates some of the latest nutraceutical science available − a formula you can depend on!

Exclusive European Formula!

The European Vemma formula incorporates some

of the latest research in the �eld of nutritional

science − the result of close collaboration

between Dr Yibing Wang’s team at Vemma

USA and internationally acclaimed European

scientist Robert Verkerk, PhD. Together, they

developed Vemma Premium to ensure Europeans

can obtain a 100% EU-compliant,

high-bioavailability liquid

nutrition program

formulated to

meet their daily


An Evolution in Nutrition Did you know?Vemma Premium delivers a potent blend of botanicals, 13 vitamins, 7 key minerals, and 72 super-absorbable ionic trace and ultra-trace minerals, speci�cally designed to meet the needs of 21st century Europeans. If you’re looking for a great-tasting formula that contains the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants you need each day, look no further!

Why you need Vemma Premium today!

Vitamins and minerals! Why more Botanicals?

Botanicals derived from fresh fruits and vegetables demonstrate powerful and lasting antioxidant protection. That’s why we combined potent antioxidants and nourishing botanicals in the Vemma Premium – carefully balanced and formulated for maximum synergy. From the mangosteen fruit and the anthocyanin-rich whole, sour Montmorency cherry extract, to the resveratrol-containing grape skin extract and young broccoli sprout extract, rich in the sulforaphane that makes brassica vegetables so good for us — the Vemma Premium deserves a closer look! Magnesium to reduce tiredness!

Vemma Premium is a comprehensive daily nutritional formula designed to meet the needs of 21st century Europeans. It contains magnesium to help reduce tiredness and fatigue, essential vitamins and minerals, and potent botanicals – all in one blockbuster blend! This unique ready-to-drink formula features:

The Vemma formula is a blend of vitamins,

essential minerals, mangosteen, green tea and

aloe vera.

Vemma Premium is a 100% EU-compliant, high-bioavailability liquid nutrition program

formulated to meet the needs of modern Europeans!

Synergistic botanical, vitamin, and mineral antioxidants

Enhanced botanical formula including mangosteen fruit, sour cherry, broccoli sprout, resveratrol from grape skins, quercetin, as well as organically-certi�ed aloe and green tea

Highly bioavailable liquid formulation

High magnesium content – the mineral most Europeans are de�cient in

13 vitamins and 7 key minerals, plus 72 ionic trace and ultra-trace minerals

Inland sea salt-derived, ultra-trace elements and electrolytes

100% compliant with EU regulations!

What you get in one daily serving of Vemma Premium:

There’s no substitute when it comes to fresh fruits and vegetables. But if your hectic lifestyle is keeping you from getting the recommended daily nutrients, Vemma is your added “wellness insurance” for �lling in your diet’s nutritional gaps.

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