raport anual - annual report 2013 - fundatia scheherazade · acest proiect se desfășoara în...

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Raport Anual - Annual Report2013


Mesajul Preşedintelui

În momentul în care scriu acest raport pentru anul 2013 realizez cât de repede a trecut timpul și am ajuns să facem un sumar al activității anuale puțin prea repede!

A fost un an plin de activitate și foarte multă muncă pregătitoare, care ne va ajuta mult în viitor. Am organizat o serie de activități de strângeri de fonduri pentru Spitalul de Copii Sf. Maria din Iași pentru a achiziționa echipamente medicale ce vor fi instalate cam într-o lună de zile.

Pe lângă asta ne-am concentrat eforturile pe partea de dialog intercultural și am participat la o masă rotundă organizată de către Președintele Senatului și E.S. Cristian David, Ministrul Delegat pentru Românii de Pretutindeni. Tema dezbătută a avut ca punct de plecare toleranța și multiculturalismul. Conferința a fost urmată de o recepție găzduită de către Fundația Scheherazade în parteneriat cu Ministerul Afacerilor Externe, iar la această recepție au participat peste 300 de persoane din partea Corpului Diplomatic, sectorul public și privat. Am avut onoarea de a-l avea prezent pe E.S. Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser – Înaltul Reprezentant ONU pentru Alianța Civilizațiilor care s-a aflat într-o vizită oficială în România.

Gala noastră anuală a avut un succes extraordinar, și s-a desfășurat la Reședința Ambasadorului Republicii Federale Germania E.S. Andreas von Mettenheim. Mulți oaspeți au participat la acest eveniment, inclusiv Primul Ministru al României E.S. Victor Ponta și soția dumnealui doamna Daciana Sârbu.

Am început un proiect nou prin care încercăm să ajutăm refugiații care au ajuns în România din diferite zone de conflict. Acest proiect se desfășoara în parteneriat cu Ministerul Afacerilor Interne prin interme-diul Inspectoratului General pentru Imigrări. Fundația a identificat un grup de voluntari care colectează diferite fonduri și donează alimente și haine pentru aceste persoane care de asemenea au și mulți copii.

Am inclus în acest raport anual multe poze și am menționat activitățile și campaniile inițiate de Fundație în acest an. Am desfășurat activități atât pe plan local cât și național și am participat la numeroase conferințe internaționale.

În încheiere aș dori să-mi exprim gratitudinea față de toate instituțiile publice din România precum și donatorilor din cadrul sectorului privat pentru sprijinul continuu care ne-a ajutat să ne indeplinim misiunea.

Preşedinte al Fundaţiei Scheherazade

Wajiha Haris


Message from the President

As I write this report for 2013, it feels that the year passed really fast and I am summing up the annual activity a bit too soon!

It was a year of lot of action and a lot of preparatory work, which will go a long way to help us in the future. We hosted fundraising campaigns for Sf. Maria children’s hospital in Iasi to buy medical equipment. I am happy to report that it will be installed in a month’s time.

In addition, we scaled up our efforts on intercultural dialogue and participated in a roundtable organized by the president of the senate and H.E Cristian David, the minister delegate for Romanians Abroad. The theme centered on Tolerance and Multiculturalism. The conference was followed by a reception hosted by Scheherazade foundation in partnership with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and was attended by over 300 people from Diplomatic corp., private and public sector. We had the honor of the presence of H.E Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser – High representative of United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) who was on an official visit to Romania.

Our annual gala was a great success, which was held at the residence of the ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany H.E Andreas von Mettenheim. Many guests attended it from different walks of life including the Prime Minister of Romania H.E Victor Ponta and his wife Mrs. Daciana Sarbu.

We have started a new project on helping the refugees who have come to Romania from various conflict zones. This project is in partnership with the Ministry of Interior through the General Inspectorate of Immigration. The foundation has a group of volunteers who collect funds and donate food items and clothing for these people, which includes a lot of children.

I have included a lot of photos in this report and have listed all the activities and the campaigns that the foundation launched this year. We initiated activities locally and nationally and participated internationally in various conferences.

Lastly my gratitude to all Romanian public institutions and donors from the private sector for their continuous support to achieve our mission.

President Scheherazade foundation

Wajiha Haris


Bogdan Apahidean Managing Director LeasePlan Romania, NISTOR Nicolai Manager “Sf. Maria” Iasi Hospital, Cristian Adomnitei - President County Council Iasi, H.E. Andreas von Mettenheim - Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, Wajiha Haris - President Scheherazade Foundation

Gala Fundaţiei Scheherazade găzduită la Reşedinţa Ambasadei Germaniei la Bucureşti

8 mai 2013

Gala caritabilă a Fundaţiei Scheherezade găzduită de către reşedinţa Ambasadorului Germaniei la Bucureşti, E.S. Dl. Andreas von Mettenheim şi prezentată de Irina Păcurariu a avut ca scop strângerea de fonduri pentru reabilitarea / achiziţionarea de echipamente medicale în sprijinul spitalului de copii “Sfânta Maria” din Iaşi.

Peste 300 de invitaţi au admirat colecţiile de modă ale Mirelei Stelea şi Asha by Sorste; printre invitaţi s-au aflat personalităţi din sfera politicii, a afacerilor şi diplomaţiei, precum şi vedete din showbiz.

Discursul preşedintei Fundaţiei Scheherezade, Wajiha Haris, al gazdei evenimentului, Ambasadorul Germaniei la Bucureşti E.S. Dl. Andreas von Mettenheim, precum şi al Premierului României E.S. Dl. Victor Ponta au fost urmate de o cină festivă în cadrul căreia invitaţii au putut licita obiecte oferite de personalităţi şi dona bani, totul cu scopul de a susţine spitalul de copii “Sfânta Maria” din Iaşi.

E.S. Dl Victor Ponta – Prim-ministru al României alături de soţia sa doamna Europarlamentar Daciana Sârbu au luat parte la acest eveniment manifestându-şi susţinerea pentru proiectele Fundaţiei Scheherazade.


Scheherazade Foundation Annual Gala hosted at the Residence of the Ambassador of the Germany in Bucharest

8th May 2013

Scheherazade Foundation charity Gala hosted by the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany at Bucharest, H.E. Andreas von Mettenheim and presented by Irina Pacurariu had the goal of raising funds for the rehabilitation / acquisition of medical equipment to support the children’s hospital “Sfanta Maria” in Iasi.

More than 300 guests admired the collections of Mirela Stelea and Asha by Sorste; among the guests were present public figures from politics, the diplomatic corps, business and also celebrities from showbiz.

Guests were addressed by the President of the Scheherazade Foundation, Wajiha Haris, H.E. Andreas von Mettenheim, and the Romanian Prime Minister, HE Victor Ponta. Guests were further treated to a festive dinner and an enjoyable charity auction to raise or donate money for the “Sfanta Maria” Children’s Hospital in Iasi.

H.E. Victor Ponta, Prime Minister of Romania and his wife Mrs. Daciana Sarbu attended and participated in the event showing their continued valuable support to the projects of Scheherazade Foundation.


Bogdan Apahidean - Managing Director LeasePlan Romania, Nistor Nicolai Manager “Sf. Maria” Iasi Hospital, Cristian Adomnitei - President County Council Iasi

Mr.Theodor Alexandrescu - CEO, Metropolitan Life Romania, Ms. Raluca Rus, Wajiha Haris - President Scheherazade Foundation, H.E. Andreas von Mettenheim - Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, Mrs. Marion von Mettenheim, Bogdan Apahidean - Managing Director LeasePlan Romania, Cristian Adomnitei - President County Council Iasi

Cristian Adomnitei - President County Council Iasi, Wajiha Haris - President Scheherazade Foundation, H.E. Andreas von Mettenheim - Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, Mrs. Marion von Mettenheim, Bogdan Apahidean - Managing Director LeasePlan Romania

Okan Yurtsever - General Manager at MOTORACTIVE (GARANTI) LEASING S.A, Ufuk Tandoğan - General Manager of Garanti Bank Romania, Virginia Otel - Communication Leader Garanti Bank, Wajiha Haris - President Scheherazade Foundation, H.E. Andreas von Mettenheim - Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, Mrs. Marion von Mettenheim, Bogdan Apahidean - Managing Director LeasePlan Romania, Cristian Adomnitei - President County Council Iasi

Wajiha Haris - President Scheherazade Foundation, Irina Pacurariu - MC, Mirela Stelea - Fashion Designer, Nikoletta Tsiamas - Jewelery Designer


Mrs. Veronica Savanciuc - Vicepresident Renasterea Foundation, Mrs. Mihaela Geoana - President Renasterea Foundation, Wajiha Haris - President Scheherazade Foundation, H.E. Andreas von Mettenheim - Ambassador of Germany, Mrs. Marion von Mettenheim, Bogdan Apahidean - Managing Director LeasePlan Romania, Cristian Adomnitei - President County Council Iasi

Mr. Heinrich Stein - Managing Shareholder Stein Bestasig, Mr. Herbert Stein, Wajiha Haris - President Scheherazade Foundation, H.E. Andreas von Mettenheim - Ambassador of Germany, Mrs. Marion von Mettenheim, Bogdan Apahidean - Managing Director LeasePlan Romania, Cristian Adomnitei - President County Council Iasi

Mr. Ali Chemais, Mr. Omar Akili, Mrs. Leila Akili, Mrs. Aicha Chemais, Wajiha Haris - President Scheherazade Foundation, H.E. Andreas von Mettenheim - Ambassador of Germany, Mrs. Marion von Mettenheim, Bogdan Apahidean - Managing Director LeasePlan Romania, Cristian Adomnitei - President County Council Iasi

H.E. Andreas von Mettenheim - Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, Wajiha Haris - President Scheherazade Foundation

Nistor Nicolai Manager “Sf. Maria” Iasi Hospital, Cristian Adomnitei - President County Council Iasi, H.E. Andreas von Mettenheim - Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany


Mrs. Amber Hassan, Mr. Ahmed Hassan - Country Managing Partner of Deloitte Romania and Moldova, Wajiha Haris - President Scheherazade Foundation, H.E. Andreas von Mettenheim - Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, Mrs. Marion von Mettenheim, Bogdan Apahidean - Managing Director LeasePlan Romania, Cristian Adomnitei - President County Council Iasi

Mr. Guy Reynolds - General Manager Colgate Palmolive, Wajiha Haris - President Scheherazade Foundation, H.E. Andreas von Mettenheim - Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, Mrs. Marion von Mettenheim

Giulia Nahmany, Wajiha Haris - President Scheherazade Foundation, H.E. Andreas von Mettenheim - Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, Mrs. Marion von Mettenheim

Wajiha Haris - President Scheherazade Foundation, H.E. Andreas von Mettenheim - Ambassador of Germany, Mrs. Marion von Mettenheim, Bogdan Apahidean - Managing Director LeasePlan Romania, Cristian Adomnitei - President County Council Iasi

Wajiha Haris - President Scheherazade Foundation, H.E. Andreas von Mettenheim - Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, Mrs. Marion von Mettenheim

H.E. Diego Brasioli - Ambassador of the Republic of Italy, Wajiha Haris, H.E. Andreas von Mettenheim - Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, Mrs. Marion von Mettenheim


Mr. Mike Perry, Mrs. Liliana Minca, Mrs. Wajiha Haris, H.E. Dan Ben Eliezer - Ambassador of the State of Israel, Mrs. Hedva Irit Ben Eliezer, H.E. Andreas von Mettenheim - Ambassador of Germany, Mrs. Marion von Mettenheim, Mr. Cristian Adomnitei, Mr. Bogdan Apahidean

Mrs. Daciana Sarbu, Wajiha Haris - President Scheherazade Foundation, H.E. Andreas von Mettenheim - Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, Mrs. Marion von Mettenheim, Bogdan Apahidean - Managing Director LeasePlan Romania, Cristian Adomnitei - President County Council Iasi

Mr. Razvan Vulcanescu - Under State Secretary Ministry of Health, Wajiha Haris, H.E. Andreas von Mettenheim - Ambassador of Germany, Mrs. Marion von Mettenheim

Mrs. Daciana Sarbu, Wajiha Haris - President Scheherazade Foundation, H.E. Andreas von Mettenheim - Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany


H.E. Andreas von Mettenheim - Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany

Mrs. Veronica Savanciuc, Mrs. Mihaela Geoana, Mrs. Georgiana Pogonaru, Mr. Florin Pogonaru

H.E. Victor Ponta Prime Minister of Romania, Wajiha Haris - President Scheherazade Foundation

Mrs. Daciana Sarbu, H.E. Victor Ponta Prime Minister of Romania Irina Pacurariu - MC, Cristian Adomnitei - President County

Council Iasi


Wajiha Haris - President Scheherazade Foundation, H.E. Victor Ponta Prime Minister of Romania

H.E. Andreas von Mettenheim - Ambassador of Germany, Wajiha Haris - President Scheherazade Foundation, Mrs. Daciana Sarbu, H.E. Victor Ponta Prime Minister of Romania

Mrs. Daciana Sarbu Wajiha Haris - President Scheherazade Foundation,

Mrs. Daciana Sarbu


Ms. Oana Roman


Mrs. Mirela Stelea - Fashion Designer


Petrecere de rămas bun Ambasadorul Germaniei

27 mai 2013

În mai 2013 am organizat o petrecere de rămas bun pentru E.S. Dl Andreas von Mettenheim, Ambasadorul Republicii Federale Germania în România, care a ocupat şi rolul de consilier al Boardului Fundaţiei Scheherazade. O mulţime de prieteni din corpul diplomatic, instituţii guvernamentale şi sectorul privat au participat la acest eveniment.

H.E. Andreas von Mettenheim - Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, Ms. Wajiha Haris - President of Scheherazade Foundation

H.E. Andreas von Mettenheim - Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, Ms. Wajiha Haris - President of Scheherazade Foundation, Mr. Mr. Nikolai Beckers - CEO Romtelecom

Mr. Huub Alberse - Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands, Ms. Wajiha Haris - President of Scheherazade Foundation, Ms. Norma Nitescu - Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands


Farewell party German Ambassador

27th May 2013

On 27th May we bade farewell to H.E. Andreas von Mettenheim, the Ambassdor of the Federal Republic of Germany in Romania. Mr. von Mettenheim was a valued advisor to the board of Scheherazade Foundation. Many friends from the diplomatic corps, Governmental Institutions and Private Sector attended the event.

H.E. Andreas von Mettenheim - Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany

H.E. Andreas von Mettenheim - Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, Ms. Wajiha Haris - President of Scheherazade Foundation, Mrs. Waltraud STERNBERG, H.E. Michael STERNBERG - Ambassador of the Kingdom of Denmark

Mirela Stelea - Fashion designer, H.E. Andreas von Mettenheim - Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, Ms. Wajiha Haris - President of Scheherazade Foundation, Mr. Bogdan Stelea


H.E. Andreas von Mettenheim - Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, Ms. Wajiha Haris - President of Scheherazade Foundation, Ufuk Tandoğan - General Manager of Garanti Bank Romania

H.E. Andreas von Mettenheim - Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, Ms. Wajiha Haris - President of Scheherazade Foundation, Mr. Thorsten Geissler - Head of The Rule of Law Program Southeast Europe Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

H.E. Andreas von Mettenheim - Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, Mr. Franz Rattenstetter - General Manager Crowne Plaza, Ms. Wajiha Haris - President of Scheherazade Foundation, H.E. Estanislao De Grandes Pascual - Ambassador of the Kingdom of Spain

H.E. Andreas von Mettenheim - Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, Ms. Wajiha Haris - President of Scheherazade Foundation, Mrs. Mihaela Geoana - President Renasterea Foundation, Mr. Mircea Geoana

H.E. Andreas von Mettenheim - Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, Ms. Wajiha Haris - President of Scheherazade Foundation, H.E. Nik Mustafa Kamal Nik AHMAD - Ambassador of Malaysia, Mr. Catalin Predoiu

Mrs. Luminita Odobescu - Counsellor of State to the Prime Minister, Mr. Catalin Predoiu, H.E. Oleg Sergheevici MALGINOV - Ambassador of the Russian Federation


Ms. Wajiha Haris - President of Scheherazade Foundation, H.E. Andreas von Mettenheim - Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, Mrs. Luminita Odobescu - Advisor to the Prime Minister on Foreign Policy

Ms. Diana Kassas, H.E. Andreas von Mettenheim - Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, Ms. Wajiha Haris - President of Scheherazade Foundation, Mrs. Elena Kassas, H.E. Ján GÁBOR - Ambassador of Slovak Republic

H.E. Jirí ŠITLER - Ambassador of Czech Republic, H.E. Andreas von Mettenheim - Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, Ms. Wajiha Haris - President of Scheherazade Foundation, H.E. Marek Szczygiel - Ambassador of the Republic of Poland

Mrs. Hedva Irit Ben ELIEZER, H.E. Andreas von Mettenheim - Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, Ms. Wajiha Haris - President of Scheherazade Foundation, H.E. Dan Ben ELIEZER - Ambassador of the State of Israel

H.E. Andreas von Mettenheim - Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, Ms. Wajiha Haris - President of Scheherazade Foundation, H.E. Oleg Sergheevici MALGINOV - Ambassador of the Russian Federation


H.E. Andreas von Mettenheim - Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, Ms. Wajiha Haris - President of Scheherazade Foundation, Cristian Adomnitei - President County Council Iasi

Mr. Mircea Geoana, Mr. Sorin Chirita, Ms. Wajiha Haris, H.E. Andreas von Mettenheim - Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, Mr. Andrei Gheorghe

H.E. Marek Szczygiel - Ambassador of the Republic of Poland, Ms. Dana Marca, H.E. Dan Ben ELIEZER - Ambassador of the State of Israel, Ms. Wajiha Haris

Mrs. Hedva Irit Ben ELIEZER, Ms. Wajiha Haris, Ms. Marina Coanda Bundac


Mrs. Samra Faisal, Ms. Wajiha Haris, Mrs. Tasneem Tawawala, Mrs. Diana Tufan


Fundaţia Scheherazade sărbătoreşte Festivalul Eid al-Adha (Sacrificiul lui Avram) sub egida Alianţa Civilizaţiilor

15 octombrie 2013

Pe data de 15 octombrie, Fundaţia Scheherazade a organizat la Bucureşti o recepţie consacrată celebrării Festivalului Eid al-Adha. Recepţia a fost organizată în parteneriat cu Ministrul Cristian Davin, Ministru delegat pentru românii de pretutindeni - Departamentul Politici pentru Relaţia cu Românii de Pretutindeni din cadrul Ministerului Afacerilor Externe. Evenimentul s-a desfăşurat în prezenţa E.S. Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser, Înaltul Reprezentant ONU pentru Alianţa Civilizaţiilor. Eid Al Adha comemorează sacrificiul Profetului Avraam. Toate religiile monoteiste recunosc şi celebrează acest eveniment.Peste 200 de persoane din cadrul corpului diplomatic, societăţii civile, sectorului public şi privat au participat la acest eveniment.Fundaţia Scheherazade, în calitate de reprezentant al societăţii civile şi partener al Alianţei Civilizaţiilor, a sprijinit şi va sprijini în continuare toate acţiunile desfăşurate pe plan local şi internaţional pentru promovarea acestei cauze.

Dr. Virgil Stefan Nitulescu - General Director The Romanian Peasant Museum, Ms. Wajiha Haris - President Scheherazade Foundation, Mrs. Nitulescu

Mrs. Shareefah F.A. AL OWAIDAH, Ms. Wajiha Haris - President Scheherazade Foundation, H.E. Abdulrahman I. AL RASSI - Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Scheherazade Foundation celebrates Eid al-Adha Festival (Sacrifice of Abraham) under the umbrella of the Alliance of Civilizations

15th October 2013

On October 15th, the Scheherazade Foundation organized a reception in Bucharest to celebrate the Eid al-Adha Festival. The reception was organized in close partnership with the Minister Delegate for Romanians Abroad, Minister Cristian David. H.E. Nassir Adbulaziz Al-Nasser, High Representative United Nations Alliance of Civilizations made a special guest appearance at the reception. Eid al Adha commemorates the Sacrifice of Prophet Abraham. All monotheist religions recognize and celebrate this special event. Over 200 people from the diplomatic corps, civil society, and both the private and public sector attended the event. As a responsible representative of the civil society, the Scheherazade Foundation will continue to partner with and support the Alliance of Civilizations in both local and international initiatives.

Representative of Iraq Embassy, H.E. Omar Ahmed Karim Berzinji - Ambassador of the Republic of Iraq, Ms. Wajiha Haris - President Scheherazade Foundation


Mr. Catalin Necula - Deputy Manager General Inspectorate for Immigration, Ms. Wajiha Haris - President Scheherazade Foundation

Diana Kassas, Wajiha Haris

Prof. dr. George Grigore - Arabic Department Coordinator Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures University of Bucharest, Ms. Wajiha Haris - President Scheherazade Foundation, students from University of Bucharest

Mrs. Nevy Retno WIDYASTUTI BASOEKI, Ms. Wajiha Haris - President Scheherazade Foundation, Paul YMKERS - Counsellor of the Netherlands Embassy and Deputy Head of Mission


Mrs. Rodica Precupetu - Department for Interethnic Relations, Ms. Wajiha Haris, Mr. Aidun CURT-MOLA - Department for Interethnic Relations Constanta

Prof. Dr. Emil Constantinescu, Mr. Cristian David - Minister Delegate for Romanians Abroad Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Mark Donfried - Director, Institute for Cultural Diplomacy of Berlin

Mrs. Daniela Teodorescu, Ms. Wajiha Haris


Aicha CHEMAIS, Deputy Head of Mission Marocco, Ms. Wajiha Haris - President Scheherazade Foundation


Mrs. Aurora Ailincai - Programme Coordinator Council of Europe, Mr. Calin Rus - Director Intercultural Institute from Timisoara, Ms. Wajiha Haris - President Scheherazade Foundation, Ms. Oana Nestian Sandu - Projects coordinator Intercultural Institute from Timisoara, Ms. Romina Matei - Projects coordinator Intercultural Institute from Timisoara

Mr. Cristian David - Minister Delegate for Romanians Abroad Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ms. Wajiha Haris - President Scheherazade Foundation

Ms. Wajiha Haris - President Scheherazade Foundation Ms. Wajiha Haris, Mrs. Mioara Roman

Mr. Mark Donfried - Director, Institute for Cultural Diplomacy of Berlin, Ms. Wajiha Haris - President Scheherazade Foundation, Prof. Dr. Emil Constantinescu

Ms. Wajiha Haris - President Scheherazade Foundation, Mr. Nikolai Beckers - CEO Romtelecom


Mr. Cristian David - Minister Delegate for Romanians Abroad Ministry of Foreign Affairs, H.E. Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser - High Representative United Nations Alliance of Civilizations, Ms. Wajiha Haris - President Scheherazade Foundation, Mr. Ali Chemais

Mr. Cristian David - Minister Delegate for Romanians Abroad Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ms. Wajiha Haris - President Scheherazade Foundation

Mrs. Doina Popovici, Ms. Wajiha Haris, Mrs. Sandra Pralong

Mrs. Ruxandra Balaci - Artistic Director National Museum of Art, Ms. Wajiha Haris - President Scheherazade Foundation, Mrs. Mihaela Vosganian

AISB Jazz Combo Music Band


H.E. Estanislao DE GRANDES PASCUAL - Ambassador of the Kimgdom of Spain, Ms. Wajiha Haris - President Scheherazade Foundation, Mrs. Carola VELASQUEZ

H.E. Manimekalai MURUGESAN - Ambassador of the Republic of India, Ms. Wajiha Haris - President Scheherazade Foundation, Mrs. Roxana Theodorescu - General Director National Museum of Art

Mr. Edi Kupferberg - Rabbinical Office Coordinator Federation of Jewish Communities, Ms. Wajiha Haris - President Scheherazade Foundation

Ms. Wajiha Haris - President Scheherazade Foundation, Mr. Stejărel Olaru, State Secretary Ministry of Foreign Affairs


H.E. Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser - High Representative United Nations Alliance of Civilizations, Prof. Dr. Emil Constantinescu

Mr. Mark Donfried - Director, Institute for Cultural Diplomacy of Berlin, Mr. Valentin Ilie - Patriarchate priest

Mr. Cristian David - Minister Delegate for Romanians Abroad Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Mr. Erghiun REFI - Cult Counsellor Muftiatul Cultului Musulman, Osman Azis - Imam, Ms. Wajiha Haris - President Scheherazade Foundation, H.E. Bahador AMINIAN JAZI - Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran

H.E. Diego BRASIOLI - Ambassador of the Republic of Italy, Ms. Wajiha Haris - President Scheherazade Foundation, Representative of the Italian Embassy

Mr. Eleodor Pirvu - Head of Integration, Assistance, Regional Centers Coordination and Resettlement Department General Inspectorate for Immigration, Ms. Wajiha Haris, Mrs. Pirvu

Mrs. Hedva Irit Ben ELIEZER, Ms. Wajiha Haris - President Scheherazade Foundation, H.E. Dan Ben ELIEZER - Ambassador of the State of Israel

AISB Jazz Combo Music Band


Mark Donfried - Director, Institute for Cultural Diplomacy of Berlin, Prof. Dr. Emil Constantinescu, Mrs. Marina Coanda Bundac, Ms. Wajiha Haris, Aicha CHEMAIS, .E. Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser - High Representative United Nations Alliance of Civilizations, Mrs Elena Corciu

Students from the University of Bucharest, Prof. dr. George Grigore - Arabic Department Coordinator Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures University of Bucharest


Mr. Heinrich Stein - Managing Shareholder Stein Bestasig, Ms. Wajiha Haris - President Scheherazade Foundation, Mr. Dante Stein - Special Advisor to the Prime Minister

Prof. Dr. Emil Constantinescu, Ms. Wajiha Haris

Mrs. Irina Marin Cajal - Under State Secretary Ministry of Culture, Ms. Wajiha Haris - President Scheherazade Foundation

H.E. Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser - High Representative United Nations Alliance of Civilizations, Ms. Wajiha Haris - President Scheherazade Foundation

H.E. Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser - High Representative United Nations Alliance of Civilizations


Masa Rotundă “Multiculturalism: Toleranţă, Dialog şi Solidaritate”

15 octombrie 2013

Pe data de 15 octombrie a avut loc o dezbatere deosebită în cadrul Palatului Parlamentului. Tema dezbaterii a fost “Multiculturalism: Toleranţă, Dialog şi Solidaritate”, iar dezbaterea a fost găzduita de E.S. Crin Antonescu, Preşedintele Senatului cu participarea E.S. Nassir Abdulazia Al-Nasser, Înaltul Reprezentant ONU pentru Alianţa Civilizaţiilor.

Această dezbatere şi-a propus să faciliteze dialogul constructiv între instituţi publice şi reprezentanţi ai societăţii civile cu activitate de promovare a principiilor UNAoC. Reuniunea a contribuit la promovarea principiilor Alianţei Civilizaţiilor, oferind oportunitatea de a discuta bune practici în domeniu precum şi opţiuni de îmbunătăţire a cooperării. Participanţii au dezbătut provocările pentru dezvoltarea societăţilor multiculturale, fundamentate pe principiile bunei guvernări şi pe respectarea drepturilor omului.

Dezbaterea a contribuit la consolidarea expertizei în plan naţional în rândul actorilor cu activitate relevantă pentru multiculturalism.


Roundtable “Multiculturalism: Tolerance , Dialogue, Solidarity”

15th October 2013

On October 15th a special debate was held at the Parliament Palace. The topic of the debate was “Multiculturalism: Tolerance, Dialogue, Solidarity” and was hosted by H.E. Crin Antonescu, President of the Senate and H.E. Cristian David - Minister Delegate for Romanians Abroad Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the presence of H.E. Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser, High Representative United Nations Alliance of Civilizations.

The debate aimed to facilitate a constructive dialogue between public institutions and civil society to develop activities and initiatives that promote the principles embraced by the UNAoC. Many good ideas and best practices were exchanged and debated to further cooperation and good will. Participants actively discussed the challenges of developing multicultural societies based on the principles of good governance and repect of human rights.

The debate helped raise awareness and highlight expertise amongst key decision makers at the national level.


Mr. Victor Drujinin, Mrs. Rodica Precupetu - Department for Interethnic Relations, Ms. Wajiha Haris - President Scheherazade Foundation, Mr. Aidun CURT-MOLA - Department for Interethnic Relations Constanta, Ms. Oana Nestian Sandu - Projects coordinator Intercultural Institute from Timisoara

H.E. Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser, Prof Dr. Emil Constantinescu

Mr. Stejarel Olaru - State Secretary Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Cristian David - Minister Delegate for Romanians Abroad Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Crin Antonescu - President of the Senate, H.E. Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser - High Representative United Nations Alliance of Civilizations, Prof. Dr. Emil Constantinescu


Mr. Virgil Stefan NITULESCU, Mrs. Wajiha Haris, Mr. Victor Drujinin, Mrs. Rodica Precupetu, Mr. Aidun CURT-MOLA, Mrs. Rodica Pop, Ms. Dana Marca

Mr. Mircea Naidin, Mrs. Wajiha Haris, H.E. Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser, Mr. Daniel Barbu - Minister of Culture, Mr. Matthew Hodes


Iluminarea Bradului de Crăciun

în curtea Spitalului Clinic de Urgenţă pentru Copii Marie Curie

5 decembrie 2013

Fundaţia Scheherazade a avut onoarea de a găzdui ceremonia iluminării bradului de Crăciun la Spitalul Marie Curie din Bucureşti. Acest eveniment a avut loc în seara zilei de 5 decembrie 2013.

Pentru Fundaţia Scheherazade aprinderea pomului de Crăciun la Marie Curie a devenit o tradiţie, în aşteptarea sărbătorilor de iarnă. Anul acesta bradul a fost aprins în prezenţa doamnei Europarlamentar Daciana Sârbu, soţia Primului Ministru al României, domnul Victor Ponta.

Ceremonia iluminării bradului de Crăciun a fost precedată de un Concert de Crăciun oferit de studenţii şcolii Ameri-can International School of Bucharest sub coordonarea domnului Mike Perry. Apoi Fundaţia Scheherazade împreună cu Doamna Daciana Sârbu şi un grup de volun-tari au vizitat toţi copii din spital oferindu-le pachete cu bunătăţi pentru sărbătorile de iarnă.

Fundaţia Scheherazade doreşte să mulţumească în mod special domnului manager Daniel Buzatu care ne-a oferit întregul sprijin pentru organizarea în cele mai bune condiţii a acestui eveniment.

De asemenea Fundaţia mulţumeşte tuturor priet-enilor şi voluntarilor care ne-au ajutat în organizarea acestei petreceri de Crăciun: doamnei Daciana Sârbu pentru fructele oferite, Ambasadei Poloniei pentru sucurile oferite, Ambasadei Qatar pentru torturile oferite, domnului Cătălin Tufan de la Compania Proms pentru ajutorul oferit la decorarea bradului de Crăciun şi iluminarea acestuia precum şi a curţii spitalului, Companiei Defi pentru ornamentele de brad, Editurii Rao pentru cărţile oferite, Metropolitan Life pentru tortul pus la dispoziţie, Companiei Mega Image pentru dulciurile donate, Companiei Prigat pentru sucurile de fructe, şi companiei Sof Medica pentru amuzamentul oferit copiilor prin aducerea lui Moş Crăciun şi a ajutoarelor sale.


Illumination of the Christmas tree at the

Emergency Clinic Hospital for Children Marie Curie

5 december 2013

The Scheherazade Foundation was honored to host a Christmas Tree Lighting ceremony at the Marie Curie Chil-dren’s Hospital in Bucharest. This special event took place on the evening of December 5th, 2013

For The Scheherazade Foundation the Christmas tree cer-emony has become a warm heartening tradition leading up to the winter holidays. This year we were delighted to welcome Mrs. Daciana Sarbu, the wife of the Romanian Prime Minister, Mr. Victor Ponta.

The Christmas tree ceremony was preceeded by a Christ-mas Concert lead by Mr. Mike Perry and his students band of the American International School of Bucharest. All children at the hospital were offered holiday goodies and treats by a group of volunteers lead by Mrs. Daciana Sarbu.

The Scheherazade Foundation would like to thank the Hospital Manager Mr. Daniel Buzatu who offered unlim-ited support and guidance in organizing a terrific event.The Foundation would like to thank all our friends, sup-porters and volunteers who helped us in organizing this Cristhmas Party.

We would especially like to thank Mrs. Daciana Sarbu for the fruits, Embassy of Poland for the juices, Qatar Embassy for the cakes, Mr. Catalin Tufan from Proms for the decora-tion and illumination of the tree and yard of the hospital, Defi for the adornments, Rao for the books offered, Metro-politan Life for the big cake offered, Mega Image for the do-nation of sweets, Prigat for the fruit juices, Sof Medica for the amusement of the children by bringing Santa Clause and his helps at the event for their generosity in helping us achieve another successful Christmas Tree Ceremony and in bringing so much joy to the hospitalized children during the holiday season.

Ms. Wajiha Haris - President Scheherazade Foundation, Mrs. Daciana Sarbu - Member of the European Parliament

AISB Service Through Music Jazz Combo


Ms. Daniela Coman, Ms. Wajiha Haris, Ms. Dana Marca

Mr. Daniel Buzatu - Manager Marie Curie Hospital, Mrs. Daciana Sarbu

Ms. Wajiha Haris - President Scheherazade Foundation, Mr. Daniel Buzatu - Manager Marie Curie Hospital

Ms. Wajiha Haris - President Scheherazade Foundation, Mrs. Daciana Sarbu - Member of the European Parliament

Mr. Gabriel Tufan, Mrs. Wajiha Haris, Mr. Nicolae Banicioiu - Minister of Health


Mr. Daniel Buzatu - Manager Marie Curie Hospital, Mrs. Daciana Sarbu - Member of the European Parliament, Ms. Wajiha Haris - President Scheherazade Foundation, Mr. Nicolae Banicioiu - Minister of Health

Mrs. Danka GÁBOROVÁ, H.E. Ján GÁBOR - Ambassador of Slovak Republic, Mr. Nicolae Banicioiu - Minister of Health, Mrs. Daciana Sarbu Member of the European Parliament

Ms. Wajiha Haris, Mrs. Daciana Sarbu

Mr. Nicolae Banicioiu - Minister of Health, Mrs. Daciana Sarbu - Member of the European Parliament, Ms. Daniela Coman, Ms. Wajiha Haris - President Scheherazade Foundation

Mr. Nicolae Banicioiu - Minister of Health, Ms. Daniela Coman, Mrs. Daciana Sarbu - Member of the European Parliament, Ms. Wajiha Haris - President Scheherazade Foundation


Mr. Nicolae Banicioiu - Minister of Health, Mrs. Daciana Sarbu - Member of the European Parliament

Ms. Wajiha Haris - President Scheherazade Foundation, Mrs. Daciana Sarbu - Member of the European Parliament

AISB Service Through Music Jazz Combo

Ms. Wajiha Haris - President Scheherazade Foundation, Mrs. Daciana Sarbu - Member of the European Parliament, Mr. Nicolae Banicioiu - Minister of Health


Mrs. Daciana Sarbu, Ms. Wajiha Haris cutting the cake donated by Ambassador of Qatar

Mr. Nicolae Banicioiu - Minister of Health, Mrs. Daciana Sarbu - Member of the European Parliament


Mr. Nicolae Banicioiu - Minister of Health

Ms. H.E. Marek Szczygiel - Ambassador of the Republic of Poland



• Centrul Naţional Medical de Recuperare neuro-psiho-motorie pentru copii "Dr. Nicolae Robănescu" - Bucureşti

• Centrul de Reeducare Buziaş• Centrul de Reeducare Târgu Ocna• The Door (Mogoşoaia, 17 copii)• Sf. Nicolae (Bucureşti, sector 1, 40 copii)• Mia’s Children (Com. Roşu, 37 copii)• Centrul de plasament Pinocchio (Bucureşti,

sector 1, 70 copii)• Centrul maternal Sf. Nicolae (Bucureşti,

sector 1, mame + copii, 15 copii)• Casa Ioana (Bucureşti, sector 4, adăpost

pentru homeless - 50 oameni)• Centrul Periş (Ilfov, 80 copii)• Centrul Voluntari (Ilfov, 50 copii)• Casa Sf. Maria (Bucureşti, sector 1, 40 fete)

• Centrul Viaţa şi Lumina (Bucureşti, sector 1, 40 copii)

• Casa Sf. Iosif (Bucureşti, 30 copii)• Fundaţia Parada - Bucureşti• Fundaţia Sf. Dimitrie – Bucureşti• Centrul de Primire a Copilului în Regim de

Urgenţă (Constanţa, 46 de copii)• Complexul de Servicii Orizont (Constanţa,

66 de copii)• Complexul de Servicii Cristina (Constanţa,

75 de copii)• Centrul de Plasament Ovidiu (Constanţa,

92 de copii)• Centrul de Plasament Micul Rotterdam (72

de copii)• Centrul de Plasament Antonio (Constanţa,

75 de copii)

Donaţii de Dulciuri Mega Image

Vara anului 2013

Ne bucurăm că am reuşit cu ajutorul unei donaţii primite din partea Companiei Mega Image să îndulcim vara anului 2013 pentru numeroşi copii aflaţi în diferite instituţii şi centre de plasament. Mulţumim Mega Image pentru sprijinul oferit an de an în astfel de activităţi.

Sweets donation Mega Image

Summer of 2013

We are happy that we managed thanks to a donation received from Mega Image to sweeten the summer of hundreds of children from different institutions and placement centers. We would like to thank Mega Image for commitment, support and generosity.



ECOSOC Meeting at the UN - New York

Dr. Tariq Cheema - CEO WCMP, Ms. Arshia Wajid, Ms. Wajiha Haris, Dr. Imtiaz Khan


World Forum for Intercultural Dialogue - Baku

Ms. Wajiha Haris - President Scheherazade Foundation, Mrs. Maysa Baransi - All for Peace Radio Station Palestine

Ms. Wajiha Haris

Dr. Abdulaziz Othman al Twaijri - Director Generel ISESCO, Ms. Wajiha Haris - President Scheherazade Foundation


Dr. Tariq Cheema - CEO WCMP, Ms. Wajiha Haris - President Scheherazade Foundation, Mrs. Maysa Baransi - All for Peace Radio Station Palestine

Ms. Wajiha Haris

Mr. Peter Gorgievski - Global Dialogue Foundation, H.E. Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser, Mrs. Hanifa Mezoui - UNAOC, Ms. Wajiha Haris - President Scheherazade Foundation Ms. Wajiha Haris

Mr. Peter Gorgievski - Global Dialogue Foundation, Dr. Tariq Cheema - CEO WCMP, Ms. Wajiha Haris - President Scheherazade Foundation


Mr. Peter Gorgievski, Ms. Wajiha Haris, Mrs. Hanifa Mezoui - UNAOC

Ms. Wajiha Haris, H.E. Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser Ms. Wajiha Haris - President Scheherazade Foundation,

Mr. Abulfaz Garayev - Minister of Culture Azerbaijan


Ms. Wajiha Haris, Mrs. Sandra Pralong

Book launch by Sandra Pralong - Mai români ca românii


2013 Carol Mosque Centenary at Constanta


Ms. Wajiha Haris - President Scheherazade Foundation, Mrs. Christine Lagrade - MD of IMF

Visit of Christine Lagrade - MD of IMF to Romania


Women in Philantropy - CASS Business School London - Organized by Academy of Philantropy

Ms. Wajiha Haris - President of Scheherazade Foundation, Dr. Jemilah Mahmood - Mercy Malaysia, Dr. Tariq Cheema - CEO WCMP

Ms. Wajiha Haris - President Scheherazade Foundation, Dr. Jemilah Mahmood - Mercy Malaysia, Dr. Yunus Sola - Academy of Philantropy

H.E. Sheikha Dr Aisha Bint Faleh Al Thani, Mrs. Elena Corciu, Ms. Wajiha Haris


Who is Who in Romania


Ms. Wajiha Haris and The Crown Princess HRH Margareta of Romania

Prof. Emil Constantinescu – Former President of Romania, Ms. Wajiha Haris and HRH Prince Radu of Romania

Levant, Cradle of Cultural diplomacy, Rediscovering the Mediterranean


Ms. Wajiha Haris

National Day at Cotroceni Palace

Ms. Wajiha Haris

Levant, Cradle of Cultural diplomacy, Rediscovering the Mediterranean


Visit of the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Netherlands to Romania at Scheherazade Foundation

H.E. Johannes Hendrik Mattheus - Amb. of the Kingdom of Netherlands, Ms. Wajiha Haris - President Scheherazade Foundation

H.E. Johannes Hendrik Mattheus - Amb. of the Kingdom of Netherlands, Ms. Wajiha Haris - President Scheherazade Foundation


Global Donors Forum - Washington DC Celebrating Philanthropy in Emerging Economies

Dr. Yunus Sola, Prof. Jenny Harrow - Cass Business School London, Ms. Wajiha Haris Dr. Tariq Cheema, Ms. Wajiha Haris, Dr. Yunus Sola


Dr. Yunus Sola, Ms. Wajiha Haris, Ms. Shayma Al Zarooni - Dubai Humanitarian City, Prof. Jenny Harrow - Cass Business School London

Dr. Imtiaz Khan, Mr. Peter Gorgievski - Global Dialogue Foundation, Ms. Wajiha Haris - President Scheherazade Foundation, Tessa van der Willigen, Dr. Tariq Cheema - CEO WCMP


Ms. Wajiha Haris - President Scheherazade Foundation

Preparatory Conference for the sixth UNAOC Global Forum

Mrs. Hanifa Mezoui - UNAOC, Amb. Tariq Al Ansari - UNAOC, Ms. Wajiha Haris

Ms. Wajiha Haris, H.E. Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser, Mrs. Hanifa Mezoui - UNAOC


Ms. Wajiha Haris, Dr Yunus Sola - Academy of Philantropy, Mrs. Hanifa Mezoui - UNAOC, Mrs. Irina Bukovina - UNESCO


Grupul de asistență comunitară al femeilor pakistaneze

Community service group of Pakistani Ladies

Un grup de femei și copii de origine pakistaneză colectează în fiecare lună fonduri pentru a cumpăra alimente și îmbrăcăminte ce sunt livrate Centrului de refugiați Stolnicu din București. Centrul se află sub administrarea Minis-terului Afacerilor Interne – Inspectoratul General pentru Imigrări. Este un exemplu perfect ce demonstrează felul în care comunitățile pot asista statul indiferent de rasă, religie, cultură sau origine. Dorim să mulțumim acestor doamne pentru efortul susținut de a îmbunătăți calitate vieții noilor imigranți împreună cu autoritățile din România.

A group of Pakistani ladies and children collect cash to buy food and clothes every month to deliver at the Stolnicu center for refugees in Bucharest. The center is under the administration of Ministry of Interior – Inspectorate general for immigration. It is a perfect example of how communities can assist the state irrespective of their race, religion, culture or origin. We would like to thank the ladies for their consistent effort in making the lives of new immigrants a little better together with the Romanian authorities.


INSTITUȚII GUVERNAMENTALE• Ministerul Sănătății Publice• Ministerul Muncii, Familiei și Egalității de Șanse• Autoritatea Națională pentru Protecția Copilului• Ministerul Justiției• Ministerul Afacerilor Externe• Consiliul Superior al Magistraturii• Ministerul Internelor și Reformei Administrative• Înalta Curte de Casație și Justiție• Prefectura București• CNA-Consiliul National al Audiovizualului• Consiliul Judeţean Iaşi• Direcția de Asistență Socială și Protecția

Copilului Sector 1• Universitatea din București - Facultatea de Drept• Universitatea de Medicină Carol Davila• Muzeul Național de Artă Contemporană• Regia Națională a Padurilor - Romsilva• Monitorul Oficial R.A.• Consiliul Judeţean Constanţa• Spitalul Clinic de Urgenta pentru Copiii Sfanta

Maria din Iasi• Spitalul Clinic Judetean de Urgenta Constanta• Uniunea Naţională a Barourilor din România• Inspectoratul General pentru Imigrari• Autoritatea Naţională a Penitenciarelor

ORGANIZAȚII INTERNATIONALE• Organizația Mondială a Sănătății• Consiliul Europei

AMBASADE• Ambasada Regală a Olandei• Ambasada Austriei• Ambasada Regală a Danemarcei• Ambasada Statelor Unite ale Americii• Ambasada Israel• Ambasada Republicii Federale Germania

GOVERNEMENT INSTITUTIONS• Ministry of Health• Ministry of Labor, Family and Equal Opportunities• National Authority for Children Protection• Ministry of Justice• Ministry of foreign Affairs• Superior Council of Magistrates• Ministry of Interior and Administrative Reform• Public Ministry of High Court• Bucharest Prefecture• County Council Iasi• National Council of Audiovisual• The Direction of Social Assistance and Child

Protection, sector 1• University of Bucharest –The Law Faculty• The National Contemporary Art Museum• Carol Davila Medical University• The National Forests Direction -Romsilva• Monitorul Oficial R.A.• County Council Constanta• Emergency Clinical Hospital for Children St.

Mary from Iasi• Constanta County Emergency Clinic Hospital• The National Bar Association of Romania• General Inspectorate for Immigration• National Administration of Penitentiaries


EMBASSIES• The Royal Embassy of Netherlands• The Royal Danish Embassy• The Embassy of Austria• The Embassy of the United States Of America• The Embassy of Israel• The Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany



• ADV communications• Alexandrion• American International School

of Bucharest• Anchor Group• Apa Nova București• Arctic• Aston Com• AutoItalia• Avicola SA• BMW Romania• BRD Bank• Baneasa Developments• Cadbury Romania• Conference Systems• C.T. Creative Impact• Carrefour• Class Mob• Cohn & Jansen• Colgate Palmolive• Copper Beach• Cosmote• Crimbo Gas 2000 SRL• Daikin Airconditioning Central

Europe-Romania• Da Communication• Danone• Datatech• DB Schenker Romania• De Silva Intermed• Digital IT Consulting• Elysee Concept• Enel

• Ernst and Young• Estee Lauder Romania• Euromedia Group• FCB Bucharest• Ferco Investments• First One Communication• Fortune Development• Fundația Copii Sănătoși• Fundația Mobexpert• Fundația Prețuiește Viața• Fundația Vodafone• Garanti Bank• General Systems• Hyundai• Ines Group• LG Electronics• Lease Plan• KPMG• Mega Image• Metro Cash and Carry• Metropolitan Life• Motoractive IFN• MR Assets Finance &

Management SRL• Murfatlar• Niro Investment Sa• Nestor Diculescu & Kingston

Petersen• Oameni si Companii• Odyssey Communication• Office Green Service• Omnilogic• Orange Romania

• Ortho SRL• Peak Electronics Impex SRL• Pepsico• Petrom• Philips• Porche• Platinum Finance Time SRL• Procter & Gamble• Ralfi IFN• Realitatea TV• Resoc Construct SRL• Romatermit Construct SRL• Rompetrol• Romstal Imex• Romtelecom• Ramada Nord Hotel• Sof Medica• Special Olympics• Stein Bestasig Insurance Broker• Swiss Glass Invest SRL• Top Brands Distribut• Tuborg• Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații• TV Antena 1• TVR 1• Unilever• Versali Com• Vincon Distribution SRL• Vodafone• Voinea Construct• Wolf Theiss• Wunderman

• D-na Doina Ivan• D-na Ema Popa Radu• Dl. Octavian Crețu• Cristian Mungiu• Anamaria Marinca

• Radu Muntean• Daniela Nane• Andreea Marin• Andreea Raicu• Roxana Iliescu

• Oana Cuzino• Mihaela Rădulescu• Roberta Anastase• Dl. Voinea Alexandru








Str. Roma nr. 38, Sector 1, Bucharest, RomaniaTel: 021 231 28 29, Fax: 021 231 28 95


Misiune Fundația Scheherazade vine în sprijinul tuturor copiilor, indiferent de mediul social din care aceştia provin, de religie sau rasă, încearcă să îmbunătăţească condiţiile din mediul sanitar, să promoveze activităţi ce pot salva vieţi şi să sponsorizeze activităţi ce sprijină protecţia copilului, drepturile omului, activități pentru tineri și activități sportive, dialogul intercultural și interreligios, diversitatea culturală, etnică și religioasă în rândul minorităților și diferitelor comunități din România.

Mission Statement

Scheherazade Foundation serves children and young people from all backgrounds irrespective of their race, religion or gender. The Foundation proudly endeavors to improve healthcare, promote life saving advancements and sponsor activities that support child protection, human rights, youth activities and sports, intercultural, in-ter religious dialogue, cultural, ethnic and religious diversity among minorities and different communities from Romania.

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