producerea argintului coloidal

Post on 27-Dec-2015






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Metode de a produce ,acasa, argint coloidal.


Informatii utile despre producerea argintului coloidal Avertisment!Nu sunt doctor. Informatiile care urmeaza sunt colectate de pe internet si din experienta proprie. Nu sunt furnizate cu scopul de inlocui tratamentul medical indicat de doctorul dumneavoastra. Nu imi asum nici o responsabilitate in privinta rezultatelor/efectelor pe care le veti obtine ca urmare a utilizarii argintului coloidal.

Cum se obtine argintul coloidal.

Error: Reference source not foundAvem nevoie de doi electrozi din argint de puritate cel putin 99,9%, preferabil 99,99%.Puteti achizitiona de aici Nu am nici o legatura cu aceasta firma. Nu ii fac reclama. Este singura pe care am gasit-o si mi s-a parut de incredere. Mai exista si alte firme pe internet de unde puteti achizitiona sarme din argint de puritate mare.

Error: Reference source not foundIn loc de sarma se pot folosi si monede din argint de puritate 99,99%. Va recomand monede canadinene “Maple Leaf” de puritate 99,99%. Puteti achizitiona aceste monede de aici: Este singura firma care am gasit-o care trimite si in Romania cu un cost al transportului rezonabil. Puteti incerca si pe ebay eventual.

Poate gasiti oferte mai avantajoase cu o simpla cautare pe google !!!

Error: Reference source not foundUn multimetru este foarte util dar nu neaparat necesar. Multimetrul este folosit pentru a masura tensiunea si intensitatea curentului in timpul producerii argintului coloidal.

Error: Reference source not foundUn TDS-metru. (TDS = total disolved solids) Masoara puritatea apei distilate si concentratia argintului coloidal obtinut in ppm (parti pe milion). Nu este obligatoriu dar este foarte util, mai ales in cazul in care nu stiti cat de pura este apa pe care o folositi.

Rezistor 1,3 – 1,5 Kohm. Rezistorul este folosit pentru a reduce intensitatea curenului in timpul producerii argintului coloidal. Rezistorul se leaga in serie cu unul din electrozi. Nu are importanta daca se leaga la anod sau la catod. 3 baterii de 9V

Apa distilata. In afara de argint de puritate mare, apa este al doilea element important in producerea argintului coloidal.Argintul coloidal se obtine folosit doar apa distilata.Nu se poate folosi apa de la robinet.Nu se poate folosi apa filtrata.Nu se poate folosi apa obtinuta prin osmoza inversa.Nu se poate folosi apa de fantana sau izvor.Nu se poate folosi apa structurata.Este obligatoriu sa se foloseasca apa distilata, care se poate folosi si in preperate medicale.

Gasiti in Buzau SC Agricola SRL, pe str.Horticolei

Error: Reference source not foundIn imaginea alaturata se poate vedea cat de pura este apa pe care am folosti-o eu. Are 2 ppm. A fost obtinuta prin distilare intr-o instalatie de distilat alcool. Se poate si mai bine. Ideal este ca apa sa aiba 000 ppm.

Error: Reference source not foundIn imaginea alaturata se poate vedea un pahar termorezistent in care sunt 2 electrozi din argint. La anod (+) am folosit o moneda Maple Leaf de puritate 99,99% agatata de o sarma din argint de puritate 99,99% iar la catod (minus) am folosit o sarma de argint de puritate 99,99%. Este foarte important ca apa sa nu intre in contact cu alte metale decat argint. Din acest motiv am agatat moneda de o sarma de argint de puritate mare. Nu poate fi folosit argint 925 sau de alte puritati mai mici. TREBUIE neaparat ca argintul sa aiba puritatea de cel putin 99,9%.

Paharul este pus pe o caramida asezata pe aragazul aprins la foc mic. Am citit pe internet ca astfel, prin incalzirea apei la peste 80 de grade celsius, se poate obtine argint coloidal de culoare galbena de calitate mai mare. Exista versiuni in care argintul coloidal se poate obtine si fara a incalzi apa aproape de punctul de fierbere (peste 80 de grade celsius), insa din ce am citit este mult mai bine ca apa sa fie fierbinte.

Eu am folosit 3 baterii de 9v legate in serie. Intre electrodul de la anod si baterie am pus un rezistor de 1,6kOhm. Rezistorul este folosit pentru a limita intensitatea curentului. Procesul s-a desfasurat pe durata a 45 si de minute pana cand am obtinut argint coloidal de culoare galbena. Este important cat timp este mentinut procesul si intensitatea curentului. Daca procesul este mentinut prea mult apa “se intuneca”, adica isi pierde culoarea galbena, ceea ce inseamna ca in solutie au fost eliberate particule prea mari.

Intensiteatea curentului poate fi redusa reducand voltajul pe masura ce procesul se desfasoara. Cu cat mai mult argint se afla in apa cu atat apa conduce mai bine curentul electric si intensitatea curentului creste. Din acest motiv multimetrul este folositor pentru a verifica din cand in cand intensitatea curentului si voltajul. Intensitatea curentului poate fi redusa prin reducerea voltajului

(eliminarea uneia sau a doua baterii).

Error: Reference source not foundIn aceasta fotografie se poate vedea voltajul inital chiar la inceputul procesului de obtinere a argintului coloidal. Apa nu contine argint si este foarte putin conducatoare. Astfel tensiunea este mica.

Error: Reference source not found

Intensitatea curentului la inceputul procesului este de doar 2 mA pentru ca apa nu contine argint.

Error: Reference source not foundIntensitatea curentului dupa aproximativ 40-45 de min de la inceputul procesului. Aici cred ca este deja prea mare. Din experienta de pana acum cred ca intensitatea curentului ar trebui mentinuta sub 10 mA. Acest lucru se poate face prin scoaterea uneia dintre baterii pentru reducerea voltajului si implicit a intensitatii curentului.

Error: Reference source not found

Acesta este cel mai bun argint coloidal care l-am facut pana acum. Am inceput cu 3 baterii de 9 volti si 1 rezistor de 1,6kohm legat in serie la anod. Dupa aproximativ 40 de minute am vazut ca intensitatea curentului a depasit 10 mA si am scos una din baterii pentru a reduce voltajul si implicit intensitatea curentului. Asa arata dupa alte 15 min (55 min in total de la inceputul procesului). Solutia obtinuta este limpede si galben aurie. De cateva ori la precedentele incercari s-a intunecat pentru ca am lasat-o prea mult cu 3 baterii si intensitatea curentului a crescut prea mult, fapt care a condus la eliberarea de particule mari de la anod. Probabil cea mai usoara metoda pentru reducerea intensitatii curentului este scoaterea uneia sau chiar a doua baterii daca este nevoie. Probabil cel mai bine este ca intensitatea curentului sa nu depaseasca 10 mA.

Error: Reference source not found In aceasta poza se poate vedea efectul Tyndall. O raza laser devine vizibila in solutia de argint coloidal datorita particulelor de argint. La inceputul procesului raza de lumina nu se vede deoarece apa nu contine argint.

Urmatorul paragraf este tradus de aici (……………Tipuri de Argint Coloidal

Cele trei tipuri de produse pe care consumatorii le eticheteaza drept “argint coloidal” pot fi impartite in urmatoarele categorii: solutii ionice din argint, proteine din argint si argintul coloidal adevarat.

*Solutii ionice din argintMarea majoritate a produselor etichetate si vandute drept argint coloidal fac parte din aceasta categorie datorita gradului de complexitate redus la producere si a costului de productie redus. Continutul de argint din aceste produse consta si in ioni de argint si particule de argint. Ionii de argint sunt produsi de electroliza si pot fi descrisi ca “argint dizolvat”. Produsele obtinute prin electroliza sunt frecvent descrise ca “electro coloizi”. Deoarece majoritatea continutului de argint in aceste produse este mai degraba argintul dizolvat decat particulele metalice din argint, ar fi mai corect sa descriem aceste produse ca solutii din argint.

Reclamele pentru aceste produse frecvent pretind ca ionii de argint sunt particule metalice mici sau descriu produsele constand in particule ionice de argint. Ionii de argint nu sunt acelasi lucru cu particulele de argint si cei doi termeni nu sunt interschimbabili. Argintul ionic este numit si argint monoatomic si hidrosol de argint (dex: HIDROSÓL, hidrosoluri, s. n. Sistem coloidal solubil în care mediul de dispersie este apa.) de unii producatori care aleg sa nu descrie produsul lor folosind terminologia stiintifica corecta. Acestia sunt termeni de marketing folositi pentru a ascunde adevarul ca ceea ce este vandut este o solutie ionica de argint.

Cum sa iti dai seama daca un produs este majoritar Argint IonicSolutiile de argint sunt de obicei clare ca apa sau o usoara tenta galbena. Aceste produse sunt clare doarece argintul care este dizolvat in apa arata precum zaharul sau sarea care este dizolvat in apa; nu apare vizibil. Producatorii de solutii ionice de argint vor sugera ca argintul coloidal ar trebui sa fie clar ca apa, dar asta este incorect.

Companiile care vand argint ionic pretind ca produsul lor este “argint coloidal adevarat” incercand sa creeze confuzie printre cumparatori. Nu te lasa pacalit. Daca produsul este clar, atunci este argint ionic nu argint coloidal adevarat. Particulele coloidale, cand sunt prezente in concentratie suficienta, absob lumina vizibila determinand coloidul sa prezinte o “culoare aparenta”. Culoarea aparenta este complementul lungimii de unda absorbite. Ionii din argint nu absorb lumina vizibila si asadar apar ca lichide clare fara culoare.

Multi producatori de argint ionic recomanda ca produsul sa fie pastrat doar in recipiente din sticla. Unii specifica doar culoarea chihlimbarului sau sticle de cobalt deoarece produsele lor sunt fotosensibile si se deterioreaza cand sunt expuse la lumina. Adevaratii coloizi nu au aceste probleme.

Cum sa testezi pentru Argint IonicPentru a ne da seama daca o solutie este argint ionic, trebuie doar sa adaugi ioni de clorura. Sarea de masa obisnuita, care este clorura de sodiu, este buna. Daca ionii de argint sunt prezenti ionii de clorura se vor combina cu ionii de argint si vor crea o aparitie innorata. Pentru a forma un nor care este vizibil este necesar ca o cantitate suficienta de ioni de argint sa fie prezenta, de obicei in jur de 10ppm sau peste. Adauga 30-50 de ml de argint ionic intr-un pahar transparent. Adauga cateva grame de sare. Observa daca, pe masura ce sarea se dizolva, un nor alb de clorura de argint se formeaza in solutie. Daca este asa, in final, intreaga solutie se va transforma in nor. Daca mai multa sare este adaugata, clorura alba de argint va deveni mai dense pana cand toti ionii de argint s-au combinat cu ionii de clorura disponibili. Daca nu sunt prezenti ioni de argint nici un nor alb nu se va forma. Aici e smecheria: Unele produse nu vor forma un nor alb de clorura de argint cand este adaugata sarea de masa deoarece ele nu contin argint deloc, sau foarte putin argint. Crezi sau nu, analize de laborator au aratat ca unele produse din “argint” nu contin in realitate argint!

Diferenta intre ionii de argint si particulele de argint consta in faptul ca ionii de argint se combina cu ionii de clorura pentru a forma clorura de argint in timp ce particulele de argint nu fac asta.

Folosirea in siguranta

Generatoarele de “argint coloidal” vandute pentru a face acasa argint coloidal ca hobby produc toate solutii ionice de argint. Deoarece produsele ionice argint contin un procent scazut de argint sub forma de particule, ele au toate o suprafata mica de particule relativa la continutul total de argint. Argintul ionic nu este lipsit de merite. Argintul ionic nu este lipsit de merite. Argintul ionic este un puternic antimicrobial si serveste bine in situatiile in care clorura nu este prezenta. Cand clorura este prezenta (inauntrul trupului uman), particulele de argint continute vor supravietui pentru a produce beneficii.

Produsele ionice din argint, cand sunt luate in concordanta cu dozele recomandate de producatori, nu vor cauza argiria, o conditie care face ca pielea sa devina albastru-cenusie.

Bolboroseala Tehinca, Limbajul inselator si Stiinta FalsaTermenul coloidal inseamna particule nu ioni, dar producatorii de produse din argint ionic vor incerca sa convinga cumparatorul ca produsul lor este un coloid de argint. Punctul comun in majoritatea reclamelor care vand produse din argint ionic (etichetate ca argint coloidal) este ca pretind ca ionii sunt particule din argint, sau ca incearca sa abureasca distinctia folosind termenii unul in locul altuia. O alta smecherie comuna este sa prezinte imagini de la o Transmisie a unui Microscop Electronic care pretind ca arata particule mici gasite in solutia lor. Aceste imagini nu arata particulele de argint din produse. Citeste despre Transmisia Imaginilor de la Microscopul Electronic pentru a invata ca aceste imagini sunt inselatoare. Un alt siretlic este folosirea “Bolboroselii Tehnice”, prin care termeni care suna credibil sunt folositi pentru a impresiona cititorul nefamiliarizat cu ei. Bolboroseala tehinca incearca sa atraga atentia cititorului departe de stiinta adevarata si sa se concentreze asupra termenilor si ideilor lipsite de sens dar care suna important. Intr-o abordare legata, reclama sau eticheta vor include explicatii stiintifice care folosesc termeni si idei din ale campuri ale stiintei care nu sunt aplicabili chimiei solutiei si coloizilor. De exemplu, in campul stiintei nucleare, o particula este considerata a fi orice obiect atomic a carui greutate este mai mare sau egala cu greutatea unui electron. Incercarea de a defini un ion de argint ca o particula prin a folosi aceasta definitie este esenta a ceea ce este de obicei considerat stiinta fictiva.

*Proteina de Argint (aka Proteina de Argint Blanda)Produsele din proteina de argint sunt pe locul doi ca prevalenta printe asa-zisele produse din argint coloidal de pe piata. Aceste produse constau intr-o combinatie de particule metalice din argint si un liant de proteina si poate fi produs cu usurinta doar prin adaugarea apei la pudra de proteina din argint vanduta de diverse companii chimice.

Majoritatea produselor pretind ca sunt concentratii mari de argint coloidal (de obicei in jurul valorii de 30 pana la 20.000 ppm) sunt de fapt coloizi de proteina de argint. In timp ce unele din aceste produse sunt etichetate ca Proteina de Argint sau Proteina de Argint Blanda, multe asemenea produse sunt simplu etichetate ca argint coloidal si cuvantul proteina nu apare nicaieri pe eticheta sau in literatura de reclama a produsului.

Produsele din proteina de argint au in general particule de argint largi, asa de largi incat ele nu raman suspendate ca particule coloidale fara aditivi de proteina. Aditivii de proteina ajuta la impiedicarea particulelor mari sa se depuna. In timp ce diversi lianti de proteine pot fi folositi, proteina cea mai obisnuita folosita este gelatina, care facuta prin fierberea pieilor, tendoanelor si ligamentelor animalelor. Pentru ca particulele metalice de argint largi sa ramana suspendate in apa, ele au nevoie de flotabilitate aditionala pentru a le impiedica sa se scufunde. Moleculele de gelatina vor incapsula fiecare particula de argint si vor adauga suficienta flotabilitate astfel incat sa nu se scufunde la fund. Prezenta gelatinei creaza un risc de bacterii si este unul din pericolele folosirii acestui produs.

Dintre cele trei tipuri de argint coloidal, produsele din proteina de argint au cea mai mica suprafata pentru concentratia de argint, facand argintul inaccesibil pentru absorbtia umana in siguranta si mai putin efectiv pentru consumul uman. Aria suprafetei particulelor, asa cum vom vedea mai tarziu, este singurul cel mai important factor determinant al eficacitatii argintului coloidal.

Testarea pentru Proteina de Argint

Pentru a afla daca ai un produs din proteina de argint si nu un coloid adevarat din argint, uitate la aceste caracteristici:*Face spuma: Cand este scuturata, un produs de proteina de argint produce spuma deasupra lichidului care va persista timp de cateva minute dupa ce a fost scuturata. Acesta este probabil indicatorul cel mai sigur. Chiar daca produsul este etichetat ca fiind argint coloidal simplu si nu mentioneaza deloc cuvantul proteina, aceste indicator va semnala prezenta unui liant de proteina. Scutura sticla si uita-te dupa spuma. Cand spuma persista, proteina este prezenta.*Concentratia: Produsele din proteina din argint tind sa aibe valori ale concentratiilor foarte mari, de obicei in jurul valorilor de 30 – 20.000 ppm. Concentratia este exprimata in parti pe milion (ppm) si este numeric aceasi ca miligrame de argint pe litru de apa (mg/L).*Culoarea L: Culoarea este situata intre cea a chihlimbarului deschis si aproape neagra cu marirea concentratiei de argint.

Pericole:*Datorita concentratiei mari de particule mari de argint, produsele din proteina de argint sunt cunoscute ca producand argiria, o conditie care cauzeaza pielea sa devina albastru-cenusie.*Adaugarea proteinei la argintul coloidal este de asemenea potential nesigura deoarece bacteria, conform profesorului Ronald Gibbs care a discutat acest fapt in cartea sa “Coloizi din Argint”. E a descoperit produse din “proteine blande din argint” care au bacterii vii ce cresc pe proteina. Aceasta se intampla cand proteina este amestecata cu argintul coloidal deoarece moleculele de proteina sunt largi si incapsuleaza particulele de argint, care impiedica argintul sa ajunga la bacterie si sa o omoare. In mod normal, ar fi imposibil ca bacterii sa traiasca in argintul coloidal, dar este obisnuit in produse continand proteine. Din aceasta cauza, Profesorul Gibbs recomanda ca produsele din proteina de argint sa fie efitate. Aici este citatul profesorului Gibbs: ” A cincea mostra considerata a prezenta clustere pufoase in jurul particulelor de argint cand sunt privite in apa…. Asa cum suspectam, aceste materiale fluorescente pufoase indicau ca materialul era, intradevar, bacterie vie care crestea pe gelatian care fusese folosita aparent pentru a stabiliza suspensia de argint.

#Adevaratul Argint ColoidalProdusele cu argint coloidal adevarat sunt cel mai putin prevalent tip de argint coloidal pe piata datorita complexitatii ridicare la producere si costurilor ridicate de productie.

In argintul coloidal adevarat, majoritatea continutului de argint este sub forma particulelor de argint. Coloizii adevarati contin de obicei mai mult de 50% particule (adesea 50 – 80%), in timp ce balanta (20 – 40%) vor fi ioni de argint. Cand ne referim la argintul coloidal, cuvantul coloid inseamna particule de argint.

Cei doi factori critici care trebuie cercetati pentru determinarea coloizilor adevarati sunt procentajul de particule de argint si aria suprafetei particulei.

Dintre toate tipurile de argint vandute ca fiind coloidal, produsele din argint coloidal adevarat au cea mai mare arie a suprafetei particulei. Aria mare a suprafetei particulei este dobandita printr-un procentraj mare de particule de argint combinate cu marimea foarte mica a particulei. Dintre cele trei tipuri de argint pe piata, coloizii adevarati de argint au cea mai mare arie a suprafetei particulei relativ la continutul total de argint. Raportul dintre aria suprafetei particulei si continutul total de argint indica cat de eficient coloidul poate sa produca aria suprafetei particulei care determina eficacitatea. Eficiente de conversie cat mai inalte sunt de dorit.

Particulele de marime nanometrice in coloizii adevarati de argint raman in suspensia coloidala fara a necesita proteina sau alti aditivi. Este respingerea reciproca a particulelor create, prin incarcatura zeta potentiala care pastreaza particulele uniform distribuite in coloid.

Determinarea Adevaratilor Coloizi de ArgintDatorita concentratiei mari de particule de argint, coloizii adevarati de argint nu sunt niciodata clari precum apa. Argintul coloidal adevarat cu concentratie suficienta de particule nu arata precum apa

deoarece particulele de argint — chiar particulele foarte mici — blocheaza lumina sa treaca, facand lichidul sa apara mai inchis.

PericoleDatorita concentratiei foarte mici de argint ionic si marimii mici a particulei, coloizii adevarati de argint nu cauzeaza argiria, o conditie care determina pielea sa devina albastru-cenusie.

Comparison Table: Particle Surface Area

The effectiveness of a colloid is predicated on particle surface area, therefore particle surface area is the single most important metric for comparing colloidal products. The Comparison Table below provides a detailed comparative analysis of products based on the particle surface area.

In the booklet “Silver Colloids” Professor Ronald Gibbs wrote “The size of the particles in the colloidal silver suspensions we use for health purposes is very important. Particle size controls the surface area and therefore the effectiveness of the colloidal silver suspension.“

In this context, effectiveness is defined as the ability of the colloid to interact with its environment , just as in the world of chemistry, where surface area determines how well substances react with one another. For a more complete discussion of the rationale for comparing colloidal silver products using particle surface areaas a single valued metric see: Comparing Colloidal Silver Products.


Effectiveness of a colloid is determined by the particle surface area making it the single most important metric for comparing colloids.

This table is presented in ascending order of particle surface area (column 2) to provide an easy means for direct comparison among the various properties associated with particle surface area. Data from the product reports is compiled into a table so the reader can compare products based on costs and particle surface area.

Product Name: These are the colloidal silver products listed in the Product Reports. Click on the product name in the table below for the complete lab analysis.

Particle Surface Area: In the table below, Column 2 (Particle Surface Area) provides the best means for a direct comparison of the various products. Column 2 (cm 2/mL) is particle surface area in square cm per mL from the Product Report.

Efficiency Index: Column 3 Effective surface area per unit of concentration. Particle Surface Area (cm2/mL) per ppm X 1000. This value relates how efficiently surface area is generated per unit of concentration (ppm).

Comparing Cost: Column 5 (Cents/cm2) is the Price in Cents per square cm of particle surface area.Column 7 (cm2/$) is square cm of particle surface area per dollar of cost.

Comparing Quantity: Column 6 (Normalized mL) shows the quantity of the colloid in mL required to provide a constant particle surface area. The values are normalized.

Click here for European Product Reports (US Reports Below)

Click here for European Product Reports (US Reports Below)

Product NameClick on product name for complete lab analysis report

Particle Surface Area




Normalized mL


cm2/mL Index L m2

Health & Herbs Col. Silver 10 0.001 5.9 4.22 4,216 104,700 0.024

Oxysilver 3 ppm 0.0085 1.81 20.88 2,456 12,317 0.04

Super Silver Solution 10 ppm 0.0085 1.16 12.65 1,331 11,020 0.07

Trace Minerals Col. Silver 30 0.022 0.7 7.08 321.7 4,759 0.31

home brewed w/ SG-7 0.024 1.64 na na 4,362 na

Silver Shield Col. Silver 0.027 0.19 6.34 234.8 3,878 0.43

Silver Biotics 10 0.035 3.2 11.39 325.4 2,991 0.31

Tri Silver Colloidal Silver 10 0.052 5.5 5.49 105.6 2,013 0.95

SilverKare 30 ppm 0.054 1.86 12.66 234.3 1,939 0.43

Silver Lightning 5 0.078 17 1.05 13.44 1,342 7.44

Daily Mfg. Col. Silver 20 ppm 0.080 3.8 10.10 126.3 1,309 0.79

Silver Wain Water 3 0.083 34.2 2.64 31.8 1,261 3.14

Wonder Water 10 0.096 9.6 4.67 48.60 1,090 2.06

ASAP 10 0.112 10.2 10.99 98.11 935 1.02

New Silver Solution 0.163 11.3 14.35 88.04 639.3 1.14

Sovereign Silver 10 0.217 22.3 25.36 116.9 482.5 0.86

Ultra Pure Colloidal Silver 35 0.225 13.6 7.80 34.68 465.3 2.88

Vitol Super Col. Silver 5 ppm 0.286 54.6 13.39 46.82 366 2.14

High Energy Lab CS 15 ppm 0.319 15.1 4.22 13.22 328 7.56

Argentyn 23 ppm 0.355 22.6 20.12 56.67 294.9 1.76

ACS 200 Adv. Cell. Sil. 200 ppm 0.577 9.55 42.22 73.17 181.5 1.37

ASAP 22 0.587 26.3 15.22 25.92 178.4 3.85

Futurebiotics Adv. Col. Silver 0.591 61.6 28.65 48.48 177.2 2.06

Int. Pharm. Invive 50 ppm 0.621 4.4 7.61 12.25 168.6 8.16

Electra Clear Col. Sil. 10 ppm 0.662 25.1 3.16 4.77 158.2 20.9

Source Naturals Col. Silver 30 0.881 24.3 13.94 15.83 118.8 6.32

Kelly Colloidal Silver 20 1.420 122 6.34 4.46 73.7 22.4

Herbal Healer Col. Sil. 500 ppm 2.513 3.80 30.43 12.11 41.66 8.25

Innovative Natural Prod. 500 12.39 20.5 33.77 2.725 8.45 36.7

Silver Wings 250 ppm 25.22 96.3 22.82 0.9048 4.15 110.5

Utopia Advanced Col. Sil. 20 34.24 1577 10.14 0.2961 3.06 337.7

Mesosilver 20 104.7 5235 9.97 0.0952 1.0 1050.4

Higher values are better. Lower values are better.


Col. 1 Product Name and concentration in parts-per-million (ppm) on label.Col. 2 Particle surface area= value from lab report.Col. 3 Efficiency Index = Divide column 2 by total ppm value from the lab report and multiply by 1000. Col. 4 Price Cents/mL = Divide product price ($/oz) by 29.5734 and multiply by 100.Col. 5 Price Cents/cm2 = Divide 1 by column 2 and multiply by column 4. Col. 6 mL of product required for a constant particle surface area. Normalized value is calculated by dividing the largest column 2 value (104.7) by column 2.Col. 7 cm2/$ = Divide 1 by column 5 and multiply by 100.

Percent of Metal Content Table

In the table below, the Metal Content indicates the accuracy of product labeling. A value of 100 percent means the label accurately describes the metal content of the product. Values near zero indicate that the product contains very little or none of the metal content indicated on the label.

Values that are significantly above or below 100 (highlighted in red) indicate the manufacturers inability to adequately control the concentration (ppm) of the product. This could be the result of poor quality control or the lack of capability to measure concentration.

Type Metal Content Product Name

Percent of Labeled Value

Click on product name for complete lab analysis report

Ionic >>> 0.03 <<< WEE – Detoxing Mineral Water 1000 ppm

Ionic >>> 0.09 <<< Nano-2 Silver 2000 ppm

Ionic >>> 0.52 <<< Earthborn Products – Colloidal Silver 100 ppm

Ionic >>> 1.7 <<< Health & Herbs Colloidal Silver 10 ppm

Ionic 20.5 Solutions IE Colloidal Silver Plus 20 ppm

Ionic 30.2 ACS 200 Adv. Cell. Sil. 200 ppm

Ionic 47.1 Golden Touch Mfg. Ultra Pure Colloidal Silver 35 ppm

Ionic 68.3 Argentyn 23 ppm

Ionic 81.0 Survival Enterprises Silver Water 3 ppm

Ionic 81.0 Silver Water Products – Silver Wain Water 3 ppm

Ionic 81.5 Super Silver Solution 10 ppm

Ionic 91.2 Silver Lightning Tonic Water 5 ppm

Ionic 95.4 Tri Silver Colloidal Silver 10 ppm

Ionic 96.7 SilverKare 30 ppm

Ionic 97.1 Sovereign Silver 10 ppm

Ionic 99.5 “ Wonder Water” Silver Fortified Water 10 ppm

Ionic 101.4 ASAP Solution 22 ppm

Ionic 101.4 New Silver Solution 14 ppm

Ionic 106.0 Daily Mfg., Inc 20 ppm

Ionic 106.0 Trace Minerals – Liqumins Colloidal Silver 30 ppm

Ionic 109.3 Silver Biotics 10 ppm

Ionic 110.2 ASAP Solution 10 ppm

Ionic 133 TriMedica Silva Solution 10 ppm

Ionic 140 High Energy Labs Colloidal Silver 15 ppm

Ionic 156 Oxysilver 3 ppm

Ionic 264 InSpiral Tech. Electra Clear Colloidal Silver 5-10 ppm

Protein 96.0 Futurebiotics Advanced Colloidal Silver 10 ppm

Protein 104.7 Silver Wings 250 ppm

Protein 120.6 Innovative Nature Products 500 ppm

Protein 132 Herbal Healer Academy 500 ppm

Protein 280 International Pharmaceuticals – Invive 50 ppm

Colloid 58.0 Kelly Colloidal Silver 20 ppm

Colloid 100.0 Mesosilver 20 ppm

Colloid 104.8 Vitol Super Colloidal Silver 5 ppm

Colloid 121.0 Source Naturals – Wellness Colloidal Silver 30 ppm

Colloid 134.5 Utopia Advanced Colloidal Silver 20 ppm

Percentages shown in red are less than 75% or greater than 150% of the labeled silver content.

>>> These products contain little or no silver (less than 2% of labeled value). <<<

Why are so many products shown in red?

It seems clear that some companies are not properly measuring the silver concentration in their products. There is a common misconception that silver concentration can be determined by measuring the electrical conductivity. This erroneous belief is fostered by the companies that sell “colloidal silver” generators to the home hobbyists and also sell TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) meters that they claim can be calibrated to measure ionic silver content. TDS meters measure the electrical conductivity of the solution, not silver content. Any substance that increases the electrical conductivity will cause the TDS meter reading to increase. This may or may not have anything to do with the ionic silver concentration. The products shown above that contain little or no silver all have electrical conductivity values that indicate the presence of water soluble salts that would increase the TDS reading without silver being present. We speculate that these companies are relying on such measurements in an attempt to determine the silver content. Electrical conductivity cannot be used to determine silver concentration.

Accurate determination of silver concentration requires the use of either an atomic absorption/emission spectrometer or a mass spectrometer. Most laboratories use either atomic absorption or atomic emission spectrometers because they are less expensive than a mass spectrometer (ICP/MS). The measured values reported on this web site were made using an atomic emission spectrometer, specifically an Inductively Coupled Plasma/Atomic Emission Spectrometer (ICP/AES). See Determining Properties for technical details about how the laboratory analysis is performed by CSL.

When an FDA laboratory determines metal concentration they use either and ICP/AES or an ICP/MS whose readings will match very closely the values that are indicated on the lab analysis pages.

Potentially dangerous ionic silver products – those containing nitric acid!

Ionic silver products which have a low silver concentration while at the same time have high electrical conductivity will generally have a low pH value (acidic). These products will quite often be found to have a high nitrate (NO3) concentration as well. This unique set of properties generally indicates that the process used to produce the product involves arcing a high voltage AC current through the air to the surface of the water. Since air is 80% nitrogen, the high voltage arc through nitrogen produces nitrogen dioxide (NO2) which combines with the water (H2O) to form nitric acid (HNO3). This method is considered bogus in the extreme and produces a product that may contain significant amounts of nitric acid and is therefore potentially very dangerous to ingest. This ill advised process was developed experimentally in the early days of colloidal silver research and was adopted by some manufacturers who apparently did not have the requisite knowledge to understand that they were making nitric acid. Unfortunately, this method is still in use today by some producers who refuse to acknowledge that they are producing a potentially dangerous product.

How to spot products that contain nitric acid

When the total silver concentration (ppm) reported on the lab analysis page indicates a value that is far below the value on the product label, carefully read the lab analysis and look for the following:

1. High values of electrical conductivity – ionic silver products that do not contain nitrate or some other form of contamination will typically have a conductivity reading expressed in micro-Siemens (uS/cm) that is approximately equal to the silver ion concentration in ppm. While not an accurate determination, a rule of thumb is, a 10 ppm product will have about 10 uS/cm of electrically conductivity. Interestingly, it is this rule of thumb that formed the belief that electrical conductivity could be used to measure ionic silver content. If the uS/cm value is significantly above the measured total silver concentration value, then it is safe to suspect that

nitrate or some other form of contamination is present.

2. Low pH values – pH values below 7 are acidic, values above 7 are basic and exactly 7.0 is neutral. Products containing nitrate (NO3) will be acidic and typically have values between 1 and 4. An acceptable pH value would generally be considered to be in the range of 6.5 to 7.5.

3. No silver particles present – nitric acid will dissolve silver particles so no silver particles will be present in products that contain nitric acid.

4. Presence of nitrate (NO3) – When a nitrate determination has been made for a given product the value of NO3 expressed in parts-per-million (ppm) of nitrate will be included on the lab analysis page.

At the moment, not all lab analysis pages have nitrate test values shown. We plan to perform the nitrate tests on products that have positive indication for items 1 to 3 above. The nitrate test results will be added to lab analysis pages when they are completed.

Notification of Results

Each manufacturer whose product appears in the tables and reports on this web site has been notified by e-mail and provided with a link to the detailed laboratory analysis of their product. At time of notification the producer may dispute the findings of our laboratory with regard to the determination of the measured values. The lab personnel are more than willing to discuss the results of our analysis should any company whose products are reported here choose to take issue with our laboratory procedures, suitability of equipment used, calibration standards, or experience of the laboratory staff. Not a single lab analysis has been disputed as of this date.

Not a single lab analysis has been disputed as of this date, and manufacturers cannot claim ignorance about the contents of the products they are selling.

Recourse for Consumers

Some of the products tested contain such a small fraction of the labeled value (see Metal Content chart above) that those products would generally be considered to have misleading and/or deceptive labeling by the Consumer Protection Department of various state governments. The sale of these mislabeled products is clearly a violation of the state consumer protection laws as well as a violation of the Federal Trade Commission regulations. If you have purchased one of these products, you might want to consider filing a complaint with the consumer protection department of the state where the manufacturer is located. You also might want to consider sending an e-mail to the producer and ask them why they continue to sell a product whose label misrepresents the contents of the bottle.

Donate a product for testing – Products that are commercially produced and sold to the public may be donated by for testing; the test results will be published on this site. Products donated for lab analysis and inclusion in our reports must be in a new factory sealed bottle to avoid the possibility of contamination. The scientists at the Colloidal Science Laboratory, Inc. will perform a uniform set of analytical measurements and report the results in the standard format as shown on the Commercial Product Report pages of this site. The lab analysis is done on a time available basis by laboratory personnel. Products submitted for analysis will not be returned. Products for analysis can be submitted to this address.

Related Information

How to Compare Colloidal Silver Products

Particle Surface Area and Effectiveness

Bioavailability of Colloidal Silver

The Truth About Ionic Silver

Myth of Monatomic Colloidal Silver

The Truth About TEM Images of Ionic Silver Solutions

The Truth About Silver Protein Products

The Truth About Colloid Particle Size

Bogus Scientific Claims Made for Colloidal Silver Products

Visit the Colloid Forum where users share information.

Find colloidal silver products on the internet

How to make colloidal silver:Please note that this is the procedure that we used for many years in making colloidal silver. 1) What you need -

4 9v batteries

Clean glass

Distilled water

2 4" or 6" silver wires

1 multi meter

1 resistor 33k ohms

3 alligator clip leads

1 laser pointer (you can check our 650nm and 635nm red laser pointers)

2) Instructions -

Please note that this procedure will allow you, with practice, to make quality colloidal silver in the range of 5 to 10 PPM. This will equal the quality of anything that you are likely to buy in a store. You will expect to gain some experience by allowing the process to continue until you get a slight yellow hue to the water. The resistor is necessary in the circuit and prevents a "runaway" condition that is common to procedures than try to do without it. In the days before we had laser pointer, we did not know that we actually made colloidal silver until we could see the yellow color. Your aim is to continue the process and until you see the red beam in the water itself and to stop it before it turns yellow. This will give you the smallest particles that are possible to generate using this method.

After you purchase the four nine volt batteries, you can proceed with the making of your first batch of colloidal silver. We have taken some pictures of the various components and showing how the parts are hooked up. Here are two pictures showing the way the nine volt batteries end up being connected in series, that is positive to negative positive to negative and so on.

A resistor with little loops already formed at each end. Put the probes from the multi

meter inside the loops. Here is the picture.

Attach an alligator clip from one of the jumper cables (it doesn't matter which one) to one of the test leads tip points as shown. Repeat the same procedure with another test leads.

Attach an alligator clip from the unused jumper cable to one of the battery terminals that is still exposed and the other end of this cable clip onto the end of one of the lengths of

silver wire.

You are almost there. Remember the two jumper cables that you attached to the resister and test probes? Choose one of those and attach the free end to the remaining battery terminal that is still exposed. Attach the free end of the remaining cable to the other piece of silver as shown.

Now we are ready to test our generator.

Turned the control on the multi meter to two hundred volts DC as shown in the picture. When the two silver wires are separated it should read zero volts.

When you touch the two silver wires together, this causes the voltage to flow through the resistor and the meter will read approximately thirty six volts, which happens to be four times nine.

This is a good time to remember to turn the multi meter off when you are not using it. It does not automatically turn itself off as the more expensive models. If you leave it on for

a few days you will end up having to buy yet another nine volt battery for it. Now, you need a very clean glass. You need to rinse it many times with tap water and then finally rinse it also with some of the distilled water (we buy ours from Wal-Mart) that you will be using to make your colloidal silver. Then fill the glass almost to the top with

your distilled water. The electrodes should be placed on opposite sides of the glass as shown.

Attach the two free ends of the alligator clip leads that have been shown before.The voltmeter should be turned on at this point. As you can see the voltmeter reads four


This is the voltage that is being dropped across the resister. The reading of four volts indicates that the current in milliamps is 0.1 ma. This is the maximum amount that is allowable in terms of how good your distilled water is. If it reads any more than this you need to find a better source of distilled water.

In order to speed up the process we have moved the electrodes closer together so that we might generate

ions more quickly. The more ions in the water, the higher the conductivity of the water,

and this allows more current to flow.

We will now allow the process to continue. You will be able to see in the following pictures the fact that the voltage across the resister continues to

climb over time.

Once we build it up to a certain voltage 22 volts or so, we move the electrodes back to their original position, opposite one another.

When we do this we will see the voltage on our meter temporarily drops in value as there is more water to cross and therefore the resistance increases. The voltage will continue to rise as time passes. There are many variables involved in how long it takes for the solution to reach a level of maximum Ionic concentration. For one thing the temperature of the water is a factor. The

resistance of the water will decrease as the temperature increases.

In any case, patience is now called for. Because we are using four nine-volt batteries in series our voltage is thirty-six volts. The reading across the resistor will continue to rise until we cannot generate any more ions. At this point the voltage across the electrodes will be approximately six volts. That means that approximately thirty volts will be across

the resistor and will be shown on the voltmeter.

This is the point at which our red laser pointer comes into play. Actual particles will start to form now, as the ions will start to cluster together and no longer exist as ions but clumps of silver atoms forming colloidal silver. If these clumps of atoms exceed a diameter of forty nanometers our water will begin to take on a yellow tinge. Long before this our laser light will detect the colloidal particles, as laser light has the ability to be scattered by even very small particles as it travels through a medium, in this case water. The less

ambient light that is present, the easier it will be to see the presence of the particles. The whole purpose is to achieve the maximum amount of colloidal silver while limiting the particle size. Once the voltmeter approaches thirty volts start using your laser pointer,

preferably in the dark.

As the process continues the beam will still be visible even in normal room light. At this point you will be done and you will have made a solution of colloidal silver as good or better than anything you can buy

at any price.

At this point you may well be saying to yourself "I don't have the time to be constantly checking this thing with my laser pointer and my variable room light and so on and so forth so that I know when it's done. I do after all have a life to live outside of this colloidal silver business".

In the interest of putting your mind to rest we have allowed the process to continue for twelve hours beyond the point at

which we would normally disconnect the electrodes, put our colloidal silver in a suitable clean container, clean the electrodes, and get on with our life. As you can see in the following pictures the amount of actual silver in the water, judging by the intensity of our

red laser beam, has very much increased. Our water has also acquired a slight yellow hue. This indicates that we have particles in excess of forty nanometers but still small enough to stay in solution.

Before we had the advantage of a red laser pointer we continued the process until we saw the water turn yellow. That was the only way that we had to know that we were making actual colloidal particles as well as silver ions. The yellow colloidal silver made by this process was used very successfully and the particles were still of a size that will do no harm. We know that the Ionic portion of what we call colloidal silver is of the most direct benefit for many conditions. There are some conditions that only the actual particles of silver, not ions, will be effective to address. We will not go into any specifics in this regard as doing so will violate regulations imposed by the food and drug administration. The FDA is not a bunch of bad guys trying to limit our access to useful alternative medicine. They have a tough job to do, made tougher by many unscrupulous characters existing in the alternative medicine world promising miracles. There is a great deal of information available on the net about the uses of colloidal silver. You will have to use your own good judgment in perusing this. Keep in mind the maxim that "if it's too good to be true, it probably isn't". It is also a good idea to keep very much in mind that someone is probably trying to sell you something. Okay, back to our overcooked colloidal


You can see that there is now quite a large build up on both of our electrodes. They will

require a good scrubbing and we use a green scrubbing pad that we buy at Home Depot.

You will notice that quite a lot of the silver was not able to stay in solution and has ended

up plating some of the glass and as a sort of sludge beneath the electrodes.

After we decant and filter our overcooked colloidal silver using an unbleached coffee maker filter and a funnel we will now need to get rid of the silver deposits on the glass. Please note that had we stopped the process at the proper time, this would not be

necessary. We could simply decant it into a storage container. You will still need to rinse out this glass with distilled water before you make another batch. This was done simply to show that there is no need to worry about simply forgetting to stop the process. If you let it run for days and then we would suggest

throwing it out and starting over. The colloidal silver that we made while taking these

pictures we are keeping for our own use when we feel we need a very strong batch.

Methods of Taking Colloidal SilverPlease note this is for informational purposes only and is not intended as any kind of guide or recommendation.

These methods are for high grade CS made from either Distilled water or Purified water. It is usually colourless or slightly yellow, both of these should taste bitter/metallic.


Taking a quantity up to half a pint by drinking it. Usually on an empty stomach 2 hour after eating.


Easy to take and can take larger quantities.


It is thought that the acids in the stomach will oxidise the majority of the CS, which means it will lose its all important charge. After this the CS faces the bile and digestive enzymes in the duodenum which are strongly alkaline. This will render even more of the CS ineffective. Any remaining CS can now be absorbed by the small intestine.


Applied directly to the skin or anywhere on the outside of the body. Using CS gel. This lasts much longer than simple CS solution.


This is a very effective and quick way of dealing with skin infections. For example impetigo, athletes foot and even mouth ulcers.


The CS only gets to the area where the gel is applied. It does not raise blood levels.

Sub lingually(under the tongue)

Placing a tablespoon of CS under the tongue and leaving it to absorb.


Will by-pass the stomach acid and the liver going straight in to the blood stream.


Questionable amounts of it may be absorbed. How much of that table spoon of CS do you swallow and how much crosses the oral mucosa is debatable. Only small amounts can be administered at a time.


Using a syringe and tubing a quantity of CS can be administered directly in to the rectum; typically 20 to 30ml


This is the most efficient way to get CS in to the blood. The CS is completely absorbed by the rectum, there is no stomach acid or bile to destroy its effectiveness. It is a very effective way to access the Liver and raise CS levels in the blood.


Most people in the UK find this route of administration laughable and can't understand why any one would want to do it. The reasons mentioned should make it clear that it is the best method. It is not at all difficult and if your life is on the line, you should consider this method, it is miles better than any other route.


Using a special machine called a nebuliser the CS


This is a very effective way of delivering CS to the


Only a small amount of CS is nebulised at a time (up to 5ml) so

is made in to a fine mist which is inhaled (1 to 5ml).

Respiratory system. It can be very beneficial for treating infections in the lungs and throat.

very little is likely to reach the blood supply and therefore the rest of the body.

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