limba straina ii

Post on 18-Dec-2015






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    Anul I, Semestrul II

  • Raluca STOICA

    Limba englez 2


    1. Recruitment procedure

    Activitate pentru consolidarea vocabularului tematic Prezentul simplu Prezentul continuu Aplicaii practice Teste de autoevaluare Soluii la testele de autoevaluare

    2. The CV and the Letter of Application

    Activitate pentru consolidarea vocabularului tematic

    Prezentul perfect simplu

    Aplicaii practice

    Teste de autoevaluare

    Soluii la testele de autoevaluare

    Lucrare de verificare

    3. The Market Economy

    Activitate pentru consolidarea vocabularului tematic Trecutul simplu Trecutul continuu Aplicaii practice Teste de autoevaluare Soluii la testele de autoevaluare

  • Raluca STOICA

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    4. Inflation

    Activitate pentru consolidarea vocabular tematic Modaliti de exprimare a viitorului Aplicaii practice Teste de autoevaluare Soluii la testele de autoevaluare Lucrare de verificare

    Bibliografie (de elaborare a cursului)

    Ciuciuc, Olea, English for Business Purposes, Teora, Bucureti 1999 Emmerson, Paul, Business Grammar Builder, Macmillan, 2002 Evans V. , Grammarway 4, Express Publishing House, 1999 Evans V. , Grammarway 3, Express Publishing House, 1999 FLOWER, John, Phrasal Verb Organiser, Heinle, Thomson, 2002 Lott, Hester, Real English Grammar, Marshal Cavendish Education, 2005 McCarthy Michael, Grammar for Business, Cambridge University Press, 2009 Paidos, Constantin, Gramatica limbii engleze, Institutul European, 1993 Pile, Louise, Intelligent Business workbook, Longman, 2005 Robbins, Sue, Business Vocabulary in Practice, HarperCollins Publishers, 2006 Rogers, John, Market Leader, English Practice File, Longman, 2005 Sion Chris, Talking Business in Class, Delta Publishing, 2008 Tullis, G., New Insights into Business, Express Publishing House, 2004 Turcu, Fulvia, Limba englez pentru ntreprinztori i oameni de afaceri, Editura Sagittarius Iai, 1991

  • Raluca STOICA

    Limba englez 4


    Modulul intitulat Limba modern ( englez) se studiaz n anul I i vizeaz dobndirea de competene n domeniul limbii engleze pentru afaceri.

    Obiectivele cadru pe care i le propun sunt urmtoarele:

    formarea deprinderilor necesare pentru receptarea si decodarea corect a unui mesaj scris i/ sau vorbit n aceasta limb strin att la nivelul comunicrii orale ct i la acel al limbii scrise;

    asimilarea vocabularului cu specific economic; dezvoltarea abilitilor de comunicare in limba englez.

    Coninutul este structurat n urmtoarele uniti de nvare: - Recruitment procedure - The CV and the letter of application - The Market Economy - Inflation In prima unitate de nvare, intitulat Recruitment procedure, vei regsi

    operaionalizarea urmtoarelor competene specifice:

    - te vei familiariza cu procedura urmat att de candidat ct i de angajator pentru a fi angajat sau pentru a angaja personal; - vei putea discuta despre posibilitile pe care le are o persoana n cutarea unui loc de munc; - vei putea diferenia i folosi n context prezentul simplu i prezentul continuu; - pentru aprofundare i autoevaluare i propun exerciii i teste adecvate. Dup ce ai parcurs informaia esenial, n a doua unitate de nvare, The CV

    and the Letter of Application, vei achiziiona, odat cu cunotinele oferite, noi


    - s i redactezi propriul CV dup modelul Europass; - s redactezi o scrisoare de intenie

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    - s participi la simularea unui proces de recrutare/selecie (realizarea unui anun pentru un post vacant, a unui interviu simulat etc) - vei putea diferenia i folosi n context prezentul perfect simplu i prezentul perfect continuu care i vor permite s rezolvi testele propuse i lucrarea de verificare corespunztoare primelor dou uniti de nvare. Ca sa i evaluez gradul de nsuire a cunotinelor, vei rezolva o lucrare de evaluare pe care, dup corectare o vei primi cu observaiile adecvate i cu strategia corect de nvare pentru modulele urmtoare. Dup ce ai parcurs informaia esenial, n a treia unitate de nvare, The Market Economy, vei achiziiona, odat cu cunotinele oferite, noi competene:

    - s faci distincia ntre conceptul de economie centralizat, economie de pia i cea de tip mixt; - s discui despre avantajele i dezavanatajele celor dou tipuri de economii; - vei putea diferenia i folosi n context trecutul simplu i trecutul continuu; - te vei familiariza cu verbele neregulate cele mai uzitate n limba englez - pentru aprofundare i autoevaluare i propun exerciii i teste adecvate. .

    Dup ce ai parcurs informaia esenial, n a patra unitate de nvare, intitulat

    Inflation, vei achiziiona, odat cu cunotinele oferite, noi competene:

    - s ai capacitatea de a explica n cuvintele tale, n limba englez noiunea de inflaie; - vei fi asimilat elemente noi de vocabular tematic - te vei fi familiarizat cu modaliti de exprimare a viitorului n limba englez - pentru aprofundare i autoevaluare i propun exerciii i teste adecvate Pentru o nvare eficient ai nevoie de urmtorii pai obligatorii:

    Citeti modulul cu maxim atenie; Evideniezi informaiile eseniale cu culoare, le notezi pe hrtie, sau le adnotezi n spaiul alb, rezervat special n stnga paginii; Rspunzi la ntrebri i rezolvi exerciile propuse; Mimezi evaluarea final, autopropunndu-i o tem i rezolvnd-o fr s apelezi la suportul scris; Compari rezultatul cu suportul de curs i explic-i de ce ai eliminat anumite secvene; n caz de rezultat ndoielnic, reia ntreg demersul de nvare. Pe msur ce vei parcurge modulul i vor fi administrate dou lucrri de verificare pe care le vei regsi la sfritul unitilor de nvare 2 i 4. Vei

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    rspunde n scris la aceste cerine, folosindu-te de suportul de curs i de urmtoarele resurse suplimentare (autori, titluri, pagini). Vei fi evaluat dup gradul n care ai reuit s operaionalizezi competenele. Se va ine cont de acurateea rezolvrii, de modul de prezentare i de promptitudinea rspunsului. 40% din not provine din evaluarea continu (cele dou lucrri de verificare) i 60% din evaluarea final.

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    UNIT 1


    LEARNING OBJECTIVES at the end of this unit the student should:


    PART II VOCABULARY PRACTICE Topic-related vocabulary

    PART III LANGUAGE FOCUS Present Tense Simple/ Present Tense Continuous

    PART IV Practice



    I. Filling a vacancy: Lead-in activities and reading

    Fill in the following words in the gaps in the text below:

    A. Applicant application application form apply candidate curriculum vitae or CV (Br. E.) or rsum (US) employment agencies interview job description job vacancies references short-listed

    Many people looking for work read the .. advertised in

    the newspapers by companies and . To reply to an

    have become aware of the procedure both a candidate and an employer have to use in order to get hired or hire new staff

    be able to talk about the possibilities one has when looking for a job using topicrelated vocabulary

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    advertisement is to for a job. (You become a . or an). You write an , or fill in the companys , and send it, along with your and a

    covering letter. You often have to give the names of the two people who

    are prepared to write for you. If your qualifications and abilities match the might be .,

    that is selected to attend an

    B. When employees give notice, i.e. inform their employer that

    they will be leaving the company (as soon as their contract allows), in what order should the company carry out the following steps?

    1. either hire a job agency (or for a senior post, a firm of headhunters), or advertise the vacancy 2. establish whether there is an internal candidate who could be

    promoted (or moved sideways to the job 3. examine the job description for the post, to see whether it needs to be changed (or indeed, whether the post needs to be filled) 4. follow up the references of candidates who seem interesting 5. invite the short-listed candidates for an interview 6. make a final selection 7. receive applications, curricula vitae and covering letters, and

    make a preliminary selection (a short list) 8. try to discover why the person has resigned

    9. write to all the other candidates to inform them that they have been unsuccessful

    C. Listening (NIB, p23): 1.You will hear David Smyth, the Personnel Manager of a Major European Insurance company, answering questions about the way he interviews and selects candidates.

    In the first extract he talks about the four points listed below. Listen

    and number them in the order in which he mentions them. a the mistakes a candidate can make at an interview

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    b the qualities a candidate must have

    c his advice to interviewees

    d the kinds of things a candidate is expected to know

    Listen again and make notes on each point. 2. In the second extract, David Smyth talks about the stages of an interview. Listen to what he says and complete the following chart.

    1 Interviewer is informed that the candidate has arrived







    D. This is part of a report that a personnel manager wrote after

    interviewing a candidate for the position of Director of Software

    Development. Pay attention to the use of the present tense simple and

    present tense continuous

    INTERVIEW ASSESSMENT: Articulate (coherent) and well presented, Paul Sutherland is an excellent candidate for the post of Director of Software development. He wants to

    leave his present employer, a small computer company because he feels

    that he does not use his knowledge of software engineering to the full.

    He is looking for a more challenging position where his field of specialization can be exploited in a more stimulating environment. He

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    realizes that our company is growing rapidly, and that he would be

    expected to contribute to that growth. He is familiar with our existing

    range of software and regularly reads our publications. Although at

    present he is living in the south, he says that he is willing to go wherever

    we decide to send him. He occasionally travels to various European countries for trade fairs and exhibitions and enjoys meeting people of different nationalities. At the moment he is attending a training course at

    the Goethe Institute in order to perfect his German.

    Personnel Manager

    27 January 2000

    II. Build your vocabulary

    A. Complete the sentences with a suitable item from the box:1

    applicant a covering letter a headhunter a probationary period a vacancy financial package a reference interview

    resume a shortlist

    1. The starting salary of the successful .........................will be decided on the basis of qualifications and experience.

    2. The usual American English word for CV is

    3. Our company has .for a graduate in economics.

    4. Applicants will be called for ..between 10

    and 16 April. 5. We ask all our new employees to work . of between one and three months.

    6. The interview panel will draw up of only five candidates.

    7. Please send ..together with your CV.

    1 Rogers, John, Market Leader, workbook, pp. 32-33, Longman, Pearson Education Limited, 2005.

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    8. It is usual to ask your previous employer for when

    you apply for a job. 9. For high performers, a good is not all that matters. They need a challenge as well. 10. They hired to attract some executives from a rival company.

    III. Language focus: Present simple/ Present Continuous

    Present Tense Simple


    Affirmative: I work at a hotel. Negative: I do not work (dont) You work You do not work

    He/She/It works He/she /it does not

    We work We do not work.

    You work You do not work They work. They do not work.

    Interrogative: Do I work

    Do you work?

    Does she work?.....


    It is used for permanent states, repeated actions and daily routines.

    Ex: He works at a hotel (permanent state) He meets the sales reps every Thursday. (daily routine/repeated actions) For general truths and laws of nature: Water boils at 100 C.

    For timetables (planes, trains, etc.) and programmes; The plane to London takes off at 6:50 am.

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    The present simple is used with the following time expressions:

    usually (de obicei); generally (n general), often (adesea), always (ntotdeauna), never (niciodat), everyday (n fiecare zi), every year, on Thursday, at night (noaptea), in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening (dimineaa, la prnz, seara). If the adverb is negative, the verbal form will be positive. We never

    have a rest in the afternoon.

    Third person sg. spelling peculiarities: General rule; verb + s: set- sets

    Verbs that end in: ss, sh, ch, x, ob + es: scratches, fixes, misses

    Verbs that end in vowel + y add s: say-says Verbs that and in consonant + y change the y into i and add es: try - tries

    Present Tense Continuous Forms:

    Affirmative: I am working at a hotel these days. Negative: I

    am not working (Im not) You are working You are

    not working He/She/It is working He/she /it is not working

    We are working We are not


    You are working You are

    not working

    They are working They are

    not working.

    Interrogative: Am I working

    Are you working?

    Is she working?.....


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    - For actions taking place now, at the moment of speaking: Sorry,

    Mr Clark cant see you at the moment. Hes talking to a customer.

    - For temporary actions; that is actions that are going on around

    now, but not at the actual moment of speaking. Helen is working hard these days. Right now shes reading a newspaper. (She is not working at the moment of speaking). - with the adverb always, constantly, continually, etc. for actions

    which happen very often, usually to express annoyance, irritation or


    Youre always forgetting to pay the bills.

    - For actions that we have already arranged to do in the near future, especially when the time and place have been decided.

    Theyre moving into their next house next week.

    Melanie is getting married at 3 this afternoon. - To talk about a changing or developing situation or a current trend

    More and more forests are disappearing because of fires.

    Computer games are getting better every year.

    Present participle: spelling peculiarities: General rule: verb+ ing. draw- drawing Verbs that end in ie y +ing lie lying

    Verbs that end in e, give up e and add ing; divediving

    One-syllable verbs that end in vowel + consonant, double the consonant:


    IV. Practice

    A. Read the text below, then use the words given to make

    questions about Pierre.2 My names Pierre Meyer. Im from Luxembourg, and Im an IT

    consultant. I have a passion for anything thats related to computers. I

    graduated in maths and computer science from Imperial College London.

    Since then, Ive been working on a very exciting project in Bulgaria,

    2 Rogers, John, Market Leader, workbook, pp. 32-33, Longman, Pearson Education Limited, 2005.

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    developing new software for a government ministry. In addition, I also

    train the ministry IT staff in the use of new technologies.

    Im going back home in three months time, when the project finishes. Ive just read about an interesting vacancy for an IT job with a famous bank, so Im going to apply. I love what I do because its not only about machines. I work in a team

    most of the time. On top of that, Im also responsible for training a lot of


    1 Pierre/ do/ for a living? .

    Hes an IT consultant.

    2 Where/ from? .

    From Imperial College London.

    3 think/ project in Bulgaria? He says its very exciting

    4 project/ finish? .. In three months time.

    5 job/ only about computers? . No, it isnt. He very often works with


    6 have/ any other responsibilities?

    Yes. He also has to train a lot of


    B. Read the text in exercise A again, then write the questions for

    Pierres answers below. 1. Pierre Meyer.

    2.. From Luxemburg.

    3. In maths and computer science.

    4..................................................... For a government ministry.

    5. The ministry IT staff. 6. When the project finishes.

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    7. An IT job with a bank. 8 Because I work with people,

    not only computers.

    9. Yes. Most of the time.

    C. Match the sentences 1-5 with their uses a)-e).3 a) Permanent facts b) Habits and repeated actions c) Actions in progress at the moment of speaking d) Temporary actions happening around now. e) Current trends and changing situations 1. These days were selling more and more of our products abroad.


    2. Look! Theyre selling malt whisky at 20% discount in duty free! _____

    3. Were selling the new model, but we dont have any stock right now.


    4. We usually sell around 40% of our annual total at Christmas time. ________

    5. We sell a full range of consumer electronics, from TVs to cameras. ________

    D. Decide which order is the most usual, a) or b) 1 a) I every day arrive at the office at about nine. b) Every day I arrive at the office at about nine. 2 a) I always check my email before doing anything else. b) Always I check my email before doing anything else. 3 a) This takes a lot of time usually as I receive so many. b) This usually takes a lot of time as I receive so many. 4 a) Most of the time the emails are not very urgent. b) The emails are most of time not very urgent.

    3 Emmerson, Paul, Business Grammar Builder, pp.12-17 Macmillan, 2002.

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    5 a) I quite often get junk email from companies I dont know about.

    b) I get quite often junk email from companies I dont know about. 6 a) I about once a month delete all my junk email. b) I delete all my junk email once a month.

    E. Jane introduces Claude to Joa in London. Complete the dialogue by putting each of the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the present simple.

    Jane: Claude, (1) .. (you/know) Joa? Joa . (be) from Brazil, but he worked with me in Paris last year. He . (know) a lot about your line of work.

    Claude: Really! Well I (be) very pleased to meet you, Joa.

    Joa: Pleased to meet you Claude.

    Claude: So, what exactly .(you/do) Joa: I .(work) in the oil industry as a market analyst. Claude: Oh, so you . (make) decisions about level of production?

    Joa: No, I . (not make) any decisions really. My job .. (involve) studying market trends and giving advice on levels of production.

    Claude: Still, thats a lot of responsibility. Joa: Well, yes, but Brazil (not/be) a major producer like Saudi Arabia. What about you?

    Claude: I work for a French company that (supply) specialised equipment to the oil industry. We ..(be) one of the biggest companies in our market. Joa: Oh, really? And (you/often/come) to London?

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    Claude: Yes, quite often. My company

    ..(have) an office here. It .(not/ take) long to get here now, if you travel by Eurostar. Could I give you my card?

    F. Complete this newspaper article about the Brazilian company Gerdau by using the words from the list below. Each set of words fills two spaces. is becoming/companies is making/flexible is attracting/attention is approaching/ market share is

    getting/right is raising/plants is beginning/expectations is modernising/law

    Gerdau: a Brazilian success story Gerdau, the Brazilian steel maker, 1a.. one of Latin

    Americas most successful 1b.. . It 2a..

    productivity in its 2b; it 3a the price

    and timing of its takeovers of smaller companies 3b and, most important, it 4a. to understand investors

    4b. . Investors want a firm thats focused and

    transparent, with a simple share structure, and thats exactly what

    Gerdau gives them. The only problem in the short term is a problem of success. Gerdau

    5a a 50% 5b in its domestic market, and so it 6a the 6b .of Cade, the monopolies authority.

    These days its much easier to do business in Brazil. The government is simplifying the company-tax structure, it

    7a.the labour market more.7b

    by changing the restrictive labour laws, and it.8a

    company8b in general.

  • Raluca STOICA

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    G. Complete the sentences by putting the verbs in brackets into the

    present simple or present continuous.

    1. I . (look at) the details on the screen right now. 2. I . (look at) the sales results in detail every month.

    3. The production line .. (not, work) at weekends. 4. The production line (not, work) at the moment. 5. Yes, I agree. I .(think) its a good idea. 6. I . (think) about it. Ill let you know tomorrow. 7. Helen ..(stay) at the Astoria while shes in Madrid this month.

    8. Helen . (stay) at the Astoria when shes in Madrid. 9. We ..(take) a sample for testing once a day. 10. We ..(take) a big risk if we go ahead with the project. 11. They. (be) usually very flexible if we need to change the order.

    12. They . (be) flexible about giving us credit for a few more months.

    H. Read about Celines daily routine and make sentences, as in the

    example. Then, talk about your daily routine using adverbs of frequency.

    Morning: - usually wake up at 7

    - always drive to work - normally get to work by 9 Evening: - usually have dinner at 6 - often watch TV

    - never go to bed before 11

    I. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense:

    Maggie and Jill, two friends, are talking at a party.

    M: Jill, how nice to see you. I (not think) weve seen each other since that party at Jims last year. How.. (you/get on)?

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    J: Oh, fine. Everything .. (go) very well. M: .. (you still/go out) with Dave? J: No, Im not, but I .(go out) with someone called Jamie: I met him at my pottery class.

    M: Is he here now?

    J: Yes look, hes over there. He (talk) to Charlotte. M: Oh, yes, I. (see) him. . (he/wear) a yellow jumper? J: Yes, thats him.

    M: Oh, he (look) really nice. J: He is. Ill introduce you to him when he (come) over here. So what about you? How ..(life/treat) you? M: Not too badly. I . (still/ work) at that awful caf. I. keep looking for other jobs but the problem is that I . (feel) so tired when I.(get in) that I(not have) much energy to look through all the job ads and everything. Oh well, I .. (suppose) something else will come up soon.

    J: I.. (hope so). Oh look, Jamie.(come over) here.

    . (you/want) to meet him? Oh, yes.

    SELF-EVALUATION TEST: 1. Cross out the item which does not normally go with the key word. a) an interview: to call for, to hold, to carry out, to apply b) a post: to shortlist, to take up, to appoint somebody to c) applicants: to interview, to reject, to advertise, to shortlist d) ones CV: to fill up, to submit, to update, to send e) a contract: to sign, to terminate, to enter into, to work f) a salary: to earn, to pay, to receive, to submit 2. Read the texts and put the verbs in brackets into the present

    simple or the present continuous.

  • Raluca STOICA

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    a) Michael McIntosh ..(be) a very busy man. Every morning, he (leave) home at 8 oclock, and (go) to his office. He .(usually/have) meetings until lunchtime, and in the afternoon, he (often/visit) the people of Madewell. He really(enjoy) talking to people. At the moment, he and his team .(organize) his election campaign. There are elections in June and he .(hope) to persuade lots of people to vote for him.

    Next month, he .(go) to London to meet the Prime Minister. They ..(have) a meeting to discuss future plans for Madewell.

    b) Debbie ..(work) as an administrator at the university. She ..(organize) all the timetables and teaching schedules. She ..(work) very long hours at the moment because its the start of the academic year but she .(go) on a short holiday at the end of the month.

    c) Simon and Sylvia ..(stay) in a cottage in the Yorkshire Dales this month. The cottage(belong) to a cousin of Sylvias but the cousin is away: she(cycle) around Norfolk for a few weeks. Simon and Sylvia often (use) the cottage when Sylvias cousin is away. They really.(enjoy) being in the middle of the countryside.

    Answers to the self-evaluation test: 1. a) to apply; b) to shortlist; c) to advertise; d) to fill up; e) to work; f) to submit 2. a) is; leaves; goes; has, visits, enjoys; are organizing; hopes; goes; have

    b) works; organizes; is working; is going

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    Ciuciuc, Olea, English for Business Purposes, Teora, Bucureti 1999. Emmerson, Paul, Business Grammar Builder, Macmillan, 2002. Evans V. , Grammarway 4, Express Publishing House, 1999. Evans V. , Grammarway 3, Express Publishing House, 1999. Paidos, Constantin, Gramatica limbii engleze, Institutul European, 1993. Pile, Louise, Intelligent Business, workbook, Pearson Education Limited, 2005. Tullis, G., New Insights into Business, Express Publishing House, 2004. Turcu, Fulvia, Limba englez pentru ntreprinztori i oameni de afaceri, Editura Sagittarius Iai, 1991.

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    LEARNING OBJECTIVES at the end of this unit the student should:


    PART II VOCABULARY PRACTICE Topic-related vocabulary

    PART III LANGUAGE FOCUS Present Perfect Simple/ Present Perfect Continuous



    D. The Curriculum Vitae


    The CV (resume) is an OUTLINE of all you have to offer a prospective employer. It is a presentation of your qualifications, your background,

    and your experiences, arranged in such a way as to convince a businessperson to grant you an interview. It is the first impression you make on an employer. For that reason, it must look professional and

    exemplify those traits you want the employer to believe you possess.

    have become aware of the procedure both a candidate and an employer have to use in order to get hired or hire new staff

    be able to talk about the possibilities one has when looking for a job using topicrelated vocabulary

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    Study the CV carefully to see how Fiona Scott has presented the

    information about herself. Where do you think each of the headings

    should be placed? Are CVs in your country presented differently?

    References Activities Personal Details Education

    Skills Professional experience


    Fiona Scott 52 Hanover Street Edinburgh EH2 5LM

    Scotland Phone: 0131 449 01237 E-mail:


    1991-1992 London Chamber of Commerce and Industry Diploma in Public Relations

    1988-1991 University of London BA (Honours) in Journalism and Media Studies (Class II)

    1981-1988 Broadfield School, Brighton A levels in German (A), English (B), History (B) and Geography (C)


    1995-present Public Relations Officer, Scottish Nature Trust Responsible for researching and writing articles on all aspects of the Trusts activities and ensuring their distribution to the press Editor of the Trusts monthly journal In charge of relations with European environmental agencies 1992-1995 Press Officer, highlands Tourist Board Preparation of promotional materials and brochures Co-ordination of media coverage Summers of The Glasgow Tribune newspaper 1990 and 1991 Two three-month training periods as assistant to the Sorts Editor Arranging and conducting interviews Preparation of articles covering local community sports events


    IT Office 2000 and windows NT, Excel, Internet, Powerpoint Languages Fluent German and proficient in French Additional Driving licence (car and motorcycle)

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    Skiing, rock climbing, swimming Ski Instructor (grade II) Secretary of the local branch of Action, an association organizing sports activities for disabled children


    Geoffrey Williams Brenda Denholm Professor of Jouranlism Sports Editor University of London The Glasgow Tribune Tel.: (office) Tel.: (office) Address: (office) Address: (office)

    E. The Letter of application

    REMEMBER: A letter of application is a sales letter in which you are both a salesperson and a product, for the purpose of an application is to attract an employers attention and persuade him/her to grant you an interview. To do this, the letter presents what you can offer the employer rather than what you want from the job. Like a CV, it is a sample of your work; and it is, as well, an opportunity to demonstrate, not just talk about, your skills and personality. If it is written with flair and understanding and prepared with professional care, it is likely to hit its mark.

    52 Hanover Street Edinburgh EH2 5LM

    UK 8th January 2000

    Natalie Baudoin Patagonia Gmbh Reitmorstrasse 50 8000 Munich 22 Germany

    Dear Ms Baudoin, I am writing to apply for the position of Public Affairs Associate which was advertised last month in the Independent.

    Although I am presently employed by a non-profit making organization, it has always been my intention to work in a commercial environment. I have been working for this organization for five years but I would

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    particularly welcome the chance to become a member of your companys staff as I have long admired both the quality of the products that it provides and its position as a defender of environmental causes. As you will notice on my enclosed CV, the job you are offering suits both my personal and professional interests.

    My work experience has familiarized me with many of the challenges involved in public relations today. I am sure that this, together with my understanding of the needs and expectations of sport and nature enthusiasts, would be extremely relevant to the position. Moreover, as my mother is German, I am fluent in this language and would definitely enjoy working in a German speaking environment.

    I would be pleased to discuss my curriculum vitae with you in more detail at an interview. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact me if you require further information. I look forward to hearing from you.

    Yours sincerely, Fiona Scott

    II. Useful language:

    Letters of application:

    To begin letters: I am writing to apply for the position/ position

    of.. advertised in yesterdays

    I am writing in connection with /with regard to the vacancy in your Sales Department, as advertised in The Times on/of 14th


    Experience / qualifications: I am currently/ At present I am employed/

    working as

    I was employed as (position) by (company) from (date) to (date) During this time, I held the position of. /was responsible for. My duties included

    I have received training in../completed an apprenticeship, etc.

    My qualifications include/I am presently studying/ attending a


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    I am due to take my final examinations in June

    I have /hold/ obtained/was awarded a degree/diploma/certificate in

    I have successfully/recently/completed a course in (subject) at (place) To end letters: I enclose/ please find enclosed my CV/references from. I would appreciate a reply at your earliest convenience/ as soon as


    I would be available for an interview at any time/ until the end of June/


    I would be pleased/ happy to supply you with any further

    information/details.. Please contact me should you have any questions/queries.

    III. Language focus:

    Present Perfect Simple and Continuous Present Perfect Simple:

    Affirmative: S+ have/has+ Past Participle; Negative: S+ have/has + not + Past Participle

    I have (Ive) arrived I have not arrived (havent) You have arrived You have not arrived

    He/ she/ it has arrived He/she/it has not arrived We have arrived We have not arrived You have arrived You have not arrived

    They have arrived They have not arrived

    Interrogative: Have I arrived?

    Have you arrived? Has he/she/it arrived?

    The past participle: the past participle of the regular verbs is formed by adding ed to the short infinitive form of the verb: play-played

    Spelling rules:

    - verbs that end in e drop the e: to translate- translated;

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    - one-syllable verbs that end in short vowel + consonant double the

    final consonant: to stop stopped;

    - The plurisyllabic verbs that end in short vowel+ consonant double

    the final consonant only if the accent falls on the last syllable: To prefer preferred; - verbs that end in l double the final consonant regardless of the

    accent: to travel-travelled;

    - verbs that end in consonant +y, -y changes into i: to try- tried

    - verbs that end in vowel +y, y remains unchanged; to play- played

    The ending ed is read

    - /d/ after vocalic and consonant sounds: played /pleid/ closed;

    opened; moved; lived - /t/ after voiceless consonant sounds; dressed; washed; asked;

    watched; stopped

    - /id/ after the sounds /t/ si /d/: translated USE:

    For an action which started in the past and continues up to the

    present, especially with state verbs such as be, have, like, know, etc. In this case we often use for and since. Rachel has had this job for three years. For and action which has recently finished and whose result is visible in the present

    She has just washed her hair. (She has now wrapped her hair in towel, so the action has finished). For an action which happened at an unstated time in the past. The exact time is not mentioned because it is either unknown or unimportant.

    The emphasis is placed on the action.

    The Taylors have bought a sailing boat. (The exact time is unknown or unimportant. What is important is the fact that they now own a sailing

    boat.) He has broken his arm.

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    For an action which has happened within a specific period which

    is not over at the moment of speaking. We often use words and expressions such as: today, this morning, afternoon, week, month, year


    She has received three faxes this morning. (it is still morning) She received three faxes this morning (it is afternoon or evening)

    Present Perfect Continuous Affirmative: S + have been/has been + V-ing

    I have been writing since 2 oclock in the morning. She has been writing since 2 oclock in the morning.

    Negative: S + have+ not+ been+ V-ing

    I have not been writing (havent been) since 2 oclock in the morning. She has not been writing since 2 oclock in the morning.

    Interrogative: Have+ S + been + V-ing

    Have you been writing?

    Has she been writing?


    - To put emphasis on the duration of an action which started in the

    past and continues up to the present, especially with time expressions

    such as: for, since, all morning/ day Sarah has been picking vegetables for two hours.

    - For an action which started in the past and lasted for some time.

    The actions may have finished or may still be going on. He is dirty. He has been playing football.

    - To express anger, irritation or annoyance.

    Somebody has been giving away our plans.

    Note: With the verbs live, work, teach and feel (=have a particular emotion) we can use the present perfect or present perfect continuous with no difference in meaning. We have lived/ have been living here for twenty years.

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    - Both Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous are used

    with the following time expressions:

    How long

    How long have you known Jack?

    How long have you been learning English?


    I have known Jack for five years.

    I havent seen Emily for a long time.

    Since They have been married since last April.

    Lately/recently Have you seen any good films lately/recently?

    - Urmatoarele adverbe si locutiuni adverbiale sint specifice

    timpului Present Perfect

    Already We have already seen this film.


    Has Roger left yet? Simon has not finished yet.

    Just I have just phoned Bill. Always She has always loved animals.


    Have you ever been abroad?

    Never She has never been to France.

    So far I have sent twenty invitations so far.

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    IV. Practice

    A. Complete the sentences by putting the verbs into a form of the present perfect. Use contractions where possible. 1. Are you sure it isnt working? .(you/try) it? 2. I (never/see) such a boring presentation. 3. Luckily, our customers ..(not/complain) about the price rise.

    4. We .(already /spend) quite a lot of money on this project. 5. ..(they/reply) to your last email? 6. I .(not/get) the figures to hand can I call you back later?

    7. Unemployment ..(go/up) by 2% since January. 8. Im sorry, shes not here. She.. (just/leave). 9. Their shares ..(fall) by 15% since the merger. 10. (you/ever/take) the Eurostar to Brussels?

    B. Underline the correct tense: 1. Liz and I are good friends. We know/have known each other for four


    2. Sarah is very tired. She has been working/is working hard all day.

    3. Where is John? Hes upstairs. He does/is doing homework. 4. I cant go to the party on Saturday. I am leaving/have been leaving for

    Spain on Friday night. 5. Jane has finished/is finishing cleaning her room, and now she is going out with her friends.

    6. I didnt recognize Tom. He looks/is looking so different in a suit. 7. I dont need to wash my car. Jim washes/has washed it for me already.

    8. Ian has been talking/is talking to his boss for an hour now.

    9. Claires train arrives/has arrived at 3 oclock. I must go and meet her at the station.

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    10. Would you like to borrow this book? No. thanks. I have read/have

    been reading it before.

    11. Where are you going/do you go? To the cinema. Would you like to

    come with me?

    12. Have you seen my bag? I am searching/have been searching for it all morning.

    13. Is Colin here? I dont know. I havent seen/havent been seeing him

    all day.

    14. Sophie is very clever. She is speaking/speaks seven different languages.

    15. We are moving/have moved house tomorrow. Everything is packed.

    C. You are writing a letter to a friend. In the letter you give news about yourself and other people. Use the words given to make sentences. Use the present perfect.

    Dear Chris,

    Lots of things have happened since I last wrote to you. 1 I/buy/ a new car.. 2 my father/ start/a new job.. 3 I give up/smoking..

    4 Charles and Sarah/go/to Brazil.

    5 Suzanne/have/a baby.. D. You are asking somebody questions about things he or she has

    done. Make questions from the words in brackets. 1. (ever/ride/horse?) . 2. (ever/be/California?) . 3. (ever/run/marathon?) 4. (ever/speak/famous person?) .. 5. (always /live/in this town?) 6. (most beautiful place/ever/visit?) ..

    E. Read the situations and complete the sentences:

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    1. The rain started two hours ago. Its still raining now.

    Itfor two hours.

    2. We started waiting for the bus 20 minutes ago. Were still waiting

    now. We..for 20 minutes. 3. I started Spanish classes in December. Im still learning Spanish now. since December.

    4. Ann began looking for a job six months ago. Shes still looking now. ..for six months.

    5. Mary started working in London on 18 January. Shes still working there now. .. since 18 January.

    6. Years ago you started writing to a pen friend. You still write to each other regularly now. We for years.

    F. Read the situations and write two sentences using the words in

    brackets. 1. Tom started reading a book two hours ago. He is still reading it and

    now he is on page 53. (read/for two hours) (read/53 pages so far)

    2. Linda is from Australia. She is travelling round Europe at the moment.

    She began her tour three months ago.

    (Travel/for three months) She (visit/six countries so far)

    3. Jimmy is a tennis player. He began playing tennis when he was ten

    years old. This year he is national champion again- for the fourth time.

    (Win/the national championship again for the fourth time) (play/tennis since he was ten).

    4. When they left college, Mary and Sue started making films together. They still make films.

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    (Make/ten films since they left college) They.. (Make/ films since they left college).

    G. Read this text about the performance of the Ford car company. Complete the text with the verbs from the list below, using the present perfect. make fall launch be have cut withdraw

    spend take perform

    FORD: the road to recovery Although Ford.operating profits of over $7 billion in its American market this year, the story in Europe

    very different. Its market share

    ..from 12% six years ago to only 9% now. The truth is that rivals like Volkswagen and Renault much better over recent years. They ..costs and

    .exciting and successful new models. In contrast,

    Ford ..its large saloon, the Scorpio, which was

    not selling well. But Ford .a lot more success at the higher end of the market. Over the last few years it .a lot of money buying brands such as Jaguar, Aston Martin and Land

    Rover, and these models have much higher profit margins. It

    some time to sort out the problems at Jaguar in particular, but its

    now a successful part of the business.


    A. For each situation, ask a question using the words in brackets. 1. You have a friend who is learning Arabic. You ask:

    (how long/learn/Arabic?) How long have you been learning Arabic? 2. You have just arrived to meet a friend. She is waiting for you. You ask:

    (how long/ wait?)

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    3. You see somebody fishing by the river. You ask:

    (How many fish/catch?) 4. Some friends of yours are having a party next week. You ask:

    (how many people/invite?).. 5. A friend of yours is a teacher. You ask: (how long/teach). 6. You meet somebody who is a writer. You ask: (how many books/write?) (how long/write/books) 7. A friend of yours is saving money to go on holiday. You ask:

    (how long/save?). (how much money/save?). B. Put the sentences in the right order, and then rewrite the letter.

    Dear Mrs. Hunter,

    A. I enclose a reference from my present employer and I would be grateful if you would consider my application. B. I have been working for Margate Education Department since 1999. C. With reference to your advertisement in Thursdays edition of the Daily Star, I am interested in applying for the position of Primary school teacher. D. I am available for an interview any weekday morning. E. During this time, I have enjoyed teaching a variety of subjects, including English, General Science and Games. F. I completed my certificate in Education at Preston Teacher Training College in 1998. G. I look forward to hearing from you. H. I consider myself to be punctual, hard-working and fair. I. I am 28 years old and currently teaching at Margate. I have a BSc degree awarded by Glasgow University in 1997 J. I enjoy working with children and have good organizational skills.

    Yours sincerely, Steven Davies

    Answers to the self-evaluation test A. 2) How long have you been waiting?; 3) How many fish have you caught? 4) How many people have you invited? 5) How long have you been teaching? 6) How many books have you

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    written?/ How long have you been writing books? 7) How long have you been saving? / How much money have you saved?


    Dear Mrs Hunter,

    With reference to your advertisement in Thursdays edition of the Daily Star, I am interested in applying for the position of Primary school teacher.

    I am 28 years old and currently teaching at Margate. I have a BSc degree awarded by Glasgow University in 1997. I completed my certificate in Education at Preston Teacher Training College in 1998.

    I have been working for Margate Education Department since 1999. During this time, I have enjoyed teaching a variety of subjects, including English, General Science and Games.

    I consider myself to be punctual, hard-working and fair. I enjoy working with children and have good organizational skills.

    I enclose a reference from my present employer and I would be grateful if you would consider my application. I am available for an interview any weekday morning.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

    Yours sincerely Steven Davies

    TEST: recruitment procedure and recruitment file (CV and letters of application) A. Write your Cv using the Europass template B. Read the advertisement and complete the following recruitment


    JOB SPECIFICATION 1 Company 5 Salary 2 Location.. 6 Benefits.. 3 Position 7Contact 4 Duties.

    PERSON SPECIFICATION 8Essential 9Desirable

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    SALES NEGOTIATOR What price sales success? Dealing in the oil and fuels market is a high-powered activity, and Texaco Fuel and Marine Marketing is a major player within it. We deliver bunker fuels to ports worldwide, negotiating the sales of many

    millions of barrels of fuels each year.

    So our small team is critical to profitability. Negotiating spot

    sales- both prices and volumes with ship owners and shipping lines is exceptionally competitive. It calls for a clear head and keen commercial

    acumen. And since youll be working under pressure and rapidly changing conditions, youll need to be capable of rapid decision-making.

    Most important is that you are a gifted communicator. Someone capable

    of both information gathering and communicating at all levels and with a wide variety of customers, both in the UK and abroad.

    Obviously a strong sense of geography is valuable and both a

    European language and a background in the oil and marine industries

    would be useful though not essential. The key qualities are an eye for a deal, good telephone skills and the ability to work well within a team environment.

    The price of achievement is high. For the right individual we offer

    a competitive salary and an attractive benefits package which includes a

    share option scheme as well as the prospect for career advancement within this world-leading oil company.

    We are currently based in Knightsbridge but we are moving to brand new custom-designed offices in Westferry Circus, Canary Wharf.

    These offices will be part of one of the highest developments of its kind

    in Europe and will be linked to other centres in London by greatly improved road and rail transport.

    To apply, please write to Peter Sweetman, Human Resources

    Adviser, Texaco Limited, 1 Knightsbridge Green, London SW1X7QJ.

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    Write a letter of application to apply for the job advertised in the text above.

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    UNIT 3


    LEARNING OBJECTIVES at the end of this unit the student should:


    PART II VOCABULARY PRACTICE Topic-related vocabulary

    PART III LANGUAGE FOCUS Past Tense Simple/ Past Tense Continuous



    I. Reading session:

    By following their self-own interest in open and competitive markets,

    consumers, producers and workers are led to use their economic

    resources in ways that have the greatest value to the national economy

    at least in terms of satisfying more of peoples wants. The first person

    to point out this fact in a systematic way was the Scottish philosopher

    Adam Smith, who published his most famous book An Inquiry into the

    Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, in 1776. Smith was the first great classical economist, and among the first to describe how an economy based on a system of market could promote economic

    be able to distinguish between the concepts of market economy and planned economy to debate upon the advantages and disadvantages of the two types of economies

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    efficiency and individual freedom, regardless of whether people were

    particularly industrious or lazy.

    Smith argued that if people are naturally good and kind, a market

    economy offers them a great deal of economic freedom to carry out their good deeds, backed up by an efficient system of production which generates more material goods and services for them to use in doing

    those good works. But what if people are selfish, greedy or lazy?

    Anyone who wants to enjoy more of the material goods and services produced in a market economy faces strong economic incentives to work hard, spend carefully, save and invest. And most successful businesses

    have to produce good products, sell them at market prices, pay their employees market wages, and treat their customers courteously even if

    that isnt their natural way of doing things.

    The basic reason for that kind of change in some peoples behaviour is competition. As Adam Smith pointed out, when there are several butcher

    shops in a community, any butcher who is rude or tries to sell inferior

    meat at unreasonable prices soon looses business and income to other

    butcher shops. () the more a greedy or selfish butcher wants to enjoy a higher standard of living, the more he or she will try to meet the competition and build up a large base of satisfied customers. Or, as

    Smith described this feature of market economies, people are led: as if

    by an invisible hand to work and behave in ways that use resources

    efficiently, in terms of producing things that other people want and are willing to pay for, even though that may have not been part of their

    original intentions.

    One other factor must be at work for Smiths invisible hand to function

    properly: the butcher must own or rent the shop, so that he or she has the

    rights to its profits. Without this right to private property and to the profits it brings, the invisible hand of competition will not motivate

    business to offer the best and most varied products at reasonable prices.

    By decentralizing the control of economic resources letting individual

    producers decide what and how to produce to satisfy their customers competition and self interest insure that most resources available in a

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    market economy are used efficiently, which is to say in their most

    valuable uses as directed by what consumers demand and buy.

    II. Build your vocabulary

    A. Find words in the text that have the same meaning as the

    following ones: To warrant; hard-working; avaricious; thoroughly; well-known; to

    benefit; wisely; to put aside; income; characteristic; to provide; B. Answer the following questions: 1. Who wrote An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations? 2. What is the role of competition in a market economy?

    3. Can you name the main features that make a market economy different from a command one?

    C. Match the words in column A with their definitions in column B. 1. subsidy a. The state of a company

    which is unable to pay its debts and has to be wound up. (to wind up= a lichida firma, compania)

    2. overstaffing b. Inability to find a job 3. unemployment c. A component of the market

    forces which when it prevails

    makes prices of goods rise.

    4. supply d. A payment by a government to producers of

    certain goods to enable them to sell their products at a low price.

    5. demand e. Rights over property.

    6.ownersship f. Employment of personnel in excess of the real


    7. bankruptcy g. A component of the

    market forces which when it

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    prevails makes prices of

    goods fall.

    D. Read the following text and make a list of the features specific for

    each type of economy

    The Free enterprise system has the following features:

    1. Private ownership. Any of us can purchase

    whatever tools of production, equipment, buildings or

    stock are needed to carry on business or for other private purposes. We can buy sell these assets just as we like. 2. Freedom of choice. By freedom of choice we mean you are free to

    choose your own job or to decide what goods and services you should buy. Businesses or enterprises have a similar freedom. They may buy

    whatever resources they wish, use them however they want to, enter

    those markets which they believe to be most profitable, and generally

    organise their affairs as they think best. 3. Competition. Firms compete with one another for their business;

    moreover, having obtained it, they cannot even then be sure of it for the future. Firms have to ensure that they provide goods and services that the

    consumer likes at prices that are competitive and, if they do not, they

    will very quickly go out of business!

    4. Free market. Capitalisms controlling mechanism is the market,

    and traditionally the Government plays a passive role-not interfering. It is in the free market- in which businesses and individuals buy and sell

    goods and services that prices are determined.

    Central Planning was a concept developed by Marx. Horrified by social injustice and the degradation of the worker caused by the 19th century British factory system, he argued that the only remedy was control by the State. Such a system was called a command economy, because there was

    lack of choice. The State owned the countrys resources, it owned and operated industry. The individual was subservient to the State which

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    took decisions in what it perceived to be the best interest of the whole

    community. The State rather than the consumer was sovereign and

    decided what and how to produce the goods and services, and moreover,

    who should receive these goods and services.

    The Mixed Economy All economies are, in fact, a mixture of the free enterprise and the

    planned systems. In the United Kingdom central planning assumes more

    importance when a socialist rather than Conservative Government is in

    power. Again, the UK was, during the Second World War, one of the most highly planned economies ever seen.

    The UK and France are often cited as examples of the mixed economies. While many of the decisions relating to what goods and services should

    be produced, how they should be produced and who should receive them

    are decentralised, the State does intervene in many ways. (The Structure of Business, Pitman, 1990, pp 3-7, in Ciuciuc, Olea, English for Business Purposes, Teora, Bucureti 1999) E. D. Fill in the gaps with words from the list at the end of the text.

    A market economy is based on private .. (1) in contrast to planned economy where ..(2) ownership prevails. In a free market economy efficiency is the key word, while on the other hand command economy most likely leads to .. (3). In a free market economy inefficient business go (4), whereas in a command economy business are . (5), thus allowing them to survive in spite of their non-satisfactory economic performance. This enables the latter type of economy to resort to . (6), that is employing more personnel than actually required. Market economy leads to high .(7) of goods and services, while on the other hand planned economy will not focus on offering high quality goods and services to .. (8). This is due to the fact that in the latter type of economy there is actually no .. (9), as there are state (10) and therefore the options of the customers are severely restricted. On the other hand in a market economy companies freely (11) for a larger .(12), and are thus forced to be

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    efficient and employ .. (13) according to real necessities and (14) their resources with utmost care.

    bankrupt, compete, competition, customers, inefficiency, manage, monopolies, overstaffing, ownership, quality, share, staff, state, subsidized.

    E. Collocations. Match collocations with the suitable definitions. 1. a bear market; 2 a bull market; 3 a falling market; 4 a rising market; 5 a firm market; 6 a depressed market; 7 a sluggish market. a. a market where there are few transactions and therefore prices go down; b. where prices are expected to rise; c. where there is a slow rate of activity;

    d. a market in which a dealer is more likely to sell securities, foreign exchange

    e. where prices do not drop and possibly are about to rise; f. where prices are expected to fall;

    g. in which a dealer is more likely to be a buyer than a seller.4

    IV. Focus on Language:

    A. Past Tense Simple (Trecutul Simplu)

    1. Adam Smith published his most famous book An Inquiry into the

    Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, in 1776. 2. Smith was the first great classical economist.

    Forms: the past tense of the regular verbs is built by adding ed to the short infinitive form of the verb. The past tense of the irregular verbs (2nd form of the verb) can be found in the table below Affirmative: I/ you/ he/ she/ we/ you/ they bought a new car yesterday.

    I/ you/ he/ she/ we/ you/ they watched a comedy last night.

    4 The activities C,D,E, have been taken from the text book Test your Business English Vocabulary, by Alexander

    Hollinger, Teora Publishing House, Bucuresti, 2006.

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    Interrogative: Did I/ you/ he/ she/ we/ you/ they/ buy a new car


    Did I/ you/ he/ she/ we/ you/ they/ watch a comedy last


    Negative: I/ you/ he/ she/ we/ you/ they did not/ didnt buy a new car yesterday.

    I/ you/ he/ she/ we/ you/ they did not/ didnt watch a comedy last night.


    We use the past tense simple to describe actions and states which happened at a definite time in the past. The time is stated, already known

    or implied: yesterday, two days ago (orice combinaie cu ago), last week, last year, in 1970, How long ago?, then, when etc. They spent their holidays in Switzerland last winter.

    They had a great time.

    For actions which happened immediately one after another in the past.

    First I wrote my homework, I watched a film on the TV and then I had a


    To describe habitual actions in the past (can be replaced with used to) People travelled/ used to travel by carriage in those days. 4. To speak about the life and the activity of people who are no longer


    Marilyn Monroe starred in a number of successful films. BUT Tom

    Cruise has starred in a number of successful films.

    The past tense of irregular verbs: spelling rules

    A) verbs that end in e add dbake- baked B) one-syllable verbs that end in vowel+ consonant double the consonant: stop stopped C) verbs that end in consonant+y change the y into and add ed fry- fried

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    D) verbs that end in vowel + y add ed without any other changes: stay- stayed

    Irregular Verbs

    Infinitive Past simple Past participle

    be Was/were been

    beat beat beaten

    become became become

    begin began begun

    bend bent bent

    bet bet bet

    bite bit bitten

    blow blew blown

    break broke broken

    bring brought brought

    build built built

    burn Burnt/burned Burnt/burned

    buy bought bought

    catch caught caught

    choose chose chosen

    come came come

    cost cost cost

    cut cut cut

    do did done

    dream Dreamed/dreamt Dreamed/dreamt

    drink drank drunk

    drive drove driven

    eat ate eaten

    fall fell fallen

    feed fed fed

    fight fought fought

    find found found

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    fly flew flown

    forget forgot forgotten

    forgive forgave forgiven

    freeze froze frozen

    get got got

    give gave given

    go went gone

    grow grew grown

    hang Hung/hanged Hung/hanged

    have had had

    hear heard heard

    hit hit hit

    hold held held

    hurt hurt hurt

    keep kept kept

    know knew known

    lay laid laid

    lead led led

    learn learnt learnt

    leave left left

    lend lent lent

    let let let

    lie lay lain

    lose lost lost

    make made made

    mean meant meant

    meet met met

    pay paid paid

    put put put

    read read read

    ride rode ridden

    ring rang rung

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    rise rose risen

    run ran run

    say said said

    see saw seen

    sell sold sold

    send sent sent

    set set set

    shake shook shaken

    shine shone shone

    shoot shot shot

    show showed shown

    shrink shrank shrunk

    shut shut shut

    sing sang sung

    sink sank sunk

    sit sat sat

    sleep slept slept

    smell Smelt/smelled Smelt/smelled

    spend spent spent

    spread spread spread

    stand stood stood

    steal stole stolen

    swear swore sworn

    swim swam swum

    take took taken

    teach taught taught

    throw threw thrown

    understand understood understood

    wake woke woken

    wear wore worn

    win won won

    write wrote written

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    B. Past Tense Continuous:


    Affirmative: I was talking

    You were talking

    He/ She was talking

    Negative: I was not talking (wasnt) You were not talking

    He/she was not talking Interrogative: Was I talking?

    Were you talking?

    Were they talking?


    For an action which was in progress at a stated time in the past. We do not mention when the action started or finished. At seven oclock yesterday evening they were having dinner.

    For an action which was in progress when another action

    interrupted it. We use the past continuous for the action in progress

    (longer action) and the past simple for the action which interrupted it (shorter action). He was walking down the street when he ran into an old friend.

    For two or more simultaneous past actions.

    She was talking on her mobile phone while she was driving to work.

    To describe the atmosphere, setting, etc. in the introduction to a story before we describe the man events.

    One beautiful autumn afternoon, Ben was strolling down a quiet country

    lane. The birds were singing and the leaves were rustling in the breeze. The past continuous is used with the following time expressions: while, when, as, all morning/ evening/day/ night, etc.

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    V. Practice:

    A. Read what Sharon says about a typical working day:

    I usually get up at 7 oclock and have a big breakfast. I walk to work, which takes me about half an hour. I start work at 8.45. I never have lunch. I finish work at 5 oclock. Im always tired when I get home. I usually cook a meal in the evening. I dont usually go out. I go to bed at

    about 11 oclock. I always sleep well.

    Yesterday was a typical working day for Sharon. Write what she did or didnt do yesterday.

    1. She . at 7 o clock. 2. She. a big breakfast.

    3. She.

    4. Itto get to work.

    5. .at 8.45. 6. ..lunch. 7. .at 5 oclock. 8. . tired when .home.

    9. a meal yesterday evening. 10. ..yesterday evening. 11. 11 oclock.

    12. well last night.

    D. Put one of these verbs in each sentence:

    Buy; catch; cost; drink; fall; hurt; sell; spend; teach; throw; win; write;

    1. Mozart .more than 600 pieces of music. 2. How did you learn to drive? My father . me

    3. We couldnt afford to keep our car, so 4. I was very thirsty. I .the water very quickly.

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    5. Paul and I played tennis yesterday. Hes much better than me, so he easily.

    6. Don.down the stairs this morning and .his leg.

    7. Jimthe ball to Sue, who .it. 8. Ann . A lot of money yesterday. She

    ..a dress which ..$100.

    E. Complete the sentences. Put the verb into the correct form, positive or negative.

    1. It was warm, so I .off my coat. (take) 2. The film wasnt very good. I ... it very much. (enjoy) 3. I knew Sarah was very busy, so I her. (disturb) 4. I was very tired, so I .to bed early. (go) 5. The bed was very uncomfortable. I ..very well (sleep) 6. Sue wasnt hungry, so she anything. (eat) 7. We went to Kates house but she home. (be) 8. It was a funny situation but nobody .. (laugh). 9. The window was open and a bird into the room. (fly) 10. The hotel wasnt very expensive. It very much (cost) 11. I was in a hurry, so I time to phone you. (have) 12. It was hard work carrying the bags. They .

    very heavy. (be) F. Complete the dialogue using the verbs from the list below in the past simple. There is a mixture of affirmative, negative and question form.

    There is one negative question.

    go take think sell like have (x2) make (x2) be (x4) buy

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    DALE: Hi, Jill. You to the Milan fashion Show last

    week, didnt you? . you. a good trip?

    JILL: Yes, it was great.

    DALE: . any useful contacts?

    JILL: Well, there loads of people at the show, and I.a lot of good contacts but we

    .. nearly as many orders as last year.

    DALE: Oh, why was that? they.. our

    new styles?

    JILL: No, no, that ..the problem. The shoes

    ..really well, but we.. so successful with some of our other products, like handbags, for example, and there

    ..much more competition this year.

    DALE: Who from?

    JILL: Well, the Paul Smith stand was really busy.

    DALE: Oh, but his clothes are expensive. Um, (12) people at the show our prices were too high?

    JILL: Possibly. But we the authority to lower them at the time.

    DALE: Oh, what a shame. So it was a waste of a trip then?

    JILL: Well, not exactly.I .. this great pair of Prada shoes

    and this Gucci handbag

    SELF -EVALUATION TEST A. A friend has just come back from holiday. You ask him about it. Write your questions.

    1 (where/go): Where did you go? 2 (go alone). 3 (food/good) 4 (how long/ stay there?) . 5 (stay /at a hotel?) . 6 (how/ travel?) .

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    7 (the weather /fine?) . 8 (what /do in the evenings?) . 9 (meet anybody interesting?) .

    B. Complete the sentences by putting the verbs in brackets into either the past simple or past continuous. Sometimes the same tense is used twice; sometimes different tenses are used. 1. What (eat) when you .. (go) to Paris?

    2. While I . (negotiate) the contract, my boss (phone) me to say that he wanted completely different conditions.

    3. The last time something like this (happen), she ..(call) a press conference immediately. 4. Ann .(explain) her proposal when Pedro ..(interrupt) her. 5. We never got the chance to interview him. While we . (investigate) the incident, he (resign). 6. When he (finish) reading the article, he (give) it to me. 7. Everyone . (wait) for the meeting to begin when he (call) to say that he was stuck in a traffic jam. 8. When I .(clean) the piece I(drop) it by mistake. 9. I . (find) the missing file while I (look) for some other documents. 10. When Tim . (arrive), we .. (tell) him what had happened.

    Answers to the self-evaluation test

    A: 2) Did you go alone?; 3) Was the food good?; 4) How long did you stay there?; 5) Did you stay at a hotel?; 6) How did you travel?;

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    7) Was the weather fine?; 8) What did you do in the evenings?; 9) Did you meet anybody interesting?

    B. 1. did you eat/ went; 2. was negotiating/ phoned; 3. happened/ called; 4. was explaining/ interrupted; 5. were investigating/ resigned; 6. finished/gave; 7. was waiting/ called; 8. was cleaning/ dropped

    C. it ; 9. found/ was looking; 10. arrived; told

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    UNIT 4


    LEARNING OBJECTIVES at the end of this unit the student should:


    PART II VOCABULARY PRACTICE Topic-related vocabulary

    PART III LANGUAGE FOCUS Ways of expressing future


    TIME NEEDED TO COVER THE TOPIC: 2 hours I. Reading session:

    Will inflation remain one of the most intractable problems confronting societies in transition from centralized to free market economies? It will

    be, however, a challenge that such societies must meet if they are to

    enjoy the material benefits that a market economy can provide. Inflation is an increase in the average price level of the goods and services produced and sold in an economy. Inflation typically occurs in a market economy for one of two reasons: either people increase their

    spending faster than producers are able to increase the supply of the

    goods and services; or there is a decrease in the supply of goods and

    services to consumers and/or producers, which drives up prices. Inflation has sometimes been described as an increasing amount of money chasing

    a shrinking number of goods.

    be able to explain in their own words the phenomenon of inflation

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    Inflation hits economies in transition hard because price liberalization

    the removal of government control of prices is an essential step

    towards a market economy. The initial result of such price liberalization

    is predictable a wave of price increases for goods that were in chronic short supply. Why? Because the government held their prices artificially low, so demand perennially outstripped supply, or because of other

    economic distortions and inefficiencies created by government decision-

    makers. In addition, if people are holding large amounts of money at the

    time of this transition (since there was little of value to buy) the pressure of inflation can be even greater.

    Nevertheless, the rewards of enduring the inevitable bout of inflation during this transitional period are substantial. Unfettered by government,

    the market mechanisms of supply and demand will begin to function.

    High prices signal strong demands and the market, albeit slowly and haltingly at first, responds with increased production. Peoples money

    may have lost value, but what money they have is now real and

    consumers can buy the goods that are beginning to appear in stores. With

    supply increasing, prices stabilize and queues begin to disappear as consumers realize that more and varied products will continue to be available for sale.

    Entrepreneurs and investors eager to benefit from the new economic

    freedom are going to start new business and compete to provide goods

    and services. Thus more jobs will be created while prices will moderate further.

    The key element in this transition is for the government to relinquish its

    role in setting prices and permit the market forces of supply and demand

    to establish prices for virtually all goods and services. When such a free

    market is established, inflation may persist, but it is a far more manageable and less threatening problem than in the early, hard days of

    economic transition.

    (What is Market economy, USIS, 1992) MONETARY POLICY

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    Monetary policy is how the government tries to improve the countrys

    economy by using banks and money, acting on the level of deposits and

    loans, and on interest rates and exchange rates.

    As well as keeping inflation low, a government will seek to keep

    unemployment low and output rising. However, it cannot do all three things at the same time. For instance, if it is very successful in lowering

    unemployment, the shortages of workers may cause wages to rise, as

    employers bid for more employees. The workers will spend their

    increased wages in the shops and this may cause prices to rise thereby causing inflation to rise.

    A government may have to choose therefore between these aims or goals. Mrs. Thatchers government (in office between 1979 1990) chose the reduction of inflation as the goal which should be given the

    utmost priority. Unemployment, economic growth and the enormous gap between exports and imports were not considered so important.

    (Banking: The Business, Pitman, 1990, pp. 27-28)

    II. Build your vocabulary: A. Answer the following three questions based on what you have just read.

    What is inflation?

    What causes inflation?

    What is meant by monetary policy?

    B Match the word in column A with their corresponding definitions in column B.

    A B

    a Interest rate 1 The price of one currency in terms of another

    b Exchange rate 2 The quantity of money issued by a countrys

    monetary authorities (usually the central bank) c Currency 3 The expansion of the output of an economy, usually

    expressed in terms of the increase of national income.

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    d GDP(gross domestic product) 4 The monetary value of all the goods and services produced by an economy over a specific period.

    e Recession 5 The income from an investment, or the income obtained from a tax.

    f Economic growth 6 The ability to purchase goods and services

    g Yield 7 The money in use in a particular


    h Purchasing power 8 The amount charged for a loan, usually expressed as a percentage of the sum borrowed

    i Money supply 9 Falling investment, rising unemployment, and sometimes falling prices

    III. Focus on Language: Ways of expressing future

    A. Future Simple:

    Forms: Affirmative: Subject + will + short infinitive of the main verb I will (Ill) buy the red shirt. Negative: Subject + will + not = short infinitive of the main verb I will not buy (I wont) the red shirt. Interrogative: Will + Subject + short infinitive of the main verb Will you come to my party?


    a) In predictions about the future, usually with think; believe; be afraid; probably, etc. E.g. I believe prices will remain steady in the following months.

    b) For on the - spot decisions. E.g. Its late. Ill take a taxi home. Ill lend you my car if you want.

    c) For actions/ events/situations which will definitely happen in the future and which we cannot control.

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    e.g. Winter will set in early this year. He will be 40 next month.

    Be going to:


    a) for plans, intentions or ambitions. e.g. Im going to buy a sports car.

    b) in predictions when there is evidence that something will happen in the near future.

    e.g. Someones going to fall over that box if you dont move it.

    B. To be about to Use:

    a) in reference to the immediate future e.g. he is about to be elected president of the merged company.

    C. To be to


    a) for a previous arrangement e.g. Mother is to arrive tomorrow.

    E. Present Tense Simple: for timetable and official programmes:

    e.g. The train leaves at eight oclock tomorrow morning.

    F. Present Tense Continuous: for a future event which is planned by

    the speaker (the decision is all his/hers) e.g. I am flying to London in order to attend the matches of the national

    football team.

    G. Future Continuous:


    for actions which will be in progress at a stated future time.

    a) Answer the following questions giving as many answers as possible:

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    e.g. This time next week hell be flying to Morocco.

    IV. Practice

    A. match the sentences 1-6 with their uses a)-f) a) a future fact b) an opinion about the future c) an instant decision d) a future plan or intention e) a prediction with evidence in the present situation f) a future arrangement 1. Im going to ask my boss for a pay rise next week. 2. Im sorry to hear that. Ill find out what the problem is right now.

    3. Im sorry, but I wont be here tomorrow. Ill be in Paris.

    4. Im meeting Angela for lunch. Do you want to join us? 5. Their share price will probably rise when the market recovers. 6. With so much competition its going to be difficult to increase sales.

    D. Translate the following sentences into English:

    1. Voi discuta cu reprezentanii departamentului Resurse Umane n

    legatura cu posturile vacante. In mod sigur sptmna viitoare vom da un

    anun la ziar.

    2. Mine ntre orele 8 i 9 voi citi titlurile tuturor publicaiilor financiare care vor fi trimise de ctre sucursala firmei noastre n Cluj. 3. Sptmna viitoare pe vremea asta vom discuta clauzele

    contractului ce va fi ncheiat conform nelegerii noastre pn pe data de

    1 august.

    4. Directorul acestei firme a spus c piaa serviciilor se va dezvolta

    din ce n ce mai mult n Romnia.

    5. Suntem pe punctul de a lua o msur deosebit de importanta referitoare la strategia de dezvoltare a compartimentului de marketing.

    E. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct future tense:

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    1. Are you looking forward to your holiday?

    Oh, yes! This time next week I . (lie) on the beach. 2. Were having a party on Saturday.

    Oh, good. I.. (make) a cake to bring along. 3. Have you finished the report yet? Yes. I . (give) it to you in a minute. 4. Why are you buying all those vegetables?

    Because I .. (make) vegetable soup. 5. This writing is too small for me to read. Give it to me and I it for you.

    6. Are you excited about your trip? Yes. This time tomorrow I . (sit) on the plane. 7. I cant hear the television very well.

    I (turn up) the volume.

    F. Put the verbs in brackets into the future perfect or the future perfect continuous.

    1. By 3 oclock, she .. (study) for six hours. 2. By the end of next month, Sam .. (finish) the project. 3. He. (not/start) painting the kitchen before Tuesday.

    4. By the time she arrives in Paris, she . (travel) for four hours.

    5. I hope I .. (buy) my own house by the time Im thirty-five.

    6. By Saturday, Lisa. (diet) for two weeks. 7. Hopefully, they .. (learn) everything by the time they sit the exam.

    8. By 4 oclock, I in the hairdressers for three


    9. By Christmas, I.. (work) for this company for eighteen months.

    10. By next weekend, Brian (move) house.

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    11. Hopefully, the builders.. (finish) building the house by next month.

    12. By Tuesday, Alan.. (sail) for twelve days.

    G. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct future tense.

    Dear Victoria,

    The holidays are coming and Ive made lots of plans. This time next

    week, I (buy) Christmas presents for my family and friends. I (get) everything in one day, so that I can enjoy myself for the rest of the holidays.

    Im staying at home with my family on Christmas day, but two days later

    I (leave) for Austria. Becky and I (spend) a week there skiing. Im sure we .. (have) a wonderful time. When I come back from Austria, I.. (probably/ have) a party, because its my birthday on January 5th. I . (be) nineteen! I hope you..come.

    Well, I must go now. Im going to help my mother with the housework.

    See you soon!



    F. Underline the correct words in each mini-dialogue.

    1. A: Are you free next Tuesday morning?

    B: Sorry, Ill have/Im having a meeting with Sue.

    A: Oh, right. Well, what about Thursday? 2. A: What are your plans for next year?

    B: Well open/ Were going to open a new factory in Hungary. A: That sounds interesting.

    3. A: What do you think about their new marketing campaign? B: I think itll probably succeed/its probably succeeding.

    A: Do you really?

    4. A: What about tomorrow at around five thirty?

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    B: OK, Ill see you then. / Im seeing you then.

    A: Bye.

    5. A: So as you can see, Ive been thinking about this problem quite a lot.

    B: Yes, I see. So, what are you going to do? / What are you doing?

    A: Resign!

    6. A: It would be nice to see you next week. B: Yes, it would. Are you doing anything/ Will you do anything on Wednesday?

    A: No, Im free.

    G. Complete the sentences by putting the verb in brackets into the most appropriate future form. Choose between will, going to and the

    present continuous.

    1. Have you heard the news? Vivendi (buy) Seagram. 2. I.(meet) Andrea at nine next Thursday morning outside the station. 3. Ive just had a call from Richard he . (be) late. 4. Next year .. (be) the companys centenary year. 5. This taxi driver is terrible. He .(have) an accident. 6. In the future video-conferences . (probably replace) many international meetings. 7. We ..(test) the new machine sometime next week.

    8. I .. (go) to Manchester on Friday. 9. Would you mind waiting for a moment? I .(not be) long.

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    A. Fill in the text with the following words: interest rates, purchasing

    power, competitor, exchange rate, effec

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