ghid tusristic kusadasi

Post on 06-Mar-2015






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1. Informații utile:

Moneda locală - Lira turcească (TRY)

1 lira = 0.46 euro

1 euro = 2.12 TRY

Transport local - Dolmus (mini-bus)

Pentru transportul local, se folosesc minibus-uri (“dolmus’) ce fac

legatura intre plaje, hoteluri si diferite obiective turistice. Dolmus-urile circula

din 30 in 30 de minute, in intervalul orar 07 dimineata – 12 noaptea, iar pretul

lor este in jur de 3 TRY, in functie de destinatia aleasa.

Cazare - All Inclusive

Varianta “all inclusive” este cea mai convenabila si te fereste de cheltuiala

inutila pe la terase, pentru ca ai la hotel tot ce iti trebuie.

Mâncare și băutură - Preț

Apă minerală la 0.20 – 2 TRY.

Înghețată 2-5 TRY.

Bere – 3 TRY.

Kebap – 8 TRY.

Rahat turcesc – 10 TRY.

Masă individuală 14-28 TRY.

Apa de la robinet - Nerecomandată

Apa de la robinet nu este recomandata pentru consum, asadar beti numai

apa imbuteliata. Majoritatea hotelurilor va vor asigura sticle de apa, dar

contracost si numai la cerere. Pretul acestora intre 0.50-1 TRY.


2. Obiective turistice

Orașul antic Efes - 40 Euro


Viziteaza orasul antic Efes si Casa Fecioarei Maria. O vacanta in

Kusadasi nu este completa fara un tur al spectaculoaselor ruine ale orasului antic

Efes si al Casei Fecioarei Maria. Pentru o excursie de o zi in Efes, cu pranzul

inclus, platesti 40 euro.


The history of Ephesus goes back to 3000 BC.  It is one of the most

beatiful ancient cities in the world. It was a pilgrimage centre of  first Cybele 

then Artemis and finally the Virgin Mary.

It was the birthplace of the philosopher  Heraclitus. Amazons, Greeks,

Lydians, Romans and many other civilizations lived and gave traces here. You

should not miss it. And we recommend our private tour of this excellent ancient

city with the Basilica of St John, the House of Virgin Mary and the Temple of


Pamukale - 18 km lângă localitate (40 Euro)


Pamukkale este una dintre cele mai mari minuni naturale ale Turciei.

Marea atractie este o imensa prapastie alba pe ale carei terase se afla bazine de

apa in forma de scoica si cascade inghetate. Arata de parca ar fi facuta din

zapada, din nori sau din bucati de vata – este cu adevarat ceva de neuitat. O

experienta in acelasi timp minunata, dar si ciudata, este sa te plimbi pe marginea

superioara a prapastiei, unde apa minerala care s-a varsat peste margini timp de

secole a lasat cascade albe ca zapada.


An unusual natural and historical site with the sparkling white castle -like

cascades, Pamukkale is one of the most important highlights of Turkey, unique


in the world. The site is named in Turkish as "Pamukkale", that means "cotton

castle", parallel to the glorious and spectacular view of the site. The dazzling

white calcareous castles are formed by limestone-laden thermal springs, creating

the unbelievable formation of stalactites, potholes and cataracts. Waters in the

terraces are the sediments of the springs with calcium bicarbonate in 33C.

Waters, containing mainly calcium salts and carbon-dioxide, run off the

plateau's by depositing calcium while carbon-dioxide disappearing. The

marvelous landscape of Pamukkale has been created by this gradual formation,

leaving a cotton-like image. Located above the theatre of Hierapolis, the mineral

water sources from the thermal springs of Cal Mountain. It is collected in a pool,

known as the "Sacred Pool" of ancient times, where you can swim amidst the

historical remains of Hierapolis. The Sacred Pool is now located inside

Pamukkale Hotel.

The water of Pamukkale is famous for its benefits to the eyes and skin;

and its curing properties to the ills of asthma, rheumatism, as well. The remains

of the ancient Hierapolis are situated on back of the thrilling white terraces,

standing wondrously in the area. The fairyland Pamukkale is a must-see

traveling through this region, during a holiday in Turkey.

Generally, all agencies in Kusadasi provide reasonable packet tours to

Pamukkale by buses with the professional guides. Also, from the bus station of

Kusadasi, there is a variety of buses going to Denizli, that is located 18 km away

from Pamukkale. After reaching to Denizli, you may easily take a minibus to



Nave de croazieră - Kusadasi (Gratuit)

Stai in port si uita-te cum trec navele de croaziera. Sunt o priveliste


Bucătăria Turcească - Kusadasi

Ia masa intr-un restaurant cu specific turcesc pentru a-ti putea face o idee

despre bucataria turca.

Restaurant - Degirmen (Între Kusadasi și Davutlar)

Restaurantul Degirmen, situat pe drumul dintre Kusadasi si Davutlar are

un decor unic de plante luxuriante, un iaz locuit de o multime de rate si un pod

de funie. Pe langa restaurant, complexul mai are o mica gradina zoologica, o

cafenea, o brutarie si multe animale printre care cai, pauni, magari, gaini, capre,

chiar si camile.

Piața din Kusadasi - Grand Bazar

Poti gasi ultimele aparitii in materie de falsuri de bunuri de firma pe care

le poti negocia pana la preturi accesibile. Exista trei piete locale in Kusadasi: in

fiecare marti si vineri se vand legume si fructe, iar in fiecare miercuri haine.


Grand Bazaar se afla in apropierea portului din Kusadasi si este cel mai mare

centru comercial din zona. Important este sa te tocmesti, pentru ca numai astfel

poti plati mai putin de jumatate din pretul cerut initial. Pe langa tocmeala, o

afacere buna este posibila numai daca ai suficienta rabdare sa cauti printre

marfurile expuse. Unele sunt simple kitsch-uri, in timp ce altele sunt produse

bine realizate, care-ti pot fi de folos. Se gasesc aici produse de toate felurile, de

la haine la bijuterii, de la suveniruri pentru turisti la mirodenii, condimente si


Plajele din Kusadasi - Gratuit

Petreceti ziua pe una dintre numeroasele plaje din Kusadasi Ladies Beach,

Long Beach, Silver Sands Beach sau Love Beach – fiecare ofera activitati

diferite pentru o zi de relaxare totala.

Insula Porumbeilor - Kusadasi


Exploreaza Insula Porumbeilor si viziteaza muzeul Insula Porumbeilor,

cunoscuta si sub numele de Insula Pasarilor, este simbolul local al Kusadasi

deoarece de aici isi are orginile si numele insulei. Viziteaza muzeul din

interiorul vechiului castel bizantin sau pur si simplu bucura-te de peisaj.


Pigeon Island, with its gleaming image, really deserves to be symbol of

Kusadasi. The eye-catching view of the island, uniting with the panoramic

colors of sunset attract every visitors. As the island was much-frequented place

of birds during the seasonal migrations, it was named as Bird Island.

   In the times of Ottomans, the name of the island was given to the town

and the town was started to be called as "Kusadasi" (Bird Island). Since then, the

name of the island was changed into "Pigeon Island". The island was used for

military purposes during the Ottoman Era and before, as the location of the

island was strategic for securing the shores or preventing the attacks from the


sea. The Byzantine castle standing on the rocks, used against pirates, is known

as "Pirate Castle".

   Pigeon Island , unlike its name, is now connected to the land by a mole.

But, it is even an ideal place providing a wonderful opportunity for relaxation.

Within the borders of the impressive castle, you may watch the charming yachts

sailing peacefully on the glassy waters of Kusadasi or sit in one of the

restaurants by the shore and sample fresh sea-food or other Aegean specialties

with the panoramic view of Kusadasi and enjoy the unforgettable times in


 Pigeon Island is in the city , close to harbor. So,  walking by the seaside

may be enjoyable. As it is on the way to "Ladies Beach", it can be reached by

Ladies Beach minibuses from the Centrum in every 5 minutes, alternatively.

Neopolis - Kusadasi (după Insula Porumbeilor)

Ancient Neopolis stands as the second peninsula, little further to the

Pigeon Island. The site was controlled by the Ionians and was functioning for

controlling the trade between the cities. Neopolis was also reputed for the first

inhabited area of Kusadasi.

By the long years, earthquakes have disturbed the land causing the ancient

site to sink under the clear waters of Kusadasi, creating a sunken city. Today,

only a few remain can be noticed in the area. Ceramic pieces, wall remnants,

clay and glassware pots dating back to the Roman and Byzantine periods have

been revealed from Neopolis and are displayed in the Ephesus Museum.

Neopolis is close to the center of Kusadasi, behind the Pigeon Island.

Kadinlar Denizi minibuses pass through Neopolis in every 3 minutes. 

Dealul Ataturk - Panoramă Kusadasi

Daca vrei sa ai parte de o vedere cu adevarat spectaculoasa asupra

orasului Kusadasi, urca pana in varful Dealului Atatuk. Sus de tot pe dealul ce

domina Insula Porumbeilor vei observa statuia faimosului Ataturk, care a fost

fondatorul Republicii Turcia. Peisajul din varful dealului este de departe cel mai


impresionant din intreg Kusadasi deoarece vederea panoramica surprinde tot


Baie turcească (Hamam) - 12 Euro

In primele zile ale sederii tale ar trebui sa vizitezi un Hamam. O baie

turceasca este o experienta pe care nu ar tebui sa o ratezi cand vizitezi Turcia.

Pentru aceasta, poti apela la o agentie locala sau platesti direct la hammam. Un

pachet in care ai inclus transportul de la hotel la baia publica si un masaj te costa

cam 12 euro.

Safari cu Jeep - Împrejurimi Kusadasi

Ia parte la un safari cu Jeep-urile si exploreaza imprejurimile orasului

Kusadasi. Petreceti intreaga zi explorand muntii din Parcul National sau

dealurile din spatele satului Sirince intr-un Jeep. Va fi o zi distractiva, agitata, cu

numeroase batai cu apa intre Jeep-uri, iar masa este inclusa.

Safari și înot pe cai

Daca iti plac caii aceasta este excursia ideala pentru tine. Mergi la trap

prin paduri si peste munti pana ajungi la plaja rurala de la Pamucak unde ai

ocazia sa inoti calare si sa galopezi pe plajele nisipoase.

Peștera lui Zeus - Baie

Inainte de intrarea in Parcul National, ascunsa printre copaci si flori vei

gasi mistica Pestera lui Zeus. De obicei, este una dintre ultimele opriri ale Jeep

Safari deoarece apa minerala curata din interiorul pesterii este un loc perfect

pentru a te imbaia. Este foarte rece in timpul verii, fiind un refugiu binevenit din

caldura covarsitoare.

Piscina Cleopatrei - Izvor Termal

Fa o baie in incantatorul izvor termal numit Piscina Cleopatrei – coloanele

romane prabusite in apa si florile minunate de pe mal vor crea o atmosfera

relaxanta si nu vei mai dori sa pleci.

Orașul Selkuk


Selcuk, un mic orasel situat cam la 20 de minute de Kusadasi, este printre

cele mai vizitate destinatii turistice din Turcia gratie apropierii sale de Efes.

Exista si alte locuri de interes in Selcuk, cum ar fi Castelul, Biserica Sf. Ion si

moscheea Isa Bey. Poti de asemenea sa incerci deliciosul „çöp” (bucati mici de

carne de miel si grasime) in numeroasele restaurante.

Satul grecesc Sirince - 30 km de Kusadasi


Situat la 30 km de Kusadasi, acest sat pitoresc are mici cafenele si crame

cu o superba vedere asupra dealurilor, livezilor, viilor si maslinilor. Tot aici

puteti gusta clatitele traditionale turcesti si vinurile din fructe pentru care Sirince

este faimos.


This pretty old Orthodox village, 12 km away from Ephesus and 30 km

from Kusadasi, was once Cirkince ("ugly"). Indeed its habitants gave this name

on purpose as they did not want to be bothered by foreigners nor to share the

beauty of their village. Still after years, visitors understood that the village was

not ugly at all and called it Sirince ("pretty"). As the village is located on the top

of a mountain, anyone will enjoy the impressive wine yards' and peach trees'

views on his way.

Today the village is a perfect synthesis of Turk-Greek culture as of the

1920's: after the Independence War, people exchange between Greek and Turks

has occurred and all those typical Greek houses, though they kept their original

outside characteristics, have received the local layout inside. The most beautiful

specimens are open to visitors. And even in the courtyard of one of them, one

will discover a nicely restorated Orthodox church.

    All the narrow streets of the village belong to the women, selling

handcrafts of all kinds, olive oil. Another attraction of Sirince is its wine: try its

taste in small cafés or in the former municipal school restorated.


    Though Sirince is developing its tourism very quickly, it has been able to

preserve its authenticity and the meaning of its name.

 Sirince is about 30km away from Kusadasi. Selcuk minibuses departure

from the minibus station inside Kusadasi, in every 30 minutes. After reaching to

Selcuk, you may take a minibus to Sirince. Also, you may directly go with a

reasonable packet tour provided by any of the agencies in Kusadasi,


Parc Național - Dilek


Parcul National din apropiere de Kusadasi este o frumusete a naturii unde

va puteti bucura de plimbari si picnicuri timp de sapte luni pe an (aprilie –

noiembrie) si unde puteti inota pe toata durata sezonului estival. Parcul este

deschis zilnic intre 9 si 20, exista patru restaurante, dar nu puteti ramane peste

noapte aici; mai mult, este interzis sa aprindeti focul si sa campati aici.



The ideal place to escape from town fuss and noise is a well-merited rest

and beach afternoon in the national park (since 1960's) of Kalamaki in the

"Dilek Peninsula". Located approx. 30 km South of Kusadasi, it is only 1-2 km

far from the Greek island Samos.

   The Kalamaki beaches count several bays of which the most important

ones are Icmeler (1st bay and only sandy one), Kavakli and Karapinar. Winters

are mostly rainy and Summers dry. This explains that water sources are the main

place where fauna gathers for drinking. The most dense specie is the wild pig so

do not be bewildered when you see a wild pig family wandering around in the


    Due to its clean environment, Kalamaki is also ideal for picnics. All

necessary facilities have been thought of : water from the mountains, lavatory

and picnic tables and benches. And while you walking around, according to the

season, look at the various kinds of flowers in almost any color and do hesitate

to taste the wild strawberries.

   To reach the National Park, you can take a minibus leaving at regular

hours from the bus station (opposite the Friday Market) or join an organized

tour. You will soon understand it is worth going !


Caravanserail - Kusadasi

Built in 1618 by the Ottoman vizier Okuz Mehmet Pasa, the attractive

Caravanserail was served for the sea trade of the region. The delicate model of

the Ottoman architectural style, consists of an open square-like rectangular court

which is surrounded by a two storied and roofed portico. There are two doors in

the north and in the west. The door in the west is the main entrance of

Caravanserail, having two different arch ways on the left and on the right. The

left arch way, with its small backdoor, is considered to be used as a left luggage

place, whereas the right one was used by the guardians protecting the

Caravanserail. Rather than the simply looking entrance door, there is an

alternative door opening to the market of the town, on the northern side of the

Caravanserail. The construction is covered with a flat roof, supported on the

northern surface. By the excavations, a fountain was revealed in the middle of

the courtyard and was decorated as a pool. The court is surrounded by cross

vault porches.The Caravanserail was used by tradesmen for the works of


repairing until 1965. It has been serving as an authentic hotel and restaurant

since 1965-70. The Caravanserail is located close to the harbor, in the hearth of

Kusadasi. It is open to all visitors.

Bazilica Sf. Ioan - Selcuk (18 km lângă Kusadasi)

It is believed that the evangelist St. John had spent his last years in the

region around Ephesus and buried in the southern slope of Ayosolug Hill. Three

hundred years after the death of Saint Paul, a small chapel was constructed over

the grave in the 4th century. The church was changed into a marvelous basilica

during the region of Emperor Justinian (527 -565 AD).

   The monumental basilica was in the shape of a cross and was covered

with six domes. Its construction, being of stone and brick, is an extremely rare

find amongst the architecture of its time. Raised by two steps and covered with

marble, the tomb of St John was under the central dome, that was once carried

by the four columns at the corners. The columns in the courtyard reveals the

monograms of Emperor Justinian and his wife Theodora. Constructed in the 5th

century AD, the baptistery is north of the nave, with its key hole shape. Rampart

walls around the church were constructed for protection from the Arabian

attracts in the 7th - 8th centuries AD. The impressive 10th century AD frescoes

representing St John, Jesus and a Saint, ornament the chapel. With the invasion

of Turks, the chapel was used as a mosque in the 14th century; unfortunately

Basilica of Saint John  became unusable due to the serious earthquake in the

same century.

   The excavations around the Basilica of Saint John has been continuing

under the supervision of Ekrem Akurgal since 1973, with the financial supports

of George B. Quatman.

The Basilica is 18 km north of Kusadasi- in the entrance of Selcuk. It is

located on the left side of the city entrance and can be reached by Kusadasi -

Selcuk minibuses departing every 15 min. from Kusadasi.


Templul lui Artemis - Lângă Selcuk (18 km de Kusadasi)

The temple of Artemision is known as one of the Seven Wonders of the

Antic world. It has been built in the areas of Ephesus on a flat area which has

over the centuries turned into a swamp. Today one can only see the ruins of the

foundations of this marvelous construction of the Hellenistic Age, entirely made

of marble and full of sculptured columns' capitals and shafts. The most beautiful

remaining of this temple are today exhibited in the London British Museum.

    The oldest remaining found date back till the VIth century BC. It was

surrounded by 36 huge columns, later enlarged upon the orders of the Lydian

King, Kreisos, during the VIth century BC. Most of the exhibits in the London

British Museum belong to this period.

    The new Artemision has been rebuilt in the IInd century BC. Located on

top of the previous one, it had tremendous dimensions: 127 columns of each

17,5 meters high. Unfortunately this one has also been destroyed by fire,

reconstructed and again demolished by earthquakes, rebuilt and at last looted by

Goths one year later.

    The statue of many-breasted Artemision was the symbol of the temple

but also of abundance, hunting and wild life. The genuine statue of Artemision,

removed during the fire, is today exhibited in the Selcuk Museum. Many copies

of this statue found during the latest excavations date back from the Roman


   Artemision is located 18 km away from Kusadasi, in the entrance of

Selcuk. As it is close to Ephesus and The Basilica of Saint John, it may be a stop

on your excursion. There is easy transportation to Artemision by minibuses from

Kusadasi in every 15 minutes. The road takes about 30 minutes. Alternatively,

you can join to daily tours provided by almost every agencies in Kusadasi for a

better knowledge about the area.  


Casa Sfintei Fecioare Maria - Lângă Kusadasi (Muntele Bulbul la 27

km lângă Kusadasi)

Located on the top of the "Bulbul" mountain 9 km ahead of Ephesus, the

shrine of Virgin Mary enjoys a marvelous atmosphere hidden in the green. It is

the place where Mary may have spent her last days. Indeed, she may have come

in the area together with Saint John, who spent several years in the area to

spread Christianity. Mary preferred this remote place rather than living in

crowded place.

   The house is a typical Roman architectural example, entirely made of

stones. In the 4th century AD, a church, combining her house and grave, has

been built. The original two-stored house, which consisted of an anteroom

(where today candles are proposed), bedroom and praying room (Christian

church area) and a room with fireplace (chapel for Muslims). A front kitchen fell

into ruins and has been restored in 1940's. Today, only the central part and a

room on the right of the altar are open to visitors. From there one can understand

that this building looks more like a church than a house. Another interesting

place is the "Water of Mary", a source to be found at the exit of the church area

and where a rather salt water, with curative properties, can be drunk by all.

   Paul VI was the first pope to visit this place in the 1960's. Later, in the

1980's, during his visit, Pope John-Paul II declared the Shrine of Virgin Mary

has a pilgrimage place for Christians. It is also visited by Muslims who

recognize Mary as the mother of one of their prophets. Every year, on August

15th a ceremony is organized to commemorate Mary's Assumption.   

   The House of Virgin Mary is located on top of Bulbul Mountain,

approximately 27km away from Kusadasi. The house may be visited by private

car or taxies, except the tours provided by the travel agencies.


Localitatea Phygale - 3km nord de Kusadasi

Once located 3 km north of Kusadasi, Phygale was known as one of the

oldest settlements in the area. Two different points of view arise about the

foundation of Phygale. For some archeologists, the town was established by the

Lelegians who moved from central Anatolia to the west. On the other hand

famous historian Strabon cited that Agamemnon - King of Argos, was the

establisher of Phygale.

According to Strabon, the city of Phygale was used as a safety place for

curing the wounded soldiers of Agamemnon and for repairing the boats during

the Trojan War. Strabon also mentions about a temple dedicated to the Goddess

of the Moon, named Mumkia in Phygale.

An illness that affected the Agamemnon’s forces is the main inspiration of

the name Phygale. Years later, the city became a treatment and entertainment

center during the reign of Alexander the Great.

   By the recent excavations, numerous remaining and ceramics have been

revealed and are displayed in Aydin Museum. The city walls, foundation

remains of houses and the remains of the harbor may be noticed scarcely and

partially, as the area has not been excavated totally.

 Phygale is 3 km north of Kusadasi, on the cape back of "Hotel Pigale". Sehirici

minibuses pass through the site, in every 3 minutes.

Localitatea Panionion - 25 km sud de Kusadasi

Located northwest of Priene, on the northeast corner of Dilek peninsula,

near today’s Guzelcamli, stood Panionion, as an important annual meeting place

of the Ionian League. Panionion is significant for its being the oldest unity of the

colonies in the world. The league was a political union, and was consisted of the

members from the "12 Ionian Colonies". Years later, the city of Smyrna(Izmir)

joined the league.


   The meeting in Panionion was usually after the harvest. The members

were sharing their or problems about business, art, farming and sea trade for

improving their own cities or finding reasonable solutions to their problems.

   Every year, in addition of the gathering of the members, a traditional festival

was held to the honor of the God Poseidon of Helliconia. During the festival,

young and strong men in Panionion were placing the cattles into the temple to be

sacrificed , by hanging their horns. During the Hellenistic era, one day of the

festival was decided to be celebrated to the honor of King of Pergamon,

Eumenes II.

   Serious excavations conducted by the German archeologist Th. Wiegard,

have been revealed some very important artifacts from around the region. The

remains of a circular wall on St. Ilias Crest are considered to be the meeting

place of Panionion. On the south of St. Ilias Crest, stands a small church, named

as "Hegeios Demetrios" by Th. Wiegand. The church was once used for

worshipping Poseidon, the God of Sea and Earthquakes. The higher parts of St.

Ilias Crest was surrounded by the limestone walls, as to protect Panionion. A

long thin structure stands in the middle, measuring 18x4, reflecting the

architectural style of 6 BC.

   The eastern and the southwestern parts of Panionion are not in good

condition. Only, some sitting places and a Hellenistic turret -once used for

observing and protecting the area, exist in the area. There is also a cistern to the

further east of turret, including the clay-made pots in it, with the traces of the

Hellenistic Age.

   Panionion is 25km south of Kusadasi.  National Park minibuses pass

through Guzelcamli, that is close to the ancient Panionion. It may be a good stop

on the way to National Park or a nice place to discover in a jeep safari around



3. Hartă Kusadasi


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