excursie afterschool piscu

Post on 17-Dec-2015






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n ntmpinarea primverii, copiii de la Afterschool-ul Clubul Universul Cunoaterii din Urlai au mers n excursie la Atelierul de Olrit de la Piscu, atelier ce face parte din cadrul colii Agathonia a Asociaiei Gaspar, Baltasar i Melchior cu care colaborm pe partea de workshopuri creative. Dup o scurt relaxare n grdina colii, copiii sunt invitai n sala de clas mpreun cu doamnele nvtoare care-i nsoesc. Pentru unii dintre ei este prima excursie iar pentru toi dintre ei este prima dat cnd trec pragul unui atelier de olrit. Se aeaz n bnci i ncepe lecia de introducere n ale olritului. Ei afl c strbunii notri foloseau vase de lut pentru mai toate activitile legate de buctrie: se mnnca din strchini, se bea din mici pahare de lut, iaurtul i borul erau pregtite n oale de lut. nva lucruri eseniale despre prelucrarea i arderea lutului, i stnd aa n bnci, se vede cum ard de nerbdare s se apuce de lucru. i doamnele nvtoare sunt ncntate la gndul c cei mici vor face ceva inedit. Se ncepe prin modelarea unui obiect de lut folosind roata olarului. Meterul i ncurajeaz i le vorbete blnd. Cei mai mici se uit puin strmb la lutul n care urmeaz s-i bage minile, semn c nu prea s-au jucat n noroi, dar ncet, ncet prind curaj i se bucur de obiectul care a luat form cu ajutorul minilor lor. Este o lecie scurt i practic de folosit roata. Apoi, folosindu-i creativitatea i talentul artistic copiii trec la pictarea unui sfenic n linii i culori primvratice. Rou, galben, buline, dungi, tot felul de modele apar pe micile obiecte. Urmeaz linogravur (tehnic de reproducere i de multiplicare a unui desen, obinut prin imprimarea unei plci de linoleum). Avnd ca tem venirea primverii, copiii deseneaz buchete i vase cu flori cum se pricep ei mai bine. E o atmosfer plcut: toat lumea meterete. La sfritul atelierului de creaie cu toii am plecat mulumii i fericii: avem felicitri speciale pentru mmici pentru c numai mine nu-I 8 martie, vase pictate n care s punem primii ghiocei, vase de lut cu care s ne mndrim c au ieit din mnuele noastre de copii i o zi minunat de care s ne amintim mult timp de acum ncolo.

EnglezaGreeting the spring, children of the Afterschool Club The universe of knowledge from Urlati went on a trip to the Pottery Workshop at Piscu, workshop which is part of the Agathonia School of Association Gaspar, Melchior Baltasar that we are collaborating with on the creative workshops.After a brief relaxation in the schools garden, children are invited into the classroom together with the teachers accompanying them. For some of them it is the first trip and for all of them it is the first time when they footstep into a Pottery Studio.They sit in the benches and the introduction to pottery class starts. They find out that our ancestors were handling clay vessels for almost all activities relating to the kitchen: they ate from clay porringers, they drank from small glasses of clay, yogurt and borsch were prepared in pots of clay.They learn things about essential processing and burning of clay, and standing in the benches, you can sense they are eager to get to work. And the teachers are thrilled at the thought that children would do something like never before.They start by modeling a clay object using the potter's wheel. Weathermaker encourages them and speaks them softly. The smallest of them look slightly with a wry smile at the clay in which theyll put their hands, as a sign that they didnt play enogh in the mud, but slowly, slowly they get the courage and enjoy the object which took form under their hands. It is a short and practical lesson using the pottery wheel.Then, using their creativity and artistic skills children are moving on to painiting a vessel with lines and springy colors. Red, Yellow, bullet points, stripes, all sorts of models appear on the small objects.After, we have linogravura (technique of reproduction and multiplication of a drawing, obtained by printing on a motherboard linoleum). Having spring as a creative theme, children draw bouquets and pots with flowers, the way they know better. It's a pleasant atmosphere: everybody works on something.At the end of the creative workshop we all left relieved and happy: we have special greeting cards for our mothers cause very soon it will be the 8th of March, painted vessels in which to put our first snowdrops, jars of clay we are proud of making with our own child hands, and a beautiful day for us to remember long time from now.

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