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COMPASS Consulting SRL - Short presentation


COMPASS Consulting SRL * Tel/Fax: +4 021 321 5987 * * Ver 2.0

COMPASS Consulting SRL * Tel/Fax: +4 021 321 5987 * * Ver 2.0

Raison d’être: Furnizarea de propuneri

practice clienţilor, bazate pe o completă analiză a nevoilor acestora. Acordarea de asistenţă

clienţilor pentru îmbunataţirea performanţelor lor, creşterea şi continua perfecţionare a echipei de consultanţi, menţinerea unei calităţi a serviciilor prestate la un nivel internaţional, asigurarea de alianţe strategice şi parteneriate cu firme de consultanţă internationale, consolidarea poziţiei COMPASS Consulting printre primele firme de consultanţă romaneşti de pe piaţă. Convergem către aceste obiective prin: � Asigurarea satisfacţiei clienţilor prin oferirea de

servicii de calitate şi valoare adaugată, superioare costurilor cu consultanţa. Înţelegerea profundă a particularităţilor problemelor clientului, trebuie să ducă la oferirea de soluţii dedicate. Încrederea, confidenţialitatea, respectul şi loialitatea reciprocă sunt valori centrale pe care se consolidează relaţiile noastre. Acţiunile şi iniţiativele noastre au la bază dorinţa unor relaţii de lungă durată, reciproc benefice.

� Oferim clienţilor noştri asistenţă în implementarea

soluţiilor recomandate. Adaptarea structurii şi culturii organizaţiilor din societăţi, la cerinţele foarte dinamice ale raporturilor de pe piaţă, reprezintă un proces foarte complex. Mai ales în condiţiile unei economii în tranziţie, asigurarea unei flexibilităţi în acest sens, devine o urgenţă şi o şansă de supravieţuire.

� Consultanţii noştri au o excelentă pregătire, fiind

foarte buni cunoscători ai realităţilor romaneşti şi ai metodelor şi modelelor occidentale de management. Experienţa acumulată în urma zecilor de misiuni de consultanţă ne permite asigurarea de

abordări occidentale a problemelor specific romaneşti. Forma de prezentare a materialelor noastre se constituie într-o adevarată interfaţă de comunicare între parţile interesate de schimbul de informaţii.

� COMPASS Consulting înţelege importanţa

investirii în oameni şi asigură motivarea acestora prin: instruire, dezvoltare individuală, respect, recunoaşterea meritelor şi recompense.

� Lucrul în echipe flexibile şi multidisciplinare este

baza fundamentală a consultanţei oferite de noi. Noi suntem convinşi că numai o puternică echipă de profesionişti adecvat motivaţi, poate genera soluţiile care să asigure clienţilor noştri avantaje competitive.

Mission: to provide practical proposals, based on a thorough appraisal of the clients’ needs. To help and assist our clients in improving the performance of their business, to grow and train our consulting team permanently, to provide top quality of our consulting services, to establish strategic alliances and partnerships with international consulting firms, consolidating the position of COMPASS Consulting among the first Romanian consulting firms within the market. We plan to achieve these goals by: � Assuring the client’s satisfaction by providing top

class quality consulting services and added value for their money. Deep understanding of client’s unique problems, must lead to appropriate solutions. Trust, confidentiality, respect and loyalty are central values built on our relationships. All our actions are subordinated to the wish for a reciprocal long term based relationship.

� We offer assistance in implementing the

recommended solutions to our clients. A very demanding process is to adapt the structure and culture of the companies’ organizations to the dynamic market changes. This is tougher in the conditions of an economy in transition, where assuring a certain flexibility becomes a priority and a survival requirement quickly.

� Our consultants with an excellent background, have

very good knowledge both of the Romanian realities and the western management models and methods. The experience earned throughout the dozens of consulting missions, gives us the power to insure western approaches to the Romanian problems. The presentation form of our reports becomes a real communication interface among the interested users of information.

� COMPASS Consulting understands the importance

of investing in people and to motivate them appropriately by: perpetual training, individual development, recognition of merits and rewards

� The power of our business is based on the capacity

of forming flexible teamwork with top professionals. We are convinced that only a powerful team of professionals adequately motivated may provide right solutions and guarantee competitiveness for our clients.

COMPASS Consulting SRL * Tel/Fax: +4 021 321 5987 * * Ver 2.0

COMPASS Consulting SRL * Tel/Fax: +4 021 321 5987 * * Ver 2.0


COMPASS Consulting ofera un spectru larg de servicii destinate sprijinirii firmelor in dezvoltarea si imbunatatirea competitivitatii lor pe piata. Serviciile noastre pot avea urmatoarele forme:


II. CURSURI - Instruire si Perfectionare



I.1 Management Strategic A. Elaborarea Strategiei de Firma B. Analiza-Diagnostic a Intreprinderii C. Restructurarea Firmei D. Evaluarea Intreprinderii pentru Asocieri / Privatizare

I.2 Management Functional A. Marketing B. Contabilitate Manageriala C. Seturi de Programe Informatice D. Servicii de Contabilitate, Fiscalitate si Audit E. Resurse Umane F. (re) Organizarea productiei/serviciilor

I.3 Asistenta Financiara Investitionala A. Elaborari de documentatii pentru finantare/creditare B. Analize de proiecte si oportunitati C. Recomandari investitionale D. Verificarea existentei si bonitatii firmelor E. Facilitarea legaturilor intre investitorii straini si firmele

romanesti F. Sprijinirea investitorilor straini care intentioneaza sa

inceapa sau sa-si dezvolte afacerile in Romania

II. CURSURI - Instruire si Perfectionare Oferim cursuri intensive, desfasurate interactiv, care acopera un domeniu larg al problemelor de management:

a) introductiv in relatiile economiei de piata - concepte b) management strategic - ca proces c) management al schimbarii si conflictelor d) management eficient - scop: cresterea abilitatilor e) management al proiectelor - metode noi /pe calculator f) marketing introductiv - concepte si modele de baza g) managementul distributiei si vinzarilor - studii de caz h) managementul aprovizionarii | logistica i) managementul resurselor umane - viziune occidentala



Planuri de Afaceri / Analize-Diagnostic / Studii de Fezabilitate / Studii de Piata / Evaluari / Audit-uri interne / Translari de bilanturi / Consolidari / Programe infomatice / Modelari

SERVICES OFFERED COMPASS Consulting offers a large range of services targeted to help companies to develop and increase theirs competitiveness within the market. Our services can have the following form:



III. Preparation of SPECIFIC studies (standard)

IV. Complex PACKAGES of studies and assistance

I.1 Strategic Management

A. Preparation of Company Strategy B. Analysis-Diagnostic of the Company C. Restructuring/spin-off/re-engineering of the Company D. Valuation of Companies for Joint-Ventures/Privatization

I.2 Functional Management A. Marketing B. Managerial Accounting C. Specialized Software & MIS D. Accounting, Tax and Audit Services E. Human Resources F. Production Operations

I.3 Investments and Financial Assistance

A. Preparation of documentation for loans/financing B. Analysis of projects and opportunities C. Investments Recommendations D. Check of existence and reliability of companies E. Promotion of links between Romanian and foreign

investors F. Support to foreign investors willing to asses and/or start

businesses in Romania

II. TRAINING COURSES We offer intensive training courses, in a very interactive way, that covers a large range of managerial problems:

a) introduction in the market oriented economy -concepts b) strategic management - as process c) management of change and conflicts d) efficiency of management - scope: growth of skills e) management of projects - new methods /on computer f) basics of marketing - concepts and models g) management of distribution channels and sales h) management of purchasing | logistics i) human resources management - western perspective

III. Preparation of SPECIFIC Studies (standard)

Business Plans / Analysis-Diagnostic / Feasibility Studies / Market (Research) Studies / Evaluation / Internal Audit / Annual Reports Translations / Consolidations / Dedicated Software / Simulations

COMPASS Consulting SRL * Tel/Fax: +4 021 321 5987 * * Ver 2.0


COMPASS Consulting este o companie de consultanţă în management şi cercetare de marketing b2b, înfiinţată in 1992. Experienta vastă a COMPASS a fost obţinută în peste 500 misiuni în mai mult de 31 industrii, pe un portofoliu complex de proiecte. Realizari Baza de date a celor mai relevante misiuni de consultanta si studii realizate de COMPASS Consulting poate fi consultata la: (recomandam a se face filtrari incrucisate pe tipuri de servicii si industrii). O serie de recomandari ale clientilor nostri gasiti la:

Echipa noastra Pentru fiecare misiune asumată, formăm o echipa de proiect organizată pe niveluri de competenţă:

� Senior Consultanţi / Manageri / Project Manageri [>5-10 ani experienţă]

� Consultanţi [>3 ani experienţă] � Junior-Consultanţi [>6 luni experienţă]

Pentru proiecte complexe de obicei colaborăm cu experţi din industria vizată [>10-20 ani de expertiză specifică în industrie] sau cu experţi funcţionali / de nişă

Membrii echipei COMPASS deţin o combinaţie bine echilibrată de:

� experienţă practică de consultanţă în management � pregătire formală teoretică (master: MBA, MA,

MSc. şi certificări: PMP, CMC*) � experienţă anterioară de lucru în companii /

organizaţii (inclusiv străine) � expereinţă practică de traineri (în programe

asociate cu experienţa de consultanţă) � certificări/membri ai celor mai relevante

organizaţii profesionale internaţionale Pentru mai multe detalii, vă invităm să vizitaţi:


COMPASS Consulting is a management consulting and b2b marketing research company established in 1992. The broad experience of COMPASS has been gained in more than 500 assignments in more than 31 industries in a complex project portfolio.

Achievements A database of the most relevant COMPASS Consulting missions and studies can be found at: (our recommendation is to search database by filtering the type of services and industries of interest). A set of our clients recommendations can be found at: Our team Project teams are organized by levels of competencies:

� Senior Consultants / Managers / Project Managers [>5-7 years experience]

� Consultants [>3 years experience] � Junior-Consultants [>6 months experience]

For complex projects we usually collaborate with industry experts [>10-20 years of specific industry expertise] or with functional/niche experts. COMPASS’ team members have a balanced mix of:

� practical management consulting experience � theoretical / formal background (various master

degrees: MBA, MSc, BA, etc and certifications like: PMP, CMC)

� previous work experience in companies / organizations (including foreign ones)

� practical experience as trainers (in programs related to the consulting experience)

� certifications/memberships at most relevant professional international organizations

For more details about us please visit:

COMPASS Consulting SRL * Tel/Fax: +4 021 321 5987 * * Ver 2.0


Liste cu REFERINTE detaliate (prin filtrari) despre misiunile/realizarile COMPASS Consulting / Search database for detailed COMPASS Consulting achievements Recomandarile clientilor nostri / Our clients recommendations

COMPASS Consulting SRL * Tel/Fax: +4 021 321 5987 * * Ver 2.0


COMPASS ConsultingAddress: Str. Matei Voievod 128, Bl. 231, Ap. 21, interfon 021, Sector 2, 021454, Bucharest, Romania.

How to get to us: - Tram: 1 (Vatra Luminoasa Station) - Trolleybus: 86, 90 (Sos. Mihai Bravu Station) - Bus: 104, 311, 135 (Vatra Luminoasa Station)

Subway stations nearby: - Iancului Square - Muncii Square

Tel/Fax: (+4) 021 321 5987, (+4) 021 320 4292 Mobile: (+4) 0730 097 500 Email: Management consulting and marketing services: Consulting for European Funds accessing: Web:

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