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  • 8/2/2019 Centre RDS Ro En



    CENTRUStrategia de Dezvoltare

    Regional(descriere succint)

    Aprobat prindecizia Consiliului

    Regional pentruDezvoltare Centru

    nr 04/02 din

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    Importana dezvoltrii regionaleStrategia de Dezvoltare Regional Centru (n continuare Strategie) este un do-

    cument de politici publice care are rolul de a trasa dezvoltarea pe termen mediu aRegiunii de Dezvoltare Centru.

    Pentru a-i atinge obiectivele naionale de dezvoltare economic i social, oricear are nevoie de existena unor regiuni dinamice i competitive, dezvoltarea regi-onal ind o politic complementar pentru politicile macroeconomice i structu-rale.

    Dezvoltarea regional durabil este un imperativ asumat i Guvernul RepubliciiMoldova i-a conrmat angajamentul erm pentru distribuirea echitabil a anselorde dezvoltare pe ntreg teritoriul rii. Succesul implementrii politicii regionale vaimpulsiona i accelera dezvoltarea rii n ansamblu, scopul nal ind mbunti-rea calitii vieii cetenilor, indierent unde locuiesc acetia pe teritoriul RepubliciiMoldova.

    Contetul trategic

    Strategia Naional de Dezvoltare pentru anii 2008-2011, aprobat prin Legea nr.295-XVI din 21.12.2007, identic dezvoltarea regional ca una din cele cinci prio-riti naionale cu scopul general de realizare a unei dezvoltri social-economiceechilibrate i durabile pe ntreg teritoriul Republicii Moldova prin coordonarea eor-turilor n cadrul regiunilor de dezvoltare.

    Legea nr. 438-XVI din 28.12.2006 privind dezvoltarea regional n Republica Mol-dova denete principalele obiective i principii, stabilete cadrul instituional iinstrumentele de planicare a dezvoltrii regionale. Conorm legii, la nivel naionaleste elaborat Strategia Naional de Dezvoltare Regional, iar la nivel de regiunea ost elaborat prezenta Strategie, care identic prioritile i msurile de imple-mentare a politicii de dezvoltare regional n cadrul regiunii de dezvoltare Centru.

    Prezenta Strategie servete drept document de politici pe termen mediu la nivelde regiune i reprezint cadrul strategic pentru a acilita i a stimula dezvoltareaspaial, economic i social integrat la nivelul regiunilor de dezvoltare i contri-buie la atingerea obiectivelor regionale de dezvoltare durabil.

    Strategia contribuie la mobilizarea parteneriatelor regionale pentru elaborareaunui ir de proiecte viabile care s e incluse n Planul Operaional Regional. Planuleste prevzut pentru o perioad de trei ani i cuprinde programe, proiecte i activi-ti prioritare.

    Documentul Unic de Program (DUP) la nivel naional va elaborat n baza stra-tegiilor de dezvoltare regional i a planurilor operaionale din toate regiunile, inte-

    grnd astel toate prioritile i proiectele axate pe dezvoltarea regional. DUP va remis Consiliului Naional i Guvernului spre aprobare.

    n sensul prezentei Strategii vor utilizate noiunile specicate n Legea nr.438-XVI din 28.12. 2006 privind dez voltarea regional n Republica Moldova.

    Principiile de uinere a dezvoltrii regionalePrincipiile de baz pentru susinerea dezvoltrii regionale, elucidate de Legea

    privind dezvoltarea regional n Republica Moldova i Strategia Naional de Dez-voltare Regional sunt:

    Ecien: utilizarea ecient a resurselor naturale, umane, nanciare i deproducie pe ntreg teritoriul Republicii Moldova;

    Echitate: toi cetenii Republicii Moldova au drepturi i acces egal la valorileeconomice, sociale i culturale indierent de locul lor de trai;

    Durabilitate: toate msurile, programele i proiectele nanate cu scopulsusinerii dezvoltrii regionale trebuie s e tehnic, nanciar i instituionalviabile;

    Planicare: toate msurile, programele i proiectele menite s susin dez-voltarea regional trebuie s e elaborate i implementate n conormitate custrategiile naionale i regionale de dezvoltare, precum i s aib obiective,

    prioriti i mecanisme clar denite;Coordonare: toate msurile, programele i proiectele menite s susin dez-voltarea regional trebuie s e concordate att la nivel naional, ct i regio-nal;

    Parteneriat: planicarea, dezvoltarea i implementarea msurilor menite ssusin dezvoltarea regional trebuie s e bazate pe un parteneriat dintreautoritile publice centrale i locale, sectorul public i cel privat, precum iorganizaiile societii civile;

    Tranparen: trebuie s existe claritate n procesul de alocare, distribuire iutilizare a resurselor menite pentru implementarea strategiilor, programelor iproiectelor de dezvoltare regional.

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    RONivelul de deprivare3 pe domenii arat c bunstarea medie economic i acce-

    sul la educaie n localitile din RDC sunt la un nivel mai sczut dect n RDN i RDS.Ct privete deprivarea educaional i cea de asisten medical, regiunea se ape poziia de mijloc. n schimb accesul la servicii medicale este mai mare dect nregiunea nord i regiunea sud.

    Dac analizm situaia din regiune, putem observa un acces mai bun la serviciilemedicale n raioanele Dubsari, Anenii Noi i Criuleni, iar la educaie n raioaneleoldneti i Teleneti. n raioanele Rezina i respectiv Anenii Noi accesul la serviciilemedicale i respectiv la educaie este mult mai sczut.

    Dezvoltarea inratructuriiReeaua de drumuri intraregionale. Distana maxim dintre localitile regiu-

    nii centru pe direcia Nord-Sud este de aproximativ 180 km, iar pe direcia Est-Vestaproximativ 120 km i legtura poate asigurat tranzit prin mun. Chiinu. Distan-a dintre principalele centre urbane (Ialoveni, Streni, Ungheni, Orhei, Hnceti) nudepete 150 km.

    Legturi de trac internaional. Regiunea centru este traversat de o reeadens de trasee internaionale: Coridorul Economic European IX; Coridorul Econo-mic Budapesta - Odessa; Coridorul Giurgiuleti-Briceni.

    Alimentarea cu ap. Alimentarea cu ap este eectuat preponderent din cap-

    trile de ap subteran din localitile regiunii. Calitatea apei nu ntotdeauna cores-punde normativelor sanitare existente pentru apa potabil, de aceea apa din multeconducte poate olosit doar ca ap tehnic. Apa din ntni i izvoare este olo-sit ca ap potabil de circa 80% din populaia regiunii centru. Densitatea reelelorde apeduct n regiune este de 13,2 km/100 km2, aceasta constituind cea mai micvaloare a de toate celelalte regiuni i a de media naional de 23,3 km/100km2. Raioanele cu cea mai mare pondere a localitilor care dispun de reea centra-lizat de apeduct peste media naional sunt Anenii Noi, Orhei i Ialoveni. n celelal-te raioane situaia este oarte dicil. n raioanele Dubsari, oldneti i Rezina, deexemplu, doar sub 5% din localiti dispun de reea de ap potabil.

    Canalizare. Reeaua de canalizare n regiunea centru este slab dezvoltat, iartehnologiile de epurare a apelor reziduale sunt oarte depite. Ponderea onduluilocativ din regiune, care dispune de reea de canalizare este de 15,6% a de me-dia naional 22,6%. n regiunea centru uncioneaz doar 6 staii de epurare. Sta-rea tehnic a staiilor de epurare a apelor reziduale existente este nesatisctoare.

    3 Denirea i aprecierea nivelului de srcie se stabilete prin intermediul indicilor de depri-vare. Deprivarea simpl reprezint deprivarea unui individ/gospodrii/grup determinatde nesatisacerea unei singure nevoi, calculndu-se prin indici simpli de deprivare. De-privarea multipl presupune satisacerea sau nesatisacerea mai multor necesiti, ea -ind n apt rezultatul agregrii mai multor indici de deprivare simpl. Astel, indivizii suntdeprivai/sraci dac ei nu i satisac nu numai nevoi materiale, ci i cele de integrare,comunicare, educaie etc.

    Staiile din Rezina, Teleneti, Criuleni nu uncioneaz iar deversrile sunt evacuatedirect n Nistru sau Rut. n perspectiv este proiectat construcia a 8 staii de epu-rare. n majoritatea cazurilor pentru renovarea celor existente i construcia celornoi sunt necesare sume enorme de bani de care autoritile locale nu dispun.

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    ROANALIZA sWOTAnaliza SWOT este o metod de planicare strategic utilizat n Strategie pentru

    a evalua punctele orte, punctele labe, oportunitile i pericolele. Principalulscop al analizei SWOT este de a dezvolta o nelegere structurat atotcuprinztoarea actorilor pozitivi i negativi ce determin dezvoltarea regiunii Centru.


    Proximitatea de piaa de desace-

    re a mun. Chiinu;Existena a ctorva orele mici cupotenial economic;Reea dezvoltat de ci erate;Resurse naturale pentru industriaprelucrtoare;Reea de drumuri cu conexiunistrategice cu mun. Chiinu i UE;Inrastructur conex relativ dez-voltat de-a lungul magistralelornaionale i internaionale;For de munc disponibil i

    ietin;Acces sporit la serviciileeducaionale i medicale mai cali-tative din mun. Chiinu;Reea dezvoltat de instituii deconsultan i asisten pentruaaceri;Arii extinse de pduri relicte ipeisaje pitoreti relativ bine ps-trate.

    Degradarea centrelor urbane i inra-

    structur de utiliti publice slab dez-voltat;Productivitate joas i costuri nalte aleproduciei;Numr mic de IMM;Inrastructur nedezvoltat a centrelorde colectare, prelucrare, ambalare ipromovare a produciei agricole;Baza tehnico-material nvechit ainstituiilor sociale i experien mana-gerial limitat;Numr mare de persoane ce necesit

    susinere social i resurse nanciarelocale limitate pentru prestarea servici-ilor sociale;Lipsa resurselor nanciare locale pen-tru ntreinerea i dezvoltarea inras-tructurii;Dezvoltarea insucient a sistemuluide educaie vocaional;Calitatea joas a reelei de drumuri;Calitatea sczut a apei potabile i sub-dezvoltarea reelelor de aprovizionarecu ap i de canalizare, epurare a ape-

    lor reziduale;Nivelul nalt de poluare a componen-telor mediului cauzat de gestionareanesustenabil a deeurilor.


    Vecintatea cu UE;Eligibilitatea pentru programeleUE de cooperare transrontalier(Moldova - Ucraina - Romnia2007-2013; Bazinul Marii Negre,Parteneriat Estic);Gradul nalt de prioritate acordat

    de Guvern reormelor de dezvol-tare regional i descentralizare;Crearea clusterelor, parcurilorindustriale i incubatoarelor teh-nologice;Acces sporit la instituiile de nv-mnt universitar din Chiinu,Romnia, Ucraina;Valoricarea potenialului cori-doarelor economice;Valoricarea potenialului re-zervaiilor naturale i al ariilor

    protejate ca resurs turistic irecreaional.

    Aproundarea eectelor negative alecrizei nanciare mondiale i prelungi-rea recesiunii economice;Instabilitatea politic la nivel naional,exprimat prin incoeren politicilorn domeniul dezvoltrii regionale i/sau modicri recvente ale cadrului

    normativ;Corupia;Capaciti reduse de eectuare a ana-lizei impactului i lipsa studiilor deezabilitate;Dependena de resursele energetice iuctuaia preurilor la energie;Migraia continu a populaiei econo-mic active;Creterea recvenei calamitailor na-turale i strilor de vreme extreme carezultat al proceselor de schimbare a

    climei;nstrinarea de valorile i identitateanaional i promovarea culturii demas.

    Analiza socio-economic i analiza SWOT a regiunii centru evideniaz rolulmunicipiului Chiinu n dezvoltarea regiunii. Proximitatea regiunii de Chiinuoer avantaje de acces la piaa de desacere a capitalei, genereaz locuri de mun-c pentru populaia regiunii, sporete accesul ctre instituiile educaionale i desntate.

    Exist potenial de valoricare a ondurilor externe, ns capacitile reduse deaccesare i gestionare a acestor onduri mpiedic soluionarea problemelor. Pentru

    evitarea acestui risc reprezentanii regiunii urmeaz s consolideze relaiile de cola-borare cu diverse programe i onduri de susinere i s utilizeze ecient ondurileaccesate.

    Avantajele comparative ale analizei punctelor orte i a oportunitilor determi-n o orientare strategic optimist a regiunii centru. Principalele direcii de dezvol-tare a regiunii se bazeaz pe resursele existente ce pot consolidate prin utilizareaoportunitilor identicate.

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    ViziuneViziunea strategic a Regiunii de Dezvoltare Centru este realist, credibil, atrac-

    tiv i de perspectiv. Ea descrie setul de idealuri, prioriti, principii i valori gene-rale pe care se bazeaz politica de dezvoltare a regiunii, precum i elementele carediereniaz regiunea ca entitate aparte.

    Viziunea strategic a Regiunii de Dezvoltare Centru este congruent cu viziuneastrategic a ntregii ri, stabilit n Constituie i n Strategia Naional de Dezvoltare2008-2011, care const n crearea condiiilor pentru sporirea calitii vieii. Sporireacalitii vieii este privit ca un actor polivalent, care include nu doar dimensiuneaeconomic, ci i libertatea individual i accesul la servicii educaionale, de sntatei sociale. Strategia Regiunii de Dezvoltare Centru deriv i din scopurile StrategieiNaionale de Dezvoltare Regional, care vine s susin scopurile Strategiei Naionalede Dezvoltare prin elaborarea unui mecanism efcient de implementare pentru creareaunui mediu atractiv n vederea obinerii unei creteri durabile n regiunile de dezvoltare.

    Viziunea trategica Regiunii de Dezvoltare Centru reect consensul i aspira-iile ormulate de dierite pri interesate n dezvoltarea regiunii reprezentani aiautoritilor publice, ai sectorului privat i ai societii civile.

    Regiunea de Dezvoltare Centru va deveni o regiune prosper cu o economiedezvoltat, dinamic i diversicat, cu locuri de munc bine remunerate i oimplicare activ a cetenilor n asigurarea bunstrii comunitilor. Regiuneava valorica beneciile proximitii de mun. Chiinu ca centru multiuncionalal rii i aezarea geostrategic avorabil, dezvoltndu-i o pronunat uncielogistic i de acilitare a legturilor interregionale i internaionale. Regiuneava oeri un mediu decent pentru via i activitate locuitorilor si i va deveniatractiv pentru vizitatori, iar valorile umane, culturale i grija a de mediulnconjurtor vor constitui undamentul coeziunii sociale a comunitii.

    n susinerea realizrii viziunii strategice au ost ormulate urmtoareleobiective:

    Regiunea va una competitiv, cu o economie dinamic i diversicat.

    Regiunea va dezvolta inrastructura cilor de acces i va valorica avantajele

    amplasrii geograce.Regiunea va dezvolta cooperarea internaional.

    Spiritul antreprenorial va ncurajat i susinut.

    Participarea cetenilor n gestionarea treburilor comunitii va susinut ipromovat.

    Dezvoltarea economic nu va duna mediului nconjurtor, regiunea rm-nnd un loc sntos pentru trai i recreaie.

    Dezvoltarea economic va promova valorile umane i culturale ale regiunii.

    Identicarea prioritilorAnaliza economic a regiunii, precum i analiza SWOT relev anumii actori care

    inueneaz modul de dezvoltare a regiunii e c servesc drept constrngeri carencetinesc creterea, e c prezint anumite avantaje pe care le are regiunea n com-paraie cu alte regiuni de dezvoltare, att din interiorul rii, ct i din vecintateaimediat. Viziunea strategic, pe de alt parte, oer o perspectiv de termen lungcu privire la nivelul de dezvoltare pe care regiunea tinde s-l ating. Combinndanaliza situaiei n prezent i viziunea pe viitor, putem identica anumite linii direc-

    toare pe care regiunea dorete s le urmeze n dez voltarea sa ulterioar.ns identicarea prioritilor trebuie nu doar s rspund multitudinii necesit-

    ilor regiunii. Trebuie de recunoscut aptul c resursele publice sunt limitate n com-paraie cu proiectele care ar putea implementate. De aceea, eorturile regionaletrebuie s e puternic concentrate asupra acelor activiti care vor elimina cele maiundamentale constrngeri i vor aduce cele mai mari benecii cu eecte multipli-catoare pentru mai multe sectoare.

    Analiza relev n mod clar c inegalitatea ntre Chiinu i regiuni, dar i ntrelocalitile urbane i rurale n interiorul regiunii, sunt considerabile. Un actor un-damental care cauzeaz i agraveaz aceste inegaliti este starea proast a inras-tructurii zice, care majoreaz costurile de transport i limiteaz micarea bunurilori persoanelor. n acelai timp, eciena economic a populaiei din regiunile rurale

    este limitat nu doar de costurile nalte de transport, dar i de oportunitile limitatede angajare n activiti economice, att n regiunile rurale, ct i n cele urbane. Ast-el, este imperativ sporirea ecienei n sectorul agrar i agroindustrial, combinatcu ncurajarea diversicrii activitilor ce ar aduce venituri alternative.

    Dezvoltarea economic, ns, nu trebuie s e realizat n detrimentul calitii me-diului nconjurtor. Condiiile de mediu pot aecta n mod semnicativ nivelul calit-ii vieii i atractivitatea regiunii att pentru populaia local, ct i pentru vizitatori.

    n consecin, au ost identicate 3 prioriti de activitate pentru implementareaobiectivelor Strategiei:

    Reabilitarea inrastructurii zice1.

    Susinerea dezvoltrii sectorului privat, n special n regiunile rurale2.

    mbuntirea actorilor de mediu i a atractivitii turistice3.

    Aceste prioriti sunt corelate ntre ele, iar implementarea lor consecvent estede natur s accelereze dez voltarea regiunii.

    PrioritiGrupurile de lucru regionale au discutat diverse programe i msuri necesare

    pentru dezvoltarea dinamica a regiunii. Lund ns n consideraie posibilitile denanare i termenul de implementare a strategiei, cteva domenii au ost determi-nate drept prioritare. Raionamentul, msurile i rezultatele scontate pentru ecareprioritate sunt descrise mai jos.

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    ROPrioritatea 1. Reabilitarea inratructurii zicescop. Scopul prioritii 1 este de a mbunti accesul la inrastructur de calitate

    att pentru gospodriile casnice, ct i pentru agenii economici.

    Raionament. Decienele de investiii n inrastructura public n ultimele de-cenii au dus la deteriorarea semnicativ a drumurilor, sistemelor de ap i canaliza-re, sistemelor de aprovizionare cu gaze, etc., apt ce aecteaz n mod undamentalcompetitivitatea att la nivel naional, ct i la cel regional. Dimpotriv, reabilitareainrastructurii va impulsiona i atractivitatea regiunii pentru activitatea economic.

    Aprovizionarea cu ap de calitate este un imperativ n regiune, unde densitateareelelor de apeduct este practic de dou ori mai mic dect media pe ar, iar 80%din populaie olosete ap din ntni i izvoare. Aceasta aecteaz sntatea po-pulaiei, dar i sectorul agroindustrial. Sistemele de ap i canalizare urmeaz s econstruite n primul rnd n raioanele cele mai subdezvoltate, cum ar Dubsari,oldneti i Rezina. Msura urmeaz s includ proiecte de construcie a sisteme-lor de apeduct i canalizare n localitile urbane i rurale. De asemenea, vor ela-borate studii de ezabilitate i implementate proiecte pentru construcia staiilor deepurare n localitile de pe r. Nistru.

    Modernizarea drumurilor va urma scopul de a spori accesul la arterele naionalei internaionale i, astel, vor spori uxurile comerciale. Programul de modernizarea drumurilor urmeaz s includ trei subprograme. Primul subprogram va includeproiecte de reabilitare i modernizare a drumurilor interregionale i ntre polii decretere. Al doilea subprogram va include proiecte orientate spre dezvoltarea inras-tructurii adiacente drumurilor regionale (semne de circulaie, sistem de avertizri,staii PECO i campinguri). Al treilea subprogram va include proiectul de construciea unui nou punct de trecere a rontierei Ungheni - Iai.

    Adiional, investirea n tehnologii inormaionale moderne va contribui la spori-rea competitivitii regiunii, dar i la dez voltarea resurselor umane. Msura urmeazs includ proiecte de dezvoltare a reelelor de comunicaii pe baza utilizrii tehno-logiilor inormaionale moderne n domeniul comunicaiilor i potei. De asemenea,ar putea implementate proiecte de deschidere a unor noi rute de transport ntrepolii de cretere din regiune.

    Muri. Msurile cu impact maxim pentru reabilitarea i dezvoltarea inrastruc-turii zice sunt:

    Reabilitarea i construcia reelelor de ap, canalizare i a staiilor de epurare.

    Reabilitarea i modernizarea reelei de drumuri existente i a conexiunilor in-ternaionale.

    Dezvoltarea i diversicarea cilor de acces i a reelelor de comunicaii.

    Indicatori de rezultat. Implementarea proiectelor pentru realizarea prioritii 1va monitorizat n baza urmtorilor indicatori de rezultat:

    Rata locuinelor ce nu beneciaz de apeduct in numrul total de locuine.

    Rata drumurilor reparate sau construite in numrul total de drumuri.

    Numrul staiilor de epurare reabilitate.

    Indicatori de produ. Implementarea proiectelor pentru realizarea prioritii 1va monitorizat n baza urmtorilor indicatori de produs:

    Numrul de persoane cu acces la ap potabil de calitate.

    Valoarea investiiilor strine directe.

    Valoarea exporturilor.

    Indicatori de impact. Implementarea proiectelor pentru realizarea prioritii 1va evaluat n baza urmtorilor indicatori de impact:

    Volumul producerii (VAB la nivel regional).

    Rata populaiei ocupate.

    Prioritatea 2. suinerea dezvoltrii ectorului privat, n pecialn regiunile ruralescop. Scopul prioritii 2 este de a stimula i spori activitatea economic produc-

    tiv n mediul rural.

    Raionament. Dei RDC beneciaz de proximitatea de mun. Chiinu, care re-prezint cea mai mare pia de desacere intern, perormana economic i dez-voltarea uman n regiune este sub nivelul potenial sugerat de analiza punctelororte. Principala provocare n acest sens este activitatea economic n mediul rural.Dei reabilitarea inrastructurii va ncuraja deplasarea spre regiuni urbane n cuta-rea locurilor de munc, n termen scurt i mediu aceasta nu va reprezenta un uxmigrator semnicativ. n acest context, este necesar sporirea perormanei n agri-cultur i diversicarea activitii economice. Astel, dezvoltarea sectorului privateste imperativ pentru creterea dinamic a regiunii i crearea locurilor de munc.

    Pentru a dezvolta activitile non-agricole n mediul rural, este necesar n pri-mul rnd instruirea populaiei n vederea diversicrii mijloacelor de trai, creteriicompetenelor antreprenoriale, mrirea accesului la inormaia despre dez voltareaaacerilor i la inormaia despre pieele de desacere, ct i n susinerea iniiala unor aaceri mici. n consecin, urmeaz s e susinute proiecte de dezvolta-re a inrastructurii i a serviciilor de inormare, consultan i suport prin creareai sprijinirea instituional a unei reele de centre de aaceri, inclusiv dezvoltareaserviciilor orientate spre pieele de desacere, cercetri de marketing, promova-

    re de produse, elaborare de business planuri pentru iniierea aacerilor, seminare,workshop-uri etc.

    n acelai timp, organizarea i dezvoltarea asociaiilor regionale a patronilor saua business asociaiilor regionale i integrarea ntreprinderilor productoare cu celede prelucrare, precum i promovarea crerii clusterelor, este de natur s eliminedecienele inormaionale n sectorul agricol i s impulsioneze sectorul agroin-dustrial.

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    ROMuri. Msurile cu impact maxim pentru dezvoltarea sectorului privat sunt:

    Educaia populaiei din mediul rural ntru diversicarea mijloacelor de trai idezvoltarea aacerilor non-agricole n mediul rural.

    Consolidarea capacitilor instituiilor de inormare, consultan i susinere.

    Dezvoltarea structurilor de cooperare n marketing pentru producia agricoli integrarea lor n clustere.

    Dezvoltarea programelor de implementare a standardelor internaionale decalitate i inoensivitatea alimentar.

    Indicatori de rezultat. Implementarea proiectelor pentru realizarea prioritii 2va monitorizat n baza urmtorilor indicatori de rezultat:

    Numrul de programe de instruire implementate n domeniul aacerilor, nspecial a celor non-agricole .

    Numrul de MM-uri care au beneciat de servicii de consultan.

    Numrul de evenimente organizate cu productorii agricoli.

    Numrul de companii care au beneciat de granturi acordate n cadrul unuiproces de selectare transparent.

    Indicatori de produ. Implementarea proiectelor pentru realizarea prioritii 2va monitorizat n baza urmtorilor indicatori de produs:

    Numrul total de ntreprinderi.

    Ponderea ntreprinderilor agricole n numrul total de ntreprinderi.Crearea de asociaii regionale a productorilor agricoli.

    Numrul de locuri de munc create.

    Indicatori de impact. Implementarea proiectelor pentru realizarea prioritii 2va evaluat n baza urmtorilor indicatori de impact:

    Volumul producerii (VAB la nivel regional).

    Rata populaiei ocupate.

    Prioritatea 3. mbuntirea actorilor de mediu i a atractivitii turiticescop. Scopul prioritii 3 este de a mbunti calitatea vieii populaiei regiunii

    i calitatea ser viciilor prestate vizitatorilor regiunii.

    Raionament. Starea de mediu aecteaz n mod direct conortul populaiei iatractivitatea regiunii. n prezent, deeurile solide i lichide sunt gestionate n modnesustenabil, ducnd la degradarea resurselor i nrutirea sntii populaiei.Astel, este necesar organizarea colectrii separate, reciclarea parial i crearea

    poligoanelor moderne de stocare a deeurilor nereciclabile.Sporirea recvenei strilor extreme de vreme impune elaborarea unor programe

    ce ar permite adaptarea oamenilor i organizaiilor la schimbrile de clim. n speci-al, este important anticiparea i reacionarea prompt la asemenea evenimente.

    Muri. Msurile cu impact maxim pentru mbuntirea actorilor de mediusunt:

    Promovarea practicilor prietenoase mediului, agriculturii ecologice i a tehno-logiilor non-poluante.

    Dezvoltarea sistemelor de management integrat al deeurilor solide, inclusivcolectarea separat, reciclarea i crearea poligoanelor moderne de stocare adeeurilor nereciclabile.

    Diminuarea impactului variabilitii climei, sporirii recvenei hazardelor natu-

    rale i eectului degradrii solurilor.Crearea oportunitilor de investire n turism.

    Indicatori de rezultat. Implementarea proiectelor pentru realizarea prioritii 3va monitorizat n baza urmtorilor indicatori de rezultat:

    Numrul de poligoane noi de stocare a deeurilor amenajate.

    Elaborarea i implementarea unei campanii de promovare a practicilor priete-noase mediului n domeniul producerii agricole.

    Elaborarea unui program de anticipare i rspuns la strile extreme de vreme.

    Indicatori de produ. Implementarea proiectelor pentru realizarea prioritii 3va monitorizat n baza urmtorilor indicatori de produs:

    Nota medie ponderat de bonitate a solului.

    Reducerea recvenei eroziunilor i mbuntirea calitii solului.

    Indicatori de impact. Implementarea proiectelor pentru realizarea prioritii 3va evaluat n baza urmtorilor indicatori de impact:

    Volumul producerii (VAB la nivel regional).

    Rata populaiei ocupate.

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    Monitorizarea i evaluarea vor avea loc la nivelul acestei strategii i la nivelul pro-iectelor individuale.

    Agenia de Dezvoltare Regional Centru va raporta ctre Consiliul Regional Cen-tru i Ministerul Dezvoltrii Regionale i Construciilor despre proiectele nanatedin Fondul Naional pentru Dezvoltare Regional. Rapoartele trimestriale vor con-

    ine inormaii despre implementarea proiectelor. Rapoartele bianuale prezentateConsiliului Regional vor indica progresul n vederea implementrii Strategiei. Unraport anual cu privire la implementarea Programului Operaional Regional va ntocmit de ctre Agenie la sritul ecrui an scal. Pentru asigurarea particip-rii publicului n procesul decizional i pentru transparen, Agenia de DezvoltareRegional Centru va plasa pe pagina web programe, planuri i rapoarte anuale deactivitate.

    Fiecare proiect nanat de ctre Fondul Naional i inclus n Documentul Unic deProgram va conine:

    Obiectivele generale ale proiectului, cu reerire la obiectivele naionale pentrudezvoltarea regional dup cum sunt incluse n Strategia Naional de Dez-voltare Regional;

    Contribuia proiectului cu privire la obiectivele Strategiei Naionale de Dezvol-tare Regional i prioritile prezentei Strategii;

    Rezultatele imediate ale proiectului;

    Activitile care trebuie ntreprinse pentru a obine acele rezultate imediate; iContribuiile necesare.

    Aceasta va orma baza pentru identicarea indicatorilor relevani pentru moni-torizare i evaluare.

    Agenia de Dezvoltare Regional va nregistra lunar progresul proiectelor. Se vorexpedia trimestrial rapoarte asupra ecrui proiect cu privire la implementarea ge-neral i ieirile, rezultatele i indicatorii de impact prestabilii. Colectarea acestorrapoarte va orma o baz pentru rapoartele bianuale i anuale ntocmite pentruConsiliile Regionale i Ministerul Dezvoltrii Regionale i Construciilor.

    Planul Operaional Regional va conine indicatori calitativi i cantitativi. Indicato-rii calitativi, care n mare msur sunt indicatori de proces (i.e. indic dac o aciunea ost sau nu realizat), vor monitorizai de ctre Agenia de Dezvoltare Regiona-l Centru. Indicatorii cantitativi care nregistreaz progresul n implementarea Pla-nului Operaional Regional vor elaborai pe baza inormaiei despre proiectelecolectate de ctre Agenia de Dezvoltare Regional Centru. Ministerul va raportainormaia n ceea ce privete tendinele n economie din regiune, n baza datelorurnizate de Biroul Naional de Statistica. Aceast inormaie va transmis Agenieipentru a inclus n rapoartele bianuale.

    Adiional la raportarea obinuit reeritor la progres, ecare proiect va prezentaun raport detaliat cu privire la nalizarea proiectului, care va estima succesul gene -ral al proiectului, rapoartele reeritor la rezultate specice i indicatorii de impact iva identica impactul proiectului pe termen lung odat cu nisarea implementrii.Studiile de evaluare se vor eectua pentru proiectele mai mari care pot include oserie de metodologii corespunztoare, inclusiv sondaje participative ale beneci-arilor n baza valorii rezultatelor proiectului. Pentru un numr de proiecte mari, nspecial unde beneciile sunt ateptate s e de lung durat i pe scar larg, Agen-ia de Dezvoltare Regional Centru va organiza evaluri la perioade necesare dup

    completarea proiectului. Fonduri pentru eectuarea acestor evaluri trebuie s eincluse n bugetul proiectului.

    Agenia de Dezvoltare Regional Centru, de asemenea, va eectua sondaje depercepie periodice pentru consiliile regionale, n scopul estimrii ecienei activit-ii pe care ele le desoar, a progresului obinut n urma aplicrii prezentei Strate-gii i pentru a aa opiniile populaiei despre impactul acestor activiti. Rezultatelevor deveni parte component a rapoartelor trimestriale, i totodat, vor prezenta-te separat n orm de rapoarte Consiliului Regional pentru Dezvoltare Centru.

    Prezentarea rapoartelor privind realizarea Strategiei este o parte a sistemului ge-neral de monitorizare i de evaluare, care include Strategia Naional de DezvoltareRegional i Strategia Naional pentru Dezvoltare. Sistemul de monitorizare i deevaluare va elaborat ntr-un mod care este consistent cu raportarea Guvernului

    privind implementarea Strategiei Naionale pentru Dezvoltare. Odat cu perecio-narea sistemului de monitorizare i evaluare se vor modica i elementele acestuia.

    Planul Operaional Regional se ntocmete pentru o perioad de 3 ani. Odat cumodicarea lui, sistemul de monitorizare i de evaluare se aduce n concordan cuaceste modicri.

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    Angaamente de nanare eitenteRecunoscnd aptul c necesitile de nanare a proiectelor de dezvoltare sunt

    enorme, iar resursele publice disponibile pentru implementarea unor astel de pro-iecte sunt limitate, Strategia prevede un numr restrns de prioriti cu impact ma-xim asupra dezvoltrii social-economice a regiunii. Totui, msurile incluse n Strate-

    gie pot implementate ntr-o msur mai mic sau mai mare, n uncie de volumulde resurse i de capacitatea de valoricare a ondurilor disponibile. n acest context,necesitile de nanare pe prioriti i sursele de nanare preconizate vor calcu-late odat cu identicarea proiectelor specice i vor incluse n Planul Operaionalal Regiunii.

    surele de nanare

    Fondul Naional pentru Dezvoltare RegionalConorm Legii privind dezvoltarea regional n Republica Moldova principala

    surs de nanare a programelor i proiectelor orientate spre atingerea obiectivelorde dezvoltare regional este Fondul Naional pentru Dezvoltare Regional. Fondul

    se ormeaz din alocaiile anuale de la bugetul de stat, ca poziie distinct pentrupolitica de dezvoltare regional, precum i din alte surse, n special din surse oeritede partenerii externi. Cuantumul Fondulului Naional pentru Dezvoltare Regionalreprezint 1% din veniturile bugetului de stat, aprobat prin legea bugetului de statpentru anul respectiv. n Fond pot atrase i alte mijloace nanciare din sectorulpublic i cel privat la nivel local, regional, naional i internaional, precum i mijloa-cele oerite prin programele de asisten ale Uniunii Europene.

    Fondul Naional pentru Dezvoltare Regional prevede mijloace pentru toate re-giunile de dezvoltare. Conorm Legii, repartizarea mijloacelor ondurilor pe regiunise va baza pe principiul alocrii prioritare zonelor deavorizate din regiunile de dez-voltare. n acelai timp, alocarea resurselor va depinde de conormitatea i calitateaproiectelor prezentate.

    Alte ure publicePentru nanarea prioritilor prevzute de Strategie pot orientate i alte surse

    publice disponibile. Lund n consideraie aptul c sursele proprii ale raioaneloracoper doar pn la 50% din necesitile de baz, autoritile locale depinzndde transerurile de la bugetul de stat, bugetele unitilor administrativ teritorialenu pot servi drept o surs semnicativ de nanare a proiectelor de dezvoltareregional.


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    RegionalDevelopment Strategy

    (Short version)


    Approved bythe Consilium ofCentre Regional


    nr.04/02 from23.03.2010

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    Importance o regional developmentThis Regional Development Strategy (RDS) is a public policy document aimed at

    outlining the medium-term development priorities o the region.

    Every country needs dynamic and competitive regions in order to reach its na-tional economic and social development objectives. Regional development is a

    complementary activity to macroeconomic and sectoral policies.Sustainable regional development is an imperative or the Government o the

    Republic o Moldova, which has conrmed its commitment to the equitable distri-bution o development opportunities throughout the country. The successul im-plementation o regional policies will accelerate the development o the countryin general, with the ultimate aim o improving the quality o lie, irrespective o theplace o residence within the territory o the Republic o Moldova.

    strategic contetThe National Development Strategy (NDS) or 200811, approved by Law No. 295

    o 21 December 2007, identies regional development as one o the ve nationalpriorities with the general aim o achieving balanced and sustainable social-eco-nomic development in the entire territory o the Republic o Moldova through theco-ordination o eorts within the development regions.

    Law No. 438-XVI on Regional Development o the Republic o Moldova o 28 De -cember 2006 denes the main objectives and principles, and sets out the institu-tional ramework and planning tools or regional development. Under the Law, theNational Strategy or Regional Development (NSRD) is developed at national level,while the RDSs are developed at regional level. This document identies the priori-ties and implementation measures o regional development policy within the CDR.

    The RDS represents a medium-term policy document. It is also a strategic rame-work or acilitating and promoting integrated spatial, economic, and social devel-opment at the level o the development region, and contributes to the achievemento sustainable regional development objectives.

    The RDS should help to mobilise the development o regional partnerships tocreate a viable project pipeline to be included in the Regional Operational Plan(ROP). The ROP governs the implementation o the RDS, and covers a three-yearperiod, comprising programmes, projects, and priority activities.

    A national Single Programming Document (SPD) will be developed on the basiso these RDSs and ROPs, whereby priorities and areas supported by nancial re-sources will be established, ocusing on regional development. The SPD will be sub-mitted to the National Coordinating Council or Regional Development (NCCRD)and to the Government or approval.

    The denitions specied in Law No. 438-XVI on Regional Development o theRepublic o Moldova o 28 December 2006 will be used or the purposes o thisStrategy.

    Principle or upporting regional developmentThe basic principles or supporting regional development are outlined in the Law

    on Regional Development o the Republic o Moldova and the NSRD:

    Efcienc: natural, human, nancial, and production resources should be

    used efciently across the entire territory o the Republic o Moldova;Equit: all citizens o the Republic o Moldova have equal rights and access toeconomic, social, and cultural values, irrespective o their place o residence;

    sutainabilit: all measures, programmes and projects unded with the aimo supporting regional development should be technically, nancially, and in-stitutionally viable;

    Planning: all measures, programmes, and projects aimed at supporting re-gional development should be developed and implemented in compliancewith national and regional development strategies, and should have clearlydened objectives, priorities, and mechanisms;

    Coordination: all measures, programmes and projects aimed at supportingregional development should be agreed both nationally and regionally;

    Partnerhip: planning, development, and implementation o measuresaimed at supporting regional development should be based on partnershipbetween central and local public authorities, the public and private sectors, aswell as civil society organisations; and,

    Tranparenc: the process or the allocation, distribution, and use o resourc-es or the RDSs, programmes, and project implementation should be clear.

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    ENsITUATION ANALysIsThis situation analysis provides an overview o the Central Development Regions

    (CDR) social and economic development trends. This chapter includes sections cov-ering the ollowing topics:

    Economic development - including sectoral proles and investment trends inthe CDR;

    Social conditions - ocusing on poverty levels and the deprivation index analy-

    sis based on SADI indexes;Inrastructure - including inormation on the inter- and intra-regional roadnetwork; water supply and sewage systems; gas, electricity and power supply;and, internet coverage.

    Economic developmentTheGro Added Value1 (GAV) o the CDR in 2008 was estimated at MDL 7.05

    billion, or 10% o the national GAV.2 Over the period 200608, there was no signi-cant change in GAV. GAV per capita was approximately 450, or 70% o the nationalaverage.

    The various economic sectors contribute to regional GAV in dierent ways. In thelast ew years, the sectoral structure o the regional economy has changed. Thus,

    in 2008 the proportion regional GAV attributable to agriculture was 27%, havingdecreased by 10% when compared with 2006. At the same time, the contributionmade by services (47%) and industry (46%) grew by the same amount.

    The industrial sector in the region is underdeveloped: according to 2007 data,this sector employs only 5% o the working population, and industrial productionper capita is only 50% o the national average. The main industrial activities in theCDR are light industry, the ood and beverages industry, viticulture, and the build-ing and construction materials industry. Industrial activities are concentrated insmall towns district centres. The most dynamic centres or industrial organisationare Orhei, Rezina, Straseni, and Ungheni. A map o the location o agricultural andindustrial enterprises is presented in Annex A. Most companies involved in light

    1 Data on GAV by region is taken rom e stimates calculated by Matthew Powell [1].2 It was not possible to allocate the entire value added registered on the national accounts

    to the region (see Powell (2009), Annex B). In particular, at present there is no eectivemethod with which to allocate nancial services calculated indirectly to the eld, neitheris there the required data to allocate state revenues and not-or-prot organisations rev-enues rom services delivered to households. Thus, unallocated value added representsabout 12.5% o value added or 2006 in 2006 prices, and about 14.5% o value added or2008 in 2006 prices. The estimations or national GAV and GAV per capita used or com-parison in this section represent value added allocated to all regions and do not includevalue added that could not be allocated.

    industry are ill-served by obsolete equipment and low morale: low productivity andunder-use o production capacity are the main issues aced by regional industry.

    Agriculture is an important sector, contributing approximately 30% to the coun-trys total production: 83% o agricultural land is used or arable purposes, 9% ororchid-growing, 7% is used or viticulture, and only 0.3% is let as meadows. Themain agricultural products are vegetables, cereals, grapes, orage crops, and ruit.Agriculture is still the main employment sector, which accounts or over 40% o thetotal workorce o the region.

    social ituationLiving standards in Moldova are relatively low, especially in areas outside the

    capital city. Approximately 30% o the population in Moldova live under the thresh-old o absolute poverty, 20% are in relative poverty, and 36% live in conditions oextreme poverty.3

    Figure 1. Povert level b region, 2006

    32,7 33,534,1





    4,9 6,13,5 2,7






    Nord Centru Sud Chiinu

    Srcie absolut Srcia relativ Srcie extrem

    Source: SADI Report, 2007

    3 Absolute poverty is represented by the lack o minimal conditions or lie: ood, clothing,accommodation, needed or simple surv ival in the conditions o the relevant society. Froma long-term perspective, absolute poverty generates irreversible biological degradation.Relative poverty is dened as the inexistence o a minimal level o resources to ensure thenormal unctioning o a person in the relevant socio-cultural context. One may be underthe relative poverty threshold with no long-term change o capacities or normal socialoperation, but only or a limited period o time.Lack o income leads to extension o poverty in all areas o lie. This nal state o the pov-erty process is what is known as extreme poverty.

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    ENDeprivation levels4 by area show that economic well-being and access to educa-

    tion in CDR communities are lower compared with the SDR and NDR. However, ac-cess to medical services is higher than in the SDR and NDR.

    When analysing the conditions within the region, we nd the best access tohealth care in Dubasari, Anenii Noi, and Criuleni, the lowest being in Rezina. Accessto education is highest in Soldanesti and Telenesti, while the lowest indicator is reg-istered in Anenii Noi.

    InratructureIntraregional tranport networThe maximum distance between the com-munities o the CDR, either to the north or south, is about 180 km, and to the east orwest is approximately 120 km, and the route passes through Chisinau. The distancebetween the main urban centres o Ialoveni, Straseni, Ungheni, Orhei, and Hancestiis no more than 150 km.

    International tranport networThe CDR has a dense network o internationalroutes: the European Economic Corridor IX (CE IX); the Budapest Economic Corri-dorOdessa (BOC); and, the GiurgiulestiBriceni Corridor (GBC).

    Water uppl The water supply in the CDR is provided mainly by collecting un-derground water in the regions communities. The quality o water does not alwaysmeet current health requirements or drinking water; hence, the water rom many

    sources can only be used or industrial purposes. Approximately 80% o the popula-tion o the CDR sources drinking water rom wells and springs. The density o watersupply networks in 2008 was 13.2 km/100 km2, which is the lowest compared withother regions and also with the national average o 23.3 km/100 km2. In the districtso Anenii Noi, Orhei, and Ialoveni the number o communities with a central watersupply is higher than national average though the situation is very difcult in otherdistricts. For instance, ewer than 5% o communities have a drinking water supplyin the districts o Dubasari, Soldanesti, and Rezina.

    sewage The CDRs sewage system is poor, and waste water treatment technol-ogy is outdated. The proportion o houses in the CDR that have sewage disposalacilities is 15.6%, compared with a national average o 22.6%. There are only sixactive waste water treatment stations in the CDR, and the level o technology o ex-isting waste water treatment is unsatisactory. The waste water treatment acilities

    or Rezina, Telenesti, and Criuleni are inoperable, and waste is discharged directlyinto the Nistru or Raut rivers. The construction o 8 waste water treatment stations

    4 The denition and assessment o poverty levels is determined through deprivation index-es. Simple deprivation is the deprivation o an individual/household/group determinedby the non-ullment o a single need, calculated through simple deprivation indexes.Multiple deprivation represents the ullment or non-ullment o multiple needs, rep-resented by the aggregate o several single deprivation indexes. Thus, individuals aredeprived/poor i they do not ull not only their material needs, but also the needs orintegration, communication, education, and so on.

    is planned or the immediate uture. In most cases, local authorities are unable tound the repair or reconstruction o the existing acilities, or the construction o newstations, as this is a very costly exercise.

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    ENsWOT ANALysIsSWOT analysis is a strategic planning method used in the CDR to evaluate the

    regions trength, weanee, opportunitie, and threat. The main purpose othe SWOT analysis is to develop a structured, comprehensive understanding o allthe actors that determine the development o the Centre Region.


    Proximity to the Chisinau con-sumer market;Existence o several towns witheconomic potential;Developed railway network;Natural resources or the process-ing industry;Road network strategically con-nected to Chisinau and the EU;Relatively well-developed in-rastructure along national andinternational highways;Available and inexpensive labourorce;Increased access to educationalservices and health care, whichare o high quality in Chisinau;Developed network o businessconsultancy and assistance;Extended areas o woodland andrelatively well-preserved beauti-ul landscapes.

    Degradation o urban centres andunder-developed public utility inra-structure;Low productivity and high produc-tion costs;Small number o SMEs;Under-developed inrastructure orcollection, processing, packing, andpromotion o agricultural products;Obsolete technical and material baseo social institutions and limited man-agerial experience;Large number o people in need o

    social assistance and limited localnancial resources or social servicedelivery;Lack o local nancial resources tomaintain and develop inrastructure;Insufcient development o the voca-tional education system;Low quality road network;Low quality drinking water, andunder-developed water and sewagesupply and water treatment systems;High level o environmental pollution

    caused by unsustainable manage-ment o solid and liquid waste.


    Proximity to the EU;Eligibility or EU cross-border co-operation programmes (Moldo-vaUkraineRomania 200713;Black Sea Cooperation);High-level priority given by thecentral government to regionaldevelopment reorms and decen-tralisation;Creation o clusters, industrialparks and technology incubators;Increased access to high-leveleducational institutions in Chisi-nau, Romania, and the Ukraine;Use o potential economic cor-ridors;Use o natural reserves andprotected areas as resources ortourism and entertainment.

    Deepening negative impacts o theworld nancial crisis and economicslowdown;Political instability, expressed bythe inconsistency o regional devel-opment policies and/or requentamendment o the legal ramework

    Corruption;Reduced capacity to carry out impactassessment and easibility studiesDependence on energy resources anductuating energy prices;Continuous migration o the workorce;Increased requency o natural haz-ards and extreme weather events as aconsequence o climate change;Alienation rom national values andidentity, and the promotion o mass


    The socio-economic assessment and SWOT analyses o the CDR highlight therole o Chisinau in the regions development. The CDRs proximity to Chisinau o-ers the advantage o access to a capital city consumer market, generates jobs, andimproves access to educational and health institutions.

    There is potential to absorb external unds, but the reduced capacity to accessand manage these unds impedes the resolution o problems. To avoid this risk, rep-resentatives o the region should enhance collaboration with dierent assistanceprogrammes and unds, and should use accessed resources efciently.

    The comparative advantages identied through the analysis o strengths and op-portunities indicate an optimistic strategic direction or the CDR. The main targets

    or the regions development can be achieved with existing resources which can beconsolidated by using the identied opportunities.

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    ViionThe strategic vision o the CDR sets out a realistic, credible, and attractive pros-

    pect or the region. It describes a set o basic ideals, priorities, principles and values,on which the development o the region is based, as well as the elements that di-erentiate the region rom other parts o Moldova.

    The strategic vision o the CDR is consistent with the strategic vision o the entirecountry set in the Constitution and the NDS or 200811, and envisages the estab-lishment o the necessary conditions or the improvement o living standards. Theapproach to an improvement in living standards includes a number o actors inaddition to economic development: reedom o the individual and access to edu-cation, health care, and social services. The CDR Strategy is also aligned with thegoals o the NSRD, which, by developing an efcient implementation mechanismto enable sustainable growth in the development regions, supports the goals othe NDS.

    The trategic viion o the CDR reects a consensus on the aspirations ormulat-ed by dierent stakeholders interested in the development o the region, including

    representatives o the public authorities, the private sector, and civil society.strategic viion: The CDR will become a prosperous, dynamic, and diversied

    region, with well-paid jobs and the active participation o its population in ensuringthe welare o its communities. The region will draw on the benets o proximity toChisinau, the multiunctional centre o the country, and its avourable geo-strategiclocation, by developing a strong logistics unction and by stimulating inter-region-al and international partnerships. The region will ensure opportunities or achievinga good quality o lie or its inhabitants, and will become attractive to visitors, whilstpositive human and cultural values and the protection o the environment will laythe basis or social cohesion o the community.

    In this context, the obective set out below have been ormulated to supportthe realisation o this vision:

    the Region will become competitive with a dynamic and diversied econo-my;

    the Region will develop its access inrastructure and will use the advantageso its geographic location;

    the Region will develop international cooperation with neighbouring coun-tries;

    entrepreneurship will be encouraged and supported;

    the participation o citizens in the communitys management will be support-ed and promoted;

    economic development will not damage the environment, making the Regiona healthy place or lie and recreation; and,

    economic development will promote the human and cultural values o theRegion.

    Identication o prioritieThe economic analysis o the region, as well as the SWOT analysis, highlight a

    number o actors that impact on the development o the region. These actors ei-ther act as constraints to growth or indicate certain advantages or the CDR com-pared to other development regions, both within the country and in the immediateneighbourhood. The strategic vision, on the other hand, oers a long-term perspec-tive or the development o the region. Combining the analysis o the situation atpresent and the vision or the uture, one can identiy certain issues that the regionshould seek to address in its development.

    The identication o priorities, however, should not only respond to the multi-ple needs o the region. It is necessary to bear in mind that public resources arelimited compared to the proposed projects that could be implemented. Thereore,regional eorts need to be ocused on activities capable o eliminating the most

    undamental constraints and achieving the greatest benets with multiplier eectsacross many sectors.

    Analysis clearly reveals signicant disparities between Chisinau and the regions,and between the urban and rural settlements within the region. The poor conditiono physical inrastructure appears to be a undamental actor, which generates anddeepens this disparity by increasing transportation costs and limiting the move-ment o goods and people. At the same time, economic potential is limited by re-duced opportunities to initiate other economic activities, in both urban and ruralareas. Thereore, increasing the efciency o the agricultural and the agro-industrialsectors, together with encouraging greater diversity o economic activities thatwould bring alternatives revenues, appears to be o critical importance.

    Economic development, however, should not be allowed to damage the environ-ment. The environmental conditions can have a signicant impact on living standardsand the attractiveness o the region, both or the local population and or visitors.

    Consequently, three priority activities were identied or the implementation othe Strategys objectives:

    rehabilitation o physical inrastructure;1.

    support to private sector development, especially in rural areas; and,2.

    improvement o the environment and its attractiveness to tourists.3.

    These priorities are inter-connected, and their eective implementation will ac-celerate the development o the region.

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    ENPrioritieThe regional working groups who developed this strategy have considered a

    range o programmes and measures appropriate or the dynamic development othe region. However, taking into consideration the nancing opportunities and theimplementation term o the Strategy, only a ew areas have been identied as pri-orities. The rationale, the measures, and the expected outcomes or each priority aredescribed below.

    Priorit 1: Rehabilitation o phical inratructure

    Goal The goal o priority 1 is to improve access to high quality inrastructure,both or households and economic agents.

    Rationale Deciencies o investment in public inrastructure over recent dec-ades have led to a signicant deterioration o roads, water supply, sewage, and thegas supply network. This undamentally impacts competitiveness, both at the na-tional and regional levels. Rehabilitation o the regions inrastructure will boost theattractiveness o the region to investors.

    A good water supply is an important requirement in the region; the density owater pipes is about 25% o the national average, and 80% o the population useswater rom wells and springs. This aects not only the populations health, but alsothe agro-industrial sector. Water and sewage systems should be built, rst, in under-developed districts such as Dubasari, Soldanesti, and Rezina. The measure should

    include construction projects o water and sewage systems in urban and rural com-munities. Feasibility studies should also be developed, and construction projectsor waste treatment stations in communities near the River Nistru should be imple-mented.

    The rehabilitation o regional roads will contribute towards achieving the goal oincreasing access to national and international roads, thus increasing commercialows. The road reconstruction programme should include three sub-programmes.The rst sub-programme will include projects to rehabilitate inter-regional roadsand roads between growth poles. The second sub-programme will include projectsdirected towards the development o the inrastructure adjacent to regional roads(trafc signs, warning systems, oil stations, and rest areas). The third sub-programmewill include the construction o a new border crossing point UngheniIasi.

    Additionally, the investment in modern inormation technologies will contributeto the enhancement o the regions competitiveness and to human resource devel-opment. The measure should include projects to develop communication networksbased on modern inormation technologies in the postal service and communica-tions elds. Projects involving the opening o new transport routes between thegrowth poles o the region can also be implemented.

    Meaure The measures with the maximum impact on the rehabilitation anddevelopment o physical inrastructure are:

    the rehabilitation and construction o water and sewage systems, and watertreatment stations;

    the rehabilitation and modernisation o existing road inrastructure and inter-national connectivity; and,

    the development and diversication o access ways and communications net-works.

    Output indicator Implementation o projects ocused on priority 1 will bemonitored based on the ollowing output indicators:

    the proportion o houses that do not benet rom piped water in relation tothe total number o houses;

    the proportion o reconstructed or newly constructed roads in relation to thetotal number o roads;

    the number o rehabilitated wastewater treatment stations; and,

    opening an additional border-crossing point between Moldova and Roma-nia.

    Outcome indicator Implementation o projects ocused on priority 1 will bemonitored based on the ollowing outcome indicators:

    the number o persons with access to high quality drinking water;

    the value o oreign direct investments; and,

    the value o exports.

    Impact indicator Implementation o projects ocused on priority 1 will be eval-uated on the basis o the ollowing impact indicators:

    the volume o production (regional GAV); and,

    the employment ratio.

    Priorit 2: support to private ector development, epeciall inrural areaGoal The goal o priority 2 is to stimulate and develop a productive economy in

    rural areas.

    Rationale Although the CDR benets rom proximity to Chisinau, which repre-sents the largest local consumer market, the economic perormance and humandevelopment o the region is below the level predicted by a strengths assessment.The main challenge is tackling the low level o economic activity in the rural areaso the region. Although the rehabilitation o inrastructure will encourage travel tourban areas in search o jobs, in the short and medium-term, this will not representa signicant migration ow. In this context, the improvement o agricultural produc-tivity and economic diversication are necessary. Development o the private sectoris imperative or the dynamic development o the region and the creation o jobs.

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    ENTraining the population in entrepreneurial skills, increasing access to inormation

    about business development and inormation about the consumer market, as wellas supporting small businesses is necessary in order to develop non-agricultural ac-tivities in rural areas. Consequently, projects to develop inormation and assistanceservices should be supported through the institutional development o the businesscentre network, including the development o services directed at market research,product promotion, and development o business plans to launch a business.

    In addition, the organisation and development o regional employers asso-ciations or regional business associations, and the integration o production and

    processing companies, as well as the promotion o cluster creation, can eliminateinormation gaps in the agriculture sector and stimulate the agro-industrial sector.

    Meaure The measures with the maximum impact on private sector develop-ment are:

    training o the rural population on diversication o household income andthe development o non-agricultural businesses in rural areas;

    capacity enhancement o inormation, consulting, and support institutions;

    development o cooperation structures in the marketing o agricultural prod-ucts and their integration in clusters; and,

    development o international quality and ood saety standards programmes.

    Output indicator Implementation o projects ocused on priority 2 will be

    monitored based on the ollowing output indicators:the number o training programmes implemented in the business sector, es-pecially in the non-agricultural sector;

    the number o SMEs that benet rom consultancy services;

    the number o events organised with agricultural producers; and,

    the number o companies that benet rom grants oered through a transpar-ent selection process.

    Outcome indicator Implementation o projects ocused on priority 2 will bemonitored based on the ollowing outcome indicators:

    the total number o companies;

    the proportion o agricultural companies in relation to the total number o

    companies;establishment o regional associations o agricultural producers; and,

    the number o jobs created.

    Impact indicator Implementation o projects ocused on priority 2 will be eval-uated based on the ollowing impact indicators:

    the volume o production (regional GAV); and,

    employment ratio.

    Priorit 3: Improvement o the environment and attractiveneto touritGoal The goal o priority 3 is to generate initiatives in the environmental eld and

    increase the attractiveness o the region to both residents and visitors.

    Rationale The state o the environment has a direct inuence on the standardo living o the population and the attractiveness o the region. Currently, solid andliquid waste are treated unsustainably, leading to the degradation o resources andthe deterioration o the health o the population. It is necessary to organise separatecollection, partial recycling, and the creation o modern polygons o non-recyclablewaste deposits.

    The increase in requency o extreme weather conditions calls or the develop-ment o programmes that would allow the adaptation o people and organisationsto climate change. It is important to anticipate and react promptly to such events.

    Meaure The measures with the maximum impact on the improvement o theenvironment are:

    the promotion o environmentally-riendly practices, organic agriculture, andnon-polluting technologies;

    the development o integrated management systems or solid waste process-ing, including separated collection, recycling, and the creation o modernpolygons o non-recyclable waste deposits;

    decreasing the impact o climatic events (increasing weather variability, re-quency o natural hazards and entropic risks); and,

    the creation o tourism investment opportunities.

    Output indicator Implementation o projects or the achievement o priority 3will be monitored based on the ollowing output indicators:

    the number o new polygons or waste storage;

    development and implementation o awareness campaigns in the areas o en-vironment and agriculture; and

    development o a orecast, and early-warning and response system to ex-treme weather events.

    Outcome indicator Implementation o projects or the achievement o priority

    3 will be monitored based on the ollowing outcome indicators:average soil ertility rate; and,

    reduced requency o erosion and improved soil quality.

    Impact indicator Implementation o projects ocused on priority 3 will be eval-uated based on the ollowing impact indicators:

    the volume o production (regional GAV); and,

    the employment ratio.

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    Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) will be carried out both at the level o indi-vidual projects and at the level o the regional strategy as a whole.

    The Regional Development Agency (RDA) will report on the projects undedthrough the National Fund or Regional Development (NFRD) both to the RegionalDevelopment Council (RDC) and the Ministry o Construction and Regional Devel-

    opment (MCRD). The RDA will produce quarterly reports containing inormation onproject implementation. Six-monthly reports to the RDC will also address progressin implementation o the RDS. An annual report on implementation o the ROP willbe prepared by the RDA at the end o each nancial year. The RDA will place pro-grammes, plans, and annual activity reports on its webpage to ensure the publicsparticipation and transparency o decision-making process.

    Each project unded by the NFRD, and included in the SPD, will include the ol-lowing in the project documentation:

    the overall objectives o the project, in terms o national objectives or region-al development as contained in the NDS;

    the contribution o the project to the goals o the NSRD and the priorities othe RDS;

    the immediate outputs o the project;the activities to be carried out to achieve those outputs; and,

    the inputs required.

    This inormation will orm the basis or identication o relevant indicators orM&E.

    The RDA will track the progress o projects on a monthly basis. A quarterly reporton each project will be submitted to the RDA on overall implementation and agreedoutput, outcome, and impact indicators. The aggregation o these reports will ormthe basis or the six-monthly and annual reports both to the Regional DevelopmentCouncils and to the MCRD.

    The RDA is responsible or reporting on the ROP o this Strategy. The ROP con-tains both qualitative and quantitative indicators. Qualitative indicators which arelargely process indicators (that is, whether an action has been carried out or not) will be monitored by the RDA. Quantitative indicators tracking progress in theimplementation o the ROP will be developed rom the inormation on projects col-lated by the RDA. The Ministry will report inormation on trends in economic condi-tions in the region, based on data provided by the National Bureau o Statistics. Thisinormation will be passed on to the RDA or inclusion in the six-monthly reportsmade by the RDA.

    In addition to regular reporting on progress, every project should submit a de-tailed end o project report; this assesses the overall success o the project, reportson specic outcome and impact indicators, and identies the longer-term impacto the project once implementation is completed. Evaluation studies will be carriedout or larger projects, which could include a range o appropriate methodologies,including participatory surveys o beneciaries on the value o project outcomes.For a proportion o large projects, particularly where benets are anticipated to beboth long-lasting and widespread, the RDAs will organise impact assessments at anappropriate period ater completion o the project. Funds to do this will be incorpo-

    rated into the budget o the project.The RDAs will also carry out periodic perception surveys or the Regional Devel-

    opment Council in order to assess how the activities o the Council itsel and theprogress in the RDS are perceived by the local population. The results o these sur-veys will be reported as part o the quarterly reports, and be presented as a stand-alone report to the RDC.

    Reporting on the RDS is part o an overall M&E system that includes the NSRDand the NDS. The M&E system will be developed in a way that is consistent withgovernment reporting on the NDS. As the national M&E system evolves, the ele-ments o the monitoring system or the RDS will evolve with it.

    The ROP covers a three-year period. As the ROP evolves over time, the M&E sys-tem will be updated in accordance with the ROP.

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    Eiting nancing commitmentThe nancing needAlthough the nancing needs o all potential development projects are enor-

    mous, the public resources available or the implementation o such projects arelimited. The CDR RDS has restricted itsel to three priorities with the greatest impacton the social and economic development o the region. However, the measuresincluded in the RDS can be implemented on a smaller or wider scale, dependingon the volume o resources that can be directed towards the implementation oregional projects and the capacity to utilise the available unds. In this context, -nancing needs and expected sources o priorities unding will be calculated whenspecic projects are identied and included in ROPs.

    source o nancingThe National Fund or Regional DevelopmentAccording to the Law on Regional Development in the Republic o Moldova o 28

    December 2006, the main source o nancing or programmes and projects ocusedon the achievement o the regional development objectives is the NFRD. The NFRDis sourced rom the annual allocations rom the state budget, as a specic allocationto support regional development policy. The NFRD amounts to at least 1% o statebudget revenues. The NFRD can attract other nancial resources rom the publicand private sectors at local, regional, national, and international levels, as well as thesupport oered by bi-lateral and multi-lateral donors, including European Unionassistance programmes.

    The NFRD includes unds or all development regions. According to Law No. 438-XVI, the distribution o the unds by region will be based on the principle o priorityallocation to the disavoured areas rom the development regions. At the same time,the allocation o resources will depend on the quality o the submitted projects.

    Other public ourceIn order to nance the priorities in the RDS, other public sources can also be used.

    Local authorities could direct resources rom the budgets o local public admin-istrations (LPAs) to the co-nancing o projects. However, as own resources coveronly 50% o basic expenditures and local authorities depend on transers rom thestate budget, the LPA budgets cannot serve as a signicant source o nancing orregional development projects.


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    CENTRUStrategia de DezvoltareRegional(Versiune succint)



    ( )

    Guvernul Republicii Moldova

    Ministerul Dezvoltrii Regionale i Construciilor

    Republica Moldova, MD-6801or. Ialoveni, str. Alexandru cel Bun, 33

    Tel./Fax + 373 268 2 66 71Email: ofce@adrcentru.md


    Ministerul Dezvoltrii Regionale i ConstruciilorRepublica Moldova, MD-2005

    mun. Chiinu, str. Cosmonauilor, 9Tel. (+ 373 22) 20-45-69ax (+ 373 22) 22- 07-48

    E-mail: mcdr@mcdr.gov.mdwww.mcdr.gov.md

  • 8/2/2019 Centre RDS Ro En










    CENTRUStrategia de DezvoltareRegional(Versiune succint)




    Development Strategy(Short version)

    Guvernul Republicii Moldova

    Ministerul Dezvoltrii Regionale i Construciilor

    Republica Moldova, MD-6801or. Ialoveni, str. Alexandru cel Bun, 33

    Tel./Fax + 373 268 2 66 71Email: ofce@adrcentru.md


    Ministerul Dezvoltrii Regionale i ConstruciilorRepublica Moldova, MD-2005

    mun. Chiinu, str. Cosmonauilor, 9Tel. (+ 373 22) 20-45-69ax (+ 373 22) 22- 07-48

    E-mail: mcdr@mcdr.gov.mdwww.mcdr.gov.md

  • 8/2/2019 Centre RDS Ro En







    NORDStrategia de DezvoltareRegional(Versiune succint)




    Development Strategy(Short version)

    Republica Moldova, MD-3100mun. Bli, Piaa Vasile Alecsandri, 8A

    Tel./Fax +373 231 6 19 80Email: ofce@adrnord.md


    Guvernul Republicii Moldova

    Ministerul Dezvoltrii Regionale i Construciilor

    Ministerul Dezvoltrii Regionale i ConstruciilorRepublica Moldova, MD-2005

    mun. Chiinu, str. Cosmonauilor, 9Tel. (+ 373 22) 20-45-69ax (+ 373 22) 22- 07-48

    E-mail: mcdr@mcdr.gov.mdwww.mcdr.gov.md

  • 8/2/2019 Centre RDS Ro En




    NORDStrategia de DezvoltareRegional(Versiune succint)



    ( )

    Guvernul Republicii Moldova

    Ministerul Dezvoltrii Regionale i Construciilor

    Republica Moldova, MD-3100mun. Bli, Piaa Vasile Alecsandri, 8A

    Tel./Fax +373 231 6 19 80Email: ofce@adrnord.md


    Ministerul Dezvoltrii Regionale i ConstruciilorRepublica Moldova, MD-2005

    mun. Chiinu, str. Cosmonauilor, 9Tel. (+ 373 22) 20-45-69ax (+ 373 22) 22- 07-48

    E-mail: mcdr@mcdr.gov.mdwww.mcdr.gov.md

  • 8/2/2019 Centre RDS Ro En



    sUDStrategia de DezvoltareRegional(Versiune succint)



    ( )

    Republica Moldova, MD-4101or. Cimilia, bld. tean cel Mare, 12

    Tel./Fax + 373 241 2 62 86Email: ofce@adrsud.md


    Guvernul Republicii Moldova

    Ministerul Dezvoltrii Regionale i Construciilor

    Ministerul Dezvoltrii Regionale i ConstruciilorRepublica Moldova, MD-2005

    mun. Chiinu, str. Cosmonauilor, 9Tel. (+ 373 22) 20-45-69ax (+ 373 22) 22- 07-48

    E-mail: mcdr@mcdr.gov.mdwww.mcdr.gov.md

  • 8/2/2019 Centre RDS Ro En




    sUDStrategia de DezvoltareRegional(Versiune succint)




    Development Strategy(Short version)

    Guvernul Republicii Moldova

    Ministerul Dezvoltrii Regionale i Construciilor

    Republica Moldova, MD-4101or. Cimilia, bld. tean cel Mare, 12

    Tel./Fax + 373 241 2 62 86Email: ofce@adrsud.md


    Ministerul Dezvoltrii Regionale i ConstruciilorRepublica Moldova, MD-2005

    mun. Chiinu, str. Cosmonauilor, 9Tel. (+ 373 22) 20-45-69ax (+ 373 22) 22- 07-48

    E-mail: mcdr@mcdr.gov.mdwww.mcdr.gov.md

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