anuarul institutului de istorie a. d. xenopol-2002-2003

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Anuarul Institutului de Istorie a. D. Xenopol-2002-2003


  • Anuarul Institutului de Istorie A. D. Xenopol, t. XXXIXXL, 20022003, p. IVIII, 1828


    Tom XXXIXXL, 2002-2003


    S U M A R


    Un senior al istoriografiei romneti (Gh. Platon).............................................................................. 1Sub semnul msurii: istoricul Dan Berindei (Alexandru Zub) ......................................................... 5Constituirea statului naional romn n opera istoricului Dan Berindei (Dumitru Ivnescu) .................... 11Acad. Dan Berindei despre locul romnilor n relaiile internaionale, 1821-1877

    (Liviu Brtescu) .............................................................................................................................. 15Dan Berindei. Bibliografie tiinific, 1945-2003 (Dorina N. Rusu) ..................................................... 17



    ALEXANDRU BABO, HANS LINDERSON, Mnstirea veche de lemn a Putnei n arhitecturamedieval romneasc .................................................................................................................. 43

    PETRIC DUMITRACHE, Politica extern a lui Bogdan al III-lea (1504-1517) .......................................... 61PETRONEL ZAHARIUC, Din istoria luptei pentru putere. Rsturnarea lui Vasile Vod Lupu .......... 79SORIN IFTIMI, Doamnele i puterea. Statutul doamnei n rile Romne............................................ 103


    OANA IONEL, Vilicus rusticus n Italia central-meridional ............................................................... 119SIMION CLIA, Avatarurile unui concept: protoindustria ................................................................. 139ANA LIPSIUC, Cteva consideraii privitoare la consecinele social-economice ale circulaiei

    monedei moldo-valahe n ara Moldovei ..................................................................................... 169RUXANDRA MOAA NAZARE, Funcionarii companiei comerciale greceti din Sibiu (mijlocul

    secolului XVIII primele decenii ale secolului XIX).................................................................... 177LUCIAN DRONCA, Observaii privind situaia economic a Imperiului Austro-Ungar (sfritul

    secolului XIX nceputul secolului XX) ................................................................................................ 195DANIEL NAZARE, Activitatea Consiliului dirigent reflectat n corespondena G.

    Moroianu Al. Vaida-Voevod (1919)........................................................................................... 205


    MIRELA CREU, Sate i orae moldoveneti n nsemnrile cltorilor strini (secolele XV-XVII) ......... 221MARIUS DIACONESCU, Pter Zld i descoperirea ceangilor din Moldova n a doua jumtate

    a secolului XVIII ............................................................................................................................ 247LEONIDAS RADOS, Fanariotism i antifanariotism n istoriografia romn paoptist........................... 293VIRGINIA ISAC, Informaii bibliofile n documente de arhiv .............................................................. 311GABRIEL ASANDULUI, Economia i nvmntul n gndirea lui A.C. Cuza................................... 319

  • II


    ALEXANDRU ZUB, N. Blcescu: patosul resureciei............................................................................ 339DUMITRU IVNESCU, Contribuii privind activitatea Comitetului revoluionar de la Cernui (1848) ... 343MIHAI-TEFAN CEAUU, DUMITRU VITCU, Emigraia romneasc i epilogul revoluiei paoptiste... 351


    VENIAMIN CIOBANU, Implicaii ale pcii habsburgo-otomane de la Vasvr (Eisenburg) n spaiulcarpato-danubian (1664-1683)................................................................................................................. 371

    GHEORGHE CLIVETI, Preludiile concertului european (II). Coaliia antinapoleonian imedierea austriac (1812-1813) ............................................................................................. 383

    LIVIU BRTESCU, Proclamarea regatului. Reacii interne i externe............................................................ 409CLAUDIU LUCIAN TOPOR, Aliana balcanic din 1912 i relaiile germano-romne ............................... 419LUCIAN LEUTEAN, Ungaria, Romnia i capitalul extern la nceputul anilor 20 .................................... 431RZVAN LOCOVEI, Cehoslovacia n primii ani ai statalitii. Informaii din arhivele militare ........ 445


    DORIN DOBRINCU, Transformarea socialist a agriculturii, rscoalele rneti i deportrile dinnordul Moldovei (1949)................................................................................................................. 459

    FLORIAN BANU, Cteva consideraii privind longevitatea rezistenei armate din Romnia(1944-1960) ........................................................................................................................... 489

    DUMITRU ANDRU, Atitudinea evreilor din Romnia fa de comunism (1944-1948) ...................... 499PAUL NISTOR, Reacii romneti la formarea pactului Nord Atlantic (1949) ............................. 517BOGDAN-ALEXANDRU SCHIPOR, Congresul al XX-lea al Partidului Comunist al Uniunii

    Sovietice. Cercetri asupra coninutului mediatizrilor romneti imediate........................... 531


    MIHAI DORIN, O tem politico-juridic n dezbatere public: tratatele de capitulaie .............................. 543STELA MRIE, Dunrea n istoria raporturilor politice internaionale ale Romniei moderne. Repere

    istoriografice................................................................................................................................................. 553DAN PRODAN, Proccupations roumaines de turcologie-osmanistique du XVe sicle jusquau

    milieu du XXe sicle. Considerations generales.............................................................................. 561MIHAI CHIOVEANU, Istoricii i politica n Romnia interbelic ........................................................ 595ALEXANDRU-FLORIN PLATON, Dou concepii istorice i istoriografice nrudite: Fernand Braudel i

    Gheorghe I. Brtianu ................................................................................................................................... 613ANDREI EANU, Istoriografia din Republica Moldova (1989-2002)......................................................... 631


    N. A. URSU, Relatarea protopopului Lazr Asachi despre rscoala de la Iai din anul 1819.O interesant pagin din istoria reportajului romnesc .............................................................. 651


    VENIAMIN CIOBANU, Noi informaii documentare privind evoluia problemei orientale(sfritul sec. XVIII) .................................................................................................................... 669

    STELIAN MNDRU, Ilie Minea inedit (1906-1907) ........................................................................... 683


    DUMITRU AGACHE, Documente (I)...................................................................................................... 689VIOREL M. BUTNARIU, Note numismatice (VI) .................................................................................. 699

  • III


    JOSEPHUS FLAVIUS, Istoria rzboiului mpotriva romanilor (Betinio Diamant) ............................... 709ALEXANDRU V. BOLDUR, Adunrile de stri sociale n istoria Moldovei i a rii Romneti.

    Sfatul mare de obte (Maria Magde) ........................................................................................... 710FRDRIC HITZEL, Lempire ottoman XVe-XVIIIe sicles (Emanuel C. Antoche) .............................. 715BOGDAN FLORIN POPOVICI, EMIL STOIAN, Carantina Branului. Consideraii istorice

    (Ruxandra Moaa Nazare) ............................................................................................................. 718JEAN-JACQUES LANGENDORF, Faire la guerre: Antoine-Henri Jomini, t. I: Chronique,

    situation, caractre (Emanuel C. Antoche) .................................................................................. 721CRISTIAN GRAF von KROCKOW, Die preussischen Bruder: Prinz Heinrich und Frederich der

    Grosse. Ein Doppelportrait (Stela Mrie) ................................................................................... 724GHEORGHE ZBUCHEA, Romnia i rzboaiele balcanice, 1912-1913. Pagini de istorie

    european (Sebastian-Drago Bunghez)....................................................................................... 726LUCIAN LEUTEAN, Romnia, Ungaria i Tratatul de la Trianon, 1918-1920 (Bogdan-

    Alexandru Schipor)........................................................................................................................ 730SILVIU MARIAN MILOIU, Romnia i rile Baltice n perioada interbelic (Bogdan-

    Alexandru Schipor)........................................................................................................................ 733ION URCANU, Moldova antisovietic. Aspecte din lupta basarabenilor mpotriva ocupaiei

    sovietice. 1944-1953 (Victor Spinei) ............................................................................................ 735ALEXANDRU ZUB, SORIN ANTOHI, Oglinzi retrovizoare. Istorie, memorie i moral n

    Romnia (Mihai Chiper)................................................................................................................ 739


    VICTOR SPINEI, Marile migraii din estul i sud-estul Europei n secolele IX-XII(Bobi Apvloaiei).................................................................................................... 743

    EUGENIO GARIN (coord.), Omul Renaterii (Ctlina Chelcu)............................................................ 744MICHEL VOVELLE (coord.), Omul Luminilor (Ctlina Chelcu)......................................................... 744VLADIMIR MISCHEVCA, PERKLIS ZAVITSANOS, Principele Constantin Ipsilanti, 1760-1816

    (Loredana Talpan) ......................................................................................................................... 745ROGER DUFRAISSE, Napoleon. Revolutionr und Monarch. Eine Biographie (Stela Mrie)........... 746FRANOIS FURET (coord.), Omul romantic (Ctlina Chelcu)............................................................ 748MIHAELA ORJANU, Din nceputurile instituionalizrii activitii informative romneti

    (Ionel-Claudiu Dumitrescu).......................................................................................................... 748DUMITRU IVNESCU, Al. I. Cuza n contiina posteritii (Liviu Brtescu)..................................... 749IANCU BRAUTEIN, Evreii n prima universitate din Romnia. Catalogul documentelor aflate

    n Fondul Rectorat de la Arhivele Naionale (Mircea Ciubotaru) ......................................... 752EM. BOLD, I. CIUPERC, Europa n deriv (1918-1940). Din istoria relaiilor internaionale

    (Bogdan-Alexandru Schipor) ........................................................................................................ 753NARCIS IONU GHERGHINA, Istoria bombardamentelor americane asupra fostelor judee

    Arge i Muscel, 1943-1944 (Ionel-Claudiu Dumitrescu) ............................................................ 756VASILE NOVAC, Generali piteteni, vol. I (Ionel-Claudiu Dumitrescu) .............................................. 756ANCU DAMIAN, FLORENTIN BREAZU, EMIL PUNESCU, Vlaca sub bombe (1941-1944),

    Documente (Ionel-Claudiu Dumitrescu) ....................................................................................... 757DENNIS DELETANT, Teroarea comunist n Romnia. Gheorghiu-Dej i statul poliienesc,

    1948-1965 (Andrei Muraru) .......................................................................................................... 758ERBAN RDULESCU ZONER, GHEORGHE CLIVETI, GHEORGHE ONIORU, DUMITRU

    ANDRU, APOSTOL STAN, Istoria Partidului Naional Liberal (Liviu Brtescu) ................ 761FLORIN PINTESCU, DANIEL HRENCIUC, Din istoria polonezilor n Bucovina (Liviu Brtescu) ... 763I. KARA, Obtea evreiasc din Bacu (Betinio Diamant) ....................................................................... 764Rmisch-Germanisches Museum Kln (Betinio Diamant) ....................................................................... 765Muzeul evreiesc din Frankfurt, Jewish Museum (Betinio Diamant) ........................................................ 765ALEXANDRU ZUB, ADRIAN CIOFLNC (ed.), Globalism i dileme identitare. Perspective

    romneti (Mihai Chiper) .............................................................................................................. 767

  • IV


    Hrisovul, tom III, 1998 (Marius Chelcu)............................................................................................... 771Codrul Cosminului, 3-4 (13-14), 1997-1998; 5 (15), 1999 (Marius Chelcu) ....................................... 771Studia Asiatica. Revue internationale dtudes asiatiques/International Journal for Asian Studies, I,

    2000, 1-2 (Marius Popa)................................................................................................................ 773Analele Universitii Bucureti, istorie, XLIX, 2000 (Marius Chelcu) ................................................ 774Carpica, XXX, 2001 (Liviu Brtescu) ................................................................................................... 775Revue historique de droit franais et tranger, no. 1, janvier-mars 2002 (Betinio Diamant) ............... 776Revue historique de droit franais et tranger, no. 2, avril-juin 2002 (Betinio Diamant) .................... 777Zargidava, 2, 2003 (Liviu Brtescu) ...................................................................................................... 778


    Activitatea tiinific a Institutului de Istorie A. D. Xenopol n anul 2002 (Dumitru Ivnescu)......... 781Retrospective, cooperare zonal, deschideri (Alexandru Zub) ................................................................. 786Formarea naiunii romne i gndirea public romn i maghiar actual, dezbatere public,

    Kaposvr, Ungaria, 31 august-1 septembrie 2002 (Bogdan-Alexandru Schipor) ........................ 796Stagiu de documentare n Ungaria, 1-15 decembrie 2002 (Sorin D. Ivnescu) ....................................... 797Un proiect de cercetare americano-romn: Colectivizarea n Romnia, 1949-1962 ............................ 797


    Un model de civilitate. Profesorul Vasile Neamu la 80 ani (Ion Toderacu).......................................... 807Dr. Anton Despinescu 75 (Alexandru Zub)............................................................................................ 810Dr. Ecaterina Negrui la 75 de ani. Povara modestiei (Dumitru Vitcu).................................................. 811Un mare crturar: erban Papacostea la 75 de ani (Victor Spinei)........................................................ 813Dr. Alexandru Moanu 70 (Alexandru Zub) .......................................................................................... 816Dr. Florin Constantiniu 70 (Alexandru Zub)........................................................................................ 818Dr. Victor Spinei 60 (Alexandru-Florin Platon)................................................................................... 820


    Emanuel Turczynski (Mihai-tefan Ceauu)..................................................................... 823

    Georgeta Ignat (Dumitru Agache) ..................................................................................................... 825

    ABREVIERI ....................................................................................................................... 827

  • Anuarul Institutului de Istorie A. D. Xenopol, t. XXXIXXL, 20022003, p. IVIII, 1828


    Tome XXXIX-XL, 2002-2003




    Un seigneur de lhistoriographie roumaine (Gh. Platon) ....................................................................... 1Sous le signe de lquilibre: lhistorien Dan Berindei (Alexandru Zub) .............................................. 5La gense de lEtat roumain dans loeuvre du historien Dan Berindei (Dumitru Ivnescu) ............... 11LAcadmicien Dan Berindei sur le rle des Roumaines dans lhistoire des relations

    internationales, 1821-1877 (Liviu Brtescu) ............................................................................... 15Dan Berindei. Bibliographie scientifique, 1945-2003 (Dorina N. Rusu) ............................................... 17


    ALEXANDRU BABO, HANS LINDERSON, La vieille monastre en bois de Putna danslarchitecture mdivale roumaine ............................................................................................... 43

    PETRIC DUMITRACHE, La politique extrieure de Bogdan III (1504-1517) ......................................... 61PETRONEL ZAHARIUC, De lhistoire de la lutte pour le pouvoir. Le renversement du Prince

    Vasile Lupu .................................................................................................................................... 79SORIN IFTIMI, Le Dames de Moldavie et le pouvoir. Le statut de Madame dans les Pays Roumaines ..... 103


    OANA IONEL, Vilicus rusticus en Italie centrale-mridionale ............................................................. 119SIMION CLIA, Les avatars dun concept: la proto-industrie............................................................ 139ANA LIPSIUC, Quelques considrations sur les consquences socio-conomiques de la circulation

    de la monnaie moldo-valaque dans la Moldavie .......................................................................... 169RUXANDRA MOAA NAZARE, Les fonctionnaires de la companie commerciale grecque de Sibiu

    (milieu du XVIIIe dbut du XIXe s.).............................................................................................. 177LUCIAN DRONCA, Observations concernant la situation economique de lAutriche (fin du XIXe

    dbut du XXe s.) ....................................................................................................................................... 195DANIEL NAZARE, Lactivit du Conseil Directeur (Consiliul dirigent) reflete dans la

    correspondance de G. Moroianu et Al. Vaida-Voevod (1919) ..................................................... 205


    MIRELA CREU, Villages et villes moldaves dans les notes des voyageurs trangers (XVe-XVIIe s.)........... 221MARIUS DIACONESCU, Pter Zld et la dcouverte de la population magyare de Moldavie

    (ceangi) dans la deuxime moiti du XVIIIe sicle...................................................................... 247LEONIDAS RADOS, Phanariotisme et antiphanariotisme dans lhistoriographie roumaine de la

    premire moiti du XIXe sicle ...................................................................................................... 293VIRGINIA ISAC, Informations bibliophiles dans des documents darchive .......................................... 311GABRIEL ASANDULUI, Lconomie et lenseignement dans loeuvre de A. C. Cuza............................... 319


    ALEXANDRU ZUB, N. Blcescu: le pathos de la rsurrection ............................................................. 339DUMITRU IVNESCU, Contributions concernant lactivit du Comit rvolutionnaire de

    Cernui (1848) ..................................................................................................................... 343MIHAI-TEFAN CEAUU, DUMITRU VITCU, Lmigration roumaine et lpilogue de la

    rvolution de 1848 ......................................................................................................................... 351

  • VI

    RELATIONS INTERNATIONALESVENIAMIN CIOBANU, Implications de la paix habsbourg-ottomane de Vasvr (Eisenburg) dans

    lespace carpato-danubien (1664-1683) ................................................................................................ 371GHEORGHE CLIVETI, Les prludes du concert europen (II). La coalition anti-napolonienne et

    la mdiation autrichienne (1812-1813) .................................................................................... 383LIVIU BRTESCU, La proclamation du royaume. Ractions intrieures et extrieures .......................... 409CLAUDIU LUCIAN TOPOR, Lalliance balkanique de 1912 et les relations roumaino-allemandes..... 419LUCIAN LEUTEAN, Hongrie, Roumanie et le capital extrieur la fin des annes 20 ....................... 431RZVAN LOCOVEI, La Republique tchcoslovaque dans les prmires annes de lindpendance.

    Informations des archives militaires.......................................................................................................... 445

    LE SICLE DES EXTREMSDORIN DOBRINCU, La transformation socialiste de lagriculture, meutes paysannes et

    dportations au nord de Moldavie (1949) .................................................................................... 459FLORIAN BANU, Quelques considrations sur la longvit de la rsistence arme en Roumanie

    (1944-1960) ................................................................................................................................... 489DUMITRU ANDRU, Lattitude de la population juive de Roumanie legard du communisme

    (1944-1948) ................................................................................................................................... 499PAUL NISTOR, Repliques roumaines la creation du Pacte de lAtlantique du Nord (1949) ............ 517BOGDAN-ALEXANDRU SCHIPOR, Le XXe Congrs du P.C.(b) de lUnion Sovietique. Recherches

    concernant lattitude immdiate de la presse roumaine ...................................................................... 531

    HISTOIRE DE LHISTORIOGRAPHIEMIHAI DORIN, Un thme politico-juridique de dbat public: les traits de capitulation........................ 543STELA MRIE, Le Danube dans lhistoire des rapports politiques internationales de la Roumanie

    moderne. Repres historiographiques .................................................................................................... 553DAN PRODAN, Proccupations roumaines de turcologie-osmanistique (XVe milieu du XXe s.).

    Considrations gnrales..................................................................................................................... 561MIHAI CHIOVEANU, Les historiens et la politique en Roumanie de lentre-deux-guerres ................. 595ALEXANDRU-FLORIN PLATON, Sur deux ides apparentes de l'histoire: Fernand Braudel et

    G.I. Brtianu .................................................................................................................................. 613ANDREI EANU, Lhistoriographie de la Republique de Moldavie (1989-2002) .................................... 631


    N. A. URSU, Le rcit de larchiprtre Lazr Asachi sur lmeute de Iai en 1819. Une pageintressante de lhistoire du rportage roumain........................................................................... 651


    VENIAMIN CIOBANU, Nouvelles informations documentaires concernant lvolution du problmeorientale ( la fin du XVIII sicle) ............................................................................................... 669

    STELIAN MNDRU, Ilie Minea indit (1906-1907) ........................................................................... 683


    DUMITRU AGACHE, Documents (I)...................................................................................................... 689VIOREL M. BUTNARIU, Notes numismatiques (VI) ............................................................................. 699

    COMPTES RENDUS................................................................................................................................ 709NOTES BIBLIOGRAPHIQUES............................................................................................................... 743REVUES.................................................................................................................................................... 771VIE SCIENTIFIQUE................................................................................................................................. 781ANNIVERSAIRES.................................................................................................................................... 807IN MEMORIAM ....................................................................................................................................... 823ABREVIATIONS...................................................................................................................................... 827




    The wooden church in Putna is well known in Moldavia thanks to the oral tradition that links it tovoivode Drago, the very founder of this Romanian principality. According to this tradition the church wasbuilt by voivode Drago in Volov in 1346 and moved by voivode tefan cel Mare to Putna monastery in1468. The Romanian researchers succeeded to determine its existence at the end of the 16th century, but thelegend was much too old to be verified, and therefore many discussions arose from it. Another open debatewas the state of conservation of the oldest part of the building, after a dismantling, two additions and severalrepairs. Some reconstructions were proposed but none of them respected all the evidences. The purpose of thispaper is to provide a firm dating and a careful documentation for this important wooden church. These twodirections of research are necessary steps towards a good understanding of the construction and its relevancefor the history of architecture.

    The oldest part of the wooden church, built only of oak timbers, showed good conditions for adendrocronological analyse, from the first visual examination. A number of 16 samples were later collectedfrom different parts of the old structure. The following dendrocronological investigations dated the fellingyears of 9 samples from 1399-1402. Three other samples, dated from 1345-46, even indicated that sometimbers might have been reused from a previous construction. This later result must be however verified andstrengthened by further research, because the sapwood rings determined in the laboratory for two of the 3samples were not visually observed in the field.

    The structure of the church was documented with emphasis on the oldest part and its state ofconservation. As a result, the extent of the medieval wooden church was determined and it appearedsurprisingly well preserved. The old church has only two rooms, a nave and a sanctuary. They form togetheran oblong plan, 477 cm wide and 825 cm long, ended eastwards with a polygonal shape. A vault, with aperfect semicylindrical shape, covers both rooms. The wall timbers were smoothed on all four sides and theirjoints were cut to build flash corners. The only parts left uncertain are the western portal, the lower part of theiconscreen and the raftering.

    Knowing this church was built in the first years of the 15th century, we are now able to accept at leastsome parts of the legend. Thus the church could well have been built initially in Volov, on the site of a previouswooden church, and used as necropolis of the voivode Drago for some decades, until it was dismantled andrebuilt in the monastery of Putna, probably in the last decade of the 15th century. Soon afterwards, between 1500-1502, a new masonry church was built by voivode tefan cel Mare in Volov to replace it. Although we havereservations for the dating of the 3 samples from 1345-46, we are astonished by its resemblance with the year ofconstruction named by the legend. We can only wonder if the source of the tradition, written down at thebeginning of the 18th century, wasnt a document or an inscription unknown for us.

    The wooden church from Putna is the first wooden construction firmly dated from the Middle Ages inthe country and therefore it is of invaluable importance for the Romanian history of architecture. Moreover, itsimportance goes well beyond the national borders, since only a few medieval wooden constructions, firmlydated and still standing, are known in Europe. With the wooden church from Putna, the research in thisspecialised field widens far in the east, offering good material for comparisons across the continent. Forexample, several aspects regarding the circulation of certain techniques in wood are now open for revaluation.

    For the research of wooden churches in Romania, the church from Putna also provides unexpectedpossibilities for comparison. We can for the first time see how little the Romanian wooden churches changedduring the last 6 centuries. The same way of cutting smooth walls with flash corners and of building vaultsprotected by proper roofs characterise them. Furthermore, in Putna church, there are traceable even somefeatures specific only for the Moldavian wooden churches. These are distinguishable in the high wallsprotected by large eaves and in the narrow windows, opened in vertical pieces of timbers. The continuity isvisible in all the main patterns except one. The plan with only a nave and a sanctuary is an old feature in theRomanian ecclesiastical architecture, recorded before the generalisation of the tripartite plan in the followingcenturies.

    For the wooden constructions, in general, the use of a certain type of joint can signal a significantdistinction. In the case of the wooden church from Putna, the carefully cut flash joints must have been used tomark the higher status of this sacred building towards the prophane ones. The common constructions of thesame date were probably all built with projecting joints, which were much easier to cut and work with. It is

  • important to notice that this specific type of language was already practiced in the Romanian woodenarchitecture, by that time.

    Finally, we wish to stress the necessity to continue the research around this wooden church in order toanswer all the questions derived from the results.



    After presenting a short history of the researchers in the issue, the article analyses, one by one, theamiable or litigious relations, the economic or matrimonial relationships that Bogdan the IIIrd had with Poland,with the Tartars, with Hungary and especially with Transylvania, Wallachia, Russia, the Papal Seat, theRepublic of Venetia, the Ottoman Empire. As expected, the author makes a survey of the polemics referring tothe exact dating of the moment when Moldavia accepts submission to the Turks. Though he insists on the ideathat the foreign politics of tefan cel Mares successor didnt have in view anything else but maintaining thesituation inherited, the author brings new details on the unfavourable context in which Moldavia had to defendits independence: Polish-Hungarian rivalry, fights with the neighbours from Muntenia, Tartars forays, fightsfor power at Istanbul, the extinction of the idea of crusade.



    In this article the author intend to a comprehensive analysis of why and how was over thrown the mostimportant Moldovian ruler in the XVIIth century. The fall of Vasile Lupu also became for the author a goodoccasion to evaluate the complicated context of international relations in the East and South of Europe at thetime. In the end, the author considers that it was more probably an intricate episode of overthrowing than aordinary case of Turkish disgrace for the Moldovian Prince: a contest for power than a contest for peopleas I. Tanoviceanu has entitled his study (1901) about the last days of Vasile Lupu.



    The article here brings a subtler analysis of the status of the Lady in the history of the RomanianCountries.

    Currently, when defining the status of the Ladies in Moldavia and Wallachia, their condition isresumed to that of wife of the Prince. No ceremonial formula of consecration being known, at least by now,for her (by crowning, anointing, or any other solemn gesture), the way to receive the status of Lady seems tobe just one: marriage. By this, the lady would acquire just a reflex of sovereignty from her husband, to whomshe owes the position, her role remaining quite secondary. This image, too simple, might prove to beunsatisfactory.

    For the women in the past centuries there were also other two positions from which they thought to beentitled to receive the title of lady: that of daughter of a prince and, it seems, that of mother of a prince. Thesepositions could be seen as steps of self-accomplishment, the ideal being to gather in the same person allthree qualities that consolidate ones status. The author aims at rising a hypothetical construction on the wayin which the three legitimating sources of the conditions of lady interact: birth, marriage and maternity, aswell as on the way in which a balance is however reached if any of these qualities is absent.



    Une fois avec le dveloppement des grands domaines agricoles en Italie aprs les guerres puniques, il at ncessaire que la surveillance du travail sur ces domaines doit tre fait dun homme de confiance. Celui-ci(vilicus) tait, souvent, de condition servile. Les crivains antiques qui ont crit dagriculture (Cato, Varro,Columella) offrent des importants informations sur vilicus.

  • Partant de ces informations, dans notre article nous discutons les problmes concernants la premiremention dun vilicus, la distinction entre vilicus et actor ou dispensator et aussi son lieu dans le cadre delhirarchie servile. On montre aussi les qualits ncessaires pour un future rgisseur, son choix, sa formation etses tches (dont la distribution du travail sur le domaine tait la plus importante).

    Ayant en vue les mentions des crivains antiques, mais aussi celles des inscriptions, on peut dire quunvilicus dun domaine rural avait un statut social diffrent dautres asclaves de la familia rustica, parce quilpossdait une fortune (peculium) et il avait le droit une vie familiale. Quoiquil ne puisse pas se marier, il vivaiten concubinage avec une femme esclave (vilica). Les auteurs antiques et les inscriptions offrent des informationssur ce personnage dont on a essay de tracer le portrait aux lignes ci-dessus.

    Vilicus avait aussi une srie de devoirs religieuses dans le cadre de la frme, strictements tablis par sonmatre et il pouvait faire part de collegia.

    Avec le temps, au vilicus (lhomme de confiance du matre) et lintermdiaire de celui-ci et la familiarustica, on a commenc de lui confier dautres tches en divers domaines, le systme dadministration parlintermde de vilicus devenant trs rpandu aux premiers sicles de lEmpire.



    Le prsent article se propose dintroduire dans lhistoriographie roumaine la problmatique de laproto-industrie. Le fait que les Pays Roumains naient pas connu ce phnomne dans les 17e-19e siclesnempche quil est dimportance pour ltude de lhistoire roumaine. En effet, grce au concept de proto-industrie et au dbat, parfois vhment, quil a provoque dans lhistoriographie occidentale dans les dernirestrente annes, la comprhension des historiens sur la rvolution industrielle, sur ses causes, sur les conditionsncessaires, ont beaucoup volue.

    Ce mmes avancs imposent aux historiens roumains, dune manire indirecte mais non moinsobligatoire, ltude de la proto-industrie et de lindustrialisation qui en surgit. Lenjeu est important parce-que,nayant pas connu de proto-industrialisation, mais seulement de lindustrialisation, la Roumanie est un casdtude pour une autre voie dindustrialisation que celle classique, une voie pas tudie encore et danslesquelles la Roumanie peut faire cas de figure.

    Non de moindre importance est le cote historiographique. Le cas du concept de proto-industrie estrvlateur pour les possibilits que la thorisation et lusage des concepts ouvre aux historiens. Mais aussi, ilest intressant pour apprendre quelle drives et quelles erreurs cette approche diffrente peut gnre, et pourune historiographie pas habitue ce genre de discours et mme due par des usages errons la proto-industrie peut servir de model.



    The article starts from the controversial opinions that historical research formulated on the Moldo-Wallachian currency. On the one hand, the quasi-monetary character of a false unit issued by the Russianoccupation forces in order to plunder the two Danubian principalities is admitted. On the other hand, a firstattempt to unify the currency systems of the Romanian countries is talked about, as a mean to recover theexchange difficulties they were facing after their own currency issues stopped. The author underlines that thecurrency we were imposed was a false monetary instrument, meant to direct the gold and the silver from thecountries occupied towards the treasury of the Russian Empire. Following the mechanism of the lawdiscovered since the Shakespearean times, the bad currency drives away the good one, on the currencymarket of the Romanian countries was dropped the coin whose economic function was unilaterallyacknowledged; but for the paying of debts, only convertible currency was accepted. The fact that a segment ofsociety, the institution charged with the insurance of money convertibility on the currency market ofRomanian countries, didnt acknowledge the function of the new kind of money in paying debts, underminedtheir economic and juridical power. The currency market was destabilized, followed by a restriction ofeconomic activity, the dissolution of commercial and land capital, and by social disorganization, expressed inthe starting of social protests.



    The article establishes as complete as possible the list of clerks of the Greek Commercial Company inSibiu between 1746 and the beginning of the 19th century, on the basis of the archive information. Startingwith the bibliography on the topic and with archives, the author analyses the evolution of the Greek Companyfrom the administrative point of view. Within its structures, there were two categories of the clerks: thoseelected by the Company among its own members (in positions such as heads, jury men, captains, taxcollectors, church and school superintendents) and those employed by it (lawyers, priests, teachers). Initially,the heads of the Company were elected for a short time. Later on, toward the end of the 18th century, theleadership was hold by the same person for much more time. At the same time the leadership in the companywas kept by the members of real trade families and dynasties. The stability of all positions could be explainedboth by the change of company law status and by traders final settlement. This way the company hasexchanged its status from an economic privileged association into a cultural and ethnical community. As aresult, the administrative positions in the company are on the wane and the administration history shows thisprocess of change.




    Austro-Hungarys economy pursued a development that was inspired from the examples offered byGreat Britain, Belgium and France but with its specific problems and with 2-3 decades laggings behind.

    At the beginning of the 20th century the Dualist Empire managed to pass from a traditionalist statesociety to a capitalist one. But agriculture remained the basic branch of the economy, Austro-Hungarydisplaying the image of a profoundly rural state at the beginning of the 20th century, but which managed toequip itself to a certain extent with a modern industry. The peripheric regions of the Monarchy benefited fromcertain investments; that is the ones that belong to nationalities. Austro-Hungarys economy was at the eve ofWorld War I in evolution.



    This study is based on the 17 novel letters sent by George Moroianu, special referent of The DirigentCouncil for Transilvania. The addressee is Alexandru Vaida-Voevod, in that period the replacement of theRomanian Delegation to the Peace Conference in Paris (1919-1920). Those 17 letters were sent between Juneand October 1919 and they could be considered true reports regarding the activity of The Dirigent Council,which that time was located in Sibiu. These reports contain much information about Transilvania, but alsoabout Basarabia and Banat regions. The internal and external propaganda, the military campaign of theRomanian army in Hungary and also the elections from the 1919 fall in Romania have a special place in theseletters.



    The author intend to present some daily life aspects in the Moldavian pre-modern settlements as itappeared in the foreign travellers writings. Her article stresses the comparative analysis and the confrontationof different other sources: documents of the Moldavian Princes, church printings, archeological discoveries,ethnological researches.

  • According to her opinion, travellers notes from the XVth-XVIIth centuries had an impressive accuracyof information. Usually they were not travelling for pleasure and wanting to find new worlds butmissionaries or diplomatic representatives. In their notes, ethnographic details especially interesting for theauthor were somehow secondary and unintended but still necessary to depict cultural differences betweenthe catholic or protestant Occident and the orthodoxe East.



    The formation of the border regiments determined a massive Szekler emigration from Transylvania toMoldavia. Among these emigrants, one could find also the Catholic priest Pter Zld, who had an importantrole in organizing and carrying on the resistance of the Szeklers at Madfalva at the beginning of January,1764. Captured several times by the Habsburg authorities, he escaped to Moldavia. With the agreement of theMoldavian prince and of the superior ecclesiastical authorities (in his further correspondence, Pter Zldinvoked also the Popes agreement), he activated as priest among the Szekler emigrants and among theHungarian Catholic communities from Moldavia, from 1764 until 1768.

    In 1780 he gave a presentation of the Hungarian Catholic communities from Moldavia to theFranciscan Vincze Blah, who had come to Transylvania to inspect all the establishments pertaining toFranciscan Observants from this province. Following the suggestion of the Franciscan, at the beginning ofJune 1780 Pter Zld elaborated an ample text describing the above mentioned communities on the basis ofhis personal experience and of the information gathered from other persons, both secular and ecclesiastic,from Moldavia. Pter Zlds text circulated in some Hungarian scientific milieu around the historian GyrgyPray, Vincze Blahs friend. In 1783 two translations of this text, in German and in Hungarian, werepublished. Between these two editions of Pter Zlds relation there are some notable differences. Moreover,none of these editions followed exactly the Latin original, which is published accordingly for the first time inthe appendix of this study.

    Vincze Blah drove the attention of the newly elected Catholic bishop of Transylvania, IgncBatthyny, on Pter Zlds experience among the Hungarian Catholics from Moldavia. At the written requestof the bishop, Pter Zld elaborated a report at the beginning of January 1781 in which he resumed in aconcise form the information from the previous text. This report was published with errors in 1870: thereforeit is re-published in the appendix according to the original.

    In both texts, Pter Zld gave a short history of the Hungarian Catholics from Moldavia, presented theCatholic parishes and criticised the ignorance of the Italian missionaries in Hungarian language. On the basisof his own experience, he related in detail his visit to the Hungarian Catholics from Ciuburciu, near Dniester.

    The historical value of Pter Zlds relations is given by the fact that he used for the first time theethnic term Hungarian Csngos. The bilingual aspect of the Catholic Hungarians, their habit, theobservations on their origin, the description of their parishes, Pter Zlds relations with the Italianmissionaries have a great value for the historical research. The historical critique must correctly evaluate theinformation provided by Pter Zld as it contains also some exaggerations such as the existence of the ruins ofthe bishopric of Milcovia, the wealth of the catholic parishes or the number of the Catholic parishioners fromCiuburciu.

    The impact of Pter Zlds relations was considerable and of long standing. The bishop ofTransylvania, Ignc Batthyny, sent in 1787 a letter to the Pope through the monk Andrs Dudssi, in whichhe deplored the state of the Hungarian Catholics from Moldavia and the ignorance of the Italian missionariesin Hungarian language. His request, according to which the Moldavian mission should be put under thejurisdiction of the Catholic bishopric from Transylvania, was nevertheless rejected. In exchange he got theagreement of the Congregation De Propaganda Fide to cover the expenses for sending two Hungarianmissionaries in Moldavia. The bureaucracy, the war, but also the lack of enthusiasm of the HungarianFranciscans delayed the sending of the two missionaries. Moreover, the worldly sins of the first Hungarianmissionary, Tams Pozsonyi, cleverly exploited by the leader of the Moldavian mission, compromised for awhile the success of the Transylvanian bishop.

    The German and Hungarian scientific editions from 1783 of Pter Zlds first relation allowed thediffusion of the information concerning the Hungarian Catholics from Moldavia in secular, scientific andpolitic milieu. The impact was of long standing due to the fact that these editions constituted as the maindocumentary basis of many studies concerning the Hungarian Catholics elaborated in the Hungarian scientificmilieu starting with the first half of the 19th century.

  • In the appendices of the study the following documents are published in extenso: (I) Pter Zlds lettersent to Vincze Blah in June 6, 1780, in which Blah was notified about the sending of the relation; (II) therelation itself, which is edited according with a contemporary copy; (III) the report sent to the bishop ofTransylvania on January 11, 1781; (IV) the letter sent to the monk Andrs Dudssi on June 3, 1787 and, finally,(V) the letter of the bishop sent to the Pope on October 6, 1787.


    OF THE 1848 PERIOD(Summary)

    Due to the mixture of old and new, traditional and modern, the historiography of the 1848 periodrepresents one of the most interesting Romanian historiographical sequences. The longevity of the literaryhistorical gender, from the annalists to the historians of the middle of the XIXth century, is explained by thenecessity of a culminating point in the written culture, which could crystallize the cultural conscience andaffirm Romanians right to existence and freedom. Scholars, as well as action men, builders of their epoch, thehistorians of the 1848 period try to offer the readers of the universal history and country history textbooks, theaim declared being that of the flourishing of the nation; more than reflexive spirits, they are reforming spiritswho critically approached the whole socio-politic area.

    The criticism of the Phanariot period, although generated in a political plan by a violent antiphanariotdiscourse, destined to answer the national need of conciliation, of identification of a common enemy, istransmitted to the field of historiography. The historians used to see in the phanariot corruption the perfectvictim for the sacrifice that would have permitted the purification of the countrys history from the actions ofthe foreigners, the elimination of the ballast of the past and a new beginning, based on a set of values ofwestern origin.

    The paper tries to offer a direct perspective on the antiphanariot vision of the annalists of the 1848period and to grasp both the generalities, the filiation of the ideas, and the differences in approach and specialnuances, where they exist. M. Anagnosti, Aaron Florian, I. Maiorescu, I. Albine, Gh. Asachi, I.H. Rdulescu,M. Koglniceanu and N. Blcescu tackled the Phanariot problem from identical positions, patriotic, but theirantiphanariot discourse has, besides the common elements, notable differences, depending on the formation,the preoccupations and the aims of each one.



    The article contains pieces of information on books that were once (XVIIth-XIXth centuries) enjoying awide circulation, representing patrimonial goods and being, not rarely, disputed in court. Some of them werekept, others lost. The number of the ones kept is not known, but is far from being complete. The articlepresents a few such testimonies from the funds and collections of the Archives of Iasi. The author states thatshe doesnt come with new titles, of disappeared books, but only calls the attention on other copies, whichwill increase the number of the ones known and used in the scholars circle. The article relies upon simplelists, book inventories, on notes and references existing in different documents where, at a first sight, wemight suspect the existence of precious pieces of information for our culture.



    A. C. Cuza (1857-1947) a t lun des plus reprsentatifs hommes politiques et parlamentaires de lapriode interbellique. Il est moins connu pour lactivits scientifique et didactique. Il a russi publier unesrie douvrages, certains de rfrence dans le domaine de lconomie politique. Aussi, de plus dun quart sesicle a form des gnrations de juristes la Facult de Droit de Jassy. Il a t le dernier reprsentant de lafamille Cuza, qui a russi saffirmer dans le plan politique, en tant dans le mme temps lun des promoteursde lantisemitisme roumain.



    Supralicit en tant que symbol de la rvolution et de la dmocratie sous le rgime communiste, N.Blcescu reste une figure minente de lhistoire moderne et de lhistoriographie respective. Un sicle et demiaprs sa mort en exil, loeuvre de Blcescu savre dune modernit frapante, lexpression dun ethosromantique et rformateur en mme temps. Cest ce que lon souligne dans ces pages occasionnelles.



    Un pisode important de la rvolution moldave en 1848 est constitu par lactivit du Comitrvolutionnaire de Cernui, form, parmi autres, de C. Negri, Al. I. Cuza, M. Koglniceanu, V. Alecsandri,M. Costache Epureanu, Iancu Alecsandri, N. Pisoschi, Zaharia Moldovanu, Al. Hurmuzaki, Anastasie Panu.a. Charg par le comit, M. Koglniceanu a publi une brochure: Les dsirs de la partie nationale enMoldavie, un vrai programme de revendications sociales et politiques o sont amplifies les principales idesde la Proclamation de Islaz et Nos principes pour la rformation de la patrie. Bas sur ce document, lun deplus importants de la rvolution, un vrai programme de gouvernement qui trouva son application pratiquependant le rgne de Al. I. Cuza, Koglniceanu a aussi labor un Projet de constitution pour la Moldavie,dun vident teneur rvolutionnaire.

    Les documents qui sont notre disposition, attestent la modalit par laquelle le Comit rvolutionnairede Cernui sest organis, ses desseins et, de plus, les relations, trs troits, qui ont exist, pendant toute ladure des venments, entre les reprsentants de ce comit et les rvolutionnaires valaques et transylvains. Lacorrespondance, en partie indite, des notables de la rvolutions roumains, met en vidence lide dunion desroumains en un unique tat, la ncessit dune lutte commune contre les troupes trangres interventionnistes(russes et turques), lutilit dacumuler des fonds pour procurer des armes de France pour sauver la rvolutionet laspiration de conqurir lindpendance.

    Lactivit dploye par les membres du Comit rvolutionnaire de Cernui tait sous lattentivesurveillance des autorits russes, reprsentes par le gnral Duhamel, les consuls de Iai et de Bucureti,Teodor Tumansky et Wilhelm de Kotzebue, ainsi que le chancelier de Russie, Karl Nesselrode, alarmes parle droulement des vnements prs de leurs propres frontires. Lactivit du Comit rvolutionnaire deCernui est une preuve que la rvolution en Moldova nest pas finie avec lchec de mars 1848, elle acontinu, structure de la rvolution nationale, par autres formes dexpression, plus radicales, notamment en cequi concerne le programme.



    Der vorliegende Aufsatz behandelt neue Aspekte der politischen Ttigkeit von C.A. Rosetti und tefanGolescu im politischen franzsischen Exil nach 1848. Die Quellengrundlage der Forschung besteht aus denunverffentlichen Akten des Wiener Staatsarchivs.


    CARPATHIAN-DANUBIAN SPACE (1664-1683)(Summary)

    The article analyses the intricate international situation in the second half of the XVIIth century, but alsothe attempts of Moldavia, Wallachia and Transylvania to obtain an increased degree of autonomy byspeculating the rivalries between the great powers. While the diplomacy of the House of Austria would haveliked to revive the collective suzerainty on the Transylvanian principality in condominium with the Turks butwith obvious advantages for Vienna, the Ottoman Empire chose to impose a restrictive suzerainty, in itsexclusive benefit. The author dedicates therefore a large space both to the Habsburg-Ottoman disputes on

  • Ardeal, as well as to the treaty of Vasvar, which consolidated the Ottoman influence in Transylvania,worsening the political-juridical situation of Moldavia and Wallachia.




    The first part of this study reveals the temptation exercised by the General Peace issue on the acts andattitudes of the Great Powers coalised against the Napoleons Empire. The road toward Peace reached morerelevance after the disaster of the Great Armys campaign in Russia, at 1812. The approach of the EuropeanPeace begun to be disputed by the Great Powers participating at the Continental Coalition. The Emperor ofRussia Alexander I had in view a Peace Settlement as a Ligue of the Monarchs, as an Emperors and KingsChristian Brotherhood. In order to counterbalance the Russian hegemonic ambitions, the Austrian ChancellorMetternich searched the way of the mediation of a Peace with Napoleon. The British subsidies, and thedetermination for War of the continental enemies of Napoleon maintained an acting Coalition againstFrance up to the end of 1813.



    Le Congrs de Berlin a reprsent le moment o le Monarque et le gouvernement roumain ont adoptune nouvelle stratgie de la politique extrieure.

    Charles le Premier et I.C. Brtianu ont compris que dans le nouveau contexte politique europen, laRoumanie ne povait pas imposer lextrieur sans faire partie dun systme dalliances politiques.

    Pour un act politique majeur parcil la proclamation du Royaume, on avait besoin dun puissantsoutien extrieur.

    Cest le but mme des entretiens du Souverin avec le chef du cabinet roumain en 1880 en Allemagneet en Autriche-Hongrie. Parmi les consquences positives de ces dmarches seront aussi des attitudes positivesdes grandes puissances vis--vis de la dcision de la Roumanie de modifier son statut juridique.

    La presse de lpoque nous offre des informations sur lenthousiasme de la population devant ladcision du 14 mars 1881.

    Limplication du gouvernement dans lorganisation des manifestations droules dans tout le paysavait comme but laffermissement des sentiments monarchiques.

    Lattitude constante de la fin de lnne 1881, vis--vis des intentions de la Vienne au sujet du Danibe,peut tre considere comme une premire consquence de la proclamation du Royaume.

    Le renforcement du statut de la monarchie du Charles le Premier par rapport aux autres souverins et lastimulation de la lutte pour lunit dtat roumain seront les autres consquences de lact du 14 mars, suivi parcelui de 10 mai 1881.



    Das Balkan-Bndnis (1912) hat die deutsch-rumnischen Beziehungen beeinflusst. Die rumnischenInteressen auf dem Balkan verlangten damals immer mehr engen Beziehungen der rumnischen Politiker mitden Diplomaten des deutschen Auswrtigen Amtes. Gleichzeitig wurde die Rolle Rumniens im Bezug aufdie Balkanfragen in Deutschland, nicht aber in sterreich-Ungarn, neu gewertet. Das Bndnis der Balkan-Staaten bedeutete eine schwierige Prfung fr die Diplomaten aus Bukarest und Berlin. Es hat das deutscheInteresse fr die Balkanwelt wieder aktuell gemacht.

    Trotz der Bemhungen der deutschen Diplomatie, haben die Balkankriege die Beziehungen zwischenRumnien und dem Dreibund endgltig unterbrochen. Die Ursachen der Verschlechterung der rumnisch-deutschen Beziehungen sind bis heute in deutscher oder rumnischer Historiographie nicht vllig aufgeklrt. Ausdiesem Grund sind diese Verhltnisse whrend der Balkankrise (1912-1913) ein interessantes Forschungsgebiet.Unser Hauptinteresse geht in dieser Richtung und dieses Studium bedeutet nur einen Anfang.



    Toward middle twenties (1923-1925) Romania and Hungary had contrasting results in their attemptsto enter international capital market: while Hungary benefited from a plan of financial rehabilitation under theaegis of the League of Nations and got external loans, Romania did not obtain any foreign money, sometimesbecause of her rejection of onerous terms. This development suggests that it have been commencing to fadeaway the distinction between the victors and vanquished in the Great War. At least concerning Romania andHungary, in 1924-1925 these labels barely existed.



    The researches made in the Military Attaches Office Archives from the Second Informational Sectionof the Great Major Staff of the Romanian Army illustrated the existence of a great deal of informationreferring to the states which were to become of a great importance from the international point of view.

    In this context, we found the reports of Major Stere Costescu (the linking Romanian officer in theCzechoslovakian General Staff, in 1919). The reports have the form of detailed synthesis on the political,military, economic and social situation in the neighbour state. Starting with the context of the documents, weidentified, in spite of the specific differences, a similarity between the external and internal political context inCzechoslovakia and Romania. This was determined by their condition of succesoral states, forced to acttoward internal consolidation and defense of the status-quo, as it was stated by the Versailles system.

    The mentioned reports consisting of information from the high level of the Czech Military andPolitical leadership, contributed to a better knowledge of the neighbour state, preparing the way for the mutualcooperation among the Little Antante.



    After having been theatre of war in March-August 1944, occupied by the Soviets and submitted to anintense extorcation for the benefit of the Red Army, the Northern-Eastern Romania (Moldavia) knew a majordrought in 1946 followed by a terrible famine in 1947. During all this time, the Communist Party wasbecoming the main political form in Romania, as the country found itself under a very strong process ofcommunization. In 1945, an agricultural reform started being put into practice and the next years the regimeintroduced measures meant to contribute to the application of the Soviet pattern in villages as well. At the CCplenary of the Romanian Working Party on the 3rd-5th of March 1949, they decided to introduce the socialisttransformation of agriculture, which was synonymous to collectivization. The chosen pattern was the Sovietone, despite of the fact that it had proved to be catastrophic in its very originary country. The next 13 yearsRomania was to live a long process of collectivization which would last even after its Western socialist stateswould have given up this aspect of the stalinist utopia.

    Within the process of controlling the peasantry and taking possession of their work outcomes, theystarted drawing cereals by force, the so-called shares (cote), as they are still remembered of. Several legaldocuments were issued on this purpose between 1946-1949. To fully and quickly draw the quantities ofcereals, the authorities created the rule of treshing at some special grounds (treieratul la arie). In a veryobvious way, the peasants were disadvantaged through the compulsory share system, as they were deprived ofa very important part of their goods. As a consequence, the peasants made use of different solutions to escapethe collecting laws (starting with hiding certain goods and finishing with refusing to give the shares, andrisings).

    At the beginning of the agriculture collectivization, such revolts happened also in the northernMoldavia. One could have hardly written about it before 1989 for very obvious reasons. The resources used insuch a research come from the archives funds of the latest years and from the oral history interviews.

  • Peasant risings caused by the refusal of threshing at the ground (treieratul la arie), the share handingscombined with the fear of collectivization took place in dozens of villages of the ex-districts of Dorohoi,Botoani, Rdui and Suceava. Against these peasant discontents that were translated into open revolts in thecommunes of Roma district of Botoani, Vorniceni and Avrmeni district of Dorohoi, Rogojeti,Calafindeti, Frtuii Noi and Miliui district of Rdui, Blceana and Stroieti district of Suceava,the authorities took extreme repressive measures, employing important militia and security forces helped bythe local activists. As a result, in the summer of 1949, mostly at the beginning of august, 11 people died,dozens of persons were arrested and brought to justice in the military court, almost 100 people were deportedto Dobrogea.

    To avoid similar future events, the Securitate developed a large information network. In the followingyears, no other rising took place but the process of the socialist transformation of agriculture was slow, as thecounty of Suceava, which included the ex-districts already mentioned, was the last one to be collectivized inMarch 1962. As for the victims of the 1949 summer repressives, they were scarcely done justice even whenthe communism failed. With only one exception, the deadly shot had hardly had death documents becausetheir burial place is approximate. The authors of the crimes could live peacefully, the facts had been lost bylimitation.



    The proceeds from the premise that most of the studies on the armed anticommunist resistance areconfined to a presentation of facts, leaders and that of the evolution of one group or another. This was, indeed,a necessary phase that now requires another one, of qualitative analysis. The study tries to answer thefollowing question: how can we explain the fact that small groups of fighters managed to survive for almost16 years against the persecution started by a communist State, holding all necessary means to destroy anyopposition? The author proceeds his research from oral and written testimonies of those involved in theevents, either investigated or investigators, reaching the conclusion that at any time the communist regime inRomania wasnt endangered by these groups of resistance. They played a purely symbolic part, one ofdesperate protest against a foreign occupation.



    The author demonstrates that there was not only one compact attitude towards the RomanianCommunist Party in the 40s, but the Jew minority developed different pattern of approach, according todifferent life experiences, social status, education and personal information.

    The reestablishing of the legal rights lost in the late 30s and in the first years of the war was of coursea good reason to sympathize the Red Armys eliberation of Romania. Some of the former oppressed evenlooked for revenge and were eager to cooperate with the new authorities. But the intellectual Jew elite wasaware of the antidemocratic and violent practices of the new rulers.

    Some of them even criticized the communist politics and were getting into the conflict with the newregime. But their actions were mystified by the communist propaganda and had no impact on the Jewcommunity, less on the larger society. Generally speaking, the Romanian society in these years saw only thetop of the new hierarchy and judged it hurshly, that encouraging an unfair perception about the Jew attitudethat had a long life, being still familiar to the Romanian public.



    After 1945, the development of the bipolar structure in the state international system was followed bydiplomatic tensions among powers, tensions which were transferred to the allies (satellites) and weregeneralized during every major initiative on the world plane. The bipolar dispute, whether it is regarded as a

  • fight for power or a fight for security, gained new dimensions the moment ideology offered the stake of worldimposition of one of the two competing models: the capitalist one or the communist one.

    Being a part of the international relations promoted by the Soviet Union, postwar Romania developedan atypical external policy, obedient to the hegemony of the socialist camp and excessively ideologised,protecting the interests of the top leaders of the new dominant party. Being touchy, primarily to theinternational attacks aimed at the Soviet Union, the power in Bucharest acted against the national interest,involving in ridiculous unilateral disputes with the leader of the free world The United States of America.The protection of the atomic monopoly by the Americans and the launching of Truman Doctrine and MarshallPlan (1947) were felt by Romania as some evolutionary steps towards a world aggresivity. The officialreactions of the power in Bucharest towards the security structure of the Western Community were one of themost unprofessional ones, reflecting not only the status of international instrument of the regional hegemony,but also the tendency of the regime to use the external problems as opportunities to consolidate the internalprestige.

    The peak of the antiwestern attitudes promoted by Communist Romania in the 40s of the last centurywas reached in 1949, when the Atlantic world formed a military organization during a peaceful period. TheRomanian press was offered has offered the opportunity to furiously outburst against the world promoters ofCapitalism and Imperialism when the USA State Department presented the North Atlantic Treaty whichwas followed by the international debate that took place in January-April 1959.

    Therefore, the interpretation given to the 1949 international events by the Romanian authorities can beeasily deciphered if we apply a security paradigm. This paradigm reveals a weak Romanian state, caught in asevere interval crises, obsessed with insecurity, frustrated because of the modest international status andwhich used false external threats in order to introduce a despotic internal order. And what is even more seriousis the fact that the interest of the communist Nomenclature was propelled to a state of national interest in thedetriment of the average citizen. Under these circumstances, the external policy was used as an instrument tostrengthen the Communist regime and to compromise a possible internal opposition.



    The article focuses on the way in which speeches of important Soviet political personalities at the 20thCongress of the Soviet Unions Communist Party held on February 1956 were made public in theRomanian Popular Republic, and also on their contents. Thus it has been ascertained that what N. S.Khruschev said in his so called secret speech of February 25, 1956 doesnt necessarily represent somethingnew or even unexpected. In fact, most of the proeminent Soviet political personalities that took the floor atthe Congress tribune before February 25, had already criticized and condamned the errors and abuses of thelast two decades, appreciating at the same time the new trend of the political life after 1953 Stalins death both in internal and foreign affairs.

    All these things were made public in the Romanian Popular Republic during or immediately after theCongress. However, there still remains some historiographical lack of concordance, such as the question ofextreme anti-Stalinist speech made by A. I. Mikoian, something that cannot be found in the text published inBucharest.

    Finally, the article emphasizes the disappearance of the references to the Congress in Romanianjournals shortly after its end. This faithfully reflected the silence kept by the Romanian politicians inwaiting for a public official position of the Romanian Workers Party leaders.



    Lun des arguments les plus instamment invoqus dans les actions politiques roumaines de ladeuxime moiti du XVIII-me sicle et de la premire moiti du sicle suivant le constitue les anciens traitsde soumission ou de capitulation, supposs tre signs par les Pays Roumains et lEmpire Ottomane. Leurbut, prcisment dtermin dans laction nationale, a conduit successivement la dfinition de la thorie descapitulations.

    Mais lune des directions daction o cet argument est investi le reprsente le mouvement de lUnion.On se propose pour analyse cet aspect de la lutte nationale, telle quelle sest dfinie dans les proccupations

  • des publications priodiques. Outre le livre dhistoire et les actions politiques (mmoires, projets de rforme,programmes rvolutionnaires) les priodiques roumains ont contribu substanciellement la connaissance dupass, la diffusion des ides historiques et la configuration de larmature politique de lidal national.Largument le plus constamment invoqu dans la lutte nationale a t le statut politico-juridique internationaldes Principauts Roumaines lpoque du moyen-ge, statut qui a son origine dans les anciens traits decapitulation. La Rvolution des annes 48 avait propuls largument historique des capitulations dans lepremier-plan de laction politique. Pendant les annes de la crise orientale, la proccupation des priodiquesroumains pour la cause de lunion et la restauration de lancien statut politico-juridique des Pays Roumains at constante. La signature, au 7/19 aot 1858 de la Convention de Paris qui consacrait laccord des pouvoirsgarants dans le problme de lunion des Principauts mme si par une solution de compromis, hibride etinnaplicable a ferm une tape politico-diplomatique, a ouvert la voie des nouvelles solutions.

    Dans les nouvelles conditions, la valeur probatoire des traits de capitulation ntait plus vidente.Historiens, publicistes, politiciens ont exactement saisi ce fait et ont pass sous silence le thme descapitulations, qui avait nourri pendant une dcennie limagination et les esprances du public. On fermait ainsila carrire politique dun des plus intressants sujets de notre histoire.


    Historiographische Anhaltspunkte(Zusammenfassung)

    Der Artikel Die Donau in der Geschichte der internationalen politischen Bezichungen des modernenRumniens. Historiographische Anhaltspunkte befasst sich mit den wichtigsten einschlgigen neuren undlteren rumnischen und auslndischen Schriften. Diese Literatur zeichnet sich durch Reichtum, Vielfalt undInterdisziplinaritt aus. Es handelt sich um die Einfhrung zu einer umfassenderen Arbeit ber die Donau alsein uerst bedetendes Problem fr die internationalen politischen Beziehungen Rumniens im 19. und 20.Jahrhundert.


    Le peuple roumain appartenant la romanit europenne de lEst, form partir du II-e sicle etcontinuant jusquau VII-e sicle, lre chrtienne, dans lespace gographique dlimit par Dniestr Tisza Danube Mer Noire, au long des Carpates, est venu en contact et a cohabit avec les peuples migrateurs ousemi sdentaires turciques: les Petchengues (X-eXI-e sicles), les Ouses et les Coumans (XI-eXII-e sicles),les Tatars ( partir du 1241) les Turcs ottomans (aprs 1369). Entre les Roumains et les Turciques, on aremarqu des influences rciproques apparues dans diffrents domaines de la vie politique, sociale,conomique, culturelle, de la langue, de la toponymie, de lhydronymie, de lanthropologie, etc. On faitmention que dans cet ouvrage on na pas insist sur les influences et les prsences roumaines dans lhistoire,la culture et la civilisation turciques, avec leurs diffrents aspects ethno-temporels.

    Nous avons lintention de suivre dans ce chapitre lvolution des proccupations roumaines deturcologie-osmanistique manifestes par: la rflexion de limage de lautre (du Tatar, du Turc osmanli)dans le mental individuel/collectif roumain, dans les sources historiques roumaines (documentaires,chronistiques, pigraphiques, etc.), par les initiatives de quelques rudits et chercheurs roumains dtudierlhistoire, la langue, la culture et la civilisation turco-ottomane ou tatare, par les projets officiels initis etpatronns par les autorits politiques roumaines dirigeantes, qui visaient ltude de la langue et de lhistoiredes populations et des peuples orientaux qui ont eu des relations historiques avec les Roumains, dune partet dautre part, linitiation universitaire et/ou post-universitaire dans lorientalisme-turcologie-osmanistique dequelques jeunes gens appliqus roumains, en Roumanie et/ou ltranger.

    Nous avons donn au mot proccupations le sens dinvestigations et de recherches caractrehistorique, linguistique, ethnographique, folklorique, anthroponymique, toponymique, hydronymique, etc. Cesproccupations se sont concrtises dans des articles, tudes, livres, analyses critiques, confrences publiques(publies plus tard), qui sont les rsultats vidents de lintrt ou de la curiosit, constante ou occasionnelle,manifeste par les gens de culture, les historiens, les philologues, les ethnographes, les folkloristes, lesanthropologues, etc., spcialistes ou non dans le domaine de lorientalisme, la turcologie, losmanistique. Onajoute ces catgories de proccupations les initiatives officielles ou prives, sur le plan institutionnel,organisationnel, de direction, de fonder dans les institutions denseignement suprieur roumain, les chaires

  • ou les confrences de langues orientales et/ou dhistoire turque, lie lhistoire des Roumains, dequelques bourses dtude en turcologie historique et/ou philologique, ou de quelques instituts de recherchesdans le domaine de lorientalisme, de la turcologie et de losmanistique.



    The article tries to answer a question once asked by Franois Furet: how could the historian remainoutside history, how can he content himself with writing history without making history? The author stops onthe risks that the historian takes with the implication in agora, exemplifying with those Romanian historiansinvolved in the agitated political life between the two World Wars. Not rarely, the historians had to chose,tragically, between the burden of civic responsibility and the risk of professional compromising exposure. Thearticle makes an inventory of conducts, illusions and failures, insisting, not accidentally, on two exemplarycases, Nicolae Iorga and Gheorghe Bratianu, without forgetting P.P. Panaitescu, Radu R. Rosetti, Ion Nistor,Alexandru Lapedatu, Ioan Lupa and so on. The conclusions of the study are pessimistic, seizing the politicalfailure of the historian, his anachronism in an epoch where politics has grown more and more autonomous,more unpredictable and more indifferent to any form of intellectual prestige.



    Bien que, premire vue, les diffrences entre les proccupations historiographiques, la philosophiepolitique et le destin humain de G. I. Bratianu et Fernand Braudel soient assez considrables, une regard plusattentifs port sur leurs uvres et les conceptions qui les sous tendent nous livre des analogies et desconvergences surprenantes, la fois thmatiques, de vision de l'histoire et mthodologiques.

    1. Du point de vue thmatique, ce qui rapproche les deux historiens c'est leur prfrence communepour l'histoire conomique et sociale. Dans le cas de Braudel, ce choix qui se laisse facilement deviner dansnombreux fragments de La Mditerrane et, non moins, dans ses tudes sur le capitalisme semble avoir tinspir l'historien par les cours de Henri Hauser, suivis la Sorbonne, mais aussi par son exprience de viequi l'a conduit, la fin de ses tudes, en Afrique du Nord, o, selon son propre aveu, sa vision de l'histoire acommenc changer. Ce qui est encore plus sr, c'est que cet intrt a t renforc dans l'esprit du jeuneBraudel par sa familiarit avec le programme des Annales et par son rapprochement des deux pres fondateurs de la revue, Marc Bloch et Lucien Febvre, qui nous le savons trs bien avaient fait del'conomique et du social la cl de vote de leur nouvelle perspective sur le pass.

    G. I. Bratianu a t, son tour, intensment proccup par les mmes phnomnes. Visible ds sespremires tudes consacres au commerce gnois et la domination byzantine dans la Mer Noire et au BasDanube, sa prdilection pour l'conomique et le social est illustre de faon exemplaire par les livres dematurit des annes 30 de l'historien, qui, insistant sur les tapes de l'expansion maritime gnoise dans lesrgions mentionnes, ont largi la perspective dans la direction de certains aspects de l'histoire roumaine,ouvrant ainsi la voie des grandes synthses ultrieures.

    2. Du point de vue de la conception de lhistoire, lanalogie entre les deux historiens consiste dans leurvision commune dune histoire intgrale, nomme globale par Braudel et universelle par Bratianu.

    Pour Braudel, l'histoire globale ou structurale c'est l'histoire de la socit dans son intgralit,l'ensemble des ensembles, explore de la perspective bien connue accrdite toujours par l'historienfranais des dures superposes et simultanes: la longue dure, celle des composantes quasi-immobiles dela vie matrielle, la dure moyenne, celle des phnomnes conomiques et sociaux, la dure courte, del'vnement. Autrement dit, et plus bref, elle est la dialectique perptuelle de la structure et de la non structure,de la permanence et du changement, qui rythme toute l'volution du monde.

    Dans son brillant ouvrage ddi La mer Noire, G. I. Bratianu partage une vision historique presqueidentique une seule exception prs: les dures plurielles. Mais, malgr cette diffrence, luvre de Bratianuet la synthse que Braudel a ddi la Mditerrane tmoignent, toutes les deux, dune mme perspective surle pass, double par l'exigence d'une approche unitaire. Ce qui les spare est visiblement moins important quece qui les rapproche.

    3. Les questions de mthode semblent, pourtant, tre les seules marquer une nette diffrence entreles deux historiens. Si La Mditerrane braudelienne nous met en prsence d'une conception mthodologiquesre d'elle-mme, interdisciplinaire, qui lie la recherche par les sources aux notions et procds emprunts

  • surtout l'conomie, la dmographie et la sociologie, La mer Noire de Bratianu nettement moinsinforme du point de vue thorique par rapport son pendant franais ne semble pas dpasser le niveauparfaitement respectable mai lmentaire de l'rudition. De faon gnrale, les tendances, les phnomnes oules cycles que saisit l'historien roumain lors de ses enqutes drivent dans La mer Noire comme partoutailleurs non pas tant d'une culture interdisciplinaire, que d'un comparatisme caractre plutt intuitif et double sens (prsent-pass, pass-prsent), qui laisse voir l'auteur certaines similitudes, paralllismes etconvergences, mais rien de plus.

    Toutefois, cest justement ce comparatisme doubl par une commune empathie envers le pass quiest le point de rapprochement les plus important entre les deux historiens.

    Si, par la premire option (le comparatisme), Braudel et Bratianu se situaient, tous les deux, dans ladescendance directe de Marc Bloch, par la deuxime (lempathie envers le pass), ils respectaient, bonescient, le principe affirm par Lucien Febvre qui, dans ses recherches, avait t sensible non pas tant auxgrandes tendances et rgularits de l'volution historique, qu' la particularit irrductible de la psychologiedes personnages qu'il avait approchs. Cette identit des attitudes se reflte clairement dans l'exigencenonce par Bratianu, selon laquelle l'historien doit s'initier l'atmosphre du pass, doit comprendre etexpliquer, non pas accuser les gens d'antan la lumire des circonstances actuelles. On la retrouvegalement, dans la sympathie avec laquelle l'historien roumain juge la politique de Nicphore Ier, un empereurbyzantin dans lequel il avait vu un singulier exemple de la difficult de jouer le rle ingrat d'un rformateurfinancier une poque de crise, et du courage d'affronter l'opinion publique et la coalition des intrts privspour sauvegarder ceux de l'tat l'heure du danger. Braudel n'a pas t, lui non plus, moins sympathtiqueenvers les hros du XVIe sicle (Philippe II, l'Amiral Coligny etc.), mais, la diffrence de Braudel, il les atoujours situs en dessous des structures qu'il a tudies, se mfiant de leur capacit enclencher lechangement de celles-ci. Cette vision anti-individualiste est perceptible chez l'auteur de La Mditerranenon seulement l'arrire-plan de son ouvrage fondamental, mais aussi dans tous les crits quil nous a laiss. cet gard, il se distingue beaucoup de son confrre roumain, nettement plus sensible, de par son expriencede vie et par sa philosophie politique librale, au rle crateur des individus, mme s'il n'ignorait pas, lui nonplus, la force coercitive des structures de profondeur propres toutes les civilisations. ce sujet, tant surl'un, que sur l'autre, l'air du temps a pes de toute sa force, dans la mesure o, ce que les principales colesde pense de leur poque semblent avoir privilgi n'tait pas la contribution historique des individus, mais ladcouverte et l'interprtation des lois de l'volution. loigns, donc, l'un de l'autre au niveau lmentaired'une interprtation particulire, Fernand Braudel et G. I. Bratianu se rapprochent, encore une fois, dans leplan suprieur d'un contexte culturel qui les a influencs tous les deux.



    The present study is an attempt to present the Romanian public a panorama of Bessarabianhistoriography in its evolution after the Second World War, mainly focusing on the changes occurred in the90s. The author presents the dramatic history of the space beyond Prut after war, starting with the brutalindoctrination in the years of Stalinism, continuing with the relative professionalization in the 70s-80s andending with the efforts to relate this to the issues of historical research in Romania and Europe. The authorinsists on the successes obtained by the historians in Kishinev after 1991, since the rewriting of nationalhistory and the first researches on communist past have occupied, without any doubt, the foreground. Thearticle doesnt forget either the work of translating and reediting some foreign or Romanian papers thatenlarge the knowledge horizon, the theoretical and methodological bases of investigation.



    The author propose a new paternity for an interesting text describing a popular revolt in 1819, in Iai.The letter of Laz Leon Bucovineanul to Sofronie from Slatina relates the protest of the inhabitants against therobberies made by soldiers and public servants with the excuse of preventing a plague epidemic extension.N.A. Ursu states that the author of the narration is not Laz Bucovineanul which seems to be an imaginarycharacter, but the main personage of the story himself, the archpriest Lazr Asachi. His intention was probablyto stress his own courageous and wise contribution to pacify the violences and also to make some unpunishedcritique of the regime.



    Lauteur continue la publication des extraits des documents diplomatiques tirs de Sveriges Riksarkivde Stockholm, concernant le problme orientale au XVIII sicle.

    Les trois pices quil publie maintenant sont de fragments des rapports diplomatiques rdigs parlenvoy extraordinaire de Sude prs la Porte Ottomane, Ulrik Celsing. Ces fragments, rdigs en franais,par le drogman de la Mission diplomatique suedoise Constantinople, Ignatius Mouradgea dOhsson, ont tattachs comme annexes au rapports du diplomats mentionn.

    Quoique sont de fragments, les pices offrent quelques informations unitaires du point de vuethmatique, et mettent en relief le rle de la Sude en tant que facteur politique du problme orientale, ainsique letroite liaison du problme orientale avec le problme baltique, les deux phnomnes appartenant ausystme politique europen.

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