age and youth

Relatiile dintre maturi si adolescenti sunt destul complicate si tensionate. O data cu atingerea virstei adolescentine, apar interese noi, devin personalitati ce isi au propria parere despre anumite lucruri,adopta un alt stil vestimentar, incep sa priveasca lucrurile din alte puncte de vedere si din acest motiv, incep sa apara mici conflicte dintre parinti si copii. Parintii in majoritatea cazurilor nu sunt de accord cu deciziile pe care le i-au copii lor, incercind sa le impuna sa faca alt ceva, ceea ce cred ei ca e mai bine. Printr-o comunicare eficienta putem insa gestiona aceste conflicte, prin cuvintele pe care le folosim putem aborda conflictele intr-un mod care sa le rezolve si chiar sa le transforme in ceva mai bun. Insa, pentru a nu a ajunge pina la conflicte, trebuie sa fie intelegere, si atunci, totul se va rezolva de la sine. Relationships between adults and adolescents are quite complicated and tensioned. Once with reaching the age teenage appear new interests, become personalities have their own opinion about certain things, adopt a different style of clothing, begin to see things from other points of view and therefore, begin to appear small conflicts between parents and children. Parents in most cases do not agree with the decisions they have their children, trying to impose them to do another thing, what they think is best. Through effective communication we can manage these conflicts, the words we use can address conflicts in a way to solve them and even turn them into something better. But to not reach up to conflicts, must be understanding, and then everything will resolves on its own.

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Post on 01-Oct-2015




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Relatiile dintre maturi si adolescenti sunt destul complicate si tensionate. O data cu atingerea virstei adolescentine, apar interese noi, devin personalitati ce isi au propria parere despre anumite lucruri,adopta un alt stil vestimentar, incep sa priveasca lucrurile din alte puncte de vedere si din acest motiv, incep sa apara mici conflicte dintre parinti si copii. Parintii in majoritatea cazurilor nu sunt de accord cu deciziile pe care le i-au copii lor, incercind sa le impuna sa faca alt ceva, ceea ce cred ei ca e mai bine. Printr-o comunicare eficienta putem insa gestiona aceste conflicte, prin cuvintele pe care le folosim putem aborda conflictele intr-un mod care sa le rezolve si chiar sa le transforme in ceva mai bun. Insa, pentru a nu a ajunge pina la conflicte, trebuie sa fie intelegere, si atunci, totul se va rezolva de la sine.Relationships between adults and adolescents are quite complicated and tensioned. Once with reaching the age teenage appear new interests, become personalities have their own opinion about certain things, adopt a different style of clothing, begin to see things from other points of view and therefore, begin to appear small conflicts between parents and children. Parents in most cases do not agree with the decisions they have their children, trying to impose them to do another thing, what they think is best. Through effective communication we can manage these conflicts, the words we use can address conflicts in a way to solve them and even turn them into something better. But to not reach up to conflicts, must be understanding, and then everything will resolves on its own.