summer buzz 2013


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Publicatie distribuita gratuit studentilor care promoveaza cursurile BEST dar si evenimente ale partenerilor nostri.


Page 1: Summer BUZZ 2013

Summermartie 2013

Page 2: Summer BUZZ 2013

Editorial.....................................................4BEST..........................................................5Best Training Week...................................6Jobshop 2013.............................................7Cursuri în România si organizații partener...................................8Cursuri în restul Europei.........................10BEST Newsletter.......................................26

CuprinsCoordonator proiectAlin Iacob

RedactoriFlavia TuduceCristina Velican

Grafică și implementareCosmin Delea

- leisure events

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ziua de mâine, cum ai alege să o petreci? Ai profita de fiecare secundă, îţi spui probabil. Atunci de ce nu alegi să călătoreşti? Momentele care îţi vor rămâne întipărite în memorie pentru totdeauna nu sunt acelea în care ai învăţat pentru un examen sau ultimul serial pe care l-ai văzut luna aceasta, ci acelea în care ai fost fericit, ai zâmbit larg, ai vizitat locuri noi, te-ai îndrăgostit de oamenii locului şi de obiceiurile lor. Dacă ai avea posibilitatea să faci toate aceste lucruri, ai profita? Cu siguranţă, îţi spui. Atunci ce mai aştepți?

Înarmează-te cu dorinţe, voie bună şi pregăteşte-te pentru cea mai frumoasă vară din viaţa ta! Nu îţi fie teamă de schimbare, ea este benefică, te ajută să creşti şi să vezi lumea cu alţi ochi. Nu îţi fie teamă că vei fi singur, toţi vor fi la fel ca tine, temători, debusolaţi într-o gară din Europa, cu 10 bătăi în plus pe minut, dar tocmai împărtăşirea aceleaşi experienţe vă va aduce unul mai aproape de celălalt.

Adu-ţi aminte de câte ori ai invidiat păsările pentru libertatea lor de mişcare, capacitatea lor de a fi mereu în alt loc. Pe tine ce te opreşte? Într-o lume în care posibilitatea călătoriei dintr-o ţară în alta, de pe un continent pe altul nu mai este un tabu, ceva destinat doar unei anumite categorii sociale, este păcat să nu profiţi. Nu poţi să spui că ţi-ai găsit menirea pe lumea asta, până nu ai mai multe variante, până când nu ai găsit acel loc care să-ţi pară perfect, spre care să năzuieşti sau care din contră să te facă să fii împlinit de locul care acum reprezintă casa ta.

Oricare ţi-ar fi motivele eu te îndemn să dai Apply, să îţi formezi propria ta părere despre lumea asta mare în care trăim cu toţi, să descoperi file noi din marea carte a vieţii şi să iţi deschizi apetitul pentru călătorit, descoperire şi explorare.

“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.” – St. Augustine

Noi, studenţii ne aflăm undeva la limita dintre adolescenţă şi maturitate, momentul în care trebuie să începem lupta pentru un loc de muncă, să facem economii şi să ne facem griji pentru viitor. Dacă asta ar fi ultima vară pe care ţi-ai putea-o petrece fără să îţi faci probleme pentru ziua de mâine,


Cristina V.


BEST (Board of European Students of Technology), este o organizaţie internaţională, nonprofit, în continuă creştere. Încă din anul 1989, BEST oferă studenţilor din toată Europa posibilitatea de a ajunge la o mai bună înţelegere a culturilor şi a societăţilor pentru a-şi dezvolta capacitatea de a lucra în diverse medii culturale.

Grupul Local BEST Cluj-Napoca(1995), este format din voluntari din cadrul Universităţii Tehnice din Cluj-Napoca( și nu numai) , un grup de tineri entuziaşti, deschişi către diversitate, cu viziuni îndrăzneţe.Scopul nostru este de a oferi toate condiţiile pentru dezvoltare personală şi folosirea abilităţilor la potenţial maxim, încurajând fiecare student să participe la evenimente inovative, provocatoare cum ar fi: cursuri de sezon, traininguri, workshop-uri, evenimente de carieră, competiţiiinginereşti, etc.

Prin implicarea în activităţile noastre internaţionale studenţii au ocazia să îşi mărească experienţa, să îşi formeze noi prietenii, toate acestea într-un mediu destins şi plin de activităţi sociale.

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Ce sunt cursurile de sezon?Cursurile de sezon sunt cursuri gratuite organizate de BEST în toată Europa, de 4 ori pe an: Winter, Spring, Summer şi Autumn. Această gratuitate constă în cazarea, masa şi neplătirea taxei cursului, pe o perioadă între 7-14 zile într-una din locaţiile disponibile în funcţie de fiecare sezon.Excepție la gratuitate vara aceasta o fac Leisure Eventurile, cel din Gliwice: “Skyfall: don’t let the gravity tame you!” și cel din Ekaterinburg: “B12 – discovering yourself” , evenimente la care se plătește taxa integrală.

Care sunt cursurile de vară la care pot aplica?Vara aceasta BEST îţi pune la dispoziţie o listă cu 60 cursuri, competiţii, evenimente de recreere sau şcoli de vară. Tot ce trebuie să faci e să îţi alegi tema şi oraşul şi să le scrii o scrisoare de motivare colegilor noştri din oraşul respectiv, în care să le spui cât de mult îţi doreşti să participi la cursul lor, să îi vizitezi şi să te distrezi alături de ei!

Intra pe si alege-ti cursul care ți-i se potriveste!

Nu uita să aplici până la 17 Martie 2013!"


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Testimoniale“Prima dată am aplicat la un curs de vară în Maribor, Slovenia. Era mai mult o acțiune de “hai să văd ce-i asta, oricum n-am ce face”. Ce-a ieșit: una din cele mai faine experiențe trăite vreodată. Am vizitat locuri superbe de care nici nu știam că există, am construit rachete propulsate de apă și aer și am descoperit oameni WOW. Este surprinzător cum în 12 zile o gașca de străini din toată Europa se transformă într-un grup de prieteni care parcă se știu de ani buni.”

“Cursurile de sezon reprezintă o modalitate foarte ieftină de a călători și de a descoperi o altă țară, și un alt mod de lucru. În Varșovia, am avut ocazia să cunosc niște oameni minunați, veseli, energici și foarte organizați. Încă de cand ne-au așteptat la gară, am fost întâmpinați cu entuziasm și bunădispoziție!”

“Am învățat multe pe plan academic în urma cursurilor, dar cel mai mult am învatat de la oamenii pe care i-am întâlnit acolo, iar energia pe care ți-o transmite un acest gen de eveniment este extraordinară, dându-ți o poftă de călătorit de nesăturat.”

“Despre cursul din Lviv, Ucraina: Și chiar dacă drumul e lung, și trenu-i murdar, și mori de cald, și poate n-ai însoțitor, știi că mergi la eveniment BEST și asta te motivează. Odată trecut de graniță, am înteles cum e să iei Cola la 2 L cu 3.5 lei și am descoperit borșul ucrainean în toate culorile. Îmi doresc să mai particip la City Rally-uri prin mai știu eu ce colț al Europei, sau să fac te miri ce pe la Pub Crawling sau să cânt până nu mai pot la Cantus-uri! Iar dacă nu știi exact cu ce se mănâncă toate astea, uite un motiv în plus să aplici!”

Lorant Menehart

Anamaria Buda

Oana Rus

Andrei Popa

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Cursuri în România și alte organizații partenere Brașov - Biomass for Bioenergy (14/072013 - 28 /07/2013)Well well, we have been expecting you! And you are not getting away without at least a "green talk".There are many facts about Biomass that are interesting. We will share some with you.Come to our course in one of the most beautiful towns of Romania and see for yourself. There will be both fun and academic activities.

Iași - We give you M&M skills... find the BEST way to use them! (01/07/2013 - 14/07/2013)This course will give you a glimpse of the skills and of what needs to be done to be a successful teamleader, a good manager of a team of engineers and the boss you always wanted to be! Experience life in a new and beautiful country, Romania, in a cool and crazy city called IASI!

Bucharest - Imagin3D. Liv3D. Design3D(22/06/2013 - 02/07/2013This summer BEST Bucharest gives you the opportunity to live the most challenging experience of your life.And don’t forget! You don’t come here only to study, but to have fun as well. You will also be able to visit many great places and see the second largest building in the world.

Timișoara - Bringing Education and Entrepreneurship under student scope(14/07/2013 - 20/07/2013)Change this common view by learning new skills that will help you when becoming an entrepreneur. That is why this summer, in Timisoara, we will go beyond the limits of entrepreneurship and virtual mobility.

Timișoara - When Life gives you RObots, you give them Life! (12/07/2013 - 21/07/2013)Are you into robots? Have you ever made one move? How about giving it a go this summer in Timisoara? Join us for 10 amazing days in an adventure that intrigues every robot enthusiast.We will meet you there!

Berlin (Germany) - The Sustainable Way! Discovering Opportunities From Energy System Engineering to Forestry! (29/08/2013 - 09/09/2013)We will prepare an unforgettable cultural program for day and night. Dresden, the Florence on the river Elbe, is one of the most beautiful cities in Germany and also famous for its student’s life. And Berlin? You will be surprised!

Kaiserslautern(Germany) - Life in plastic, it’s fantastic - Composite Europe (10/06/2013 - 20/06/2013All the course will be accompanied by a canoe tour, a trip to Heidelberg, a German brewery visit and a lot more will be awaiting you! We are eager to meet you!

Brașov Timișoara

Berlin, Germany

Kaiserslautern, Germany



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Aalborg (Denmark) - LEGO Robotics to Conquer the World (12/07 - 22/07/2013)On this course, we focus on different fields within robotics and apply the newly gained knowledge on a LEGO Mindstorm robot, which should autonomously solve a given task. Apply to explore the magnificent city of Aalborg and experience the beautiful country of Denmark!

Bratislava (Slovakia) - Brace yourself, the robots are coming! (29/06 - 10/07/2013)In the near future, robots will become part of our lives. If you want an insight into the next-gen-eration of robotics research, summer course in Bratislava is the right place to be! Be prepared for smashing parties, crazy people around and many unforgottable moments.

Ankara (Turkey) - Solar Energy-Let the Sunshine in! (26/08 - 04/09/2013)Today’s world’s needs are changing really fast in all fields and energy usage could not be an exception. Companies, universities, academicians and students are aware of this change. If you want to get knowlegde on topics like solar energy, solar systems, alternative energy sources, its usage area and more, this course is absolutely for you!

Almada (Portugal) - Back from a Dry Future : Create Me a River (04/08 - 10/08/2013)Nowadays, the increase of the world’s population leads to a higher water ollution. It is time to say STOP to all this waste and to find ways to prevent a dry future.Come to our summer course related to water management problem and see how you can save the planet!

Brno (Czech Republic) - Design your own materials ( 14/06 - 25/06/2013)After stone, bronze and iron ages, what will be the name of the current age? Join us to discover the tehnology of the newest materials: techniques how to prepare materials for working, cutting and machining of metals, how to use new modern analyses devices.

Brussels (Belgium) - The future of human robot interaction (04/07 - 13/07/2013)Nowadays, robots won’t be only used in facto-ries for the dangerous and dull work, but will also work in our daily environment, helping the disabled and elderly ones, guiding our children. This course focus on the interaction between humans and robots and how it will evolve in the next years.

Budapest (Hungary) - Lecshow - Learn it, Cook it, Show it! (27/07 - 05/08/2013)During this course we will show you how your food is produced and what are the most recent improvements in the field of food engineering. And of course, taste everything in the end! Get ready experience the BEST spirit, visit the wineries in Tokaj,relax in the spas and eat gulyás!

Chania (Greece) - Code name:M.APPL.E (Materials & Applications for Environment) (10/07 - 21/07/2013)Are you interested in learning more about inno-vative materials and their enviromental applica-tion? Enjoy the warmth of the sun and stroll in the magnificent narrow Old Town streets with Rakomelo and Ouzo!

Aalborg, Denmark

Almada, Portugal

Bratislava, Slovakia

Brussels, Belgium

Budapest, Hungary

Chania, Greece

Cursuri în restul Europei

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Chișinău (Republic Of Moldova) - Why play good games? Create one! (07/07 - 16/07/2013)We will start with a plot and sketches. Then will work on mechanics, rules and game focus points, story line. And in the end we will have balancing, polishing and fun testing. So, if you are a Designer (good imagination + a bit of Photoshop) or a developer is time to apply!

Coimbra (Portugal) - Air'novation: innovations in air transportation! (24/07 - 03/08/2013)Do you want to now more about aeronautics? Our city provides you the knowledge, but also relaxation, famous monuments (Sé Velha),good traditional music(Fado-Amália Rodrigues) and mediteranean food (Sardinha assada) andplenty of FUN!

Coimbra, Portugal

Copenhagen (Denmark) - The Next Must, Think Robust! (10/08/2013 - 22/08/2013)Robust Systems are all around us, and in order to establish them we need to know what makesthem robust - and maybe how to break them. This versatile subject is needed for designingsystems of the future!Come to lovely Denmark,where hospitality, "hygge" and friendship are the key words!

Ekaterinburg (Russian Federation) - B12 - discovering yourself (21/07 - 30/07/2013)During the river trip, you'll experience rowing, sleeping in tents, climbing the mountains, visiting caves, playing in water, chopping wood and preparing the food over a camp fire.Let’s have fun together away from the civilization for a few days and we guarantee that you will see the world different when you will get back!

Copenhagen, Denmatk

Ekaterinburg, Russia

Faro Algarve (Portugal) - 007- The SUN is more than Enough! (01/08 - 10/08/2013)Code name: Shine, SUNshine?You must understand how much energy the sun shares with us and how we can transform and use this hot energy into our benefit.Come and join us if you are sick and tired of teory without practice, or you simply want to know more about our country, food and the way we party!

Ghent (Belgium) - Highway to Ghent! Reducing the Carbon Footprint of Cars (03/07 - 13/07/2013)This course will analyze a car's life cycle energy use, present the main contributors to itscarbon footprint and cover different ways in reducing it! You will explore the city's nightlife, experience the Belgian meaning of the word 'cantus', goon a weekendtrip and so much more!

Gliwice (Poland) - Skyfall: don't let the gravity tame you! (05/07 - 19/07/2013)Have you ever dreamt about parachute jumping? Well, it is not just a dream anymore! You can do it with us!Come and meet outstanding people from all over the Europe. And prepare for your final exam. Be ready to stand on the edge and jump!

Gliwice(Poland) - Wazz APP? Show us that you can make IT mobile (21/07 - 30/07/2013)There's no new apps for mobiles you could use? You came up with a plan for a brilliant game and now you want to make it work? Let us show you the way! You don't have to be the APP master right now, but with some basic knowledge and lots of ideas you can be sure to become one after this course!

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Gothenburg(Suedia) - Technology in Sport (15/06/ 2013 - 27 /06/2013)Take your first step to the Olympics of engineering with us in Gothenburg! During the course we will look into the technological secrets behind four sports and put them into practice. Innovative approach,futuristic laboratories and lots of fun - all that is waiting for you if you apply!

Helsinki (Finland) - The circle of idea -> product (22/08//2013 - 02/09/2013)Ever wanted to try out your interdisciplinary product development skills? Here’s yourchance! This course is going to be about rapid product development - the methods, tools andimplementation. 100 000 lakes, beautiful nature, the best sauna ever, crazy parties, this is what this northern paradise is about.

Istanbul (Turkey) - Sustainability, Trending Topic of the Industry! (30/06/2013 - 09/07/2013)Our course focuses on how we can use energy and the things around us in order to enjoy them as long as possible. Come and discover Istanbul... the border between 2 continents,different cultures at every point, awesome atmosphere with awesome organizers.

Kiev (Ukraine) - PUBlishing - Create it! Design it! Print it! (04/07/2013 - 14/07/2013)Kiev is the place for you to spend the HOTTEST summer of your life and to discover all the secrets of the mysterious PUBlishing industry - from the zero point, when the idea is born and until the final moment, when the last drop of paint dries ;)

Kraków (Poland) - 'People, make a circle!' - become a graphic designer (11/07/2013 - 22/07/2013During this course you are going to learn how you can make your own 2D graphics. The course consists of three main blocks: vector graphics, raster graphics (photo edition) and specific text editing. If you can dream it, you can design it!

Las Palmas (Spain) - Treat electronics like you've never IMAGinEd before! (21/07/2013 - 29/07/2013)During our course, you will learn how to use the newest and asskicking theory and technologyabout image treatment, so you can squeeze images till their last bit of information.Forget about being all day in a dark tech lab: welcome to the BEST subtropical paradise.

Leuven (Belgium) - Energy - your everyday Superpower! (06/07/2013 - 19/07/2013)This summer, Leuven will use its energy more than ever!We'll use it to learn all there is to know about sustainable energy, electric cars, solar panels.Not only that, but we will also be making Belgian waffles, lighting the 'Old Market' square and having fun at our own student bar.

Helsinki, Finland

Istanbul, Turkey

Kiev, Ukraine

Las Palmas, Spain

Leuven, Belgium

Krakow, Poland

Istanbul Yildiz (Turkey) - He says East, she says West. We call it Istanbul! (24/07/2013 - 01/072013)This summer you will be a part of Istanbul’s revishing architecture. We want you to feel the spirit of Istanbul’s history.This time you will enjoy the city where east and west meet, taste historical and modern architecture works and visit numerous churches and mosques!

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Liege (Belgium) - From water to electricity, what a dam(n) story ! (28/08/2013 - 06/09/2013This summer course will let you discover how dams and electricity production are linked and how, nowadays, modern pumped storage power stations work.You will also have the chance to taste our beers, cheeses, wafels and chocolates, our friendly Belgian spirit and our crazy parties!Liege, Belgium

Lisbon (Portugal) - Want it! Dream it! Create it! You can do it! (01/08/2013 - 14/08/2013)There is a revolution going on! Internet has become the biggest venue of freely sharing ideas. Economic recession, technological progress, reduced costs in electronics manufacturing refocused people on repairing and purposing their own gadgets. This is what «Do It Yourself Engineering» is all about!

Ljubljana (Slovenia) - The Game of Woods(12/07/2013 - 21/07/2013)The legend speaks about two dozen brave pioneers who showed that from simple branch one can construct shelters, windmills, even grill for smoked ribs.Feel prepared to bring this legend back to life,this summer in Slovenia, country that is covered 70% by forest, and learn how to build your wooden mansion!

Lodz (Poland) - Predominate the Energy You should! Join the Jedi Academy! (11/07/2013 - 20/07/2013)We will show you how light sober works by getting knowledge about Light Emitting Diodes.We are also going to show you how to use electricity in objects you would not expect.After 10 days of training you will became an electricity expert.

Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium) - Tell me how you move, I'll tell you what to build! (17/07/2013 - 28/07/2013)This year's crazy course will be all about where, what and how sports materials are made of. We will go from the theory behind it, all the way to the laboratories! So, if you are ready to taste the most special beers in the world, the best fries ever, attend the craziest parties, apply here!

Lviv (Ukraine) -Homo sapiens -> Homo Analyticus. Next step of evolution. (09/07/2013 - 18/07/2013)Do you want to find out some useful tips about how to think as an IT-worker?If you want to upgrade to a new stage of evolution - Homo sapience->Homo Analliiticus –and visit the city that is called Europe`s little Paris join us!

Madrid (Spain) - Next station, sustainable education (20 July 2013 - 29 July 2013)Do you know the city of Masdar or any other High Tech sustainable development project? Or you think Hulk is sustainable because he is green?We strongly believe that solving the problems humankind is facing is a challenge and a chance for innovation.

Madrid Carlos III (Spain) - Spainergizer: Power up your mind! (06/07/2013- 15/07/2013)Do you wanna learn some cool stuff about solar ENERGY in a country with the most powerful sun in Europe?Do you wanna visit the country where Don Quixote thought that windmills were giants, and learn about wind ENERGY? Do you have enough ENERGY to spend party nights with our crazy organisers and attend to our lectures?

Lisbon, Portugal

Lodz, Poland

Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium

Madrid, Spain

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Messina (Italy) - What is communication? Baby don't wire me, don't wire me, no more! (30/08/2013 - 07/09/2013)Network simulation is a technique where a program models the behavior of a telecommunication network. A “network simulator” is a piece of software or hardware that predicts the behavior of telecommunication network, without an real network being present.

Naples (Italy) - A Clockwork House (31/05/2013 - 09/06/2013)Don't you think that it's time to get a new way, droog?! We're still living in polluting houses, and there are cities that waste huge amounts of energy. Sustainable development and renewable energies are the way! BEST Naples will show you how make your house intelligent and eco-friendly.

Nis (Serbia) - May the Skills Be With You! (21/07/2013 - 31/07/2013)Soft skills are something which has always been very important for the humanity as a whole. “Upgrading” them helps you to improve your social interactions, future job prospectsand your performance at your college or workplace. However hard skills are much more predominant in our lives.

Patras (Greece) - Makers of the future, here are your keys! (15/07/2013 - 24/07/2013)Are you curious to learn what engineers whisper around Europe? Do you want to be ahead of your times and know all the details about future manufacturing operations and innovative techniques? Are you eager to discover how new technologies will change the definition of modern industry?Patras, Greece

Naples, Italy


Podgorica (Montenegro) - Get Up Start Up(05/07/2013 - 13/07/2013)We are sure you’ve heard of start up companies, so we want to extend your knowledge about this topic. Our course is based on building start up business and all aspects related to this. We will give you all needed information and tips to start your own business and how to overcome problems you might run into in the beginning.

Porto (Portugal) - From Grape to Great (27/08/2013 - 08/09/2013)What do you think about spending two weeks learning how wine is produced? Imagine tasting different types of wine and even trying to make some in a regular school laboratory. Imagine visiting the Douro, one of the most beautiful regions of Portugal and having field experiences on the winemaking process.

Prague (Czech Republic) - Let's Walk Together Over the Vltava River (19/06/2013 - 28/06/2013)Do you know what takes to build a bridge?Just in Prague there is 17 of them in every category - new, old, modern or historical as forexample our famous Charles Bridge.

Riga (Latvia) - H2O. Think outside the sink!(16/08/2013 - 26/08/2013)Have you ever thought about how much of water are you consuming during one month? Have you ever thought that for a lot of people drinking water is happiness? Have you ever thought that there are wars in some countries because of lack of clean water?

Podgorica, Montenegro

Riga, Latvia

Porto, Portugal

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Rome Tor Vergata (Italy) - SMART ENERGY - Don't waste it...use it BEST!! (26/07/2013 - 02/08/2013)Nowadays everyone of us has heard about renewable energy plants, few people know how they're implemented into the power distribution network. We'll explore various green energy sources, then the course will get to its core: smart grids.

Skopje (Macedonia) - Unemployed today - entrepreneur tomorrow. Challenging enough? (02/07/2013 - 12/07/2013)Do you wanna find out the perfect percentage balance of fun and learning? = “Genius is 1% inspiration, and 99% perspiration.” -Thomas Edison .One day when YOU gonna be GREAT what would you say? Skopje is ready for you...are you ready for it? We dare you!

Stockholm (Sweden) - Parallel Magic (09/06/2013 - 18/06/2013)Go to Sweden and visit the modern and diverse island-city of Stockholm! Get an insight into the future of programming and learn Google’s language Go.Discover how parallelism can make you a better programmer with a professor who is a part-time magician. Try Surströmming and find out what it means to take a fika!

Tallinn (Estonia) - The name's Bond, Ionic Bond: Chemistry at its awesomeness (05/07/2013 - 17/07/2013)No chemistry = no life - this answers it all.Can you imagine anything without chemistry? Imagine chemistry experiments: blowing things up and hoping to survive explosions, mixing all kinds of chemicals together. We are going to show you just how awesome chemistry can be.

Rome, Italy

Stockholm, Sweden

Tallinn, Estonia

Tampere (Finland) - BEST Collaborative Coding Experience (04/08/2013 - 18/08/2013)During the course, each group will design and create a web application that utilizes a RESTful API of their choice. At the end of the course each group will give a short presentation and a demo of their work.

Uppsala (Sweden) - Here's our planet, so save it maybe? (23/08/2013 - 01/09/2013)The financial crisis, famine and climate changes affects us increasingly, it is very important to have a long-term vision for our future development. The key is to achieve sustainable development. Sustainable development is when the needs of the present are met without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.

Veszprém (Hungary) - How It's Made? (12/07/2013 - 20/07/2013)Everyone is curious about how things are made :) Imagine the following situation: Your friend is asking that how the gummy bears are made, or ships, or ice-cream, or the precious gasoline, or the world-famous Herend porcelain or you can answer the well-known question: where babies come from?

Vienna (Austria) - Game ON: From Theory to Practice! (13/07/2013 - 26/07/2013)It all started with von Neumann and Morgenstern half a century ago. Their "Theory of Games and Economic Behavior" gave birth to a whole new area of mathematics. During tthe course you will be introduced to present socio-economic situations, simulations and experiments in addition to the basic game theoretic concepts.

Tampere, Finland

Veszprém , Hungary

Vienna, Austria

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Vinnytsia (Ukraine)Titlu: Be active, hire effective! 09/07/2013 - 18/07/2013)Have you ever wonder what is like to work as HR? Do you wanna know how to hire effective people, teach and motivate them, delegate tasks and maintain a friendly micro-climate inside your company? Do you wanna lead and inspire people?

Wroclaw (Poland) - Let me show you how less can be more - Modern Architecture (06/07/2013 - 17/07/2013)Are your nights filled rather with AutoCAD than sleep? Do you know the agonal feeling of waiting for renders? Nothing can scare you more than a fatal error? Learn about Modernism, contemporary architecture. Do not fear mate! This is not about dull lectures...

Zagreb (Croatia) - Technology, water you thinking about? (31/05/2013 - 10/06/2013)Hello young Pandawan. Yes, you! Everybody knows that water is one of the most important resources on Earth.Even though 97% of existing water is salty, we pump more than 130 billion litres per day for domestic and public use.So now that we got 70% of you really hyped up, you should APPLY to our course and learn.

Zaporizhzhya (Ukraine) - Eat your M&M's! Delicious Marketing & Management(10/06/2013 - 20/06/2013)So, what do you think, if tomorrow our limits would not be solely within the planet? What if we traded between the human race and some other intelligences, between galaxies or even in time? Exciting, right? But in order to be well-prepared, it is essential to take a look at what we have now.

Wroclaw, Poland

Zagreb, Croatia

Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine

Tu te-ai decis unde mergi la vară?

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Scrisoarea de motivarePentru orice curs vă decideţi să aplicaţi, trebuie să ştiţi că este necesară o scrisoare de motivare, în funcţie de care Grupurile Locale BEST din toată Europa îşi vor selecta participanţii. Criteriile de selecţie variază de la un grup la altul, dar scrisoarea de motivare are cu siguranţă cea mai mare pondere în alegerea participanţilor.Nu există o reţetă perfectă, datorită multitudinii de criterii, dar cu siguranţă organizatorii vor vrea să ştie:Cine eşti? Care îţi sunt studiile, pasiunile, care sunt cunoştinţele tale în domeniul cursului şi cum îţi place să te distrezi. Prezentarea ta nu trebuie să fie lungă, dar să cuprindă informaţii relevante despre preocupările tale, şi despre cum ai putea contribui tu la formarea unui grup de participanţi diversificat şi receptiv.De asemenea, nu uita că persoanele care selectează participanţii sunt studenţi ca şi tine. Convinge-i că eşti destul de interesant şi amuzant încât să vrea să te vadă şi pe viu. O mică doză de ciudăţenie și de mister nu strică!De ce ai ales cursul acesta? Citeşte cu atenţie descrierea cursului şi ai grijă, în cazul în care aplici la mai multe cursuri să nu le încurci. Grupurile BEST vor fi curioase să audă motivarea ta şi de multe ori aceasta cântăreşte cel mai mult în decizia lor. Scrie motive specifice! Aşa vor şti că scrisoarea ta nu e una standard cu care aplici la toate cursurile şi interesul tău e real!De ce ai ales oraşul/ţara aceasta? Vrei sau nu, cei care vor face selecţia, întotdeauna se vor simţi puţin gâdilaţi în orgoliu dacă le dai şi un motiv legat de ţara lor pentru care vrei să mergi acolo! Nu insista însă prea mult căci există riscul să dai impresia că mergi acolo ca turist şi cursurile cad pe locul doi.Dacă la aceste informaţii adaugi şi puţină originalitate în formulare, cu siguranţă că vei avea o şansă în plus. Oricine apreciază simţul umorului şi creativitatea aşa că nu ezita să le foloseşti când ai ocazia.Pe langă scrisoarea de intenţie, la unele cursuri trebuie sa răspunzi si la câteva întrebări (de regulă 3), prin care organizatorii vor să îţi testeze creativitatea. Fii cât mai original când răspunzi la aceste întrebări! Gândeşte-te la nişte răspunsuri pe care niciun alt aplicant nu le poate da înafară de tine!Acum nu mai rămâne decât să aplici! Fă-ţi curaj, apucă-te de scris şi îţi poţi petrece vara cum nici nu ai îndrăznit să speri. Dacă ai fost acceptat la curs, vei fi contactat de către echipa BEST Cluj. Rezervă-ţi din timp bilete pentru destinaţia aleasă şi pregăteşte-ți bagajele!

Dacă ai nevoie de ajutor cu scrisoarea de aplicare, o poți trimite printr-un mail si noi iți dăm feedback pentru ca tu să știi ce trebuie îmbunătățit (dacă e cazul). Astfel vei avea șanse mai mari de a fi acceptat la cursuri! Adresa noastra e [email protected]


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