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  • 7/30/2019 Studiu Caz_analiza Swot


    Analele Universit ii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria Inginerie, Nr. 4/2012

    Annals of the Cons tant in Brn cui Universityof Trgu-Jiu, EngineeringSeries, Issue 4/2012





    M. Pustianu, .l. dr. ing.

    A. Popa, conf. dr. ing. ec.

    I. Barbu, prof. dr. ing. ec.

    E. Airinei, .l. dr. ing.

    M. Fogorasi, conf. dr. ing

    M. Szabo, conf. dr. ing

    A. Bucevschi, .l. dr. ing.

    Universitarea "Aurel Vlaicu din Arad,





    M. Pustianu, lecturer PhD,

    A. Popa, assistant professor PhD

    I. Barbu, professor, PhD

    E. Airinei, lecturer PhD,

    M. Fogorasi, assistant professor PhD

    M. Szabo, assistant professor PhD

    A. Bucevschi, lecturer PhD,

    "Aurel Vlaicu University from Arad,Romnia

    REZUMAT:Exist n Romnia, societi comerciale

    din industria textil care sunt preocupate de

    implementarea unor concepte i strategii noi n ceeace privete tehnologia, utilajul, resursa uman care s

    conduc la obinerea unor produse de calitate

    superioari obinerea de profit [1, 2, 3, 4].Analiz SWOT este definit ca o cercetare complex a

    aspectelor economice, tehnice, sociologice, juridice i

    manageriale ce caracterizeaz activitatea unei firme ipermite formularea unei preri asupra condiiei

    trecutei actuale a firmei [5-18].

    CUVINTE CHEIE: calitate, finisare textil,

    management, producie, analiza SWOT


    Industria blugilor cunoate, n zilele noastre,cea mai mare nflorire din viaa ei. Nu maiexist colior n lume n care oamenii s nu

    poarte blugi. Materialul denim a fost, practic,ncercat n toate ipostazele. Gseti orice dinmaterial de blugi: poete, epci, cmi,nclminte, etc.

    Blugii, blue-jeans, care au fost cndva

    nite pantaloni pentru mineri, mai trziu -mbrcminte pentru lucrtorii cilor ferate, s-au extins n ariile rural i urban,transformndu-se n haine pentru fiecare zi.n ziua de azi blugii snt prezeni pe toatecontinentele.

    ABSTRACT:There are in Romania companies in thetextile industry who are concerned with the

    implementation of new concepts and strategies in termsof technology, equipment, human resource, which leads

    to quality products and getting the profit [1, 2, 3, 4].

    SWOT analysis is defined as a complexresearch of economic, technical, sociological, legal

    and managerial aspects, that characterize the activity

    of a company and allows the formulation of opinionson past and present condition of the company [5-18].

    KEY WORDS: quality, textile finishing, management,production, SWOT analysis


    Jeans industry knows, nowadays mostof her life growth. There are no little corner inthe world where people do not wear jeans.Denim material was practically tried in allforms.You can find anything from jeans material:

    bags, hats, shirts, shoes, a.s.o. Jeans, whichwere once trousers for miners, later - clothingfor the workers of railways, were expanded inrural and urban areas, turning into clothes foreach day. Today, jeans are present on allcontinents.

  • 7/30/2019 Studiu Caz_analiza Swot


    Analele Universit ii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria Inginerie, Nr. 4/2012

    Annals of the Cons tant in Brn cui Universityof Trgu-Jiu, EngineeringSeries, Issue 4/2012


    E mbrcmintea celor sraci i acelor bogai, a artitilor i a funcionarilor, asportivilori a intelectualilor, a snobilor i avulg-ului, a gospodinelor casnice i a femeilor

    antrenate n cmpul muncii, a copiilor i apensionarilor. Transformndu-se ns ntr-otendin estetic dominant, blugii au

    provocat o adevrat revoluie n domeniulmbrcmintei, deoarece au perturbat logicamodei. Ei au conferit celorlalte articolevestimentare caracteristicile lor formale,crend ceea ce a fost numit mai trziu moda

    blue-jeans care include cele mai variate hainei accesorii.


    2.1. Prezentarea firmei

    Domeniul serviciilor n care activeazfirma nu a existat n Romnia la momentulnfiinrii i toi cei care au investit n acestdomeniu sunt firme strine cu experien.Domeniul de activitate al companiei estefinisarea n buci, la hainele gataconfecionate.Finisajul const n vopsirea cu coloranidireci sau reactivi, tratamente pregtitoare

    pentru splare, decolorare, splare cu piatra

    (stone wash) i alte feluri de finisaje pentrudenim. Au n dotare apte roboi care fac totfelul de finisaje la bucat, aa-numitulgarment finishing, cu excepia broderiei iimprimrii. Pe lng seciile unde se folosesctehnologii i maini noi de vopsit i splat,computerizate, mai sunt i secii unde selucreaz mult manual, conform dorineiclienilor. Aceast societate are i o staie deepurare a apelor, care este una dintre cele maimoderne din ar. Firma realizeaz practicntreaga gam de finisaje din domeniulindustriilor de confecii i tricotaje.

    Analiza SWOT se poate desfura attla nivel de firm luat n ansamblu ct i lacea a domeniilor funcionale din cadrulfirmei: distribuie, cercetare-dezvoltare,

    producie, financiari personal - relaii de

    It's the clothing the poor and the rich, theartists and of the officials, athletes and theintellectuals, the dude, the domestichousewives and women engaged in work,

    children and pensioners But turning it into adominant aesthetic trend, jeans have caused arevolution in clothing because they disruptedlogical fashion. They gave the other fashionstheir formal characteristics, creating what has

    been called later the blue jeans fashion whichincludes the various clothes and accessories.


    2.1 Company Presentation

    Services field in witch the companyoperating did not exist in Romania at the timeof its foundation and all who have invested inthis area are foreign companies withexperience.

    The field of activity of the company isfinishing in piece, ready made clothes. Thefinish consists in dyeing withdirect or reactive dyes, preparatory treatmentsfor washing, discoloration, stone wash and

    other kinds of finishes for denim.Thecompany is equipped with seven robots thatmake all sorts of finishes by the piece, a so-called garment finishing, except embroideriesand printing.

    Besides the departments where they usenew technologies and new washing and dyingmachines, computerized, there are also somedepartments where it works is being donemuch by hand, according to the customer'sdesire.This company has a water purification station,which is one of the most modern in thecountry. The company basically made theentire range of finishes from the industries ofgarments and knitwear

    SWOT analysis can be conducted bothat the firm as a whole and the functional areas

  • 7/30/2019 Studiu Caz_analiza Swot


    Analele Universit ii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria Inginerie, Nr. 4/2012

    Annals of the Cons tant in Brn cui Universityof Trgu-Jiu, EngineeringSeries, Issue 4/2012


    munc [16-19].Societatea comercial Z SRL este o

    firm cu capital privat membr a unui grupdin Italia, lider necontestat pe piaa italianiunul dintre cei mai importani operatori de pe

    piaa european a finisajelor i confeciilortextile.Societatea comercial Z SRL i-a

    nceput activitatea n anul 2000, cu un numrde 16 angajai i de atunci i pn n prezentse afla ntr-o continu dezvoltare.

    De la nfiinare i pn n momentulactual, societatea comercial Z SRL i-acucerit un loc de frunte pe piaa firmelor careofer servicii de finisare a diverselor tipuri dearticole de mbrcminte. Activitatea de baza firmei este finisajul textil. Serviciile pe care

    firma le ofer sunt: splare cu piatra (stonewashing); operaii de prelucrare - finisareuscat; scraping; moustache; spraing;obinerea unor efecte tridimensionale curini; tratamente speciale (splareenzimatic, tratamente de nmuiere amaterialului sau de obinere a efectului destrlucire, splare cu balsam, siliconare,tratamenteanticutare, tratamente antimicrobiene;executare lab dip-uri, probe i prototipuri.

    Aceasta firm a implementat conceptei strategii noi i rezultatele au nceput sapar treptat. Pe baza informaiilor financiareale firmei, prezentate n tabelul 1, si pe bazaaltor informaii adunate din diverse surse, se

    poate face o analiza SWOT a firmei.Alte informaii din bilanul contabil din anul2008:Active imobilizate total: 69.825.388 RONActive circulante total: 21.584.201 RONStocuri: 2.334.256,00 RONCasa i conturi la bnci: 8.249.753 RONCapitaluri total: 87.590.922RONCapital social: 6.992.820 RON

    of the company: distribution, research anddevelopment, manufacturing, financial and

    personal - working relationship [16-19].The company "Z" Ltd, is a firm with

    private capital, a member of a group from

    Italy, clear leader on the Italian market andone of the most important operators in theEuropean market on the textiles finishing andready made clothes

    The company "Z" Ltd started its work in2000, with 16 employees and since then anduntil now it was in a continuous development.

    From the beginning and until now,companies 'Z' Ltd. has won a leading place onthe market of finishing companies whichoffers services of the finishing of varioustypes of ready made cloths items.

    The basic activity of the company istextile finish.Services that the company provides are: stonewashing, operations of processing -dryfinishing, scraping, moustache, spraying,obtaining some 3-D effects with resins;special treatments (enzymatic washing,treatments of softening of the material or the

    production of the effect of shine, wash withconditioner, siliconizing, increasingtreatments, antimicrobial treatments, lap dip,samples and prototypes

    The company has implemented new conceptsand strategies and the results started to appeargradually. Based on the financial informationof the company, presented in table 1, and

    based on the other information gathered fromvarious sources, you can do a SWOT analysisof the company.Other information in the balance sheet of the

    year 2008:Fixed assets total: 69.825.388 RONCurrent assets total: 21.584.201 RONStocks: 2.334.256 RONCash and banks accounts: 8.249.753 RONCapital total: 87.590.922 RONRegistered capital: 6.992.820 RON

  • 7/30/2019 Studiu Caz_analiza Swot


    Analele Universit ii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria Inginerie, Nr. 4/2012

    Annals of the Cons tant in Brn cui Universityof Trgu-Jiu, EngineeringSeries, Issue 4/2012


    2.2. Activitatea comerciala

    Firma Z SRL are ca domeniu de

    activitate: Finisarea materialelor textileCod CAEN 2009 -1330 - Finisareamaterialelor textileCod CAEN 2008 - 1730 - Finisareamaterialelor textile.

    Cifra de afaceri

    Cifra de afaceri a firmei Z SRL a avut oevoluie oscilant ntre anii 2001 i 2004.Cifra de afaceri a crescut cu 34.385.594 RON.

    Cea mai mare valoare a cifrei de afaceri a fostrealizata n anul 2004 - valoare: 75.581.189RON.Cea mai mica valoare a cifrei de afaceri a fostrealizata n anul 2001 - valoare: 1.435.426RON.n ultimul bilan contabil (bilanul din anul2008) cifra de afaceri a sczut cu 6.004.521RON fa de anul precedent.

    2.2. Commercial activity

    "Z" Ltd has as activity field: Finishing

    of textile materials

    Cod CAEN 2009 - 1330 - Finishing of textilematerialsCod CAEN 2008 - 1730 - Finishing of textilematerials


    "Z" Ltd had an oscillating evolution ofthe turnover between 2001 and 2004. Theturnover has increased with 34.385.594 RON.

    The highest value of the turnover wasachieved in 2004- 75.581.189 RON.The lowest value of the turnover wasachieved in 2001: 1.435.426 RON.

    In the balance sheet in 2008, the turnoverdecrease with 6.004.521 RON, to the previousyear.

    Tabelul 1. Informaii financiare pentru Z SRL. Bilanuri contabile

    Table 1. Financial information about "Z" Ltd. Balance sheets

  • 7/30/2019 Studiu Caz_analiza Swot


    Analele Universit ii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria Inginerie, Nr. 4/2012

    Annals of the Cons tant in Brn cui Universityof Trgu-Jiu, EngineeringSeries, Issue 4/2012











    2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

    Figura 1. Grafic evoluie cifr de afaceri (RON)Figure 1. Turnover evolution (RON)


    Veniturile firmei Z SRL au avut o evoluieoscilant ntre anii 2000 i 2008. Veniturile aucrescut cu 38.636.887,00 RON.Cele mai mari venituri au fost obinute n anul2004 - valoare: 77.420.874 RON.Cele mai mici venituri au fost obinute n anul2000 - valoare: 190.959 RON.n bilanul din anul 2008 (ultimul bilannregistrat), veniturile realizate de firma ZSRL, au sczut cu 4.709.511 RON fa deanul precedent.


    Revenues obtained by "Z" Ltd have anoscillating evolution between 2000 and 2008.The revenue increased with 38.636.887 RON.The higher revenue have been obtained in2004: 77.420.874,00 RON.The lower revenue has been obtained in 2000:190.959,00 RON.In the balance sheet of the year 2008,revenues made by "Z" Ltd have decreasedwith 4.709.511,00 RON, compared to the

    previous year.









    2000 20 01 2002 20 03 2004 200 5 2 006 2007 20 08

    Figura 2. Grafic evoluie venituri (RON)Figure 2 Revenues evolution (RON)

  • 7/30/2019 Studiu Caz_analiza Swot


    Analele Universit ii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria Inginerie, Nr. 4/2012

    Annals of the Cons tant in Brn cui Universityof Trgu-Jiu, EngineeringSeries, Issue 4/2012


    CheltuieliCheltuielile realizate de firma Z SRL suntn cretere cu unele diminuri n anii 2006,2007 i 2008, i cuantumul acestora a fost nvaloare de 50.575.180 RON - 2006,

    36.536.507 RON - 2007, 33.038.868 RON -2008. Din anul 2000 pn n anul 2008cuantumul cheltuielilor a crescut cu32.660.132 RON.Cele mai multe cheltuieli au fost realizate nanul 2005 - valoare: 51.676.955 RON. Celemai puine cheltuieli au fost realizate n anul2000 - valoare: 378.736 RON.n bilanul din anul 2008 cheltuielile, ausczut cu 3.497.639 RON fa de anul



    "Z" Ltd has had increasing costs.There was some decrease in 2006, 2007 and2008. The values registered were: 50.575.180RON - 2006, 36.536.507 RON - 2007,

    33.038.868 RON - 2008. Since 2000 till 2008the costs increased with 32.660.132 RON.Most of the charges were made in

    2005 - 51.676.955 RON.The fewest charges were made in 2000 -378.736 RON.

    In the balance sheet of the year 2008the "Z" Ltd. have decreased with 3.497.639RON, compared to the previous year.








    2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

    Figura 3. Grafic evoluie cheltuieli (RON)

    Figure 3. Costs evolution (RON)


    Firma Z SRL a obinut profit n anii 2002,2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 i 2008 .FirmaZ SRL a nregistrat pierderi n anii 2000 i2001


    "Z" Ltd obtained profit in 2002, 2003,2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008 and lossesin 2000 and 2001








    2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Figura 4. Grafic evoluie venituri/cheltuieli (profit/pierdere) (RON)

    Figure 4. Revenue/costs (profit/loss) evolution (RON)

  • 7/30/2019 Studiu Caz_analiza Swot


    Analele Universit ii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria Inginerie, Nr. 4/2012

    Annals of the Cons tant in Brn cui Universityof Trgu-Jiu, EngineeringSeries, Issue 4/2012


    DatoriiDatoriile firmei Z SRL au avut o evoluieoscilant ntre anii 2000 i 2008. Niveluldatoriilor a sczut cu 6.368.165 RON.

    Cea mai mare sum datorat a fost n anul2003 - datorie: 36.658.58 RON.Cea mai mic sum datorat a fost n anul2008 - datorie: 3.794.499 RON.Conform ultimului bilan contabil (anul 2008)datoriile au sczut cu 8.686.201 RON, fa deanul precedent.


    "Z" Ltd debts have been oscillating between2000 and 2008.The level of debt has decreased with

    6.368.165 RON.The higher due has been in 2003 - 36.658.587RON.The lower due has been in 2008 - 3.794.499RON.

    According to the last balance sheet of2008, the debts have fallen with 8.686.201RON, compared to the previous year.










    2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


    Figure 5 Debts evolution (RON)



















    Figura6.Graficevoluiesalariai(RON)Figure 6. Employees evolution

  • 7/30/2019 Studiu Caz_analiza Swot


    Analele Universit ii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria Inginerie, Nr. 4/2012

    Annals of the Cons tant in Brn cui Universityof Trgu-Jiu, EngineeringSeries, Issue 4/2012



    Numrul mediu de angajai de la firma Z

    SRL este ascendent cu scderi n anii 2005,2006 i 2008, cnd numrul angajailor ansumat 729 persoane - 2005, 527 persoane -2006, 449 persoane - 2008. Din anul 2000

    pn n anul 2008 numrul de persoaneangajate a crescut cu 433 angajai.Cei mai muli angajai au fost n anul 2004 -numr persoane angajate: 743.Cei mai puini angajai au fost n anul 2000 -numr persoane angajate: 16.n ultimul bilan contabil (bilanul din anul2008) numrul angajailor a sczut cu 185

    persoane, fa de anul precedent


    The average number of employees of the "Z"

    Ltd has an ascending evolution, with falls in2005, 2006 and 2008, when average numberof employees was 729 (in 2005), 527 (in2006), respectively 449 (in 2008). Since 2000up to 2008 the number of employees hasincreased with 433.Most employees have been in 2004: 743.Less employees have been in 2000: 16According to the last balance sheet of 2008,the number on the employees decreased with185 persons, compared to the previous year.

    Din analiza diagnostic am sintetizatprincipalele puncte forte i puncte slabe pedomenii.Domeniul financiar

    Puncte forte:- Performane economico - financiaredeosebite pentru care a primit n mod repetatDistincia de excelen a Camerei deComeri Industrie a Romniei, ocupnd i n2006 locul I n Topul firmelor din

    Industria produselor textile i de tricotaje, aconfeciilor de mbrcminte i a blnurilor,Seciunea ntreprinderi mari;- Cifra de afaceri a crescut pn n 2007;- Cheltuielile au sczut;- Profitul a crescut;- Datoriile au sczut.Puncte slabe:- nivelul ridicat al impozitului pe profit isalarii;- durata mare de recuperare a creanelor;- veniturile din exploatare au avut o evoluieoscilant;Domeniul comercial

    Puncte forte:- Firma face parte din TOP100 cele mai

    bune companii alturi de firmele dindomeniul IT, auto, bancar;

    From the analysis diagnosis we havesummarised the main strong points and weak

    points, on domains.Financial field

    Strengths:- Economic-financial performance for whichthey received repeatedly "Distinction ofexcellence" of Chamber of Commerce andIndustry of Romania, and occupying in 2006the first place in "The top of companies" from

    the industry of textiles and knitwear, readymade cloths and furs, "Large Companies"Section;- The turnover increased till 2007- The costs decreased- The profit increased- The debts decreasedWeaknesses:

    - Long duration to recover the claims- High level of the tax on profit and wages- Operating income had an oscillatingevolutionCommercial field

    Strengths:- The company is part of the TOP100 bestcompanies with businesses in the IT sector,auto, banking;- the staff has technical and economic

  • 7/30/2019 Studiu Caz_analiza Swot


    Analele Universit ii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria Inginerie, Nr. 4/2012

    Annals of the Cons tant in Brn cui Universityof Trgu-Jiu, EngineeringSeries, Issue 4/2012


    -personalul din acest domeniu are pregtiretehnici economic;- aprovizionarea se face de la furnizoriexterni;- transportul materiilor prime i amaterialelor pentru producie, precum i amrfurilor destinate comercializrii serealizeaz n principal prin mijloace proprii;Puncte slabe:-proasta comunicare ntre departamentulcomercial si client.Domeniul producieiPuncte forte:- capacitatea teoretic de producie a firmei

    pentru vopsire i splare simpl acoper100% necesitile n domeniu ale confeciilordin Romnia

    - este singura firma care activeaz ndomeniul produciei articolelor devestimentaie i serviciilor aferente acesteia- folosirea unor materii prime i materiale decalitate;- stocuri mici de produse finite.Puncte slabe:

    - scderea timpilor dintre momentul primiriimateriei prime i exportrii produselor finitenecesit o reorientare a structuriiinformaionale la nivel organizatoric, ceea cese ncearc n prezent;

    - execuia la un nivel mediu a activitilor ndepartamentele de producieDomeniul resurselor umane

    Puncte forte:

    - training-uri pentru specializarea angajailor;- ataamentul personalului fa de firm iobiectivele acesteia;Puncte slabe:- fluctuaiile de personal- salariile au avut un ritm de cretere superior

    productivitii muncii dar inferior inflaiei;Domeniul cercetrii dezvoltriiPuncte forte:- firma are personal calificat pentruimplementarea tehnicilor noi;- firma are personal calificat pentru studiereai dezvoltarea de noi tehnologii, dispozitive iaparate care s creasc

    qualification- supply is done with predominance byexternal providers- transport of the raw materials and materialsfor production, as well as the

    goods intended for sale is carried out mainlyby own means Weaknesses:-poor communication between thecommercial department and the customer

    Production field

    Strengths:- theoretical production capacity of thecompany for dying and simple washingcovers 100% of the needs in the field of readymade cloths in Romania.- it is the only company operating in the

    production of clothing and related services- use of high quality raw materials andmaterials- small stocks of finished productsWeaknesses:

    - reduce of time between the receipt of rawmaterials and export of finished productsrequires a reorientation of the informationalstructure at organizational level. This aspect istrying now- execution at an average level of theactivities in the departments of production

    Human resources field


    - training for specialization of employees- staff attachment to the company and itsobjectivesWeaknesses:

    - staff fluctuations- wages have had a higher rate of growththen productivity but lower that inflation

    Research and development field

    Strengths:- the company has qualified personnel toimplement new techniques- the company has qualified personnel forstudy and development of new technologies,devices and machines that grows the

  • 7/30/2019 Studiu Caz_analiza Swot


    Analele Universit ii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria Inginerie, Nr. 4/2012

    Annals of the Cons tant in Brn cui Universityof Trgu-Jiu, EngineeringSeries, Issue 4/2012


    randamentul- se aloca fonduri de dezvoltare tehnologicaadecvat.s-au modernizat si retehnologizat utilajele;- firma este foarte bine informat asupra

    patentelori noilor descoperiri;-particip la trguri i expoziii despecialitateDomeniul managerial

    Puncte forte:-este permanent preocupat de meninerea idezvoltarea relaiilor cu actualii si parteneri,ca i de gsirea de noi poteniali colaboratori- La sfritul lunii iulie 2007 firma a obinutcalificativul "excepional" la auditul anual

    pentru verificarea condiiilor de respectare anormelor de protecie a mediului, pentru care

    deine din august 2006 Certificarea Sistemuluide Management al Mediului n baza

    prevederilor ISO 14001:2004. Aceastcertificare a fost obinut n urma auditurilorsusinute de prestigioasa firm "MOODYINTERNATIONAL Certification Ltd",organism internaional de certificare acreditatde ctre nu mai puin cunoscutul "UKASENVIROMENTAL MANAGEMENT";- folosirea unui sistem de management

    participativ;- integrarea deciziilor pe orizontal i

    vertical structurii organizatorice;- folosirea unui sistem de motivare extrinseci intrinsec a personalului;Puncte slabe:- lipsa unui sistem informaional nchegat

    pentru transmiterea rapida a informaiilorntre departamente;- se folosesc tehnici previzionale complexedar insuficiente ;Oportuniti:-piaa de servicii insuficient acoperit care

    permite extinderea activitii- eliminarea anumitor restricii duce lacreterea cotei de pia.Ameninri- o concuren puternic din parteaimporturilor ilegale de produse textile imbrcminte;

    efficiency of the textile division- modernization and upgrading of equipment- allocation of funds for technologicaldevelopment the company is very wellinformed on new discoveries and patents;

    -participation in fairs and exhibitions ofspecialtyManagement field

    Strengths:- is permanently concerned with maintainingand developing relationships with its current

    partners, as well as finding new potentialcollaborators- at the end of July 2007 the companyobtained a "exceptional" at the annual audit toverify compliance with the conditions of theenvironment protection rules, for which he

    holds since august 2006 certification ofEnvironmental Management System on the

    basis of the provisions of ISO 14001: 2004.This certification was obtained as a result ofaudits by the prestigious company "MOODYINTERNATIONAL Certification Ltd,international certification body accredited bythe no less famous" UKASENVIROMENTAL MANAGEMENT ";- using a participative management system- horizontal and vertical integration decisionson organizational structure

    - use of extrinsic and intrinsic motivationsystem of the personnelWeaknesses:

    - no informational system defined- complex forecasting techniques are used

    but insufficient


    - services market is insufficient covered thatallows expanding the activity- elimination of certain restrictions will leadto the increase of the market share


    - strong competition from illegal imports oftextile products and clothes- no strong individual companies, road

  • 7/30/2019 Studiu Caz_analiza Swot


    Analele Universit ii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria Inginerie, Nr. 4/2012

    Annals of the Cons tant in Brn cui Universityof Trgu-Jiu, EngineeringSeries, Issue 4/2012


    lipsa unor companii individuale puternicedeschiztoare de drum i lideri ai schimbrilortehnologice i ai modernizrii proceselor nindustrie;- din procesul de elaborare a politiciiGuvernului lipsete consultarea sectoruluiprivat;Recomandri:

    Pentru meninerea i accentuareadezvoltrii societii Z SRL, se poateaciona prin:- eliminarea stocurilor de produse saumateriale nevandabile.- Articolele care nu mai sunt la mod dincauza culorii pot fi revopsite i introduse dinnou n circuitul pieei.- recuperarea produselor rebutate accidental

    prin murdrire sau ptare uoar.-pregtirea i formarea de specialiti pentrudepartamentele n care exist un minus ca

    personal sau ca i calificare;


    n legtur cu abordarea calitii, trebuies se in seama de necesitatea integrrii

    proceselor n sisteme, sistemelor n reele ia calitii n afacere. Succesul afaceriidepinde n mare msur de implementarea

    unor concepte i strategii noi n ce priveteasigurarea calitii conducnd i la:- creterea productivitii prin mbuntirea

    proceselor tehnologice;- scderea costurilor de producieREFERINE

    [1]. Pustianu, M., Bucevschi, A., Popa, A.,Airinei, E. Study about quality assurance intextile industry by implementing newconcepts and strategies, Annals of theuniversity of Oradea fascicle of textiles,leatherwork, p. 157-160, volume XII, no.2,ISSN 1843 813X, 2011[2] Pustianu, M., Bucevschi, A., Popa, A.,Airinei, E., Study on S.W.O.T analysis onone firm in the textile industry to implement

    opener and leaders of technology changesand modernization processes in the industryin the process of drafting of the Government's

    policy is missing the consulting with privatesector

    Recommendations:To maintain and accentuating "Z" Ltdcompany development, it may act by:- Elimination of stocks of unsaleable

    products or materials- Articles that are no longer in fashion

    because of the colour can be repainted andplaced back in the market- recovery of scrap products through dirt oraccidentally light spotting-preparation and training of specialists forthe departments in which there is a minus in

    personal or qualification


    In connection with the quality approach, ithave to keep out of the need for theintegration of processes in systems, systemsin networks and quality in the business.

    Business success depends largely inimplementation of some new concepts and

    strategies with regard to quality assurancelead to:-productivity increase by immediate andrapid improvement of technological processes- lower production costsREFERENCES

    [1]. Pustianu, M., Bucevschi, A., Popa, A.,Airinei, E., Study about quality assurance intextile industry by implementing newconcepts and strategies, Annals of theuniversity of Oradea fascicle of textiles,leatherwork, p. 157-160, volume XII, no.2,ISSN 1843 813X, 2011[2] Pustianu, M., Bucevschi, A., Popa, A.,Airinei, E., Study on S.W.O.T analysis on onefirm in the textile industry to implement new

  • 7/30/2019 Studiu Caz_analiza Swot


    Analele Universit ii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria Inginerie, Nr. 4/2012

    Annals of the Cons tant in Brn cui Universityof Trgu-Jiu, EngineeringSeries, Issue 4/2012


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