presentation traian basescu

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  • 8/8/2019 Presentation Traian Basescu


    Faculty of LawBabes-Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca


    The President of Romania

    Student: ProdanOana

    Evelyn 1

  • 8/8/2019 Presentation Traian Basescu



  • 8/8/2019 Presentation Traian Basescu


    The president of Romania iselected by direct, popular vote

    for a maximum of two five-year terms. He or she

    represents the country inmatters of foreign affairs and

    is the commander of thearmed forces.

    According to the 1991Constitution, the president

    may not belong to any political party.

    The actual president of Romaniais Mr. Traian Basescu (since

    12 December 2004).


  • 8/8/2019 Presentation Traian Basescu



  • 8/8/2019 Presentation Traian Basescu


    Born: November 4, 1951Hometown: C onstantaMa rit al st a tus : M arried

    Ch ild ren: 2 daughtersR e ligion : OrthodoxN a tion al ity : RomanianCitizens h ip : Romanian


  • 8/8/2019 Presentation Traian Basescu


    S tudies6

  • 8/8/2019 Presentation Traian Basescu


    19761976 -- graduate of the Institute of C ivil M arinegraduate of the Institute of C ivil M arine""M irceaM ircea celcel BatranBatran", Faculty of Navigation,", Faculty of Navigation,C ommercial SectionC ommercial Section

    19951995 -- graduate of Advanced M anagementgraduate of Advanced M anagementC ourses for the M aritime Transport Industry,C ourses for the M aritime Transport Industry,Norwegian AcademyNorwegian Academy


  • 8/8/2019 Presentation Traian Basescu


    P rofession al Activity

    a n d Ha rd Work


  • 8/8/2019 Presentation Traian Basescu


    1976-19 8 1 - M arine Officer grades III, II and I, onships of large tonnage at NAVRO M C onstanta

    19 8 1-19 8 7 - C aptain of M erchant Navy, C ommanderof the ships : ARGES , CRISANA and BIRUINTA -Admiral Ship of the Romanian Commercial Fleet19 8 7-19 8 9 - C hief of Navrom Agency in Antwerp,Belgium19 8 9-1990 - General Director of the S tateInspectorate for the C ivil Navigation, M inistry of

    Transportation1990-1991 - Undersecretary of S tate, C hief of theNaval Transportation department in the M inistry of

    Transportation 9

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    P o litic al Activity


  • 8/8/2019 Presentation Traian Basescu


    1991-1992 - M inister of Transportsin R om a n a n d S to loj a n Governments

    1992-1996 - M ember of the C hamber of Deputies(PD - Democratic Party), Vice-President of theC hamber of Deputies C ommission for Industry andServices1996 - resigns from the Parliament and gives up hisimmunity in order to be investigated for charges of corruption and fraud allegations;1996-2000 - M ember of the C hamber of Deputies,Vaslui Ward


  • 8/8/2019 Presentation Traian Basescu


    1996-2000 - M inister of Transportation in V ictorCiorbe a, R ad u Va sile and M ugurIsa rescu Governments2000-2001 - President of Bucharest Organization of the Democratic PartyJuly 2000 - June 2004 - General M ayor of BucharestM ay 2001 - 1 8 December 2004 - President of theDemocratic Party (PD)2003 - 1 8 December 2004 - C o-President of D.A.(Justice and Truth) AllianceJune 2004 - 1 8 December 2004 - General M ayor of Bucharest

    December 1 8 , 2004 - sworn ias President of Romani12

  • 8/8/2019 Presentation Traian Basescu


    M ore a bout


  • 8/8/2019 Presentation Traian Basescu


    The P resi d ent of R om a ni a isthe head of stateof Romania. The Presidentis directly elected bya two-round system for afive-year term . Duringhis/her term in office, the

    President may not be amember of any politicalparty. The President of Romania has the right to

    name the Prime M inisterat his discretion afterconsulting the politicalparties in the Parliament.


  • 8/8/2019 Presentation Traian Basescu



  • 8/8/2019 Presentation Traian Basescu


    R o le of t h e P resi d entP resident of Romania represents Romanian State

    and is the guarantor of the national independence,unity and territorial integrity.

    Romanian P resident watches the upholding of Constitution and the proper functioning of public

    authorities.The P resident acts as mediator between the

    powers of the state and between state and society .16

  • 8/8/2019 Presentation Traian Basescu


    E lection of t




    President of Romania is elected by universal,equal, direct, secret and freely expressedvote. The mandate of President of Romaniacannot be hold more than two terms.


  • 8/8/2019 Presentation Traian Basescu


  • 8/8/2019 Presentation Traian Basescu


    P resi d ent of R om a ni a va ca ncy occurs in t h eP resi d ent of R om a ni a va ca ncy occurs in t h eevent of resign a tion , remov al from office , event of resign a tion , remov al from office , perm a nent in a bi lity to d isc h a rge d uties , orperm a nent in a bi lity to d isc h a rge d uties , ord e a t h.d e a t h.

    Th e Government , a fter t h ree mont h s , wi ll Th e Government , a fter t h ree mont h s , wi ll h o ld e lections for a new presi d ent .h o ld e lections for a new presi d ent .



  • 8/8/2019 Presentation Traian Basescu


    P resi d enti al Acts

    In exercising his powers, the President of Romania isin charge of :international treaties concluded on behalf of Romaniathe approval of the establishmentabolition or change of rank of diplomatic missionsgeneral or partial mobilization of the armed forcesarmed aggression against the country's rejectionestablishing the state of siege or state of emergencyin regards to confer decorations and honorary titles

    providing the level of marshal, general and admiral 20

  • 8/8/2019 Presentation Traian Basescu


    Fiecare politician se poate autotesta. Teduci pe trotuar, te opre ti lng stlpul dinsta ia de autobuz i vezi c i oameni ispun bun ziua i care e diferen a dintretine i stlp.Dac eu a fi fost la crma Titanicului,acesta nu s-ar fi scufundat.Din public an plecat, in public ma intorc
