orgon si dispozitive orgonice

O urmare firească Tema nocivităţii microundelor "dăruite" prin tehnologia GSM, abordată de Active information Media în Cât costă viaţa ta? , a reuşit să-şi facă loc şi la TVR, odată cu difuzarea, în luna decembrie 2005, a unui reportaj în două părţi, în cadrul emisiunii "Ochiul magic". Lăcomia şi indiferenţa companiilor de telefonie mobilă pentru sănătatea publică a fost evidenţiată exemplar. Dar nu putem face nimic pentru a îndrepta lucrurile? Informaţia este adevarata comoară Ceea ce se cunoaşte în Statele Unite despre efectele nefaste ale tehnologiilor moderne (microunde, electromagnetism, emisii nucleare, etc) asupra planetei noastre nu este deloc promovat în Romania. Şi de ce ar fi? Doar aici, ca şi aproape peste tot în lume, dictează legea banului. Sfârşitul anului 2005 a consemnat premiera AIM în această privinţă. Trebuie să spunem că EXISTĂ metode SIMPLE, la îndemâna tuturor, pentru a contracara toxicitatea acestor tehnologii otrăvitoare. Planeta noastră este un sistem complex care dispune de toate mijloacele pentru a-şi avea singur de grijă. Planeta este cea care efectiv susţine viaţa, dar nu numai prin asigurarea condiţiilor fizice şi chimice pe care le cunoaştem (sau le putem intui) cu toţii. Aşa cum există un înveliş planetar care este format din aerul necesar vieţii (atmosfera), aşa cum există şi un înveliş format din câmpul magnetic (numit magnetosferă), tot aşa există un înveliş mult mai "discret", mai fin, şi care înglobează întreaga planetă. Scopul acestui înveliş este acela de a susţine procesele vitale intime, care scapă atenţiei omului obişnuit. Energia corespunzătoare pentru acest înveliş este numită orgon. Situaţia actuală Lumea noastră este compusă din elemente de susţinere care se întrepătrund reciproc. Luaţi doar exemplul atmosferei şi magnetosferei planetei. Ele coexistă în acelaşi spaţiu, în

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Page 1: Orgon Si Dispozitive Orgonice

O urmare firească

Tema nocivităţii microundelor "dăruite" prin tehnologia GSM, abordată de Active information Media în Cât costă viaţa ta?, a reuşit să-şi facă

loc şi la TVR, odată cu difuzarea, în luna decembrie 2005, a unui reportaj în două părţi, în cadrul emisiunii "Ochiul magic". Lăcomia şi indiferenţa companiilor de telefonie mobilă pentru sănătatea publică a fost evidenţiată exemplar. Dar nu putem face nimic pentru a îndrepta


Informaţia este adevarata comoară

Ceea ce se cunoaşte în Statele Unite despre efectele nefaste ale tehnologiilor moderne (microunde, electromagnetism, emisii nucleare, etc) asupra planetei noastre nu este deloc

promovat în Romania. Şi de ce ar fi? Doar aici, ca şi aproape peste tot în lume, dictează legea banului. Sfârşitul anului 2005 a consemnat premiera AIM în această privinţă. Trebuie să

spunem că EXISTĂ metode SIMPLE, la îndemâna tuturor, pentru a contracara toxicitatea acestor tehnologii otrăvitoare.

Planeta noastră este un sistem complex care dispune de toate mijloacele pentru a-şi avea singur de grijă. Planeta este cea care efectiv susţine viaţa, dar nu numai prin asigurarea

condiţiilor fizice şi chimice pe care le cunoaştem (sau le putem intui) cu toţii. Aşa cum există un înveliş planetar care este format din aerul necesar vieţii (atmosfera), aşa cum există şi un înveliş format din câmpul magnetic (numit magnetosferă), tot aşa există un înveliş mult mai "discret", mai fin, şi care înglobează întreaga planetă. Scopul acestui înveliş este acela de a susţine procesele vitale intime, care scapă atenţiei omului obişnuit. Energia corespunzătoare

pentru acest înveliş este numită orgon.

Situaţia actuală

Lumea noastră este compusă din elemente de susţinere care se întrepătrund reciproc. Luaţi doar exemplul atmosferei şi magnetosferei planetei. Ele coexistă în acelaşi spaţiu, în acelaşi timp. Diferă doar planul de manifestare pentru fiecare, sau nivelul de vibraţie. Spun nivel de

vibraţie, pentru că orice atom sau radiaţie are o anumită frecvenţă de vibraţie, aşa cum a demonstrat Einstein. Nu trebuie să fii geniu ca să întelegi asta.

Simplitatea vieţii de pe planeta noastră este uimitoare: sădeşti o sămânţă în pământ, adaugi puţina apă şi, în timp, va apare o plantă care înfloreşte şi rodeşte oferindu-ne un fruct cu care noi, oamenii, ne hranim trupul. Oamenii, prin lăcomia şi frica lor, complică însă lucrurile. În

aceste momente, dacă ai pune într-o cutie toate gândurile tale negative şi rău intenţionate, şi în alta pe cele pozitive şi cu bune intenţii, una dintre aceste cutii ar fi arhiplină, iar cealaltă ar fi

aproape goală. Nu mai e nevoie să spunem care.

Daca am putea schimba inimile şi voinţa oamenilor astfel ca intenţiile pozitive să le depăşească pe cele negative, atunci lumea s-ar schimba. Imaginea unor oameni bine

intenţionaţi, încărcaţi cu gânduri bune, pozitive, şi care "dăruiesc" aceste gânduri înspre locurile în care lipseste asta, este o imagine plăcută. Pe măsură ce progresăm în a înţelege

lumea, descoperim că intenţia este una din cele mai puternice forţe.

Scurtă definiţie

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Ce este orgonul? Este o energie naturală, care purifică, vindecă viaţa în toate aspectele ei, este o sursă de energie pozitivă. Relativ necunoscută, folosirea orgonului este o modalitate naturală şi ieftină pentru a contrabalansa efectele dezastruoase ale energiilor artificiale răspândite cu atâta uşurinţă de om. Orgonul neutralizează efectele microundelor, ale

radiaţiilor electromagnetice, ale câmpurilor magnetice dizarmonioase, ale radiaţiilor nucleare emise de centralele atomice.

Efectele orgonului

Mulţi dintre cei care "lucrează" cu orgon confirmă efecte absolut spectaculoase asupra ecosistemului local, atât în ce priveşte microclimatul, cât şi viaţa în aspectele ei mai evidente.

Furtuni eminente sunt disipate miraculos, plantele cresc mai "fericite" (şi asta se vede cu ochiul liber), animalele sunt mai binevoitoare (chiar şi cele de companie care sunt mai "rupte"

de mediul natural), iar oamenii conştientizează o stare generală şi evidentă de bine, de armonie, sunt plini de viaţă.

Orgonul are capacitatea de a ne pune în acord, în rezonanţă, cu sursa vieţii. Orgonul, ca sursă a armoniei generale, îndepărtează gândurile întunecate şi creează condiţiile propice manifestării celor pozitive, luminoase, bune. Mulţi dintre cei care spun că au puteri

paranormale relatează adesea că entităţile negative, demonii nu se simt deloc bine în preajma unui dispozitiv orgonic şi dispar aproape instantaneu.

Cele mai multe folosiri ale orgonului sunt în domeniul neutralizării efectelor microundelor (atât de la telefoanele mobile cât şi de la celebrele "turnuri" şi antene care emit microunde), dar şi în domeniul restabilirii armoniei microclimatiului "deranjat" anterior prin mijloace de

război climatic.

Descoperitorul orgonului

Dar, până să vedem cum se poate produce un dispozitiv orgonic, vom arăta cum se generează orgon.

Inventatorul sau descoperitorul orgonului este celebrul Wilhelm Reich care a spus că "iubirea, munca şi

cunoaşterea sunt sursele vieţii noastre, şi ar trebui să o guverneze".

Americanul de origine austriacă s-a născut la 24 martie 1897 şi a murit la 3 noiembrie 1957 în condiţii

revoltătoare. Psihiatru, psihanalist şi autor a mai multor cărţi, Reich a fost discipolul lui Sigmund Freud. Dar, aşa cum celebrul filozof grec Socrates a fost declarat criminal de către autorităţile Greciei antice, la fel şi

Wilhelm Reich a murit într-o închisoare federală americană pentru o acuzaţie care astăzi ar stârni râsul

oricărui om. Viaţa însa nu poate fi subiect de glumă.

În anul 1930, Reich a anunţat că a descoperit o nouă energie pe care el a numit-o orgon, şi care pătrundea intim atât atmosfera cât şi toate făpturile vii de pe planetă. A construit

dispozitive numite acumulatori orgonici care puteau fi folosite pentru a trata bolile precum

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cancerul. Părerile sale nu erau însă împărtăşite de comunitatea ştiinţifică a momentului.

Întreaga viaţă a lui Reich a fost una neconvenţionala, după cum s-a descoperit. Reich nu a acceptat compromisul şi pentru asta a plătit cu viaţa. El a fost un om obişnuit, direct, simplu,

deschis şi natural, un adevărat om de ştiinţă. Toate descoperirile şi intenţiile lui au fost raportate în mod onest agenţiilor guvernamentale responsabile, iar el se aştepta să coopereze

direct şi nemijlocit cu aceste agenţii.

Era un adevărat copil al naturii, niciodată prins în vârtejul civilizaţiei patriarhale. Putea fi la fel de blând ca o adiere de vară sau la fel de neînduplecat ca un trăznet. Era încrezator ca un copil, şi totuşi vedea imediat cel mai fin complot. Avea darul de a face să-ţi doreşti lărgirea

orizontului propriu de cunoaştere, dincolo de viaţa îngustă de zi cu zi.

În 1933, când a publicat cartea "Psihologia de masă a fascismului" care a fost interzisă de nazişti, a realizat că este în pericol. În această carte el denunţă comunismul ca fiind

"Fascismul Roşu". În 1939 s-a mutat în Statele Unite.

În anul 1940 Wilhelm Reich a construit acumulatori orgonici sub forma unor cutii, pentru a concentra orgonul. Unele dintre acestea erau pentru animale de laborator, altele erau destul de

mari pentru ca un om să stea aşezat în interiorul lor. El spunea că orgonul este o energie cosmică primordială, de culoare albastră, care este prezentă pretutindeni şi care influenţează direct procesele atmosferice de climă, culoarea cerului, gravitaţia, formarea galaxiilor şi a

planetelor şi exprimarea biologică a emoţiilor şi sexualităţii.

Acumulatorul orgonic realizat de Reich este compus din straturi alternative de material metalic şi material izolator şi arată ca un imens condensator (capacitor). El a mai construit şi

un "tun de nori" cu care împrăştia norii. Energia orgonică este o forţă naturală cu entropie negativă care are rol determinant în organizarea şi concentrarea materiei.

Conform lui Reich, boala este cauzată de blocarea sau deteriorarea energiei orgonice din corpul uman. A pus la punct cateva dispozitive cu care a realizat experimental tratamente cu

orgon. Efectele observate includeau fortificarea sistemului imunitar (chiar până la distrugerea unor tumori), dar Reich a ezitat să declare că aceasta era o metodă de vindecare. Dispozitivele orgonice au fost testate pe şoareci de laborator bolnavi de cancer, pe plante, iar rezultatele au demonstrat că nu este vorba deloc de un efect "placebo". Reich avea conştiinţa că a dezvăluit

omenirii o mare teorie unificată a sănătăţii fizice şi mentale.

În anul 1947, ca urmare a unor articole despre orgon publicate în "The new republic" şi "Harpers", Administraţia Medicamentelor şi Alimentelor (FDA) din Statele Unite a început o investigaţie pe această temă şi a obţinut interzicerea practicării metodei ca tratament medical. Acuzat ulterior de încălcarea interdicţiei legale prin practicarea în continuare a metodei, Reich a dorit să se apere singur în instanţă. A pierdut procesul şi a fost trimis doi ani la închisoare.

În august 1956, mai multe tone de publicaţii despre orgon au fost arse de FDA. Nu, nu era Evul Mediu! Şi totuşi, se întampla! Wilhelm Reich moare în închisoare în urma unui infarct,

cu o zi înainte de a fi eliberat condiţionat.

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Detalii despre orgon

Energia orgonică este energia primordială a vieţii: este acea forţă vitală fundamentală care este cunoscută de cei care au un strâns contact cu natura, este CHI

(energia vitală) din tradiţia chineză, este PRANA din tradiţia hindusă. Numeroase aplicaţii tradiţionale, străvechi folosesc orgonul:

acupunctura, presopunctura, exerciţiile tradiţionale chinezeşti, posturile corporale (asana) şi tehnicile de respiraţie (pranayama)


Reich a identificat ştiinţific proprietăţile şi caracteristicile energiei orgonice: umple spaţiul de pretutindeni, este lipsit de masă, pătrunde

prin materie, vibrează continuu, este observabilă şi măsurabilă. Orgonul are o mare afinitate pentru apă, şi se acumulează uşor în organismul uman prin alimente, apă, respiraţie şi prin

piele. Orgonul are entropie negativă, adică tinde să se acumuleze, şi nu să se disipe.

Atunci când campul energetic (aura) unei persoane vine în contact cu cel al unui dispoztiv orgonic, cele două câmpuri devin simultan mai intense producând un efect de multiplicare (şi nu de simplă adunare) care este numit "aprindere". Reich a descoperit că această "încărcare" orgonică este benefică sistemelor vii (plante, animale, oameni): ajută la întărirea sistemului

imunitar, îmbunătăţirea circulaţiei, încarcă fiinţa cu energie pozitivă şi armonioasă.

Cercetările au aratat că dispozitivele orgonice stimulează sistemul nervos parasimpatic, induce relaxare şi o senzaţie de expansiune blândă. Acumulatorul orgonic concentrează

energia orgonică şi ajută corpul să se ajute singur. Orgonul nu este deloc străin corpului uman. Orgonul din atmosferă este doar o altă formă a energiei orgonice prezentă în corp. De altfel, ştiinţa milenară yoga îşi bazează o întreaga ramură pe exerciţiile de respiraţie conştientă, în

acest caz fiind acum evident că se foloseşte orgonul atmosferic.

Acumulatorul orgonic

Combinarea unor materiale organice (lemn, bumbac, răşini, etc) cu metale formează o matrice care are capacitatea de a atrage şi concentra orgonul, aşa cum au demonstrat cercetările lui Wilhelm Reich. Cartea sa, "Biopatia cancerului", cuprinde suficiente detalii privind energia orgonică şi impactul acesteia asupra proceselor vitale perturbate (bolile) din corpul uman.

Adăugarea unui cristal natural în această matrice va intensifica procesul de acumulare orgonică. Don Croft ( spune că o combinare de metal şi

răşină formează un material numit "orgonit". Împreuna cu soţia sa, Carol, au descoperit că aceste dispozitive formate din cristale şi orgonit au capacitatea de a transforma energia

orgonică dezorganizată de procedeele artificiale folosite pe larg de om (microunde, electromagnetism, radiaţii nucleare, gânduri negative), în orgon pur, pozitiv.

Carol Croft poate vedea câmpul auric subtil. Atunci când Don a realizat primul dispozitiv orgonic format din orgonit şi cristale, Carol a văzut cum aura soţului ei s-a expansionat. De

asemenea, când au aşezat un generator de orgon în apropierea unei centrale electrice nucleare, Carol a observat cum imensul camp de orgon deteriorat din jurul centralei (care este prezent

în jurul oricărei centrale nucleare) a fost redus spectaculos.

Don Croft a realizat apoi un dispozitiv orgonic numit HHG pentru a neutraliza câmpul

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orgonic dezorganizat prezent atât în jurul celebrelor antene şi turnuri de microunde folosite de tehnologia telefoniei mobile, cât şi în imediata apropiere a centralelor nucleare şi a locaţiilor

cunoscute în care se practică ritualuri satanice. O variantă ceva mai mică a acestor dispozitive numită "Tower Buster" este folosita pentru a neutraliza orgonul "murdarit" din jurul antenelor

de emisie de microunde, cu condiţia ca să se afle la cel mult 400 m de antenă.

În afară de reducerea câmpului orgonic deteriorat, dispozitivele orgonice pot fi folosite şi în alte scopuri. Multe persoane au sesizat efecte emoţionale pozitive atunci când au folost un

asemenea dispozitiv. Tendinţele şi gândurile negative dispar, iar cei care aveau insomnie au beneficiat de un somn odihnitor atunci când au aşezat un dispozitiv orgonic în dormitor.

A fost observată o creştere mai viguroasă a plantelor în vecinătatea unui astfel de dispozitiv. Există şi câteva fotografii Kirlian (care arată aura invizibilă cu ochiul liber) a unui astfel de HHG în care se vede un imens clopot auric de culoare albastră ce înconjoară dispozitivul. Prezenţa unui astfel de dispozitiv la servici face ca echipa să devină mai prietenoasă şi mai

puţin agitată.

Un început bun

Daca te-ai hotărât să experimentezi cu un astfel de dispozitiv orgonic, vei descoperi vindecări miraculoase şi efecte de armonizare evidente. Această modalitate de acţiune este în întregime naturală. Vei cunoaşte direct efectele orgonului asupra ta, a familiei tale şi a prietenilor. Vei

constata cum îţi va transforma miraculos gândurile negre şi temerile zilnice în intuiţii şi aşteptări pozitive, în sentimente înălţătoare şi pure. Iar plantele, apa şi animalele de casă vor

deveni pur si simplu mai vii.

Şi, la un anumit moment, vei dori să împarţi acest cadou cu ceilalţi.

Pentru că, într-adevăr, acesta este un cadou. Un cadou de viaţă, o viaţă de care nu ai beneficiat datorită acelor forţe şi intenţii negative, care nu doresc ca tu să fii ceea ce ai putea fi.

Dispozitivele orgonice nu îţi dau viaţă, ci îţi înapoiază viaţa care ţi-a fost furată.

Această viata ţi-a fost furată prin sugestii subliminale, hipnotice inserate la radio, televiziune, şi chiar prin aerul pe care-l respiri, datorită prezenţei tehnologiilor dizarmonioase, artificiale, ne-naturale (microunde, radiaţii nucleare şi electromagnetice). Senzaţia inconfundabilă a unei vieţi pline ţi-a fost furată de prezenţa zahărului rafinat şi a aditivilor chimici în alimentele de

zi cu zi, de minciunile spuse continuu care ne "otrăvesc" mintea şi sufletul, de cărţile de istorie falsă scrise de falşi învăţători.

Când primeşti acest cadou al orgonului, lucrurile îşi arată adevarata înfăţişare: atât cele frumoase, cât şi cele urâte. Pe masură ce săptămânile trec şi mediul înconjurător din imediata apropiere se reface şi revine la ceea ce ar fi trebuit să fie dintotdeauna, vei realiza foarte clar

adevărata dimensiune a complotului împotriva condiţiei umane. Şi atunci, ceva se va întâmpla în interiorul tău.

Ştii să deosebeşti binele de rău, iar acest sentiment, care a fost îngropat ani de zile de egoismul şi frica exacerbată, îţi va fi de acum un ghid infailibil. Conştiinţa din interiorul tău strigă acum să dăruiesti la rândul tău acest cadou pe care l-ai primit. Pentru că fericirea de

unul singur nu este fericire. Pentru că putem fi fericiţi cu toţii, împreună!

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Instrucţiuni de realizare

Dispozitivele orgonice numite HHG pot fi construite de către oricine foarte uşor şi sunt ieftine. Necesarul de materiale este următorul: o găletuşă de

plastic în care veţi aşeza un cilindru de hârtie rezistentă, de cel puţin 10 cm înălţime (poate fi folosită cu succes o găletuşă de iaurt - căutaţi în orice

supermarket), bandă adezivă tip "scotch" de 5 cm lăţime (pentru a preveni scurgerea răşinii din cilindru), 2 ceşti de pilitură (răzuitură) metalică sau "fulgi"

metalici (atelierele de reparaţii care lucrează cu metale sunt pline de astfel de deşeuri - şpan) sau orice alte mici bucăţele de metal (cel mai indicat este cuprul),

două ceşti de răşină epoxy sau poliesterică şi 5 cristale de cuarţ de 3 - 4 cm fiecare.

Într-o cameră foarte bine ventilată amestecaţi răşina conform instrucţiunilor specifice tipului folosit (care se găsesc pe eticheta recipientului cumpărat). Asezaţi cilindrul de carton sau

hârtie (la care aţi pus şi un capac tot de carton, lipit cu bandă adezivă) în găletuşa de plastic, pentru a nu curge răşina direct pe jos. Presăraţi cât mai omogen pilitura sau fulgii metalici în

această cutie de carton, suficient de mult pentru ca unul dintre cristale să poată fi aşezat vertical în această pilitură şi să rămână stabil.

După ce aţi aşezat astfel unul dintre cristale, adăugaţi din nou suficient de mulţi fulgi metalici pentru a-l acoperi complet şi adăugaţi apoi suficientă răşină doar cât pentru a acoperi totul (şi nu exageraţi). Aşezaţi apoi celelalte patru cristale orizontal, în formă de cruce astfel ca primul

cristal (cel aşezat vertical) să fie în centrul crucii. Presăraţi fulgii metalici pentru a acoperi aceste patru cristale şi apoi adăugaţi răşina. Nivelaţi totul, adăugaţi ce a mai ramas din fulgii metalici şi rasină. Aşteptaţi apoi suficient timp pentru a se întări răşina (depinde de tipul de

răşină folosit, în general câteva ore).

Există şi alte "rafinamente" care pot fi folosite: o spirală de cupru de diverse forme, marcarea crucii de cristale pe exteriorul dispozitivului astfel ca acesta să poata fi orientat (în folosire)

după punctele cardinale, sau diverse finisaje estetice care pot face din acest HHG o adevărată operă de artă.

O altă reţetă de fabricare permite folosirea mai multor cristale mici. Necesarul de materiale este: o spirală de cupru în care se poate poziţiona unul dintre cristale, câteva cristale mici de 3

- 5 cm lungime, şi răşină epoxidică. De notat că răşina epoxidică are de obicei două componente care se amestecă pentru a se întări. Procesul de întărire începe la scurt timp astfel că trebuie să acţionati rapid. Ca suport pentru turnarea răşinii se folosesc adesea diverse forme

speciale pentru şarlotă, cremă sau îngheţată. Acestea se ung înainte cu ulei pentru că altfel dispozitivul orgonic nu mai poate fi scos din forma (suportul) în care a fost turnat, odată întărită răşina. Niciodată nu se folosesc forme de plastic pentru că răşina interacţionează

chimic cu materialul plastic şi compromiteţi totul.

Dispozitivul orgonic poate avea orice formă doriţi, dar cele mai indicate sunt cele simetrice, armonioase: cilindru, con, trunchi de con, piramida, cub, etc.

Pentru cei care doresc să cumpere astfel de dispozitive, există numeroase oferte, însă majoritatea se află în Statele Unite. Un exemplu este Pentru orice

alte detalii, folosiţi Google şi termenul ORGONE.

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Orgone Generators

Larger Dome Shape & Pyramid Generators, Tower Busters, Chembusters, & Powerwands

More Orgone Tools: The Mini Silver Terminator The Succor Punch Harmonic Protector Pendant

By Ken Adachi <Editor>

The combination of organic material (cured fiberglass resin-a hydrocarbon compound) and metal chips provides a matrix which has the capacity to attract and capture orgone energy as Wilhelm Reich's research demonstrated in the 1930's/40's and discussed in Reich's book, The Cancer Biopathy.  Adding a crystal intensifies that process and allows you the opportunity to 'program' the crystal with your mind (and intentions) to direct that energy towards a specific task or goal. A developer of Radionic devices found that combining fiberglass resin with metal particles produced the orgone attractive-repulsive effect described by Wilhelm Reich and he dubbed this mixture "orgonite". I prefer to use the term "metal/resin matrix" to define the material more concisely. Carol Croft noticed that the human aura expanded when in close proximity to the metal/resin matrix and this led to the idea of adding this matrix to a Hulda Clark type zapper circuit which was termed the Terminator. I found that replacing the copper penny electrodes in the original Terminator  with pure silver discs would produce much less irritation and reddening of the skin. I call my spin-off variation The Mini Silver Terminator.

The combination of a metal/resin matrix and crystals can tansmute 'DOR', the negative polarity of orgone energy, into 'OR', the positive polarity of orgone energy. It was also noticed that placing an orgone generator in the vicinity of a nuclear power plant had the effect of reducing the size of the DOR orgone field that surrounds all nuclear reactors.  An orgone generator can also neutralize the DOR fields which surround ELF and Microwave cell phone towers, alien Reptilian portals, satanic ritual sites, masonic temples, and nuclear reactors. Larger orgone generators (first dubbed an "HHg") were initailly used to neutralize microwave cell phone towers, but it was later discoverd that smaller orogne generators, Tower Busters (TB), will still neutralize the DOR orgone field of a typical microwave cell phone tower if deposited (buried is best) within 1300 feet of the tower. You can make your own Chembuster, Tower Buster, or larger orgone generators from scratch if desired .

Chembusters (CB's) are used to break up chemtrails and can dramatically improve the growth of plants within its immediate area. A Powerwand is a type of enhanced pulsed crystal Succor Punch which can be used for both defensive and offensive purposes (but only against those of evil intent). As is the case with all of the orgone gnerators shown here, you can choose to make your own Powerwand, or you can obtain them ready made (see below).

Many people notice positive emotional effects in the presence of orgone generators. Mood and emotions tend to elevate. Some people who have trouble falling asleep report that they

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can sleep better and more soundly with an orgone generator in the bedroom. Many people have noticed that plants grow more vigorously in the vicinity of an orgone generator. I saw a Kirlian (aura photo) photograph of a 30 oz, five crystal dome shaped orgone generator that revealed a large dome of blue aura energy surrounding the generator. It's definitely emiting some form of energy that seems to be positive in nature. This energy may be identical to Reich's description of orgone energy or it may be some other form of energy that interacts with orgone. It's fascinating to observe its effects on people unaware of its capabilities. Some people bring them to work and notice that the office environment becomes friendlier and less competitive. One guy, who took it to court, was winning his case and swaying the jury until the judge ordered him to remove the HHg (which he foolishly set out in plain view on the Defendant's table) from the courtroom. I ofer these orgone generators in either a natural finish or a weathered copper patina finish (with felt-covered base) for a more muted display piece. I originally categorized these TB's according to the size of the paper cup I had used for the mold, but now I classify them according to their actual weight in ounces. Contact me by E mail if you wish to obtain any of these orgone generators as premium gifts:  Editor  (when inquiring, always tell me the country you live in if outside the USA or your ZIP code if you live inside the USA, so I can give you an accurate shipping quote).  

Larger Orgone Generators with 5 Quartz CrystalsAll styles of larger orgone generators (often called  HHgs) described here contain five substantial crystals: one large crystal is centered at the tip of a Royal Cubit spiral coil located in the center of the HHg and orientated in the vertical plane. The remaining four quartz crystals are located closer to the bottom of the HHg and are laid out in the horizonatal plane forming a "+" design. The bottom of the HHg is covered with felt. I include two Royal cubit coils with every HHg: the inner cone shaped 3X Royal Cubit spiral coil is placed near the top of the HHg and a flat, pancake shaped 3X Royal Cubit coil wound in the SBB coil configuration is placed at the very bottom. I also add a vial of Raymond Grace blessed water with a list of healing words including "love, health, forgiveness, gratitude, etc." taped to the vial in order to potentize the water further as demonstrated by Masaru Emoto in his frozen water crystal micro-photographs.

Four Styles:

Style A & Style B orgone generators direct the orgone energy both laterally and radially into a generally diffused dome shape while Style C Single Cast Pyramid and Style D Double Cast Pyramid focus the orgone into a much tighter vortex shape (funnel shaped) at the apex of the pyramid. For general area coverage, Styles A or B will diffuse the energy broadly, while the greater focused energy from Pyramid Style C or D can be more advantageous for healing or radionics work or any situation where a concentrated orgone vortex is desired (such as placing the pyramid under the bed of an ailing individual). The Pyramid HHgs are larger and heavier than Styles A or B and offer some additional atrributes by virtue of the pyramid shape itself.

Dome Shape

Style A or Style B Dome Shape Orgone Generators Style A 30 oz. Natural ($95)   

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1. Style A: 30 oz. Natural Finish HHg with 5 large DT crystals and 2 Royal Cubit coils, $95 each (+ shipping). Quantity discount: 3 or more, $90 each (+ shipping)

2. Style B: 31 oz. Copper Patina Finish only, $110; Quantiy discount: 3 or more, $105 each (+ shipping).

    Style B 31 oz. Copper Patina ($110)



Optional Silver Star of David with crystals is available for Style A or Style B Dome Shape Generators:..Add $45 each




I include the silver Star of David with the polished Style D Double Cast Pyramid as standard.

of the also offer the advantage of larger size, greater weight of Styles C or D, combined with the unique properties offered by the pyramid shape,


The bigger 55 oz.Style C Single Cast Pyramid contains 33% more resin, metal, and larger crystals than dome Style A or B. The even larger 65 oz Style D Double Cast Pyramid is sanded with 8 grades of increasingly fine-grit sandpatper and hand polished to a high gloss. A Star of David hexagram made of pure 14 gauge silver wire and cut exactly to the length of 1/2 Royal Cubit is set in the bottom of the Double Cast Pyramid, just above the SBB coil. A clear, AA grade double terminated quartz crystal is set at each of the six points of the silver Star of David (crystals not shown in linked photo).






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Pyramid Orgone Generators

**Newest Pyramid ** Style D Double Cast Pyramid, Sanded and Polished 65 oz.

To make the 55oz. Pyramid look more artistic and dramatic, I added a second layer of resin by casting the same Pyramid twice using the same mold. This results in a thicker outer resin covering which I then sand down with eight different grits of sandpaper and polish to a high gloss. I also add the Silver Star of David used in the Mega Powerwands (see below) to the bottom of these pyramids. It takes e a bit of labor and time, but the final results look beautiful.  The quotes given below do not include shipping or insurance. If you wish to order, please send me an e-mail and tell me where you live so I can calculate the correct postage and give you a total figure.

1. Style A: 30 oz. Natural Finish HHg with 5 large DT crystals and 2 Royal Cubit coils, $95 each. Quantity discount: 3 or more, $90 each    Style A: 30 oz. Patina Finish, $110 Quantity discount: 3 or more, $105 each (+ shipping). .

2. Style B: 31 oz. Patina Finish only, $110; Quantiy discount: 3 or more, $105 each (+ shipping).

3. Style C: 55 oz. Natural finish Single Cast Pyramid with coils $155, Quantity discount: 3 or more, $150 each (+ shipping).

4. Style D:: 65 oz. Natural finish Double Cast Pyramid, sanded and polished with Silver Star of David embedded in base $245 each (+ shipping).

4. Style E:: Mini Pyramid $35 (+ shipping)




Style C 55oz. Single Cast Pyramid with centered Royal cubit spiral coil & SBB coil at bottom ($155)    

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Style D Double Cast Pyramid (65oz.) sanded and polished; with Royal Cubit, SBB coils & 100% Silver Star of David added at base ($245)

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Style E Mini Pyramid HHg ($35)

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3. Coils)     When you cut a piece of wire to a specific length known as the "cubit" length, that wire will resonate or act as a transformer to special cosmic energies and draw that energy into the wire. There are many different "cubit' lengths used by advanced civilations down through the ages. In a phone conversation with Slim Spurling in February of 2005, Slim mentioned that he found that the ancient Egyptian Royal cubit (524mm +/- 2mm) to be more useful for bio-physical energies and Hans Becker's "Lost" cubit (596.6714mm or 23.491") more useful for emotional and mental energies. Since I'm adding at least two coils to the larger orgone generators, I've decided to make one

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coil based on the Royal cubit length and the second coil based on Hans Becker's Lost cubit length. I designate a multible of the original cubit unit by use of the letter "X". For example, a 3X Lost Cubit coil equals 3 x 596.6714mm or 1790.01mm. Any multible length of the cubit unit will produce the desired results. You can also use a 1/2, 1/3, or 1/4 fraction of the cubit length to give you a similar resonant effect, but usually not as stong as the whole cubit unit length. Depending on the gauge of the wire used, I can usually fit a double or triple multible cubit into the TB or HHg. When you coil the wire, you force the orgone energy into a spiral movement. If the coil is laid out in a flat plane, the energy will spread both laterally and vertically. If you stretch the coil into the vertical plane, you have a vertical cone shaped spiral which drives the energy towards the tip of the spiral in a vortex fashion. For the HHg's, I add both a wide cone-shaped spiral coil that encloses the 5 crystals as well as a flat plane coil (sometimes called a 'pancake' coil) placed at the bottom of the HHg. For TB's, I add a single flat coil at the bottom. The two coils shown on the right are wrapped in a configuration known as a SBB coil, or Saint Buster's Button coil , a name coined by Don Croft

1. Add $8 for a single coil for TB's if desired

Reader Comment & Testimonials:

Do Orgone Generators Affect Hartmann/Ley Lines? (Dec. 11, 2007)

Holy Handgrenade (HHg)Testimonial (Aug. 25, 2004)

Sacred Geometry Ideas for the HHg (Sep. 7, 2004)

Tower Busters (TB)1. Natural Finish with Large Crystals (NFLC)The Tower Busters shown here are made with fiberglass resin and aluminum/brass/copper metal chips. There is one large Double Terminated (DT) quartz crystal (of the size shown) embedded in the center of the Single Crystal Buster and two in the Double Crystal Buster orientated in the vertical plane. The flatter muffin size TB has an half inch to three quarter inch DT quartz crystal embedded in the center. Five sizes available:

NFLC TBsA. 11 oz. 1 for $20 (Quantity discounts = 3 for $50, 7 for $110)B. 7 oz. 1 for $16 (Quantity = 3 for $40, 7 for $87)C. 4.5 oz. 1 for $12 (Quantity = 3 for $30, 7 for $65)D. 22.5 oz. Double Crystal 1 for $35 (Quantity = 3 for $87, 7 for $190)E. 4 oz. Muffin 1 for $5 (Quantity = 12 for $55, 20 for $90)

Single Large Crystal, Natural Finish (NFLC)                      Double Crystal Muffin size TB            11 oz $20, 7oz. $16, & 4.5oz. $12 (From left to right)                        22.5 oz. $35                          4 oz. $5

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2. Copper Patina Finish with Felt-Covered Base OptionWhile many people are fascinated by the natural look of orgone generators, other people might prefer a more finished, art-like appearance with less need to answers questions like: "What's it's for?" The Weathered Copper Patina finish gives these orgone generators the look of an esoteric art object either dug up from a ancient Minoan archeological site or something Mr. Spock brought aboard The Enterprise. Either way, it looks nice sitting on a shelf, on top of the TV, or on a desk- without raising suspicions about its true function. The patina finish requires a two step process. I affix the felt base using a strong rubber-like glue.

1. For TB's in the 4oz -11oz range, add $5 each.2. For 22 oz. Double Crystal TB, add $7 each.3. For either style of the five crystal HHgs, add $10 each

11 oz. Copper Patina             7 oz.                              4 oz.                                      Muffin TB Copper Patina  

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The Chembuster (CB) is a spin-off of a device originated by Wilhelm Reich called the Cloudbuster. Reich found that pipes can act as wave guides for orgone energy (a term he coined in the 1930s). Reich discovered that he could channel orgone energy into the pipes if there was a source of water channelled into the oposite end of the pipes. He usually connected empty BX cables to a plenum located at the base end of the pipes and from there ran the BX cables into a running stream of water, or a lake, or into the ocean. Water acts as an attractor to orgone energy. Chembusters behave differently in that they attract the negative polarity of orogne energy (called DOR) into base of the CB and then transmutes the

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DORpolarity into the positive polarity of orgone (dubbed "OR" or sometimes called "POR" for Positive ORgone). Since early 2004, we've noticed that a Chembuster will encourage the presence of Sylphs, air elementals which have the ability to transmute the toxins embedded within chemtrails  into non-toxic substances.

It usually takes a couple of weeks for a new CB to acclimate to the local environment, so you may not see dramatic results with chemtrails right away, but hang in there for two or three weeks and you will begin to notice things. The more heavily laid the chemtrails in your area, the longer it takes for the CB to gear up to the task of dispering them. The larger the CB resin/metal chip matrix base diameter, the larger the diameter of the pipes used, the longer the length of pipes used, the more and larger crystals used, the more coils used, etc. means a more powerful punch of orgone transmutation delivered by the CB. I offer both a 2 gallon and a 5 gallon version of the Chembuster.

Most people order the 2 gallon Chembuster which uses six, 1 inch diameter copper (or iron) pipes. The six upper pipe extensions are five feet long and plug into a one inch copper pipe coupler connected to the short pipes embedded within the resin/metal chip matrix base. The upper extension pipe assembly is held in place and parallel using a wooden alignment template. The six pipes are evenly spaced out in the bucket in a perfect circle which, when viewed overhead, will give you two sets of 3 pipe triangles that intersect each other as in the Star of David configuration. Setting crystals (inside the pipes) in the Star of David configuration can have some very powerful effects both on the etheric and physical planes.

I now 'tune' the lengths of lower and upper copper pipe extensions to match a harmonic of the Phi Ratio (also called The Golden Section = 1.61803) which will takes advantage of the phenomenom of resonance to universal energy frequency relationships and makes the CB function more effectively. .

For crystals, I use the longest and widest Double Terminated (AA grade) Arkansas quartz crystals that I can fit inside the pipe. I always include a 5X Royal Cubit 14 gauge coil at the bottom of every 2 gallon Chembuster and a 6X Royal Cubit coil at the bottom of the 5 gallon Chembuster. If you wish to add the option of more coils or more cyrystals, you can make your selection from the CB Options list below.

You can obtain a ready-made CB with or without the upper pipe extensions. I now offer both a copper pipe CB and an iron pipe CB in two or five gallon sizes. The 2 gallon CB base unit weighs about 30 pounds and the five gallon base unit about 69 pounds. I usually ship by US mail as insured Air Parcel mail in the USA. International shipping is also available. Contact me by e-mail for exact shipping cost to your area

Recent Report:

Chembuster Working Well in Yucca Valley, California (Nov. 18, 2007)

Montana Chembuster Owner Elated by Blue Sky Results (August 4, 2007)

**Decreased cost of copper pipe (Jan. 2009 Update)**

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The price of copper pipe had incresed dramatically in early 2006 and got even worse in 2007, but the economic downturn has now forced down the price of copper to a level that's considerabley lower than it was just a few months ago. As of Jan. 9, 2009, I could buy one inch "L" grade (they no longer offer "M" grade) copper pipe at Home Depot for $23.50 + tax ($1.82) = $25.32 and a ten foot length of 1.25 inch copper L pipe for $33.57 + tax ($2.60) = $36.17. For those who wish to have me cut and ship the upper pipe extensions to you as part of the Whole Enchilada deal, I've now adjusted the cost of the upper extension copper pipes to reflect the lower cost of copper.

I will continue to offer chembusters in either the 2 gallon or 5 gallon size with the less expensive, zinc-coated iron pipe for those who are most concerned about economy. Copper pipe or zinc coated iron pipe work equally well as a chembuster. The difference is purely in the aesthetic appearance of copper versus iron (yes, copper looks nicer). As with the copper pipe chembusters, I install 1inch zinc-coasted iron pipe for the 2 gallon CB and 1.25 inch iron pipe for the 5 gallon CB. For those who order the CB base units alone and want to get the upper pipes themselves, it will cost you substantially less money for six, 5 foot lengths of 1 inch zinc-coated iron pipes, than the equivalent lengths of "L" grade copper pipe.

Zinc-coated Iron Pipe

Zinc-costed iron pipe can replace the copper pipe in the chembuster and still serve the same purpose as a rigid pipe waveguide. Its wall thickness is just as heavy as "L" grade copper pipe, yet it costs nearly three times less than copper pipe. If economy is uppermost in your mind, consider the zinc-coated iron pipe chembuster in lieu of the copper pipe chembusters. They will work just as well.

Chembusters Models (2 gallon and 5 gallon sizes, available with either copper or iron pipes)

1. Two Gallon Copper pipe Chembuster Base unit (without upper pipes) - $285 plus shipping (30 pound box) The two gallon CB is made in a two gallon plastic bucket and uses six, 1 inch copper pipe extensions. You can leave the CB in the plastic bucket for easy portablility or remove it and bury the CB directly into the ground. Plants will always grow more vigorously in the presence of a CB and burying a unit directly into the ground will improve plant growth even more dramatically. Some people put them in the center of their garden and are amazed to see the improvement in plant vigor. Many people have reported that spraying a mist of water on the CB on a daily basis will tend to bring rain (if your area needs it). It's not a guaranteed thing, but many have reported this phenomena. The base unit deal includes six 1 inch copper couplers and a painted wooden alignment template that goes near the top of the extension pipes. You can either pick up your own one inch copper pipes at a local building supply center such as Home Depot or Lowe's, or you can order the whole enchilada from me (see 1B. below). If you get your own pipes, ask the saleman to cut a ten foot length of pipe in half to give you two 5 foot lengths (you want a total of six, 5 foot pipes). You need to tell me where you live so I can give you an exact insured shipping quote on each box to your destination. For the USA, tell me your ZIP code. For outside the USA, tell me your country. Type "CB order" in the subject line.

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1B.Two Gallon Copper pipe Chembuster Base and six, 1 inch diameter "L" grade upper extension copper pipes (cut to exact Golden Ratio harmonic length-slighlty less than 5 feet long) = $485 + insured shipping

This is the 'whole enchilada' if you wish to order the complete chembuster assembly from me. The copper pipe base unit and upper copper pipe extensions come to $485 + insured shipping. There are two boxes to be shipped: one box with the CB base unit (29 pounds) and  a second box with the six, 1" copper pipes (23 pounds). You need to tell me where you live so I can give you an exact insured shipping quote on each box to your destination. For the USA, tell me your ZIP code. For outside the USA, tell me your country. Type "CB order" in the subject line.

1C. Six, 1 inch "L" grade copper pipes alone (cut to exact Golden Ratio harmonic length) as a separate package bundled with six 1 inch copper couplers and one painted wooden template for alignment = $260 + shipping of two boxes (in a 23 pound and a separate 3 pound box).

This package is offered for those who want a second set of pipe extensions to go on top of the first set, leaving you with a total of approximately 10 feet of pipe extending above the CB (longer pipes allow for greater Chembuster effect).

1D. New-CB Kit: Two Gallon Copper pipe Chembuster base unit Kit - $215 + shipping

The 2 gallon copper pipe base unit kit includes everything you need to make your own chembuster base unit except the fiberglass resin, which you mix and pour yourself, and the upper pipe extensions which you get at Home Depot or Loew's Building supply. I've already cut the lower copper pipes to the Golden Ratio harmonic length and sealed a hefty AA grade quartz crystal and its Royal Cubit coil inside each pipe. The kit includes a 5X Royal Cubit SBB coil that goes at the bottom of the CB and the lower wooden tamplate which centers the six pipes. I also include six 1" copper couplers and the painted upper wooden template to keep the upper pipe extensions secure and in parallel alignment. You get enough aluminum metal  shavings to fill the entire bucket. Full instructions for assembling the parts and pouring the resin come with every CB kit. You save money if you get the uipper pipe extensions locally, but you can order them from me if desired (see 2C.). You need to tell me where you live so I can give you an exact insured shipping quote on each box to your destination. For the USA, tell me your ZIP code. For outside the USA, tell me your country. Type "CB order" in the subject line.

2. Two Gallon Iron pipe Chembuster Base unit (without upper pipes) - $250 plus shipping (30 pound box)

All internal parts the same as the two gallon copper pipe CB base unit, with the exception of the pipe itself which is made of 1" zinc-coated iron pipe and uses 1" iron pipe couplers (it's not a good idea to mix copper and iron pipes together (use one or the other exclusively). Instructions are provided with the CB base unit to tell you where to get the 1" zinc-coated iron pipe.

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2B. Two Gallon Iron pipe Chembuster Base and six, 1 inch diameter upper extension iron pipes (cut to exact Golden Ratio harmonic length) - $367 + insured shipping (for two boxes) This is the 'whole enchilada' if you wish to order the complete iron pipe chembuster assembly from me. You need to tell me where you live so I can give you an exact insured shipping quote on each box to your destination. For the USA, tell me your ZIP code. For outside the USA, tell me your country. Type "CB order" in the subject line.

2C. Six, 1 inch zinc-coated iron pipes alone (cut to exact Golden Ratio harmonic length) as a separate package bundled with six 1 inch iron couplers and one painted upper wooden template for alignment-$165 + shipping of two boxes (23 pound and 3 pound boxes).

This package is offered for those who want a second set of pipe extensions to go on top of the first set, leaving you with a total of approximately 10 feet of pipe extending above the CB (longer pipes allow for greater Chembuster effect).

2D. New-CB Iron Pipe Kit: Two Gallon Iron pipe Chembuster base unit Kit-$165 + shipping

The 2 gallon iron pipe base unit kit includes everything you need to make your own chembuster base unit except the fiberglass resin, which you mix and pour yourself, and the upper pipe extensions which you get at Home Depot or Loew's Building supply. All items are the same as described for the two gallon copper kit above except the pipes and couplers themselves, which are made of zinc-coated iron. You get enough aluminum metal  shavings to fill the entire bucket. Full instructions for assembling the parts and pouring the resin come with every CB kit. (I need to know where you live in order to give you an exact shipping quote . You need to tell me where you live so I can give you an exact insured shipping quote on each box to your destination. For the USA, tell me your ZIP code. For outside the USA, tell me your country. Type "CB order" in the subject line.


If interested, you have a number of additional options to choose for your CB including: 1) adding one more pipe to a center location (total of seven pipes), 2) adding lateral crystals, 3) adding mobius wrapped, SP Pulser crystals and an SP Pulser, 4) adding more cubit coils, and 5) adding a Star of David (made of either 99.9% pure 14 gauge silver wire [$40) or copper wire ($15), cut to the harmonic of the Royal Cubit, and placed under the lower wooden template so that each point of the star rest under one of the six pipes (and crystals), and 6) adding other special ingredients to the 2 gallon base unit by choosing from this CB Options list (

3. Five Gallon Copper pipe Chembuster Base (without upper pipes)- $495 plus shipping (box weighs 69 pounds) The five gallon CB base unit offers 2½ times the amount of resin/metal chip matrix along with larger 1¼ inch copper pipes and larger crystals. The bare bones 5 gallon base unit deal includes six 1¼ inch copper pipes imbedded in the base unit, six 1¼ inch copper couplers, the wooden template, six coil wrapped Quartz Crystals, and the 6X Royal Cubit flat coil. You need to tell me where you live so I can give you an exact insured shipping quote on each box

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to your destination. For the USA, tell me your ZIP code. For outside the USA, tell me your country. Type "CB order" in the subject line.

3B. Five Gallon Copper pipe Chembuster Base and six, 1¼ inch diameter upper extension copper pipes (cut to exact Golden Ratio harmonic length-slighlty less than 5 feet long), along with six 1.25 " copper couplers and painted upper wooden alignment template. $728 plus insured shipping of two boxes (69 pounds and 27 pounds). The "whole enchilada" in the 5 gallon copper pipe version.

3C. Six, 1¼ inch diameter copper pipes alone (cut to Golden Ratio Harmonic length) as a separate package bundled with six 1¼ inch copper couplers and one painted wooden alignment template -$308 plus shipping of two boxes (27 pounds and 3 pounds) You need to tell me where you live so I can give you an exact insured shipping quote on each box to your destination. For the USA, tell me your ZIP code. For outside the USA, tell me your country. Type "CB order" in the subject line.

3D. New-5 Gallon CB Copper pipe Kit: Five Gallon Copper pipe Chembuster base unit Kit - $295 + shipping

The 5 gallon copper pipe base unit kit includes everything you need to make your own chembuster base unit except the fiberglass resin, which you mix and pour yourself. I've already cut the lower copper pipes to the Golden Ratio harmonic length and sealed a hefty AA grade quartz crystal and its Royal Cubit coil inside each pipe, termimnated with a copper end cap. You also get a 6X Royal Cubit SBB coil that goes at the bottom of the CB and the lower wooden tamplate which centers the six pipes. You get enough aluminum metal  shavings to fill the entire bucket. I include six 1.25" copper couplers and the painted upper wooden template to keep the upper pipe extensions secure and in parallel alignment. You save money if you get the uipper pipe extensions locally, but you can order them from me if desired (see 3C.). Full instructions for assembling the parts and pouring the resin come with every CB kit. You need to tell me where you live so I can give you an exact insured shipping quote on each box to your destination. For the USA, tell me your ZIP code. For outside the USA, tell me your country. Type "CB order" in the subject line.

4. Five Gallon Iron pipe Chembuster Base (without upper pipes)- $475 plus shipping (box weighs 69 pounds) The five gallon CB base unit offers 2½ times the amount of resin/metal chip matrix along with larger 1¼ inch iron pipes and larger crystals. The bare bones 5 gallon base unit deal includes six 1¼ inch zinc-coated iron pipes imbedded in the base unit, six 1¼ inch iron couplers, the upper wooden alignment template, six coil wrapped Quartz Crystals, and the 6X Royal Cubit flat coil. You need to tell me where you live so I can give you an exact insured shipping quote on each box to your destination. For the USA, tell me your ZIP code. For outside the USA, tell me your country. Type "CB order" in the subject line.

4B. Five Gallon Iron pipe Chembuster Base and six, 1¼ inch diameter upper extension iron pipes (cut to exact Golden Ratio harmonic length-slighlty less than 5 feet long), along with six 1.25 " iron couplers and painted upper wooden alignment template. $625 plus insured shipping of two boxes (69 pounds and 27 pounds). The "whole enchilada" in the 5 gallon iron pipe version.

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4C. Six, 1¼ inch diameter zinc-coated iron pipes alone (cut to Golden Ratio Harmonic length) as a separate package bundled with six 1¼ inch iron couplers and one painted wooden alignment template -$206 plus shipping of two boxes (27 pounds and 3 pounds) (Add $10 for a seventh pipe if desired)You need to tell me where you live so I can give you an exact insured shipping quote on each box to your destination. For the USA, tell me your ZIP code. For outside the USA, tell me your country. Type "CB order" in the subject line.

4D. New-5 Gallon CB Iron pipe Kit: Five Gallon Iron pipe Chembuster base unit Kit - $270 + shipping

The 5 gallon iron pipe base unit kit includes everything you need to make your own chembuster base unit except the fiberglass resin, which you mix and pour yourself. I've already cut the lower zinc-coated iron pipes to the Golden Ratio harmonic length and sealed a hefty AA grade quartz crystal and its Royal Cubit coil inside each pipe. You also get a 6X Royal Cubit SBB coil that goes at the bottom of the CB and the lower wooden tamplate which centers the six pipes. You get enough aluminum metal  shavings to fill the entire bucket. I include six 1.25" iron couplers and the painted upper wooden template to keep the upper pipe extensions secure and in parallel alignment. You save money if you get the uipper pipe extensions locally, but you can order them from me if desired (see 4C). Full instructions for assembling the parts and pouring the resin come with every CB kit.You need to tell me where you live so I can give you an exact insured shipping quote on each box to your destination. For the USA, tell me your ZIP code. For outside the USA, tell me your country. Type "CB order" in the subject line.


A Powerwand (PW) is an enlarged version of a Succor Punch embedded in a resin/metal matrix. Don Croft's original version of the Powerwand used a crystal that was 6-8 inches long and about 1 inch in diameter. He embedded the mobius-wrapped crystal within the resin/metal matrix using a 3" copper pipe that was 9" long with copper end caps installed at both ends. The copper pipe made a strong casing for the PW, but it also made it a little bit too heavy if you wanted to carry it around with you. The copper pipe isin't absolutely necessary for the PW to function, as you can substitute copper shavings in the matrix and get the same energy signature. I like to use both copper and silver in my Powerwands because alchemically, they are a perfect match, contributing complimentary male and female energy. To reduce weight, I prefer to make the normal sized Powerwand in a 3 inch cylindrical shape without the copper pipe and add the cooper to the resin as shavings and coils. .

I always install a 2.1mm jack on the upper facet of the crystal so I can plug a gold plated 2.1mm plug audio cable into the SP Pulser and pulse the Powerwand externally using a cable, rather than having the SP Pulser enclosed within the lower copper cap and hard wired to the crystal. I wanted to avoid the weight involved with the 3 copper pipe and end caps. I also felt that maitenance and access to the SP Pulser (changing the internal 9V battery or plugging in the DC wall adapter) is far more convenient when the SP Pulser is not enclosed in the bottom of a pipe, so I prefer to set the SP Pulser on the table next to the SP crystal using the shorter 7" connecting cable or place it out of sight altogether using the longer 4 foot connecting cable.

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Powerwands start at $350 and go up in $100 increments ($450, and $550), up to the largest version, the Mega Powerwand for $650 plus shipping. The Mega Powerwand is described in greater detail below. The length and diameter of the crystal, the clarity of the crystal, the amount of sacred geometry involved, the number of mobius knot nodes, the overall length of the mobius coil used, and the size of the orgonite cylinder all factors involved in the Powerwand size chosen. I also add a vial of structured water, blessed water, and Agnahotra clay to every Powerwand. You need to tell me where you live so I can give you an exact insured shipping quote on PW you

wish to order to your destination. For the USA, tell me your ZIP code. For outside the USA, tell me your country. Type "PW order" in the subject line.

Beyond applications for psychic and psychotronic protection, a Powerwand can be programmed with your intention to address any problem or concern. I programmed the Powerwand seen below with my focused intent (along with many other people) to deactivate and weaken Hurricane Wilma on October 23, 2005 when it was building up strength in the Carribean, on its way to Florida. If you recall, Wilma fizzled beautifully and was a non-event, despite the best efforts of the HAARP, the military boys with GWEN, and the ELF tower operators.


Mega Powerwands

I made a much larger version of the conventional Powerwand using a 2.5 quart container for a lady who needed special help. I used a much bigger seven pound quartz crystal, more coils, sacred geometry and a greater variety of gemstones for this woman who was being tormented beyond words. She was on the receiving end of very advanced psychic and psychotronic torture technologies that was slowing killing her and she had no way to fight back. About a month later, I was contacted by another person who also wanted the biggest Powerwand I could make and after telling him about the big one I made for the lady, he said he wanted the same thing, so I decided to call this enhanced version, the Mega Powerwand.

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Crystals used for the Mega Powerwand are in the 5-8 pound range. They have a distinct and sharp faceted tip that projects above the resin/metal matrix. For these larger diameter crystals, I use two or three mobius coils that are wired together in series. The two coils (11 turns each) of Silver Wrap can in installed over or under the mobius coils. It's important to wrap one silver coil in a clockwise direction and the second one in a countercolckwise direction. The spacing between the silver coil turns are not critical, but I try to spread the silver coils out over the clearest portion of the crystal if feasible.

All Mega Powerwands come with a 4X Royal Cubit SSB coil installed on the bottom. The Sacred Geometry includes a Star of David design (based on 523mm 'Lost Cubit' from Hans Becker) made of silver wire and individual double terminated quartz crystals located at each corner of the Star, wrapped with nodal coils, and centered with silver wire hexagons. A plastic bag of gemstones is sandwiched between the two silver hexagons. A resin/metal matrix is then added to the top of the Star of David nodal crystals and allowed to cure. After the resin cures, the big crystal with its mobius coil and Silver Wrap coils is installed with a 5X Royal Cubit 18 gauge copper coil (wound clockwise) surrounding the crystal from its base to just below the top surface of the resin. Metal shavings mixed with the polyester resin for the Mega Powerwand include aluminum, brass, copper, and 99.99% pure silver.

Silver Wrap is two, 11 turn coils

Thanks to a suggestion from Gale Stark, I add activated carbon granules to the resin while still in the liquid state. Since humans are carbon based, the frequency signature of carbon is enhanced and amplified with positive OR orgone energy produced by the Mega Powerwand.

The Mega Powerwand comes with an SP Pulser, two connecting cables (12 inch and 4 foot coax cables terminated with 2.1mm gold plated plugs) and a wall adapter. Complete application instructions for using the Powerwand are included with each Powerwand and are also found at this link:

4X Royal Cubit SSB Coil installed at bottom                               Star of David with Double Terminated crystal nodes & (viewed from the bottom)                                                        Hexagon ( 99.9% pure silver wire)

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Star of David placed over SBB coil                                   Hexagons of silver placed

above and below bag of  gemstones    



If you wish to order, you need to tell me where you live so I can give you an exact insured shipping quote on each box to your destination. For the USA, tell me your ZIP code. For outside the USA, tell me your country. Type "CB order" in the subject line.


Page under construction. To be continued..

Manfred, who writes in the German forum, wrote me about the beginning of May concerning a discovery he made. He made some TBs, placing them above a CB for the resin to cure. He found that these TBs had a special effect: positive qi swirls up above them similar to the way it comes up from a CB. He said he would send me some photographs  when he could. A week or so later I received the photographs, and from them it seemed that indeed he was correct. I repeated his experiment in my shop and found and obtained similar results. I made 12 TBs in a muffin tin and cured them by resting the muffin tin on top of the pipes of a CB (my first one, made 4 years ago). The five which were above the space encircled by the pipes were all special: the others were not.     It then occurred to me that perhaps these special TBs could be used to charge water.  I placed one of them several inches under a wooden plate, poured two glasses of water, placing one to the side, and one on top of the wooden plate. After some hours I found that the water in

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the class over the TB was charged, as if it had been charged over a CB. The other on the side was not charged.


"The ONLY coils I use with my CBs are "little secret coils" a la Cesco. When making your first CB, if you don't have these, and you probably don't for they are hard to get and even harder to make, I recommend using no coils. As Spade says, SIMPLICITY is the word here. Many more CBs have been made worse by adding extras by beginners than have been made better.     Resin or not in pipes? If you put no resin in the pipes, and insert the crystals at the bottom of the short pipes with a section of hose or something similar for filler, the crystals can be taken out later if they need or are desired to be changed.     Putting resin in the the pipes around the crystals is not good, unless you can put shavings or BBs around the crystals.     If there is room for the metal, I usually do it this way, pouring metal and resin to the top of the crystal. I live in a cold climate, and this prevents the water from getting around the crystal and freezing in the winter. But this is just personal preference.     DTs are best here, but if you cannot find DTs, STs will work. If you use STs however, make sure the negative end of the STs is down. This is the rough, non-terminated end of the ST.     I haven't used glue Karen, but my instinct is not to use it. There are different kinds of glue, and the odds seem pretty high that there would be some ingredient in it that would weaken the working. Of course this is just a guess."--- Laozu

I'd like to refresh some memories a bit about me and what happened to me when I made my 2nd Don Croft style cloud buster. I had made it a mom's place in Duxbury MA in the spring of 2002 and within ONE HOUR of me standing it up straight I had an unmarked, green military helicopter with at least 4 uniformed army jamokes in it circling my moms house at a maximum 500 feet off the ground. They circled the house, which sits in the center of the small town 3 times and each time they got to be above the house I heard the pilot screaming over the top of the rotor blades, LOOK DOWN THERE, IT IS DOWN THERE !  I only wish I had taken a photo of it. It was very alarming to me, so instead of standing next to it and pointing back at them I went over to the neighbours yard to watch it all happen. They looked like they were about to descend on ropes right into the backyard that's how close to the ground they were. EricCarlsen1 (Jan 2009)


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To improve CB place a large ST in the centre (a Cesco coil preferably if you have one).  Charge crystal first, then place in plastic bottle cut so it will sit below the 2 gallon mark.  Then charge it on CB.  the crystal is inside the orgonite, no tip showing.  In pics:

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How to Make "Chembusters" (CB's)From Don Croft & Ken Adachi's "Goodbye Chemtrails, Hello Blue Skies!" on

What Is a Chembuster?

History of the Cloudbuster

The Wilhelm Reich Cloudbuster was well known for its ability to create rain. But a problem existed with its continued use, in that the deadly orgone energy that it absorbed could in fact hurt the operator if it was not correctly "drained off". This "draining off" of deadly orgone energy was accomplished by 1. Connecting the Cloudbuster to a body of running water (difficult) or 2. Connecting the Cloudbuster output to an orgone accumulator. However, the orgone accumulator would soon become saturated with the deadly orgone energy which in turn caused more problems for the operator. So the Cloudbuster, as good a technology as it is, has lain dormant for many years.

The Cloudbuster Re-Invented

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By utilizing the research of Wilhelm Reich, we have created a cheap, portable and easy-to-build device that  consistently destroys Chemtrails and heals the atmosphere. The  “Chembuster” is the answer to these ongoing attacks. Unlike the original Cloudbuster, the CB changes the deadly orgone energy to good orgone energy and does NOT become saturated or dangerous to the operator.  You can build one for about $150.

Join The Battle - Now!

It is human nature to sit on the sidelines and think that one person cannot change the things that are happening to our country. You now have no excuse for inaction. For a few dollars and a few hours of your time YOU can make a difference.

A properly constructed CB unit should be able to greatly reduce the effects of chemtrails for about 45 miles in all directions (90 mile diameter) from the unit.  If used with Slim Spurling’s environmental tools, and a few extra crystals, the diameter can be increased to about 120 miles in all directions.

With this device a mere few hundred concerned citizens can SHUT DOWN the multi-billion dollar chemtrail program. The Chembuster cannot do any damage. It can only help and heal. It’s up to you to join the fight to save America.

Chembuster Construction Details

Chembuster Materials

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Set pipes in bottom spacer


BUCKET: Base: 9" in dia., 9" deep. I use two-gallon plastic buckets from the Home Depot paint department, but two-gallon food buckets, available from restaurants, or two-gallon spackle buckets from drywall contractors are fine. Leave the buckets on, as the handles make it easier to move the finished Chembuster.

COPPER PIPES: Six standard Type M, 1" copper pipes, 6' long, open at one end, the capped ends submerged to within an inch or so of the bottom of the bucket before casting. For portability and shipping, you can use 12” sections of pipe in the base, adding five-foot lengths

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by putting couplers between the 12” and five-foot pieces. You won’t need to buy as much copper pipe this way, too.

CRYSTALS: I glued a double-terminated (two pointed ends) quartz crystal, about 2" long, into a .75” section of garden hose, (or use electrical tape) then, glue to the inside of each of the six copper end caps, pointing in the same direction as the pipe will be after the cap is glued on. I use 'Goop' glue. Tape, or solder around the cap where it joins the pipe to prevent resin from leaking into the cap during casting.   (Note) Another option is to add one citrine gemstone to each pipe before adding the crystal, this smoothes the CB’s energy and helps to transmute negative energies. However, citrine does not seem to make the CB any more effective at eliminating chemtrails.

METAL PARTICLES: Get some metal particles from a machine shop, recycling yard or a place where they saw a lot of aluminum (sign shops and aluminum fabrication shops are good places to look). I use aluminum for weight considerations, but ANY metal will do. Very fine particles (such as filings from a key-making machine) aren’t quite as good as ones that will easily go through a ½” screen are okay. There really is a wide margin of suitability!

PLYWOOD: Template 1 - 3/4” exterior plywood is used to make the base for the copper endcaps/pipes. I arrange the six pipes evenly around a 2 1/2” radius circle, which makes the pipes 2 1/2” apart on centers. A flat, 1 1/4” auger bit drills a suitable hole for each end cap.

Template 2 - Make another piece to fit inside the rim of the bucket. Remember to cut a section away so you can fit your fingers under it to remove it from the bucket. This piece is not part of the finished CB, just used to get the spacing for the pipes right during construction. Cut the holes in this with a 1 1/8” flat bit so that it will fit well over the six pipes. This piece will hold the pipes in position while the second batch of resin hardens.

Template 3 - I make a circular plywood spacer for the top ends of the pipes, 4” radius with 1 1/8” holes on the same 2 1/2” radius circles for the pipe ends. This keeps the pipes parallel with each other and fairly rigid.


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Not to scale  Widest circle is 9 1/8”

RESIN: I use polyester resin (used to build fiberglass boats), but epoxy also works, as does Envirotech resin from (this sets up very quickly, so you need to be proficient with it). If you are going to construct many of these units, try to purchase your resin in 5 gallon buckets over the internet, possibly from a surfboard or boat manufacturing supply company. Home Depot gets $24 per gallon for resin.

On a level surface, pour an inch or so of catalyzed resin into the bottom of the bucket and stir in metal particles until the surface is uniform and flat. CAUTION:  Resin fumes are flammable; use in a warm, but well ventilated area.

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The ratio that seems to work is approx. one part resin to one part metal particles (equal volume of resin to metal particles). Put the base Template 1 onto that before it hardens, so that it just touches the surface and doesn't sink in much. Pour a half gallon of catalyzed resin into the bucket after the six pipes are set into the holes in the base template. Use the dowel to stir in handfuls of metal particles in the same ratio as before. Note that the wood Template 1 should not be pushed down to the bottom of the bucket with the resin squishing over the top.

Carefully move the Template 2 down on to the six pipes until it is snugly within the rim of the bucket. Put the top Template 3 onto the top of the pipes and move them until the pipes are parallel. After the resin has hardened, remove the second template and set it aside. This is only used during construction, as I mentioned.

You can finish off putting the resin/metal mixture in now in two stages if you want, up to within a half inch of the rim of the bucket. Now it’s finished (wait until it hardens before you move it. You will actually use about one gallon of metal shavings and 1 ½ gal. of resin.


Cut six pipes, 12" long, and put the crystals/endcaps on them for the base. Buy six coupler joints which allow a pipe to come into them from both directions and stop at the middle. This allows you to make the rest of the pipe assembly from three pipes, 10' long, cut in half. The finished product leaves you with only one piece of pipe, four feet long leftover.

When positioning the 12" pipes for pouring the second layer of mix, temporarily tape the top ends of the 12" pipes so no metal particles are dropped in them by mistake.

After the mix is made, take off the tape and push the rim plywood piece down onto the pipes so that it fits into the rim of the bucket.

Put the spacers (soldered if desired), then the 5' pipes onto the 12" base pipes, then put the third (top) plywood piece onto the 5’ copper pipes.

The pipes will look skewed, most likely, so just twist the top plywood piece around until the pipes line up parallel. As you do that, the rim plywood piece will move around. You need to do this expeditiously, though not in a hurry, so that the resin doesn't harden before you're done.

We experimented with 5' extensions to the pipes to increase the range. It had a strong effect on the moon and on the upper atmosphere of the planet for hundreds of miles. We also apparently shut down the weather warfare facility under Homestead Air Force Base by leaving the extended Chembuster pointing at the dead orgone field above it for a week.

We found that we don't need to point it in any particular direction in order to clear the atmosphere of bad orgone, and the longer it's left standing, the nicer it feels for a longer distance from the Chembuster (many miles). We just stand it on its bottom, pointing straight up. We did once eliminate a belt of smog, which was just off the coast by aiming at it for a few minutes, so direction can be a factor.

Chembusters destroy chemtrails consistently. It may take a few days for your Chembuster to activate the environment enough to do this, but after that point the spew will disappear within

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seconds of leaving the UN jets and dissipated trails that drift within range of the Chembuster will also disperse, but more slowly. The ones that are made up of solids take longer to dissipate, but we’ve found that these only make up about 10% or so of the spewing episodes.

Dr. Reich’s Cloudbusters were extremely dangerous when in operation since he had no orgone generator attached to them. Bad orgone does carry a charge which can quickly drain one’s life force away when it’s concentrated in one spot. It's similar to a strong positively charges static electrical field. When cloud cover is unproductive or unbalanced (too much lightning, for instance, or too much rain) the Chembuster busts it up.

It also may help stop drought. Overall, it just balances the weather, I think it sort of mediates between the ground and the atmosphere somehow. The one in Namibia, Africa finally brought heavy rain to the desert there. It happened 9/5/01, and continued for several days. Gert, the fellow who made the Chembuster and reported the occurrence ( ), told me that this had simply never happened in the Namib desert before to the best of anyone's knowledge. It's arguably the driest region on the planet.

WARNING: If you touch the pipes when they’re drawing in strong unbalanced or dead orgone and don’t put your hand on the base after that, you may experience headaches, even into the next day, as a friend of ours did recently.

Mind you that our efforts, though somewhat pioneering, should be seen mainly as a springboard for further developments rather than the last word.

SUGGESTION: If you want even more rain, try putting water on top of the material in the bucket and/or hosing down the whole apparatus daily.  In freezing climates, cover the top of the six pipes with mini umbrellas so water can’t freeze and shatter the crystals.  The CB appears to effect chemtrails equally well whether it’s placed indoors or out.  Up to seven crystals can be placed in each pipe to improve performance.

Goodbye Chemtrails, Hello Blue Skies!

The Do-It-Yourself Kit for Sky RepairBy Ken Adachi <[email protected]> Jan. 10. 2002 

A couple of years ago, I was standing outside a restaurant on a sunny day in southern California showing Joanna Beck, wife of Dr. Bob Beck, just how simple it was to disperse clouds using The Visual Ray (, a technique I learned from reading Trevor James Constable's book, The Cosmic Pulse of Life. After demonstrating the technique to her on a couple of smaller clouds, we worked together on evaporating a particular large cumulus cloud and noticed how the blueness of the sky was slightly darker where the large cloud had existed only a few minutes earlier, a result of intensified orgone energy ( ) accumulating in that area.

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Almost simultaneously, we wondered aloud whether a group of people could use this technique to break up chemtrails! I tried it a number of times on my own, but I couldn't get chemtrail 'clouds' to break up and disperse the same way normal clouds would and I wondered silently whether a Cloudbuster, a simple invention of Wilhelm direct orgone energy in the atmosphere, could tackle the job.

Over the course of 35 years, Trevor Constable had modified Reich's original long pipe arrayed Cloudbuster down to a much smaller, compact, and simpler design that could 'make' or 'break' weather in any direction he chose: He could make rain or stop it; he could relieve drought and break up smog or create a dry spell and intensify smog conditions. The manner in which you manipulate the atmospheric ether in a given area is the key.

Trevor discovered that success depends on how you apply his Cloudbuster design to direct the flow of etheric energy. Its normal movement is from west to east in northern latitudes. If you reverse its flow and build up clouds, you'll get rain. If the flow of orgone is stagnated and bottled up, you'll get drought or smog. If you release the etheric flow after being 'bottled up' or stuck during a dry spell, you will get torrential rains. There is likely no civilian on the face of this earth who has accumulated more expertise about weather engineering than Trevor James Constable

Don Croft However, the hero of this article is Don Croft, a man who was already familiar with Reich's observations of orgone energy and his invention of the Cloudbuster. Don was talking one day with a man who told him about a radionics type device that he obtained over the internet. He said that paid over $500 for a plastic box which contained some dials and mostly metal shavings and epoxy resin.

Don was intrigued and read more information about the device. The maker of the device had capitilized on an observation that Wilhelm Reich had written about in one of his books on orgone energy, The Cancer Biopathy. Reich found that any organic material, when juxtapositioned with metal, will act as an absorber of orgone energy which is first attracted to and then reflected away by the metal. The device maker was calling his device an orgone generator (abbreviated "orgen" here). Apparently, an orgen can generate the positive form of orgone ("OR") energy by transmuting or neutralizing the deadly or negative form of orgone energy dubbed "DOR" . Orgone accumulators , on the other hand, can accumulate (and intensify)  both the positive and deadly polarities of orgone energy. Orgone accumulators have traditionally been abbreviated "oracs" and Don sometimes uses that term himself, but Don's modified version of a Cloudbuster employs the mixture of metal shavings and plastic resin of the orgone generator and is not the same thing as a traditional Reichean orogne accumulator or Reichean Cloudbuster. The marrying of metal shavings and plastic resin of the orgone generator with Reich's Cloudbuster pipes has resulted in a different atmospheric instrument, with new and inique attributes from the traditional Reich Cloudbuster.

It's probably more appropo to call it a "Chembuster" to distinguish it from Reich's Cloudbuster and avoid misunderstandings among Reich aficionados and  pedagogues. The orgone generator portion of Don's hybrid devices consists of metal shavings, magnets, crystals, and sometimes a Mobius coil or spiral coils that are rigidly held in place by epoxy or polyester resin. With psychic inisights gained form his wife Carol, and a little help from dowsing, Don had also put together a much smaller, cone shaped orgone generator using the above mentioned materials  and called it a Holy Handgrenade (HHg) which you can make

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yourself ( or obtain one ready made ( )

A number of people have reported unusual and positive emotional/physical effects produced by a HHg, even from a considerable distance. Don also incorporated the orgone generator into his Terminator, his latest hybrid modification of a low frequency bioelectric 'zapper' that has also generatred some "unusual" reports of its own ( ).

Holy Handgrenades" Batman! Orgone generators have the ability to focus life-positive orgone energy and break up areas of noxious, life-draining energies of DOR, a word coined by Wilhelm Reich for Deadly ORgone. Don found that his orgone generator could neutralize DOR and seemed to only generate positive, life-enhancing energies. Don and his wife began planting these HHg's at outdoor locations near nuclear power plants and other areas of noxious, life depleting energies (secret underground and underwater bases, etc.) and started to have a definite effect on improving the energy fields radiating from these zones. To gain greater insights into why these changes occur, read Don's essay: I Wish I Knew How this Works ( ) and his Orgone Generator F.A.Q. ( ).

Since he already was thinking about using the Reich Cloudbuster to try and break up chemtrails, Don took it a step further and combined a large version of his HHg with the rigid copper pipes of a Cloudbuster and a 2 gallon plastic bucket to hold the whole enchilada together. This modification of Reich's Cloudbuster into a Chembuster is a unique and original prototype by Don & Carol Croft and produces some rather 'unique' effects.

Don originally had set up his Chembuster outside on a chemtrail-overcast day with the pipes pointing straight up and sure enough, after a while, the chemtrails started to break up revealing blue sky above. The longer he left the Chembuster in place, the clearer the sky got, eventually covering an area out to 90 miles. He later improved the Chembuster design and got the coverage to extend out to 120 miles. A man named Rick from the Los Angeles area timed how long it took his Chembuster to disperse overhead Chemtrails and posted his photos to the Don's original Cloudbuster chat forum (now defunct). Amazingly, the area immediately above Rick's Chembuster transformed from Chemtrail laden overcast to CLEAR blue sky in less than 10 minutes. You can see the photo sequence here: ( ).

Don had contacted me by E mail last year and was sending me reports of his success with the Chembuster both in this country and abroad. He had sent the instructions to an African man named Gert Botha living in Namibia who built a modified version of the device using locally scavenged materials (read Africa's First Cloudsbuster ( )

Initially, Gert found that his Chembuster was having an effect on the incessant sand storms, causing them to constantly change direction, but eventually he found that aiming the Chembuster south at an angle of 30 degrees to the horizon forced the sandstorms to stop. After being parked in this position for two months, his Chembuster brought on torrential rains for the first time in many dry months to one of the driest regions of Africa.

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Psychic Dames Don gains many of his insights about his orgone devices through his wife, Carol Croft and daughter, Nora, both of whom possess serious psychic ability. His wife Carol, especially, helps keep Don one step ahead of the Bad Guys as witnessed in The Adventures of Don & Carol Croft (

Don is on the road much of the time and whenever the covert type ninjas try to move in on him, he learns about it before they do! The Bad Guys have their high tech advantages, but it seems the Universe takes care of its own when you're trying to do the Right Thing. In Don's case, it looks like he's been provided with exactly the sort of 'assistance' he needs.

Your Weekend Project Complete instructions to make your own Chembuster are included in this article. It will cost you about $150 US dollars if you buy all of the materials new, but if you're a scrounger, you can probably do it for the cost of the plastic resin. The instructions were written by Don Croft, but the original aritlce has assembled, edited and organized by a wonderful person by the name of Stephanie Relfe ( [email protected] ) who has a couple of great web sites that everyone should take a look at: .

Anyone with modest do-it-yourself skills can build these devices, but be aware that a Reichean style Cloudbuster is not a toy. It directs orgone energy, both the good type and the harmful DOR type. Don's modification of the traditional CB has removed most of the concern and potential dangers of DOR, since the orgen neutralizes the DOR, but one individual reported getting a headache after touching the pipes of a Chembuster and NOT touching the base to ground himself out. Always touch the base after handling the pipes of an active Chembuster.

A traditional Cloudbuster patterened after Reich's design has the potential to be harmful if you don't know what you are doing.  Trevor Constable told me first hand a story about the late Robert McCullough, Reich's friend and assistant in the Arizona desert in the 1950's. Dr Reich and Bob were running pioneering experiments with Reich's Cloudbuster in the desert when Bob had allowed a big (functioning) Cloudbuster to accidentally touch the side of his bare leg-which instantly paralyzed his leg and caused him excruciating pain. It took weeks to recover. Bob walked with a limp and had to use a cane for the rest of his life. The desert environment contains the highest ratio of atmospheric DOR energy than any other place on Earth, so it was the worst possible location to have such an accident. You don't have that sort of concern with Don's Chembuster, but touch the base (just to be sure) after handling the pipes to avoid the potential of getting a headache. In general, avoid touching the pipes of a Chembuster after it has been set up and running for a few days. If you need to touch the pipes of an active Chembuster, it's a good idea to take a heavy copper conductor wire, like an battery jumper cable, and touch the jumper cable to each pipe in turn while holding the opposite end of the cable against the earth (or at least against the resin/metal matrix of the base if you can't get at the soil).

Below, you'll find the edited reprint of Don's paper on Chemtrail Busting and complete instructions for making your own Chembuster or "CB". I've also added a link here to Don & Carol's Introductory Notes and Disclaimer ( )

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While written some time ago, Don's Introductory Notes offer important insights into the Croft world view and their mission. I believe you will find it highly informative and in sync with the emerging paradigm of the new millennium.

If you have the time, you can also review an earlier version of Don's Cloudbuster directions ( which he had sent to me in August, 2001. It includes some interesting uses for the CB not included in the directions given below.

CB Parts, Kits, & Networking Don explains in the paper where to locate most supplies for the CB such as Home Depot. You can obtain crystals for the CB or HHg from Gladys Bridges ([email protected]) and neodymium magnets from . You could also do a search for neodymium magnets at

If you wish to obtain a ready made Chembuster, HHg, or other orgone generators, visit this link,

How to Build A Chembuster to Disperse Chemtrails

and Improve the Weather

Written by Don Croft <[email protected]> Edited, assembled, and originally posted by Stephanie Relfe at http//

Definition of a contrail:  A contrail occurs when a plane travels at a high altitude (about 30,000 ft. or more) and compresses the air into a water vapor or ice crystals through jet engines or the wing tips pushing through the air. This trail disappears after anywhere from a few seconds to 15 minutes, as the water vapor evaporates.

Definition of a chemtrail: The term "chemtrail" is a relatively new word, which appeared in the last few years along with the appearance of chemtrails. A chemtrail is very different from a contrail. At first a chemtrail might look a bit like a contrail. However, instead of disappearing like a contrail does, a chemtrail just keeps spreading out and forming a hazy cloud bankout and forming a hazy cloud bank These trails traverse the whole sky and stay for up to around five or even eight hours. .

They have been known to turn what was originally a clear blue sky into a grey haze. (Note: As of Nov 2001 there are already several dozen Chembusters in seven countries, so if you see chemtrails that don't last anywhere near this long,

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there may already be a Chembuster in the area). It is believed chemtrails are composed at least in part by an oil based substance of unknown content that is actually being sprayed from jets on populated areas. It has also been found that some chemtrails contain red blood cells, aluminum, mycoplasma, viruses and other unknown biological components. There are many reports of increased diseases, especially respiratory ailments, in areas where there are chemtrails.

Chemtrails are often seen to be sprayed by white planes with no markings. Sometimes you will see these planes give off no contrail at all, and immediately after the same kind of plane in the same area will start to leave a thick chemtrail. At other times, distinct short gaps in chemtrails have been photographed, as though the plane ran out of chemicals and

then had to start spraying with a new supply.

For information on Chemtrails see the sites listed at

History of the Cloudbuster

The Wilhelm Reich Cloudbuster was well known for its ability to create rain. But a problem existed with its continued use, in that the deadly orgone energy that it absorbed could in fact hurt the operator if it was not correctly "drained off". This "draining off" of deadly orgone energy was accomplished by 1. Connecting the Cloudbuster to a body of running water (difficult) or 2. Connecting the Cloudbuster output to an orgone accumulator. However, the orgone accumulator would soon become saturated with the deadly orgone energy which in turn caused more problems for the operator. So the Cloudbuster, as good a technology as it is, has lain dormant for many years.

The Cloudbuster Re-Invented

By utilizing the research of Wilhelm Reich, we have created a cheap, portable and easy-to-build device thatconsistently destroys Chemtrails and heals the atmosphere. The Chembuster is the answer to these ongoing attacks. Unlike the original Cloudbuster, the CB changes the deadly orgone energy to good orgone energy and does NOT become saturated or dangerous to the operator.  You can build one for about $150.

Join The Battle - Now!

It is human nature to sit on the sidelines and think that one person cannot change the things that are happening to our country. You now have no excuse for inaction. For a few dollars and a few hours of your time YOU can make a difference.

A properly constructed CB unit should be able to greatly reduce the effects of chemtrails for about 45 miles in all directions (90 mile diameter) from the unit.  If used with Slim Spurling's environmental tools, and a few extra crystals, the diameter can be increased to about 120 miles in all directions.

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With this device a mere few hundred concerned citizens can SHUT DOWN the multi-billion dollar chemtrail program. The Chembuster cannot do any damage. It can only help and heal. It's up to you to join the fight to save America.

Chembuster Construction Details

Chembuster Materials

Set pipes in bottom spacer

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Middle Plywood Spacer

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Finished ChemPlough


BUCKET: Base: 9" in dia., 9" deep. I use two-gallon plastic buckets from the Home Depot paint department, but two-gallon food buckets, available from restaurants, or two-gallon spackle buckets from drywall contractors are fine. Leave the buckets on, as the handles make it easier to move the finished Chembuster.

COPPER PIPES: Six standard Type M, 1" copper pipes, 6' long, open at one end, the capped ends submerged to within an inch or so of the bottom of the bucket before casting. For portability and shipping, you can use 12� sections of pipe in the base, adding five-foot lengths by putting couplers between the 12� and five-foot pieces. You won't need to buy as much copper pipe this way, too.

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CRYSTALS: I glued a double-terminated (two pointed ends) quartz crystal, about 2" long, into a .75� section of garden hose, (or use electrical tape) then, glue to the inside of each of the six copper end caps, pointing in the same direction as the pipe will be after the cap is glued on. I use 'Goop' glue. Tape, or solder around the cap where it joins the pipe to prevent resin from leaking into the cap during casting.   (Note) Another option is to add one citrine gemstone to each pipe before adding the crystal, this smoothes the CB's energy and helps to transmute negative energies. However, citrine does not seem to make the CB any more effective at eliminating chemtrails.

METAL PARTICLES: Get some metal particles from a machine shop, recycling yard or a place where they saw a lot of aluminum (sign shops and aluminum fabrication shops are good places to look). I use aluminum for weight considerations, but ANY metal will do. Very fine particles (such as filings from a key-making machine) aren't quite as good as ones that will easily go through a �� screen are okay. There really is a wide margin of suitability!

PLYWOOD: Template 1 - 3/4� exterior plywood is used to make the base for the copper endcaps/pipes. I arrange the six pipes evenly around a 2 1/2� radius circle, which makes the pipes 2 1/2� apart on centers. A flat, 1 1/4� auger bit drills a suitable hole for each end cap.

Template 2 - Make another piece to fit inside the rim of the bucket. Remember to cut a section away so you can fit your fingers under it to remove it from the bucket. This piece is not part of the finished CB, just used to get the spacing for the pipes right during construction. Cut the holes in this with a 1 1/8� flat bit so that it will fit well over the six pipes. This piece will hold the pipes in position while the second batch of resin hardens.

Template 3 - I make a circular plywood spacer for the top ends of the pipes, 4� radius with 1 1/8� holes on the same 2 1/2� radius circles for the pipe ends. This keeps the pipes parallel with each other and fairly rigid.


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Not to scale  Widest circle is 9 1/8�

A large scale template can be found here.

RESIN: I use polyester resin (used to build fiberglass boats), but epoxy also works, as does Envirotech resin from (this sets up very quickly, so you need to be proficient with it). If you are going to construct many of these units, try to purchase your resin in 5 gallon buckets over the internet, possibly from a surfboard or boat manufacturing supply company. Home Depot gets $24 per gallon for resin.

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On a level surface, pour an inch or so of catalyzed resin into the bottom of the bucket and stir in metal particles until the surface is uniform and flat. CAUTION:  Resin fumes are flammable; use in a warm, but well ventilated area.

The ratio that seems to work is approx. one part resin to one part metal particles (equal volume of resin to metal particles). Put the base Template 1 onto that before it hardens, so that it just touches the surface and doesn't sink in much. Pour a half gallon of catalyzed resin into the bucket after the six pipes are set into the holes in the base template. Use the dowel to stir in handfuls of metal particles in the same ratio as before. Note that the wood Template 1 should not be pushed down to the bottom of the bucket with the resin squishing over the top.

Carefully move the Template 2 down on to the six pipes until it is snugly within the rim of the bucket. Put the top Template 3 onto the top of the pipes and move them until the pipes are parallel. After the resin has hardened, remove the second template and set it aside. This is only used during construction, as I mentioned.

You can finish off putting the resin/metal mixture in now in two stages if you want, up to within a half inch of the rim of the bucket. Now it's finished (wait until it hardens before you move it. You will actually use about one gallon of metal shavings and 1 � gal. of resin.


Cut six pipes, 12" long, and put the crystals/endcaps on them for the base. Buy six coupler joints which allow a pipe to come into them from both directions and stop at the middle. This allows you to make the rest of the pipe assembly from three pipes, 10' long, cut in half. The finished product leaves you with only one piece of pipe, four feet long leftover.

When positioning the 12" pipes for pouring the second layer of mix, temporarily tape the top ends of the 12" pipes so no metal particles are dropped in them by mistake.

After the mix is made, take off the tape and push the rim plywood piece down onto the pipes so that it fits into the rim of the bucket.

Put the spacers (soldered if desired), then the 5' pipes onto the 12" base pipes, then put the third (top) plywood piece onto the 5' copper pipes.

The pipes will look skewed, most likely, so just twist the top plywood piece around until the pipes line up parallel. As you do that, the rim plywood piece will move around. You need to do this expeditiously, though not in a hurry, so that the resin doesn't harden before you're done.

We experimented with 5' extensions to the pipes to increase the range. It had a strong effect on the moon and on the upper atmosphere of the planet for hundreds of miles. We also apparently shut down the weather warfare facility under Homestead Air Force Base by leaving the extended Chembuster pointing at the dead orgone field above it for a week.

We found that we don't need to point it in any particular direction in order to clear the atmosphere of bad orgone, and the longer it's left standing, the nicer it feels for a longer distance from the Chembuster (many miles). We just stand it on its bottom, pointing straight

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up. We did once eliminate a belt of smog, which was just off the coast by aiming at it for a few minutes, so direction can be a factor.

Chembusters destroy chemtrails consistently. It may take a few days for your Chembuster to activate the environment enough to do this, but after that point the spew will disappear within seconds of leaving the UN jets and dissipated trails that drift within range of the Chembuster will also disperse, but more slowly. The ones that are made up of solids take longer to dissipate, but we've found that these only make up about 10% or so of the spewing episodes.

Dr. Reich's Cloudbusters were extremely dangerous when in operation since he had no orgone generator attached to them. Bad orgone does carry a charge which can quickly drain one's life force away when it's concentrated in one spot. It's similar to a strong positively charges static electrical field. When cloud cover is unproductive or unbalanced (too much lightning, for instance, or too much rain) the Chembuster busts it up.

It also may help stop drought. Overall, it just balances the weather, I think it sort of mediates between the ground and the atmosphere somehow. The one in Namibia, Africa finally brought heavy rain to the desert there. It happened 9/5/01, and continued for several days. Gert, the fellow who made the Chembuster and reported the occurrence ( ), told me that this had simply never happened in the Namib desert before to the best of anyone's knowledge. It's arguably the driest region on the planet.

WARNING: If you touch the pipes when they're drawing in strong unbalanced or dead orgone and don't put your hand on the base after that, you may experience headaches, even into the next day, as a friend of ours did recently.

Mind you that our efforts, though somewhat pioneering, should be seen mainly as a springboard for further developments rather than the last word.

SUGGESTION: If you want even more rain, try putting water on top of the material in the bucket and/or hosing down the whole apparatus daily.  In freezing climates, cover the top of the six pipes with mini umbrellas so water can't freeze and shatter the crystals.  The CB appears to effect chemtrails equally well whether it's placed indoors or out.  Up to seven crystals can be placed in each pipe to improve performance.

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CB plowing through chemtrails in the midwest

Classic Croft Orgonite Cloudbuster Tutorial

By Cesco



This tutorial shows how to make a simple and effective Croft style CB.If you live in the US the material cost is around 100-150$ in total, in Europe it is higher depending on where.Making a CB is relatively easy, a lot of fun and educational, I hope that my tutorial is of good enough standard so that you decide to make one yourself. Enjoy!


Required Materials:

Six standard 1 inch (28mm in Europe) copper pipes, each 6 feet long (36 ft total.)Six 1 inch copper pipe endcaps.Six 1 inch copper pipe couplers.

Pipe cutter.

Six 2 inch +, Quartz Crystals. The width of these should not exceed 3/4 of an inch. One can use double or single terminated, though single terminated is recommended for those unable to define a positive and negative end of a double terminated crystal. The positive end of a single terminated crystal is 99% of the time the end with a clear point to it, in the picture below the positive end is at the top of the crystal where you can define its point easily.

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Metal shavings, enough for a two gallon bucket. Aluminum, copper, brass, steel, titanium all works fine. Dont get to small pieces, particles, see image for ideal size(can also be a bit larger.)

Plywood, for the templates.

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1 inch drill bit to cut the holes in the templates.

Jigsaw to cut the templates.

Compass for marking the templates.

2 gallon plastic bucket.

2 gallons of Polyester or Epoxy resin, cheap stuff prefered as this goes outside.


Measuring jug or bucket, for mixing the resin.

Syringe(large) or dropper for hardener.

Plastic gloves.

Stirring stick and an old spoon.

It is recommended that you work outside or in a well ventilated area, use a protective mask if working indoors.Cover work space with some plastic to avoid stains/mess.



Step 1. Casting the crystals into the pipes.

First you need to cut off a section of your pipes with a pipe cutter where the crystals will be cast.You can either measure the section that you will cut off so that it will be sticking up from the orgonite base after it has cured, this way you can disassemble your CB quite easily.Or you can measure the pipes to be cut off at a length a few inches longer than your crystals, this means that you cannot disassemble your CB unless you make another coupling point above the base.The pros with the first is that you can take your CB apart easily if you need to move it, and the pros of the latter is that it is easier to cast the crystals into the pipe. The choice is yours.

After you have cut your pipe sections for casting the crystals in you can either solder or tape the endcaps on the bottom, this is to prevent leaking of resin.Packing tape usually works great, just do a good job taping it around the edge of the endcaps.

Now you are ready to start.

Prepare the amount of resin needed by mixing with catalyst in a jug, then mix metal shavings into the resin.Place a small amount into each pipe, scoop into it with an old spoon:

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Now you need your crystal points, it is recommended that you charge them beforehand, click here to learn how:This gives your CB some extra strength.Place your crystal, the positive end upwards and the negative going down, into the pipe:

Then you cover the crystal points with resin/metal mix:

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Leave to cure, you can start cutting your templates while you are waiting.


Step 2. Making the templates.

Measure the diameter of your bucket with your compass, make sure that you do this from the inside, leave 1/2 inch space to the edge.This will be the diameter of your template.Mark your piece of plywood with that diameter circle, this will be the outer diameter of the template.Then either use your drill bit or measure in half the width of your pipe(1/2 inch) and draw a second circle this size, see image below:

Then from that circle you make a half circle with you compass through the center touching the inner circle in two points:

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Place your compass on the point where the line touches the inner circle and make another half circle:

Then continue doing this until you have touched all the points(6 in total):

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Now you should see the above shape similar to a six petaled flower:Where each petal touches the inner circle(blue dots) is where you will drill your one inch holes:

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You need two templates like this, so draw another identical one.Then use your jigsaw to cut out the outer circle. and then drill your holes.(Some people like to remove some of the center part of the template that goes into the bucket so that it is filled with more orgonite, this is easily done by removing a large circle from the center of the template, this way the outer circle will still hold in place.)

You should now have two wooden CB templates.


Step 3. Casting the CB base.

Usually a plastic bucket needs no release agent, it comes straight off after the CB is cured, if you really want to be on the safe side you can use some vegetable oil or vaseline to coat the inside of the bucket.

Prepare your resin, 2 gallons worth, mix thoroughly with the required amount of catalyst.

Place a small amount of metal shavings at the bottom of your bucket(inch and a half) and then cover with resin.

Get your pipes with crystals in them and place them onto the bottom template, this way the template should rest on the endcaps making a small space between the template and the bucket, remember to remove the tape if you have taped the endcaps to the pipe.Place your couplers at the top of your pipes.Place this configuration into the bucket, squeeze it into the resin/metal shavings filling the space around it.

Generously cover around the pipes with metal shavings.Then add the long lengths of copper pipes(5 ft plus) onto the six shorter ones already in the bucket,

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they should easily be inserted into the couplers, then slide the top template over the pipes from the top (about 1 foot down from the top.)The pipes should be in a straight and vertical alignment.(It is wise to try this beforehand so that you are familiar with how to do it.)Support the pipes onto a table or other suitable near by object.

Pour resin to cover the shavings in your bucket, use a stick an poke a little bit into it so that the resin sinks to the bottom.Place as much metal shavings as needed for the amount of resin you have, the ratio is approximately 50/50(volume).Now secure your CB with some rope or tape so that it cures in an upright position.

Leave to cure.It is best to leave it until the next day or so.Patience is always rewarded:)


Step 4: Remove the bucket.

Now that the CB is cured, remove the bucket and support system around it(tape,ropes etc).Find a good spot where you can place it, if you have a garden it is a good idea to bury your CB base into the ground, do not cover the base though but to about its level.


Step 5: Celebrate.

Celebrate the creation of your CB and take delight in observing its wonderful workings :)


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I started making pendants for protection when going tower busting… the first time we used them in combination with a succor punch, and we were apparently invisible… last night we forgot to take our succor punch and we were also invisible… so maybe these work as protection and as invisible shields! I have also found that connecting to the pendant, that is connecting to the orgonite around your neck, makes adrenalin rushes transform into a more passive security…

Two pendants (front)

Two pendants (back)

Publicado por Ale y Javi en 17:10 4 comentarios

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Four pendantsThe one in the far right is bigger than the rest. I personally prefer them that size, since it contains a larger mass of orgonite, therefore more protection. I started making smaller ones for family and friends who view them as jewelry, but the three of us who actively gift use bigger pendants.

I make them with amethyst, rose quartz, and clear quartz stones. For metal shavings I use copper, aluminum, and steel, sometimes also brass. For decoration I have found that copper BB’s are great, as well as little balls of metal that are silver coated.

This one is mine (back), the first one I did. It is big!

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DolphinBall (second try)

I got a much better result making my second DB (see older post "DB (first try)"). It is made with a rose quartz wrapped in a copper coil, amethyst, alluminium and copper shavings, and copper BBs.-:-javi-:-Publicado por Ale y Javi en 13:37 0 comentarios

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More panels… these rectangular panels are the most common ones, they always have big massive cables coming out of them (bottom left)… it seems a lot of power is needed for frying brains… not so for legitimate communication systems…

Nice cross! This one was located next to a catholic church…

Publicado por Ale y Javi en 12:39 0 comentarios

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Stylish light pole… these are often seen in more upscale neighborhoods… now this is what you find when you follow the cables below them:

Once again, way too much power for just four 250W lamps…

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The crystals we used… six, one for each copper tube. They are placed in the bottom on the tubes, on the copper caps, stuck with silicone, pointing upwards.

carving the wood…

our wooden templates… 1 goes in the bottom, it is shaped like that in order that metal shavings can fill the empty spaces and they are not lost. The copper tubes will be placed in it. Template number 2 is placed on the top part of the bucket to make sure the tubes are parallel. The two holes in the side enable you to pour resin in the bucket. Number 3 is the top template. This one enables you to place a bottle of water to charge it.

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Publicado por Ale y Javi en 19:02 0 comentarios


starting to fill the bucket… steel shavings… we added a few quartz crystals at this point too, however it is not necessary…

Then we added a thin layer of resin to cover this. When it was about to dry we stuck the first wooden template. With that firmly in place we placed the first part of our copper tubes, that is 6 pieces of 1 foot (33 cm) in length each. The pieces have their caps on, with a quartz crystal pointing up. The caps also prevent resin coming inside the tubes…

It is important to cover the tubes with tape

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The 5 foot (150 cm) copper tubes are connected. More resin is poured to fill the rest of the bucket.

Final placement of wooden template on top, to have the tubes absolutely parallel and to be able to charge water.

At this point something amazing happened… as I was taking this picture I had to look twice: I saw the copper tubes go right through my friend's hand... the hand had become transparent, the tubes where not cut or interrupted by the circumference of the hand... they kept on going, uninterrupted and orange... I could only see this through the digital camera though, and I told Chicoria and Vinchuka to come and take a look.. they saw it too... we were all very excited and confused... after a while, it was gone... we tried again the next day but nothing out of the ordinary appeared in the camera screen... the pictures don't show what we saw either…

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This picture was taken to show the tubes going right through Chicoria’s hand... lamentably it doesn’t show !

The cloudbuster with a glass of water on top… Publicado por Ale y Javi en 18:39 0 comentarios

CLOUDBUSTER (first try) This cloudbuster wasbuilt in Cochiguaz, a mountain town located in a beautiful and very special valley, packed with energy vortices, mountains composed of copper and crystlas (mainly quartz, amethist and citrine), no towers, electricity got there just one year ago and many locals refuse to connect themselves (they preffer solar pannels)... We went there for vacations and to our surprise we ran into chemtrails! it was the first time we saw chemtrails live and not through a computer, and decided something had to be done... so we talked to some friends there (we've been visiting that place for over 6 years), told them what those peculiar plain marks really were, and with their support drove back to the city for some resin. They would gather the rest of the materials in the meantime. So the CB was made from scavenged materials and local quartz crystals. It came out a little funky, since the locals gathered two 2-1/2'' copper tubes and four steel 1-1/4'' tubes.

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It is placed in a beautiful house surrounded by geese, dogs, and old teapots…

Cloudbuster / Chembuster

Orgone Chembuster / CloudBuster

Orgone Chembuster / CloudBuster- This is based on the Don Croft model of Wilhelm Reich’s cloudbuster. The difference between the Croft model and Reich’s essentially lies with the addition of Quartz crystals into the Orgone mix. Dr. Reich’s original cloudbuster needed a running source of water to clear the unit. I make my Chembuster / CloudBusters a little different from Don Croft, I do use the crystals, Quartz, amethyst, tourmaline, jade and turquoise. I do not however use aluminum, I follow Reich’s warning not to use Aluminum. Most Chembuster’s use Aluminum as the main metal. I use steel shavings Reich’s traditional metal; as well as Copper, Zinc, Silver, and a bit of Monoatomic Gold. I prepare the resin with a crystal singing bowl, and a Schauberger water implosion coil to create structured resin. I will also add in some herbs such as garlic and pure carbon in the form of charcoal.

The crystals apparently neutralize the Dor that the Chembuster / CloudBuster pulls in from the atmosphere. Chemtrails are the weapon of choice for the New World Order for population control. Chemtrails are embedded with Aluminum-Barium and different biological diseases. They are sprayed from Commercial Airline jets, they create artificial clouds that disrupt the weather patterns as well as saturate us with the Aluminum and barium. The HAARP project based in Alaska is a massive microwave project

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that blankets the Earth. The Aluminum and Barium create a shield that blankets the ionosphere. The microwave radiation bounces off the Aluminum shield and rains down over the whole planet. All Corporate food companies saturate all wheat based food products with Aluminum. Why? We now have enough Aluminum in our bodies where the microwaves can influence our thought patterns as well as our genetics.

How does Orgone help? By sucking in the DOR field into the Orgone unit and pumping out a healthy Orgone energy dispersing the HAARP grid within a few miles. There are claims by Carol Croft that a Chembuster / CloudBuster that clear a 50 mile radius, I am a little more conservative in these estimates. The Chembuster / CloudBuster is essentially a radionic machine, it will amplify thought-forms, it is a magical weapon in the fight against the New World Order.

Ron Paul has recently stated that there is a plan to create a Global Government with a single worldwide currency. The end goal is to place a chip in every person that can be controlled by satellite in conjunction with the HAARP project. The technology is getting to the point where dissidents will be killed by a projected beam from a satellite. Human thoughts run at 350 hz-400hz according to Preston Nichols of the Montauk project.

You can pump in thought forms on those carrier frequencies to influence an individual or steer a population to a desired outcome. Stay silent, pay your taxes and rat on your neighbor, oh yea just die when we tell you. The good news is Orgone will break up the HAARP grid and allow positive influences into your life. Buying a Chembuster is not only helping yourself it is also helping your neighbor and Humanity as a whole.

International shipping is extra and there may be an import tax in your country. Contact me before purchasing a Chembuster / CloudBuster for International delivery.

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Mini CloudBuster / ChemBusterMini ChemBuster

This product is designed more for an urban environment, where there is not much access to a yard or a rooftop. It can sit as a flower pot outside a window. Although size does matter to a point with Orgone, more mass usually equals more potency. These mini chembusters should do nicely as a supplement to a full size Chembuster / CloudBuster. They are made with high-quality epoxy resin, steel, copper, sterling silver, gold flake and mono-atomic gold. All the materials are now charged with the Miracle frequency of 528 hz as well as a crystal singing bowl. The unit is designed for both asthetically as well as functionality. To the best of my knowledge, Orgone nuetralizes chemtrails by changing the nature of the environment, moving from 3rd dimensional conciousness to the 4th or perhaps even the 5th dimension. Chemtrails seem to just dissapear rather than be nuetralized in a more alchemical sense; it is a bizarre phenemona to experience. I am still scratching my head after 5 years of making Orgone. the best place to buy a CloudBuster


   Mini Chembuster / CloudBuster $199