melodii de cautat

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Post on 03-Jun-2018




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  • 8/12/2019 Melodii de Cautat


    1. I Swear - All 4 One (Rumba);

    2. I Will Always Love You - Whitney Houston (Slow)

    3. Without you - Mariah Carey (Slow)

    4. Et si tu n`existait pas - Joe Dassin (Rumba)

    5. Everything I Do - Bryan Adams (Slow)

    6. Nothing`s Gonna Change My Love or You - Glenn Medeiros (Slow)

    7. !our "ue tu #`ai#es en$ore - Celine Dion (Slow)

    8. %n$haine& Melo&y - Righteous Brothers (Vals)

    9. %n'orgetta(le - Nat King Cole (Slow)

    10. )ision *' Love - Mariah Carey (Slow)

    11. When I all In Love - Celine DionCli!e Gri""in (Slow)

    12. When I all In Love - Nat King Cole (Slow)

    13.I inally oun& So#eone - Bar#ara $treisandBryan Adams (Slow)

    14. Against All *&&s - Mariah Carey (Slow)

    15. Co#pletely - Mi%hael Bolton (Slow)

    16. En&less Love - Dianne Ross&ionel Rit%hie 'Rumba)

    17. Don`t +now Mu$h - &inda RonstadtAaron Ne!ille (Slow)

    18. alling Into You - Celine Dion 'Rumba)

    19. ro# this #o#ent on - $hania ()ain (Slow)

    20. ,ave I -ol& You Lately - Rod $te)art (Slow)

    21. ,ero - Mariah Carey (Slow)

    22. -a.e My /reath Away - Berlin 'Rumba)

    23. !ower *' Love - Celine Dion (Slow)

    24. When A Man Loves A Wo#an - Mi%hael Bolton (Slow)

    25. I woul& &o anything 'or love - Meat &oa"(Slow)

    26. My all - Mariah Carey (Slow)

    27. Cra0y - Aerosmith (Slow)

    28. Can You eel -he Love -onight - *lton John '&ion King+ (Slow)

    29. Can`t ,elp alling in Love - *l!is ,resley (Vals)

    30. Colour o' My Love - Celine Dion (Slow)31. I`ll (e there - Mariah Carey (Slow)

    32. *ne Mo#ent In -i#e - Whitney Houston (Slow)

    33. *n /en&e& +nee - Boys Men (Slow)

    34. -he *ne - *lton John (Slow)

    35. -ruly1 Ma&ly1 Deeply - $a!age Garden (Slow)

    36. When You Say Nothing At All - Allison Krauss (Slow)

  • 8/12/2019 Melodii de Cautat


    37. You Are So /eauti'ul - Joe (Slow)

    38. You Are -he Sunshine *' My Li'e - $te!ie Wonder (Rumba)

    39. -hree -i#es A La&y - Commodores (Vals)

    40. Always an& orever - &uther /andross (Vals)

    41. Don`t wanna #iss a thing - Aerosmith (Slow)

    42. Waiting or A Girl Li.e You - 0oreigner (Rumba)

    43. I`ll Always /e 2ight -here - Bryan Adams (Slow)

    44. Coul& I ,ave -his Dan$e - Anne Murray 'Vals)

    45. I Want -o +now What Love Is - 0oreigner (Slow)

    46. We`ve *nly 3ust /egun - Car1enters (Slow)

    47. Won&er'ul -onight - *ri% Cla1ton (Rumba)

    48. La&y - &ionel Ri%hie (Slow)

    49.-onight I Cele(rate My Love - ,ea#o BrysonRo#erta 0la%. (Slow)

    50. *nly You - (he ,latters (Foxtrot)

    51. I Got You /a(e - $onny and Cher 'Vals)

    52. I +new I Love& You /e'ore I Met You - $a!age Garden 'Slow)

    53. You Mean More -o Me - &ionel Ri%hie (Slow)

    54. ,awaiian We&&ing Song - *l!is ,resley (Slow)

    55. ,eaven - Bryan Adams (Slow)

    56. I`ll Always /e Loving You - George $trait 'Passo Doble)

    57. Love - Nat King Cole 'Foxtrot)

    58. Nee& I Say More - George $trait (Slow)

    59. Now An& orever - Ri%hard Mar2 (Slow)

    60. Sa#e *le Love - Anita 'Rumba)

    61. -oo Marvelous or Wor&s - 0ran. $inatra (Foxtrot)

    62. -rue Love - Bing Cros#y (Vals)

    63. I Don`t Want -o Live Without You - 0oreigner (Rumba)

    64. A Whole New Worl& - $ound (ra%. 3Alladin3 (Rumba)

    65. Cra0y - ,atsy Cline (Slow)

    66. ,ave I -ol& You Lately - /an Morrison (Slow)67. Groovy +in& *' Love - ,hil Collins (Slow)

    68. ,ere an& Now - &uther /andross (Slow)

    69. ,ere We Are - Gloria *ste"an (Slow)

    70. ,ol& Me - Whitney Houston (eddy ,endergrass(Slow)

    71. I Cross My ,eart - George $trait (Slow)

    72. Love Is orever - Billy O%ean (Slow)

  • 8/12/2019 Melodii de Cautat


    73. Love an& Marriage - 0ran. $inatra (Foxtrot)

    74. -ogether orever - Ri%. Astley 'Cha-Cha)

    75. I Love -he Way You Love Me - John Mi%hael Montgomery (Rumba)

    76. I Will Always Love You - Dolly ,arton and /in%e Gill (Slow)

    77. iel&s o' Gol& - $ting 'Rumba)

    78. All -he Way - 0ran. $inatra (Slow)

    79. /lue Danu(e - Johann $trauss 'Vals)

    80. Change -he Worl& - *ri% Cla1ton 'Rumba)

    81. I *nly ,ave Eyes or You - Art Gar"un.el (Slow)

    82. In Your Eyes - ,eter Ga#riel (Rumba/Samba)

    83. I`ll /e -here or You - Kenny Rogers 'Slow)

    84. Love Is ,ere -o Stay - 0ran. $inatra (Foxtrot)

    85.More -han Wor&s Can Say - Alias (Slow)

    86. Win& /eneath My Wings - Bette Midler (Slow)

    87. You`re My /est rien& - 5ueen (Foxtrot/Swing)

    88. You`re the Inspiration - Chi%ago (Slow)

    89. Love Will +eep %s Alive - *agles (Rumba)

    90. Against All *&&s - ,hil Collins (Slow)

    91. rien&s - *lton John (Rumba)

    92. -hey Can`t -a.e -hat Away ro# Me- 0ran. $inatraNatalie Cole(Foxtrot)

    93. I Love You - 0ran. $inatra (Foxtrot)

    94. En&less Love - &uther /andross Mariah Carey '$lo)+

    95. I 3ust Can`t Stop Loving You - Mi%hael Ja%.son (Rumba)

    96. -o /e With You - Mr6 Big '$lo)+

    97. You #ean -he Worl& -o #e - (oni Bra2ton (Rumba)

    98. I Was Ma&e -o Love ,er - $te!ie Wonder (Rumba)

    99. More -han Wor&s - *2treme (Rumba)

    100. 3ust -he Way You Are - Billy Joel (Samba)

    Melodii lente.76 Sa nu4#i iei ni$io&ata &ragostea- Hologra"

    86 2a#ai $u #ine - Andra

    96 !oveste- $te"an Bani%a Jr6

    46 ru#oasa #ea- Mar%el ,a!el

    :6 Sarutul noptilor &e #ai- Andra si onut ;ngureanu

  • 8/12/2019 Melodii de Cautat


  • 8/12/2019 Melodii de Cautat


  • 8/12/2019 Melodii de Cautat


    And rocke#! fa$$(

    ,e$$ !#and o"r gro"nd(

    And gie o"r a$$.

    ,ere on #e moe(

    ,ere on #e marc(

    ,ere diggin di#ce!(

    And %reakin !#arc.

    ,en yo" ear(

    )"r %a##$e cry(

    8o" %e##er moe(

    And !#ep a!ide.

    and of %ro#er!(

    Ta#! /a# /e !aid(

    Me!! /i# "!(

    ,e$$ !oo# yo" dead.

    and of %ro#er!(

    Trained #o ki$$(

    If /e don# ge#ca(

    )"r !i!#er! /i$$.