engleza grila 2010 300 grila buna anul ii

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  • 8/9/2019 Engleza Grila 2010 300 Grila Buna Anul II .



    1. Choose the correct answer:A/An !s a wr!t !ssue" #$ a court o% &ust!ce re'u!r!n( a )erson to a))ear #e%ore the court at as)ec!%!e" t!me.a. invocation

     b. order c. su#)oenad. warrant

    *. Choose the correct answer:A/An !s a wr!tten statement wh!ch !s s!(ne" an" sworn #e%ore a sol!c!tor an" wh!ch can then#e use" as e+!"ence !n court hear!n(s.a. Injunction#. a%%!"a+!tc. indictmentd. warrant

    ,. Choose the correct answer:-he wr!t or"er!n( a )erson to #e #rou(ht #e%ore a court or &u"(e so that the court ma$ ascerta!nwhether h!s "etent!on !s law%ul !s calle" .a. Certiorari#. a#eas Cor)usc. capiasd. ratio legis

    0. Choose the correct answer:-he a))l!cat!on o% the wr!t o% a#eas Cor)us also calle" the Great r!t:a. has never been suspended throughout United States history#. has #een sus)en"e" "ur!n( t!mes o% war 2the C!+!l ar3 an" nat!onal cr!s!sc. has been suspended whenever the newly elected president of the United States so decided

    4. Chose the correct "e%!n!t!on:An amen"ment !s .a. an official approval of something which then becomes legally binding

     b. a formal proposal to be discussed and voted on in a debate or meetingc. an a""!t!on alterat!on or !m)ro+ement to a mot!on or "ocumentd. a decision made by a judge or magistrate

    5. Choose the correct answer:A/An ……is a written statement of the details of the crime with which someone is charged in the Court.a. complaint

     b. allegationc. verdict". !n"!ctment

    6. Choose the correct answer:As a (eneral rule w!th the e7ce)t!on o% m!nors mentall$ "!sor"ere" )ersons an" "run8en )ersonsall natural )ersons ha+e %ull contractual .

    a. intention b. considerationc. ca)ac!t$d. acceptance

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    9. Choose the statement that has s!m!lar mean!n( w!th the %ollow!n( sentence: I wish we had been able to go to that concert.a. e were able to go to that concert.#. e werent a#le to (o to that concert.c. e are able to go to that concert.

    ;. Choose the statement that has s!m!lar mean!n( w!th the %ollow!n( sentence:

     If I had known you were coming, I would have waited for you.a. I "!"nt 8now $ou were com!n(.

     b. I !new you were coming.c. I didn"t !now how to wait for you.


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    16. Choose the statement that has s!m!lar mean!n( w!th the %ollow!n( sentence' Is it really possible to lay off  employees with compassion?a. Is it really possible to demote employees with compassion(#. Is !t reall$ )oss!#le to "!sm!ss em)lo$ees w!th com)ass!on=c. Is it really possible to transfer employees with compassion(

    19. Choose the statement that has s!m!lar mean!n( w!th the %ollow!n( sentence'

     How do you plan to bring up the subject of budget cuts?a. ow "o $ou )lan to ment!on !n con+ersat!on the su#&ect o% #u"(et cuts=

     b. #ow do you plan to digress from the subject of budget cuts(c. #ow do you plan to tac!le the subject of budget cuts(

    1;. Choose the statement that has s!m!lar mean!n( w!th the %ollow!n( sentence'We still can’t rule out  the possibility of attempted suicide.a. e still can"t discredit the possibility of attempted suicide.

     b. e still can"t admit the possibility of attempted suicide.c. e st!ll cant e7clu"e the )oss!#!l!t$ o% attem)te" su!c!"e. 


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    *5. In the sentence: Identity fraud involves the misappropriation of another person*s personal identifying information…$ theverb to misappropriate means'a. to have as ones property/to own#. to a))ro)r!ate %or a wron( or "!shonest use/to em#e??le or steal smthc. to give +a person, wrong directions or instructions

    *6. In the sentence:)riminals use this information to run up debts on another person*s account …$ the e*pression to run updebts means'a. to get rid of one"s debts by running

     b. to pay bac! one"s debtsc. to amass/accumulate or !ncur "e#ts

    *9. In the sentence:)riminals use this information to take over  e+isting financial accounts.$ the e*pression to take over  means'

    a. to cancel the validity of / abolish#. to assume the control or mana(ement o% c. to e*amine / investigate smth for accuracy*;. In the )hrase:...to provide an appropriate penalty for each offense…$ the word penalty means'a. a handicap awarded against a player or team for illegal play$ such as a free shot at goal by the opposingteam$ loss of points$ etc

     b. loss$ suffering$ or other unfortunate result of ones own action$ error c. a le(al or o%%!c!al )un!shment such as a term o% !m)r!sonment


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    c. to critici0e the lawd. to enforce the law

    ,0. In the sentence:he third lawyer rebutted  some of the allegations contained in the notice. the verb to rebut means'a. to )ro+e that the statements are wron( o%%er!n( con+!nc!n( ar(uments

     b. to support the statements with convincing argumentsc. to deny the allegations$ without offering convincing arguments

    ,4. Choose the s$non$mous term %or the a"&ect!+e counterfeit, cons!"er!n( the %ollow!n( e7am)les:counterfeit documents/notes'a. %or(e"

     b. embe00ledc. illegald. fraudulent

    ,5. Choose the correct answer:1or additional costs and charges$ ta!e notice of the list of prices stated ......a. thereby

     b. henceforthc. hereun"er

    ,6. Choose the En(l!sh e'u!+alent %or the Lat!n le(al )hrase nolle prosequi :a. 2do not follow" criminals' interdiction issued by the Court to police officers#. @"o not )ursue: )ower use" #$ the Attorne$General to sto) a cr!m!nal tr!alc. 2do not release criminals from prison"

    ,9. Choose the En(l!sh e'u!+alent %or the Lat!n le(al )hrase quid pro quo:a. @one th!n( %or another: act!on "one !n return %or someth!n( "one or )rom!se"

     b. with the authority of /on behalf of 

    c. 2because of lac! of care"' decision wrongly made by a court +which does not therefore set a precedent,

    ,;. In the sentence:he ta+payer does not have locus standi  in this court. the 3atin phrase locus standi  means'a. 2place to stay"' right to witness a trial in a court of law

     b. 2place of the seal"' used to show where to put the seal on a documentc. @)lace to stan": r!(ht to a))ear an" #e hear" !n a court


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    a. industrial b. palimonyc. unreliability". l!a#!l!t$ 0,. Choose the correct answer:a+!" ran8 ha" to )a$ hea+$ .............. to h!s %ormer em)lo$er )lus a""!t!onal le(al costs.a. "ama(es

     b. remedy

    c. chargesd. damage

    00. Choose the correct answer:A @....... contract !nclu"es an$ contract en%orcea#le un"er statutor$ or common law.a. good faith#. law%ulc. witnessedd. trustworthy

    04. Choose the correct answer:

    -he !rst Amen"ment )rotects the ...... o% the )ress !n the D.S. o% Amer!ca.a. emancipation

     b. deliverancec. release". %ree"om

    05. Choose the ocrrect answer:-he re)orter was calle" to test!%$ #e%ore a ........ concern!n( h!s 8nowle"(e o% the "ru( act!+!t!esre)orte" !n h!s art!cles.a. great jury

     b. large jury

    c. majestic jury". (ran" &ur$

    06. Choose the correct answer:An or"er %rom a h!(her court "eman"!n( that a lower court sen" u) the recor" o% a case %or re+!ew!s calle" ....... .a. indictment-

     b. subpoena-c. cert!orar!d. #abeas Corpus.

    09. In the sentence:he parties hereby agree that this "greement may be terminated without prior written consent. the te7tre%erence wor" hereby means:a. from this time forward#. #$ means o% th!s contractc. in this contractd. stated later in this contract

    0;. In the sentence:he secretary signed per pro the manager. the Lat!n )hrase per pro means:

    a. the person who signs at the foot of a document#. w!th the author!t$ o% /on #ehal% o% c. forging the signature of a superior in his/her absence


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     1or further information, see the documents listed hereunder . the te7t re%erence wor" hereunder  means:a. at the bottom of a document

     b. under the signature of the person who signs the documentsc. un"er th!s hea"!n( or #elow th!s )hrase

    41. In the sentence:his case will henceforth be known under the name of (tate vs. ohnson. the te7t re%erence wor"henceforth means:

    a. %rom th!s t!me on b. stated later in this documentc. according to this document

    4*. In the sentence:he case proceeded notwithstanding  the objections of the defendant. the te7t re%erence wor"notwithstanding  means:a. conseuently#. !n s)!te o% c. by whatever means

    4,. In the sentence: In criminal law, mens rea is usually one of the necessary elements of a crime. the Lat!n term mens rea means:a. 2good will"' a feeling of benevolence$ approval$ and !indly interest

     b. 2wilful misconduct"' behaviour which may harm someone and which is !nown to be wrongc. @(u!lt$ m!n": mental state re'u!re" to #e (u!lt$ o% comm!tt!n( a cr!me

    40. In the sentence: He got an injunction preventing the company from selling his car. the le(al term injunction means:a. act of bringing someone to court to answer a charge

     b. ban or written court order$ telling someone not to do something

    c. court or"er com)ell!n( someone to sto) "o!n( someth!n( or not to "o someth!n(

    44. In the sentence: If a contract isn’t signed by both parties, is it legally binding ? the le(al term binding means:a. wh!ch le(all$ %orces someone to "o someth!n(

     b. which is acceptable because it is truec. which is open to negotiation

    45. In the sentence: 2o cruel punishments shall be inflicted upon the prisoners. the +er# to inflict  means:a. to cause someth!n( )a!n%ul or un)leasant to #e su%%ere" #$ someone else

     b. to cause e*treme physical pain to someone in order to e*tract informationc. to harm someone without any reason.

    46. In the sentence:he rights presented in the )onstitution shall not be construed. the +er# to construe means:a. to comment upon the meaning of something

     b. to misunderstand the meaning of somethingc. to !nter)ret the mean!n( o% someth!n(

    49. In the sentence:

    he news about the 2("’s eavesdroppin g programs$ the verb to eavesdrop means'a. to let one"s ears drop

     b. to listen secretly to the private conversation of othersc. to whisper secrets to someone"s ear 

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    4;. In the sentence:he federal government has vowed  to prosecute, the verb to vow means'a. to )le"(e )rom!se or un"erta8e solemnl$

     b. to pronounce a vowelc. to ta!e a solemn oath


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    a. is not#. !sc. will bed. will not be

    59. Choose the correct answer:If reporters had to identify their confidential sources before a grand jury$ they …... stories of publicinterest.

    a. would have written b. had writtenc. will never write". woul" ne+er wr!te

    5;. Choose the correct answer:If a reporter is forced to reveal his sources$ law enforcement …... apprehend a few criminals.a. is being able to

     b. may bec. ma$ #e a#le tod. be able to


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    64. Choose the correct +er#al tense:If participants ……any problems with the monitoring euipment$ they must notify officers immediately.a. will e*perience#. e7)er!encec. e*periencesd. would e*perience

    65. Choose the correct +er#al tense:

    If the defendant has a prior criminal record$ his sentence ……harsher a. w!ll #e

     b. isc. would bed. should be

    66. Choose the correct +er#al tense:A grand jury decides if there …… a probable cause to indict +accuse, individuals or corporations oncriminal charges based upon the evidence presented.a. will be

     b. has been

    c. !sd. would be

    69. Choose the correct answer:If a person ……that he/she has been wrongfully imprisoned$ he/she …… the right to challenge thelegality of their confinement.a. believe$ will have

     b. will believe$ may havec. #el!e+es ma$ ha+ed. has believed$ will have

    6;. Choose the correct +er#al tense:If the writ of habeas corpus ……$ the prisoner will be brought into court.a. will be issued#. !s !ssue"c. had been issuedd. were issued


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     b. must be forcedc. will be forcedd. can be forced

    9,. Choose the correct answer:If you ....... for breach of contract$ ma!e sure you sue within the statute of limitations.a. will sue

     b. suedc. sued. are sueing

    90. Choose the correct answer:If the pedestrian …... by a policeman$ the former should have made a complaint to the nearest policestation.a. should be assaulted

     b. is assaultedc. will be assaulted". ha" #een assaulte"

    94. Choose the correct answer:If the journalist"s story …………… criminal activity$ he would have reported it.a. has involved

     b. involvesc. ha" !n+ol+e"d. will involve

    95. Choose the correct answer:If a prosecutor …... a grand jury investigation in bad faith$ journalists might have a right to refuse toreveal their sources.

    a. were con"uct!n( b. is conductingc. had been conductingd. will be conducting

    96. Choose the correct answer:If the students had chosen eye4catching titles for their articles$ more people ...... interested in reading their maga0ine.a. woul" ha+e #een

     b. won"t have beenc. will bed. have been

    99. Choose the correct answer:If the teacher …... the articles from being published in the paper$ the students wouldn"t have brought suitto the U.S. 9istrict Court for the :astern 9istrict of ;issouri.a. ha"nt )roh!#!te"

     b. hasn"t prohibitedc. wouldn"t have broughtd. prohibited

    9;. Choose the correct answer:%he hac!er who has ta!en upon himself to pry about in personal e4mails will be prosecuted if they ….....hard evidence against him.a. %!n"

     b. will find

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    c. will have foundd. finds


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     b. have been wor!ingc. ha" wor8e"d. would have wor!ed

    ;9. Choose the correct answer to com)lete the sentence:hey never allow us .... flowers from their garden.a. pic!ing

     b. pic! 

    c. to )!c8 d. to have pic!ed

    ;;. Choose the correct answer to com)lete the sentence: He never allows .... during his classes.a. to tal! #. tal8!n(c. to be tal!ingd. to have tal!ed


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     b. won"t bec. shoul" #ed. shouldn"t be


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    a. will hold up b. might hold upc. woul" hol" u)d. would have holded up

    110. Choose the correct answer:If you ……the devil"s advocate and …… some e*ceptions to the lawyers" argument$we could have won our last case.

    a. have played$ +have, found b. play$ findc. would have played$ +would have, found". ha" )la$e" 2ha"3 %oun"

    114. Choose the correct answer:If you ……journalists covering the Supreme Court$ what would you write in a murder case article(a. are#. werec. had beend. have been

    115. Choose the correct answer:If the defendant were found guilty$ the jury …… the appropriate sentence$ a life term or death.a. will then determine#. woul" then "eterm!nec. might then determined. would then have determined

    116. Choose the correct +er#al tense:If the sentence of death for rape ……the :ighth Amendment$ the rapist may receive a life sentence.a. +!olates

     b. is violatedc. will violated. has violated

    119. Choose the correct answer:7udges ……the authority to hold journalists in contempt of court$ if reporters …… to comply with anorder to reveal the identity of unnamed sources.a. had$ refused#. ha+e re%usec. have$ would refused. have$ will have refused

    11;. Choose the correct answer:%he snitch made me ...... my rape charges$ threatening me with a gun.a. to drop#. "ro)c. droppingd. to have dropped


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    d. being to decide

    1*1. Choose the correct answer:3et"s just ...... for the rest of the afternoon)a. recessing

     b. to recessc. to have recessed". recess

    1**. Choose the correct answer:hy not ...... your case later$ when we have further information.a. to discuss

     b. shall we discussc. "!scussd. discussing

    1*,. Choose the correct answer:#e is far too une*perienced …... to chief justice.a. to being promoted

    #. to #e )romote"c. to has been promotedd. being promoted

    1*0. Choose the correct answer:%he police are said …… on this case for many months$ without any results so far.a. to be wor!ing#. to ha+e #een wor8!n(c. to had wor!edd. to being wor!ing

    1*4. Choose the correct answer:%hough my parole officer is s!illed at interviewing$ counselling and assessing human

     behaviour$ he doesn"t appear ....... their opinion on this matter.a. sharing#. to sharec. to being sharingd. share

    1*5. Choose the correct answer:Apparently$ professional criminals tend …... to the scene of the crime.a. to have returned

     b. returningc. to be returned". to return

    1*6. Choose the correct answer:21ind me a good lawyer) I don"t want to ris! ...... the rest of my life in jail."a. s)en"!n(

     b. to spendc. having spendedd. spend

    1*9. Choose the correct answer:I advised him ....... to court and accuse him of conspiracy crimes against humanity.a. to (o

     b. going

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    c. to goingd. to have gone

    1*;. Choose the correct answer:She decided to drop all the charges$ ........ of first4degree murder.a. lest he shoul" #e accuse"

     b. so that he may be accusedc. lest he should not be accused

    d. for fear he is accused

    1,ritish Airways regret ...... that the flight >A ?@< from aris has been cancelled.a. announcing

     b. having announced

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    c. to announced. announce

    1,6. Choose the correct answer:#e couldn"t help ...... that the defendant showed no remorse for his actions.a. not to notice

     b. not having noticedc. not!c!n(

    d. notice1,9. Choose the correct answer:%he state judge allowed him ... his court4appointed lawyers and represent himself at trial.a. to %!re

     b. firingc. to have firedd. fire

    1,;. Choose the correct answer:I suggest ..... upon the case after the respondent"s rebuttal.a. to deliberate

    #. "el!#erat!n(c. to be deliberatingd. deliberate


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    c. to #e ta8end. to have been ta!en

    104. Choose the correct answer:#e recommended us …... an appeal as soon as the verdict was pronounced.a. to ma8e

     b. ma!ingc. to have made

    d. ma!e105. Choose the correct answer:e are sure that he didn"t mean …... perjury- he was just too afraid …... the truth.a. committing$ to tell#. to comm!t to tellc. to have committed$ tellingd. commit$ to be telling

    106. Choose the correct answer:%hey made him …... under duress$ without allowing his lawyer …... present during thecross4e*amination.

    a. to spea!$ to be b. spea!ing$ beingc. to be spea!ing$ to be". s)ea8 to #e

    109. Choose the correct answer:I hate …… you but our witness seems …… it after all.a. to !nterru)t to ha+e ma"e

     b. interrupting$ to ma!ec. to interrupting$ to have maded. interrupt$ to ma!e

    10;. Choose the correct answer::verybody hates ...... law e*penses$ especially when they have e*ceeded all e*pectations.a. to pay#. )a$!n(c. to be paidd. to be paying


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     b. to have heardc. to heard. being heard

    14,. Choose the correct answer:%he solicitor advised his client ...... the affidavit which could then be used as evidence in court hearings.a. to s!(n

     b. to have signed

    c. signingd. sign140. Choose the correct answer:ould you mind ...... a close4up photograph of the crime4scene before tagging each item of evidence(a. to ta!e

     b. ta!ec. being ta!en". ta8!n(

    144. Choose the correct answer:%he investigator ordered that all unauthori0ed persons such as newspaper reporters or television

    crews ......... well away from the crime4scene.a. shall be !ept

     b. will be !eptc. shoul" #e 8e)td. being !ept

    145. Choose the correct answer:Bn being cross4e*amined$ her husband strongly denied …… a gun at her.a. to have pointed#. ha+!n( )o!nte"c. to point

    d. being pointed

    146. Choose the correct answer:e !eep …... the law4ma!ers that new laws should be instituted against public corruption.a. tell!n(

     b. to be tellingc. being toldd. having tell

    149. Choose the correct answer:All foreigners complain that they are not used to …... on the left side of the road.a. drive

     b. have to drivec. "r!+!n(d. having driven

    14;. Choose the correct answer:%he police officer decided that the pimp .….. his lawyer the minute he was arrested.a. be called

     b. shall have calledc. has called

    ". shoul" ha+e calle"


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    a. will be released b. would be releasec. being released". #e release"

    151. Choose the correct answer:It was unbelievable that he ……. the same cell with the most dangerous inmate$ in a high4security prison.a. shall have shared

    #. shoul" ha+e share"c. having sharedd. shares

    15*. Choose the correct answer:herever you ..…. $ I shall protect you against your enemies)a. have gone#. ma$ (oc. will be goingd. are going

    15,. Choose the correct answer:#owever difficult this problem ……$ I will solve it in a minute)a. shall be

     b. will bec. ma$ #ed. be

    150. Choose the correct answer:…... you do justice and issue many stay4away orders for violent e*4husbands)a. Should

     b. Shall

    c. ;ight". Ma$

    154. Choose the correct answer:#er supporters$ who had occupied most of the rows in the pac!ed courtroom were worried lest she…………… a prison sentence.a. receives#. shoul" rece!+ec. may received. received

    155. Choose the correct answer:1ar …... it from me to ma!e any allegations before having some items of evidence.a. away is

     b. isc. should be". #e

    156. Choose the correct answer:I"d rather you …… my prior criminal record to your parents when I as! for your hand in marriage.a. don"t mention

    #. "!"nt ment!onc. aren"t mentioningd. won"t mention

    159. Choose the correct answer:

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    If only you ……. me earlier about your previous conviction)a. inform#. ha" !n%orme"c. informedd. informing

    15;. Choose the correct answer::ven if they …… willing to testify against him$ the sentence would have remained the same.

    a. were b. arec. having been". ha" #een


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    Suppose the court ...... you to testify against your friend$ what would you do(a. summons

     b. will summonc. summone"d. should summoned

    166. Choose the correct answer:%he jury would rather the defendant ....... deceptive on the polygraph test the previous wee!.

    a. ha"nt #een b. weren"tc. wouldn"t have beend. having been

    169. Choose the correct answer:She wishes the opposing lawyer ...... to see any new evidence before deposition.a. isn"t entitled#. werent ent!tle"c. haven"t been entitledd. won"t be entitled

    16;. Choose the correct answer:If we …... more about the verdict$ we would be ready to have a press release.a. might !now

     b. !nowc. will !now". 8new


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    In &eorgia prisoners and detainees are used to ...... tortured and abused by police and security forces.a. be

     b. have beenc. having". #e!n(

    194. Choose the correct answer:It is vital that the defendant ……. the benefit of the doubt.

    a. #e (!+en b. can be givenc. should be gived. is given195. Choose the correct answer:%he judge insisted that the verdict …… before the Court adjourns for lunch.a. shoul" #e )ronounce"

     b. being pronouncedc. be pronouncingd. will be pronounced

    196. Choose the correct answer:%he judge ordered that the court proceedings ........for an hour.a. may be adjourned#. shoul" #e a"&ourne"c. can be adjournedd. might be adjourned

    199. Choose the correct answer:%he magistrate decided that the woman .......immediately.a. shoul" #e release"

     b. could have being released

    c. might released. is released

    19;. Choose the correct answer:Under no circumstances will I disclose the name of my sources) #eaven ……. )a. forbids#. %or#!"c. forbaded. will forbid


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    respondent to argue their cases in parallel.a. should be as!ing

     b. has as!edc. shoul" ha+e as8e"d. to have as!ed

    1;,. Choose the correct answer:%he members of the commission e*pressed a desire that the participants …… in an hour.

    a. reconvened b. to reconvenec. might reconvene". shoul" recon+ene1;0. Choose the correct answer:%he investigator"s suggestion is that we …….matters more seriously and cordon off the crime4scene.a. too! 

     b. ta!ingc. shoul" ta8ed. would ta!e

    1;4. Choose the correct answer:I didn"t dare tell the truth lest I ……. arrested for conspiracy crimes.a. shoul" #e

     b. werec. shouldn"t bed. will be

    1;5. Choose the correct answer:#e began to be worried lest they …... him of mortgage fraud crimes during their deliberations.a. may accuse#. shoul" ha+e accuse"c. shall have accusedd. accused

    1;6. Choose the correct answer:It is demanded that the Council …... common rules applicable to international transport.a. laid down#. la$ "ownc. should laid downd. lays down

    1;9. Choose the correct answer:%he defendant first contacted the plaintiff by telephone on =th of ;arch$ ==D and the former demandedthat he ....... E

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    *16. Choose the correct )hrasal +er#:6ou are wearing me …… with your annoying allegations)a. in#. outc. over 

    *19. Choose the correct )hrasal +er#::verybody considered that the judge had a reason to let him …... li!e that.

    a. o%%  b. onc. away

    *1;. Choose the correct )hrasal +er#:hy don"t you put …… your claim to be granted the right to a fair and speedy trial(a. over 

     b. outc. %orwar"


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    %he high crime rate in this American state …. urgent measures.a. brings about

     b. lays downc. calls %or

    **6. Choose the correct )hrasal +er#:If nobody comes ……. a solution soon$ we shall be held responsible for planting evidencein his car.

    a. u) w!th b. in withc. out with

    **9. Choose the correct )hrasal +er#:If you don"t !now the police emergency phone number$ you could loo! it .... in the phone directory.a. into

     b. onc. u)

    **;. Choose the correct )hrasal +er#:Bur law firm will be ta!en …... by the 3awyers" Corporation.a. in

     b. outc. o+er


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     3i7as dori ca el sa nu fi fost condamnat pentru detinere ilegala de informatii clasificate.a. I wish he hasn"t been convicted for the illegal holding of classifyed information#. I w!sh he ha"nt #een con+!cte" o% unlaw%ul )ossess!on o% class!%!e" !n%ormat!onc. I wish he wasn"t convicted for the unlawfully possession of classified information

    *,5. Choose the correct En(l!sh translat!on o% the %ollow!n( oman!an sentence: "s prefera ca tu sa nu fi anchetat pentru incalcarea grava a securitatii nationale.a. I woul" rather $ou werent )rosecute" %or (ra+e nat!onal secur!t$ +!olat!ons.

     b. I had rather you didn"t be prosecuted for violating the grave national securityc. I would rather prefer you wouldn"t be investigated for grave violations of national security

    *,6. Choose the correct En(l!sh translat!on o% the %ollow!n( oman!an sentence: $aca as fi in locul tau, n7as folosi aceasta informatie pentru a prejudicia (tatele 'nite.a. If I were in your shoes$ I won"t use this information to the prejudice of the United States

     b. If I am you$ I won"t use this information to the detriment of the United Statesc. I% I were $ou I woul"nt use th!s !n%ormat!on to the )re&u"!ce o% the Dn!te" States

    *,9. Choose the correct En(l!sh translat!on o% the %ollow!n( oman!an sentence:

     0ste imperativ ca aceasta frauda financiara sa fie investigata imediat.a. Its !m)erat!+e that th!s %!nanc!al %rau" shoul" #e !n+est!(ate" !mme"!atel$

     b. It"s imperative that this financial fraud is being investigated immediatelyc. It"s imperative that this financial fraud be investigate immediately

    *,;. Choose the correct En(l!sh translat!on o% the %ollow!n( oman!an sentence:'na dintre cele mai comune metode de furt de identitate este furtul numarului cardului de credit sau al

     8I27ului.a. Bne of the commonest methods of identity stealing is the theft of credit card"s numbers or ersonalIdentification Fumbers#. Hne o% the most common metho"s o% !"ent!t$ the%t !s the the%t o% cre"!t car" num#ers or ersonal

    I"ent!%!cat!on Num#ersc. Bne of the most common methods of identity"s theft is the theft of the credit card"s numbers orersonal Identity Fumbers


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     b. If a patient is sufferring a seriously body injury as result of a medical fraud$ who will be responsible for this(c. I% a )at!ent su%%ers a ser!ous #o"!l$ !n&ur$ as a result o% a me"!cal %rau" who w!ll #e hel"res)ons!#le %or th!s=

    *0,. Choose the correct En(l!sh translat!on o% the %ollow!n( oman!an sentence: "sa sa fie# 1ie ca cel mai bun dintre noi sa castige acest ca-#a. 3et it be) >e the best of us who may win this case)

    #. So #e !t> Ma$ the #est o% us w!n th!s case>c. 3et there be it) ;ay the best of us to win this case)

    *00. Choose the correct En(l!sh translat!on o% the %ollow!n( oman!an sentence: 2u ma pot obisnui sa traiesc in inchisoare# 9a naiba cu inchisorile#a. I can"t get used to live in jail) %he hell with jails)

     b. I can"t be used to live in jail) ;ay the jails be damned)c. I cant (et use" to l!+!n( !n )r!son> amn the )r!sons>

    *04. Choose the correct En(l!sh translat!on o% the %ollow!n( oman!an sentence:(ub nici o forma nu voi depune marturie impotriva prietenului meu# $oamne fereste#

    a. Fo way I will testify against my buddy) #eaven forbids) b. Under any circumstances$ I won"t testify against my friend) &od forbids me)c. Dn"er no c!rcumstances w!ll I test!%$ a(a!nst m$ %r!en"> ea+en %or#!">

    *05. Choose the correct En(l!sh translat!on o% the %ollow!n( oman!an sentence: 2u merita discutat acest ca-, atata timp cat nu avem dove-i.

    a. Its not worth "!scuss!n( th!s case as lon( as we ha+e no e+!"ence b. It"s not worth to discuss this case since we don"t have any evidence.c. It"s not worth discussing this case$ as long as we don"t have no evidence

    *06. Choose the correct En(l!sh translat!on o% the %ollow!n( oman!an sentence:)a procuror, nu suport sa mi se spuna ca, fara o punere sub acu-are din partea marelui juriu, nu pot facenimic in acest ca-.a. As prosecutor$ I can"t bear to be told that$ without an accusation from a grand jury$ I can"t do much inthis case#. As a )rosecutor I cant stan" #e!n( tol" that w!thout an !n"!ctment %rom a (ran" &ur$ I can "onoth!n( !n th!s casec. As a prosecutor$ I can"t support being told that$ without an infringement from a grand jury$ I can"t donothing in this case

    *09. Choose the correct En(l!sh translat!on o% the %ollow!n( oman!an sentence:(e face ran-burg vinovat de sfidare a curtii prin faptul ca a refu-at sa de-valuie identitatea surselor

     sale?a. Is >ran0burg guilty to contempt the court by refusing to reveal his sources"s identity(#. Is Bran?#ur( (u!lt$ o% contem)t o% court #$ re%us!n( to re+eal the !"ent!t$ o% h!s sources=c. Is >ran0burg guilty for holding the court in contempt by refusing not to reveal the identity of hissources(

    *0;. Choose the correct En(l!sh translat!on o% the %ollow!n( oman!an sentence: 9ibertatea presei nu poate asigura protejarea surselor confidentiale ale jurnalistilor.

    a. ree"om o% the )ress cannot (uarantee the )rotect!on o% the &ournal!sts con%!"ent!al sources b. ress freedom can"t guarantee protecting the confidential sources of the journalists

    c. 1reedom of the press cannot insure the protection of the confidential sources of the journalists


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     b. If the prosecutors commit abuses$ will they be punished as deserved(c. I% the )rosecutors comm!tte" a#uses woul" the$ #e )un!she" accor"!n(l$=

    *41. Choose the correct En(l!sh translat!on o% the %ollow!n( oman!an sentence: $aca un jurnalist alege sa fie fidel sursei sale, aceasta inseamna neaparat ca el incalca legea?

    a. I% a &ournal!st chooses to #e lo$al to h!s source "oes th!s necessar!l$ mean that he #rea8s the law= b. If a journalist chose to be loyal to his source$ does this necessarily means that he brea!s the law(c. If a journalist will choose to be loyal to his source$ does this necessarily mean that he is brea!ing the


    *4*. Choose the correct translat!on o% the %ollow!n( oman!an sentence: $aca ati fi jurnalist, ati alege sa protejati libertatea presei sau sa serviti justitia?a. If you are a journalist$ will you choose to protect the freedom of the press or serve justice(#. I% $ou were a &ournal!st woul" $ou choose to )rotect the %ree"om o% the )ress or ser+e &ust!ce=c. #ad you been a journalist$ would you have chosen to protect the freedom of the press or serve justice(

    *4,. Choose the correct En(l!sh translat!on o% the %ollow!n( oman!an sentence:

    )ererea de Habeas )orpus permite persoanelor care au fost inchise pe nedrept sa conteste legalitateainchiderii lor.

    a. -he wr!t o% a#eas Cor)us allows )ersons who ha+e #een un&ustl$ !m)r!sone" to challen(e thele(al!t$ o% the!r con%!nements

     b. %he application for #abeas Corpus permits persons who were unjustly imprisoned to contest thelegality of their confinementsc. %he #abeas Corpus petition enables persons who are unjustly jailed to protest against the legality oftheir confinements

    *40. Choose the correct En(l!sh translat!on o% the %ollow!n( oman!an sentence us!n( hrasalJer#s:

     8oate ca ar trebui sa te mai gandesti, inainte de a hotari sa contramande-i intalnirea cu actionarii.a. ;aybe you should thin! it through before you decide to put off the meeting with the shareholders

     b. ;aybe you should thin! it on before you decide to cancel off the meeting with the shareholdersc. Ma$#e $ou shoul" th!n8 !t o+er #e%ore $ou "ec!"e to call o%% the meet!n( w!th the sharehol"ers

    *44. Choose the correct En(l!sh translat!on o% the %ollow!n( oman!an sentence us!n( hrasalJer#s:)um ti7a venit in minte aceasta pledoarie neobisnuita? $e fapt, nu m7ai de-amagit niciodata.a. #ow did you come out with this strange plea( Actually$ you have never let down on me#. ow ha+e $ou come u) w!th th!s unusual )lea= In %act $ou ha+e ne+er let me "ownc. #ow has this peculiar plea came up to you( As a matter of fact$ you haven"t ever let me down

    *45. Choose the correct En(l!sh translat!on o% the %ollw!n( oman!an sentence us!n( hrasalJer#s:)ontabilul care a promis sa ne ajute sa reducem bugetul n7a mai aparut pana la urma.a. %he financial adviser who promised to help us cut off the budget didn"t come up eventually

     b. %he boo!!eeper who promised to assist us in cutting out the budget didn"t ma!e it after allc. -he accountant who )rom!se" to hel) us cut "own the #u"(et "!"nt turn u) a%ter all

    *46. Choose the correct En(l!sh translat!on o% the %ollw!n( oman!an sentence us!n( hrasal +er#s: $esi el a trecut prin multe in ultima vreme, nu cred ca se va ridica vreodata la nivelul asteptarilor ei.

    a. :ven if he has passed through a lot in the last time$ I don"t thin! he will ever rise up to her e*pectations#. -hou(h he has (one throu(h a lot latel$ I "ont th!n8 he w!ll e+er come u) to her e7)ectat!onsc. %hough he has been through a lot lately$ I don"t thin! ever will he raise up to her level of e*pectations

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    *49. Choose the correct En(l!sh translat!on o% the %ollow!n( oman!an sentence us!n( hrasalJer#s:

     2u7i mai pot tolera comportamentul# 3a epui-ea-a cu intrebarile lui sacaitoare#

    a. I can no lon(er )ut u) w!th h!s #eha+!our> e !s wear!n( me out w!th h!s na((!n( 'uest!ons> b. I can"t bear up with his behaviour any longer) #e is wearing me in with his annoying uestions)c. I can no longer stand up with his behaviour) #e is wearing me through with his troublesome uestions)

    *4;. Choose the correct En(l!sh translat!on o% the %ollow!n( oman!an sentence us!n( hrasalJer#s:

     Intr7o anumita masura, esecul tau ca avocat poate fi pus pe seama lipsei tale de e+perienta.a. %o a certain degree$ your unsuccess as lawyer can be put on your lac! of e*perience#. -o a certa!n e7tent $our %a!lure as a law$er ma$ #e )ut "own to $our lac8 o% e7)er!encec. Up to a point$ your failing as a lawyer may be put down on your loss of e*perience


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    a. I would definitely have fought for my rights.#. I woul" "e%!n!tel$ %!(ht %or m$ r!(hts.c. I will definitely have fought for my rights.

    *56. Choose the corres)on"!n( if clause that #est com)letes the %ollow!n( ma!n clause:...................$ he/she may stand a chance to be a member of a jury.a. If an individual will meet the legal ualifications for federal jury service

     b. If an individual had met the legal ualifications for federal jury service

    c. I% an !n"!+!"ual meets the le(al 'ual!%!cat!ons %or %e"eral &ur$ ser+!ce*59. Choose the correct answer:I would rather you ......... the person who reported the crime for uestioning.a. detain

     b. will detainc. detaining". "eta!ne"

    *5;. Choose the correct answer:She wishes her lawyer ......... more time to review her deposition but he seems to be very busy.a. will find

     b. findsc. %oun"d. has found


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    #. encounter "!%%!cult!esc. overcome dificultiesd. avoid difficulties

    *64. Choose the corres)on"!n( e7)ress!on to re)lace the )hrasal +er# !n !tal!cs:%hese twins loo! so ali!e that I can tell them apart only when they stand side by side.a. admire

     b. recogni0e

    c. spot". "!st!n(u!sh

    *65. Choose the corres)on"!n( e7)ress!on to re)lace the )hrasal +er# !n !tal!cs:After you have gone through all the documentation of the crime scene$ we may present it in court.a. review something superficially#. e7am!ne someth!n( s$stemat!call$c. investigate something step by stepd. draw up legal papers

    *66. Choose the correct answer:

    If it ...+not be, for him$ I wouldnt have passed the e*am.a. ha" not #een 

     b. would not have beenc. has notd. wouldn"t be

    *69. In the sentence: ......... you help me, I won*t finish in time. the m!ss!n( wor" !s'a. Dnless

     b. If c. rovidingd. Supposing

    *6;. h!ch answer corrects the %ollow!n( sentence: I*d rather you haven*t misbehaved at the party last night .a. IK" rather $ou ha"nKt m!s#eha+e" at the )art$ last n!(ht

     b. Id rather you wouldnt have misbehaved at the party last nightc. Id rather you didnt misbehave at the party last nightd. Fone of the solutions.


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    c. woul" ha+e "!scusse"d. will have discussed

    *9,. Choose the correct answer:If only the Secretary of State ........... the ratification of the new amendment before last 9ecember)a. ha" cert!%!e"

     b. certifiedc. had certifyed

    d. would have certified

    *90. Choose the correct answer:If the authorities .......... second thoughts about reopening the serial !iller case$ the situation would have

     been different.a. hasn"t had

     b. didn"t havec. ha"nt ha" d. wouldn"t have had

    *94. Choose the correct answer:

    %he ; demanded that the spo!esman ............ his offending remar! immediately.a. had withdrawn#. shoul" w!th"rawc. withdrawingd. to withdraw

    *95. Choose the correct answer:It was important that he .......... himself on the case$ before deciding to represent his client.a. has informed#. shoul" ha+e !n%orme"c. may have informed

    d. informed

    *96. Choose the corres)on"!n( +er# to re)lace the )hrasal +er# !n !tal!cs:I have neither the time nor the courage to go into this controversial homicide.a. to solve

     b. to analysec. to !n+est!(ated. to comprehend

    *99. Choose the corres)on"!n( +er# to re)lace the )hrasal +er# !n !tal!cs:6ou shouldn"t cut out any detail related to the documentation of a crime scene)a. eliminate

     b. disregardc. ignore". om!t

    *9;. Choose the correct )re)os!t!on to com)lete the %ollow!n( sentence:)ontrary ..... what had been written in the papers, the three women were proved innocent.

    a. to  b. withc. of 

    d. on


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     b. of c. ford. about

    *;1. h!ch answer corrects the %ollow!n( sentence: If the boy would have been in that plane, he would have died.

    a. I% the #o$ ha" #een !n that )lane he woul" ha+e "!e".  b. If the boy were in that plane$ he would have died.

    c. If the boy would have been in that plane$ he had died.d. If the boy had been in that plane$ he would die.

    *;*. Choose the correct translat!on %or the %ollow!n( sentence: $aca as fi in locul tau, nu as asculta minciunile lui.

    a. I% I were $ou I woul"nt l!sten to h!s l!es. b. If I would be you$ I didn"t listen to his lies.c. If I had been you$ I wouldn"t have listened to his lies.d. If I was you$ I would listen to his lies.

    *;,. Choose the r!(ht translat!on %or the %ollow!n( sentence:

     $aca n7ar fi mancat sandwich7ul acela nu i s7ar fi facut rau.a. If he hadn"t eaten that sandwich$ he wouldn"t feel sic!.#. I% he ha"nt eaten that san"w!ch he woul"nt ha+e %elt s!c8. c. If he wouldn"t eat that sandwich$ he wouldn"t feel sic!.d. If he wouldn"t have eaten that sandwich$ he wouldn"t have felt sic!.

    *;0. Choose the r!(ht translat!on %or the %ollow!n( sentence::orbeste de parca ar sti totul.a. e tal8s as !% he 8new e+er$th!n(.

     b. #e tal!s as if he had !nown everything.c. #e tal!s as if he would !now everything.

    d. #e tal!s as if he would have !nown everything.

    *;4. Choose the r!(ht translat!on %or the %ollow!n( sentence: 3acar daca ai fi venit de ieri.a. If only you came yesterday.#. I% onl$ $ou ha" come $ester"a$.c. If only you would come yesterday.d. If only you would have come yesterday.

    *;5. Choose the r!(ht translat!on %or the %ollow!n( sentence:)e n7as da sa reuseasca#

    a. I w!sh he succee"e". b. I wish he had succeeded.c. hat I wouldn"t give if he succeeded.d. hat I wouldn"t give if only he succeeded.

    *;6. Choose the correct answer:I wish I .... a student again.a. were

     b. wasc. am

    d. would had been

    *;9. Choose the correct answer:6ou might have bro!en your leg if you ... over that fence.a. ha" &um)e"

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     b. jumpedc. would have jumpedd. jump

    *;;. h!ch answer corrects the %ollow!n( sentence: If the police had arrived sooner, they might be able to arrest the arsonist.a. If the police would have arrived arrived sooner$ they might be able to arrest the arsonist.

     b. If the police has arrived sooner$ they might be able to arrest the arsonist.

    c. If the police would have arrived arrived sooner$ they might be able to arrest the arsonist.". I% the )ol!ce ha" arr!+e" sooner the$ m!(ht ha+e #een a#le to arrest the arson!st.  
