Download - vAG COM

Page 1: vAG COM

Stopuri Spate:

CODE[Select] [09 - Centr. Elect.] [07 - Coding] [Long Coding Helper]

Byte 9: Debifati toate casutele sau modificati casuta DEC in cifra 0 (zero)

[Transfer Coding!] [Do It!]

stie cineva codul la care sa revin la stopurile standard (casuta DEC ca sa nu mai aiba cifra zero, trebuie inainte sa introduc un cod, ceva de genul: 00010100, nu mai stiu exact dar ceva de genu')

Activare Coming Home & Leaving Home

NOTA: NU este necesar ca masina voastra sa aiba faruri automate sau senzor de lumina pt a activa aceste functii!

CODE[Select][09 - Cent. Elect.] [07 - Coding] [Long Coding Helper]

Byte 0: - bifati Bit 5 (Assistance Driving Light - Leaving Home active) - bifati Bit 7 (Coming-Home active)

[Transfer Coding!][Do It!]

Modificare timpilor pt Coming Home & Leaving Home

CODE[Select][09 - Cent. Elect.] [10 - Adaptation]

Channel 01: numarul de secunde care doriti ca coming home sa fie activ - de la 0 pana 120Channel 02: numarul de secunde care doriti ca leaving home sa fie activ - de la 0 pana 120

[Test][Save][Done, Go Back]Asta e tot.

Puteti incepe testarea noilor functii:- introduceti cheie in penultima pozitie a contactului (cea in care se aprind toti martori)- dupa cateva secunde, scoate cheia din respectiv pozitie

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- scoate de tot cheia din contact Pozitiile, faza scurta cat si stopurile ar trebui sa ramana aprinse. Iesiti din masina, inchideti usa soferului si inchideti masina din telecomanda. Luminile fata si stopurile spate ar trebuie sa se inchida dupa ce timpul specificat in Channel 01 a trecut.

Dupa ce s-au inchis luminiile, deblocati masina din telecomanda si veti observa ca pozitia, faza scurta cati si stopurile spate vor porni. Ele vor ramane pornite pana cand unul din urmatoarele trei lucruri se va intampla: 1) Ati deschis usa soferului 2) Veti bloca masina din nou 3) Timpul specificat in Channel 02 a trecut.

NOTA: Singura conditie ca functia Coming Home sa mearga, este sa lasati comutatorul de lumini pe pozitia faza scurta. Functia Leaving Home este independenta de aceasta conditie.

Se poate activa pe octavia 2 chestia aia cu stinsul proiectoarelor cand dai faza lunga si Coming Home & Leaving Homescuze ca am postat in aria de passat dar nu am vazut(gasit) la octavia si mi-a spus un prieten la care am vazut astea activate ca aici a gasit despre aceste functiiLa passat asa este, asa ar trebui sa fie si la O2:[09 - Centr. Elect.] [07 - Coding] [Long Coding Helper]

Byte 17: bifati Bit 5 (Front Fog lights deactivated with High Beam)

[Transfer Coding!] [Do It!]

Activare roll up/down

[Select][46 - Central Conv.] [07 - Coding] [Long Coding Helper]

Byte 6: - bifat Bit 6 (Comfort function autom. closing)

[Transfer Coding!][Do It!]

Procedura de mai sus nu a mers... am bifat ce a zis pronet dar nu a functionat. am salvat codul original asa ca oricand pot face backup, deci imi permit sa mai si gresesc.cine imi poate spune, in lista de mai jos (sursa 3c) ce biti ar trebui sa fie bifati si unde pt roll up/down si sunroof close din telecomanda? Select 46 (Comfort System)Long Coding -> Function 07

Byte 00 Bit 0 Selective Central LockingByte 00 Bit 1 Central Locking w/o Safe-FunctionByte 00 Bit 2 Central Locking w/o sensibleByte 00 Bit 3 Auto-Unlock (unlocking after removing key from ignition)Byte 00 Bit 4 Auto-Lock (autom. locking above 10 mph)

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... unknown...Byte 06 Bit 0 Comfort function inactiveByte 06 Bit 1 Comfort function power windows/sunroof via door lock drivers door inactiveByte 06 Bit 2 Comfort function power windows/sunroof via door lock passengers door inactiveByte 06 Bit 3 Comfort function power windows/sunroof via door lock rear lid inactiveByte 06 Bit 4 Comfort function power windows/sunroof via power window switch in drivers door inactiveByte 06 Bit 5 Comfort function power windows/sunroof via remote control inactiveByte 06 Bit 6 Comfort function autom. closingByte 06 Bit 7 Power windows/sunroof disabled after door openingByte 07 Bit 0 Comfort opening power windows via door lock activeByte 07 Bit 1 Comfort opening power windows via power window switch activeByte 07 Bit 2 Comfort opening power windows via remote control activeByte 07 Bit 3 Comfort closing power windows via door lock activeByte 07 Bit 4 Comfort closing power windows via power window switch activeByte 07 Bit 5 Comfort closing power windows via remote control activeByte 07 Bit 6 Comfort function after authorized access only in a limited timeByte 07 Bit 7 not relevant/unusedByte 08 Bit 0 Comfort opening sunroof via door lock activeByte 08 Bit 1 Comfort opening sunroof via power window switch activeByte 08 Bit 2 Comfort opening sunroof via remote control activeByte 08 Bit 3 Comfort closing sunroof via door lock activeByte 08 Bit 4 Comfort closing sunroof via power window switch activeByte 08 Bit 5 Comfort closing sunroof via remote control activeByte 08 Bit 6 not relevant/unusedByte 08 Bit 7 not relevant/unused... unknown...Byte 10 Bit 0 Unlocking Confirmation (Blink) via Door LocksByte 10 Bit 1 Unlocking Confirmation (Horn) via Door LocksByte 10 Bit 2 Unlocking Confirmation (Blink) via Remote ControlByte 10 Bit 3 Unlocking Confirmation (Horn) via Remote ControlByte 10 Bit 4 Unlocking Confirmation (Blink) via KessyByte 10 Bit 5 Unlocking Confirmation (Horn) via KessyByte 10 Bit 6 not relevant/unusedByte 10 Bit 7 Adaptation of Horn Confirmation lockedByte 11 Bit 0 Locking Confirmation (Blink) via Door LocksByte 11 Bit 1 Locking Confirmation (Horn) via Door LocksByte 11 Bit 2 Locking Confirmation (Blink) via Remote ControlByte 11 Bit 3 Locking Confirmation (Horn) via Remote ControlByte 11 Bit 4 Locking Confirmation (Blink) via KessyByte 11 Bit 5 Locking Confirmation (Horn) via KessyByte 11 Bit 6 not relevant/unusedByte 11 Bit 7 not relevant/unused... unknown...Byte 13 Bit 0 Remote control inactiveByte 13 Bit 1 Remote control with "Terminal 15 ON" inactiveByte 13 Bit 2 Remote control range limitation activeByte 13 Bit 3 Manual remote control lerning/unlearning activeByte 13 Bit 4 not relevant/unusedByte 13 Bit 5 not relevant/unusedByte 13 Bit 6 Activation Blink Signal (Anti-Theft-Warning System)Byte 13 Bit 7 Activation Horn Signal (Anti-Theft-Warning System)Byte 14 Bit 0 Doors (0 = 2-doors / 1 = 4-doors)Byte 14 Bit 1 Power windows front installed

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Byte 14 Bit 2 Power windows rear installedByte 14 Bit 3 Central locking installedByte 14 Bit 4 Model (0 = Left Hand Drive/ 1 = Right Hand Drive)Byte 14 Bit 5 not relevant/unusedByte 14 Bit 6 Synchronous mirror adjustmentByte 14 Bit 7 Mirror lowering with reverse gear(only with Memory Seats)

Byte 15 Bit 0 Anti-theft system deactivatedByte 15 Bit 1 Anti-theft system disarming only via remote control or immobilizerByte 15 Bit 2 not relevant/unusedByte 15 Bit 3 Anti-theft alarm delay (15 s) inactive (Thatcham)Byte 15 Bit 4 not relevant/unusedByte 15 Bit 5 Anti-theft system passive armingByte 15 Bit 6 Inclination Sensor installedByte 15 Bit 7 Interior Monitoring installedByte 16 Bit 0 not relevant/unusedByte 16 Bit 1 not relevant/unusedByte 16 Bit 2 not relevant/unusedByte 16 Bit 3 not relevant/unusedByte 16 Bit 4 Siren installedByte 16 Bit 5 Siren Tone Type(0 = frequency modulated / 1 = intermittent)Byte 16 Bit 6 Siren Alarm Type(0 = 10 "tamper" alarms / 1 = 1 "tamper" alarm)Byte 16 Bit 7 not relevant/unused


ai incercat? :

Byte 08 Bit 0 Comfort opening sunroof via door lock activeByte 08 Bit 1 Comfort opening sunroof via power window switch activeByte 08 Bit 2 Comfort opening sunroof via remote control activeByte 08 Bit 3 Comfort closing sunroof via door lock activeByte 08 Bit 4 Comfort closing sunroof via power window switch activeByte 08 Bit 5 Comfort closing sunroof via remote control active

iar acestia nebifati:

Byte 06 Bit 0 Comfort function inactiveByte 06 Bit 1 Comfort function power windows/sunroof via door lock drivers door inactiveByte 06 Bit 2 Comfort function power windows/sunroof via door lock passengers door inactiveByte 06 Bit 3 Comfort function power windows/sunroof via door lock rear lid inactiveByte 06 Bit 4 Comfort function power windows/sunroof via power window switch in drivers door inactiveByte 06 Bit 5 Comfort function power windows/sunroof via remote control inactive

nebifat Byte 06 Bit 0 Comfort function inactive Bifat Byte 06 Bit 6 Comfort function autom. Closing

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Deci 208933(dec) = 033025 (hex) adica: According the ross-tech wiki page this should be: 03 = Highway Lights + Rain Lights 30 = 48 % light sensor correction 25 = 37 % rain sensor correction

Deci pentru a functiona rain closing se adauga 4 la primul byte in hexa si iese 073025 (hex) care transformat in dec este: 471077. deci trebuie sa-l recodezi la soft coding cu 00471077. Bafta.

Afisarea vitezei pe ecranul Radio CD.

Daca setezi sa se vada viteza, nu se mai vede titlul melodiei sau postul de radio.

CODE[Select] [56 - Radio] [10 - Adaptation]

Channel 02: 0 = dezactivare / 1 = activare (afisarea vitezei in km/h pe display-ul radioului)

[Test][Save][Done, Go Back]

Dupa aceasta operatie se apasa butonul meniu (de la radio-CD) si in acelasi timp se apasa pe butonul de pornire (power). Dar pe ecranul climatronicului ?

Se tine apasat pe ECON si in acelasi timp pe Recirculare sau celalat de langa recirculare, apoi in afisajul din stanga al cliamtronicului apar modulele ( 01, 02, 03.....)se invarte de roata climatorinic stanga pana se se ajunge la 19 iar in partea dreapta iti va afisa viteza in km... nu stiu ce inseamna celelate module doar 19 stiu ca e viteza....

Inchidere proiectoare cand dai flash sau faza lunga by Riddler

CODE[Select] [09 - Centr. Elect.] [07 - Coding] [Long Coding Helper]

Byte 17: bifati Bit 5 (Front Fog lights deactivated with High Beam)

[Transfer Coding!] [Do It!]

Regenerarea filtrului de particule (DPF).

NOTA: Aceasta procedura se efectueaza NUMAI in cazul in care procedura descrisa in manualul de utilizare a autovehiculului nu functioneaza!!

Testat pe motor de 2.0 TDI 140 cp., functioneaza cu Vag Com 805 sau 812.4

Contactul PUS, motorul pornit (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) , apa peste 50 grade ( vezi

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temperatura in Measuring Blocks canalul 002 , campul nr 4)

A se urmari valorile DPF in Measuring BLocks canalul 075 , casuta nr 3. În cazul în care valoarea de încărcare este de peste Specificaţii (din casuta numarul 2), atunci filtrul trebuie inlocuit, altfel poate crapa in timpul regenerarii.

Consumatorii electrici si mecanici anexati motorului sa fie porniti (incalizre scaune, clima, lumini, etc, etc)

EGT-ul ( gazele de evacuare INAINTE DE TURBINA ) sa fie peste 700 °C inainte de a porni testul.

CODE[Select][01 - Engine][Coding-II - 11] ( doar varianta 805 stie aceasta optiune )

• Activeaza Regenerarea prin introducerea codului 21295.

[Do It!][Meas. Blocks - 08]

selecteaza Groups-canalele 070 and 075.


Semnificatii :Canal 070 casuta nr. 1: Regeneration Status (xxxxxxx1 = Normal Regeneration active, xxxxxx1x = Forced Regeneration active)Canal 070 casuta nr. 3: Regeneration Counter/Timer DurataCanal 075 casuta nr. .1: EGT inainte de turbinaCanal 075 casuta nr. 2: EGT inainte de Particle FilterCanal 075 casuta nr.3: Incarcarea Particle Filter - Particle Filter LoadCanal 075 casuta nr.4: EGT dupa Particle Filter

Porniti si urmariti valorile mentionate mai sus.

Se ruleaza masina cu 30-60 km/h - la 1500-2500 rot/min ,durata aprox. 15-20 Minute . Sofati pana cand Particle Filter Load devine cat mai aproape de valoarea 0% (dar in intervalul de timp mentionat).

Daca valorea nu scade atunci conditiile de rulare nu sunt corespunzatoare cu datele de aici sau motorul tau are probleme mecanice sau electronice ( supape, tacheti, axa cu came, injectoare, compresie - sau debimetru, senzor apa, actuatori turbo/egr)

Anularea diagnosticarii "eroare bec ars" pentru semnalizare by Riddler

CODE[Select][09 - Centr. Elect.][07 - Coding][Long Coding Helper]

Byte 18:- debifezi Bit 5 (Cold Diagnosis Turn Signals active)- debifezi Bit 7 (Cold Diagnosis Side Turn Signals active)

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[Transfer Coding!][Do It!]

Schimbarea limba pe afisajul display-ului by dm76ro (IMG:style_emoticons/default/cool.gif)

CODE[Select][17 - Instruments][10 - Adaptation]

Channel 02 :

00001 - German 00002 - English 00003 - French 00004 - Italian 00005 - Spanish 00006 - Portuguese 00007 - no text00008 - Czech

[Test][Save][Done, Go Back]

Inchiderea automata a masinii dupa viteza de 15km/h

CODE[Select][46 - Cent. Conv.] [10 - Adaptation]

Channel 03: Auto Lock after 15km/h (1 = Activate / 2 = Deactivate)

[Test][Save][Done, Go Back]

Deschiderea automata a masinii dupa scoaterea cheii din contact

CODE[Select][46 - Cent. Conv.] [10 - Adaptation]

Channel 04: Auto Unlock after removing the key (1 = Activate / 2 = Deactivate)

[Test][Save][Done, Go Back]

Page 8: vAG COM

Optional se mai pot seta ca la inchiderea/deschiderea masinii sa se aprinda avariile sau sa se auda un clacson scurt Pt acestea, modificari si:

QUOTE (Optional channels - flash blinkers or sound horn)

Canalul 03 Auto LockCanalul 04 Auto Unlock

Channel 05: Unlock, horn sounds (1 = Activate / 2 = Deactivate)Channel 06: Lock, horn sounds( 1 = Activate / 2 = Deactivate)Channel 07: Unlock, turn signals flash (1 = Activate / 2 = Deactivate)Channel 08: Unlock, turn signals flash (1 = Activate / 2 = Deactivate)

sa imi schimbe codul cheii pt orice eventualitate,iar acum am gasit cheia,dar dupa cum era si normal nu mai functioneaza.As putea sa o programez prin vag com

SEAT BELT CHIME:Control Module Coding

Select 17 (Instrument Cluster)Coding -> Function 07

00??x0x: Extra-Options

+01 - Brake Pad Warning active+02 - Seatbelt Warning active+04 - Washer Fluid Warning active+16 - Sedan (Jetta)

scazi 2 din 7

So if you wanted everything active....

0023x0x where x is the value of the original coding, let's say it was set there from the factory.

To remove seat belt warning, just subtract the 02.... so it would now be:


My stock coding:0023203

With no seat belt chime:0021203

Becuri Semnal Aprinse

Sa stea aprins becul de semnalizare din far, la o intensitate mai mica si atunci cand aprind pozitiile.Am inteles ca pe Golf 5/ jetta, modelul pentru America ,exista aceasta codare.Colegul Popilam stie mai multe.

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Central Electric / Long coding / Turn Signals As Parking Light xxx % . Setezi cat la % sa iti stea semnalele aprinse .... asa dai impresia ca bagheta este in totalitate aprinsa

Activare inchidere automata a geamurilor tinand apasat butonul doar 2 secunde by andrei.toledo

CODE[Select][46 - Central Conv.] [07 - Coding] [Long Coding Helper]

Byte 6: - bifati Bit 6 (Comfort function autom. closing)

[Transfer Coding!][Do It!]

Timer-ul pentru faruri cat sa stea aprinse il gasesti in adaptari in Central Electric [nu in long codding]

-Activat ridicare automata geamuri( fara sa mai tii apasat pana ajung sus)Bifezi la centrala electrica CONFORT CLOSING ACTIVE

Pentru ridicare geamuri tinand apasat butonul 2 secunde trebuie bifat : Comfort function automatic closing .

Pt setarea timpilor ls CH/LH am intrat la adaptation, insa nu imi da voie sa schimb timpii... setez cat vreau eu dar cand dau save si ce mai e acolo se reseteaza valorile puse de mine....

Cat desprea restul setarilor...trebuie sa umblu iar cu vagcomul sa vad unde stat o zi intreaga si m-am jucat pe ce am gasit interesant am activat... O sa postez si procedura exacta... Oricum este in central electric si central convenience..... eu am luat la rand fiecare bit in parte si am vazut ce scrie pe am activat ce m-a interesat

Activare DRL(s) pe proiectoare la 50% din intensitate

CODE[Select][09 - Central Electric] [07 - Coding] [Long Coding Helper]

Byte 00: - bifati Bit 4 (Daytime Running Lights (North America)) Byte 17: - bifati Bit 4 (Daylight Running Light via Front Fog Lights)Byte 20: - in casuta DEC modificati valoare (in procente) in 50

[Transfer Coding!][Do It!]

Respectiva valoare inscrisa in casuta DEC poate fii modificata dupa bunul placNu merge decat pe proiectoare sau pe faza scurta .Asta din ce am vazut eu asa cu coada ochiului in VAG-COM .

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! Daca frana de deget este apasata proiectoarele (acum DRL) se sting! Dupa ce decuplez frana de deget se aprind!Daytime Running Lamp sau Daylight Running Lamp adica lumini de ziDRL Scandinavia = pozitii + proiectoare fata aprinse NON-STOP(stopurile spate nu sunt aprinse)DRL North America = proiectoarele fata sunt aprinse din momentul in care ai pornit motorul si ai dezactivat frana de mana, pana la activarea ei sau oprire motorului

Directie rigida la viteze mari

este vreo procedura Vag-Com prin care se poate face ca la viteza mai mare de X km/h sa se intareasca volanul/directia? pt k mi se pare mult prea sensibil volanul de la 120km/h in sus.

Este asa ceva doar la sistemele de directie asistate electronic. Se ajusteaza undeva cu vagcom-ul pe o scara de la 0 la 6. Imi pare rau dar nu mai stiu exact procedura. Voi reveni cu informatii

Select 44 (Steering Assist)--> 10 AdaptationRead channel 1.Lower numbers are harder steering, higher numbers are easier. Range is reported to be between 0 and 6.

Dar cred ca este valabil doar pt auto din 2007 pana in present

Deschiderea pistoanelor pentru inlocuirea placutelor de frana pe spate

CODE[Select][53 - Parking Brake][04 - Basig Settings]Grup: 006[Start!]Activating basic settings[CON/DEC/Next](Aici etrierul se va deschide.) [Done, Go back!]

Acum se pot inlocui placutele de frana

Inchiderea pistoanelor dupa inlocuirea placutelor de frana pe spate

CODE[Select][53 - Parking Brake][04 - Basig Settings]Grup: 007[Start!]Activating basic settings[CON/DEC/Next](Aici etrierul se va inchide.) [Done, Go back!]

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Aici este invers, cel putin la mine. 007-deschidere etrieri006-inchidere etrier

Functia "cornering" pe proiectoare!

NOTA: Aceasta functie merge activata doar la masiniile produse DUPA iulie 2007!

CODE[Select][09 - Cent. Elect.][10 - Coding][Long Coding Helper]

Byte 23: - bifati Bit2 (Internal Turn Light Control Algorithm active)- selectia la Bit-ul 3-4: 08 Turn Lights via Fog Lights

[Transfer Coding!] [Do It!]

Cam asa trebuie sa arate Long Coding Helper-ul pe byte-ul 23

Schimb sunetul alarmei .

[Select][46 - Cent. Conv.][10 - Adaptation]

Channel 10: Alarm Horn

Aici alegi între biţii 0,1,2,3 care-ţi convine.

[Save][Done, Go Back]Sunt două feluri de tonalităţi grupate pe biţii 0 şi 2 (seamănă cât de cât a alarmă) şi pe biţii 1 şi 3 (piuie) şi dacă-mi amintesc bine, din cele două grupuri de sunete pe biţii 1 şi 3 se aude mai tare.

Select][46 - Cent. Conv.][10 - Adaptation]

Channel 10: Alarm Horn-la mine este Channel 13: Alarm Hornla chanenel 10 e altceva am incercat si eu si nu merge sa schimb ......

Adaptare chei

Select] [17 - Instruments][Login - 11][Use 7-digit PIN/SKC]

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Enter the 7-digit PIN, Date on which the PIN was generated by the dealer, along with the Workshop Code (WSC) and the Importer number of the dealer that generated the code.[OK]

VAG-COM will validate the data you have entered and return you to the Login screen, where the Login Code will show as "XXXXX".[Do It!]

[Adaptation - 10] Enter 21 in "Channel Number"[Read]The "Stored Value" is the number of keys currently matched.Enter "new value" of 0[Save]This clears out the old key-matchings.Enter a "new value" corresponding to the total number of keys to be matched, including any existing keys[Save]

[Done, Go Back][Close Controller, Go Back - 06]Switch ignition off and remove key

Insert next key to ignition and switch ignition on again. The warning light for the Immobilizer will light up for ~2 seconds, then go out. Switch ignition off and remove keyRepeat step 16 with each key until all keys have been matched


Determining IMMO-ID [Select][25 - Immobilizer]Look at the "Component" field. The 14-digit string in the Immo-ID.[Close Controller, Go Back – 06

Key Matching Prerequisites:

You can match up to 8 keys. While adapting each key, make sure to place the other keys away from the ignition lock (reader coil). The passenger seat is an adequate place. Battery voltage at least 12.0 V.

[Select][25 - Immobilizer][Meas. Blocks - 08]Select Block 001.[Go!]The value in field 3 must be 1. If value is not 1, the key is not capable of being adapted to Immobilizer.You can check each key in this manner.[Done, Go Back]

[Login - 11]There are 2 possibilities how to enter a PIN, choose the one that applies for you.

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4-digit PIN Enter zero followed by the 4-digit PIN. For example, if your PIN is 1234, enter 01234. 7-digit PIN [Use 7-digit PIN/SKC] Enter the 7-digit PIN, Date on which the PIN was generated by the dealer, along with the Workshop Code (WSC) and the Importer number of the dealer that generated the code. [OK] VAG-COM will validate the data you have entered and return you to the Login screen, where the Login Code will show as "XXXXX". [Do it!][Adaptation - 10]Enter 01 in "Channel Number" (if not available use Channel 21).[Read]The "Stored Value" is the number of keys currently matched.Enter a "new value" corresponding to the total number of keys to be matched, including any existing keys.The old keys are automatically beeing cleared.[Save][Done, Go Back][Close Controller, Go Back - 06]

Repeat the following steps until all keys have been matched:

Switch ignition off and remove key.

Insert next key to ignition and switch ignition on again.

The warning light for the Immobilizer will light up for ~2 seconds, then go out Switch ignition off and remove key.

Note: The above steps after saving the adaptation, should not exceed 30/60 seconds!

IMMO III - Immobilizer III Key Matching (Cluster)

Determining IMMO-ID & VIN [Select][17 - Instruments]Look at the first "Extra" field. The first 17-digit string is the VIN. The second 14-digit string in the Immo-ID.[Close Controller, Go Back - 06]


[Select][17 - Instruments][Meas. Blocks - 08]Select Block 081.[Go!]The first 17-digit string is the VIN. The second 14-digit string in the Immo-ID..[Done, Go Back][Close Controller, Go Back - 06]

Key Matching

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All keys are either new or were adapted to this car (IMMO-ID) before.

You can match up to 8 keys. While adapting each key, make sure to place the other keys away from the ignition lock (reader coil). The passenger seat is an adequate place. Battery voltage at least 12.5 V.

[Select][17 - Instruments][Meas. Blocks - 08]Select Block 022.[Go!]The value in field 3 must be 1. If value is not 1, the key is not capable of being adapted to Immobilizer.You can check each key in this manner.

Select Block 024.[Go!]Make sure the shown lock times in field 1, 2 and 3 are 0 (each field represents a time in minutes).

If the lock times are NOT 0: Do NOT switch off the ignition! Allow the car to sit for AT LEAST the number of minutes that were indicated by the fields 1-3. [Done, Go Back]

[Login - 11]There are 2 possibilities how to enter a PIN, choose the one that applies for you.

4-digit PIN Enter zero followed by the 4-digit PIN. For example, if your PIN is 1234, enter 01234. 7-digit PIN [Use 7-digit PIN/SKC] Enter the 7-digit PIN, Date on which the PIN was generated by the dealer, along with the Workshop Code (WSC) and the Importer number of the dealer that generated the code. [OK] VAG-COM will validate the data you have entered and return you to the Login screen, where the Login Code will show as "XXXXX". [Do it!]

IMMO III - Immobilizer III Key Matching (Separate)

Determining IMMO-ID & VIN [Select][25 - Immobilizer]Look at the first "Extra" field. The first 17-digit string is the VIN. The second 14-digit string in the Immo-ID.[Close Controller, Go Back - 06]


[Select][25 - Immobilizer]

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[Meas. Blocks - 08]Select Block 081.[Go!]The first 17-digit string is the VIN. The second 14-digit string in the Immo-ID..[Done, Go Back][Close Controller, Go Back - 06]

Key Matching Prerequisites:

All keys are either new or were adapted to this car (IMMO-ID) before.

You can match up to 8 keys. While adapting each key, make sure to place the other keys away from the ignition lock (reader coil). The passenger seat is an adequate place. Battery voltage at least 12.0 V.

[Select][25 - Immobilizer][Meas. Blocks - 08]Select Block 001.[Go!]The value in field 3 must be 1. If value is not 1, the key is not capable of being adapted to Immobilizer.You can check each key in this manner.

Select Block 003.[Go!]Make sure the shown lock times in field 1, 2 and 3 are 0 (each field represents a time in minutes).

If the lock times are NOT 0: Do NOT switch off the ignition! Allow the car to sit for AT LEAST the number of minutes that were indicated by the fields 1-3. [Done, Go Back]

[Login - 11]There are 2 possibilities how to enter a PIN, choose the one that applies for you.

4-digit PIN Enter zero followed by the 4-digit PIN. For example, if your PIN is 1234, enter 01234. 7-digit PIN [Use 7-digit PIN/SKC] Enter the 7-digit PIN, Date on which the PIN was generated by the dealer, along with the Workshop Code (WSC) and the Importer number of the dealer that generated the code. [OK] VAG-COM will validate the data you have entered and return you to the Login screen, where the Login Code will show as "XXXXX". [Do it!]

[Adaptation - 10]Enter 01 in "Channel Number".[Read]The "Stored Value" is the number of keys currently matched.Enter a "new value" corresponding to the total number of keys to be matched, including any existing keys.

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The old keys are automatically beeing cleared.[Save][Done, Go Back][Close Controller, Go Back - 06]

Repeat the following steps until all keys have been matched:

Switch ignition off and remove key.

Insert next key to ignition and switch ignition on again.

The warning light for the Immobilizer will light up for ~2 seconds, then go out Switch ignition off and remove key.

Note: The above steps after saving the adaptation, should not exceed 60 seconds!

IMMO III - Immobilizer III Key Matching (Kessy)

Determining IMMO-ID & VIN [Select][05 - Acc/Start Auth.][Meas. Blocks - 08]Select Block 081.[Go!]The first 17-digit string is the VIN. The second 14-digit string in the Immo-ID..[Done, Go Back][Close Controller, Go Back - 06]

Key Matching Prerequisites:

Battery voltage at least 12.0 V. We strongly recommend the use of a battery charger. You can match up to 8 keys. All keys are either new or were adapted to this car (IMMO-ID) before. While adapting each key, make sure to place the other keys away from the ignition lock (reader coil). The passenger seat is an adequate place. If all Keys are new OR the first inserted Key is new, the Ignition will NOT switch ON with this key. Put the first Key into the ignition Lock, but do NOT switch ON the ignition. Press and Hold the Brake Pedal for 20 Seconds to wake up the Diagnostic Databus.

[Select][05 - Acc/Start Auth.][Meas. Blocks - 08]Select Block 022.[Go!]The value in field 3 must be 1. If value is not 1, the key is not capable of being adapted to Immobilizer.You can check each key in this manner.

Select Block 023.[Go!]Make sure the shown lock times in field 1, 2, 3 and 4 are 0 (each field represents a time in minutes).

If the lock times are NOT 0:

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Do NOT switch off the ignition! Allow the car to sit for AT LEAST the number of minutes that were indicated by the fields 1-4. [Done, Go Back]

[Sec. Access - 16]There are 2 possibilities how to enter a PIN, choose the one that applies for you.

4-digit PIN Enter zero followed by the 4-digit PIN. For example, if your PIN is 1234, enter 01234. 7-digit PIN [Use 7-digit PIN/SKC] Enter the 7-digit PIN, Date on which the PIN was generated by the dealer, along with the Workshop Code (WSC) and the Importer number of the dealer that generated the code. [OK] VAG-COM will validate the data you have entered and return you to the Login screen, where the Login Code will show as "XXXXX". [Do it!]

[Adaptation - 10]Enter 21 in "Channel Number".[Read]The "Stored Value" is the number of keys currently matched.Enter a "new value" corresponding to the total number of keys to be matched, including any existing keys.The old keys are automatically being cleared.[Save][Done, Go Back][Close Controller, Go Back - 06]

Switch Ignition OFF and remove Key, Steering Lock should engage. Insert first Key again and switch Ignition ON. The Warning Light for the Immobilizer will light up for ~2 seconds, then go out. Switch Ignition OFF and remove Key.

Repeat the following steps until all keys have been matched: Switch Ignition OFF and remove Key, Steering Lock should engage. Insert next Key to Ignition and switch Ignition ON again. The Warning Light for the Immobilizer will light up for ~2 seconds, then go out. Switch Ignition OFF and remove Key.

Note: The above steps after saving the adaptation, should not exceed 60 seconds withing matching 2 of the keys and having one key in the ignition should not exceed 30 seconds.!


Pentru a face aceste teste intrati in modulul de control ptr motor.Blocurile 002,030,032 si 033 sunt facute in blocurile de masuratori( measuring blocks) in timp ce blocurile 036, 034 si 046 sunt facute in setarile de baza (basic settings).Varianta de test descrisa este ptr motoarele VR6 iar ptr motoarele 1.8T difera putin si anume ptr motoarele cu seria motor AWD, AWW se ridica turatia la 1800-2200 si se tine apasat constant.La varianta de motor AWP se apasa pedala de frana si se tine apasata si apoi se apasa pedala de acceleratie la "podea" si se tine astfel.Turatia motorului chiar la blana nu va creste peste 2000 ture( asa spun oamenii care au facut-o).


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verificati citirea MAF (mass air flow sensor) la relanti.Motorul trebuie sa fie la temperatura de regim si cu AC-ul oprit.Mergeti in blocul 002 si cititi valoarea in campul 4 ( field 4).Valoarea la relanti trebuie sa fie intre 1 si 25g/s.Daca este mai mica decat 1 g/s atunci este o scaparde aer fals in tubulatura de aer.


Mergeti in blocul 030.Field 1 este un numar din trei digitzi care indica starea senzorului de O2 pre-cat.Field 2 este pentru senzorul post-cat.Acest numar din trei spune daca incalzirea sensorului functioneaza si de asemeni daca sensorul functioneaza ca atare sau nu.Valoarea trebuie sa fluctueze intre 111(sensor incalzit)si 011 ( sensor neincalzit).Ultimele doua digit-uri pot fluctua intre 0 si 1 dar ar trebui sa fie predominant 1.

BLOC 032 OXYGEN SENSOR CONTROL LEARNED VALUESMergeti in blocul 032. Field 1 indica amestecul la relanti si Field 2 indica amestecul la sarcina partiala ( in mers de ex.)Valoarea tre sa fie intre -10% si +10%.Valoare negativa - amestec bogat, valoare pozitiva - amestec sarac.Daca valoarea este la cca +25% ( valoarea superioara limita) atunci MAF sensor este terminat( gunoi).Daca valoarea este intre +10% si +25% atunci sensorul O2 pre-cat este terminat sau exista aer fals in galeria de admisie sau MAF sensor este terminat.Valoarea in general ar trebui sa fie undeva la +1.6%, +1.8% ca toate sa fie OK.


Mergeti in blocul 033.Valoarea data in Field 1 este reprezinta controlul sensorului O2 pre-cat.Aceasta valoare trebuie sa fluctueze cel putin cu 2% in intervalul -10% si +10%


Mergeti in blocul 036( acest test trebuie facut in basic settings si nu in measuring blocks).Apasati si tineti asa pedala de frana ptr ca testul sa se autoinitieze.Turatia motorului ar trebui sa creasca la cca 1400rpm.In Field 1 este valoarea voltajului pe sensorul post-cat.Trebuie sa fluctueze usor intre 0 si 1V.Field 4 va spune de asemenea" TEST ON/OFF" inainte sau in timp ce testul ruleaza si de asemeni "B1-S2 OK" ( sensor bun) sau "B1-S2 NOT OK" ( sensor terminat) dupa ce testul s-a terminat.Ridicati piciorul de pe pedala de frana dupa ce testul s-a terminat.


Mergeti in blocul 034( testul trebuie facut in basic settings si nu in measuring blocks).Apasati si tineti asa pedala de frana.Turatia motorului ar trebui sa urce la cca 1400 rpm.In Field 1 este turatia motorului.In Field 2 este temperatura catalizatorului.Valoarea din Field 3 spune cat de imbatranit este sensorul O2.In Field 4 va aparea ca si in blocul 036 "test on/off" , "B1-S1 OK" sau B1-S1 NOT OK".Valoare care ne da gradul de imbatranire al sensorului trebuie sa fie deasupra de 0,80.Valoare ptr un sensor nou este 1.99.Valoarea scade odata cu varsta sensorului.Ridicati piciorul de pe pedala de frana dupa terminarea testului.


Mergeti in blocul 046 ( testul trebuie facut in basic setting si nu in measuring blocks).TESTUL 034 TREBUIE FACUT IMEDIAT INAINTE DE ACEST TEST (046) ACESTA SA SE POATA AUTOINITIALIZA.Apasati si tinesi asa pedala de frana ptr ca testul cat-ului sa porneasca automat.( cat-ul trebuie sa se incinga la cca 400 grade C ca sa se obtina o citire exacta).Turatia motorului ( Field1) trebuie sa creasca la cca 1400 rpm.Field 2 este temperatura cat-ului.Aceasta de asemeni se va ridica in timpul testului.Field 3 arata capacitatea de conversie a catalizatorului ( starea lui).Daca cat-ul este bun atunci valoarea tre sa fie undeva sub 0.50 la terminarea testului.Field 4 va indica daca cat-ul mai este sau nu bun si anume "CAT B1 - OK" sau "CAT B1 - NOT OK".Ridicati piciorul de pe pedala de frana imediat ce testul se termina.

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Cum am spus la inceput aceasta este varianta de veruificare ptr un motor VR6.La 1.8T am dat detalii la inceputul paginii.Ptr motoarele de Europa, 1.4, 1.6 varianta de test ar trebui sa fie aproape la fel.Ramane doar sa intrebati la dealer sau la cine stie daca se apasa sau nu pedala de frana in timpul testului sau daca se tureaza motorul la blana in timpul testului sau doar la 2000 rpm.In rest testul este la fel ptr toate.

Ca ti-a iestit in 030 campul 2 110 si nu are fluctuatii din cate stiu eu senzorul nu da semne ca se incalzeste, dar se poate sa gresesc iar in legutura cu partea mea sa stii ca am plecat de la 200 si ceva de grade cu piciorul pe frana si a urcat pana la 392, am tinut cateva minute in jur de 2-3000 dar temperatura a scazut la 360 si ceva. Poate ar trebui sa umblu cu masina putin sa ridic temperatura.M-am documentat si am gasit ca 110 inseamna de la dreapta la stanga (1=ON, 0=OFF): prima cifra: "sensor heating", a doua cifra "sensor ready", a treia cifra "control active"

Deci eu am la S2 control active OFF.____________________________________Schimbarea milelor in kilometric schimbare usa/Canada/uk/europa/japan

Inainte de a face orice modificare notati-va valoarea existenta.Folosirea gresita a adaptarilor poate conduce la nefunctionalitatea motorului, asa ca orice modificare o faceti pe propriul risc !

[Select][17 - Instruments]

Notati-va valoarea Soft coding. Ea reprezinta valoarea presetata si in cazul in care nu obtineti rezultatele asteptate puteti reveni la aceasta valoare.

[Recode - 07]modificati valoarea din campul software coding dupa cum urmeaza:[Do It!]

Urmariti digitii din cod (xxyzw).Al treilea digit din codarea software (..y..) reprezinta piata de destinatie si aduce urmatoarele modificari:

1 - "EU" ceasul in format 24 ore (modifica afisarea distantei parcurse in Kilometri la modelele dupa 2002)2 - "USA" ceasul in format 12 ore (modifica afisarea distantei parcurse in mile)3 - "Canada" ceasul in format 12 ore (modifica afisarea distantei parcurse in Kilometri la modelele dupa 2002)4 - "UK" ceasul in format 24 ore (modifica afisarea distantei parcurse in mile)5 - Japan6 - Saudi Arabia7 - Australia[Save]

Activating Cruise Control on a new ECU (DBW):

Factory fresh ECU's often come with cruise control de-activated.

[Select][01 - Engine][Login - 11]Enter 11463 to activate cruise control[Do It!]

Installing a new ECU:

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