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UNGERS-PLANSA 1 : Confruntarea cu realitatea anilor 80 in orasul berlin :scaderea nr popultiei,orasul isi pierde caracterul rezidential,oamenii prefera sa locuiasca in afaraorasului.O data cu scadereanr de locuitori ,zonele din oras care nu mai functioneaza pot fi dezvoltate si adaptate contextului actual,zonele puternice cu un caracter specific intarite si dezvoltate in continuareiar zonele incomplete sa fie completate.Aceste insule urbane specializate in functie de calitatile existente ale fiecaruia formeaza un arhipelag verde care devine un nou model urban.Instrunmetul de densificare propus este vila urbana,ca loc de exprimare deopotriva a individualitatii fiecaruia precum si a intereselor colective,fiind un model de integrare in tesut si nu un substitut

1.The big walls/coridors ideological purpose was to change both the image of the city and the city scale.Though,they were a means for densification and demographic growth of the city center.How they were implemented lead to a discrepancy between the number of inhabitants in a block of flats and those living in the old area with low-rise dwellings,compared to the surface each one of them occupied.All of these leadto a imbalance in the city center2.-The first intervention from Corneliu Coposu boulevard and the second one from Unirii Boulevard both show an obvious and chosen disruption between the old part of the city and the new boulevard,showing the highest density in the blocks of flats and the lowest in the area with

1After 1989,as a consequence of the .. of the market,real estate pressure and a legal system poorly developed,the outskirts of Bucharest developed randomly leading to the phenomenom of urban-sprawl.During the communist era,a large number of people were moving in the new districts built outside the central ring(Drumul Taberei,Balta Alba etc).All of these lead to a depopulation in the city center,compared to the rest .The daily transit of the population through center-outskirts has as a consequence two kinds of densities:an outside density which refers to the people passing by and a real density of the people who inhabit the central ring.


1.The projectGreat wallswas following a former document from 1935 which brought Bucharest under regulation.It is an unfinished project which shows the politicalimage of the totalitarian administration of the that period(19..-1989)being also a mean of densification..It comes in sight a new urban model- the corridor boulevard which hides the history of the city and a specific way of livingbefore the communist era2.After 1989,Bucharest developed out of control in its outskirts,which alongside with the big ensembles built in the communist era outside the central ring lead to a depopulation in the central ring and a growth of population outside it3.Nowadays,Bucharestin its central ringis continuallydisorganized and the witness of two different urban realities:one of the boulevard and its self-sufficient blocks and the other one of the old city4.The proposal it is linked to the1935s document of bringing Bucharest under regulation which aims to discover an internal logic of the city ,destroyed by the implementation of the great walls that on one hand are turning their back to the existent reality of the city and on the oter hand are following some older documents of organizing the city5The new urban model for the development of the central ring proposes a generic structure which is both a manner of repopulation of the central area and a way of bringing together mixed functions,and which inserts itself between the buildings of the great walls and alongside other streets in order to recreate urbanislands.a

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