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Substantivul:Pluralul in engleza

Cum se identificaLa forma de singular este adaugat:1. "s" : regula generala;2. "es" : daca singularul substantivelor au terminatia inch, sh, s, ss, z, x;3. "ies" : daca singularul are terminatiaysi inaintea lui e o consoana;4. "es" : daca singularul are terminatiaoiar substantivul e intrat de mult in folosire;5. "ves" : majoritatea substantivelor terminate infsaufe(exceptii: roof/ roofs dwarf/ dwarfs);6. la substantivele de origine greaca, substantivele terminate insis, la plural sis e inlocuit deses.Exemple1 inainte de "s" avem o consoana surda (p, t, k, f, th): cats, roofs, boats, books,cups("-s" se pronunta "s")

1 inainte de "s" avem altceva decat in cazul anterior: ideas, boys, balls, days("-s" se pronunta "z")

2 boxes, buses, dashes, prizes ("-es" se pronunta "iz")

3babies, ladies, factories, spies (from baby, lady, factory, spy)("-ies" se pronunta "iz")

4tomatoes, potatoes, heroes, volcanoes (from tomato, potato, hero, volcano)("-es" se pronunta "z")

5wives, elves, loaves, lives, thieves, knives(from wife, elf, loaf, life, thief, knife) ("-ves" se pronunta "vz")

6analyses, hypotheses, bases (plural from analysis, hypothesis, basis)(la singular "-sis" se pronunta "sis", iar la plural "-ses" se pronunta "siz")

Comentarii1. O serie de substantive aupluralul neregulat:child(copil)- children, man(barbat)-men, woman(femeie)- women, die(zar)- dice, foot(picior)- feet, goose(gasca)- geese, mouse(soarece)- mice, ox(bou)- oxen, tooth(dinte)- teeth

2. Unele substantive au aceeasi forma si pentru singular si pentru plural:sheep,fish(se adauga forma de plural es cand este vorba de mai multe specii de peste),fruit(se adauga forma de plural -s cand este vorba de mai multe soiuri de fructe),species,deer,series.Ex:His favourite was a big white sheep. The sheep were grazing in the field.

3. Unele substantive au deja forma de plural (sunt urmate de un verb la plural); denumind lucruri formate din doua parti:trousers,pants,shorts, (sun)glasses,pyjamas,slacks,scissors,tongs,compasses,scales.4. Unele substantive nu primesc niciodata forma de plural (money,information,news,progress,luggage,furniture,homework,advice,knowledge); ideea de plural se va realiza prin folosirea sintagmelor:a piece of/ two pieces of,an item of, two items of(pentru substantive ce denumesc lucruri abstracte),a bit of. In acest caz, verbul folosit in fraza va fi totdeauna la singular. Ex:The money is on the table. I need a piece of valuable information.

5. Unele substantive se termina deja in -s, dand astfel impresia de plural. La plural ele nu isi schimba forma:mathematics, physics, politics, billiards, darts, gymnastics, diabetes, measles, mumps.Ex:Mathematics is one of the most important sciences.

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