Download - Petrol in Romania


Bazinul Mrii Negre pare s aib potenialul de a deveni una dintre cele mai semnificative zone productoare de gaze naturale din Uniunea European.Romnia deine rezerve i producie semnificative de iei i gaze naturale, dar cu o tendin net de scdere. Zcmintele sunt mature i fragmentate, iar producia per sond e dintre cele mai mici din Europa.Bogatele resurse de petrol ale Romniei, cunoscute nc din perioada Daciei Romane , au jucat un rol cheie n dezvoltarea economic a rii din epoca modern i contemporan.As a natural consequence of our country concern for oil exploitation was that Romania has decisive contributed at the achievement of 3 oil world premieres in 1857:The first country in the world with a petroleum production officially registered in the international statisticsThe Science of Petroleumcertifies in 1938 the fact that Romania was the first country in the world with an oil production of 275 tones officially registered in the international statistics. It was followed by the United States in 1859, Italy in 1860, Canada in 1862 and Russia in 1863.The worlds first refineryIn our country the first processing equipments of petroleum are considered the oil pumps from Lucacesti-Bacau, belonging to N Choss in 1840 and M. Heimsohn in 1844. This were only simple handmade workshops, equipped with rudimentary methods which were using for refining a system similar to the one for obtaining tuica in a rustic boiler.Distillation on industrial way starts with the refinery built by Mehedinteanu brothers at the periphery of Ploiesti city, near the South Station, on 174, Buna Vestire Street.The refinery installations were quite primitive, all the equipment being build up from iron or raw iron cylindrical vessels, warmed up directly with wood fire. This equipment was ordered in Germany from Moltrecht company which was building boilers for bituminous shale distillation, and in December 1856 starts the construction of the gas factory from Ploiesti, on the name of Marin Mehedinteanu.Bucharest, the worlds first city public illuminated with keroseneThe oil offered by Mehedinteanu brothers for public illumination had incontestable properties: colorless and with no smell, burning with a light flame, with a constant intensity and shape, without smoke and without ash or resinous compounds in the wick. This important properties of the product as well as the offer of 335 lei per year for each street lamp had practically excluded all the competition, the other offers which proposed as a fuel the rape or nut oil were taking the costs up to 600 lei per year.Teodor Mehedinteanus offer was approved on the 8-th October 1856 and so Bucharest would have been illuminated with 1000 street lamps. At 1-st April 1857- the date for coming into operation of the contract for the capital illumination - everything was ready and working perfectly.Romania a fostprima tara din lumecare aexportat benzinainca din anii 1900.In 1937, Romania detinealocul 7in lume privind rezervele mondiale de petrol, dupa URSS, SUA, Irak, Iran, Venezuela, Indiile Olandeze, cu o rezerva estimata la 95.000.000 tone, adica 5,4% din rezervele mondiale.Romnia deine n momentul de fa 10 rafinrii.

n anul 1880 , producia de petrol a Romniei atinge 15900 de tone.

Potrivit Autoritii Naionale de Reglementare n domeniul Energiei (ANRE), principalii productori de gaze naturale n mai 2014 erau OMV Petrom (53,91%) i Romgaz (42,55%). Exist i mici productori independeni, precum Amromco Energy (3,25%), Foraj Sonde (0,24%), Raffles Energy (0,05%) i alii

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