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Page 1: Mary

1. trad rom-engl

În ultimele decenii, din literatura cehă s-au tradus în limba română aproape exclusiv „nume

mari”, adică scriitori cunoscuţi şi recunoscuţi nu numai în ţara lor de origine, ci şi în lume. Este

vorba, în primul rând, de Milan Kundera (n. 1.04.1929; nu de mult a sărbătorit 85 de ani), de la o

vreme autor de expresie franceză, care se defineşte el însuşi drept „scriitor european”. În română

au fost traduse, printre altele, romanele sale Gluma, Viaţa e în altă parte, Insuportabila uşurătate

a fiinţei, Cartea râsului şi a uitării, şi, mai recent, din franceză, Nemurirea, Lentoarea, Identitatea

şi Ignoranţa. De asemenea, de o bună primire a publicului cititor român se bucură şi Bohumil

Hrabal (1914-1997), povestitor excelent al cărui centenar îl comemorăm anul acesta în toată

Cehia prin ediţii noi, expoziţii, conferinţe ş.a.m.d.

What’s new in modern/contemporary Czech literature?

In the last decades of Czech literature were translated into Romanian almost exclusively "big

names", namely that writers known and recognized not only in their home country but also in the

world. It is about, firstly of Milan Kundera (b. 01/04/1929, it is not much since he has celebrated

85 years) at a time a writer of French expression who defines itself as an "European writer". Into

Romanian were translated, among others, his novels: Joke, Life is Elsewhere, The Unbearable

Lightness of Being, The Book of Laughter and Forgetting, and, more recently, from French,

Immortality, Slowness, Identity and Ignorance. Also, of a good receiving of the Romanian

readers enjoys Bohumil Hrabal (1914-1997), excellent storyteller whose centenary we are

commemorating this year throughout the Czech Republic through new editions, exhibitions,

conferences, etc.

2. trad engl-rom

În cursul anului 2003, mass-media din România sa confruntat cu o presiune sporită și cu o

intimidare din partea autorităților. Procese împotriva jurnaliștilor și instituțiilor mass-media au

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fost destul de frecvente. Mai mult de 400 de dosare penale au fost aduse împotriva mass-media

pe parcursul anului, în ceea ce privește marea majoritate defăimarea, care rămâne o infracțiune

penală. Deși închisoarea pentru insultă au fost desființata, au fost reținute pentru calomnie sau

pentru "răspândirea de informații false." Cele mai multe urmăriri penale au dus la sancțiuni

financiare excesive sau pedepse cu închisoarea cu suspendare. Numărul de atacuri fizice asupra

jurnaliștilor care investigheaza corupția, sau alte subiecte sensibile a crescut, mai ales în

provincie. În martie, poliția a găsit trupul lui Iosif Costinaș, un jurnalist de la ziarul Timișoara,

care a dispărut în iunie 2002.

3. eseul

I was bedding the title on the page and when I am thinking of what I have in mind and of what i

need to put on the paper, I start smiling.

Few are the people you can categorize as examples for others and instead of going to beginners

as I was distributted i asked to do Mrs’. Osman course because i see in her an example . When

she explained how the couse will be and which will be the expectations I knew that I can fold

this program. But as in life occur unforeseen things, unfortunately: in the first half i have lost

three weeks because i had facial paralysis, plus two weeks in which my boys have made

chickenpox and i had to take care of them. I see my colleagues progress in the course and that is

what i appreciate the most, but, as the teacher mentions, I have to catch up what I have missed

while I was detained due to illness. There's nothing to dislike in the practical course . Touching

all sorts of topics. I love the material work but what i love the most most is the way in which the

teacher interacts with all the students to get involved in class. The fact that every year she is

trying to adapt the materials in order to stimulate the students in a continuous learning process.

Also the portfolio themes that although are optional, students consider them essential in

developing articulation. For us, all this matter and help us to improve our oral communication.

Student-teacher communication is essential also for the teacher in order to assess students, but

more for the students in decreasing their inhibition in oral or written communication, in this

respect Ms. Osman works with the nonchalance of a leader that knows how to stimulate students

to be active and not just be present in his course.

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Although I don’t want to become a teacher, if I were, this kind of teacher I would like to be. I

think there isn’t a greater satisfaction for a teacher to see that he is chosen be he’s students and

that they give results after the method by which you teach.

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