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Titlu si Autor Editura/Data aparitiei


1 Barbatul meu, iubirea mea

MIRON/2001 In Anglia feudala, Elizabeth Montwright abia a scapat din masacrul care i-a nimicit familia si a surghiunit-o din castelul ei stramosesc. Hotaita sa se razbune, a intrat din nou calare pe poarta fortareþei, deghizata In þaranca... pentru a-i cere ajutorul lui Geoffrey Berkley, puternicul baron care-i alungase pe ucigasi. Geoffrey i-a ascultat rugaminþile, i-a refuzat cererile si a jurat sa-si seduca frumoasa supusa. Dar, In timp ce Elizabeth se Impotrivea mingiierilor razboinicului, In suflet i s-a Invapaiat dragostea pentru acest om galant care In curInd trebuia sa lupte pentru cauza ei... si sa-i captureze cutezatoarea inima!

2 Casatorie Aranjata

MIRON/2001 La porunca unui rege, s-au casatorit... dar adevaratul lor stapan avea sa fie pasiunea! Actiunea este plasata in Scotia, in jurul anului 1100 si ne prezinta povestea de dragoste dintre un mosier scotian, Alec Kinkaid si o tanara englezoaica, Jamie, casatoriti din porunca regelui, axandu-se pe relatia dintre cei doi, incercarile ei de adaptare la viata in Scotia, interactiunea cu membrii clanului, intalnirea cu regele, momente din intimitatea cuplului etc. O lectura placuta, cu note de umor, o care pe care o citesti cu usurinta.

3 Castele MIRON/2006

4 Crima din Dragoste

MIRON/2001 Subţire e linia dintre dorinţă şi obsesie dintre milă şi crimă...Cînd fascinantul magistrat din Departamentul Justiţiei, Theo Buchanan, se îmbolnăveşte într-o gară din New Orleans, doctoriţa Michelle Renard îşi dă toată silinţa să-i salveze viaţa. Cînd Michelle este luată la ochi de o bandă de criminali periculoşi, Theo începe o cursă nebunească să o apere.Clubul Semănătorilor este un cvartet de escroci, mînaţi de rapacitate să adune milioane într-un cont secret din bancă. Acum s-au hotărît s-o reducă la tăcere pe Michelle, care s-ar putea să cunoască secretul uciderii soţiei unuia dintre ei.Ferindu-se de un ucigaş profesionist de înaltă clasă şi o bandă de infractori abili, Michelle şi Theo străbat cărarea îngustă dintre supravieţuire şi pasiune.


5 Dansul Umbrei MIRON/2001 Prinsă într-un joc al pasiunii şi al trădării îl iubeşte pe singurul om de care ar trebui să se teamă...

6 Darul MIRON/2006 Darul e o carte ce contine o doza substantiala de umor, in special umor de situatie, ce o are ca si protagonista pe lady Sara , o tanara naiva si usor iresponsabila si pe Nathan, un lord englez cu care tanara se casatorise inca din copilarie, din dorinta regelui. Se revad dupa multi ani, ea fiind acum o tanara femeie, iar el ... renumitul pirat Pagan.

7 Doamna Leului MIRON/2006 Christina Bennett luase cu asalt inalta societate londoneza. Rapitoarea frumusete a pastrat secretul misteriosului ei trecut pina in noaptea cind Lyon, Marchiz de Lyonwood, i-a furat un sarut senzual. Nobilul arogant cu pasiuni de pirat a simtit gustul focului salbatic care mocnea sub farmecul rece al Christinei si a jurat s-a posede... Dar capricioasa si sfidatoarea Christina nu se lasa atit de usor cucerita. Stapina pe inima si pe averea ei, ea rezista mingiierilor senzuale ale lui Lyon. Nu indraznea sa cedeze dragostei lui... caci atunci, ar fi trebuit sa-si dezvalui secretul... si sa-si compromita destinul! frumoasa Christina a fost crescuta de un trib de indieni din america de nord care o invata toate tainele razboiului.....informatii utile pt ea atunci cand se intoarce in Anglia sa se razbune pe tatal ei..... dar pentru a reusi trebuie sa fie casatorita cu un barbat puternic, astfel ca il socheaza pe Marchizul de Lyonwood (cel mai dur, inspaimantator si atragator burlac al Angliei) cand il cere in casatorie......restul il veti sti citind cartea.....

8 Dorinta Rebela MIRON/2001 Un roman somptuos si uluitor despre mandrie si pasiune, intriga si iubire.


9 Dorinte Intunecate


10 Dragoste Ascunsa


11 Dragoste si Onoare

MIRON/2005 Memorabil si convingator... O poveste de dragoste de superba sensibilitate.Julie Garwood, creeaza o tapiserie tandra si bogata, cusuta din intrigi uluitoare, dulce razbunare si dragoste senzuala...

12 Flacarile Iubirii(Sizzle)


13 Foc si Gheata MIRON/2001

14 Ingerul Pazitor MIRON/20063

15 Iubirea e mai dulce primavara

MIRON/2007 Întotdeauna originale si imposibil de lasat din mîna, cartile ei ne dezvaluie emotii puternice si personaje încîntatoare, care ne tin cu rasuflarea taiata. Acum ne va vraji din nou cu cea mai miscatoare poveste a ei...

16 Muzica Umbrei MIRON/2001

17 Prada Regelui MIRON/2006 O poveste de dragoste minunata. In 1066 normanzii cuceresc Anglia. Lady Nicholaa este obligata sa se casatoreasca cu un baron normand pentru a-si mentine domnia.Insa este considerata o tradatoare de ceilalti saxoni cand se indragosteste de sotul sau.

18 Printul Fermecator

MIRON/2006 Aceasta minunata poveste de dragoste a autoarei de bestseller-uri Julie Garwood e plina de umorul, dulceata si senzualitatea care au facut din ea un nume de referinta in literatura romantica...

19 Rascumpararea MIRON/2007 Romanul ne poarta din Scotia în Anglia prin toata maiestatea glorioaselor zile medievale. Cu harul ei


special, Julie Garwood ne învaluie într-o poveste plina de loialitate, dragoste si romantism

14 Secretul MIRON/2005 Originale si imposibil de lasat din mana, cartile lui Julie Garwood ne dezvaluie emotii puternice si personaje incantatoare, care ne tin cu rasuflarea taiata. Acum, ne va vraji din nou, cu cea mai miscatoare poveste a ei.

Secretul e un historical-romance (sec. XI), avand-o ca si protagonista pe englezoaica Judith si pe mosierul Ian Maitland, care sunt legati de o iubire puternica, ce trece peste convenientele sociale, ce nu puteau accepta o casatorie intre un laird scotian si o englezoaica.

20 Sedusa si Indragostita

MIRON/2001 Aceasta minunata poveste de dragoste a autoarei de bestseller-uri Julie Garwood e plina de umorul, dulceata si senzualitatea care au facut din ea un nume de referinta in literatura romantica..."

21 Sfaramatorul de Inimi

MIRON/2008 "Intotdeauna oriniale si imposibil de lasat din mana, cartile ei ne dezvaluie emotii puternice si personaje incantatoare, care ne tin cu rasuflarea taiata."

22 Sotie pentru Altul

MIRON/2006 O poveste de dragoste din timpul Scotiei medievale, asa cum ne-a obisnuit Garwood. Lady Brenna este prinsa in mijlocul conflictului intre doi mosieri scotieni , ajungand sa fie rapita si casatorita cu Connor McAlister, desi fusese promisa lui McNare. In ciuda casatoriei lor precipitate, cei doi ajung sa se descopere reciproc si sa se indrageasca.

23 Trandafiri pentru Ea

MIRON/2000 Patru frati, avind cea mai proasta reputatie, gasesc o fetita abandonata in New York si se hotarasc sa o


creasca. Mary Rose este educata ca o doamna si cind un adevarat aristocrat vine in oras, se indragosteste de el. Dar el ii dezvaluie un secret care ameninta tot ce stia despre iubire, viata si chiar despre ea insasi. Va incerca sa-si gaseasca familia, sa-si afle trecutul. Dar la toate intrebarile va gasi raspuns numai daca isi va asculta inima.

24 Un Trandafir Alb

MIRON/2006 Douglas Clayborne n-ar fi intors niciodata spatele cuiva aflat la nevoie. In nenumarate rinduri, intoleranta lui fata de cruzimea de orice fel l-a facut un aparator al celor slabi... Ajuns la ferma Isabelei Grant pentru a lua magnificul armasar arab, pe care l-a cumparat, n-o poate abandona pe vulnerabila femeie, cind descopera pericolul care o ameninta. Douglas ii poate opri pe hoti sa-i fure ranch-ul si caii , dar n-o poate impiedica pe Isabel Grant sa-i fure inima...

25 Un Trandafir Rosu


26 Un Trandafir Roz

MIRON/2006 O poveste de dragoste romantica si senzuala.




1 The Bride 1102. By edict of the King, the mighty Scottish laird Alec Kincaid must take an English bride. His choice was Jamie, youngest daughter of Baron Jamison... a feisty, violet-eyed beauty. Alec ached to touch her, to tame her, to possess her... forever. But Jamie vowed never to surrender to this Highland barbarian.He was everything her heart warned against--an arrogant scoundrel whose rough good looks spoke of savage pleasures. And though Kincaid's scorching kisses fired her blood, she brazenly resisted him... until one rapturous moment quelled their clash of wills, and something far more dangerous than desire threatened to conquer her senses...

2 Castles England, 1819. Orphaned and besieged Princess Alesandra knew that only hasty marriage to an Englishman could protect her from the turmoil in her own land. To the amusement of her makeshift guardian, Sir Colin Hallbrook, younger brother of the Marquess of Caineswood, the bold raven-haired beauty instantly captivated London society. But when Alesandra was nearly abducted by her unscrupulous countrymen, the fighting instincts that won Colin a knighthood for valor were rekindled.Deceiving himself that he wanted only to protect her, Colin swept her into a union meant to be a marriage in name alone... yet Alesandra's tender first kiss and hesitant caress ignited a wildfire in his soul. As the lovely princess dashed headlong into unforeseen dangers, Colin would follow, knowing he must claim her as his own forever. Now he would risk life itself before he would lose this sweet, tempestuous angel....

3 Come the Spring

Cole Clayborne had always walked a dark path and flirted with a life of crime. While his three brothers chose to settle into married life, Cole rebelliously refused to be tied down. Now, an elusive stranger draws him into a shadowy chase that will bring unexpected turns to his uncertain future -- and may determine which side of the law the restless Cole favors.A tragic, heartbreaking loss drives U.S. Marshal Daniel Ryan on a quest for vengeance -- and leads him to a beautiful young woman, who may be the sole witness to a terrible crime. But the lawman finds that love is the greatest trial of all as he unwittingly draws her into the line of fire.

4 Fire and Ice Sophie Rose is a crime reporter at a major Chicago newspaper and the daughter of Bobby Rose, a charming gentleman and big-time thief. When asked to write an exposé about her notorious father, Sophie quits and goes to work at a small newspaper, covering local personalities such as William Harrington, the 5K runner whose trademark is red socks. Those socks -- with Sophie's business card tucked inside -- are practically all that's found after Harrington is killed near Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, seemingly in a brutal polar bear attack.Sophie heads north to investigate, but danger follows in her wake. After one attempt on her life, she's assigned brash buy sexy Jack MacAlister as a bodyguard. But Sophie and Jack will soon be fighting more than their growing passion for each other Powerful forces will stop at nothing to prevent the exposure of the sinister conspiracy Sophie and Jack are about to uncover.


5 For the Roses 1879. In Blue Belle, Montana, everyone knew better than to mess with the Claybornes. The brothers had once been a mismatched gang of street urchins -- until they found an abandoned baby girl in a New York city alley, named her Mary Rose, and headed west to raise her to be a lady. They became a family -- held together by loyalty and love if not by blood -- when suddenly they faced a crisis that threatened to tear them apart....Trouble came to town with one Lord Harrison Stanford MacDonald. Armed with a swagger and six-shooter, he cut a striking figure -- but it soon became apparent to Mary Rose that he was too much of a gentleman to make it in her rough-and-tumble town. She asked her brothers to teach him the basics of frontier survival, which he acquired with ease. And soon he possessed a deep and desperate love for Mary Rose. She returned his affection wholeheartedly... until MacDonald revealed a secret that challenged everything she believed about herself, her life, and her newfound love. Now her search for identity and meaning would begin, raising questions that could only be answered if she listened to the truth within her heart....

6 The Gift The third book in the Crown's Spies seriesEngland, 1816. A child bride, Lady Sara Winchester had grown into a winsome beauty, joyfully anticipating the day when her husband, Lord Nathanial Clayton, Marquess of St. James, would return to claim her at last. Charmingly innocent, she dismissed the ancient feud that divided her and Nathan's families... and she was totally unaware of his past exploits as the notorious pirate, Pagan. The man who now stood before her was perplexing, arrogant and powerfully handsome... a warrior-gentleman whose gentle touch aroused her to the wildest, deepest pleasures of love...Nathan had never bared his soul to any woman, but he was soon beguiled and exasperated by Sara's sweet, defiant ways. Aboard his ship, The Seahawk, she was brave, imperious and determined to win his heart completely... yet upon their return to England, her love would be sorely tested as a most desperate conspiracy sundered them from one another. Now as their future trembled in the balance, they would discover the true destiny of their passion... for all time!

7 A Girl Nomed Summer

A little lie can get her in lots of trouble.A little lie never hurt anyone. That's what Summer Matthews thought when she met David Marshall and fell in love. Summer would do anything for David, including letting him believe something about herself that isn't true. When Summer finds out that David admires girl athletes, she decides to compete in a six-mile race to impress him, even though she's never raced before. Behind David's back, she begins a rigorous training schedule, and two months later, her plan seems to be working. She's ready for the big race.But then David tells Summer the only thing he can't stand is being lied to. What will happen if he finds out about Summer's lie? Will all her hard work have been for nothing?


8 Guardian Angel The second book in the Crown's Spies seriesThe Emerald flew across the seas, its black hull teasing the waves, its sails whipping on the wind. Aboard was the pirate Pagan--despised by the ton, whose riches this scoundrel plundered: beloved by the poor, whose plight was eased by the pirate's gifts.England, 1815. The Marquess of Cainewood vows to hunt down the pirate wretch in revenge for his brother's death. But when Jade Hawthorn Baker, an enchanting vision of rippling red hair and eyes of fire-green, appears at his door to beg desperately for his protection, the Marquess agrees to keep her safe from the villains who want her dead. Jade is infuriating, exasperating and gorgeous; Caine is noble, strong-willed and powerful. No woman has ever befuddled him so, nor so deeply roused his desire. But as Jade responds to his knowing caresses with an innocent, wild abandon, they are drawn into a web of treachery that will test the very heart of their love!

9 Heartbreaker Bless me father, for I will sin....In the still shadows of the confessional, a madman tauntingly reveals his plan for a murder he is going to commit, pulling Father Thomas Madden into a twisted game by disclosing his next intended victim: Tom's sister, Laurant. In a frantic race to protect her, Tom calls upon his best friend. elite FBI agent Nick Buchanan, to track the predator who is closing in on Laurant. Now, as an electrifying attraction grows between Laurant and Nick, so does the danger--and one false move will cost both of them everything that matters.

10 Honor's Splendour

1099. In the feuding English court, gentle Lady madelyn suffered the cruel whims of her ruthless brother, Baron Louddon. Then, in vengeance for a bitter crime, Baron Duncan of Wexton -- the Wolf -- unleased his warriors against Louddon's main. Exquisite Madelyne was the prize he captured ... but when he gazed upon the proud beauty, he pledged to protect her with his life. In his rough-hewn castle, Cuncan proved true to his honor. But when at last their noble passion conquered them both, she surrendered with all her soul. Now, for love, Madelyn would stand fast ... as bravely as her Lord, the powerful Wolf who fought for Honor's Splendour.

11 The Ideal Man Dr. Ellie Sullivan has just completed her residency at a large urban hospital. While jogging in a park nearby, she witnesses the shooting of an FBI agent in pursuit of wanted criminals, a couple identified as the Landrys. The only person to see the shooter's face, Ellie is suddenly at the center of a criminal investigation.Agent Max Daniels takes over the Landry case. A no-nonsense lawman, he's definitely not the ideal man that Ellie has always imagined, yet she's attracted to him in a way she can't explain.Ellie heads home to Winston Falls, South Carolina, to attend her sister's wedding. Shortly after she arrives, though, she receives a surprise visitor: Max Daniels. The Landrys have been captured, and she'll be called to testify. But they've been captured before, and each time the witnesses are scared into silence-or disappear before they can take the stand. Max vows to be Ellie's shadow until the trial, and it isn't long before sparks fly.


12 Killjoy Her razor-sharp mind and ability to decipher evidence have made Avery Delaney an expert crime analyst for the FBI. Now she will have to use every one of her skills on a case that hits painfully close to home.Avery's beloved aunt Carolyn was on her way to a posh spa in the Colorado mountains. But she never arrived. Now, with scant clues and fewer resources, Avery must track down Carolyn -- and outmaneuver a brilliant killer named Monk who is part of an elaborate plot of madness and lethal vengeance.

13 The Lion Lady The first book in the Crown's Spies series1810. She has taken London society by storm. Christina Bennett... the ravishing beauty with the mysterious past. Rumor whispers she is a princess from a far-off kingdom on the continent. But only she holds the secret --until the night Lord Alexander Michael Phillips, Marquis of Lyonwood, steals a searching, sensuous kiss. A proud, arrogant nobleman with a pirate's passions, he tastes the wild fire smoldering beneath Christina's cool charm and swears to possess her before he is done...But Lyon soon discovers that his dream of conquest will not be easily satisfied. The feisty and defiant Christina has no fear of him--or of any other man. She alone is master of her heart, mistress of her fortune. And though Lyon's hungry caresses dizzy her senses though his fierce embrace arouses her desire... she will not surrender to his love. For if she does, she must also forsake at last her precious secret--and her promised destiny!

14 Mercy Garwood takes readers into New Orleans' exclusive Garden District and the backwoods of Louisiana's mysterious bayou country in an unforgettable novel of passion and suspense that cuts straight to the heart.When esteemed Justice Department attorney Theo Buchanan is struck ill at a New Orleans gala, Dr. Michelle Renard works fast to save his life. Soon, Theo finds himself in a race to save her when Michelle is targeted by a deadly crime ring. They call themselves the Sowing Club, a devious foursome driven by greed to accumulate millions in a secret bank account. Now, they're dead set on silencing Michelle, who might know the secret behind the mercy killing of one of their wives. Dodging a world-class hit man and a band of cunning criminals, Michelle and Theo walk a narrow path between passion and survival.

15 Murder List Hotel heiress Regan Hamilton Madison is flirting with danger. She agrees to help a journalist friend expose Dr. Lawrence Shields, a shady self-help guru who may have been responsible for the death of one of his vulnerable devotees. Hoping to find some damning evidence, Regan attends a Shields seminar, where the doctor has his guests make a list of the people who hays hurt or angered them over the years and asks: Would your world be a better place if these people ceased to exist? Treating the exercise as a game, Regan plays along.The experience is all but forgotten--until the first person on Regan's list turns up dead. Shock turns to horror when another name from her list surfaces as a corpse. While brutal murders seem to stalk Regan's every move, her attraction to the detective assigned to protect her grows. As the menace intensifies and a serial killer circles, Regan must discover who has turned her private revenge fantasies into grisly reality.


16 One Pink Rose Travis Clayborne may be the youngest of the Clayborne brothers, but he's most definitely his own man. Unless it means saying no to his beloved Mama Rose. And that's why Travis is escorting young Bostonian Emily Finnegan to Golden Crest, Montana -- where she'll discover what awaits her as a mail-order bride. Emily has made it perfectly clear that she's taken charge of her destiny and nothing is going to interfere. Falling in love with the perfect stranger isn't part of her plan, but the journey with Travis across this beautiful, rugged land opens her eyes ... and her heart. Perhaps her destiny isn't exactly as she imagined.

17 One Red Rose THE CLAYBORNES ARE BACK -- AND LOVE IS IN BLOOM! Adam Clayborne has always put great stock in the power of books. As an escaped slave -- and a wanted man -- reading has been his only ticket to the wonders of distant lands. Adam is content with his life as a confirmed bachelor, which is why Mama Rose has summoned the irresistible Genevieve Delacroix to Montana. Also a former slave, Genevieve shares his dream of seeing the world, but she arrives to find Adam unfailingly polite...and just as distant. Undaunted, Genevieve determines to teach Adam what he'll never learn from a book -- that true freedom only comes when you open your heart.

18 One White Rose

Douglas Clayborne will never turn his back on anyone in need, and everyone in Blue Belle knows it. Time and again, his intolerance of cruelty of any kind has made him a champion of the defenseless ... but his quiet strength faces its ultimate battle when he meets Isabel Grant. He arrives at her ranch to pick up the magnificent Arabian stallion he's purchased, but he cannot leave the vulnerable woman behind when he discovers the danger that threatens her. Convincing the stubborn, strong-willed beauty that she needs him is another matter. Douglas can stop the men from stealing her ranch and her horses, but he cannot stop Isabel Grant from stealing his heart.

19 Prince Charming

1868. Only her beloved grandmother, Lady Esther, knew how devastated Taylor Stapleton had been when her fiance eloped with Taylor's cousin, Jane. Now that good lady -- one of London's richest and most formidable matriarchs -- lay dying. But first she was going to help Taylor pull off the scam of the season.To escape becoming a ward of her unscrupulous uncle, Taylor would wed Lucas Ross, a rugged American rancher, Lady Esther's money would enable Ross to bring his youngest half-brother home to Montana. Taylor had her own urgent reason to go to America ... a precious legacy she hadn't revealed to Ross, for they had agreed to go their separate ways once they reached Boston. But as her handsome new husband spoke of life in Montana, Taylor begn planning a new future. To Taylor, the wide-open spaces of Montana sounded like paradise....

20 The Prize 1066. In the resplendence of William the Conqueror's London court, the lovely Saxon captive Lady Nicholaa was forced to choose a husband from the assembled Norman nobles. She chose Royce, a baron warrior whose fierce demeanor could not conceal his chivalrous and tender heart. A resourceful, rebellious and utterly naive, Nicholaa vowed to bend Royce to her will despite the whirlwind of feelings he aroused in her. Ferocious in battle, seasoned in passion, Royce was surprised by the depth of his emotion whenever he caressed his charming bride.In a climate of utmost treachery, where Saxons still intrigued against their Norman invaders, Royce and


Nicholaa revelled in their precious new love... a fervent bond soon to be disrupted by the call of blood, kin and country!

21 Ransom In the dark days after the death of Richard the Lionhearted, lives and lands would fall into upheaval at the hands of a power-hungry British ruler and his violent minions. One victim of the scourge is innocent Gillian, who is a mere child when the cruel and ambitious Baron Alford slaughters her father and tears her family apart. Alford, determined to recover a jeweled box for the despotic King John, is furious when the precious treasure slips through his fingers -- only to be lost for more than a decade.Now a beautiful young woman, Gilllian finds the key to resolving her past in handsome Scottish chieftains Ramsey Sinclair and Brodick Buchanan. With the cunning and courage of the daring Scotsmen, and with the friendship of a new ally, Bridgid KirkConnell, Gillian at last fights the unscrupulous Baron Alford, laying claim to her home, her family, and her father's reputation. But in the presence of the mighty warriors, Gillian and Bridgid discover that desire can be a weapon of conquest ... betrayal can slay trust in a heartbeat ... and the greatest risk of all is surrender -- to the deep emotions of unexpected love.

22 Saving Grace England, thirteenth-century. A woman determined to fight for her freedom... a woman whose life would be transformed by the rare, unexpected gift of love.When Lady Johanna learned that she was a widow, she vowed she would never marry again. Only sixteen, already she possessed a strength of will that impressed all who looked past her golden-haired beauty. Yet when King John demanded that she remarry and selected a bridegroom for her--it seemed she must acquiesce, until her beloved foster brother suggested she wed his friend, the handsome Scottish warrior Gabriel MacBain.At first Johanna was shy, but as Gabriel tenderly revealed the splendid pleasures they would share, she came to suspect that she was falling in love with her gruff new husband. And it was soon apparent to the entire Highlands clan that their brusque, gallant laird had surrendered his heart completely. But now a desperate royal intrigue threatened to tear her from his side--and to destroy the man whose love meant more to her than she had ever dreamed!

23 The Secret Judith Hampton was as beautiful as she was proud, as purposeful as she was loyal. The dear Scottish friend of her childhood was about to give birth, and Judith had promised to be at her side. But there was another, private reason for the journey from her bleak English home to the Highlands: to meet the father she had never known, the Laird Maclean...Nothing prepared her for the sight of the Scottish barbarian who was to escort her into his land...Iain Maitland, Laird of his clan, a man more powerfully compelling than any she had ever encountered.In a clash of spirited wills and customs, Judith reveled in the melting bliss of Iain's searching kisses, his passionate caresses. Perplexed by her sprightly defiance, bemused by her tender nature, Iain felt his soul growing into the light and warmth of her love. Surely nothing would wrench her from the affection and trust of Iain and his clan...not even the truth about her father, a devastating secret that could shatter the boldest alliance, and the most glorious of loves!


24 Shadow Dance A sexy, suspenseful, utterly spellbinding story that blends centuries-old Scottish intrigue with a heart-stopping modern-day scavenger hunt. With her beauty, smarts, and success as a high-tech entrepreneur, Jordan Buchanan should be enjoying life to the hilt. Instead, she's watching as her best friend gets hitched, her family makes headlines, and her brother blazes through his FBI career with a partner who scores with every woman he meets. But for Jordan, everything changes when she is told a fantastic story about her family's ancient feud, dating back to medieval Scotland. Suddenly, a woman who has spent more quality time with her laptop than with any man is caught up in a lethal mystery--and in a knee-buckling relationship with FBI agent and old friend Noah Clayborne.

25 Shadow Music Prized for her exquisite beauty, Princess Gabrielle of St. Biel, the daughter of one of England's most influential barons, is a perfect bargaining chip for a king who needs peace in the Highlands: King John has arranged Gabrielle's marriage to a good and gentle laird. But this marriage will never take place.Upon her arrival in Scotland, Gabrielle is immediately entangled in Highland intrigue, as a battle royal flares between enemies old and new. For two sadistic noblemen, underestimating Gabrielle's bravery and prowess may prove fatal. Colm MacHugh, the most feared man in Scotland, makes no such mistakes about the captivating princess. Under his penetrating gaze, neither Gabrielle's body nor her heart is safe.

26 Sizzle Lyra Prescott, a Los Angeles film student, is closing in on graduation and facing important decisions about her future. She's already been offered a job at her hometown TV station, an opportunity that could ultimately launch her dream career as a film editor. But heading back home would also mean dealing with her overprotective brothers, social-climbing mother, and eccentric grandmother. Unsure of her future, Lyra dives into work on her final school assignment: a documentary transformed by a twist of fate into a real-life horror film.After she unwittingly captures a shocking crime on camera, a rash of mysterious, treacherous incidents convince Lyra that she's trapped in a sinister scenario headed for a violent ending. Running scared, she turns to her best friend, Sidney Buchanan, whose connections bring dauntless and devilishly handsome FBI agent Sam Kincaid into Lyra's life. As the noose of deadly intrigue tightens and the feelings between them deepen, Lyra and Sam must place their faith in each other's hands - and stand together against the malevolent forces about to break loose.

27 Slow Burn An unpretentious beauty who radiates kindness, Kate MacKenna doesn't have a bad bone in her body--or an enemy in the world. So why are bombs igniting everywhere she goes? The first explosion brings her face-to-face with a handsome Charleston police detective. The second one sends her into the arms of her best friend's brother--a Boston cop who's a little too reckless and way too charming for comfort. But Dylan Buchanan won't let emotion prevent him from doing his job: Someone is trying to kill Kate, and Dylan is the only one standing between her and the monster who wants her dead.


28 The Wedding 1119. Journeying from England to Scotland to wed a highlander, Lady Brenna had resigned herself to the arranged match. But when a band of fierce, painted warriors captured her en route, she fearlessly met their demand to marry their leader -- the quick-tempered laird Connor MacAlister. She couldn't know that her capture was merely the first act of vengeance against her betrothed, Connor's sworn enemy.Brenna harbored no illusions that her husband was in love with her; after a hasty forest wedding, MacAlister assured her she could return home once she had borne him a son. But she could not deny that she had once proposed to MacAlister -- ten years ago, when she was just a child, and the visitor to her father's castle charmed her with his dazzling, unexpected smile. Now, as she sets out to win the brave chieftain whom she has come to adore, a legacy of revenge ensnares Brenna in a furious clan war -- and only her faith in her gallant hero can save her....

29 Gentle Warrior IN FEUDAL ENGLAND, THE NOBLE ELIZABETH WAS TRAPPED IN HER OWN CASTLE-SUBJECT TO A PASSIONATE LORD!1086, England. Lady Elizabeth Catherine Montwright barely escaped the bloody massacre that destroyed her family and exiled her from their ancestral castle. Bent on revenge, disguised as a peasant, she rode again through the fortress gates-to seek aid from Lord Geoffrey William, the powerful baron Berkley who had routed the murderers.He heard her pleas, resisted her demands, and vowed to seduce his beautiful subject. Yet even as she fought the warrior's caresses, love flamed for this handsome man who would champion her cause, restore her fortunes and rule her spirited heart forever!

30 Rebellious Desire

CAROLINE WAS THE TOAST OF LONDON, YET SHE DESIRED BUT ONE SUITOR -- A DASHING LORD TOO PROUD FOR LOVE!Of all the dukes in England, Jered Marcus Benton, the Duke of Bradford, was the wealthiest, most handsome -- and most arrogant. And of all London's ladies, he wanted the tender obedience of only one -- Caroline Richmond.She was a stunning beauty from Boston, with a mysterious past and a fiery spirit. Drawn to the powerful duke by his bold passion, she vowed to tame his presumptuous airs and win his lasting love. But Bradford would bend to no woman -- until a murderous plot drew them into a mystery they must solve, a trust they must keep, and a loving tenderness that must end their willful battle!








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