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Page 1: Introducere ghid


Pe data de 9 mai este sarbatorita Ziua Europei, de catre toate

tarile Uniunii Europene, aceasta zi fiind considerata punctul de

pornire al constructiei europene.

Pe 9 mai 1950 ministrul de externe al Frantei, Robert Schuman,

propunea un plan bazat pe o idee cat se poate de simpla: punerea

sub control comun a industriilor de razboi ale Frantei si Germaniei

astfel incat nici unul dintre aceste state sa nu se poata pregati de

razboi. La aceasta idee au aderat imediat si Italia, Belgia, Olanda si


Succesul acestui proiect rezida din afirmarea valorilor europene

comune de pace, progres si solidaritate. In prezent obiectivul major al

Uniunii este sa construiasca o Europa care sa respecte libertatea si

identitatea tuturor popoarelor care o alcatuiesc. Europa va putea sa

isi controleze destinul si sa joace un rol important in lume numai

unindu-si popoarele.

Tarile fondatoare ale Uniunii Europene Sunt: Franta, Germania,

Olanda, Belgia, Luxemburg si Italia insa numarul statelor membre a

crescut in mai multe etape. In 1973 s-au alaturat Marea Britanie,

Irlanda si Danemarca, in 1981 Grecia, iar Spania si Portugalia in anul

1986. In 1995 numarul membrilor a ajuns la 15 prin includerea

Austriei, Finlandei si Suediei. Un val de extindere fara precedent are

loc la 1 mai 2004 cand 10 state adera la Uniune: Cipru, Estonia,

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Letonia, Lituania, Malta, Poloniaa, Republica Ceha, Slovacia,

Slovenia si Ungaria.

La 26 mai 1986, drapelul albastru cu 12 stele a devenit drapelul

oficial al Comunitatii Europene. Stelele, care reprezinta popoarele

Europei, formeaza un cerc, simbol al Uniunii. Numarul lor, invariabil

12, simbolizeaza perfectiunea si plenitudinea. Numarul stelelor

nefiind legat de numarul statelor, drapelul nu va fi modificat cu ocazia

extinderilor viitoare ale Uniunii.

“Oda bucuriei” a fost adoptata ca imn european in iunie 1985 la


La 1 ianuarie 1999 euro a devenit moneda unica europeana.

Incepand cu 4 mai 2000 Europa are si o deviza “Unitate in


Romania si Bulgaria au reusit, dupa eforturi considerabile, sa

intre in marea familie europeana la 1 ianuaria 2007.

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On May 9, all European countries celebrate Europe’s Day,

which is considered the starting point for the European construction.

On May 9, 1950 France’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Robert

Schuman, suggested a plan based on a simple idea: placing under

common control the war industries of France and Germany so that

neither one of these countries could secretly prepare for war. The

idea was immediately embraced by Italy, Belgium, Holand and


The success of the project consists in the statement of common

european values such as peace, progress and solidarity. Today, the

main objective of the Union is to buid an Europe which respects the

liberty and identity of all countries that form it. Europe can control it’s

destiny and can play an important role only by unitting it’s nations.

The founding countries of the European Union are: France,

Germany, Holland, Belgium, Italy and Luxemburg but the number of

the members increased in seversl stages. In 1973 Great Britain,

Ireland and Danemark joined in, in 1981 Greece, then Spain and

Portugal in 1986. in 1995 the number of the members reached 15 by

including Austria, Finland and Sweden. An important extension wave

took place on May 1, 2004 when 10 countries joined the Union: Cipru,

Estonia, Letonia, Lituania, Malta, Polland, the Czech Republic,

Slovacia, Slovenia and Hungary.

On May 26, 1986, the blue flag with 12 stars became the official

flag of the European Community. The stars, which represent

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Europe’s nations, form a cyrcle, the symbol of union. Their number,

always 12, symbolises perfection and plenitude. The number of the

stars, not being related to the number of the countries, the flag will

not be modified during future extensions of the Union.

“The ode of joy” was adopted as European anthem on July

1985 I Milano.

On January 1, 1999, euro became the official european


Starting with May 4, 2000 Europe also has a motto: “Unity in


Romania and Bulgaria succeded, after considerable efforts, to

join the great European family, on January 1, 2007.

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