  • 8/12/2019 Intrebari - Instructiuni - Ambasada


    Comportament Serioi Vorbii n oapt Fr glume prosteti Fr micri brute Comportaiv normal Ascultai atent indicaiile primite. Nu stai n faa ambasadei.

    Instruciuni AmbasadaPrezentele instruciuni sunt pentru studenii participani la programul Summer Work&Travel. Reprezint indicaii privind procedura detrecere la ambasada. Materialul este strict confidenial.

    1. Despre programul Summer Work&TravelAcesta reprezint un program de schimb cultural pentru studeni oferit de Departamentul de Stat al SUA. Ofer posibilitatea de a cunoate oamenii americani. De a obine experin de lucru.De a cunoate noi prieteni. De a cltori ivizita locurile pitoreti.O modalitatea excelent pentru afirmare i dezvoltare personal. Autoritile americane susin acestprogram pentru c studenii cnd se ntorc aduc un aport considerabil dezvoltrii societii i economi ei naionale. Totodat

    autoritile accentueaz c natura programului este una cultural i NU de a face bani.

    2. Despre viza J1 nclcarea termenelor vizei i ederea peste termen este ILEGAL ! DAC VEI NCLCA REGIMUL DE VIZ TU I RUDELE TALE NU


    NU se prelungete. NUse schimb n alt statut.

    3. n ziua interviului la AmbasadCe vei avea cu tine n ziua interviului

    o Buletin Identitateo Carnet de studento Alte documente: CV, Recomandation Letter, Cover LetterCum te vei mbrca:Bieii ngrijit, ras, pieptnat, curat Fr costum sportiv Top: Cma, Pulover, Sacou,Pantaloni,Pantofi Scoatei cerceii, piercing-ul, inele brtri Acoperii tatuajeleFetele

    ngrijit, pieptnat, curat, Parfum foarte uor

    De dorit machiaj redus. Fr costum sportiv Fr fust scurt Top: Cma, Pulover, Geac, Rochie etc Bottom:Pantaloni,Fust,Tocuri medii Scoatei cerceii, piercing-ul, inele, Acoperii tatuajele

    Cum voi trece ambasada?

    1. Venii cu 30 min nainte2. Venii lng Casa Naiunii3. V aranjai n rnd dup cum suntei numii 4. Intrai la indicaiile ofierului de la intrare5. Trecei prin detectorul de metale6. Trecei controlul celui de-al doilea ofier7. V aezai pe scaun.Nu vorbii cu ali studeni8. Ascultai atent cnd strig numele.9. Mergei lejer ctre cabina de interviu 10. Ascultai atent ce zice consulul11. Plasai degetele pentru scanare12. Ascultai atent ntrebrile consului. El nu le va repeta 13. Rspundei clar, concis. Nu dai rspunsuri neadecvate14. Nu repetai ntrebarea.15. Refuz: V ntoarce paaportul16. Accept: Pasaportul il primiti la agentie17. Nu strigai de bucurie, cadei n genunchi, sarutatiflagul etc.

    Ascultai indicaiile reprezentatunului. Mergei la oficiu.18. Mergeti si procurati biletul avia de la Oficiul Puskin 35. Bafta!

    Regula Fr Fr rude, prieteni, cunoscui Fr instruciuni i ntrebri Fr obiecte electronice: mobil, ipod, player,

    gadget etc

    Fr obiecte metalice Fr bijuterii scumpe Fr arme

    Fr pancarde politice i lozinci Anti-Bush

    Amabasada:A.Mateevici 103

  • 8/12/2019 Intrebari - Instructiuni - Ambasada


    Lista de ntrebriAceasta etap este una foarte important de aceea pregtii-v bine. Lista include cele mai frecvente ntrebri.Studiai foarte bine site-ul organizatiei sponsor, materiale primite, contractul de munc, informaia despre program.

    About your STUDIES:

    1. Where do you study? Whats your major?Why did you choose this major?2. Why did choose to study (your major)? Do you like? What is favorite object(teacher)? Why do you have this... mark?3. What you will do when you graduate the university?4. Who is you dean, rector, teacher for...?5. Have you passed all your exams? What mark do you have at ...?6. When do you graduate the university? What year of study are you are now?7. When do you begin your classes?About your JOB:

    8. When do you want/need to start your job in the US?9. What will you work? What will be your duties? What salary will you have?10. What job are you going to have in the US? Why did you choose this job?11. Where are you going to work in the US? Address? Company? Employer? Phone number?12. Where are you going to stay in the US? What are the conditions for housing?13. What will you do if you have problems with your boss at work in the US?14. Who is your sponsor? What infomation he has to offer to you?15. Who is your recruiting agency? Whats the address?16. Will you be the only person that will have this job offer? Who is coming with you?17. What jobs are not allowed in USA?About your USA TRIP:

    18. How long are you going to stay in the US? Where do you have to fly? How will you reach your employer?19. When will you leave USA? When will you come back to Moldova?20. Who gives you money for the trip? Who pays for your trip?21. How much have you paid for the program? how much to plan ti earne this summer?22. Why do you want to go to the USA? What is the purpose of your visit in USA?23. What is the most important thing for you that you want to obtain from this program?24. How this experience will help you in your future? What will you do after you come back to Moldova?25.

    Whe will you come back? When do you have to start the school?

    About YOURSELF:

    26. Have you ever been abroad? Where & when? What is favorite country? Why?27. Do you have a job? Do you work right now? If yes, where do you work & whats your job?28. Is it a full-time or a part-time employment? What is your income?29. What are your hobbies or what are you doing in your free time.30. Can you describe yourself? How can you characterize yourself? Can you describe your hometown? What are your plans ?31. How long have you been learning English? Where? Did you take any courses?32. Have you got any medical restrictions? Do you have medical problems? Are you on medication? Do you have any chronic


    33. Have you ever been charged with anything in Moldova or abroad?34. Give me a reason why youll come back home after the program will finish?

    About your FAMILY :

    35. Do you live with your parents? Why? Why not?36. Are you married? Do you have children?37. Have you got brothers or sisters? Are they participating in any exchange program?38. Do you have friends or relatives abroad? Have they been to USA before?39. What do your parents/husband/wife think about your participation in the program?40. What is your parents/husband/wife (annual) income? How much do your parents earn? Where do your parents work?IMPORTANT: Studiai foarte bine Broura pe care o ve-i primi la orientarea nainte de interviu. La interviul de viza vor fi multe

    ntrebri din aceast broura !

    Question from brochure:

    41. Name your rights as SWT Participant?42. What are the organization that can help you if you are mistreated? What are the phone numbers where you can call?43. For what visa do you apply? What are the most important documents?44. What your employer can not force you to do? What will you do in case you are abused?45. What steps should you take when preparing to go to USA? What do you have to do mandatory when you will reach USA?

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