Download - Formal Letter


Honourable Vice President,

1. Va propun structura acestea - ADICA CUM SE ZICE IN ROMANA, APOI IN ENGLEZA , sfat


Stimate Domnule Presedinte,Dear Mr. President,Foarte formal, destinatarul ocupa o functie care trebuie folosita in locul numelui

Stimate Domnule,Dear Sir,Formal, destinatar de sex masculin cu nume necunoscut

Stimata Doamna,Dear Madam,Formal, destinatar de sex feminin cu nume necunoscut

Stimate Domnul/Doamna,Dear Sir / Madam,Formal, necunoscand numele si sexul destinatarului

Stimati Domni,Dear Sirs,Formal, cand ne adresam mai multor oameni necunoscuti sau unui intreg departament

In atentia cui este interesat,To whom it may concern,Formal, nestiind sexul si numele destinatarului/destinatarilor

Stimate Domnule Popescu,Dear Mr. Smith,Formal, destinatar de sex masculin al carui nume il cunoastem

Stimata Doamna Popescu,Dear Mrs. Smith,Formal, avand ca destinatar o doamna al carei nume il cunoastem

Stimata Domnisoara Ionescu,Dear Miss Smith,Formal, avand ca destinatar o domnisoara al carei nume il cunoastem

Stimata Doamna Popescu,Dear Ms. Smith,Formal, avand ca destinatar o femeie al carei nume il cunoastem dar nu ii cunoastem starea civila

Draga Andreea Popescu,Dear John Smith,Mai putin formal, destinatarul este o persoana cu care am mai colaborat

Draga Mihai,Dear John,Informal, catre un prieten, relativ rar

Va scriem cu privire la...We are writing to you regardingaFormal, pentru a te adresa in numele intregii companii

Va scriem in legatura cu...We are writing in connection with ...Formal, pentru a te adresa in numele intregii companii

In legatura cu...Further toaFormal, pentru a va adresa in legatura cu un produs al companiei

Referitor la...With reference toaFormal, pentru a te adresa in legatura cu un produs al companiei

Va scriu pentru a va intreba despre...I am writing to enquire aboutaMai putin fomal, pentru a te adresa in nume personal ca reprezentant al companiei

Va scriu in numele...I am writing to you on behalf of...Formal, cand scriem in numele altcuiva

Compania Dumneavoasta ne-a fost recomandata cu caldura de...Your company was highly recommended bya Formal, formula politicoasa de adresare

E-Mail : Continut

V-ar deranja daca...Would you mind ifaSolicitate formala, tentativa

Ati fi atat de amabil incat sa...Would you be so kind as toaSolicitate formala, tentativa

V-as fi profund indatorat daca...I would be most obliged ifaSolicitate formala, tentativa

Am aprecia foarte mult daca ati putea sa ne trimiteti informatii mai detaliate despre...We would appreciate it if you could send us more detailed information aboutaSolicitate formala, foarte politicos

V-as ramane profund indatorat daca...I would be grateful if you could...Solicitate formala, foarte politicos

Ati putea va rog sa imi trimiteti...Would you please send meaSolicitate formala, politicos

Suntem interesati in a obtine/primi...We are interested in obtaining/receivingaSolicitate formala, politicos

As dori sa stiu daca...I must ask you whether...Solicitate formala, politicos

Imi puteti recomanda...Could you recommendaSolicitate formala, direct

Trimiteti-mi si mie va rog...Would you please send meaSolicitate formala, direct

Sunteti solicitat de urgenta sa...You are urgently requested toaSolicitate formala, foarte direct

V-am ramane recunoscatori daca...We would be grateful ifaSolicitare formala, politicos, in numele intregii companii

Care este lista dumneavoastra curenta de preturi pentru...What is your current list price foraSolicitare formala specifica, direct

Ne am vrea sa aflam...We are interested in ... and we would like to know ...Solicitari formale, direct

Am inteles din reclama dvs. ca produceti...We understand from your advertisment that you produceaSolicitari formale, direct

Intentia noastra este sa...It is our intention toaDeclararea intentiilor formal si direct

Am analizat amanuntit propunerea dvs. si...We carefully considered your proposal andaFormal, exprimarea unei decizii legate de o chestiune ce tine de afaceri

Va aducem la cunostinta faptul ca din pacate...We are sorry to inform you thataFormal, respingerea unei propuneri de afaceri sau exprimarea dezinteresului fata de o oferta.

Atasamentul este in formatul...The attachment is in...Formal, detaliere legata de programul pe care ar trebui sa-l foloseasca destinatarul pentru a deschide atasamentul

Nu am putut deschide atasamentul mesajului dumneavoastra. Antivirusul meu a detectat un virus.I could not open your attachment this morning. My virus-checker program detected a virus.Formal, direct, detaliere a unei probleme legata de un atasament

Imi cer scuze pentru faptul ca nu am raspuns atat de tarziu dar, din cauza unei greseli de tastare, mail-ul trimis dumneavoastra mi-a fost returnat ca fiind directionat catre un utilizator necunoscut.I apologise for not forwarding the message sooner, but due to a typing error your mail was returned marked "user unknown".Formal, politicos

Pentru informatii suplimentare va rugam sa vizitati site-ul nostru la adresa...For further information please consult our website ataFormal, cand va promovati site-ul

E-Mail : Incheieri

In cazul in care mai aveti nevoie de informatii suplimentare va rog sa ma contactati.If you need any additional assistance, please contact me.Formal, foarte politicos

In cazul in care mai aveti nevoie de informatii suplimentare va rugam sa ne contactati.If we can be of any further assistance, please let us know.Formal, foarte politicos

Va multumesc anticipat...Thanking you in advanceaFormal, foarte politicos

In cazul in care doriti informatii suplimentare va rog sa nu ezitati sa ma contactati.Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.Formal, foarte politicos

V-as ramane profund indatorat in cazul in care ati analiza problema cat mai curand.I would be most grateful if you would look into this matter as soon as possible.Formal, foarte politicos

Va rog sa imi raspundeti cat mai curand deoarece...Please reply as soon as possible becausea Formal, politicos

In cazul in care aveti nevoie de informatii suplimentare ma puteti contacta.If you require any further information, feel free to contact me.Formal, politicos

Anticipez cu incredere posibilitatea de a lucra impreuna.I look forward to the possibility of working together.Formal, politicos

Multumesc pentru ajutorul oferit.Thank you for your help in this matter.Formal, politicos

Anticipez cu nerabdare o discutie pe aceasta tema.I look forward to discussing this with you.Formal, direct

Daca aveti nevoie de informatii suplimentare...If you require more information ...Formal, direct

Apreciem modul dumneavoastra de a face afaceri.We appreciate your business.Formal, direct

Va rog sa ma contactati - numarul meu direct de telefon este...Please contact me - my direct telephone number isaFormal, foarte direct

Anticipez cu placere un raspuns.I look forward to hearing from you soon.Mai putin formal, politicos

Cu stima,Yours faithfully,Formal, numele destinatarului fiind necunoscut

Cu sinceritate,Yours sincerely,Formal, foarte raspandit, cunoscand numele destinatarului

Cu respect,Respectfully yours,Formal, nu foarte raspandit, cunoscand numele destinatarului

Toate cele bune,Kind/Best regards,Informal, intre parteneri de afaceri care se adreseaza folosind numele mic

Cu bine,Regards,Informal, intre parteneri de afaceri care colaboreaza des

Care e cea mai buna formula de incheiere pentru o scrisoare formala, in engleza?

Intr-o scrisoara business este fff important sa stabilesti un raport corect, adica sa nu fiti umil cand nu trebuie, etc


1. Daca stii numele destinatarului si incepi cu|Dear Mr. Xulescu,..| atunci incheie cu |yours sincerely|.

2. Daca nu stii numele si scrii |Dear Sir / Madam|, atunci inchei cu |yours faithfully|.

3. Intr-o scrisoare formala mai poti incheia si cu: Best regards, I look forward to hearing from you, Your faithfull

Honourable Vice President, dear Professor XY,

I thank you for the most useful organiser you sent to me by express mail on the occasion of the beginning of the New Year 2006. Unfortunately I was outside the office for several weeks and apologize for this delayed answer.

We are looking forward to welcoming Mr. YYY from the XXX in April 2006 in order to discuss a framework of mutual collaboration.

Thank you again for your thoughtful present.

Yours sincerely,

Dear Mr Thompsen,I recently received a letter from a Mr Robinson, a valued customer of ours. He purchased an Italian coffee table and four French dining-room chairs from us which your company delivered to his residence.He has written to complain that the purchases arrived damaged. We pride ourselves in the quality of our products and would like an explanation as to how this mishap occurred. Even though the items are insured, our reputation is at stake.I would be most grateful if you would reply as soon as possible so that this matter can be resolved to everyone's satisfaction. SincerelyJackie MiddletonCustomer Services ManagerDear Sir,I am writing this letter to complain in the strongest terms about the poor service that I have received from your company. We signed up to your telephone and internet service package two months ago because your advertising suggests that you are better than Telco. In addition, you promise to deal with problems quickly and efficiently, something that Telco were unable or unwilling to do. However, in the first month of service you managed to cause me to lose two days worth of business because of poor administration. The main problem was that you failed to provide me with the correct telephone number, 9818 8747, that you had promised when I completed the contract. This phone number was an established business line which I had been using for the last three years. Obviously this meant that my clients were unable to contact me and it cost me many hours of phone calls to resolve the matter with your support centre.I would appreciate it if this situation could be resolved and a substantial rebate offered on my first three month's account.I look forward to hearing from you soon.Yours FaithfullyCharlie WilliamsA letter in application for a jobDear Sir/Madam,I am writing this letter to apply for the position of student assistant that I saw advertised on your website. I am interested in working in the teachers' resource library, or in the accommodation department.I have recently graduated from the WSB Business School in Warsaw and received high grades in both my English and Business Courses. In addition, we had to use all of the Microsoft Office programs in the preparation of our finished assignments, so I am able to do most things with computers.Since I was 15 years old I have helped my father to run his small import-export business. I have been involved in helping a variety of clients and also the general administration of the business. In the past 2 years I have worked in the WSB library, helping teachers and students to find and use the resources there. This experience has given me the ability to deal with the needs of all types of people.I have an outgoing, diligent personality and find that I enjoy the challenges of working in busy environments. In addition, my studies and experience have taught me to be accurate and efficient in organising my work so I would be a valuable addition to your school.I look forward to hearing from you.Yours faithfullyX Y

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