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  • 8/10/2019 Familia Azi Si Ieri


    Valorile familiei, incotro?

    In ultima perioada presa, predominant libertina, varsa randuri decerneala referitor la notiunea de "valori de familie". In loc sa

    respecte casatoria si relatiile sanatoase de lunga durata, careunesc, sprijina si incurajeaza, motivand astfel doi oameni, mass-media fac din aceasta institutie un obiect al dispretului si ocondamna ca fiind exploatarea si dominarea femeilor de catrebarbati.

    Ca o otrava in stil victorian, placeriile sexuale au intrat in cotidiangenerand practic o tendinta spre poligamie. Astfel, in mod

    inevitabil, pierderea respectului pentru obligatiile familiale a dus laaparitia unei societati egocentrice, care se chinuie sa dea poateun alt sens vietii per ansamblu.Nu asistam la o promovare a libertatii, ci putem observa mai multtristete, singuratate, confuzie, familii destramate, vedem de fapttoate imperfectiunile unei societati in continua degradare morala.

    Astfel, multi au inceput sa perceapa valorile familiei ca fiindlimitate doar la sex, casnicie si copii.

    Revolutia sexuala

    Asistam in ultima perioada, de fapt, la o noua revolutie sexuala, incautarea placerii personale, de fapt un sex fara menajamente si lavarste fragede, o promiscuitate lipsita de ratiune si acte sexualefara conceptie.Sexul a devenit un fel de sport, atat pentru barbati cat si pentrufemei. Daca, alta data, o sarcina insemna asumarea unor

    responsabilitati, astazi, in genere, barbatii merg mai departe cuinima impacata si usoara, iar femeile raman doar cu libertatea dea face avort sau de a-si creste singure copilul.Lasand la o parte bolile venerice, avorturile si nefericitii copiinelegitimi, acei copii nedoriti, cred ca asistam in cele din urma la"sexul fara context".

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    Casnicia este deja perceputa de foarte multi tineri si nu numai

    doar ca si o promisiune fragila. Tinerii incep sa se teama deangajamente pe termen lung, pentru ca de fapt vad prea putineexemple in mass-media si in viata de zi cu zi.Foarte putini tineri mai sunt dispusi sa-si daruiasca iubire si saaiba incredere, daca chiar propriile vieti le sunt traumatizate, prinpierderea familiei si a stabilitatii, din vina unuia sau chiar a celordoi si din cauza faptului ca mass-media prezinta fara discenamantfilme cu astfel de situatii.

    Tinerii speriati si singuri, care au dorinte, nevoi si speranteincearca sa-si gaseasca partenerul potrivit prin perioade de probamai lungi sau mai scurte.Statisticile ne arata ca depresiile, anxietatea, infidelitatea siviolenta in relatiile maritale sau nemaritale ating cote alarmante.Multi copii se nasc in astfel de relatii fragile, copii care la randullor vor suferi din cauza pierderilor si despartirilor cand vor fi maimari.Pe vremuri, casatoria presupunea ca doi oameni sa se inteleagasi sa puna pret pe viata de familie si pe copii mai presus depropria lor persoana.

    Astazi asistam cu intristare la o perceptie eronata, casniciainseamna doar a avea pe cineva alaturi, atata timp cat te simtibine in aceasta situatie, de fapt la o forma pura de egoism.


    A fi parinte inseamna a-ti invata copiii ce este generozitatea,altruismul, devotamentul, menirea, compasiunea, dragostea deviata si pentru cel de langa tine.Elementele "eu", "cariera", "realizarea mea" falsifica de faptrealitatea. Pentru unii parinti, cresa, gradinita, bona cu normaintreaga sunt considerate un fel de binecuvantare, pentru

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    libertatea lor individuala, iar acesta tine de educatie si de valorilefamiliei.Responsabilitatea pentru casnicie si educarea copiilor reprezintade fapt modul in care un individ traieste pentru el si mai ales

    pentru altii.Consider ca este o atitudine corecta, fiind opusa narcisismului,dorintei de placere, realizari si satisfactie imediata, care de faptpredomina in cazul unui numar tot mai mare de indivizi dinsocietatea noastra.Biserica si scoala, in general, ar trebui sa intervina energic ineducarea celor tineri, pentru o viata de familie sanatoasa.

    Astfel educatia pentru viata de familie trebuie sa nu ramana doar

    un simplu concept in sine, trebuie sa ne implicam mai mult inpromovarea acestei educatii.Educarea si informarea adolescentilor din licee in domeniulsanatatii reproducerii, al prevenirii consumului de droguri sisubstante halucinogene trebuie sa se concretizeze prin orespeciale in noile planuri cadru de invatamant.De fapt, scoala sibiserica sunt chemate pentru a realizaexperiente de invatare umana. Programele izolate si razlete, desiexista, nu pot rezolva singure aceasta problema sensibila aexistentei umane in societatea romaneasca.

    Familia tradiional n faa provocrilor mileniului treiFamilia tradiional i toate valorile pe care aceasta le-a

    promovat n decursul timpului sunt ntr-un mare pericol. Urmarea condiiilor socio-economice, n principal, dar i al unui alt tip dementalitate, concubinajul a luat proporii. Se nasc puini copiii muli dintre acetia n afara cstoriei (familiei) iar din ce n cemai multe familii se destram. Raportul dintre natalitate imortalitate este unul alarmant. Statul romn nu are o politicdemografic i asta pentru c statul nsui, ca form superioarde organizare a societii, are mari probleme. Un procesconstant de mbtrnire se poate observa dealtfel n ntreagaEurop. i totui exist reacii n faa acestei situaii. Aliana
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    Familiilor din Romnia (AFR) face acest lucru: reacioneaz.AFR este o pictur necesar ntr-un ocean al indiferenei.Despre familie, rolul i aciunile AFR, ntr-un interviu nexclusivitate cu Bogdan Mateciuc, directorul executiv al AFR.

    Reporter:Cnd a fost nfiinat Aliana Familiilor din Romnia(AFR), de ctre cine i ce anume i propune?Bogdan Mateciuc:AFR s-a constituit n anul 2007, membriifondatori fiind organizai anterior ntr-un Comitet deIniiativ pentru derularea unui Proiect de ocrotire acstoriei i familiei.Asociaia noastr este o organizaiede promovare i aprare a tradiiilor social-culturale care au

    stat la baza dezvoltrii societii romneti: familiai moralacretin, aplicate n relaiile interumane i n viaa social.Reporter:n opinia dv., cum apreciai situaia familiei din aranoastr la ora actual?Bogdan Mateciuc:Dup 1989, familia i cstoria ca instituii iimplicit atitudinea autoritilor i a publicului fa de ele au suferito degenerare. Familia i cstoria sunt sub un atac mai mult saumai puin contient din partea unor fore secularizante, careafirm c familia i cstoria ori nu mai sunt necesare, oritrebuie redefinite.n acelai timp, canalele mass-mediapromoveaz stiluri alternative de via i ne prezint dreptmodele de urmat viaa unor aa-zise vedete. Autoritilestatului, dei sunt contiente de criza demografic prin caretrece Romnia (o populaie tot mai mbtrnit, cu impact asupraveniturilor la bugetul de stat, prin reducerea bazei deimpozitare), nu fac nimic pentru a proteja familia. Din contr,subscriu tacit la promovarea alternativelor distructive la adresa

    familiei i, mai nou, adopt msuri financiare mpotriva familiilor,ca parte a programului de combatere a crizei economice.Reporter:Ce ar trebui s fac statul romn pentru conservareaidentitii familiei?Bogdan Mateciuc:Statul nu are o politic concertat pentrupromovarea cstoriei i familiei. Nu i susine pe tinerii care ar
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    dori s ntemeieze o familie. Asemenea msuri ar trebui s inde o strategie naional, pentru c actuala criz demograficeste un pericol cu btaie lung. Statul ar trebuie s conceap unprogram de msuri pentru ncurajarea acestor tineri, i pentru

    descurajarea alternativelor promovate de unele organizaii non-guvernamentale.Reporter:Credei c biserica m refer la biseric n general inu neaprat numai la cea ortodox se implic suficient n

    prezervarea identitii familiei? Dac o face, cum anume o face?Bogdan Mateciuc:n general, Biserica se implic npromovarea familiei, n primul rnd pentru c familia ca uniunedintre un brbat i o femeie a fost ntemeiat de nsui

    Dumnezeu. Ca instituie, ea a fost validat i de Mntuitorul IisusHristos. Aceast promovare se manifest prin predicile icuvintele de nvtur rostite n biserici i, ocazional, princomunicate oficiale emise n legtur cu diferite evenimente iaciuni publice. Totui,AFR consider c implicarea Bisericii ngeneral poate fi mai activ i adus mai bine la cunotinapublicului, care are ateptri n acest sens din partea Bisericii.Reporter:Care sunt, n opinia dv., principalele pericole laadresa familiei i care sunt consecinele probabile pe termenlung?Bogdan Mateciuc:Familia este bagatelizat i desconsiderat.

    Acest lucru nu este neaprat un atac organizat sau contient.Este vorba de o atitudine din ce n ce mai rspndit, importat,alturi de alte bucurii, din Occident i privit cu ngduin dectre mass-media i autoriti, n numele unui fals modernism.Concret, romnii nu se mai cstoresc i nu mai nasc copii.Divorurile i avorturile sunt la cote mari. Divorul a fost liberalizat

    astzi poi divora foarte uor, iar avorturile se fac din banipublicistatul pltete avorturile, dei ele sunt contra interesuluinaional. ncercarea de normalizare a unor perversiuni ieventual includerea lor sub titulatura familie este un alt atac laadresa familiei. Rezultatul l vedem sub forma debusolriiindividului. Familia ar trebui s fie un micro-univers al omului, un

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    loc n care el se simte mplinit i n care i regenereaz puterile,pentru a face fa provocrilor vieii. n lipsa acestui micro-univers, individul devine instabil, debusolat i predispus lagesturi i aciuni negative att asupra lui, ct i asupra altora.

    Debusolarea n viaa personal are impact asupracomportamentului lui n societate. Pe termen mediu i lung,Romnia are o populaie mbtrnit. Din aceast cauz, canaiune ea nu mai are energiile de care are nevoie ca s sedezvolte. Un popor debusolat, deprimat i cruia i s-a cultivat unnegativism persistent fa de sine nu poate dinui. n planpractic, exist deja problemecu sistemul de pensii i decontribuii al bugetul de stat. Prea puini tineri, prea muli btrni.

    Statul are o povar imens n aceast privin.Reporter:Care considerai dv. c sunt, prin finalitatea lor, celemai reuite aciuni ale AFR i ce v propunei, n acest sens, nviitor?Bogdan Mateciuc:Asociaia noastr monitorizeaz activitatealegislativ i este interesat de promovarea unor legi n sprijinulfamiliei. Colaborm cu orice partide i politicieni care ader lavalorile familiei. Cu ocazia alegerilorlocale, naionale sauunionalefacem o analiz a candidailor i emitem un Ghid al

    Alegtorului prin care i informm pe alegtori despre profilulcandidailor. Analiza ine cont de aciuni, voturi i declaraii alecandidailor. La alegerile trecute, unii candidai foarte cunoscui,care ns nu aderau la valorile familiei, nu au fost alei n urmaaciunilor de informare derulate de AFR. Prin aceste aciuni alenoastre, i invitm pe alegtori s voteze n cunotin de cauzi le transmitem candidailor mesajul c un reprezentant trebuies i reprezinte pe cei ce l-au ales i valorile lor. Aceste campanii

    ale noastre au fost un succes. Evident, ele vor fi realizate i laalegerile care vor urma. O alt reuit a noastr a fost implicarea

    n dezbaterile publice pe marginea noului Cod Civil. Au existatncercri, din partea unor organizaii, de a strecura acolorecunoaterea parteneriatelor ntre homosexuali. Cu ajutorulunor parlamentari responsabili, am blocat acele ncercri. Pe

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    viitor, vom continua s colaborm cu politicieni pentru adoptareade msuri n sprijinul familiei. Susinem cu fermitate eliminareadin Parlament a oricrui politician care nu ascult de alegtori iar alegtorii sunt n majoritate cretini i cred n valorile familiei.

    De asemenea, o int a noastr este introducerea n Constituiea definiiei familiei ca uniune ntre un brbat i o femeie. Textulactual prevede uniunea ntre soi, care e un termeninterpretabil. Toate aciunile AFR se subscriu dorinei de a(re)aminti i (re)afirma valorile tradiionale ale familiei. Estenevoie s se fac n permanen aceasta, ntr-o vreme n carevalorile i reperele morale sunt relativizate i rsturnate.

    A consemnat Nicolae

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    Defining Your Family's Values

    A family is defined as a social unit consisting of parents andthe children they raise.

    Value is defined as the quality or worth of a thing. To combinethe words together yields a definition of: a traditional set of socialstandards defined by the family and a history of customs thatprovide the emotional and physical basis for raising a family. Oursocial values are often times reinforced by our spiritual orreligious beliefs and traditions. Do you have traditional familyvalues? How do you determine your family values?

    The values a family develops are traditionally the foundationfor how children learn, grow and function in the world.

    Your family values definition consists of ideas passed down fromgeneration to generation. It boils down to the philosophy of howyou want to live your family life. Three traditional basic tasks inlife have been described as work, play and love. There are manyactivities that fall under these categories that define our

    values. All of them are important and it takes work to balancethese tasks. However, we often get caught up in work and otheractivities and neglect play and love. Often times we work hardbecause we are invested in our career goals, material things andfinancial rewards. Yet without a balanced life of incorporatingplay and having loving relationships, our lives become stressful,overwhelming and unsatisfying. Traditionally people define theirvalues as stating that the family comes first, yet they find

    themselves with very little time or energy left over for spendingtime with the family.

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    What does family time mean to you?

    This may mean something different to each member of yourfamily. How about a family meeting to determine what your family

    values? Family meetings provide an opportunity for all membersto come together and share their thoughts, perspectives and theirlives. It is easy to get caught up in activities and schedules whichleaves little time for the family. A family meeting is an opportunityto prioritize the things your family values and establishtraditions. Schedule a family meeting at least once a week todetermine your family values.

    Traditional family values that fall under the love taskinclude all our relationships.

    Things such as how you view marriage and commitment, whatrole religion/spirituality plays in your family, how emotionallyavailable you are to others, your beliefs about sharingresponsibility, the common interests shared by your spouse andfamily, shared activities and hobbies, how family time is spent,how family decisions are made, common beliefs shared by youand your spouse regarding spirituality and religion, how familytraditions are established, and so on. These are good topics todiscuss at a family meeting to help determine how these thingsare valued. Often time assumptions are made about whatanother family member believes or values. Misunderstandingsand miscommunications can happen because of theseassumptions.

    Our play time includes things like recreation, relaxation,alone time and exercise.

    What do you value in terms of your play? Without a period of timeto allow our bodies to unwind and calm down, the rest of our daygets out of balance. How does your family incorporate these

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    activities into life? Are there things you and your family do toincorporate play and alone time into your lives?

    Traditional family values usually include such topics such as

    religion, marriage, communication, traditions, morals,holidays, interactions with relatives and how time is spenttogether.

    To identify what your values are and the values of your family, it ishelpful to get a clear picture of what that actuallymeans. Consider doing this exercise with your family at a familymeeting. Give each family member a clean sheet of

    paper. Getting things on paper helps to give a clearer picture ofwhat you desire your values to be and how you might set goals toachieve having your time spent around living these values. Eachperson takes a sheet of paper and divides it into threecolumns. The first column is to brainstorm a list of all theactivities that you value, in any order. The list mayinclude spending time with children, work, exercise,spirituality/religion, quiet time for yourself, education, time withspouse, computer games, being with friends, etc. Then, in thesecond column, arrange the list in order of priority. For example,if you value time with your spouse the most, put that at the top ofthe list and continue with the other activities that you value in theirorder of importance. In the third column, arrange the activities inorder of how you actually spend your time during an averageweek and list the approximate hours you spend doing thisactivity. If you find spending time with your spouse is on the topof your list of valued activities and far down on the list of actual

    time spent, this disconnect could mean a problem. This is aperfect opportunity to talk about your values as a family unit andget input from other family members. What changes could youmake in your life to incorporate the family values you haveidentified?

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    All activities Ivalue

    Prioritized list ofvalued activities

    Actual Timespent

    Spiritual / Religion 1. Time with


    Career: 45 hours

    Family time 2. Career

    Career 3.


    Family values are the foundation for how children grow, aretaught and supported.

    Traditional family values are usually passed on from onegeneration to the next, giving children the structure andboundaries in which to function and thrive. Family time, love, playand work give children this foundation. Take the time to shareyour family values and traditions with your children. Schedulefamily meetings together, share meals together where the familygets together to talk about the day, schedule recreation andrelaxation into your day-to-day life. The definition of family values

    is the social standards defined by the family and a history oftraditions that provide the emotional and physical basis for raisinga family. Work together within your family to identify and createyour own family values.

    What exactly makes up a strong family that possesses good family

    values? A strong family is one that sustains its members, that

    supports and nourishes the members throughout the span of that

    family .

    A strong family unit creates a safe, positive and supportive place for all

    members to thrive. They are able to utilize resources and to live together

    in a fairly healthy manner.

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    The adults in a strong family set the tone. They are good role models

    that lead by example. They reach out to friends and community and

    teach their children the importance of doing the same -- and that

    becomes part of who the children are. They work together to solveproblems, and they pass their skills on to the next generation. Some

    important elements of a strong family system are family cohesion,

    family flexibility and family communication.

    Cohesion-In families cohesion would be defined as the feeling of being

    loved, of belonging to the group and being nurtured by it. Although

    closeness is good in a family unit, there must be a balance between

    being together and being separate. A person must be able to developtheir individuality, while being supported and confident within the

    family. A few things that bring a family together are the commitment of

    other family members, and the spending of time together.

    Flexibility-There must be a structure in a family or it will become

    chaotic and will not be a peaceful setting for a family. Conversely, there

    must be flexibility or the family becomes rigid and the authority figures

    become resented. We could compare a successful family to ademocracy. There are leaders, but the whole group is involved in the

    decision making process. Although the leaders are in charge all members

    develop the ability to cope with stress, and at times lead. While the

    family works to avoid stressful situations they work together to solve

    problems, without blaming, criticizing and finding fault with each other.

    Families that tend to have a strong spiritual base seem to have a sense of

    well-being that facilitates this working together in times of stress.

    Communication-Ever hear the saying, "What we have here is a failure

    to communicate?" A lack of communication can rip a family apart and

    destroy them. Things that facilitate communication are the things

    mentioned so far -- family closeness, flexibility, time spent together,

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    spirituality. All members must feel a freedom within the group to

    express themselves freely.

    Another very important factor is the relationship between the "head"

    couple. In a family that is parented by a happily married couple, peopleare able to express themselves more freely. What they might say isn't

    filtered through the problems of the "guardians." A happy marriage

    seems to set the tone in the house. It spills over from the family to the

    community and a healthy family will be reaching out to help others.

    They do not tend to isolate themselves from the rest of the world.

    A very important thing for families to teach their children is how to

    make good decisions. If they have watched their parents making well

    thought out decisions over the years, they will tend to be good decision

    makers themselves.

    A healthy, happy family benefits our whole society. Among the children

    of strong families their is less crime, less divorce and less emotional

    problems. They tend to go on and have strong, healthy families of their

    own, having learned from their folk's example.

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    Family values have existed as long as there have been

    families, but in the 16th century those values were most

    clearly determined and enforced by religion. In the 16thcentury, people of the Western world gleaned most of their

    family values from the Anglican, Catholic or Protestant

    churches and from religious scholars of the time.

    The Patriarchal Western Family Value

    Scholars of the 16th century suggest that families of Western

    societies rallied around and were essentially led by a patriarchalfigure. Thus, families were male-dominated in most of Westernculture with a male head-of-household and property passing tomale offspring. Some cultures, such as in Portugal, offeredshared inheritance for marriage partners and offspring.

    Sixteenth Century Marriage and Family Values

    While marriage customs vary slightly between cultures, as do thelaws that govern them, in Western society, families valued women

    in more of a literal sense. In most Western countries during the16th century, a woman entered into marriage accompanied by adowry, or "bride price," payable to both the groom and thegroom's family. It essentially represented the disinheritance of thebride's family.

    The Values of Sex Education for Medieval Families

    The overall attitude toward sex during this time was hostile, and

    this bled into family values concerning sex. Generally, familieswere taught under religious doctrine that copulating under thestimulus of desire was sin, while copulating strictly for the goal ofprocreation within the sanctity of marriage was not sin.Simultaneously, families of the time period were often known toshare a single bed, and youth engaged in courtship during the

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    late 16th century could bundle together with a board betweenthem to spend the night together with the family.

    Sixteenth Century Values Concerning Child Rearing and Children

    Both Jewish and Christian people of Western Culture agreed thatchildren needed a firm hand and discipline, which includedcorporal punishment (child abuse). At the same time, childrenwere viewed as beings who required nurture and protection tothrive and evolve. Children who needed "corrections" by theirparents were encouraged by scholarly manuals of the times topray, and the parents themselves were encouraged to correctchildren with words before engaging in corporal punishment.

    Chinese traditions date back thousands of years. In China, theinterest of the family outweighs the interest of the individual, anddecisions are made based on how they impact the group first and

    foremost. Family in China means not only mom, dad and kids. Itincludes all manner of extended family, including grandparents,aunts, uncles, cousins and in-laws. As a result, many of thevalues of Chinese culture revolve around family.

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    Commitment to Marriage

    Marriage has always played an important part in China's culture.Marriage was so important that arranged marriages were typicalfor centuries. Such marriages were expected to endure for alifetime. This important decision was not left to the young people,but was made by their elders. While that has changed today,marriage is still considered the desired state and the basis of thefamily. Even now, a couple typically requests the approval of theirparents before marriage as a sign of respect for the knowledgeand experience of their elders.

    Respect for Elders

    Unlike many western cultures that value youth, the Chineserevere their elders and respect the knowledge that is gained withage and experience. Chinese families typically take care of theiraging family members, rather than leaving them to fend forthemselves. Recent changes in society, however, have promptedthe possibility of a law requiring children to visit and care for theirparents in cases where the children fail to uphold a duty tosupport their parents.

    Respect for the Dead

    Ancestor worship is important within the Chinese family. TheChinese believe that the spirits of deceased family memberscontinue to watch over them and influence the lives of thosethey've left behind. Remaining family members often create analtar in the home with candles, a photo of the relative and severalitems of offering. Articles the deceased may need in the great

    beyond are placed on the altar. Grooming items, favorite foodsand money are commonly found on altars.

    Importance of Education

    Chinese families place a great value on education and Chinesechildren are expected to assume the same attitude without

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    question. Students of both sexes spend considerable timestudying and striving to excel in the subjects they take in school.Television, computer games, sports and playtime are often givenlow or no priority in favor of academic pursuits. Intense pressure

    and a competitive atmosphere prevail, as parents insist onnothing short of academic excellence in the hope of securing agood future for their children.

    From basic human rights to joyful holiday celebrations, Americanculture is rich in tradition. Since the country gained its

    independence, it has worked diligently to define itself in the world.In 2010, America is defined by its long-standing traditions, culturalcustoms and family values.


    Ever since the Declaration of Independence was drafted in 1776,Americans have appreciated and respected their independence.In fact, explains it as the cornerstone of

    American values. It permeates every aspect of our society.Independence allows Americans to live the life they want to live,work in a career they choose, dress how they please and maketheir own decisions on religion. Independence is so prominentthat American teenagers anxiously await their 18th birthday, whenthey finally become independent of their parents.

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    Along with independence lies the tradition of individuality. As eachAmerican makes his own decisions on what to wear, how to look

    and who to love, an extensive array of individualized personalitiesdevelop. Individuality is both an American tradition and anAmerican family value. Just as we expect our friends andneighbors to accept us for who we are, we also expect ourfamilies to love us regardless of our individual choices.


    Education is held near and dear to the hearts of Americans, whoconsider it the key to opportunity, including financial security,according to From the moment a childreaches the tender age of five or six, he is enrolled in school. Hewill continue through the educational system for at least the next12 or 13 years, although many people choose to further theireducation after this point. With an extensive array of communitycolleges, universities and graduate programs across the country,

    Americans truly cherish formal education.

    January - June Holidays

    Some of the most popular and deep-rooted American traditionscan be seen on the holidays. The new year starts with Americansgathering with friends and families on December 31; they setNew Years Resolutions and ring in the new year together.Valentines Day is celebrated by sending love notes, candies andflowers to the ones you love. In many American schools, childrenpass out Valentines cards to each other. Easter is a Christian

    holiday, which many Americans celebrate by coloring and hidinghard-boiled eggs.

    July - December Holidays

    The country celebrates its independence on July 4, whenAmericans gather for picnics, parades, friends and fireworks. On

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    October 31, American children dress up in costumes and trick ortreat around the neighborhood, hoping to gather candy for theHalloween holiday. In 1621, the Puritans hosted a feast for theNative Americans to thank them for their kindness. This act

    developed into an American tradition and Thanksgiving feasts arenow served in most American families with a traditional menu ofturkey, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie. The year ends with thecelebration of Christmas on December 25. Traditionally, Americanfamilies decorate a Christmas tree and their home with glitteringlights and ornaments. On Christmas day, gifts are shared amongfriends and families.

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