
Chiinul este cel mai mare ora din Republica Moldova, un centru politic, economic, tiinific i cultural, avnd o istorie bogat n perioade att zbuciumate, ct i de calm creator i strlucire. Cnd rostim "Chiinu" este firesc s ne ntrebm care este originea, care se ascunde n umbra acestei ngemnri de sunete. Exist o multitudine de ipoteze i interpretri ale acestui nume topic, de cele mai multe ori Chieni, Cheeneul lui Acba, Chila Nou, Keenev i multe alte nume -origini ale "Chiinului, traducnduse, au acelai sens -izvor, fntn, ap. "Chiinu", se spune, este un cuvnt vechi, att de vechi nct a disprut din limb, cci nici un dicionar nu nregistreaz un astfel de termen. De aici dorina de a dezlega aceast enigm, care ne duce spre studii i ipoteze tiinifice ce iau n discuie aceeai problem - originea numelui topic "Chiinu". Una dintre cele mai frumoase ipoteze aparine profesorului Constantin C. Giurescu, care spune c denumirea "Chiinu" definete o cdere de ap. Deci, la baza ipotezei rmnnd tot ideea de izvor. La rostirea acestui cuvnt un vorbitor atent observ uor sunetul, produs de curgerea apei. Nu mai este nevoie s tragem firul timpului pn la romani i daci, sau s cercetm nenumratele dicionare de limbi strine. Este deajuns s ptrundem n structura sonor a cuvntului care ne transmite un puls dttor de via pe fundalul unei uluitoare frumusei. Toate se conin n acest cuvnt - Chiinu. Originea denumirii Chiinul este unul din puinele orae, al crui nume n-a suferit nici un fel deschimbare n cursul unui rnd de veacuri. i n vremea lui Alexandru cel Bun, numele Chiinului se pronuna ca i astzi. n cele mai multe acte numele lui figureaz astfel: Chiinu, n unele Chinu, form popular ntrebuinat i acuma, foarte rar Cheeneu, iar n documentele slavoneti Cheenev, Chienev, Chiinev. Etimologia cuvntului Chiinu a dat natere la mai multe teorii. Unii, cari caut s dovedeasc caracterul slav al Basarabiei, au emis prerea c denumirea Chiinului provine de la cuvntul ucrainean Chieni, ceea ce nseamn buzunar. Ei explicau originea cuvntului prin faptul c Chiinul n vechime era un centru comercial, unde se adunau negustorti ucraineni, armeni, evrei i moldoveni, c acest bogat ora era un fel de buzunar. Nu mai puin ciudat era i teoria, cum c cuvntul Chiinu deriv de la Cla Nou, adic trla nou de oi. Susintorii acestei teorii pastorale, plecau dela legenda idilic, cum c n prima jumtate a veacului al XIX-lea n partea de sus a oraului, unde stzi se nal liceul real, era o trl de oi, c mai nainte trla ar fi fostn alt loc Cla veche (Cla cuvnt ttresc); n jurul acestui adpost al oilor strmoii orenilor de astzi s-au adunat cu ncetul, punnd bazele acestei aezri omeneti. Mai aproape de adevr ar fi prerea c cuvntul Chiinu provine de la Keene ceiace nseamn n limba ttreasc capel pe mormnt sau Keen schit, mnstire. Aceast din urm teorie s-ar sprijini pe un act dela 1420, din care ar reiei, c n Chiinu, n vermurile acelea era o mnstire, dup presupunerile unora, n locul bisericii Mazarachi de astzi. Cum vom vedea mai jos, acest act se refer la cu totul alt ocalitate i se nterpret greit. La aceste teorii care nu rezolv problema originei denumirii Chiinului, adogm i prerea noastr. n regiunea codrului n Basarabia se gsesc cteva sate cu nume ungureti, probabil locuite odat de o populaie maghiar din primele aezri scuieti ori coloniti desclectori mai trziu adui de ctre domnii Moldovei din Ardeal. Aa este satul Ghidighii dela Hidege ceia ce nseamn locul rece, pe romnete Recea. Ceva mia sus pe Bc, se gsete i un sat cu numele Recea; Miclueni (satul lui Nicolae), Orhei de la Orhely (cetate de paz), Miclui, Teleu,

Vscui, - toate acestea par denumiri ungureti, precum i izvorul de lng Chiinu, Burcut de la Borcut fntn de vin. Este sigur c i numele de Chiinu, cu sufixul u de provenien ungureasc, este un cuvnt maghiar poate de la Kisjeno (Ieno cel Mic) de unde provine i denumirea oraului Chiinu din Ardeal, sau dela cuvintele Keszentevo, Keszen, Kiszinel. Aceast ipotez ar putea gsi sprijin i n mprejurrile istorice din secolul al XIII-lea i al XIV-lea, n colonizrile maghiare din Moldova, cum este regiunea Bacului.(...)

Chisinau is the largest city in Moldova, a political, economic, scientific and cultural, with a rich history in times both turbulent and calm and creative brilliance. When we say "Chisinau" is natural to ask which is the origin of which lies in the shadow of the entwining of sounds. There are many assumptions and interpretations of this topic name, most times Chieni, Cheeneul of Acba, New Chila, Keenev and many other names, origins of "Chisinau", translating into, have the same meaning, well, well, the water. "Chisinau", they say, is a word old, so old that disappeared from the language, a dictionary does not register for any such period. Hence the desire to unravel this mystery, which leads us to study and discuss scientific hypotheses that take the same problem - the origin of the name topic "Chisinau". One of the most beautiful hypothesis belongs to Professor Constantin C. Giurescu, which says that the name "Chisinau" defines a waterfall. So, the assumption still remains a source idea. The utterance of this word a speaker sound slightly careful notes produced by flowing water. No need to pull the thread time to the Romans and Gauls, or to examine the many foreign language dictionaries. It is enough to penetrate the sound structure of speech that we send a pulse on the background of a life-giving stunning beauty. All contained in this word - Chisinau. Origin of name Chisinau is one of the few cities whose names have not suffered any deschimbare a row during the centuries. And in the time of Alexander the Good, the name is pronounced like Chisinau today. In most papers listed his name as follows: Chisinau, in some Chinu, popular form employed and now very rare - Cheeneu, and in Slavonic documents - Cheenev, Chienev, Chiinev. The word Chisinau gave rise to several theories. Some, who seeks to prove the Slavic character of Bessarabia, Chisinau issued opinion that the name comes from Ukrainian word Chieni, which means "pocket". They explained the origin of the word in that of old Chisinau was a shopping center where gathered negustorti Ukrainian, Armenian, Hebrew and Moldovan, that this rich city was a kind of pocket. No less strange was the theory, as that word is derived from ADR New Chisinau, ie nine sheep sheepfold. Supporters of this theory pastoral legend went from idyllic as that in the first half of the nineteenth century at the top of the city, which rises high school stasis real sheepfold was a sheep that before sheepfold as elsewhere fostn - old ADR (ADR - Tartar word) around the house of sheep ancestors of today's townspeople gathered by little, creating the human settlements. Closer to the truth would be the view that the word comes from Keene Chisinau ceiace means the grave or chapel Tartar language Keen - hermitage, monastery. This latter theory would support an act from 1420, of which it would appear that in Chisinau vermurile that was a monastery, after some assumptions instead Mazarakii church today. As we shall see below, this document refers to all other Ocala and misinterpreted.

These theories do not solve the problem of origin of the name Chisinau, adding and our opinion. The forest region in Bessarabia are several villages with Hungarian names, probably once inhabited by a population of early Hungarian settlements or settlers scuieti "dismounted" later brought by the princes of Moldavia in Transylvania. So is the village which also Ghidighii from Hidege means "cold place", the Romanian Recea. Something thousand above the Bic is a village named cold Miclueni (village of Nicholas), Orhei from Orhely (castle guard), Miclui, Teles, Vscui, - all these seem Hungarian names, and next spring Chisinau Burca from Borcut "fountain of wine". It is certain that the name of Chisinau, the suffix have Hungarian origin, is a Hungarian word perhaps from Kisjeno (Ieno the less) hence the name of Chisinau in Transylvania, or words from Keszentevo, Keszen, Kiszinel. This hypothesis could find support in the historical circumstances of the century XIII and XIV, the Hungarian colonization of Moldova, as Bacau region .(...)

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