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IntroModel Buget personalRealizat de ctre Laureniu Mihaiwww.laurentiumihai.roBugetul este format din 3 pri:1. planul planificat - n care trebuie s v planificai toate veniturile i cheltuielile pe caredorii sau pe care trebuie s le facei n fiecare lun2. planul realizat n care trecei tot ce s-a realizat pe fiecare lun3. un grafic care v arat balana dintre ce s-a planificat i ce s-a realizatn urma utilizrii lui vei putea afla care este motivul pentru care cheltuiei foarte mulibani sau care este motivul pentru care mergei pe minus.Putei afla dac veniturile pe care le avei v ajung pentru ce v-ai dorit iar de aiciv putei da seama dac v mai trebuie sau nu loc de munc sau nc o surs devenituri.Dac avei orice fel de ntrebari n legtur cu acest buget v rog s m contactaila adresa de email: [email protected] mai multe informaii despre ce nseamn un buget i cum se folosetepoi citi urmtorul articol:8 lucruri eseniale pe care trebuie s le tii despre BUGET

www.laurentiumihai.ro8 lucruri eseniale pe care trebuie s le tii despre BUGET

Planul PlanificatNume i PrenumeAnul:2012Plan financiar planificat - 2012VenituriianuariefebruariemartieapriliemaiiunieiulieaugustseptembrieoctombrienoiembriedecembrieLoc de munc 1Loc de munc 2Loc de munc 3Loc de munc 4Venituri din vnzri de bunuriDobnd de la bancVenituri din datoriile primiteBani din activiti de freelencingOtherOtherVenit Planificat0. de bunuriDatorii la banc sau la un alt terAlteleCheltuieli planificate0. planificat0. fiecrei luni0.

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Planul RealizatNume i PrenumeAnul:2012Plan financiar realizat 2012VenituriIanuarieFebruarieMartieAprilieMaiIunieIulieAugustSeptembrieOctombrieNoiembrieDecembrieLoc de munc 1Loc de munc 2Loc de munc 3Loc de munc 4Venituri din vnzri de bunuriDobnd de la bancVenituri din datoriile primiteBani din activiti de freelencingOtherOtherVenit realizat0. de bunuriDatorii la banc sau la un alt terAlteleCheltuieli realizate0. planificat0. fiecrei luni0.

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Istoricul financiar

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Venit realizatCheltuieli realizateBalana planificatVenit PlanificatCheltuieli planificateBalana planificatIstoricul financiar

HelpHelp TopicsUsing this ViewerThis viewer was created by ROI-Team to walk you through the topics of wealth management. You can navigate either by clicking directly on a topic on the menu at left, or sequentially using the arrow buttons at the bottom of this viewer. You can click and drag this viewer anywhere on the screen, using the blue bar at the top. FYI, all worksheets are protected, but without a password. Just click the "Unprotect Sheet" icon on the "Review" ribbon tab to make any changes desired.OpenFinancial LiteracyIt's fairly easy to be sufficiently financially literate. All you need to know for your personal money management is this: Wealth has four determinants: how much money comes in, how much goes out, what you own, and what you owe.

The schematic on this Intro page shows a super-simple Income Statement, Balance Sheet, and arrows indicating Cash Flow. More about these three conceptually simple but often complicated financial statements later - this model creates very simple ones for home use.IntroIncome StatementStandard financial statement (often called 'P&L', for Profit and Loss) that presents revenue, costs, and the resulting profits for one or more fiscal periods. Translation for home use: how much money came in from all sources, and how much was spent for everyday living. The temptation is to use credit and spend more than comes in, almost guaranteeing that your income will never get far ahead of the expenses.IntroBalance SheetStandard financial statement that presents assets, liabilities, and equity at the end of a fiscal period (calendar year in this wealth model). This statement describes what is owned (assets) and who owns them (creditors own the liabilities, you own the equity - your Net Worth). Balance refers to the fact that Assets are exactly equalled (balanced) by Liabilities and Equity - every penny of asset value has an owner.IntroCash FlowStandard financial statement that shows how cash was obtained and used in a fiscal period. For home use, this statement may be useful monthly when special cash flow challenges occur. For wealth building, the long view (annual) is helpful.IntroUsing the Personal Finance ToolThis tool is designed to organize a summary view of your finances. Enter your name (if you want to print the preformatted statements), the first year you want to track, and plan date. Then create Income Statement and Balance Sheet plans as the base for future annual year-end updates. Some sheets in this workbook contain dummy data, to demonstrate how data is entered. You should erase it all before entering your own.IntroPlanning IncomeOn the Income Statement planning sheet, you can change the names of income and expense categories, and estimate your income and expenses for each future year. Don't worry about being precise - it's a plan!

Data in this model is illustrative. You will probably need to erase it and replace it with your own.I PlanPlanning AssetsOn the Balance Sheet planning page, you can change the names of asset and liability categories, and estimate the assets and liabilities you will have at the end of each future year. It doesn't need to be perfect, just your best shot.

Data in this model is illustrative. You will probably need to erase it and replace it with your own.B PlanActual IncomeOn the Income Statement actual sheet, change the names of income and expense categories to match your planning Income Statement, and enter data for any past years. At the end of each future year, you will enter actual data for that year.IncomeActual AssetsOn the Balance Sheet actual sheet, change the names of asset and liability categories to match your planning Balance Sheet, and enter data for any past years. At the end of each future year, you will enter actual data for that year end.BalanceIncome CategoriesIncome comes from many sources, and the list in this model may not be descriptive enough for you. Change the names of the sources as needed. The first four lines are set aside for wages and salaries, and the rest of the lines for other sources. The secret to wealth is to grow the other sources over time.IncomeExpense CategoriesThe list in this model is not exhaustive, and you may need to expand it for specific large expenses, especially recurring ones, but keep it simple. Note: investments should be listed on the balance sheet as assets. Any payments for assets (mortgage, e.g.) should be shown as expenses, and the liability (such as the mortgage) should be adjusted each year as it is paid down.IncomeIncome ChartTotal planned and actual income and expenses are plotted by year, along with the net effect. Plan numbers are shown as a hatched line, and actuals are a heavy solid line of the same color.I ChartAsset CategoriesAssets include the MARKET value of your house, your car, your personal belongings, and any other properties you own. As a rule of thumb, cars and personal property are worth less than you think. Estimate what you could sell them for under duress, and use that value. You may have many assets large enough to track separately, and may need to expand the list provided.BalanceLiability CategoriesLiabilities include mortgages, credit card debt, and any other claims that anyone has against you. You'll notice as you add liabilities that your monthly cash flow gets tighter, especially if you have high-interest credit cards to eat away at your wealth.BalanceBalance ChartNet Worth is what's left when you subtract your liabilities from your assets. Liabilities mean that creditors co-own your assets with you. This is obvious and legally very clear in mortgages and automobile loans, where creditors can actually take possession in the event of default, but in principle this creditor ownership applies to all of your debts. This chart shows the planned and actual total assets and net worth by year to provide a very simple view of growing wealth. Plan numbers are shown as a hatched line, and actuals are a heavy solid line of the same color.B ChartWealth ChartThis chart depicts how your Net Worth is growing and how non-employment income contributes to your annual income. Eventually, sources such as interest and dividends, 401k/IRA payouts, Social Security, and other retirement income will need to completely replace your employment income. The earlier it does, the more options you will have about the work you do and the life you enjoy.WealthReading the Wealth ChartIn this chart, you can quickly see how your net worth funds your income. Planned income numbers are shown as a hatched line, and actuals are a heavy solid line of the same color. Planned Net Worth is shown as a light green area, and actual Net Worth is shown as dark green area overlaid on the plan.WealthThe Rules for WealthThere are a few rules you must follow to build wealth

1. Set your expenses lower than your income.2. Never pay a premium for anything.3. Put your excess money to work for you.4. Don't try to Get Rich Quick.5. Keep planning and measuring your progress.6. Choose your partners carefully.IntroRule 1 - Spend AffordablyKeep shelter, transportation, food, entertainment, and other ongoing expenses LESS THAN YOUR INCOME. How much less? As much as possible while maintaining good health (including sanity).

If you are a student, minimize the debt you build and plan ahead for your financial independence.IntroRule 2 - Don't WasteNever pay more than you should for anything, including money. If you consolidate your debt, do it using a low-cost equity line or promotional rates. Don't buy designer clothes unless you're a model. Don't buy designer water unless you live at a superfund site. Don't buy cheap stuff that will require frequent repairs or replacement.IntroRule 3 - InvestInvest in things that pay you back. Buy low and sell high by doing your homework - about the house you live in as well as the stocks, bonds, and mutual funds you own. Look for flaws you KNOW you can fix.IntroRule 4 - Get Rich SlowlyGet Rich Quick schemes are generally designed to get their promoters rich quick. Allow your wealth to build over time in the investment vehicles you are knowledgable about. Check the track records of properties, companies, or people, and never rely on an unfamiliar source with a "great opportunity."IntroRule 5 - PlanTest regularly (at least annually) to ensure your income is greater than your expenses, and that you are investing in assets that are adding to your wealth. Avoid liabilities as much as possible, and develop a plan to reduce them faster than they can grow. Write the plan down, post it prominently, and follow it.IntroRule 6 - Good PartnersNothing is more expensive than a bad partnership when it unravels, and it's not just money. While there's a lot of luck involved, learn to judge character early and run, don't walk, from questionable people or deals. Failure in this area provides some of life's most painful lessons.IntroGood Luck!It's straightforward, so why isn't everyone wealthy?

1. Most people are ignorant of these simple basics.2. Many people are too lazy or disorganized to provide even this tiny amount of focus.3. Some people are too busy fighting the system and blaming institutions for their misfortunes.

If this isn't you, live long and prosper!IntroCreditsCreated by the staff of ROI-Team, Inc. for our families and yours. Visit us at These InstructionsOpen

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