
Helo, miss! How are you? I'm awesome from Buzau, Ramnicu Sarat, RO, Zip code=125300sarut mana, d-na Marinela;Prin Intorsura Buzaului, pe care atat de frumos a descris-o Bogdan Petriceicu-Hasdeu, mason de vaza-se vede si pe micul sau castel de la Campina, locuit, se pare de spiritul defunctei sale fiice-IULIA HASDEU-se afla un semn crestino-masonic: Ochiul in triunghiul drepunghic, cu unghiul drept, atarnat sus;Ea avea roscata funda/Inima incet mi-afunda

AWESOME, say my respects, lady, writing SCI.FI;I say also(me) Hi! Hi for SCIENCE FICTION and SCI> FI; Can I look at your site? I, gladly, read something new in SACI.FI matter-why I did'n't meet you 20 years ago???Monsieur Sarcozsy, Mesdame et Monsiers et Notre Dame, vous avez les catrene avec le ISLAM VEINQUER ?Je veux, monsier Sarkoczy, votre prognostique in a possible WAR HUNGARY vs. ROMANIA, and try a SCORE AT the HALF TIME;

Hello!Excuse me, "Inuyasha"-I'm wrong or not? Do you like ANIMEEI'm very sorry for this diplomaticly conflict=war declaration, at least for Hungaria president;Attila tried to enter to the black sea, trhough the BRASOV passing to BUZAU; This BRAVE MAN, WAS ENFORCED to come back, after the BATTLE from RAMNICU SARAT, my place;

March 20, 2009 5:51 am

Hello! [email protected] if you wanna e-mail me, beloved! ATTACK IMINENT - TIME 1990- ROMANIA FARA TRANSILVANIA Widjet HELLO, MR. DEATH ON TWO LEGS! ALIOSHA, DAVAI MINIA MITRALIERA, PARTIZANSKY PA ULITZA! Mr. president, I like very much your portrait, I recognize, I piss on me by laugh and fear!!!(IO, CAND MA PIS,CU SPATELE LA PERETE, MOR DE FRICA !!!) Hello! Write, if you want at [email protected] Marinela ! Tunelul Oranj: "Stand in orange tunnel/Doar l-am vazut ca vine/ Oh, tu tunel orange/ Ce glontz ai tras prin tine/Si inspre cine-ai tras ?/Si inspre cine?- "Noduri si Semne"-Nichita Stanescu - proposed for NOBEL AWARD for LITERATURE; HERDER AWARDED; Hi, Red Warriore, moritori ti saluti! What it's your name ALIEN WOMAN? Do you like another ALIEN? AWESOME, LOVES YOU and say Hi Hi Hi Hi for SCIENCE-FICTION!; Hi for the SCI.FI ! THRE TIMES&SPACE-5D AWESOME SAY Hi!!! Va salut! Mai aveti un vin bun la pivnita? Pentru un vizitator ET, dornic sa deguste ceva mishto! Hello! Sin(u)log(kentz); C'mon COWBOYS,let's watch a RAW this night! Hello! Please, wha SEO it's, some kind of Pranayama? I' applied Pranayama to increase ventilation at kio khou-shin KAI; Hello! Yaro, i can get no satisfaction! But, who knows? Hi, KilPatrick ! Scuse me if I use your baptise name, is abnormal, discromathopsy, aberation of sphericity, or astigmatism; but the WORSE are CILINDRICAL Coordinates for lentiles (glasses), stay calm, don't beat me; some of those days Radio... proposed me a SPY to BASESCU to eliberate a UKRAINIAN SPY, in a SPY scandal via BULGARIA-ROMANIA-NATO-UKRAINE-retour; And I heard a declaration, but I don't know russian language, they offer me ink at warm-visible, at cold-in-visibile (Herbert George Wells- "The invisible man"), tips and triks; I deduce rhey are from TransNystria, you know with Lebed, general, XIVth russian ARMY; "Do you can think?" "Sure, I can think, for good!"; And then I was very up-set, wrong in my engeens settings, like in Google Settings KNOW; Those men denny my access at my groups and by from the other hand, they ask me to roule the members admitted CONTRADICTION --- GOD SAVE THE QUEEN Hello, Bororo!, your tribe was very well describe by ADRIAN POWELL, "HEARTH of the FOREST"-1978-Amazonian forest with all XINGUANS tribes; BORORO it's a special tribe: Adrian saw one day a woman with a leave use it like medicine for her genital organs; "Why yo do that?"ask Adrian; "To have a child"say young Bororo woman; "You have another leave in the jungle for abortion?" ask Adrian; "Yes"and many other leaves for ills, paines; "But, for pain of LOVE, you have?"quetion Adrian the Bororo woman? "But, for LOVE we don't need a leave, we have witchcraft, and the Big Priest just this make all the day"; for GOOD HAUNT, FOR WARS, FOR LOVE, FOR SEEKNESS, FOR BLUE(S); Hello! I am sad, but the sorrow and pain it's for your sins, to be sorry, and cry by your broken hearth; If the TRUE makes KINGS to haunting my people or me, I understand: maybe the TIME SPIRAL is over for THIS WORLD, NOT FOR WE, ALL; By we must be SAD when OUR LORD, The CHRIST, JESUS, SINGLE THE TRUTH, SHOWING 90% of Truth, seeing ENGLISHMEN, DENY with UNSHAMLESS PLEDGE OF ALL MASSONRY DRILLS, FOR JUDAS only, and A PLEDGE THAT THEY WILL LIE(sic!transit gloria mundi)PLEDGE, BUT THEY CANNOT AGAINST GOD HIMSELF. I love you ERICA! DAMN - ROMANIA - by "QUEEN", LONDON BURNS IN FLAMES Widjet Be blless all you damn poor romanians, beated for their sins, ill for their sins, but they trust and believed; Sira, please damn us again, because we like to pray GOD for other people in sorrow- for your turning at the right ortodox belief right - GOD, in Three Faces Pro Glorify; We expect to come and kill us; be bllessed; use MANY TRAPS against us, talking all by our back, planed toghether our destruction; GOD blless you! But read the "Psalms of Prophet and Emperor Saint David"- "without prevent like A LION in FURY, GOD will lift -up the fronts of his faithfulls on the stone of his testimony" and "all his enemies GOD will killed"; "In singing of laudae will mercy you GOD, LORD of our SALVATION" ; "For nothing YOU will NOT inrighted THEM, when they planing the DESTRUCTION of your SLAVES"; "when They digg our graves, your faithfull New Ierusalim, YOU will SAVE THEM"; " By nothing you'll makes the faces of ours enemies, which tghoutghs to planing revenge against your SLAVES"; "Your Saints APOSTOLSES, IISUSE HRISTOASE, TOLD TO US: Is Not for you to revenge, my dears, sons of GOD You'll be named when the tongues will blame and beated you, when they makes you in run, like savage animals, follow you - be glad, then- YOU-SONS of LEAVING GOD WILL BE NAMED, be glad and happy, then, that your BIG PART IS IN THE KINGDOM OF GOD" London's in FIRE !!! Thats happened to all that curse poor, like romanians; La Reigne, enervez, "damn" romanians; we just pray GOD for QUEEN's soul AWESOME "STEEL GUARDS" COMMANDER P.S. Please, curse, damn poor romanians, beated in Italy, try to make it to sales them souls;That for attracte romanian in Schwartzerland, for take the 666 seals on BORDERS pass, the Crying of families from Romania for stollen children; why ??? For inner organs bank; For reach; SUPERMEN, must change the "fuel"-human blood-young blood, must change liver, with kids livers, because DRUNKERS, why DRINK without any barriers; GOD save the QUEEN; be bllessed BRITISH, make good GOD to "returned you on right belief, wright SLAVING the LEAVING GOD- The HOLY TRINITY IN THREE FACES (PERSSONS) PRO GLORIFY; FATHER GOD, SON OF the GOD- LORD JESUS CHRIST and The HOLY GHOST. AWESOME "STEEL GUARDS" COMMANDER Labels: TERROR from GOOGLE against AWESOME ALL THAT I WANT, IT's THE CROWN and THE RING !!! IOAN of TUDOR's DINASTY ATTACK IMINENT - TIME 1990- ROMANIA-MAP WHITOUT (FARA) TRANSILVANIA - RAYMUNDO(FOSS)= presh HUN-ATILLA- MEANS PRESIDENT OF hungary, ENGLAND TRADITIONAL alloy (ALLY), INITIATIVA MASSONRY DRILLS CROWN, AWESOME, "STEEL GUARDS"COMMANDER Labels: FARA TRANSILVANIA, PRESEDINTE UNGUR/MOARTEA/REGINA/TIME-ROMANIA posted by iontudormath @ 5:21 PM why? this hungary president have the control OVER GOOGLE, Deusch, Magyar, Romania; I, AWESOME, since 03/12/09 untill today, I-35 GOOGLEGROUPS-OWNER, i RECEIVED INTERDICTION to see/post my own GROUPS-Forbidden 403, TO REDUCE RATING;THIS IS THE SKELETON HAND OF HUNGRY president; for BBC : LAST NIGHT, MEANWHILE I WROTE AN ARTICLE ON MyBlogLog, I SAW RAYMUNDA(FOSS-MEANS PENNISS IN MAGYAR); WHEN i OPEN, SEEING WITH THIRD EYE, A SUBJECT RELATED WITH ME AND ROMANIA, i DISCOVER a HORROR PICTURE, MORE THAN BELA LUGOSI, IN HIS FIRST FILM WITH DRAKU LA (PARK); THOSE FACTS MAKES ME CORRELLATE INDIGNIFFY OF BRITISH CROWN CONCERNING DECLARATION FROM "TIME-magazine/1990 AND TRANSNYSTRIAN sources/XIV RUSSIAN ARMY-radio, recently abordate my POST", I AWESOME-declare that HUNGRY it's STEP to WAR against ROMANIA/QUEEN DON'T DENNY/USA ARMY,DON'T DENNY, AWESOME"STEEL GUARDS"COMMANDERI LIKE and I watch to ANIME (NIPPON)

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