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    Elena-Irina Macovei, Ticu Constantin

    Rezumat: Cercetarea s-a realizat pe un lot de 141 de subieci, contrastnd un lot de 71 de voluntari

    cu un lot similar de 70 de persoane care nu fceau voluntariat. Ipoteza noastr principal a fost aceea c voluntarii vor fi mai persisteni motivaional. De asemenea, am urmrit identificarea celor mai importani factori care prezic persistena motivaional, referindu-ne la determinaii perseverenei, orientarea spre incertitudine, orientarea spre succes i dominantele motivaionale, variabile evaluate prin bateria de chestionare aplicat tuturor participanilor.

    Rezultatele au artat c, ntr-adevr, n ecuaia psihologic personal a voluntarilor este inclus aceast trstur de a persista motivaional. n plus, am identificat un model valid de predicie a persistenei motivaionale, care include ca factori semnificativi depirea obstacolelor, efortul, perseverarea i concentrarea. Chiar dac nu sunt predictori, orientarea spre succes i orientarea spre incertitudine par a influena persistena motivaional, lucru susinut i de efectele principale obinute.

    Abstract: The research was conducted on a sample of 141 subjects, contrasting a group of 71

    volunteers with a similar group of 70 people who were not volunteers. Our main hypothesis was that the volunteers will be more persistent than the other subjects. We also sought to identify the most important factors that predict the motivational persistence, referring to the determinants of perseverance, the uncertainty orientation, the orientation to success and the motivational dominants, variables assessed by the battery of questionnaires applied to all participants.

    The results showed that the personal psychological equation of volunteers included this trait of persisting motivationally. In addition, we identified a valid prediction model of the motivational persistence, which includes significant factors like overcoming obstacles, effort, perseverance and focus. Even if they are not predictors, success orientation and uncertainty orientation seem to influence the motivational persistence, which is supported by the main effects obtained.

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