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3. Verbe dinamice si staticeIn general, numai anumite verbe pot fi folosite la aspectul continuu si acestea se numesc verbe dinamice.Aspectul continuu al unui verb arata ca o actiune este, era sau va fi in desfasurare. Formele verbale progresive (aspectul continuu) se folosesc numai in cazul verbelor dinamice, de miscare, care exprima calitati capabile de schimbare.Nu se spune:"He is being tall" sau "He is resembling his mother" sau "I am wanting spaghetti for dinner".Corect se spune: "He is tall" (El e inalt), "He resembles his mother" (El seamana cu mama lui), "I want spaghetti" (Vreau spaghete).

Verbele dinamice sunt verbele care exprima: o activitate - ask, beg, call, drink, eat, help, learn, listen, etc.

o I am begging you. - Te rog. (Te implor.) procese - change, deteriorate, growmature, slow down, widen.

o The corn is growing rapidly. - Porumbul este în creştere rapidă. actiuni tranzitive - arrive, die, fall, land, leave, lose

o She is leaving tomorrow. - Ea pleaca maine. actiuni momentane - hit, jump, kick, knock, nod, tap

o He is jumping around the house - El sare (acum) in jurul caasei.

Verbele statice folosesc forma simpla (nu cea continuu). Acestea sunt verbele: de perceptie senzoriala: ache, feel, hurt, itch, see, hear, smell, taste, feel, notice


1. TO SEE :

A VEDEA: I see the forest in the distance. ( Vad padurea in departare)A VIZITA: We are seeing London tomorrow. (Noi vizitam Londra maine)A INTALNI( CU PROGRAMARE): I am seeing my dentist on Friday. (Am programare la dentist vineri)A VERIFICA: The mechanic is just seeing the engine of the car. (Mecanicul verifica motorul masinii)A-SI IMAGINA, A AVEA HALUCINATII: You are seeing things, my dear.A CONDUCE ( TO SEE OFF/UP/DOWN/OUT): He is seeing his grandfather off the station now. ( El isi conduce bunicul la gara acum)


A AUZI: I hear the doorbell ringing. (Aud soneria )A-SI IMAGINA, A AVEA HALUCINATII: You are hearing things, my dear.A PRIMI VESTI DESPRE/DE LA: I am hearing interesting things about our new neighbour. A AUDIA ( TO TRY): The judge is hearing the witness. ( Judecatorul audiaza martorul)


STARE PERMANENTA ( A SE SIMTI LA PIPAIT): I don’t like this cloth. It feels rather coarse. (Nu-mi place stofa asta.Este aspra la pipait/atingere)O ACTIUNE CU UN ANUME SCOP ( A PIPAI):I am feeling this pullover to see if it is smooth enough ( Pipai acest pulover ca sa vad daca este destul de moale)

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4. TO SMELL: STARE PERMANENTA: The perfume I have bought smells nice ( Parfumul pe care l-am cumparat miroase frumos)

O ACTIUNE CU UN ANUME SCOP: I’m smelling the perfume to see if it suits me. ( Miros parfumul sa vad daca mi se potriveste)


STARE PERMANENTA: This soup tastes too salty (Supa aceasta este prea sarata)

O ACTIUNE CU UN ANUME SCOP: I’m tasting the soup to see if it needs more salt. (Gust supa ca sa vad daca mai are nevoie de sare)

verbe care se ferea la activitati mentale – astonish ,agree, believe,consider, doubt ,distrust, find, foresee, forgive, guess, imagine, impress, intend, know, think, understand realize, suppose, remember, recollect, recall, recognize, forget, expect, mean, mind, trust etc.

o I love fruits. - Iubesc (ador) fructele.


1. TO THINK: A CREDE, A CONSIDERA: I think you are right (Cred ca ai dreptate)

A PLANUI: They are thinking about moving house.( Ei se gandesc sa-si schimbe locuinta)


I expect that everything will be all right.(Sper ca va fi totul in ordine)

I expect she’ll come later. ( Cred ca ea va veni mai tarziu)

A ASTEPTA: They are expecting some friends to come from abroad.(Ei asteapta niste prieteni sa vina din strainatate)

3. TO CONSIDER: A CREDE, A CONSIDERA: We consider our football team the best . ( Noi consideram echipa noastra de fotbal ca fiind cea mai buna)

A SE GANDI: I’m considering whether to accept the job I’ve just been offered. ( Ma gandesc daca sa accept slujba care tocmai mi-a fost oferita)

verbe de posesie - belong to, have, hold, keep, own, owe, possess, etc. o My brother owes me a book. - Fratele meu imi datoreaa o carte.

verbe care exprima dorinta: desire, intend, want, wisho I want that book now. – Vreau acea carte acum.

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verbe care exprima sentimente, stari, atitudini: abhor, adore, appreciate, detest, dislike, displease, fear, like, love, loathe, mind, hate, hope, please, prefer

TO MIND: A DERANJA, A SE SUPARA ( to object, dislike): She doesn’t mind if her husband comes home late. ( Ea nu se supara daca sotul ei vine acasa tarziu)

A AVEA GRIJA DE ( look after): At the moment Ann is minding her sick mother.( Momentan Ana are grija de mama ei bolnava)

verbe care se refera la situatii permanente: appear, be, concern, consist of, contain, cost, depend on, deserve,differ, equal, include, look, measure, require, resemble, weigh, seem, suit


1. TO APPEAR: A PAREA: The woman appears to be frightened (Femeia pare a fi speriata) A APAREA IN PUBLIC: My favourite opera singer is appearing in Traviata tonight.

( Cantareata mea favorita apare in Traviata diseara)

2. TO LOOK: A PAREA: Her coat looks rather shabby. ( Pardesiul ei pare cam uzat/ponosit) A PRIVI: What are you looking at? (La ce te uiti?) A CAUTA: She is looking for her glasses. ( Ea isi cauta ochelarii) A RASFOI: He is looking through a magazine to find a picture he saw the other day. ( El

rasfoieste o revista ca sa gaseasca o poza pe care a vazut-o zilele trecute)

De retinut:- Imaginati-va diferenta de inteles dintre verbele statice si cele dinamice prin prisma intentiei, cele statice exprima calitati neintentionate, pe cand cele dinamice calitati intentionate. Two plus two equals four. - Doi plus doi este egal cu patru.Jane is leaving for Bucharest. - Jane pleaca spre Bucuresti.Equals este un verb static si nu poate lua o forma continua; nu exista optiune sau intentie in acest caz.Is leaving exprima optiunea si intentia subiectului de a efectua actiunea respectiva.

- Verbul to have nu se foloseste niciodata in aspectul continuu atunci cand are sensul de "a suferi de". I have flu. He has a fever. - Sufar de (am) gripa. El are (sufera de) febra.Se foloseste la aspectul continuu atunci cand are intelesul de "a angaja pe cineva pentru o actiune". I'm having my homework done on Wednesday. - Imi termin tema miercuri.Sau have se mai foloseste la aspectul continuu atunci cand are sensul de "experienta". You are having a lot of joy with this task. - Ai multa bucurie cu treaba asta

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