
Va rugam sa traduceti in limba romana:

La data de 25.11.2009 se constat o diminuare a volumului depozitelor atrase de la banca mam, fa de data de 24.11.2009, ntruct depozitele scadente n aceast perioad nu au mai fost rennoite. n aceast situaie, banca a majorat dobnzile acordate la depozitele clientelei nebancare (exemplificm n acest sens produsul DepozitMAX n EUR, n cazul cruia dobnda a fost majorat de la 3,75% la 4,1%), aceasta decizie avnd drept consecin diminuarea marjei de dobnd, cu impact asupra profitabilitaii instituiei de credit. n perioada analizat s-a constatat deteriorarea calitii portofoliului de credite, indicatorul creane restante i ndoielnice n total portofoliu de credite (valoare brut) nregistrnd un nivel necorespunztor.We noticed a decrease in the deposit amount coming from the main bank on 25th of November 2009, compared to 24th of November 2009, because of the fact that the fall due in this period havent been renewed. In this situation, the bank has increased the interests assigned to the non-banking customers deposits(here by exemplified by the product DepositMAX in euro currency, in which case the interest has been increased from 3,75% to 4,1%), this decision resulting in decreasing the interests rate, with an impact upon the credit institution profitability. In the reviewed period it has been noticed the deterioration of the credit credits log quality, the indicator, fall due and doubtful debts per total credits log (gross value) scoring an unsatisfactory level.

Este de ateptat ca prin realizarea proiectului i punerea sa n exploatare s se obin o reducere a emisiilor de noxe, cu efecte pozitive asupra calitii factorilor de mediu n general. Reducerea consumului de carburani prin mbuntirea condiiilor de trafic va conduce indirect la reducerea efectelor traficului asupra calitii apei de suprafa i subterane. Pentru a se evita poluarea apelor de suprafa este necesar, dup finalizarea lucrrilor de construire, monitorizarea periodica a traficului, a calitii apelor deversate n emisar, precum i a calitii apei i sedimentelor din cursurile de apa adiacente. n funcie de evoluia traficului rutier i a indicatorilor de calitate a apelor se va evalua necesitatea mbuntirii msurilor specifice pentru protecia mediului.It is expected that through the accomplishment of the project and its implementation it is obtained a reduction of the noxious gas emissions, with positive effects upon the environment related factors quality in general. The reduction of the fuel consumption through the improvement of the traffic conditions will indirectly cause the reduction of the effects that traffic has upon the surface and subsurface water. In order to avoid the surface water pollution it is necessary, after the completion of the development works, the traffic recurrent monitoring, of the quality of the discharged water at the outlet, but as well as the water quality and its sediments from the adjacent water stream. According to the road traffic evolution and that of the water quality indicators, the necessity of the improvement of specific environment protection measure will be assessed.

Proiectantul l va despgubi i l va exonera de rspundere pe Antreprenorul General, personalul Antreprenorul General i respectivii ageni ai acestora mpotriva i de toate preteniile, daunele, pierderile i cheltuielile (inclusiv onorariile i cheltuielile avocaiale) n legtur cu vtmarea corporal, mbolnvirea, boala sau decesul oricrei persoane care rezult din sau n cursul sau din cauza executrii i finalizrii Lucrrii Proiectantului. Antreprenorul General are dreptul de a rezilia acest Contract de Prestri Servicii ntr-un interval de 10 zile lucrtoare dup notificarea scris. n acest caz, Proiectantul este obligat s predea Antreprenorului General toate serviciile i documentele prevzute n contract n cel mai scurt timp astfel nct aceasta s poat permite Antreprenorului general s continue singur serviciile sau s atribuie contractul unei tere pri.

n cazul n care anumite condiii ale acestui contract sunt nevalide sau devin nevalide dup finalizarea contractului, validitatea acestui contract nu va fi afectat de acest aspect. The planner will compensate and release from responsibility the General Contractor, its personnel and its agents for and from all provisions, prejudices, loss and costs (including the lawyer related costs) regarding the personal injury, sickness, disease or death of any person arising out of, or in the course of or as a result of the execution and planners works completion.

General Contractor shall have the right to terminate this contract for the supply of services within a period of 10 working days after the written notification. In this case the planner is obliged to hand over to the General Contractor all services and documents referred to in the contract as soon as possible so that it can allow to the General Contractor to continue single general services or to award the contract to third parties.

In the event that certain provisions of this contract are invalid or become invalid after the completion of the contract, the validity of this contract will not be affected by this issue.

Este responsabilitatea fiecruia dintre voi ca, la sfritul fiecrei zile de lucru, s nu lsai pe birou hrtii i documente. Atunci cnd nu suntei la birou, v rugam s pstrai documentele confideniale ncuiate n dulapuri. Asigurai-v ca dulapurile sunt ncuiate cnd plecai. V rugm s pstrai curenia n spaiile comune i n buctrie. Recipiente pentru depozitarea gunoiului exist n fiecare birou, spaiu comun sau loc de luat masa. V rugm s le folosii. Dac dorii s aruncai materiale mai voluminoase, v rugm s le depozitai ntr-o cutie pe care s o sigilai, s notai pe ea de aruncat i s o lsai la marginea biroului vostru, pentru a putea fi preluata de ctre angajaii companiei de curenie.It is each of your responsibilities, that at the end of each working day, you dont leave papers and documents on the desks. When you are not in the office, we kindly ask you to keep the confidential documents locked. Make sure that the cabinets are locked when leaving the office. Please keep tidy in the public spaces and the kitchen. There are trash cans in each office, as well as a public space and dinning spaces. Please make use of them. If you wish to dispose of larger materials, please deposit them in a box, seal it, and label it as waste and leave it on your desk , in order to be taken by the cleaning company staff.

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